What Would the Su-33 Bring to War Thunder? Full Overview and Expectations!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 40

  • @RylanTempleton-w5l
    @RylanTempleton-w5l 8 дней назад +5

    Bringing this aircraft in as a squadron vehicle is absolutely diabolical gajin

  • @mangosuppe8706
    @mangosuppe8706 11 дней назад +8

    Two (three*) fun facts about the Su-33. It didn't get canards to increase its maneuverability, but to be able to take off from it's carrier, since it lacked a catapult and used a ramp system. Which also brings me to my second, they figured out the wingspan of the Su-27 wasn't big enough to take off from said carrier and had to increase by I believe 41% (don't quote me on that) making it a lot heavier, even heavier when you factor in arresting hook and landing gear. Which leads me to my third* (asterisk because I don't have the manual for the Su-33 but it is a rumour nonetheless) due to increased weight it's rumoured to have a higher stall speed than the Su-27SM in game, meaning it will stall quicker.

    • @BARelement
      @BARelement 10 дней назад +1

      Meaning worse turn rates

    • @mangosuppe8706
      @mangosuppe8706 9 дней назад +1

      @@BARelement That too

    • @nemoclavon566
      @nemoclavon566 7 дней назад +1

      Where’s the counter measures 😂😂😂😂

    • @mangosuppe8706
      @mangosuppe8706 7 дней назад +1

      @nemoclavon566 On the tail right between the engines on the upper side facing upwards😁

    • @nemoclavon566
      @nemoclavon566 7 дней назад +1

      @@mangosuppe8706 I mean there’s only 48 🤣🤣🤣

  • @mangosuppe8706
    @mangosuppe8706 11 дней назад +3

    1:45 I would need some source corrections on this but I am very sure the 33 itself could never carry 27EAs nor EMs until it's more modernised versions, as the 27EA had an almost exact same seekerhead as the R-77, meaning. To be able to carry the 27EA you had to be able to carry the R-77, which the Su-33 never had the radar for. Again, if you have a source that is opposite of what I said I would love to read throught it, as I have been very confused about the EA and it's development

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  11 дней назад

      @@mangosuppe8706 If you look, the SU-33 never supported R-77s, however it supported R-27s Fox 1’s and 2’s, the SU-33 never got a chance to fully use the EAs however they were interchangeable with the other R-27s. You can find it on google pretty easy.

    @JFIESTASR 11 дней назад +1

    Good video, you will do with the EuroFighter as well?

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  11 дней назад +1

      @@JFIESTASR Yes, 100% that one is actually in the works but I had something come up so it’ll come out a little later

  • @ddogoo3749
    @ddogoo3749 10 дней назад +1

    You should do the video on the 27ea

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  10 дней назад

      @@ddogoo3749 got one in the works 🫡

  • @DumbThunder
    @DumbThunder 10 дней назад +2

    Well, the new trailer is out and guess what😅

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  10 дней назад

      @@DumbThunder lol yeah, gonna post on that shortly

  • @diaress
    @diaress 10 дней назад +3

    The Su-33 cannot carry the EA and never could until the Модернизированный program making it unoffically a Su-33M. The EA had the same seeker head as the R-77. The Su-33 carried the N001 radar, so I dont understand why you even said: It cannot carry other Fox 3s...but it can carry the R27EA?????

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  10 дней назад

      because basic research suggests that the aircraft did in fact carry EAs.

    • @diaress
      @diaress 10 дней назад +2

      @ Yes after it has been modernized to carry the N001VEP. The N001 was never able to carry Fox 3 and the requirements for the R-77 are the exact same as for the R27EA as guess what…they had the same seeker head…

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  10 дней назад

      @@diaress and that is the more than likely variant we are getting. Considering what else we would receive. Therefore it will likely receive EAs as it didn't carry R77s.

    • @diaress
      @diaress 10 дней назад +1

      @ How should a plane that was never used be added? The Su-33 Modernisation program was cancelled. Apparently you need to do your research a little harder…We really don’t need even more paper planes in this game

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  10 дней назад

      @ I’m sorry, but the SU-33 was already in the files, this video was simply to inform of everything they could technically GIVE the aircraft. I think the point of the video was misinterpreted here.

  • @HieuMau
    @HieuMau 13 дней назад +1

    at this point, not just Su-33 even Su-30, F-18 even the rafale can be expected to add in any update so we are just gambling with decent chance every time they release a teaser because the weapons that equipped on them is already exist on WT. I think the Su-33 and F-18 will be released at the same time in an aircraft carrier focused update. For the Kh-31, since gaijin is taking measure with the CAS dominating top tier, i dont think we gonna see it anytime soon. R27EA, tbh forget about it in atleast a year since R27ER is still have it standing as one of the best missiles atm and i personally dont understand the hate toward R-77. the problem is just russian planes is bigger and dodging missile is harder than smaller jets like f16, a little less range than aim120 for the mobility 50g pull is quite fcked up imo

    • @aseedusmani3875
      @aseedusmani3875 10 дней назад +1

      The problem is, R77 is more of a dogfighting missile (better at close range) but Su27SM is a superiority fighter and doesn't do well in close quarters.
      The missile and airframe don't compliment each other.
      R77 would be good on something like a Gripen or a Mirage, not on something like a Su27 or an F15.

  • @alejo689
    @alejo689 13 дней назад +2

    I think it will come with R-27EAs but goddamn the Eurofighter will slam this thing, again Russia will have problems until the thrust vectoring comes in.

    • @thesupreme8062
      @thesupreme8062 11 дней назад +3

      R27eas shouldnt come to the game. They dont exist and never existed outside a drawing. If they were added they would be easily the best fox 3 and that is solely because its a paper weapon.
      Su33 wouldnt bring anything ti the game as russia doesnt have a naval airforce. So I t never developed su33 further

    • @mangosuppe8706
      @mangosuppe8706 11 дней назад +1

      5 were produced and fired/launched, but it did lose against the R-77 in development, but there is a big probability that the 33 never could carry the 27EA because of the similar seekerhead to the 77, meaning that you would need a radar capable of using the R-77 to use the 27EA but I've yet to find what jets were tested with the 27EA

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  6 дней назад

      As far as I can see the SU-33 was the only aircraft that did test the EA, otherwise it would of been a more modern SU-27 but either way it definitely existed and could be added as a unique weapon especially for a squadron vehicle.. as we see what it became

  • @superfamilyallosauridae6505
    @superfamilyallosauridae6505 10 дней назад +1

    MiG-29KR/KUBR for Russia and MiG-29K/KUB for Britain are the cool naval jets. Su-33 is practically worthless

  • @hhhhhh-gt2pf
    @hhhhhh-gt2pf 14 дней назад +2

    Nothing. It‘s useless and DOA

    • @R60Routine
      @R60Routine  14 дней назад +1

      I mean, it may be, or maybe not.. who knows.