  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
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  • @PanchoXXL
    @PanchoXXL  2 года назад +947

    reply to make it stop

  • @asmos8882
    @asmos8882 2 года назад +1157

    Man, I miss when he would call himself “our favorite Mexican raincoat”. Bring it back at one point?

  • @gl0xzz
    @gl0xzz 2 года назад +403

    I genuinely forgot these type of people existed. I really hope they change for the better.

    • @bullseye2694
      @bullseye2694 2 года назад +1

      How did you forget did you take a break from social media or delete TikTok lol

    • @x2belchlord
      @x2belchlord 2 года назад +2

      @@bullseye2694 youre saying that like it's a bad thing

    • @jojoyayathereal
      @jojoyayathereal 2 года назад

      Hello ok fist of all of there is something that make me weird is that when a RUclipsr fakes a crime, we feel bad for the fake victim but in my mimd,If you do that you are equally doing the same as feeling bad for people who fake homelessness cancer and severe stuff. Like I know it is fake but those faking up mess one are very cickbait too. Just if you do that On my mind you are like you feel bad for Morgs gf like she knows she isn't Hellen Keller like at this point feel bad for the fake homeless people.
      你好,好吧,總之,讓我感到奇怪的是,當 RUclipsr 假冒犯罪時,我們會為假受害者感到難過,但在我看來,如果你這樣做,你同樣會為那些做假的人感到難過。假無家可歸癌症和嚴重的東西。就像我知道它是假的,但那些假裝一團糟的人也很容易上當。如果你這樣做,在我看來,你就像是你為 Morgs gf 感到難過,就像她知道她不是 Hellen Keller 一樣,在這一點上為假無家可歸的人感到難過。
      當 Elisocray 說他偽造了他孩子的死亡時,為什麼人們會生氣。他只是重複說我們失去了我們的兒子,他走了。標題是我們現在沒有兒子。可能是他們找不到hin,或者他或他的父母帶走了他。但在同一個 viseo 中,他們說他不在我們身邊,因為他在他們祖母的房子裡,而且是 clickbair。他們甚至看起來很傷心或擔心,如果這是他們至少應該採取的行為或假裝悲傷,他們只是重複了它。就像如果我被嬰兒迷路了,我會在標題上類似,而且他從來沒有說過他的兒子已經死了。還有無數受人愛戴的反應頻道在他們的縮略圖中偽造了狗死亡流產死產膀胱事故,但他沒有談論他們
      好吧,也許他是一個行為。一位名叫 Ompa lommpa 的 RUclipsr 在 nicocodo 被禁用時很生氣。
      好吧,他對一個孩子做了一個成人惡作劇,這很糟糕,但其他人的想法比一個 yt 惡作劇要差得多
      一個名叫 Alex clarcs 的 youtuber 曾經說過我要離開我的妻子,但最後是,我要離開我的妻子大約 3 個小時。這是clickbair。 Morgs 和 Piper Rochelle 甚至製作了關於狗的情感的單獨視頻。
      此外,我知道他對我的 gf 進行了惡作劇,但他說他的行為是因為他的觀眾是 18 歲,他甚至在最後一個曝光視頻中說這是一個惡作劇,就像他知道的惡作劇一樣,即使你看一下 hoiis 粉絲是 4 歲在視頻中發表評論,他們知道這是假的。 Liek 這很糟糕,但是為孩子們製作 911 笑話的 youtuberr 不是 Isis 的支持者。就像 abouse 是樂隊一樣,但這是一個惡作劇,即使你做了一個 9/11 的惡作劇,你也不支持它。此外,它看起來比 6 年級的打拳更假,所以即使是他的 -160 IQ 粉絲也知道這是一個假的,但對於一個有 4 歲觀眾的頻道的視頻來說是個壞主意。 RUclips 不會禁止你,因為它是假的,但不是一個好主意。
      7 歲的 youtubeer 死視頻也不是很好的笑話,但大多數時候 youtuber 是在開玩笑,而那些把視頻製作成笑話的 youtuber。也喜歡某些人,如果有像 micael jakson 死掉的視頻,而你不喜歡它,人們會生氣,但我不喜歡,因為動畫不好,有兩個原因喜歡視頻,為什麼所有這些臟兮兮的 youtuber 都有數百萬美元上漲到最佳。
      好吧,就像不要將 morgs 與那些在街頭偽造 eabuse 的人進行比較,就像他在他的房子裡那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負 160,他的粉絲知道這甚至就像打我的 gh 惡作劇一樣,我相信製作假炸彈威脅的 youtuber 知道不會在現實生活中進行。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被視為犯罪。
      就像我討厭人們因為 youtuber 做他們從未做過的事情而全神貫注,只是因為他們開了個玩笑,比如開玩笑說 morgs 騷擾他的女朋友,因為所有 24 小時的挑戰,好吧,但是你們中的一些粉絲就像孩子一樣,而且你必須意識到這是同意,如果這不再同意,那麼我猜什麼可以。
      就像我理解的那樣,如果他們不試圖讓它看起來真實並尊重這個人,但是很多 ytbers 一直在這樣做並逃脫了。
      好吧,不要將 morgs 與那些偽造 eabuse ij the streed 的人進行比較,就像他在他家做的那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負160,他的粉絲知道這是假的。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被認為是犯罪,如果粉絲當然知道這是假的,並且有一個p

    • @gl0xzz
      @gl0xzz 2 года назад +1

      @@bullseye2694 yea I did, I took a break since I had a big exam and I had to study. But I'm very active now

    • @bullseye2694
      @bullseye2694 2 года назад

      @@x2belchlord ya it did sound like that lol my bad definitely not a bad thing

  • @silverhawk24
    @silverhawk24 2 года назад +53

    You know there was a juvenile who started a fire at a shopping center where I live while the mother was shopping inside. This proves that kids really need some type of special help and also why is it that kids are starting to get worse than most young teenagers and adults. Makes you wonder why kids are even like this sometimes it's the parents but mostly it's the kid just being pissed off at everything.

    • @quietworld2267
      @quietworld2267 2 года назад

      Pretty sure it's more than kids being pissed off, you don't go this far to burn a building. I agree kids like this need to go to therapy.

    • @silverhawk24
      @silverhawk24 2 года назад +1

      @@quietworld2267 yeah but I'm actually being serious about the fire.

    • @quietworld2267
      @quietworld2267 2 года назад +2

      @@silverhawk24 I know what you're saying, that must've been scary for the people inside

    • @evelynleisher8313
      @evelynleisher8313 2 года назад +2

      Omg was your mom okay?

    • @silverhawk24
      @silverhawk24 2 года назад

      @@evelynleisher8313 it wasn't my mom It was the juveniles mother

  • @evelynleisher8313
    @evelynleisher8313 2 года назад +167

    It really hurts to see this kid sleeping through school when I had to wake up at 6 (latest) just to barely make it there. God dammit.

  • @mikeyasmikey
    @mikeyasmikey 2 года назад +43

    its crazy how the internet can change a person

  • @sbro2234
    @sbro2234 2 года назад +32

    i have a saying "im not the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least im not rusting outside in the rain" but this mom is on a whole other cotinent

    • @paudiedaly22
      @paudiedaly22 Год назад

      If ishe was on any continent, something would've been done
      She was in a different plane of reality

  • @anonymouswolf514
    @anonymouswolf514 2 года назад +259

    Meanwhile in Asia:
    When kids talk back,
    Asian parents:
    *So you have chosen death*

    • @soratt
      @soratt 2 года назад +26

      African parents too 😰

    • @yinyin4621
      @yinyin4621 2 года назад +11

      brazilian parents too😂

    • @bxsstqrd218
      @bxsstqrd218 2 года назад +2

      Fr man

    • @monke6912
      @monke6912 2 года назад +8

      this is why i want to live in japan

    • @Kekrixx64
      @Kekrixx64 2 года назад +6

      Asian parents:Delete Code

  • @bill_cipher9861
    @bill_cipher9861 2 года назад +8

    The mum is definitely one of the main reasons why her son is the way he is. Its annoying and kinda sad to see how she's upset and will complain about how and why her son is acting the way he is when she is a reason for that by not disciplining him when he dose something wrong, so he will continue to do that because he knows he can get away with it.

    • @halfpint90
      @halfpint90 Год назад

      Great job bro you've cracked parenting can't believe nobody has thought of disciplining their kids before

  • @SonicGear95
    @SonicGear95 2 года назад +16

    Kid: *steals a sign*
    Company: *calls the National Guard*

    • @Alex-vx5lk
      @Alex-vx5lk 2 года назад +1

      That’s kinda dumb af 💀💀💀

  • @imissyounicholasprince9250
    @imissyounicholasprince9250 2 года назад +15

    it really shows people will do anything for attention and as for the parents, i see why the dad was like that
    like over time he would try to do something about the sons behavior but the mom wore him down and thats why he gave up in a sense

    • @bxsstqrd218
      @bxsstqrd218 2 года назад +3

      Annoying af when the mother backs up the child even when she knows the child did something wrong

    • @monke6912
      @monke6912 2 года назад

      beta male

  • @noodles7849
    @noodles7849 2 года назад +8

    Wtf is up with the zoom class in the back 😂😂

    • @ManManfrmdao22
      @ManManfrmdao22 Месяц назад

      Me when I find out COVID exists 😳😱🤯

  • @bigwigbun9800
    @bigwigbun9800 2 года назад +82

    Can we just appreciate how poncho never really asks for subs or likes yet he asks for followers on instagram. Love the content bro

    • @asexualidiot1022
      @asexualidiot1022 2 года назад +5

      That’s the key. Asking for Instagram makes you think about subs and likes. He is asking. Just pretends not to.

    • @PDXD3V
      @PDXD3V 2 года назад +1


    • @dylaneji
      @dylaneji 2 года назад +2

      @@PDXD3V and?

    • @anneboleyn2236
      @anneboleyn2236 2 года назад


    • @someoneontheinternet40
      @someoneontheinternet40 2 года назад

      @@PDXD3V no he didnt its ponchi

  • @GMSgod
    @GMSgod Год назад +1

    When the mom said that "oh yeah, he's smart", I friggin lost it🤯🤣🤣🤣😂

  • @it.is_elio
    @it.is_elio 2 года назад +1

    This kid needs help, I am a 14-year-old too, I could understand things like "Sometimes I seriously hate my parents" but taking a damn road sign is too much, seriously the mother has to do something

    • @maas1208
      @maas1208 2 года назад

      I'm a Pakistani (Asia) and I was born in the United States and my parents are fairly strict but are strict nonetheless and haven't given me my own phone until I'm in 8th grade (btw I'm 14) and forced me to do homework and I didn't liked that but I knew it is for my own good. :)

  • @autumn-rau
    @autumn-rau 2 года назад +2

    0:54 bro. This 12 yr old might get acused for committing a felony for stealing a handicap sign?! I couldn’t tell u the last time a saw ANY sign in my neighborhood, istg all the 13 yr old boys do is steal street signs.

  • @GhostVisions
    @GhostVisions 2 года назад +6


  • @Riots32
    @Riots32 Год назад

    If a father or mother is rude, the child will most likely be rude if you fail to discipline them or if you do not discipline them, they will act out. It is only the parents who can control the kids and raise them. If the parents are rude, the child will most likely be rude.

  • @kaianimateandgaming1183
    @kaianimateandgaming1183 2 года назад +4

    Mum: ‘He has no punishment.
    Son: Yay I can play on my ps5 all day long
    Father: oh hell noooooo

  • @janweber1506
    @janweber1506 2 года назад

    That's the reason why I am only on RUclips, and not on any other social media, I don't need any of them except YT.

  • @Bambo461
    @Bambo461 2 года назад +5

    Parents need to go to a Mexican Parent school, they will have a whole new opinion of life after it

    • @maas1208
      @maas1208 2 года назад +2

      Nah take them to an Asian parent school

  • @SussyIdiot-ce7dm
    @SussyIdiot-ce7dm Год назад +2

    A felony is serious it is a federal crime.

  • @reisukespades5230
    @reisukespades5230 2 года назад

    bro.. my parents would have SCOLDED me. How are parents not able to raise their children probably. This child and his mom are definetly living in another universe...

  • @fartsmella907
    @fartsmella907 2 года назад +3

    Thanos needs the stones back.

  • @kostavrantsis9474
    @kostavrantsis9474 Год назад

    Mad respect for stealing an ENTIRE handicapped sign

  • @DaChefs7
    @DaChefs7 Год назад +1

    Well he’s definitely famous now 💀

  • @M1keynat0r
    @M1keynat0r 2 года назад +1

    Social media can only be a bad place when we all try to "fit in" in.

  • @thegrimrealityofficial
    @thegrimrealityofficial 2 года назад

    I got in a lot of fights when I was in school and I got suspended about 20 times, as I was a very aggressive and hostile person who would pick a fight with anyone that annoyed me in the slightest, but I never got expelled, I did have a tendency to get in trouble with the law as well because of fights, theft (This was done for my own survival, as I was only 60 pounds when I was 13-14, so I stole food to feed myself) and possession of illegal weaponry, but I still never got expelled or faced any actual criminal charges, there is only one person that I know who got expelled from school and that was because she got pregnant (Which for some reason is an expellable offense that can also get you in serious trouble with the law instead of support to help you with it)

  • @lachlanpearce618
    @lachlanpearce618 2 года назад +3

    no views but 130 likes!? XD

  • @mrlizard8035
    @mrlizard8035 2 года назад +1

    If i dont wait up for school omg the belt will talk🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @ojhashantanu
    @ojhashantanu 2 года назад

    I used to steal stuff for fun, but i wouldn't go this extrime and test my luck on a sign.

  • @laluna874-x1h
    @laluna874-x1h Год назад

    I may not be the best example for someone to look up to as a 16 year old myself, and I've done my fair share of stupid, impulsive, ill-thought out bullshit, but I've never committed a single crime in my life and I don't plan on doing so. Oh, and I don't use TikTok. That app is a fucking plague.

  • @ladyjunela2411
    @ladyjunela2411 2 года назад

    If I would not get punished at that age I probably would just go fully crazy, until I get punished

  • @timp4661
    @timp4661 2 года назад +1

    yeah, one of my friends just did a dumbass move too. the exact punishment and crime, i cant say, but where i live, you can get up to 1 year in jail and $4000 just for the misdemeanor. he's 13. he wasnt the only one. this shit happens, and its a serious issue. on a lighter note, someone in my school got dropkicked over a tiktok

  • @hours444
    @hours444 2 года назад

    if i ever did this kind of stupid things i would be dead by now...... my mother is very strict but my father isnt that strict but when time comes he can become the worst, these kind of parents think that if their child thinks of them as cool they are doing the right thing. Thank god my parents were never like this, i still remember to this day what my father said to me when i told him he was not cool, "I dont care if u think im cool or not, but i will do what's right for my child".

  • @Inkeyse
    @Inkeyse Год назад +1

    I love seing pancho rage in the background😂

  • @andrewman7258
    @andrewman7258 2 года назад +1

    why do people care so much about attention? The only attention that your getting or doing these things is negative attention. If you want attention then be a good person honestly. Theres this one girl that I know and she is so obsessed with getting attention that she will do practically anything to get it even if its negative attention. Like, i'm pretty popular in my school i'd say, but thats because i'm funny, not because i'm ripping handicapped signs out of a parking lot. Being bad is probably the worst way to get attention, it might get you some for a little bit, but most of it will be negative attention. Instead of being stupid and bad, just actually be a good person.

  • @yonahsheinfeld4656
    @yonahsheinfeld4656 Год назад +1

    If I got expeled I’d be exiled by my community let alone punished

  • @NuclearDisposalExpert
    @NuclearDisposalExpert Год назад

    Bruh, my mother taught me to wake up at 5:30am in the morning and be at school by 7am at the age of 10. If I was even 10min late she would wake me by smacking me on the face to wake me up. I now am a morning person because of PTSD from my childhood.

  • @mideclipse4130
    @mideclipse4130 2 года назад +3

    Sorry if I'm a burden since I'm here a little early!

  • @sharpmuffin3391
    @sharpmuffin3391 2 года назад

    "people taking the doors off the bathrooms" Welcome to Jordan High, the place is in shambles

    • @tonk_guy839
      @tonk_guy839 2 года назад

      Bro that has the be a crime for a school to do that

  • @filleduwithlead6441
    @filleduwithlead6441 2 года назад

    that's whats wrong with kids these days.... parents don't punish them for their bad decisions

  • @richardstacey7037
    @richardstacey7037 Год назад

    To be honest, I might ban Tik Tok at my house when I have kids of my own with all the things I've heard about it.

  • @stefanwijnsma3202
    @stefanwijnsma3202 2 года назад +1

    my parent would make my life hell if i got expelled

  • @worstnormie
    @worstnormie 2 года назад

    I really hate that my generation relies on tiktok for everything. I don't even use it and there's people being depressed cause their parents took away their phone.

  • @tanyadiaz7082
    @tanyadiaz7082 Год назад

    *the crisp snap of a leather belt*

  • @sora-tp3qt
    @sora-tp3qt 2 года назад

    my mom has been strict so i wouldnt do stuff like this, the worst thing thats happened to me in high school is getting a refferal for using my phone in class (like my teacher could have just taken away the phone for the period like it was a first offense, bitch) and a few detentions in grade school

  • @AmazingWooper
    @AmazingWooper 2 года назад +1

    If I don’t wake up in time I get a dog that charges in my room and licks my face to get me up

  • @ethanridge8751
    @ethanridge8751 Год назад +1

    The parkour hurts me

  • @Error_I
    @Error_I 2 года назад +1

    I love how you show the clips right before your about to fall 😂

  • @chriswikoff9672
    @chriswikoff9672 2 года назад

    some idiots are setting off "fireworks" in the bathroom at our school. most likely the small insignificant ones but still

  • @Prometheus-ns6cm
    @Prometheus-ns6cm 2 года назад

    No I totally get that. When your a parent but you can’t parent your kid due to the other parent that’s honestly a good excuse to want out. Obviously he should stay in contact with his kid and love him but stepping away? Yea I would.

  • @hawkcybergear
    @hawkcybergear 2 года назад

    Kids from the early 2000's:"Guy let's play Bay blades!"
    Kids from 2021:"let's steal a handicap parking space sign!😃"
    Kids from the early 2000's:"😐 "

  • @zuzurimeows
    @zuzurimeows 2 года назад

    6:06 if i ever got kicked out of school i wouldn't even have a family anymore-like i'll be straight up kicked out of the house with the message "never come back again" and this man didn't get shit- man that kid is lucky istg

  • @ManAnimations
    @ManAnimations 2 года назад +2

    let's all agree this kid just wants clout

  • @mackenzie3357
    @mackenzie3357 2 года назад +1


  • @michaelkerrin3034
    @michaelkerrin3034 2 года назад +3

    Hi 👋

  • @gailrichardson4190
    @gailrichardson4190 2 года назад

    bro's villain arc just started

  • @candykidcartoons
    @candykidcartoons 2 года назад +1

    You and Dr. Phil need to be on that show together.

  • @NadaAlhusseiny
    @NadaAlhusseiny 2 года назад +1

    another day, another slay

  • @KyloHen4162
    @KyloHen4162 Год назад

    I miss when Dr Phill wasn’t about stupid Tik Tok kids

  • @Celestial2107
    @Celestial2107 2 года назад

    If I got expelled from school I'd be doing almost jail time along with an ass whooping from my mom

  • @FloqTk
    @FloqTk 2 года назад

    did anybody else notice how pancho and the way he talks is changing its creeping me out LMAO or is it just me

  • @inianthiraviam3580
    @inianthiraviam3580 2 года назад

    This is a case of BAD parenting

  • @weewoo8054
    @weewoo8054 2 года назад +1

    I remember someone failed trying to steal the bathroom sink doing the devious lick challenge and now our teachers take our phones whenever we go out 😭

  • @spencerhundertmark9262
    @spencerhundertmark9262 2 года назад

    I’m sorry, but stealing a street sign is absolutely a bad a** and just don’t give two craps about the consequences.

  • @susman3794
    @susman3794 2 года назад

    Me if I got expelled : Deceased
    That kid : steals a sign
    His Mom : good job

  • @abbysworld05
    @abbysworld05 Год назад +1

    I know for a fact that if I ever got expelled from school I would be in the most trouble that I’ve ever been in my whole life,there’s 2 times that I was punished the worst,the 1st time that it was really bad was when I was 12 a few days before Halloween I got mad at my younger sister and I ran and bit a coffee table that was in our bedroom and I had to miss most of school the next day cuz I was at the dentist getting a permanent crown on one of my 2 front teeth,I’m surprised it was just 1 that was broken and not both teeth cuz I bit it so that doesn’t make since but I got lucky especially since I’m 17 and I’ve had it for 5 years and it’s still good and hopefully it stays that way,obviously I was punished heavily,I was grounded from October 2017-January 2018 which makes since because I was the one that broke it,it would’ve been different if my sister threw me into it,the next big one was last school year the day before April 1st I missed a track meet cuz I wasn’t paying attention to when my event was being called,they also called it something different cuz I’m long distance so that didn’t help and I was grounded for the rest of the school year and got ungrounded on the last day of school after I got home from school, I feel like I was grounded more when I was younger which is most likely true and I mostly get grounded when I did something really bad,sometimes I get grounded for small reasons that don’t make sense but that would last for a few weeks or something like that

  • @ChasireIsLife
    @ChasireIsLife Год назад

    The waking up late reminded me of middle school 6 am every day and one time me and my bro woke up late, my brother had to beg my mom for a new phone bc his just didn’t work and they where done with refunds let’s just say I had 20 alarms and all as throughout middle school 😊

  • @jodorwot4988
    @jodorwot4988 2 года назад

    Bro got the life on easy mode ☠️☠️

  • 2 года назад

    Parents remember there is a place called *the orphanage*

  • @luffyandgokuskits
    @luffyandgokuskits 2 года назад

    Drphil is my man seriously he never fails to be freaking savage

  • @abodiplayz1774
    @abodiplayz1774 2 года назад

    Yeah, My HS took off all the doors in the bathroom. It really doesn't prevent people from smoking or vaping it just makes peeing more awkward.

    • @Alex-vx5lk
      @Alex-vx5lk 2 года назад


  • @md_studios9819
    @md_studios9819 Год назад

    I remember when devious lick was a thing at my school district and I kid you not, in the same week a cop car and a bus were allegedly stolen/driven in on top of the usual stuff such as soap dispensers and locker doors. We also had a bathroom stall door in the locker room removed by a devious licks guy as well as a urinal which I thought was funny

  • @jose_is_here1460
    @jose_is_here1460 2 года назад

    I know this guy in my school who's parents do not care about what he does and this reminds me of him

  • @t.mendous7922
    @t.mendous7922 2 года назад

    Yo, there’s a difference between smart and having common sense. This kid could be smart, but he definitely has zero common sense

  • @hunterzentz6870
    @hunterzentz6870 Год назад

    2:25. Funny thing it wasnt the school who took the stall door at my school it was a student who straight up took a door from the stall.

  • @jackdoesnotplaytrumpet
    @jackdoesnotplaytrumpet 2 года назад

    yeah! that’s the spirit!
    - aggressive phonk -

  • @evancriddle6716
    @evancriddle6716 2 года назад +1

    In my school the devious lick thing got so bad they just locked all the bathrooms and you couldn't go to the bathroom

  • @damarioncraft1794
    @damarioncraft1794 2 года назад +2

    Does the goat reply

  • @ahsanxshaheen9942
    @ahsanxshaheen9942 2 года назад

    Dawg is that Michael Rosen as the father?? 😂

  • @flyinggordonproductions4875
    @flyinggordonproductions4875 2 года назад +1

    2:02 misses jump instantly cuts to next scene

  • @Rylan.gosling
    @Rylan.gosling 2 года назад +1

    I feel bad for YOU because u keep on falling in parkur, like I felt your pain

  • @atrashlemon7735
    @atrashlemon7735 2 года назад

    Maybe we should start getting kids addicted to Tetris so they dont look at tiiktook

  • @mnty2464
    @mnty2464 2 года назад

    3:14 why does man look like the bad guy from big hero 6💀

  • @ToastyDiano
    @ToastyDiano 2 года назад

    the most devious lick I've committed is on an ice cream

  • @mysteryyboy
    @mysteryyboy 2 года назад

    Trent fr hit that devious lick😈

  • @mintfrost427
    @mintfrost427 2 года назад

    6:20 idk abt yall, but I’d be TERRIFIED if my parents didn’t give a punishment like it would just be so new to me lol

  • @memerijn2292
    @memerijn2292 2 года назад +1

    Bro that man looks like the guy from ratatouille with rhe flashback and mom made soup

  • @ihateveganteacher9581
    @ihateveganteacher9581 2 года назад

    Remember the vegan teacher she’s attacking more people and now even other “vegans”

    @SKROGY 2 года назад

    The kid looks like a Dhar Mann actor ngl

  • @kljl2
    @kljl2 Год назад +1

    Just a handi cap sign???😂😂
    Get on our level! Our poor town has to replace signs so often 😂😂 ive never stole a metal sign, but plenty of my friends have WALLS of them 😂 we mostly fuck around here not hurting people, we rearranged someones decorations ons halloween like mostly just rowdy pests

  • @Mariah9_
    @Mariah9_ 2 года назад

    People will do anything for clout and some of it is for the wrong reasons

  • @darklovell9892
    @darklovell9892 Год назад

    6:18 “ Ill fUcKiNG dO It aGAiN “

  • @moosethe1st910
    @moosethe1st910 2 года назад

    I feel there is a difference between intelligence and common sense. They are not linked in any sense or fashion. I place common sense over academics any day as intelligence.

  • @gwapolang7923
    @gwapolang7923 2 года назад +2

    Pancho you make my day

  • @monkeyondrugs9623
    @monkeyondrugs9623 2 года назад

    These kids have it different than us

  • @saltyismommysgirl1944
    @saltyismommysgirl1944 2 года назад

    Taking off the bathroom stalls is technically illegal without government permission

  • @aviationking2010
    @aviationking2010 2 года назад +1

    The fatherless vibes are just so evident.

  • @iacavazzi
    @iacavazzi 2 года назад +1

    TikTok famous? Stupid stuff?
    *Sounds like an average teenager tbh*