Strange Voices, Talking Tricksters and Whispers in the Wood | 3.2

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • 'Disembodied Voices: true accounts of hidden begins' is a fascinating work by Tim Marczenko, wherein he recovers forgotten lore from private collections and research centers and speaks with witnesses who've encountered anomalous, disembodied voices- some that help, some that haunt, and some that seem to be hunting.. us! We discuss the possible suspects (the Leshi, the Nishi, the Great Pan), the Missing 411 connection and dig into some truly bizarre first hand encounters.
    Also.. Sylvan Dread, Interdimensional Ping Pong, and Dudes at the Gym
    3:30 | Weirdo at the Gym
    7:20 | A Phantom Picks the Topic
    8:39 | Topic Introduction | Disembodied Voices and Hidden Beings
    11:20 | Tim and the Voice in the Forest | STORY
    20:43 | Sylvan Dread, the Pan Connection and Missing 411
    31:48 | Elaine and the Mouse | STORY
    35:50 | Discussion | Interdimensional Feeders, Screen Memories
    41:09 | Chris and the Deer
    42:30 | Into the Arms of the Octopus
    43:08 | Rick and Woody | STORY
    47:37 | Tims hunt to name it leads to the Nishi and Missing 411
    52:27 | That's Not Your Girlfriend, Micheal! STORY
    57:01 | Dark Amusements and Theme Park Ghosts | EXPANSION PREVIEW
    1:00:51 | Say My Name | STORY
    1:02:05 | Closing Thoughts
    1:03:14 | Patron Stinger | Stacy Luukkonen
    1:06:29 | New Patrons Thank You's!
    Dark Amusements and Theme Park Ghosts
    / 47606632

Комментарии • 213

  • @flowthrake
    @flowthrake Год назад +47

    In the summer of 1993 or 1994, my friends and I camped out in the woods beyond my family's pond in upstate NY. That night we built up a huge, barely controlled bonfire. We must have been about 14ish and were out in the woods a lot around this time. The next day, while we were trekking the half-mile or so back to my folks' house, my friend J and I heard a whistle. It wasn't birdsong -- it was a man's whistle and it was a short tune of six or seven notes. I didn't recognize the melody, but J instantly did. J's dad's family originated in Puerto Rico and they would use this little tune to find each other when they were out hunting or just became separated in the woods. We were puzzled at first, but we eventually came to the conclusion that J's dad had come here to find him, that possibly there was some family emergency and he needed to find J quickly. So we started following the sound of the whistle, with J responding to it each time with the same tune. At first it seemed to come from the west, so we headed into the woods that way. We were maybe a quarter-mile into the woods when the whistle moved. Now it sounded like it was coming farther back and to the east. So we started going that way, wondering how it was possible that his dad had covered so much ground so quickly. I want to reiterate that this did not sound like a bird at all. Maybe a raven could have mimicked that tune, learned it by hearing J's dad use it a few times and then decided to fly to my family's land on the very weekend that we had chosen to camp there. Maybe. We just kept following the sound as it took a zig-zag route further and further into the wilderness that adjoined our property. Finally after about a mile and a half we decided this was crazy and ran back to my house. J immediately called his dad who it turned out had just gotten home from work. He was never in our woods, had no idea what we were talking about.

    • @texastea5686
      @texastea5686 6 месяцев назад +12

      Omg that is super creepy. Just the idea of something using a personal trait that only you or your family use to confuse you... ugh creepy

    • @The_ZeroLine
      @The_ZeroLine Месяц назад

      Definitely could have been a raven or crow.

    • @JB-1138
      @JB-1138 21 день назад

      Probably had a local pedo guy....

  • @ScottJB
    @ScottJB 3 года назад +78

    "It used the mouse as a screen" this is actually seemingly common. Some of kids who disappear and are found days later in the Missing 411 profile say they were befriended by a wolf or bear or another child that leads them through the woods.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +27

      Yes! In our first missing 411 episode way back when, I believe we covered the encounter regarding the 'bear' that sheltered the kid. That was a fascinating case, brought out by David Paulides.
      - Jeremy

    • @WeekndWarriorrr
      @WeekndWarriorrr Год назад +5

      ​@@Curiouserandcuriouser90If he was found then the case is solved even if it's still unknown how he got so far away. I think you're actually mixing up info of that case. The kid was never found but a family said they saw a bigfoot carrying something over it's shoulder while atop a cliff side. I think they later found the boys shoe up there, but never found his body,. The boys name was Dennis.

    • @ntolman
      @ntolman 8 месяцев назад +12

      ​@WeekndWarriorrr No they aren't. There is a separate case where a kid was found, and he talked about a bear saving him.

    • @DixonCider-w4p
      @DixonCider-w4p 3 месяца назад +2

      I was out on an Indian rez for some time and every night I'd be woken between 2-4 by children calling for help. I would walk further and further away and I'd only really remember the next morning. I was warned not to do this and ignore it but it was nearly impossible not to go to it. It was in an area deep into the woods where the old chief's house was with trees growing through it. I was told they were "little people" and best not to even speak about it. Crazy experience. This happened for about two weeks and eventually I had to leave. I had always wondered why this older man would always be outside down the road looking around at the ground with a flashlight. I thought he was just on meth but he was like 80. Probably never seen the drug. He was mentally warped from the LP they said.

  • @destonlee2838
    @destonlee2838 Год назад +18

    After I got home from the Army (aged 21) I went on a long camping trip. Two weeks in, after many powerful dreams wherein I was visited by ancestors and the unborn, I was awake late dancing about the campfire in a sleep dep ritual. I saw movement along the opposite shore of the kalama River, maybe 50 yards away. I watched, in the moonlight, a man sized figure with a herons head walking toward me, crossing the river halfway. After a moment I heard a voice. ""Go Home" it said. Then my fire died out as if I'd poured a 5g bucket of water on it. I did not stick around to to challenge the clear order. I went home, an hour long walk through the woods. I camped on the river many times after that, but never had a second interaction of that sort.

  • @aroniakenscold465
    @aroniakenscold465 Год назад +34

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  • @randybaumery5090
    @randybaumery5090 Год назад +44

    Online I heard a video about two Park Rangers who one night heard a small girl sobbing in the woods. They started out to find her, but one Ranger pulled the other Ranger back to the vehicle and left. He explained that he could tell suddenly , the girl sounded like a tape on a loop. Personally, it reminded me of hunting coyotes using hurt rabbit sounds.

  • @schweedies4597
    @schweedies4597 2 года назад +17

    Hearing a playful tune and then becoming consumed by dread sounds horrifying

    • @user-fq3xi9bj6e
      @user-fq3xi9bj6e 6 месяцев назад +2

      Could you imagine , woods are out of the question for me and so is camping not my thing ) you ?

  • @milumav
    @milumav 11 месяцев назад +9

    🤣The gym story at the beginning was absolutely brilliant!!!! I really needed that belly laugh, (belly laugh = extra health and longevity).
    I wish I had this kind of sibling relationship, mine's bitter, ravevously competitive, inexplicably entitled, and has a penchant for betrayal and sabotage. I had to cut her out of my life (13 years ago) out of a sheer will to survive lol!
    Anyway, you guys are beyond hilarious, I usually find banter distracting and obnoxious, but your rapport, laughter, stories and back-and-forth are just so much fun, it's like being with the group of friends most have always wished their actual group of friends were like. No one-upmanship, passive aggression, underhanded cheap shots, degradation, subtle personal attacks, humiliation tactics, competitiveness, arrogance, touchiness, moodiness etc... just 100% positivity!
    Don't ever change the formula!

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  11 месяцев назад +4

      So glad you’re diggin it! Really appreciate the in depth feedback on the banter. Like any relationship of brothers, we have our squabbles, but we’re definitely close, and at the end of the day have a shared vision for the show and lots of fun doing it together. Thanks for letting us know the banter part of the show is coming through authentically. Cheers! 🙌
      - Jeremy

    • @The_ZeroLine
      @The_ZeroLine Месяц назад

      A lot of sisters seem to be into undermining each other. Bros are bros. It’s one of the benefit of being the simpler sex. Though, of course there are toxic brothers out there too.

  • @schweedies4597
    @schweedies4597 2 года назад +9

    Mushrooms, like all hallucinogens can amplify a certain emotion. So like if you happen to get giggly it can keep going. However itll also amplify bad emotions. Hence bad trips.

  • @nicksalesman9064
    @nicksalesman9064 Год назад +15

    I have some answers now! I live in the woods I have had an experience late at night not long after moving in. I was walking my dog around the back part of the property where the woods are thicker. I heard a almost robot sounding voice. I got out very fast nobody would be back there I new something was wrong. I've had other things happen something growled at me and same night growled through the window at my dad. This stuff is 100% real and it's evil!

  • @alycinannette8388
    @alycinannette8388 Год назад +16

    Glimmer man looks like water.. I should probably elaborate but.. I'm sick of getting called crazy.

  • @shelia-paulettegarnerrober4355
    @shelia-paulettegarnerrober4355 Год назад +14

    When my grandson was 2 he kept telling me SpongeBob was in his closet and trying to talk to him. This happened a lot. Plus he said an old lady bothered him every night. So when they moved I never heard anything else about SpongeBob or the old lady. He's seen things throughout his life tho.

  • @LaB567
    @LaB567 Год назад +8

    I couldn’t help but be reminded throughout this episode of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The luring of young, volatile humans into the woods where fairies and otherworldly creatures influence the outcomes of each character’s life, totally unbeknownst to them. It’s the hidden world of Puck, or Robin Goodfellow. Shakespeare knew.

  • @michaelcandido2824
    @michaelcandido2824 Год назад +5

    ive heard the whisper in the woods as soon as it was approaching sun down. i was foraging for mushrooms and the area i was in The lower Macleay trail is known in circles as being a hot spot for odd things or sightings going on.

  • @Thanatos138
    @Thanatos138 Год назад +20

    The gym story had me cracking up. I used to work at a gym years ago and there would be lots of times I'd workout before I clocked in but after my workout I'd hit the locker room to shower. Something that always made me feel uncomfortable was there was this dude who would be in there almost everyday around same time I was and this guy was older but not like super old maybe like in his 60's. Anyway this dude would spend I swear like an hour standing totally naked blow drying himself after the shower to get dry. But the disturbing thing is he would like hike his leg up on these benches that are in there and wave the blow dryer back and forth so to make sure his butt and balls were nice and dry. I mean he would do this so long I could shower and change go clock in and if I had to pee or something 10 or 15 minutes later he'd Sometimes still be in there just blow drying his gentiles..

    • @SirenandAbby
      @SirenandAbby Год назад +8

      That's admirable. I bet his gentleman parts are near perfect 😂 maybe a little dry from all the heat 🤠.
      Is this still happening? 😂

    • @moe42o
      @moe42o Год назад +1


    • @rickgrimes9317
      @rickgrimes9317 Год назад +2

      Naked men lockerrooms are creepy enough.

    • @GingeRenee
      @GingeRenee Год назад +3

      Creepy and gross. Omg, I would be horrified.

      @MICKEYISLOWD Год назад

      Usually they are ok however there is always that one guy wagging his cock at you or takes forever to just get himself covered up and decent. Then there is the loner who sits overlooking the pool after a swim. Defo pervs.@@rickgrimes9317

  • @dees.daniel7
    @dees.daniel7 Год назад +14

    Do one on Tengu in Japan. They are said to leave abductees high in trees as well.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  Год назад +5

      That sounds like a fascinating connection, Daniel! We’ll have to look into that!

  • @ScottJB
    @ScottJB 2 года назад +14

    This is one of my favorite episodes you guys have done. I actually ended up buying the book you discuss because of it a year ago. Still so fascinating.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  2 года назад +9

      Glad you dug it, Scott! Yes! Disembodied Voices (by Tim Marczenko) is a ridiculously fascinating and well written book. We've been planning an interview with him for a while and hope to make it happen soon!

  • @lizardking1rock
    @lizardking1rock 3 года назад +22

    Years ago when my friends and I would hit the mountain bike trails in Indiana, we devised a word to warn each other of a dangerous patch a head. The word we used was "knockers", mostly as a "don't get knocked down", but also cause its another word for breasts. We were teenagers being dumb and I never gave another thought about how or who was the first to say it, it sorta just came part of our biking vernacular. My friends, like myself then were not interested in anything paranormal or folk related (that changed a few years ago), so listening now about these "tommy knockers" is very interesting... coincidence.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +9

      Very interesting indeed, Jose! And I gotta say, "knockers" is a creepy name for something potentially unseen in the woods. Unless of course they're floating boobs 😂 What a strange visual.

    • @AyitaIam
      @AyitaIam 2 года назад +2

      Glad u shared this..always learning from these comments.🙃😄

    • @teaspoonsofpeanutbutter6425
      @teaspoonsofpeanutbutter6425 2 года назад

      @@BeliefHolePodcast hey don't laugh too hard - some of us have boobs so big they float into a room long before the rest of us do!

  • @grey7040
    @grey7040 3 года назад +11

    Uh oh, might be hooked. lol

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  2 года назад +3

      That's what we like to hear, Grey. Welcome to the Hole! 🐺👻🔥🕳

  • @Morganational
    @Morganational 3 года назад +12

    Hey Belief Hole! Long time listener, first time caller! Love your podcast, love what you do! As a brother in a sibling group of 4, listening to your ridiculous banter makes me feel right at home. I am the only person in my whole family who lives on the other side of the country, so it really is nice to feel like I'm hanging out with brothers when I listen. There's something about being a brother that people without brothers just can't understand, and it's marvelous.
    Anyways, you guys are so very talented and deserve so much more viewer/listenership! Unfortunately there are sooooo so many mediocre paranormal podcasts out there and they're multiplying by the minute. I pretty much exclusively listen to you gents, Mysterious Universe, Monsters Among Us, and The Last Podcast on the Left, all of which deserve high praise. I just wish there was a way that I could get you guys the exposure that you need. I'll keep working on that, you guys keep doing what you do best, doubting space and being courageous. Love you magnificent bastards!

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +3

      You are a gentleman and a scholar, my friend! I love hearing that people appreciate the research or the sound design and storytelling, but what I didn't expect starting out was hearing how it helped people feel connected, but I totally get that because I have the same experience listening to the shows I love. I'm lucky enough to do this with my brothers, but my heart goes out to you being on the other side of the country without yours. I know what that's like too, so cheers to you, brother 🍻 and we'll see ya in the Hole!
      - Jeremy

    • @teaspoonsofpeanutbutter6425
      @teaspoonsofpeanutbutter6425 2 года назад +2

      You mean all the channels that look and signed the same with the same set up who basically pick obviously mafe up stories from reddit to read in a storytelling type way?? I hate those.

  • @texastea5686
    @texastea5686 6 месяцев назад +2

    I discovered your podcasts here on YT a couple days ago... im hooked! Subscribed!

  • @finalgirl640
    @finalgirl640 2 года назад +7

    Still binging your episodes. This one is super spooky. I'm patiently awaiting your reply to my story as well! 😉 When you guys were joking about the gym at the beginning I was crying 😂

  • @robinblack3865
    @robinblack3865 Год назад +4

    3:00am is the witching hour

  • @lauragraves4342
    @lauragraves4342 2 года назад +16

    I subscribed from the intro alone. Perfection.

  • @perroli
    @perroli 2 месяца назад +1

    First time listening to the show. Great stories and discussions!

  • @WuweiTranslations
    @WuweiTranslations Год назад +3

    Loved your show! Cheers from Berlin, Germany.

  • @chrisharris5497
    @chrisharris5497 2 года назад +7

    In the name of research I can confirm 100% that Mushrooms/LSD gives you the giggles.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  2 года назад +4

      thank you for your research, Chris 🤣

    • @chrisharris5497
      @chrisharris5497 2 года назад +3

      @@BeliefHolePodcast All for the betterment of humanity guys. 🤣🤣🤣

    • @user-fq3xi9bj6e
      @user-fq3xi9bj6e 6 месяцев назад

      @@BeliefHolePodcast I am loving you guys work and topics and the way you present them truly fascinating thank you so much guys from UK.

    • @catatonic2922
      @catatonic2922 3 месяца назад

      Mwaha I second that😂😂

  • @schweedies4597
    @schweedies4597 2 года назад +4

    Hey HOLES your favorite CORNHOLIO IS BACK. Love the show guys. Great production value but not overly serious either. Like you guys dont take yourselves TOO seriously. Love it. Great content. You cover great stories. Keep it up

  • @meakimon
    @meakimon 4 месяца назад

    I'm not sure why anyone would tune out during the thank-you's. Because you make it so comfy and fun.^^

  • @AnthonyMoore-t5e
    @AnthonyMoore-t5e 7 месяцев назад +3

    How do yall only have 42k subs? This is an awesome podcast, ya'llz.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  7 месяцев назад +2

      Thanks we appreciate it. I think partly because we are not really video (camera wise) and partly because we are a little more banter and less straight to the point. We have grown a lot more the last year though! Glad you found us.

    • @ChaseLife45
      @ChaseLife45 4 месяца назад

      Love you guys but it definitely is the banter. And yea you’ve definitely elevated over the last few years. But it’s to be expected with experience, you grow mature expand and find yourself and your own particular processes. You did it without losing yourselves which is even better

  • @jessicae33
    @jessicae33 Год назад +5

    Y’all are HILARIOUS 😆 love the content ❤

  • @michelelyons9410
    @michelelyons9410 Год назад +1

    Terrific video. The opening chat was hilarious. I nearly slid out of my chair laughing. "nuded up bench bros"! I am never going to be able to forget that phrase! You are going to get me into trouble. Some poor guy will be startled when I look at him and burst into laughter!
    The first story, about the boy being lured by a voice. It was really creepy. It reminded me of a hunter using a recorded animal call, trying to lure an animal toward the hunter. This kind of story is actually kind of common. Rangers, kids and others hearing a voice or sound, but there is always something wrong with the sound, like it is recorded rather than real.
    With that in mind, I remember a sci-fi movie I saw once. Bad movie, but a good idea. In the movie, a species of poisonous, carnivorous plants had evolved to mimic the sound of a cell phone ringing to lure humans into their reach. Makes you wonder about what is making those sounds in the dark.
    I liked the excerpts from the books you read, the writers make it sound liracle and almost poetic. But that feeling is your natural instincts. It is accepted today to dismiss your natural instincts, but instincts have kept us alive for millions of years. when you are alone in an isolated area, especially at dusk or night, your instincts can be on high alert. You, the human, is very aware that you are at a serious disadvantage. You are not as strong as other animals, you carry no natural weapons, and you cannot see in the dark. And if you are alone, you are away from the "herd", you are even more vulnerable. You are vulnerable to every natural predator----including other men. Ask any cop----if you are suddenly on alert, you did notice something, hear or feel something, even if you are unaware of it or cannot articulate it. Listen to those instincts---they will keep you alive. We humans are creatures of the mind, of imagination and fancy, so we make up stories of forest gods and fairies to explain our unease. But usually that unease has a very real cause.

  • @MikeBrodie-fz6gm
    @MikeBrodie-fz6gm 5 месяцев назад

    i get some great laughs out of these podcasts.You guys got a great balance of comedy and open to listen to anything as i heard 2 sasquatches having a huge scrap outside my tent once in canadian rockies in 1980s...i know how irrational it sounds but it sounded like godzilla and kingkong smashing down the forest in the night. it was screaming in like a language and parts of it kinda reminded me of the taz cartoon..long story short but.I also believe in the paranormal as i had a paranormal experience near mount ranier once ,also seeing something walking around my tent and saw the tracks depressing into the ground.with nothing making kwakwakawak friend heard the same thing the night before but didnt see anything either.... also with birds that were invisible and fluttered in my face and knocked my sunglasses off my head...and driving through the rez once me and my gf and my boy heard a bird flying around chirping in our car..almost drove off the road thinking there was a bird flying around in the car with windows bird to be found...these are just some experiences ive had over the years..i dont write off anything anymore.very interesting podcasts

  • @goon_time
    @goon_time Год назад +2

    Damn this is my new favorite podcast. Keep making vids! Going back in time and bingeing all your content - thank you for the great stuff

  • @coffeecat086
    @coffeecat086 6 месяцев назад

    I absolutely love y’all’s podcast. Your sound production adds just enough depth without being overly dramatic. I am totally blind in one eye and vision is 20/500 in the other. I’ve been reading audiobooks since i was 3 (1989) and one of the most annoying bits is when things are overdone. Your podcast adds just enough realism and doesn’t try too hard if that makes sense. I paused to write this with my screen reader, and through my hearing aids, I hear bullfrogs, crickets, a few other sounds I don’t know the names of, and s bird who seems like it’s up much too early, like myself. Perfectly matches the vibe y’all got going on this one😂

  • @swoodc
    @swoodc Год назад +4

    scariest episode yet tbh

  • @thebestusername5852
    @thebestusername5852 Год назад +2

    I just discovered this channel a couple of days ago and have been binge watching episodes ever since... Oh, and btw
    Mushrooms DEFINITELY give you the giggles. 🙂 🍄

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  Год назад +1

      Welcome aboard!

    • @SirenandAbby
      @SirenandAbby Год назад

      Their earlier stuff is really good too!! Welcome to the hole 🕳️ ☠️ 🦉 👻

  • @streetmermaid
    @streetmermaid 9 месяцев назад +1

    That men at work song is my ringtone. Flawless~

  • @Idontgothatway
    @Idontgothatway Год назад +2

    I have been trying to find a book on this. Thanks! This is why I do not like camping lol Yes, it is beautiful scenery, but is eerie. I feel alone yet watched at the same time.

  • @exorcisingerica3486
    @exorcisingerica3486 3 года назад +6

    I’m constantly feeling my phone vibrate and checking it only to find nothing. It’s been going on for years now. And I would like to note that my phone is on do not disturb mode around 90% of the time…but the feel of the vibration is distinct and strong.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +6

      I get the same thing, Erica! We're not alone. I think the phenomenon is called "Phantom Vibration".

    • @exorcisingerica3486
      @exorcisingerica3486 3 года назад +2

      @@BeliefHolePodcast thank god I’m not alone.

    • @Mr.8.7.8USCH
      @Mr.8.7.8USCH Год назад


  • @AustinofEarth
    @AustinofEarth 7 месяцев назад +1

    Mushrooms and giggles are synonymous especially near the beginning.

  • @rivenharlow
    @rivenharlow 10 месяцев назад +1

    That song was perfection, omg.

  • @TheYetixOUTx
    @TheYetixOUTx 3 года назад +6

    Shrooms give you hella giggles. Not so much with weed but it happens alot too

  • @iamthesandwichman
    @iamthesandwichman 3 года назад +3

    Guys I'm messaging Paulides as we speak about the Nishi from Bengal. It ticks more boxes than anything I've heard of so far and I've been looking for 4 years now. I think you guys really found it. I've thought of Pan many times I mean the Panic folks feel is a dead giveaway. But I think you guys really hit it on the head.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +3

      Thanks Magick Murdoc! On that point, the book we referenced in the show really got us going down this road, and it definitely relates to some of the high strangeness around missing 411. Definitely recommend it if you wanna read more. It's called Disembodied Voices: True Accounts of Hidden Beings by Tim Marczenko.

    • @iamthesandwichman
      @iamthesandwichman 3 года назад +2

      Hahaha I actually had bought it as soon as I'd finished listening to the show. Finished it last week and is a very good read very interesting and disturbing as well. I am all about this topic. Piques my interest more than anything else Fortean. Glad I found you guys great show keep it up!

  • @RyanBile
    @RyanBile Год назад +1

    I have heard the beeping in the woods! And further more so many voice phenomenon. They're never mechanical though they are whispers and hushed tones. Some times words like "hey" or once "it's a man." But often whispers that are indiscernible. I'm like in my 40s and they are happening now for like the last two years.

  • @Last.Stand.1111
    @Last.Stand.1111 Год назад +1

    As I have been watching you guys tonight a bunch of fires have started around me in BC... one just jumped the lake oof

  • @robcharteris1756
    @robcharteris1756 3 месяца назад

    My son loves that song he's 23 and always at the gym.

  • @AsTheWickedScatter
    @AsTheWickedScatter Год назад +4

    Ofc they fear it more than a bear….A bear can be reasoned with.

  • @jamiekalgren3446
    @jamiekalgren3446 26 дней назад

    Gotta also say that Dave Paulidis is 1 of my most cherished peep I watch. Love him. Don't know if I missed spelled his last name

  • @agentorangephotography216c4
    @agentorangephotography216c4 2 года назад +3

    Shrooms make you laugh a shit load if you take the right amount. Creepy. Had a weird experience over the weekend at Wayne national forrest close to Cincinnati. Screaming in the woods right when the woods got quiet. Very scary. Please if anyone has had an experience like this?

    • @The_ZeroLine
      @The_ZeroLine Месяц назад

      I remember laughing so hard on them it became very painful and I really, really wanted not to laugh.

    • @The_ZeroLine
      @The_ZeroLine Месяц назад

      Did the screaming sound like a woman or a baby? There are many animals that sound like a screaming woman, child or infant.

  • @Mari-Yamame
    @Mari-Yamame 9 месяцев назад +2

    I was woken up by a robotic voice calling my name, like it had a studder? It was either in middle or ending of a dream. I've been woken up by my name being called in my dream state in the past, I just thought it was odd that it was robotic this time. This is the second episode I've listened to that's mentioned it since. I haven't heard of this happening before the incident.

  • @garyjenson1326
    @garyjenson1326 7 месяцев назад +1

    Lynx have a call that sounds horribly close to a woman screaming "help". When I was young we were all told of this so we wouldn't tear off into the woods at night looking for her and get lost.

    • @robbieracer3294
      @robbieracer3294 5 месяцев назад

      Bobcats too, especially when they fight. Fox have a whole range of creepy sounds as well

  • @tjwignall9419
    @tjwignall9419 Год назад +1

    Good stuff , thanks guys ☺️

  • @emerginglobster2075
    @emerginglobster2075 3 года назад +5

    Do you guys still want viewer-submitted UFO stories? I've got one I'd really like to share

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +2

      Of course, Emerging Lobster!! Shoot it our way. You can record a voice message directly via our website, send a recording via email, or submit the encounter using this form:

  • @traceypedigo6405
    @traceypedigo6405 7 месяцев назад +1

    Put that scary stuff in my ears!

  • @jamiekalgren3446
    @jamiekalgren3446 26 дней назад

    I live in Medina too. Lived in Wadsworth, Brunswick and grew up in Hinckley. oh and I have my own dis- embodied dead hand story when I was like 7-8 yrs old maybe. Lived in an old haunted farm house on Rt 94 & Remsen Corners/Hinckley next to Rt 271. Also a story of something calling my name from my sister's bedroom so I would get out of my bed & come in my sister's room only to have something under my bed grab my feet when my feet stepped off my bed. Thought it was my sis tricking me but she was sleeping

  • @celiabrossard9736
    @celiabrossard9736 Год назад +3

    Idk if anyone ever answered this, but yes mushrooms do indeed make you giggle lol it's actually one of the most common signs that your about to start tripping. 🍄Just a fun fact from your friendly psychonaut fan.

  • @dopestdailydrivers2214
    @dopestdailydrivers2214 3 года назад +3

    Do yall have an episode on simulation theory? I couldnt find one. Ive probably heard all there is to hear on it but i would love to get yalls take on it if your well read in the subject. I cant help but feel its extremely possible and fascinating.

  • @jameswoolford2698
    @jameswoolford2698 6 месяцев назад

    Love this show. Tekkers sound & art & bantz

  • @wh4teley
    @wh4teley 4 месяца назад

    I live about a half hour away from Hillsborough. Mike's story is wild as shit.

  • @benchcrewgames
    @benchcrewgames 11 месяцев назад +1

    Butt naked gym locker room stories could be an episode all on its own. We've all seen more than we ever wanted in the gym locker room. Its a stange and unsettling place. Once i was brushing my teeth because i was working out in the morning and a guy was using the hand air dryer to air dry his neather regions. I said "i gotta ask, why are you doing that?" He whips around, big smile, and says "im glad you asked." At this point i knew had fell into his trap as he begins to explain with visual representaions the reason why he so thoroughly dried his balls in this manner. He ended by saying "you should give it a try." At this point i was done brushing my teeth and I said "thanks, i think i will." I left the gym locker room dreading my next encounter 😂 (unfortunately, this is a true story)

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  11 месяцев назад

      He just wants you to have a better life! 😂. Straight out of a movie scene.

  • @sylvandread9721
    @sylvandread9721 3 года назад +4

    This was so incredibly well done. I have to know, how did you hear about this book? Was to Coast to Coast?

    • @jonp.1084
      @jonp.1084 3 года назад +4

      Ha! Nice avatar.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +3

      Thanks Sylvan Dread! Great handle ;) Dug the Ontario Soundscape!
      - Jeremy

    • @sylvandread9721
      @sylvandread9721 3 года назад +3

      @@BeliefHolePodcast Ha! Thanks. One of my more popular videos. How did you hear about the book? Your podcast is one of the best I've ever heard.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +4

      Chris was searching for stories about being lured into the woods, ever since we did our Strange Wilderness episode, and he happened to come across this book, which turned out to be really well written and a fascinating angle from a personal perspective on the phenomena. One of the best books we’ve bought for the show. And thanks for the kind words, my friend. Glad you’re diggin the Hole!
      - Jeremy

  • @sickntired553
    @sickntired553 Год назад

    You guys are awesome! 👍😁🇭🇲

  • @mercedesmaguire1413
    @mercedesmaguire1413 2 месяца назад

    Super creepy, and happens all the time on the Res.

  • @user-fq3xi9bj6e
    @user-fq3xi9bj6e 6 месяцев назад +1

    I’m getting the book mention in the podcast

  • @aimeewank7859
    @aimeewank7859 Год назад +2

    Hey again, guys! Another weird sleepless night, another question 🙋🏻‍♀️ (you got back to me so fast yesterday, thanks for that) What is the main platform for newest episode? I usually just watch RUclips, I don’t use Facebook much or IG or any of the newer platforms at all. I was born in ‘81 so I think I’m technically a millennial, but I’m lame 😂 Anyway, this episode was the creepiest one for me so far, great job! And if you can let me know about the best way to listen (watch, too), I’d appreciate it! Thanks again! ✌🏽 & ❤from A.W. in PGH, PA, USA

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  Год назад +2

      Hey Aimee!! We are starting season 5 in a few days on Jan 27th. We’ll be dropping episodes on all podcast apps, as well as here on RUclips simultaneously, so any platform you choose should have the latest episode. If you want to get 2x the episodes, you can join the expansion using the link below, and you’ll get an additional full-length episode every time we drop a free one here:
      However you listen, we’re glad you’re in the Hole! :) Also, tune in here on RUclips for the premiere of season 5 on the 27th at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST. We all get to hang out in the live chat text box and talk all kinds of craziness during the show, so come join in if ya can :)

    • @aimeewank7859
      @aimeewank7859 Год назад +3

      @@BeliefHolePodcast Thanks for that! I just wanted to know where to send you nerds (😜) my hard-earned cash to get more quality content. And that’s my compliment to you 3 guys - I only subscribe and support channels that produce well- crafted, creative and entertaining content! With a little bit of history and education thrown in for dorks like me. 👍🏽 Great show, I’m totally addicted now, you guys are getting me through a rough medical (and life in general) patch. See you on the 27th, look for me in the comments! And just in case you guys are curious but too polite to ask, yep, that is my real last name. Funny as hell, right? 🤣 Everyone I meet from across the pond or down under thinks it’s a joke, til I prove it. I’ve totally embraced the idea that my name kinda translates to Aimee “Jagoff”, ahaha! Thank you for all the hard work! ✌🏽 & ❤️ from Pittsburgh

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  Год назад +1

      @@aimeewank7859 😂 we’ll cheers to all that! Glad you’re diggin all the aspects to the show too! See ya at the premiere!

    • @SirenandAbby
      @SirenandAbby Год назад

      @@aimeewank7859 🕳️🕳️🕳️ 🤗😁

  • @dorothyshinani6862
    @dorothyshinani6862 2 года назад +1

    You guys crack me up

  • @katchastain4984
    @katchastain4984 Год назад +2

    Pan or pam? Pamm pan..

    • @The_ZeroLine
      @The_ZeroLine Месяц назад

      Pan. Like Pan’s Labyrinth.

  • @The_ZeroLine
    @The_ZeroLine Месяц назад

    The mouse sounds like it’s definitely a screen memory. That’s usually due to abduction. It also would explain why the family thought nothing of it. They can produce odd behavior in others.

  • @branchesofYAH
    @branchesofYAH Год назад +1

    Seems strange all of these stories of satyrs and demons, pan, Peter Piper, all had a musical instrument made from a reed, and The Exodus account they were actually led not into the Red Sea, but into the sea of reeds, so that narrative of the reed and drowning, Shows up in pagan lore.

  • @vandalsupper
    @vandalsupper Год назад +1

    Literally right after the quote about the darkness an incoming call came in from an area code completely unlike mine and one I’ve never seen before… I did not answer it. 😮 1:02:53

  • @robgau2501
    @robgau2501 Год назад +1

    It sounds like the naked gym guy was on something. And who can it be now is a great song. Mainly out of nostalgia. I'm an 80s kid. And early 90s.

  • @Last.Stand.1111
    @Last.Stand.1111 Год назад +1

    Sucks if someone really needs help in the woods and everyone just goes ..dont help them!

  • @RealityInk
    @RealityInk 8 месяцев назад +1

    That Pan thing is supposed to be a misunderstanding. The priests of the cult of Thanos were announcing Thanos the all great is dead. Problem being in Greek from a distance it would sound like Pan the all great is dead. Also Pan isn't a demi god hes a nature god older than the Olympians.

  • @texastea5686
    @texastea5686 6 месяцев назад

    When i was a kid (im 47 now) the scariest Twilight Zone episode (after Talking Tina) was "Night Call" check it out of you havent seen it. Dont google what its about, just go in with a blank mind
    49:05 omg scary sounds there!!

  • @lunavarion
    @lunavarion 6 месяцев назад

    Honestly, this reminds me of skinwalker accounts I heard.

  • @manly-pack
    @manly-pack Год назад +1

    You wanna talk about synchronicities…. A week ago I found a baby mouse. It was abandoned in my goat barn with no nest in sight. I bottle fed it and it was seemingly doing really great. Until today. Things unexpectedly took a turn for the worst and it suddenly died. Then I randomly selected this video to take my mind off the poor thing.. but the video is featuring a mouse

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  Год назад

      Sorry to remind you of your loss! But it sounds like you gave it some love in it’s last final days. Good on you maddie! ❤️🐁

    • @manly-pack
      @manly-pack Год назад

      Thanks guys ❤ I just thought you would find the correlation interesting. What are the odds?

  • @mikelarry88888
    @mikelarry88888 3 года назад +5

    Just regarding the '3 beeps in the in forest' story , when listening to the story, for me it was ticking all the boxes of a prank - 3 electronic beeps(could be a walkie-talkie that someone stashed for the prank ,some walkies emit 3 beeps after transmitting or receiving a transmission) , and also the repetitive nature of the sound -could mean someone pre recorded the fathers voice onto a voice recorder or whatever and was scrolling back and forth through the recordings and transmitting them to the walkie talkie . I didnt catch all of the story because i was working listening on headphones, but i thought maybe the father or a sibling played the prank . Believe it or not, some parents do play pranks on their kids, which i think is disgusting personally(messing with their kids' reality) . Not talking about xmas etc

    • @MsOneironaut
      @MsOneironaut 2 года назад +2

      I also figured it was a prerecorded voice of the fathers but not by the father. I wonder if the entity is intelligent enough to try and use our technology to lure us. I have heard of a story recently where a young girl, whose car wouldnt turn on because of a dead battery, saw a wolf like humanoid near the wooded area by the parking lot, using a phone to call and lure her to the woods. She told the story to her friends and if it hadnt been the phone her best friend had lost earlier, they wouldnt have believed her. The thing called the girl 12 times even though the phone was locked and the owner had lost it in a totally different area. Interesting story though.

  • @vanceboles873
    @vanceboles873 6 месяцев назад

    So if you look at the modern alien/demon hybridization theories, the beings will appear as whatever they think will be most effective on a given subject, and what is seen varies greatly between different people.

  • @GodAnnunaki
    @GodAnnunaki Год назад +1

    Hey anyone know how to access the expansion? On RUclips only

  • @ScottJB
    @ScottJB 3 года назад +2

    Giggles is definitely something that happens on green. Not that I would have any reason to know that 👀

    • @jonp.1084
      @jonp.1084 3 года назад +1

      That’s not true when you’re first starting out on it. Later on and you are used for sure no but the first probably 15 to 20 times I used, I had intense laughing fits with my friends.

    • @ScottJB
      @ScottJB 3 года назад +1

      @@jonp.1084 I think it might differ from person to person. I'm definitely a laugher.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  3 года назад +2

      In my past experience, when wasn't paranoid, I was laughing. I prefer the latter :)
      - Jeremy

    • @SirenandAbby
      @SirenandAbby Год назад


  • @stevenhargett
    @stevenhargett 11 месяцев назад +1

    Mushrooms 🍄 DEFINITELY GIVE YOU THE GIGGLES AT FIRST. 2 years later there’s your answer

  • @user-xj1si6ed2t
    @user-xj1si6ed2t 8 месяцев назад

    30:51 The Horites (Hebrew: חֹרִים‎ Ḥōrīm), were a people mentioned in the Torah (Genesis 14:6, 36:20, Deuteronomy 2:12) inhabiting areas around Mount Seir in Canaan (Genesis 36:2,5).[1]
    Seir is a satyr, while a horite is a cave dweller. So it mentions half goat troglodytes that were waring with Jacob's descendants. Also, being chimeric monstrosities makes them nephilim.
    There was an island somewhere close to Egypt where bathomet was worshiped that was another satyr like pagan deity. They are making statues of it all over the US.

  • @Brianovicz
    @Brianovicz Год назад +1

    Never thought fiction becomes real

  • @mindydiaz9015
    @mindydiaz9015 2 месяца назад

    Last summer I heard the same thing in my brother's voice on night. We live on family property together in different houses. But whatever it was said mindy in a weird way. I said oh fuck no its 12am my brother is in bed. So I ignored it. That next day we seen 2 of our cats were missing. One of his cats was named misty and my name is Mindy. I heard misty that's why it sounded weird. I asked if he was out looking for her at 12 but he said he was in bed at 9pm. My cat showed back up alive but had a chunk taken out of his leg our vet was freaked out after i told her. My cat is fine but his cat never came home. About a month later my husband was on the front porch around 11pm and he ran in the house and said a lion is outside growling at him. We both went out and it sounded like that lion that comes on before movies start. My oldest came out and grabbed an axe and we chased it to the edge of the property about 2 acres but did not see anything just heard growling that moved away from us the more we tried to get closer.

  • @garfixit
    @garfixit 3 месяца назад

    Ghost mouse 🐁 love you guys

  • @erikthedrink
    @erikthedrink Год назад +1

    It's a 25 minute podcast before goofing around is added.

    • @BeliefHolePodcast
      @BeliefHolePodcast  Год назад

      You are not wrong. It's hard not to goof around a bit because that's just our style and the fact we are all brothers. That said, this is an older episode and we've tamed that back quite a bit and try to stick much more to the content as we've become more polished.

  • @clairehann2681
    @clairehann2681 Год назад

    Side note, baby deer are famously docile

  • @travisulibarri6217
    @travisulibarri6217 3 месяца назад +1

    Me and my cousins misbehaving inthe kitchen on the old wwod cooking stove grandmother' told use settledone or theming might get you sure enough the thing your calling pan was looking at us though the window i just saw his face but im sure that thing was half got

  • @The_ZeroLine
    @The_ZeroLine Месяц назад

    Fawns separated from mom often approach humans. Not bizarre at all. I’ve had multiple fawns approach me. Tiny fawns will just lie down in place. Only later do they develop the automatic flight reaction.

  • @travisulibarri6217
    @travisulibarri6217 3 месяца назад

    I've got lost like that a few times out hear in newmexico not really lost but I'd come out of the mountains20 miles the w rong way never saw anything just felt them watching

    • @travisulibarri6217
      @travisulibarri6217 3 месяца назад

      One time I got lost on a peak and call my friend to come find me I let a bomb fire for he can fin d me from the highway good thing they wear there watching me make the fire in the dark I still could not see them but felt there presents

  • @masdavis236
    @masdavis236 2 года назад +1

    Mushrooms absolutely gives you the giggles 😆

  • @treytraylor7078
    @treytraylor7078 Год назад +3

    Nuded up bench bros

  • @barbarat5729
    @barbarat5729 Год назад

    Topo Gigio!

  • @Baswenaazhi88
    @Baswenaazhi88 8 месяцев назад

    The deer is domesticated 😂

  • @St1cKnGoJuGgAlO
    @St1cKnGoJuGgAlO 4 месяца назад

    "Silva" is the literal word for "forest" in latin. So sylvan dread is just dread of the forest.
    Illas sylvas igne deleo

  • @ragnarlothbrok8001
    @ragnarlothbrok8001 2 месяца назад

    Screen memory.

  • @ericruiz658
    @ericruiz658 3 месяца назад +1

    Giggles is LSD

  • @travisulibarri6217
    @travisulibarri6217 3 месяца назад

    I dont no what they are my grandmother new more but shes been gone for 17 years

  • @winstonmcleodthescottishpa3002
    @winstonmcleodthescottishpa3002 11 месяцев назад

    Nishi, also means life/death. NI, = life, SHi,= Death. I belive its of Japanese dialect. From the top of my head.

  • @dragowolfx
    @dragowolfx Год назад

    bleh king of negative paranormal entities in india is an Asura....not to be confused with raakshasa both are different clans