Spring In Nashville | Vlog

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @jenniferramos7024
    @jenniferramos7024 3 года назад +15

    Without makeup - Em is the spit image of you!!! How cute 🥰

    @AMERICAN.MADE.GOODS2020 3 года назад +6

    So cute yall bicycling together and him sitn in that little seat!
    What a blast

  • @-nellie-m3711
    @-nellie-m3711 3 года назад +12

    Emorett looks like he really enjoyed his bike ride, he’s getting so big, Thank You for sharing parts of your home town with us, I really enjoyed this, everything was so Pretty along the bike track and then to finish your day off with family get together, how Perfect was that. Cheers from Queensland Australia 🇦🇺💗💗💙🥶🥶🥶

  • @floorwiggers6678
    @floorwiggers6678 3 года назад +3

    Emorett and eating...he gets so excited, reminds me off when our kids when younger, btw they still love to eat, and they eat a lot, but that's a good thing, they are still growing, emorett is so cute, i luv when he smiles, such a beautiful smile, made my day💙...

  • @juliehayes4891
    @juliehayes4891 3 года назад +8

    Adorable! Could the parents wear helmets too, please? I don't like wearing them either, but my husband met some people through work that can no longer take care of themselves due to traumatic brain injuries sustained while on a bike ride. Your family is precious and I would hate for anything to happen to you.💗

  • @dheredia2789
    @dheredia2789 3 года назад +5

    Good job catching that football Milania.
    Emmoret loves so many things!

  • @conniefeltman4561
    @conniefeltman4561 3 года назад +6

    Your full of family cuteness! 🥰🥰❣️🌹

  • @ramaalhakeem1577
    @ramaalhakeem1577 3 года назад +5

    I lived in Cookeville, TN for 10 years!! Love these memories ❤

  • @JulieNick28
    @JulieNick28 3 года назад +3

    I just adore your channel. Thank you for sharing your little boy with us!

  • @laurabaldock7218
    @laurabaldock7218 3 года назад +6

    That little helmet is so cute on him!!!

  • @lindawitz3548
    @lindawitz3548 2 года назад

    I love your videos. You have a beautiful family. And Emorett is adorable

  • @conniebryant6740
    @conniebryant6740 3 года назад +10

    Omg, my 9 month old granddaughter is in love with Emerit, and so am I.

  • @debbiecs1964
    @debbiecs1964 3 года назад +12

    I’m impressed you can catch that football with one hand while holding Emorett. Can Andrey share how he does the investing and how he learned about it?

  • @classyladyangie31
    @classyladyangie31 3 года назад +2

    You guys are awesome!! Love your fam!! Blessing! 🥰

  • @limora3616
    @limora3616 3 года назад +3

    He looks SO cute on the bike! 🤗💖

  • @marcy7725
    @marcy7725 3 года назад +3

    What kind of bikes are those? Will love to know.

  • @Lola-AreaCode212
    @Lola-AreaCode212 3 года назад +1

    This video makes me happy, especially the bike ride.

  • @rslily
    @rslily 3 года назад

    Nashville is so peaceful and beautiful

  • @Tricia_K
    @Tricia_K 3 года назад

    What a cutie - and he's got momma's smile for sure!

  • @lynnorford945
    @lynnorford945 3 года назад

    Emorett is absolutely gorgeous, you are such a lovely family xx

  • @AliciaLynn2
    @AliciaLynn2 3 года назад +3

    He looks so much like you, such a cutie!

  • @caseyyoung8330
    @caseyyoung8330 3 года назад +1

    Looks like an amazing day!! Thank you for sharing

  • @radleyrayne287
    @radleyrayne287 3 года назад +1

    Oh Milana Emorret is your double! Such a happy family 🥰

  • @moogarland
    @moogarland 3 года назад +5

    Looks like a fun family weekend! I'd be SPENT after all that. 🥰 Speaking of spent...can we get Andrey to give us some investment pointers? 😂 Does he teach online classes? I would love to know more about it!

    • @delaneyyoungwilliams9489
      @delaneyyoungwilliams9489 3 года назад +2

      I second this 😂He seems like he’d be a great teacher, please post more tips on how to start investing!

  • @amyd.9578
    @amyd.9578 3 года назад +3

    Tennessee is a great place to race children!! He looks healthy and happy, lucky baby, lucky parents!!

  • @conniefeltman4561
    @conniefeltman4561 3 года назад +2

    Hey where’s mine? Thank you for boosting my mood! Love seeing that sweet lil boy! When he smiles ... I smile! 😂😂

  • @sharibc3597
    @sharibc3597 3 года назад

    A wonderful day in life! Thanks for sharing it with us! I’m looking forward to some 80 degree temps here in a few days! We had a cold snap in Texas! 😳

  • @VelvetScarlett
    @VelvetScarlett 3 года назад +1

    Oh boy, coming to TN just for the Wells coffee. See you soon! Lol jk such a fun vlog. Miss you guys!

  • @bettyquiroga5055
    @bettyquiroga5055 3 года назад


  • @mishtidoi02
    @mishtidoi02 3 года назад

    Em is the cutest baby I have ever seen

  • @lissajedi
    @lissajedi 3 года назад +1

    What kind of bikes are those? They look tiny, but cool

  • @vickieengle4837
    @vickieengle4837 3 года назад +1

    Adorable vlog! ❤️

  • @1sunshineTN
    @1sunshineTN 3 года назад +1

    I wish we could come to Nashville! We have family there and we are in TN but we are still trying to be careful. Thank you for sharing! Now go find my family and say hello for me. Lol! What park are you visiting today?

  • @jnbond
    @jnbond 3 года назад

    Love the outings!

  • @jmillard4966
    @jmillard4966 3 года назад

    Emorett is adorable 💕

  • @sarinadonnelly7457
    @sarinadonnelly7457 3 года назад +1

    Beautiful family

  • @mirandac2760
    @mirandac2760 3 года назад +2

    What kind of bikes are those?

  • @sierrafrench3269
    @sierrafrench3269 3 года назад +2

    omg can you link the bike seat and your outfit? so cute

    • @AnaGarcia-zz5rf
      @AnaGarcia-zz5rf 3 года назад

      The bike seat and helmet are both from bobike

  • @laurenjay3084
    @laurenjay3084 3 года назад +1

    Where did you get the bike seat for him? Love 😍

    • @AnaGarcia-zz5rf
      @AnaGarcia-zz5rf 3 года назад

      The bike seat and helmet are both from bobike

  • @amandayamauchi7283
    @amandayamauchi7283 3 года назад

    I love watching your vlogs

  • @yuliathatcher168
    @yuliathatcher168 3 года назад

    Hi! I love your sweet family! ❤Can you tell me what kind of bikes are those?

  • @kc6796
    @kc6796 3 года назад +3

    Maybe you answer this in the video (not finished yet with the vid)
    what kind of bikes are those?

    • @chaoshome34
      @chaoshome34 3 года назад +1

      I would love to know as well!!

    • @kiska6135
      @kiska6135 3 года назад +1

      One is by the brand Brompton (Andrey's) and Milana's is Tern

  • @maliedivine
    @maliedivine 3 года назад

    What kind of car did you drive?? It looks cool!

  • @emilyallen7548
    @emilyallen7548 3 года назад

    where is your bike seat from?! that looks perfect!

    • @AnaGarcia-zz5rf
      @AnaGarcia-zz5rf 3 года назад

      The bike seat and helmet are both from bobike

  • @smilesandbestwishes8597
    @smilesandbestwishes8597 3 года назад

    Loved this!!

  • @debbie3218
    @debbie3218 3 года назад

    Your baby is so adorable!

  • @mrsknoxville09
    @mrsknoxville09 3 года назад +1

    Can you link that adorable baby bike seat please🙏🙏🙏

    • @AnaGarcia-zz5rf
      @AnaGarcia-zz5rf 3 года назад

      The bike seat and helmet are both from Bobike

  • @adriramirez54
    @adriramirez54 3 года назад

    What kind of bike is that with the baby?

  • @CR-ru1kw
    @CR-ru1kw 3 года назад

    Thanks for sharing 🥰🥰🥰!

  • @raritynj1377
    @raritynj1377 3 года назад

    Where did you get those bikes?!?

  • @meghanfenlaw9248
    @meghanfenlaw9248 3 года назад +4

    We have a “wintry mix” on the forecast tonight though 😭😭😭

    • @millylarz
      @millylarz 3 года назад

      Right??? Like when I moved to TN (closer to M'boro than Nashville) I was told there's not really tornadoes and usually fairly mild winters 🤣🤣🤣 last year made liars out of all my neighbors lol.

  • @shannon6007
    @shannon6007 3 года назад

    Lovee peg leg porker! Havent been there for a few years! From Minnesota

  • @chrisnortney420
    @chrisnortney420 3 года назад

    Great parenting ! X

  • @annakozlowski1774
    @annakozlowski1774 3 года назад

    What kind of bikes are they🎀

  • @ashlee452
    @ashlee452 3 года назад +2

    Wow, I‘m so jealous. You can do everything during the pandemic. In Germany (and many other european countries) you can‘t even go to a restaurant or doing sports since 6 month. We‘re not allowed to leave our house at night and have to wear FFP2 masks nearly everywhere in Bavaria 😔

    • @jessicabookout771
      @jessicabookout771 3 года назад +2

      It's also why we've lost half a million people to COVID too... People here just don't care

    • @jessicabookout771
      @jessicabookout771 3 года назад +1

      I am a teacher in Indiana another state in America my students have been back in person since August and I work at a school with over 3,000 students after winter break we had over 50 positive cases in the school and over 700 students quarantined...

    • @jessicabookout771
      @jessicabookout771 3 года назад

      To be fair to Milana though most adults in the United States are getting vaccinated to and are already fully vaccinated now... I'm a teacher and I just got vaccinated last month.

    • @ashlee452
      @ashlee452 3 года назад +1

      @@jessicabookout771 Our students do home schooling. Usually this is against the law, but they have no other choice. Everytime they try to open schools the numbers are getting worse. Even though we have sooo many restrictions. Everything is closed except for grocery and drug stores and I can meet only one person at a time. More and more people are getting angry at out government. I can understand that the american way is not perfect, but neither is ours (in my opinion). It feels like I‘ve wasted a whole year of my life and people are getting mental problems because of social isolation.

    • @Nanner823
      @Nanner823 3 года назад

      You guys aren't allowed outside?

  • @tanjabastigkeit2078
    @tanjabastigkeit2078 3 года назад +8

    You are living pretty normal and in my country (Germany) everything is closed. 😭😭😭

    • @jessicabookout771
      @jessicabookout771 3 года назад +5

      Lol that's cuz people dgaf in America... I'm a teacher and we've been back in school since August and I work at a high school with over 3,000 students people would rather have their "freedoms" than being mindful of others health

    • @jessicabookout771
      @jessicabookout771 3 года назад +2

      But to be fair by this point many adult Americans are vaccinated against the virus

    • @Motolulu7
      @Motolulu7 3 года назад +1

      @@jessicabookout771 Jessica Thank you for all you have done and do to keep education interesting and going. I totally understand your frustration I teach at the university level and my students are the very reason why our counties are in high-risk. Luckily since the vaccinations have been rolling out steadily that number and the severity of the status has been going down. Thinking of you Jessica thank you again!!!! 🦾💙🤍❤️

    • @tanjabastigkeit2078
      @tanjabastigkeit2078 3 года назад

      @@jessicabookout771 I agree with the behaviour of younger people. It's the same here. Of course not everyone! The main problem today is, that since November every culture, sports, shopping etc is dead. And that's why the people meet themselves in private rooms. For example 15 people in a small apartment. But it's only allowed 5 people of two households. Accept children.
      The other problem is, in Germany we don't have so much space like the Americans. Imagine 80 Million people are living in Texas and California. It's sometimes hard to find some quiet areas. We are everywhere 😁

    • @sparklejumpropequeen667
      @sparklejumpropequeen667 3 года назад

      @@tanjabastigkeit2078 hmm. Not an accurate number at all. However, both very populated states so yes; tons of covid

  • @lauralopez-reese7116
    @lauralopez-reese7116 3 года назад +1

    Is the pandemic not affecting Nashville much? I would be so nervous to visit with family or friends that are coming in from out during these uncertain times. Em is such a cute baby!

  • @danijelap.6650
    @danijelap.6650 3 года назад +1

    Dobro jutro!

  • @msjannifer
    @msjannifer 3 года назад

    I want to live there.

  • @sueperdue6174
    @sueperdue6174 3 года назад

    You are really athletic!

  • @majav4545
    @majav4545 3 года назад

    Dobrooo jutro❤️

  • @laurennicki4991
    @laurennicki4991 3 года назад +2

    I always thought you and your husband were foreign for some reason! Have you always lived in the states??

    • @judy287
      @judy287 3 года назад +1


    • @kiska6135
      @kiska6135 3 года назад +2

      Milana originally is from Belarus and Andrey is from Ukraine

    • @lorismith9102
      @lorismith9102 3 года назад

      I thought the same. I was shocked to learn they live so close.

    • @luciaperdue5687
      @luciaperdue5687 3 года назад

      She was six month's when her parents came to USA Andre came before milana

  • @lindadodd3829
    @lindadodd3829 3 года назад

    My idea of what normal must look like.

  • @amandabrannan5411
    @amandabrannan5411 3 года назад

    Where are guys originally from, Canada? The accent is beautiful.

  • @rslily
    @rslily 3 года назад

    What language did she speak to the baby?

  • @JustBreatheOkay
    @JustBreatheOkay 3 года назад

    I’m interested in learning more about investing, where is your husband teaches that ?

  • @helensolomon4420
    @helensolomon4420 3 года назад


  • @jessicabookout771
    @jessicabookout771 3 года назад

    Meanwhile its snowing in Indiana 😭😭😭

  • @kiyaevans9178
    @kiyaevans9178 3 года назад

    Love your vlogs guys, but you riding without helmets gave me anxiety. Apart from leading by example for little Emorett, any fall off a bike can cause major head injuries. I know most people don’t enjoy wearing them, but they are there for a reason.

  • @name9957
    @name9957 3 года назад +1


  • @dorothygray4829
    @dorothygray4829 3 года назад

    Sweet. Be safe and wear helmets.

  • @victorianeu
    @victorianeu 3 года назад +1


  • @nisiamancini4061
    @nisiamancini4061 3 года назад +1

    Beautiful family but why don’t you guys wear helmets?

    • @tikru34
      @tikru34 3 года назад +1

      I was wondering the same thing..