  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 92

  • @00Heaven00
    @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +4

    Thank you for watching! Please leave a thumbs-up if this was helpful. Blessings!🙌

  • @thomaspeh184
    @thomaspeh184 9 дней назад +2

    Thank you for clearly explained what is tribulation & wrath of God. We Christians may face tribulations but not the wrath of God.

  • @dalesmith4859
    @dalesmith4859 20 дней назад +3

    Ever since I read Mathew 24:31, I knew the truth, but millions of Christians believe in a pre trib rapture and are not open to the post trib rapture.....I am concerned that they will be very discouraged, so whenever I get a chance, I try to help them to be open to what the bible actually says

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  19 дней назад

      Agreed. Thanks so much for watching and for sharing. Blessings!

  • @Jaxbass-xb3sy
    @Jaxbass-xb3sy Месяц назад +3

    Yes, this is how I see it too. Thank you for sharing.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks for taking the time to watch and encourage! Blessings!

  • @MiriamaRongonui
    @MiriamaRongonui Месяц назад +4

    Thank you for speaking the truth

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +1

      @MiriamaRongonui Thank you for the encouragement! And thanks for watching. Hope it was helpful.

  • @TappioLopullinen-us8dx
    @TappioLopullinen-us8dx 29 дней назад +1

    "Ja minä näin, taivaat avautuivat, ja katso, valkoinen hevonen, ja sen yllä istuvaa kutsutaan ”uskollinen ja totuus”, ja hän taistelee ja tuomitsee vanhurskaudessa. Mutta hänen silmänsä ovat kuin tulen liekit, ja päänsä yllä on monia kruunuja, ja hänelle on kirjoitettu nimi, jota ei tiedetä - vain hän tietää sen. Ja pukunaan hänellä on veressä kastettu vaate, ja nimi, jolla häntä kutsutaan, on Jumalan sana. Ja taivaiden sotajoukko liittyi häneen, valkoisilla hevosilla, ja pukeutuneina valkoisiin ja puhtaisiin vaatteisiin. Ja heidän suustaan lähti terävät miekat, joiden kautta kansakunnat tapetaan, ja hän on paimentava heitä rautaisella sauvalla, ja hän on tallaava sen Jumalan vihan viinipuristamon, hänen, joka ylläpitää kaiken. Ja hänellä on vaatteisiin, kylkensä päälle, kirjoitettu nimi; kuningasten kuningas ja herrojen Herra." - Johanneksen ilmestys 19:11-16 - Uusi Testamentti arameasta

  • @louisepieters74
    @louisepieters74 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for speaking the truth

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      All glory to God! Thank you for watching and for your gracious comment. Blessings!

  • @luisleyton520
    @luisleyton520 28 дней назад +1

    I agree. Maranatha!

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  28 дней назад

      Amen! Thank you for watching and for the encouragement. Blessings!

  • @user-rx7ev7xc5z
    @user-rx7ev7xc5z 19 дней назад

    Thank you ❤

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  19 дней назад

      You are welcome! Thank you for watching and for the kind words. May the Lord richly bless you.

  • @user-ju6on6qd9e
    @user-ju6on6qd9e Месяц назад

    Am a believer and love to introduce you to my church too as we all prepare for the Historic and epic moment which is the Rapture. All christians should come together as that same rapture is about to happen
    God Bless All believers in Christ our Lord.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      Thank you for watching and commenting. I am grateful for the introduction. Blessings!

  • @carolroush797
    @carolroush797 Месяц назад +3

    The Great Tribulation is satan's (anti-christ) wrath against the saints. Because he knows he only has a short time. (3 1/2 years). God bless.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +1

      Amen! Well put. Blessings! I appreciate you watching and leaving the comments. Means a lot!

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 24 дня назад

      Yup, it's Israel's prophecy and their doctrine. The Body of Christ Church has no part in Israel's prophecy. Paul had no reason to write to us about that season, because we have the blessed hope that we are looking for.

  • @oldscout7
    @oldscout7 Месяц назад +1

    Hi Randy! First time viewer to your channel, here...glad I stumbled onto you. I've pondered about, "...had those times not been cut short..." and been a little confused, as well. I kinda think those three and a half years are a solid time frame, and that what HE is saying is that had HE not cut the time short (AT three and a half years), but let things continue, THEN all flesh would have come to an end as a result. I mean, God says that the Antichrist is going to have those three and a half years worth of days to "do his thing"...If that is true, then...he'll have those three and a half years because God doesn't lie, right? HE is, I think, eluding to how devastating and deadly things are to mankind. Just MY thoughts, though...keep up the good work brother! Jesus IS Lord!

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +1

      Hey brother, thank you for the very kind words! I appreciate you taking the time to give some gracious feedback. Yeah, I am not dogmatic on the point of the timeframe necessarily being less than 3.5 years. I put that out as a "MAY BE" less than 3.5 years. Either way, it points to God's grace (He will limit the devastation) and sovereignty (He controls the time, not the Antichrist).
      Looking forward to hearing your feedback and questions from some of our other videos, Lord willing. Until then, may the Lord richly bless you.

    • @dalesmith4859
      @dalesmith4859 20 дней назад

      yes, I agree with you, Jesus says, "immediately after the tribulation of those days....."I think its very clear that the tribulation ends at the end of the 3 1/2 years and then the sun and moon will not give their light.....

    • @maija-liisapiittari9618
      @maija-liisapiittari9618 18 дней назад

      Rev.10:3-4 where those voices have been heard and John was not allowed to write it, is the cause why the days have been shortened.
      The reason why is that if men knew all that horror, they might not
      believe that the God of Love could let such things to happen.
      And maybe turn away from God because of it. A Finnish prophetiss saw that 100 yrs ago.

  • @carolroush797
    @carolroush797 Месяц назад +2

    The Wrath of God (the 7 last plagues) is poured out on the people that have the Mark of the Beast from being deceived by the anti-christ. God bless you all.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for watching and leaving a great comment! Blessings!

    • @Jacobbethel
      @Jacobbethel 14 дней назад

      By then we are in heaven after the 6 th seal is opened...we see that in Revelation 7:9 and Revaltion 15:1-2.....don't fear death by the Anti Christ..because you will be resurrected in not less than 2 years..be blessed

  • @sarahlynn4790
    @sarahlynn4790 5 дней назад

    In the 5th seal Jesus is the go’el from the OT. The kinsman redeemer/ avenger of blood.

  • @kimadams2995
    @kimadams2995 5 дней назад

    audio breaking up in the middle (roughly 40-45 minute time)

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  4 дня назад

      Thanks for letting me know!

  • @KimStein-tc9kz
    @KimStein-tc9kz Месяц назад

    Enjoyed this. The most well and precise explanation....the best ive listened to. Enjoyed this teaching. Thank you. Ive read the comments....??? No... you are correct.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      Thank you! This is genuinely encouraging to hear! Glad it was helpful. Thank you for watching and commenting.

  • @methylmike
    @methylmike 5 дней назад

    This may sound heretical, but the rapture is a detail a lot of people are sure about. Seems to me God is a man of surprises. This idea of everyone disappearing just doesn't sit right with me. I could be wrong tho

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  4 дня назад

      "Gathering" is the more biblical word than rapture, a loaded word indeed.

  • @77saint77posttrib
    @77saint77posttrib Месяц назад +2

    Excellent study. Nice comparisons to martyrs for Jesus presently!! If i may add an idea. When the seals are opened they do not CLOSE. And the details in the seals do not happen in one day but are manifesting over a short period. Example. If the first seal is antichrist and the revealing of antichrist is connected to the abomination of desolation then we have a time period. Daniel 12 once the antichrist is revealed by the abomination therevis only 1290 days. In rev13 once the beast is revealed he is only given 42 months ( 1290 days) so even the first seal is open until the end. After all the seals are opened the the trumpets begin to sound once we get to the 7th and last trumpet. Visualize the seals are manefesting and unfolding but NOT CLOSED. The trumpets are sounding and the descriptions are unfolding and manefesting but STILL SOUNDING. Notice in rev10: 7 but in DAYS of the voice of the 7th angel?? The 7th angel with trumpet ( continues with ) Begins to sound?? The trumpets dont sound and then stop but CONTINUE TO SOUND. After the 7th trumpet the bowls are poured out untill the seals and trumpets and bowls culminate to JESUS RETURNING!! Nituce in rev16:15 after the 6th bowl Jesus interjects and says " behold I come as a thief???? The inky place in revelation that has that term. So chronology all the seals and trumpets and bowls conclude together at Jesus returning. Beginning at rev19:11!!
    Notes on [ comes as a thief] matt24: 42-44
    1thess5: 1-6
    2peter3: 10
    Notes on Jesus returns
    Matt24: 29-31
    John14: 1-3
    1thess4: 13-17
    Notes on resurrection of the righteous
    Daniel 12:2
    Rev20: 4-6
    John6: 39,40,44,54
    1thess4: 15-17
    2thess2: 1-7
    matt24: 29-31
    Many more.
    Notes on living believers caught up , gathering together, raptured
    2thess2: 1-7
    Matt24: 29-31
    1thess4: 15-17
    John11: 25,26
    All posttrib!!! Matt24: 45-47 a wise and faithful servant prepares for the due season and is SO DOING WHEN JESUS RETURNS. Prepare spiritually for martyrdom and prepare physically supplies for the due season of the mark of the beast and antichrist and tribulation. Coming Soon!!

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks for the encouraging words and thoughtful comments. I will look more at this when I have a bit more time. Blessings!

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 24 дня назад

      The ac is not revealed by the abomination of Desolation. It's revealed who he is when he confirms Israel's covenant with the many for one week: Israel's 70th week.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 24 дня назад

      You're mixing Israel's doctrine and prophecy with Paul's doctrine for the Body of Christ Church. The very things you're supposed to be rightly dividing between.

    • @77saint77posttrib
      @77saint77posttrib 24 дня назад

      @@bugsocsollie1694 are you referring to my comparison of Daniel's prophecies of the end??

  • @user-qy9vs1ud3f
    @user-qy9vs1ud3f Месяц назад

    Everyone has an interpretation, we shall see, be ready!

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      That's my main point. Christians should be ready to endure and engage, not escape. No one know the day. We are commanded to be watchful and ready.

  • @JeremyThielman
    @JeremyThielman 11 дней назад

    4:25. First seal has 4 characteristics: White, Bow, Crowns, Conquer. Is the white an imitation of Christ or what the believer is clothed with? Jesus comes back on a white horse in Rev19:14, so to the believers. So is this imitation or the believer's rapture? I'm not done, all 4 are characteristics of believers. The Bow, first entry in LXX toxon is Gen9:14 to Noah, 'And it shall come to pass [prophetic language], when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud" Jesus has the bow in Rev10 and Jesus is seen in the cloud upon His coming with His army, the bow is Jesus'. Crowns, stephanos, are reserved for the believers who 'overcome' not for the antichrist. Conquering and to conquer; nikao kia nikao; overcome and overcoming. The believers are told they are the overcomers, not the antichrist. Let go of these old doctrines of man. The 1st seal is the rapture of the body and bride of Christ. The false preachers and wolves come forth because we who are the light of the world are gone and night has come when no man can work, tribulation. This is the time the false shepherds rule because of the event of the 1st seal took the light out of the world and there is no-one left to hold back the gates of hell.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  11 дней назад

      Thanks for taking the time to watch and share your thoughts. Interesting perspective. As I mentioned in the video, the first rider is the most difficult to discern. I see where you are coming from, but I would caution that the clear descriptors of Jesus such as white and the bow do not mean that they are unique descriptors of Jesus exclusively. For instance, Jesus said, "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12), and indeed He is the true light. However, Satan counterfeits the light and masquerades as light (2 Cor. 11:4). That is also the point of the Antichrist, to masquerade as the true Christ and dupe the world, so it would make sense that he attempts to resemble Jesus.
      Second, it seems the direction of the riders is heading earthward, not heavenward. I am not sure that this would be a clear indicator of the rapture in the first seal. My $0.02, and that's all it may be worth. ;)

  • @bigtobacco1098
    @bigtobacco1098 Месяц назад +1

    1 return not 3

  • @chrisgruse3564
    @chrisgruse3564 Месяц назад

    5th seal opened may 21, 1988 after 40 years of testing was completed ( matt.24:15

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      So when do you see the first four seals opened and why?

    • @chrisgruse3564
      @chrisgruse3564 Месяц назад

      @@00Heaven00 first 4 seals open between May 14,1948 to May 21,1988 ( 1988 is after 40 years of testing was completed and it's the 13,000 biblical year and then the 5th seal opens for ?

  • @petergouvignon8048
    @petergouvignon8048 Месяц назад +1

    Im glad the great tribulation was 2000years year's ago and i didn't go through it 😊

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      Whether Great Tribulation or General Tribulation, may we all stand firm in Christ.

    • @petergouvignon8048
      @petergouvignon8048 Месяц назад

      @@00Heaven00 Dan 12:1 ISV “‘At that time, Michael will arise, the great prince who will stand up on behalf of your people, and a time of trouble will come like there has never been since nations began until that time. Also at that time, your people will be delivered-everyone who will have been written in the book.
      Mat 24:21 ISV because at that time there will be great suffering, the kind that hasn’t happened from the beginning of the world until now and certainly won’t ever happen again.
      The destruction of the temple and the end of the old heavens and earth will never be repeated again 💥

    • @royalpriest89
      @royalpriest89 Месяц назад

      Amen! All these events talked about occured in the past, just as Christ said they would.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад +1

      Wow! It's a preterist parade! :) While I see some appealing arguments for the fulfillment in 70 AD, I can't get past the Matt. 24:29-20 statement of "IMMEDIATELY after the tribulation of those days" and the coming of the Son of Man. If this is the post-return new heavens/earth, I want a refund. ;) Thanks for watching and sharing your perspective.

    • @royalpriest89
      @royalpriest89 Месяц назад

      @@00Heaven00 Woo praise the Lord! Perhaps your presupposition of what the "new heavens/new earth" and assuming a physical heaven and earth is misguided? The New Heavens and New Earth/New Jerusalem are just other terms for those within the New Covenant. See Isaiah 51 which speaks of Old Covenant Israel and their founding as the Old Heavens/Earth. Those in Christ live with Christ in the New Heavens/Earth, where righteousness dwells God bless :) Also timing defines nature. If Christ said something would happen in a certain timeline, we have to trust that and then figure out what He meant by that.

  • @chrisgruse3564
    @chrisgruse3564 Месяц назад

    34 days tell the second coming of Christ judgment day woe #2 woe #3 the unsaved know nothing about God's timeline

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      I am not real clear on what you are saying. 34 days until Jesus returns? Or 34 days until the 2nd and 3rd woes come? Or 34 days until the Day of the Lord? Sorry for the misunderstanding; just want to be clear.

    • @chrisgruse3564
      @chrisgruse3564 Месяц назад

      @@00Heaven00 34 days tell the second coming of Christ ( harvest & then earthquake woe #2 Rev.11

  • @mpossom8352
    @mpossom8352 Месяц назад

    When we hold to the pre-tribulation rapture view, it in effect derails our ability to properly discern the chronology of end time events in scripture in respect to the olivet discourse and the Revelation. The entire basis for the seven year tribulation view is based on the misinterpretation of Daniel 9:27. The entire message brought from God by Gabriel to Daniel, concerns Israel and the first and second advent of the Lord. It has nothing whatsoever to do with a future antichrist. The antichrist is mistakenly identified as the “prince” (small “p”) in verse 26. There is in fact no capitalization in Hebrew that would imply a difference between Prince and prince. The translators made an incorrect assumption that the small p referred to the antichrist of Daniel chapter 8. Secondly, in English grammar, the first mention of a proper noun in a paragraph is thereafter followed by a personal pronoun each time the proper noun is referenced, until a new proper noun is introduced. So without the introduction of a new proper noun, we know that the entire passage is about the Messiah the Prince. Thirdly, the “people of the prince” does not refer to armies or people of the antichrist, but rather it refers to the people of Messiah the Prince, the Jews. At the time when the jews rejected their messiah, they were in complete rebellion against all religious and governmental authority. Ultimately, their 66-70 AD insurrection, brought the ire and power of the roman government to bear at which time Jerusalem and the temple were in effect destroyed. Josephus records in “The Wars of the Jews; V. 6. 2," “the Jewish sedition destroyed the city and the Romans destroyed the sedition”. Josephus blamed his own people for the destruction of Jerusalem. The abomination of desolation happened at the same time when the temple was destroyed. Fourthly, we know that the 70th week of Daniel has been taught for decades to be the seven year tribulation period, also known as Jacob’s troubles. But a careful review of Daniel 9:26, shows clearly that the Lord was cut-off at the cross in the middle of the 70th week. “And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off,”. In other words, after the 69th (7 + 62) week ended the 70th week immediately followed. The 70th week began at the Lord’s baptism and anointing when His earthly ministry began, which lasted 3 1/2 years, or one half of the 70th week. The second half of the 70th week, 3 1/2 years, begins at the seventh seal of Revelation chapter 8. Finally, at the Lord’s crucifixion, He completely fulfilled all scripture concerning the law and the requirement for daily blood sacrifices, and in “the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease”. Thereafter there was no purpose for the temple to continue to exist, as we as believers, have become the temple of God. Any future temple to be built will truly be an abomination to God as it will be an open declaration that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is wholly and unequivocally rejected by the Jews. We are in the tribulation now, and have been since the first century. If the tribulation is in the future, and only seven years long, how can we explain the tribulation and persecution of the last 2000 years, beginning with the crucifixion of the Lord, the torture and killing of the apostles, the burning at the stake of so many early church leaders and bible teachers and the universal persecution, torture and killing of christians and jews, right up to, and continuing today. What about the false prophets, false teachers, false religions, world wars, cold wars, atomic bombs, the threat of nuclear annihilation, racial violence, ethnic cleansing, mass genocide, the use of chemical weapons, concentration camps, world wide terrorist attacks, severe earthquakes, flooding tsunamis, third-world famines, devastating pestilence and disease, riots, uprisings, and wars in nearly every country on the planet. And still christians and jews are being tortured and murdered everyday somewhere in the world. Bottom-line, there is no future seven year tribulation. It cannot be found in the old or new testament scriptures. What you can find is tribulation from the first century to the 21st century, followed by the rapture.

    • @00Heaven00
      @00Heaven00  Месяц назад

      I can see where you got to where you land, and I agree with much of what you say. I am pre-mill, but not pre-trib. However, I think the early church would disagree with you. Papias (AD 60-130), who personally heard John speak, understood from John the events as yet future. Iraneaus, who was discipled by Polycarp, who was discipled by John also saw the events as yet future. Ultimately, I am driven by Scripture and I find many aspects of the preterist view not very satisfying to the whole of the prophecies. Thankfully, we can disagree on this point and maintain fellowship. I am grateful for you watching and commenting. "As iron sharpens Iron" brother. Blessings!

    • @mpossom8352
      @mpossom8352 Месяц назад

      @@00Heaven00 Thanks for your reply brother. I personally no longer subscribe to any pre, mid, or post labels as I once did. In short I believe that the scriptures teach that the tribulation, which is Satan's handy work and not God's, began in the first century and continues today. Immediately after the tribulation, of those days, the Lord comes at the dawning of the seventh great day, the millennium, and gathers His Church, and at the same time begins to dispense His wrath against an unbelieving world. He rules and reigns with His Church from heaven over the affairs of the earth as He puts every enemy under His feet, until Satan and death are defeated and destroyed, making the earth His footstool.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 24 дня назад

      Without rightly dividing between what is meant for Israel and what is meant for the Body of Christ Church, you can not have clarity of Scripture. There really is a Dispensation given to Paul for the Gentiles because Israel fell. The past 2000ish years have not been about Israel's prophecy. It's about the Body of Christ Church which has no part of Israel's prophecy. The Book of Revelation is Israel's prophecy, which doesn't pick back up again until this Dispensation of Grace is over.

    • @mpossom8352
      @mpossom8352 24 дня назад

      @@bugsocsollie1694 I have legitimate question. I have a friend that is brutally insistent that I look at scripture from a "rightly dividing the truth" perspective. I became a believer in 1974 and have studied the bible regularly for the last 50 years. I certainly do not know it all and am open to learn. My question is to you from a RDTT perspective, respecting the rapture. Can you help me understand what your interpretation of John 14, and Matthew 24:29-31 concerning the Lord's return to receive believers unto Himself.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 24 дня назад +1

      @mpossom8352 It's important to keep in mind that while all Jesus spoke all these things, Israel was still in their 70 weeks prophecy and their 70th week was just around the corner (but it never came). In John 14, He was talking to the Disciples who would be sent into all the world preaching before the end comes. Matthew 24:14. We know now that it isn't those Disciples, but will be the 144,000 of Rev 7. They are the man child of Rev 12 sign. They are found worthy to escape the Great Tribulation. We see them in Rev 14 in heaven before the Throne as the mark of the beast is implemented. Then believing Israel runs for the hills.