Video Guide - Troubleshooting Networking \ Registration \ Audio - GRP Series

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @technologyrss
    @technologyrss Год назад

    I face GRP2601 model initial 1-5 sec no audio, can you help me please, Thanks.

  • @alexjacob781
    @alexjacob781 2 года назад +1

    Hello. My reciever isn’t showing caller id. It shows anonymous call. Can you please help me in this?

    • @abdeljaibar6372
      @abdeljaibar6372 2 года назад

      Thanks for reaching out! GRP phones will always use the CID pushed by the SIP server. This needs to be verified at the server side.

    • @alexjacob781
      @alexjacob781 2 года назад

      @@abdeljaibar6372 could you please provide me your contact number so that i could talk with you? Thanks a lot for replying