PREVIOUSLY envisioned Blessings ahead in this timeline u’ve just ENTERED INTO😦😆timeline checkpoint🦋

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 148

  • @Melissaflorez-q4i
    @Melissaflorez-q4i 17 дней назад +98

    • @MeadowBlake-x9r
      @MeadowBlake-x9r 17 дней назад

      Please how ?

    • @MeadowBlake-x9r
      @MeadowBlake-x9r 17 дней назад

      Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God😞

    • @Melissaflorez-q4i
      @Melissaflorez-q4i 17 дней назад

      It's Wendy Lisa kidd doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.

    • @Melissaflorez-q4i
      @Melissaflorez-q4i 17 дней назад

      $356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....

    • @phuongphan2878
      @phuongphan2878 17 дней назад

      Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!

  • @browniec343
    @browniec343 17 дней назад +8

    @4:20 i heard the Aladdin song" a whole new world as you spoke" confirming this reading for me, in my little ways thank you god and Divine..most to you sweetheart for your guidance 🙌🏽🌠💙

  • @keithmchugh20
    @keithmchugh20 17 дней назад +4

    Love the hair, Thanx for your Service Soulster. Hope you have a beautiful day. Patience is the hardest lesson on earth I feel. Hold tight to hope, the only weapon they can't take. Love ya Soulsters 💕

  • @browniec343
    @browniec343 17 дней назад +6

    Thank you beautiful your readings bring me so much messyes from the divine as you speak at 0:56 i was hearing Fleetwood mac " go your own way" as you spoke 🌊🙌🏽🌠💙

  • @SoullyKnown777
    @SoullyKnown777 17 дней назад

    Gratitude, peace, and many blessings to you, and have a blessed day!

  • @sweetloveelmo
    @sweetloveelmo 17 дней назад +4

    Independent....yes, yes. I've been drawing my wolf spirit animal yesterday evening as to confirm my lone wolf power ; the creator of my own reality, oh yes. You see through me 100%. ~ OneLove.

  • @humality144
    @humality144 12 дней назад

    we live in the world that was made for us, however if u close your eyes in faith you can imagine a world you made yourself.

  • @Emmanuel-rs2oq
    @Emmanuel-rs2oq 17 дней назад +5

    ❤️♾️❤️God is within ❤️♾️❤️

  • @disabledarmyveteran
    @disabledarmyveteran 17 дней назад +1

    Love 💕 and light to all 💕 ❤❤❤❤. 😊. ❤❤❤❤

  • @dancingriverwonderful9786
    @dancingriverwonderful9786 17 дней назад +1

    No words can express how aligned this message is as a personal reading this is exactly what I needed to hear to keep faith and staying unwavering in my truth and trusting the unknown and following my inner guidance no matter the circumstances. Thank you for sharing this message it means the world to me 🌅✨🤍 we are the winged one rising into a new horizon into a brand new reality
    And so it is 🙏🪽🌅 it is done for the highest good of all 🌈🐚🦅🛳️

  • @TheLadyGemini
    @TheLadyGemini 17 дней назад

    Thank you so much for this beautiful confirmation 🦋🌸✨ I have gone from belief to absolute knowing that my grandest manifestation is appearing in front of me right now!! Have a magical day love xx ✨

  • @handsomescott1862
    @handsomescott1862 17 дней назад +1

    Thank you again so very much. I have been drawing a couple fabulous project concepts of new creative ideas for my community and also a spiritual retreat for the advancement of our soul and connection with Bings from other planets and dementions.Once we have these two projects under construction and a opening date set I wish send you a special invite to you and anyone who reads it to join us for this amazing experience together.
    With all my Love and Gratitude ❤
    Thank you!
    You are a true guiding Angel connected with Source Creator's Love and Light

  • @brendaleevillarreal9851
    @brendaleevillarreal9851 17 дней назад +1

    nice hair today . love the winter vibes it brings today

  • @FredSnyder-g8p
    @FredSnyder-g8p 17 дней назад +2

    🤔😁. Blessed life, Blessed work Yong lady, thank you 🌞

  • @JohnDarwin7
    @JohnDarwin7 17 дней назад +2

    May you find joy and happiness in every moment and all your endeavors come to fruition...🌹💞🌹🖖

  • @peggyoverbaugh6396
    @peggyoverbaugh6396 17 дней назад

    Thank You Lauren I Cant Imagine It Following the Coarse of the previous Timeline

  • @carinelima888
    @carinelima888 17 дней назад +3

    I claim this reading!!!🙏🏽🎊🎉I have recently shifted timelines!! Just had a beautiful vision of my new life! I know that is my true self!! Very grateful ✨🎊🍀🎉🎁💯🌈🙏🏽

  • @jaketucker7575
    @jaketucker7575 17 дней назад


  • @Jes-4-us
    @Jes-4-us 17 дней назад +1

    Faith and Hope Beautiful🫵

  • @Brightknight69
    @Brightknight69 17 дней назад

    You warm my heart and soul! Take care!❤️‍🔥🌞🦉

  • @RainbowWarrior0014
    @RainbowWarrior0014 17 дней назад +2


  • @derekho6023
    @derekho6023 17 дней назад

    Thank you Lauren!!!! 😊👍💜👍😊

  • @JohnDarwin7
    @JohnDarwin7 17 дней назад +1

    The way you perceive reality to me is fantastic.🕊

  • @artfitflow
    @artfitflow 17 дней назад +1

    I just read a post about faith before watching this. Thank you for adding context & confirmation. And yes you're right a vision I've had and am bringing into manifestation now has survived the many years of doubts, fears, uncertainty. Thank you for illuminating that! Much Appreciation! 😊👃💛🌻

  • @deanvanochten3369
    @deanvanochten3369 17 дней назад +2

    God bless you too amen amen 😊😊 good job 😊😊 I love you too 😊😊❤❤🎉🎉

  • @daniellerice9204
    @daniellerice9204 17 дней назад

    Yes Love it!! I do believe that!!

  • @RazielApollyon
    @RazielApollyon 17 дней назад +1

    It was a big one- I had a five hour time shift this evening. Whatever was going on in the last one was getting ugly.

  • @ambv.000
    @ambv.000 17 дней назад +1

    Thank you for the wisdom. ⚡❄️🔥🌀

  • @sharoncunningham5969
    @sharoncunningham5969 17 дней назад +1

    So it is ✨ Thank you☯️💚💕♾️💜🤗🫶✨🦋🐉🍀🪷🌊💎🧿🌀🩵🎶🤍

  • @dungeonkruller
    @dungeonkruller 17 дней назад +2

    Thank you. Your hair looks great. Have a blessed one. 🙏🕊️

  • @josephjackson3793
    @josephjackson3793 17 дней назад

    Thank you claim it love your energy have a fantastic day 😊

  • @gateaccess818
    @gateaccess818 17 дней назад

    thank you father, holly spirit for working with and through Voice of love to help us all through this journey of darkness while on the way to your light! i pray now and always in your name, jesus christ. Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  • @kristinaelliott2755
    @kristinaelliott2755 16 дней назад

    Thank you for this!! 💖🙏🏻 Much love!

  • @PhillipWHolland
    @PhillipWHolland 17 дней назад

    Thank you Lauren 😇🥰😘

  • @Earthangel240-wn7jw
    @Earthangel240-wn7jw 17 дней назад +1

    Good morning, pretty lady saying thank you for your time and words of enlightenment I enjoy the time over coffee lol sending love light and hope.☺👍🦉🪶🪶🪶🦚

  • @danielmillerjr2682
    @danielmillerjr2682 17 дней назад +1

    Thank you 🙏🏽 I feel it in my path

  • @DiamondLightbody-z4c
    @DiamondLightbody-z4c 17 дней назад +2

    💫💎💛💎💫 Divine Love and Light

  • @Vytaras-dj6vl
    @Vytaras-dj6vl 17 дней назад

    You look absolutely stunning ❤

  • @stargirl3972
    @stargirl3972 17 дней назад

    Loveeee this hair!! Looks so cool 😍🥰

  • @Larry-s9p
    @Larry-s9p 17 дней назад +3

    I've been froo it.

  • @lidiadenicola524
    @lidiadenicola524 17 дней назад

    Amazing words .thank you❤

  • @AnnaLindh-n1b
    @AnnaLindh-n1b 17 дней назад

    It resonates🥰❤️🌈🙏 Thank you!

  • @jonlayton4936
    @jonlayton4936 17 дней назад +1

    Thank you!! ❤ 🐦 ✨️

  • @phailynrowan7976
    @phailynrowan7976 17 дней назад +1

    Message of the day, "Don't miss the trees for the forest." There is a special tree reaching out to you and you could have been seeing birds, squirrels or chipmunks attracting your attention. Gaia uses trees to bring Her messages into the light. If you can get out there please do so, not only for yourself, but for all of those who can't. Blessings!!!

  • @kxxlaiidkxxlaiid5838
    @kxxlaiidkxxlaiid5838 17 дней назад +1

    thank you beauty 🤍

  • @ElektroMystic
    @ElektroMystic 17 дней назад

    Thank you for the confirmation!

  • @TOMM-u6b
    @TOMM-u6b 17 дней назад +1

    DOMINOS!! 🦋🦋🆓️ 👌🏼✨️🫳🏽🔥survived all programing

  • @sludgenslush
    @sludgenslush 17 дней назад +2

    your hair is so cool ! reminds me of emily the strange

  • @CreativeWerxGFX
    @CreativeWerxGFX 17 дней назад +1

    Radiant ruby.

  • @alienboyspirit
    @alienboyspirit 17 дней назад

    New Hair? I MUST COMMENT! 🤘🤘❤❤

  • @purestlight
    @purestlight 16 дней назад

    claimed!!! thank youuuu

  • @dominiqueharris9739
    @dominiqueharris9739 17 дней назад

    Love you so much ❤ thank you 🙏🏽🥰🦋🧚🏾‍♀️

  • @BenjaminMcneil-p2t
    @BenjaminMcneil-p2t 17 дней назад +2

  • @DeepClearity
    @DeepClearity 17 дней назад

    Beautiful thankyou for sharing:)

  • @ravenivyy
    @ravenivyy 16 дней назад

    this resonated very deeply today. tysm for the reading ily and your hair looks gorgeous

  • @Thesunangel369
    @Thesunangel369 17 дней назад +1

    Hi There. Me Again. Thanx A' Million.

  • @Kidgangforever
    @Kidgangforever 17 дней назад

    Thank you

  • @etskineterrell755
    @etskineterrell755 17 дней назад

    FACTS! 💯

  • @taviimihaimsc
    @taviimihaimsc 17 дней назад

    Thanks Love ♥

  • @simmba777
    @simmba777 17 дней назад +1


  • @avoavoavo
    @avoavoavo 17 дней назад

    Thank you

  • @ErickGarcia-ud9od
    @ErickGarcia-ud9od 17 дней назад

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Universe, Archangel Metatron, Michael, Uriel, all celestial court, ascended masters, voice of love I send you the blue ray at maximum potency may the light be your force ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @wayshowersudbury382
    @wayshowersudbury382 17 дней назад

    oh you are beautiful.. :) That is all

  • @charleshenderson1174
    @charleshenderson1174 17 дней назад

    Thanks beautiful

  • @sopadss
    @sopadss 17 дней назад

    love the hair

  • @Samuel-j9n2c
    @Samuel-j9n2c 17 дней назад +1

    Your channrl is straight out of heaven ❤❤❤ and you are a beautiful Angel ❤❤❤ you have shared so much knowledge i literally would have withdraws if i didn't get my daily dose of love ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 thankyou Lauren your the best 😊🦊🐺🐶🐱🦝🐵🐯🐴🦁🐮

  • @theguygrossi
    @theguygrossi 17 дней назад +1

    Do you work 25 hours a day? Jk😃. You do pump these vids out. Im so glad i found you. Your gifts breathe life into my gifts. It has been a twisty road that sometimes is upside down in an M.C. Escher staircase way. But i knew December the clouds would part and i would walk across an invisible glass bridge into my new reality. As we approach i am elevating through these blockages that haven't stopped me but have definitely created resistance.
    I was the Capricorn trapped in Pluto.

  • @Samuel-j9n2c
    @Samuel-j9n2c 13 дней назад

    Elementary my dear Watson by nature ☆☆☆ ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ☆☆☆ 🐺🐯🦁🦊🐵🐶thankyou so much your channel is probably the series you mentioned ☆♤☆♡☆◇☆♧☆ ❤❤❤

  • @AntoninaJytte
    @AntoninaJytte 17 дней назад +47

    If you are seeing this comment, it might be a sign to check out a book named feminine ancient blessings, much love and thank u ❤

    • @dexterpoindexter3583
      @dexterpoindexter3583 17 дней назад +1

      "If" we're seeing it?
      By the time we understand the sentence it's too late! We've seen it! There can't be an "if" question any more!
      About as informative as "it is what it is"... or even "this sign is a sign". Hypnosis for superficial readers.
      Real mysticism serves us by bringing deep truths to the surface. Bringing surface facts to the surface is no service at all; it's as helpful to the voyage as rearranging deck chairs.
      Now, why might your book be of interest? I mean, beyond the fact that we saw a sentence that you wrote; that's extremely insignificant on its own.

    • @AlysaAlysaBolissaBananaFannaFe
      @AlysaAlysaBolissaBananaFannaFe 17 дней назад +1

      Thank you for the book rec. ❤

    • @AlysaAlysaBolissaBananaFannaFe
      @AlysaAlysaBolissaBananaFannaFe 17 дней назад +1

      ​@@dexterpoindexter3583 My dude, she was just recommending a book. Why are you laying into her like that? If people get attacked when they try to share, they're less likely to share, and we're all less fortunate for it. Why is that the reality you're choosing to co-create (or destroy, as it were)?
      Semantics are not that important in the grand scheme of things, especially in a comment section on RUclips regarding spiritual matters where most of the people are heart-based and forgiving of minor "indiscretions" as imperfect semantics and grammar. That sort of nit-pickery (yes, a neologism) is indicative of mind over heart, closed-off heart space. I'm sorry it's painful to have your heart open and keep it open in this world. If we all decide to be open-hearted, we could co-create a beautiful world together. ❤ Love. Peace. Harmony. Synchrony. Abundance.

    • @dexterpoindexter3583
      @dexterpoindexter3583 17 дней назад

      I've recently seen very similar comments pitching books. Some were identical though on very different videos. I wasn't the first to call them out as originating with bots.
      In this case I decided to be civil, though not especially friendly. I didn't know for sure if a comment on a vaguely described book was an intrusive ad or a genuine desire to share with others. But as you picked up, I had suspicions. Wasn't happy either, especially after such an uplifting vid.
      Semantics weren't my target. Potentially misleading content was.
      Let's see if any clearer picture of the commenter's true intentions emerges, if that's acceptable?
      I'll tone it down in future, maybe to a terse "if you're a bot, buzz off. If not please don't use comments to sell your product or service." Or perhaps "What's the title of the book you're thinking of? What drew you to it?" would be better received, and even act as bait.

    • @justtheimages
      @justtheimages 17 дней назад

      i will give you one better. Go search for book on tantra and learn properly what tantra actually is. Women are embodiment of the Goddess on this planet. Abrahamic religion were made to supress women. They are based on hating women and everything related to the devine feminine. time to ditch the demonic religion and its teaching and rediscover your divine selves.

  • @YogaWithWyatt
    @YogaWithWyatt 17 дней назад +1

    Is your hair new? It looks great 😊 Thank you for another video 🙏🏻

  • @Mattaea
    @Mattaea 17 дней назад

    Omg your hair looks so cute. Okay so I’ve been wanting to dye my hair black. I previously have dyed my hair black before but because of circumstances it started looking crazy so I grew out my natural hair which is red. I’ve been having like panic attacks because I don’t know if I should keep my hair red or dye it back black. I’ve literally been in a spiral. Maybe I could get some advice from someone on what to do lol

  • @Livstrid
    @Livstrid 17 дней назад

    nice hair today

  • @ROGELIOToomey
    @ROGELIOToomey 17 дней назад

    this is good, but if you haven’t read Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, you’re only seeing part of the picture

  • @NancyRode-u9i
    @NancyRode-u9i 17 дней назад

    ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️💛🌱💞✨️🪽🪽🪽🪽🪽🪽🪽 wow amazing thank U💛

  • @MandationWitch
    @MandationWitch 17 дней назад

    Very Talented Wow I haven't ever been so Intrigued. You know what your doing. Here's a Personal Question? Do you have Servants are you in the Americas? I Love all Videos all websites of yours. Blessings🥰🧜💖🙊

  • @KingKai365
    @KingKai365 17 дней назад


  • @KennethClayg
    @KennethClayg 17 дней назад


  • @EARLSteel-c5o
    @EARLSteel-c5o 17 дней назад

    can’t believe this is what people focus on instead of reading something like Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, maybe that’s why so little ever changes

  • @Dragon-e8s
    @Dragon-e8s 17 дней назад +1

    132 in like chat dear one

  • @me_211
    @me_211 17 дней назад +1


  • @veena_got7igot7
    @veena_got7igot7 17 дней назад +1


  • @KevinD.LoveImmers
    @KevinD.LoveImmers 17 дней назад

    When you also have seen to much end of the world timelines. So you dedicated to learn on how to get to the best outcome with a new Golden Era Age 😆

  • @TROYRooney-k7p
    @TROYRooney-k7p 17 дней назад

    if this resonates with you, you owe it to yourself to read Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, but maybe it’s not for everyone

  • @underdogpsychosis2841
    @underdogpsychosis2841 17 дней назад +1

    Yup liking the hair, I had red streaks at one point many Moons ago. Gratitude 🙏🏻

  • @curtissperatos6429
    @curtissperatos6429 17 дней назад +1


  • @giovandervegt4260
    @giovandervegt4260 17 дней назад

    You are so cute😮

  • @rosediamond39
    @rosediamond39 17 дней назад


  • @vanessarenee1018
    @vanessarenee1018 17 дней назад +1


  • @PaulTaylor-k9w
    @PaulTaylor-k9w 17 дней назад +1


  • @snopinawarak4125
    @snopinawarak4125 17 дней назад


  • @dreamagination-infinite
    @dreamagination-infinite 17 дней назад +1


  • @petrik_petrik
    @petrik_petrik 16 дней назад


  • @BelovedfriendLSB
    @BelovedfriendLSB 17 дней назад +1

    YES two putting our BEST FOOT FORWARD and MARCHING to the BEAT of A NEW DRUMвидео.html

  • @gabidouglas3813
    @gabidouglas3813 17 дней назад

    🧚‍♀️🏴‍☠️🏝100% Ressonate! This is the conformation that brings me so much joy & harmony! 🎉I know in my ❤ Lemuria will rise again in the PACIFIC ocean, any moment now!!💃🕉🔮“Who controls the past controls the future.🧚‍♂️🧙‍♂️Who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell☆1984🧚‍♂️💎🌏🐉Rise of Lemuria5! 🦚💜🔥✨️🌈Connect with eachother & 🪬🪷Gaia/ Earth with Unconditional Love 🦭🐝🐬🔑⚛️✨️Wawanui ♏️🧜‍♀️🌊🐋🦄Gratitude Starfamily!🧙🍄🐈‍⬛🐍💃💚☯️OneLove! 🧝‍♀️🌌🌹🧝‍♂️🪄🦚🧚☮️🦋🌛🌚🌜🧜‍♂️🔯✨️♾️♏️🧿🐾

  • @LeoneSaunders
    @LeoneSaunders 17 дней назад

    it’s wild how no one talks about Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki even though it completely shifts how you see things, but I guess not everyone is ready

  • @HyunHagan
    @HyunHagan 17 дней назад

    not saying this isn’t interesting, but books like Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki make this look like child’s play

  • @RayHealey-h5y
    @RayHealey-h5y 17 дней назад

    most people stay stuck because they avoid books like Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, which actually show you how to break through

  • @KENReese-q5v
    @KENReese-q5v 17 дней назад +58

    most people stay stuck because they avoid books like Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, which actually show you how to break through

  • @REYNALDOZambrano-f4z
    @REYNALDOZambrano-f4z 17 дней назад

    it’s wild how no one talks about Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki even though it completely shifts how you see things, but I guess not everyone is ready

  • @rocketpoolpki
    @rocketpoolpki 17 дней назад +1