Considered one of the fiercest and largest tank battles in history, the Battle of Kursk (also known as the Battle of Prokhorovka) took place in July and August 1943 during World War II. This battle resulted in an unsuccessful German offensive against the Soviets. The Soviet Union gained the advantage on the Eastern Front, which it held until the end of the war. Read more about the Battle of Prokhorovka 👉 ➞ SUBSCRIBE for more Sabaton: ➞ MERCHANDISE Official Store:
Could you make one about the 36th Ulster Division (Somme 1st July they were the only British division to break through the German lines, won 4/9 of the Victoria Crosses awarded on the first day and suffered around 5000 casualties)
Thank you for all your amazing music. Last week I went to a summer camp in the mountains and I was walking and found a guy wearing a guy from Arkansas wearing a Sabaton hat he got from Dallas and we ended up talking for 2 hours about y’all’s music. Your music doesn’t just teach people about history it also has the power to bring strangers together
@@Sabaton I am a very political person and every song of yours.. even the ones that are against my ideology are legendary and absolutely excellent…. Your channel is one of the most underrated music channels ever … we have Tseries but not sabaton.. would be more than happy to see 2 yt Channels from Sweden to take the top spot in yt 😉. Love from India
@@Soyuzniki21 I wouldnt say theyre against it. I mean they sing mostly about history stuff, especially WW2, and from what I see you are a communist. And I cant see where they're against it. I cant see where they're against of fascism too, they just enjoy singing it and probably research every ideology
I'd listened to the odd Sabaton song here and there (their cover of Twilight of the Thunder God was my first), but when I heard Resist and Bite, there was no going back. I think that was when their style clicked with me. Been a diehard ever since.
The lines "Panzers on russian soil, a thunder in the east" and "one milion man at war, the soviet wrath unleashed" are the most impactfull for me from entire song.
My grandmother was a nurse during that battle. She lost her house in Prokhorovka, her husband (in 1942) and her father (in 1943) at war. She hated this war with all her heart. She said then, that after the battle ended, nurses were taking injured people out of burning tanks - everyone they could find alive, no matter who it was - russian soldier or german soldier. Because war is hell. Thank you for this song! People should never forget about what happened then, and never let it happen again
К сожалению история ничему не учит. И вот спустя много лет, так же как и тогда в 1941 году, в 4 часа утра Путин вероломно напал на Украину.... Люди, что же вы делаете, опомнитесь?! Для кого-то война способ удержать власть и сохранить свои дворцы и яхты, а для других это боль и страдания!!!
i really hope they read this but thank you sabaton! my brother is struggling with autism and gets overwhelmed easily, but once i start playing songs you guys made he calms down immediately! he really loves this band so i just wanted to say thank you for making these songs, keep up the good work!
Love this comment I also have autism but I’m the higher end this helps me calm down I’ve written whole papers becuse of these guys pls keep writing your awesome songs
Tsaritsyn should you say too hh...But syriously there is something about it, living in that historical place. Well i can say it from autoption too, cause I live in the Warsaw, and learning in secondary school which is located in the borders of former Warsaw getto. good day everyone
My great-grandfather fought in Prohorovka. And I want to say thank you,Sabaton for making this song. It makes me feel what he experienced and passed through. Once again,thank you.
I speak for American people now, despite our differences now, we are great full for your sacrifices you made in helping the world defeat the the Jerry's
Самый мощный видеоряд к отличной песне. В голосе экспрессия и на картинке видно что ЭТО было. Курская дуга не повторится никогда. На маленьком отрезке в 25 км на южном фасе , от Томаровки до Ракитного (сам оттуда и много ездил по этим местам) так вот на этом крохотном отрезке нанес удар один из лучших танковых генералов генерал Герман Готт , командующий 4 танковой армией. 1200 танков в составе 48 тк и 2 тк СС. В Великой Германии из 48 тк, ВСЕ 200 пантер Т5 на восточном фронте, в составе 2 тк СС отборные панцергренадерские дивизии Лейбштандарт, Дас Райх И Тоттенкомф (Мертвая голова). Смею вас уверить , что никто в мире не выдержал бы такого удара. В 1945 под Арденнами после удара 6 та СС Зепа Дитриха, который в танках разбирался как хрюша в апельсинах ( бывший нач охраны фюрера, потолок комбат). И то у союзников чуть фронт не развалился при полном господстве в воздухе и отсутствия горючки у немцев. А здесь был ад. В первом эшелоне стояли ветераны Сталинграда, гвардейцы Чистякова 6 гв армия, под Черкасским был совершен подвиг о котором мало знают. 48 тк Кнобельсдорфа просто стал на двое суток и потом уперся в 1 гв та Катукова. И вынужден был сначала повернуть от Обояни а потом остановиться под Яковлево. Эсессовцы перли как бешеные до Прохоровки и потом вынуждены были повернуть.Всем псевдоисторикам, кто говорит что у немцев не было больших потерь, напомните что под Борисовкой на сборном пункте, при контратаке было взято несколько сотен раздолбанных танков. Они что их сами ломали. Снимите шляпу перед танкистами которые жили две три атаки и перед противотанкистами, которые могли повторить девиз гладиаторов "Идущие на смерть приветствуют тебя". Предки выдержали страшный удар и судьба войны была решена именно здесь. Переведите кто нибудь на английский пусть почитают.
Envoy: “Sir, the Germans are invading, what do we do?!?!” Stalin:”Make more tanks and send them to the frontline.” Envoy:”How many, sir?” Stalin:” *yes* “
Мой прадед Бурцев Иван Михайлович был участником битвы под Прохоровкой и других боёв на Курской Дуге. То, что он пережил не передать словами. Нам стоит чтить память своих предков, воевавших в Великой Отечественной войне!
The history of the Eastern Front is something many of us in the West don't know very well, thanks to our focus on the West and the Pacific. Millions of men mobilized, thousands of kilometers of front, entire army *groups* clashing -- battles like Kursk so titanic they make even D-Day in Normandy look like a minor kerfuffle. If you're into history, especially the history touched on by this band, go. Read. Learn.
@@vinniciuselion4544 There are some popular films about eastern front, its just that they are anti-soviet propaganda that portrays them as morons who shoot their own and attack with no equipment.
In case anyone wants the other huge factor it's because after the iron curtain fell the east wasn't keen on sharing info. So Americans just let Germans who were there write about it causing a lot of misinformation that still gets pushed today. Once the Soviet Union collapsed the west was allowed into the archives so despite everything our knowledge of the eastern front was limited or just plain wrong till more recently.
Fun fact: When officers came into Stalin’s room to inform him of the Nazi invasion Stalin misinterpreted it for an arrest so he thought he was under arrest
@@Raven-vu8xn thats a fake lol, also if you try to turn your head on, you might guess that he has his guard nearby which could easily arrest comming people.
@@Raven-vu8xn their obligation is to protect and obey their commander, so if Stalin ordered they might have arrested. Also even if they couldnt that doesnt mean that the fake about the thoughts of Stalin about his arrest becomes true
Yeah we will never forget the fake neutrality that Sweden had during world two. All jokes aside they really weren’t neutral they let Germany March right through them and sold them iron
Panzerkampf was the first Sabaton song I ever heard when I was just a baby metalhead, and to this day is still one of my favorites! Was so glad to see this video 😄
First of all, I am German myself. My grandma always told me that my great-grandpa (her father) was stationed on the Eastern Front as a gunner. However, he didn't have the heart to shoot people because they were presented to him as the "enemy", so he missed on purpose. When his superiors found out, he had the choice between being put against the wall (execution by firing order) or bringing ammunition for those who would do it. Because he was able to tell her this story, I think I know what he "chose" to do. It's frightening how war presents even potentially good people with ultimate decisions when in the end the instinct of self-preservation prevails. I hope that I never find myself in a situation where I have to make such a decision.
My grandfather was the one of the many unlucky Soviet soldiers during operation Barbarossa who fought and died protecting his country on the Romanian boarder. Спасибо за свою службу, дед)
So many good people died defending their country. When so many awful people committed atrocities abroad and returned Heroes. It isn't fair and I'm sorry.
Why unlucky ? My grandfather who was a partisan fighting for Macedonia and Yugoslavia was wounded while fighting against the bulgarian fascists,and his sister died while killing 5 fascists in a suicide bombing.There is no greater glory than fighting for your ideals and your country.Thanks to those like your grandfather we are free today.
Прадед погиб под Курском в 1943. Он был во 2 эшелоне обороны, в пехотном полку. Песня эпичная и даже грандиозная. My great-grandfather has died near Kursk in 1943. He was in 2nd defencive line as an infantryman. This song is epic and great, even grandious.
Your great grandfather sounds like pretty cool guy. I have a great-great-great uncle who was shot by a Nazi officer while smuggling jews out of Germany and into Switzerland during 1942. Maybe they met each other in heaven?
.У кого то тоже дед погиб, пока Курск брал. Эта война давно уходит в прошлое, и только ноющий русский всё про деда да бабку. Жить прошлым не иметь настоящего, не видя будущего!
@@nikolast6069 Ты что несёшь? Он не ноет, он лишь сказал факт, что его дед погиб под Курском во время Великой отечественной. Да, с каждым годом эта война отдаляется от нас, но мы не должны забывать павших. Ты пишешь, что жить прошлым, значит, не иметь настоящего и не видеть будущего, но если забывать про прошлое, то ты тоже будущего не увидишь, ибо тот, кто забывает прошлое, обречён на его повторение.
Россия Всегда была первой и будет! Россия - это МИРОТВОРЕЦ ! КТО НА РОССИЮ С МЕЧОМ ПОЙДЕТ -ОТ ЭТОГО МЕЧА И ПОГИБНЕТ! С Россией надо дружить! Россия Оплот и спасение Всего Мира от Самоуничтожения!
Спасибо!Я живу как раз в тех местах,о которых поется в песне,30 км от Прохоровки,всегда когда едут в районе хутора Комсомольского,думаю "какой ад тут творился в 43м". Бабушка жила в 10км за Прохоровкой,село постоянно из рук в руки переходило,в соседнем селе немцы из "Мертвая голова" почти 600 человек раненных красноармейцев и жителей сожгли в амбаре.Бабушка рассказывала как три дня стоял грохот в стороне Прохоровки,а потом стало тихо и они на станцию за солью пошли,а станции практически и нет,многие дома разбиты,дальше в нескольких км танки еще горят,дымятся,собаки бродят с лошадьми. Некоторые застрявшие в пойме Псла танки стояли до 60х годов,отец с товарищами туда играть бегали,вытянуть не могли да и не до них было
@@NameDDD что уж тогда говорить о руководителях Польши,Чехии,Франции,Англии,а проспавший Перл-Харбор Рузвельт,это же позор,сколько людей эти твари загубили
Вы тут осуждаете, осуждаете, а ведь твари из-за которых погибли люди это фашистская верхушка и люди их спонировавшие, если бы не они, вообще войны не было б.
У SABATON больше песен про героизм Советских людей в ВОВ, чем у всех Российских певцов и певичек. Исключение Кипелов с шедевром "Непокоренный", но это уже другой формат.
Эти люди (советские солдаты) прошли этот путь пешком, попутно сломав "хребет" самой бесчеловечной идеологии на Земле. Уверен, что если-бы ты сражался за свободу, равенство и братство для себя и своих детей, то тоже сделал-бы это не задумываясь, товарищ! ✊
Listening to this song gives me goosebumps. My Jewish greatgrandfather died in the battle of Kursk. He was from Kharkov and was forced to leave his wife and 2 sons behind when the factory he worked in got evacuated to the East. When the word spread that the nazis murdered all of the city's Jews in what is now Drogobychski Yar, he though that his entire family were dead. He enlisted into the army (he was 45+, so he wasn't drafted) to get revenge. The thing is, my greatgrandmother and one of her sons (my grandfather) got away. They exchanged 1 or 2 letters, so that's how the story got to me. And then he died in the battle.
“The battle of Kursk was the final strategic offensive the Germans were able to mount in the East. It broke the backbone of the Wehrmacht.” - Marshal Georgy Zhukov
3:13 favorite moment!!! Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands! Will of the people, strong in command. Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands! Once more victorious, the Red Army stands.
@@Erika_IwdT Ну типо, чисто со стороны советов погибла 27 миллионов человек ( военных, без учёта мирных жителей). Что как 3 Беларуси или 1,5 Казахстана. По-моему это достаточно огромная цифра. И как бы не хотелось бы такой же разрушительной и кровавый тотальной войны.
@@Диванныйэксперт-и3ь Как раз таки с учётом мирного населения погибло 27 миллионов. Военных погибло 8 миллионов. Остальные - мирное население погибшее в концлагерях, расстрелянное немцами или погибшее под немецкими бомбардировками.
If a nation doesn't learn from it's history, it deserves to live it again. -Winston Churchill, I think (Snapchat AI said so). One thing we can learn from history is that noone ever learns from history. -Otto Von Bismarck (never fact checked if it was really his quote) If we take these 2 quotes as truth, we can clearly see why is it like this.
У меня дед (если быть точным то один из родных братьев отца моего отца) погиб от ранений, полученных на Курской Дуге. Призван из села Вярды, Шатой, Чеченская Республика. Сейчас сам живу в Белгороде, был на Прохоровском поле
Все же к сабатон лучше слова как-то. "О матушка Русь-Союз земель. Воля народа, сильного в товариществе. О матушка Русь-Союз земель. Ещё одну победу одержала Красная Армия."
@@Historia_Invictus ... seriously... google "Ukrainian addressing Canadian Parliament* in 2023. The guy from Ukraine addressing the Canadians was a Ukrainian *Not - See* (google/youtube filter filter).
This is the song that brought me to Sabaton, on a fateful summer day. For that, this has earned a place in my heart and undying love for Sabaton. Amazing music!
@@Sabaton If People listened to Sabaton, Iron Maiden they would learn real world history and hopefully never ever to repeat it, The Songs about Auschwitz so powerful, and WW2 so raw, so brilliantly wrote, researched and performed... keep up the great work guys. love ya, Need to come and see your show in Prague or Frankfurt.
I mean it wasn’t really powerful at all. The soviets got propped up by the American and British and without them and the idiotic decisions the German high command made, they would have lost even with their massive numerical superiority. Check out the lend lease act, over 150 billion went to the soviets (adjusted for today’s figures). The allies knew that the soviets had zero value for the lives of their soldiers and used that.
@@duckhunter17 massive numerous superiority? Really? How about the fact that the Nazis had 8,5 mobilized soldiers at the start of invasion when the Red army had 5 millions soldiers. Also, there are not included numbers of an armies of the European Nazi allies. Romanian armed forces included from 700 000 to 1 million and Finland had about 560-605 thousands soldiers who also participated in invadion. In total, 5 millions Red army soldiers had to resist the about 11 millions allied fascist troops in 1941. Where is that huge numerous superiority? The mobilization was done much later. Also myths about the lend lease. Yes, we are very grateful to the USA and Britain for it, but we should not exaggerate the factual numbers. For example, during the period from 1941 to 1945 lend lease had provided 12 199 tanks, it is 11,2% from number of all tanks that Red army had during this period. It is a big number, but not the main. Before this period Red army had 23 000 tanks (21,1%) and during this period Soviet factories provided 73 900 (67,7%) tanks. Another example - planes. Red army already had 12 500 (8,3%) planes, lend lease had provided 18 297 (12,1%) and Soviet factories provided 120 000 (79,6 %). And another sorts of equipment have similar statistics. Yes, the lend lease was quite useful for supplying Red army at the beginning of this period, during the evacuation of Soviet industry, but it is wrong to say that USA and Britain saved USSR, because the main part of equipment was provided by Union itself. As to «zero attitude to human lives» it is even useless to say something about it. Just a piece of Goebbels propoganda. Saying this, you are offending all the soldiers, veterans and heroes many of whom gave their lives to save world from Nazis and many nations from total destruction.
My 70 year old mother loves Sabaton. She never once picked up anything remotely resembling metal- she listens to Pat Boone style oldies, and hymns. First time I showed her "Resist & Bite," and "Last Stand," she loved it.
This was one of the first Sabaton songs I ever found. I found Sabaton in January and have been hooked since. My favorite bands are nothing similar, lol! Sabaton, Slipknot, Epica, Rammstein... Metal is so diverse and full of unique fans. I love it.
A Sweedish band singing about Germans fighting Russians, Ukranians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Georgians, Khazaks and god knoes who else because an Austrian Man came into power in Germany after fighting in a war that was started because a Serbian shot an Austrian in Bosnia.
Хотел показать знания а показал лишь то, что ничего не знаешь, убийство австрийского герцога это событие предшевствовавшее первой мировой войне, а не второй
@user-bd8xz1jj3r Uh OK. From what Google translate told me, you're asking why I didn't list the others fighting with Germany on the Eastern front. Simple, because I forgot. Secondly, I said after hitler came into power after fighting in ww1, not that ferdinand getting killed started ww2
Выражаю глубокую благодарность всему коллективу «Сабатона». За несколько минут песни они сумели рассказать об истории Великой Отечественной войны в разы уважительнее и внимательнее, чем это делают наши киног...вноделы. Так держать!
Only discovered this band a few weeks ago and already my new favourite 🤩 they don’t need to use drugs, money or sex to make music just handle history very respectfully and make good music very talented
I'm late to the Sabaton party, but what I love about these guys is how each song is an experience. Evey song has a unique sound while teaching us history in the most awesome way possible.
@@vasylzavada5114, нет, надо было оставаться под гнётом нацистов и терпеть истребление евреев, славян и негроидной расы. Так ты хочешь? Сейчас вновь сражение против нацистской идеологии. История циклична, сейчас мы это наблюдаем.
@@proximab6076 расстрелы поляков, окупация стран Балтии это история росии, потом примазались к антигитлеровской коалиции которая спасла росию от Германии, такая себе история.
@@vasylzavada5114, ддададдада, по новым учебникам Оукраины, Россия - зло. Документы, подтверждающие это - в студию. Я больше поклонник Российской Империи, нежели СССР, хотя всяко лучше, чем жить рядом с предателями-украинцами. Вы лучше займитесь собственной страной и поднимите экономику, уберите коррупцию и избавьтесь от преступников и убийц во власти. После распада СССР вы были в идеальном состоянии, в отличии от матушки России, которая пережила тяжёлые года. Только вот на 2022 год вы всё просрали, поссорились с Белоруссией и Россией, возможно ещё с несколькими странами. А всё ради чего, чтоб жопу западу продать? Ну вот теперь пожинайте вами созданную "АнтиРоссию". Рассказывай байки, насколько русские плохие, сочиняй про Бучу и прочее. Удачи.
@@jsahkljdhkashvbosild Did Ukraine capture territory the size of the United Kingdom from Russia? Oh, wait, Russia captured that much territory in Ukraine. Who's winning again?
@@gbgbgbgb1 Not Russia. You've spent almost three years fighting one of the poorest countries in Europe and almost your entire rusted soviet vehicle inventory has been exhausted. You fight with Desert Cross and Golf Cars while Ukraine receives top of the line RCH-155 and KF-51 tanks straight from the factories. Fresh builds, not refurbished trash. Russia might not "lose" but it won't win anything either. That you can't defeat a country like Ukraine despite having the resources of almost the entirety of Asia and 170 million people speaks volumes to how shit Russia is at fighting wars. It's not even a guerilla war. There's no excuse lol
My great grandfether was killed by nazi scumbags in the battle of Kursk. Ge was in the 2nd line of defence in the infantry division. This song made me, a russian man, cry.
Considered one of the fiercest and largest tank battles in history, the Battle of Kursk (also known as the Battle of Prokhorovka) took place in July and August 1943 during World War II. This battle resulted in an unsuccessful German offensive against the Soviets. The Soviet Union gained the advantage on the Eastern Front, which it held until the end of the war. Read more about the Battle of Prokhorovka 👉
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➞ MERCHANDISE Official Store:
А напишіть пісню про Степана Бандеру) А то якось багато пісен про червону армію, а вони того явно не заслужили
Keep on making great stuff guys
Привет из России !
I’m excited to go to your concert in Youngstown, Ohio
Could you make one about the 36th Ulster Division (Somme 1st July they were the only British division to break through the German lines, won 4/9 of the Victoria Crosses awarded on the first day and suffered around 5000 casualties)
Thank you for all your amazing music. Last week I went to a summer camp in the mountains and I was walking and found a guy wearing a guy from Arkansas wearing a Sabaton hat he got from Dallas and we ended up talking for 2 hours about y’all’s music. Your music doesn’t just teach people about history it also has the power to bring strangers together
We can't thank you enough for your kind words 🙏
@@Sabaton I am a very political person and every song of yours.. even the ones that are against my ideology are legendary and absolutely excellent…. Your channel is one of the most underrated music channels ever … we have Tseries but not sabaton.. would be more than happy to see 2 yt Channels from Sweden to take the top spot in yt 😉. Love from India
@@Soyuzniki21 against your ideology?
@@yuri0568 capitalism
@@Soyuzniki21 I wouldnt say theyre against it. I mean they sing mostly about history stuff, especially WW2, and from what I see you are a communist. And I cant see where they're against it. I cant see where they're against of fascism too, they just enjoy singing it and probably research every ideology
This is literally how I got into the band in the first place! And after four years, it's still my favorite Sabaton song!
For me, it's "Cliffs of Gallipoli."
I'd listened to the odd Sabaton song here and there (their cover of Twilight of the Thunder God was my first), but when I heard Resist and Bite, there was no going back. I think that was when their style clicked with me. Been a diehard ever since.
i can't believe they made a war about this song
yeah bro they were a fan of sabaton
Not funny, 60 million people died in the war ( mainly civilian casualties)
@@lyricpaladin7679 its not like we can do anything about it
@@lyricpaladin7679 it's over 70 if you add the holocaust victims
The lines "Panzers on russian soil, a thunder in the east" and "one milion man at war, the soviet wrath unleashed" are the most impactfull for me from entire song.
The whole chorus is so fuckin punchy
"a thunder in the east"
It's an attack from the deceased
It ain't sabaton if it doesn't make you patriotic for a country you don't belong to
@@davidcannon3997 Indeed.
My grandmother was a nurse during that battle. She lost her house in Prokhorovka, her husband (in 1942) and her father (in 1943) at war. She hated this war with all her heart. She said then, that after the battle ended, nurses were taking injured people out of burning tanks - everyone they could find alive, no matter who it was - russian soldier or german soldier.
Because war is hell.
Thank you for this song! People should never forget about what happened then, and never let it happen again
Немцев можно было не спасать
@@vladmatveev3679 НАЦИСТОВ нет,а немцев - да.
@@doggoandyeet1608 немцы сами Гитлера выбрали, воевали за него, в конце концов, немцы кроме полного уничтожения ничего не заслужили
К сожалению история ничему не учит. И вот спустя много лет, так же как и тогда в 1941 году, в 4 часа утра Путин вероломно напал на Украину.... Люди, что же вы делаете, опомнитесь?! Для кого-то война способ удержать власть и сохранить свои дворцы и яхты, а для других это боль и страдания!!!
She/he is brave
i really hope they read this but thank you sabaton! my brother is struggling with autism and gets overwhelmed easily, but once i start playing songs you guys made he calms down immediately! he really loves this band so i just wanted to say thank you for making these songs, keep up the good work!
Thank you very much for sharing this inspiring story
How wholesome!
War calms him
Average german
Love this comment I also have autism but I’m the higher end this helps me calm down I’ve written whole papers becuse of these guys pls keep writing your awesome songs
@@PhoenixgemgamingI’m also autistic and Sabaton always gives me ideas for my Minecraft builds :)
"if germany is the fatherland, and russia is the motherland, then wasnt WWII just a domestic dispute?" - A fellow demigod
WWll is just a divorce waiting to happen
Good question
And Poland was the traumatized son
@@revhin5859 And the allies are all the friends who think both sides are wrong but that the dad is worse and end up siding with mum
I am pleased with the answers here- A fellow overload
Stalingrad (Volgograd) is my hometown. Thank you for this work and for the memory you keep.
Tsaritsyn should you say too hh...But syriously there is something about it, living in that historical place. Well i can say it from autoption too, cause I live in the Warsaw, and learning in secondary school which is located in the borders of former Warsaw getto. good day everyone
This is about battle of Kursk though...
This is kursk
@@Galaxy-oy4njthere we are not really talking about the Battle of Kursk, there was no Battle of Kursk, there was a battle at the Kursk Bulge
My great-grandfather fought in Prohorovka. And I want to say thank you,Sabaton for making this song. It makes me feel what he experienced and passed through. Once again,thank you.
@Duck Go Quacks you don't like elderly-ish people?
@@fucile01 Мой дед еще участвовал в Взятии Кенигсберга и в итоге дошел до Берлина.
thats funny, i remember my german great grandfather with cool lightning bolts on his old helmet fought there too
@@aussie2562 electronic
@@aussie2562 его случайно не повесили?)
The song that got me into history and listening to sabaton👏
SAAAME (In one Facebook group)
Been into history before knowing about them. However, listening to Sabaton further amplified my love for history
"A tank of ours can defeat ten of yours"
"We'll send eleven"
-German Tankers
Ha-ha... 100.000 T-34-76 are looking at you, and over 1.000.000 move here!
© Иван
wasn't that for a sherman against a tiger 1? this is about tiger 2's and panthers vs t34's this would be an incorrect statistic would it not?
В начале войны танки КВ были неуязвимы для немецких танков, так что ...
I speak for American people now, despite our differences now, we are great full for your sacrifices you made in helping the world defeat the the Jerry's
Самый мощный видеоряд к отличной песне. В голосе экспрессия и на картинке видно что ЭТО было. Курская дуга не повторится никогда. На маленьком отрезке в 25 км на южном фасе , от Томаровки до Ракитного (сам оттуда и много ездил по этим местам) так вот на этом крохотном отрезке нанес удар один из лучших танковых генералов генерал Герман Готт , командующий 4 танковой армией. 1200 танков в составе 48 тк и 2 тк СС. В Великой Германии из 48 тк, ВСЕ 200 пантер Т5 на восточном фронте, в составе 2 тк СС отборные панцергренадерские дивизии Лейбштандарт, Дас Райх И Тоттенкомф (Мертвая голова). Смею вас уверить , что никто в мире не выдержал бы такого удара. В 1945 под Арденнами после удара 6 та СС Зепа Дитриха, который в танках разбирался как хрюша в апельсинах ( бывший нач охраны фюрера, потолок комбат). И то у союзников чуть фронт не развалился при полном господстве в воздухе и отсутствия горючки у немцев. А здесь был ад. В первом эшелоне стояли ветераны Сталинграда, гвардейцы Чистякова 6 гв армия, под Черкасским был совершен подвиг о котором мало знают. 48 тк Кнобельсдорфа просто стал на двое суток и потом уперся в 1 гв та Катукова. И вынужден был сначала повернуть от Обояни а потом остановиться под Яковлево. Эсессовцы перли как бешеные до Прохоровки и потом вынуждены были повернуть.Всем псевдоисторикам, кто говорит что у немцев не было больших потерь, напомните что под Борисовкой на сборном пункте, при контратаке было взято несколько сотен раздолбанных танков. Они что их сами ломали. Снимите шляпу перед танкистами которые жили две три атаки и перед противотанкистами, которые могли повторить девиз гладиаторов "Идущие на смерть приветствуют тебя". Предки выдержали страшный удар и судьба войны была решена именно здесь. Переведите кто нибудь на английский пусть почитают.
Hasta la victoria z , viva Rusia 🇷🇺 . Por un mundo multipolar. Saludos desde México 🇲🇽
Шикарная работа от шикарных шведов!
Так держать!
Истинно так!!!
Та вообще аXYенная песня!
Uhhhh, yes.
Ummmm sure ya
This was the song that originally introduced me to sabaton and im so glad for it
Me too lmao
For it was ghost division
Thank you 🙏
for me it was attack of the dead men
@@floptron1videos nice
Absolutely amazing. The voice, the guitar, the drums, the base, the history. It's perfection!
Thank YOU for supporting us!
@@Sabaton Oh my word, my day is made. Sabaton responded to my comment!
"Comrades stand side by side, to stop the Nazi charge" is such an epic line
Panzerd on russian soil a thunder in the east
One million men at war the Soviet wrath unleased
Onward comrades! Onward for the Soviet Union! Charge!
why always when I scroll to these comments repeating the video, I'm at that exact part of the video.
Envoy: “Sir, the Germans are invading, what do we do?!?!”
Stalin:”Make more tanks and send them to the frontline.”
Envoy:”How many, sir?”
Stalin:” *yes* “
*”not nice kids and woman were used as forces labor”*
-non wise guy
@@swigsty6583 the women and children wouldnt be spared from Nazi atrocities. There were no civilians in that conflict.
Comrade, not sir
Мой прадед Бурцев Иван Михайлович был участником битвы под Прохоровкой и других боёв на Курской Дуге. То, что он пережил не передать словами. Нам стоит чтить память своих предков, воевавших в Великой Отечественной войне!
песня про пиво
@@ИванБочарников-ы9х тут нет ни одного слова про пиво...
@@ИванБочарников-ы9х чел, песня про пиво это Was Wollen wir trinken
We fought the wrong enemy- Gen. George S. Patton
Welp your great grandfather is a hero salute to him
I made one of my friends a sabaton fan by showing him this song
Happen to me to about 8 a 9 year ago someone showed me this clip and insta loved it
I did the same when I showed a friend bismarck
When my boyfriend first met me he showed me ghost division
Still trying to make a friend a sabaton fan... 😢
@@monkmonk9535 good boy
The history of the Eastern Front is something many of us in the West don't know very well, thanks to our focus on the West and the Pacific. Millions of men mobilized, thousands of kilometers of front, entire army *groups* clashing -- battles like Kursk so titanic they make even D-Day in Normandy look like a minor kerfuffle. If you're into history, especially the history touched on by this band, go. Read. Learn.
Because they don't have hollywood to make films about it
@@vinniciuselion4544 There are some popular films about eastern front, its just that they are anti-soviet propaganda that portrays them as morons who shoot their own and attack with no equipment.
Western Front was a tea party compared to the East
as someone from the UK, we learned way more about the eastern front than anywhere else
In case anyone wants the other huge factor it's because after the iron curtain fell the east wasn't keen on sharing info. So Americans just let Germans who were there write about it causing a lot of misinformation that still gets pushed today. Once the Soviet Union collapsed the west was allowed into the archives so despite everything our knowledge of the eastern front was limited or just plain wrong till more recently.
If you ever think you're having a bad day, think about the envoy who had to tell Stalin about the Nazi's invasion of the USSR
*about the envoy who had to tell hitler that the invasion failed
Fun fact: When officers came into Stalin’s room to inform him of the Nazi invasion Stalin misinterpreted it for an arrest so he thought he was under arrest
@@Raven-vu8xn thats a fake lol, also if you try to turn your head on, you might guess that he has his guard nearby which could easily arrest comming people.
@@artemikor4512 a guard doesn’t have the authority to just arrest a officer
@@Raven-vu8xn their obligation is to protect and obey their commander, so if Stalin ordered they might have arrested. Also even if they couldnt that doesnt mean that the fake about the thoughts of Stalin about his arrest becomes true
This legend shall never be forgotten 🇸🇪
@The Devout neither one of them, I meant sabaton
Encontrei um tuga aqui
@The Devout better to not forget those guys too.
South East?
Yeah we will never forget the fake neutrality that Sweden had during world two. All jokes aside they really weren’t neutral they let Germany March right through them and sold them iron
Panzerkampf was the first Sabaton song I ever heard when I was just a baby metalhead, and to this day is still one of my favorites! Was so glad to see this video 😄
@MrNubCake What can I say, I wear many hats! 😂
@@GoddessOfTheAir into ze motherland the german army march
@@Colosuss 😂 domestic dispute fatherland vs motherland
@@nenadfilipovic865 yes yes
First of all, I am German myself. My grandma always told me that my great-grandpa (her father) was stationed on the Eastern Front as a gunner. However, he didn't have the heart to shoot people because they were presented to him as the "enemy", so he missed on purpose. When his superiors found out, he had the choice between being put against the wall (execution by firing order) or bringing ammunition for those who would do it. Because he was able to tell her this story, I think I know what he "chose" to do. It's frightening how war presents even potentially good people with ultimate decisions when in the end the instinct of self-preservation prevails. I hope that I never find myself in a situation where I have to make such a decision.
Спасибо за историю
Главное что он был хорошим человеком
"Into the Motherland the German Army marched!"
Stalin: (uses Uno reverse card) No u!
"Into the Fatherland the Soviet Army march!"
I'm think the France its the most powerful nation of the Europe today
@@Tarsuyapoy maybe, except Russia. France is the second military power in EU
@@saeman3812 but Russia he's not in Europe Ukraine its in Europe but no Russia
@@saeman3812 Russia don't compte in Europe so France its the most powerful
My grandfather was the one of the many unlucky Soviet soldiers during operation Barbarossa who fought and died protecting his country on the Romanian boarder. Спасибо за свою службу, дед)
So many good people died defending their country. When so many awful people committed atrocities abroad and returned Heroes. It isn't fair and I'm sorry.
Why unlucky ? My grandfather who was a partisan fighting for Macedonia and Yugoslavia was wounded while fighting against the bulgarian fascists,and his sister died while killing 5 fascists in a suicide bombing.There is no greater glory than fighting for your ideals and your country.Thanks to those like your grandfather we are free today.
@@elfuser3006 There is no glory in suicide bombing. And those who condone them are monsters.
@@elfuser3006 he fought for a governing body who considered his life expendable.
@@semorebutts2584 she did the suicide bombing so she wouldnt be captured alive and tortured.
"Hans, why do I hear boss music?"
*Ivan and Stalin has entered the chat*
The Stalinium tanks are coming
The Russians must have loved game of thrones. Winter is coming
@@SherlockHomeless223 you forgot about Dimitri
@@SherlockHomeless223 Kim tf are u doing here?
Прадед погиб под Курском в 1943. Он был во 2 эшелоне обороны, в пехотном полку. Песня эпичная и даже грандиозная. My great-grandfather has died near Kursk in 1943. He was in 2nd defencive line as an infantryman. This song is epic and great, even grandious.
Thank you for sharing
Hail to the fallen
Your great grandfather sounds like pretty cool guy. I have a great-great-great uncle who was shot by a Nazi officer while smuggling jews out of Germany and into Switzerland during 1942. Maybe they met each other in heaven?
.У кого то тоже дед погиб, пока Курск брал. Эта война давно уходит в прошлое, и только ноющий русский всё про деда да бабку. Жить прошлым не иметь настоящего, не видя будущего!
Ты что несёшь? Он не ноет, он лишь сказал факт, что его дед погиб под Курском во время Великой отечественной. Да, с каждым годом эта война отдаляется от нас, но мы не должны забывать павших.
Ты пишешь, что жить прошлым, значит, не иметь настоящего и не видеть будущего, но если забывать про прошлое, то ты тоже будущего не увидишь, ибо тот, кто забывает прошлое, обречён на его повторение.
"Вглубь нашей родины идёт нацистский марш!"
Отличная песня, отличные каверы, всё круто!
Хело Раша!!!
Радио Тапок на высоте !
Россия Всегда была первой и будет! Россия - это МИРОТВОРЕЦ ! КТО НА РОССИЮ С МЕЧОМ ПОЙДЕТ -ОТ ЭТОГО МЕЧА И ПОГИБНЕТ! С Россией надо дружить! Россия Оплот и спасение Всего Мира от Самоуничтожения!
@@Слава-РоссииСлаваДонскимКазака Всё ясно. Неонацизм.
Спасибо!Я живу как раз в тех местах,о которых поется в песне,30 км от Прохоровки,всегда когда едут в районе хутора Комсомольского,думаю "какой ад тут творился в 43м". Бабушка жила в 10км за Прохоровкой,село постоянно из рук в руки переходило,в соседнем селе немцы из "Мертвая голова" почти 600 человек раненных красноармейцев и жителей сожгли в амбаре.Бабушка рассказывала как три дня стоял грохот в стороне Прохоровки,а потом стало тихо и они на станцию за солью пошли,а станции практически и нет,многие дома разбиты,дальше в нескольких км танки еще горят,дымятся,собаки бродят с лошадьми. Некоторые застрявшие в пойме Псла танки стояли до 60х годов,отец с товарищами туда играть бегали,вытянуть не могли да и не до них было
Так соль то бабушка нашла?
@@darkkaizer6210 думаю что нет,жалко спросить уже не получится
Этого всего могло бы и не быть, если бы не мyдилo Сталин, который так бесславно просрал начало войны. Сколько людей загубила эта твapь.
@@NameDDD что уж тогда говорить о руководителях Польши,Чехии,Франции,Англии,а проспавший Перл-Харбор Рузвельт,это же позор,сколько людей эти твари загубили
Вы тут осуждаете, осуждаете, а ведь твари из-за которых погибли люди это фашистская верхушка и люди их спонировавшие, если бы не они, вообще войны не было б.
У SABATON больше песен про героизм Советских людей в ВОВ, чем у всех Российских певцов и певичек. Исключение Кипелов с шедевром "Непокоренный", но это уже другой формат.
и не говори, почему не русские чтят память больше чем наши
@@stell9411 Ну сабатон тоже не память чтит, а шоу бизнесом занимается, просто свою нишу нашел.
И работает не на Швецию или Россию, а на весь мир.
Так они уже фактически НАШИ :)
@@ilyaginsburg1888 ага, говорят сабатон уже переехал в Воронеж.
Что за зверь такое "советский человек". Национализм малых народов на деньги русских?
I lived in prohorovka. I was there when i was 4. My grandma told me to bring a rose to the nearest cemetery during summer. I thought why? Now i see.
Отличная работа ребят! Так держать, жду новых песен!
этой песне года 4
@@ИванКолесник-к3б и что?
can you speak english pls??
@@neandros7 sorry, i from Russia and don't speak in english
@@KoMMyHucT. i love russia but i want to understand you
Когда я слушаю песни Сабатонна у меня возникает такое ощущение что они создают песни для поднятия военного духа у солдат.
Easiest way from Kursk to Berlin
Google: Use a passenger airliner
Get the T34, lets rush B(erlim)
@@Pedrinho8080 get two T34. One for each leg.
I'm like person that living in Kursk, can tell you that :"We all hate this Bing because,this tanks have broken all our roads."
Эти люди (советские солдаты) прошли этот путь пешком, попутно сломав "хребет" самой бесчеловечной идеологии на Земле. Уверен, что если-бы ты сражался за свободу, равенство и братство для себя и своих детей, то тоже сделал-бы это не задумываясь, товарищ! ✊
@@adamsteele6148 and IS 2 for our helmets
Brilliant band! I absolutely love your guy's music and the history behind it, it gives it such power. Thank you for such memorable music.
Thank you very much for your message!
@@Sabaton everytime i play ur song i play World of warships especialy bismarck while playing bismarck in wows
This is one of my favorite songs ever, I get chills every time I listen to the chorus
@@49times51 Hi
@@49times51 Hi
@@49times51 Hi
@@tsarnicholasii.5661 tf why all ancient people here!??
Искренняя благодарность шведским товарищам за шикарный клип и песню про подвиг советских солдат! Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто!
Аминь этому товарищу
Speak English. This is the internet. English is the internet’s language.
Tu eres fea hombre
@@dylanpoynor2318 🤣🤣🤣. Только в твоей голове.
When this song is being performed live, it definitely deserves a long lasting marching solo drum. Love the artwork of the video ! Brilliant song.
We're happy to read you like it!
Germany: haha Barbarossa go brrrr
The Motherland: hold my T-34
Hold my kv-2
The Motherland: "Launch the Night Witches".
Sorry, I couldn't resist X.X
@@shadow-r3852 no you were right comrade
@@unlyokosympa9445 you are being trialled for anti communist believe the court finds you guilty and you
are sentenced to death
This band teaches more about history than most educational systems.
We like to believe we are complementary lessons 😉
@@Sabaton the lessons are complementing you
Listening to this song gives me goosebumps.
My Jewish greatgrandfather died in the battle of Kursk.
He was from Kharkov and was forced to leave his wife and 2 sons behind when the factory he worked in got evacuated to the East. When the word spread that the nazis murdered all of the city's Jews in what is now Drogobychski Yar, he though that his entire family were dead. He enlisted into the army (he was 45+, so he wasn't drafted) to get revenge.
The thing is, my greatgrandmother and one of her sons (my grandfather) got away. They exchanged 1 or 2 letters, so that's how the story got to me.
And then he died in the battle.
Absolute chad he was.
Giga chad
May this hero rest in peace. His sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Kursk 1943 - biggest tank battle
Kursk 2024 - biggest drone battle
Доля истины есть
the future of warfare my friend
Я тоже...
@@senyyah I don't understand it.
@@fewminutesofhistory he too love this song
We are in mother Russia here comrade
Love the war drum type beats, the story, and the fact that they truly put heroes in songs that live forever!
Sabaton is so based that even the reality tries to recreate their songs
😂 then and again
The Battle of Kursk is happening again, I see.
ZOV 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Except the roles are reversed. They came on Ukrainian land, now they must be pushed back.
@@theshakhrayist7649In your dreams. The are already pulled back. Donbass will be free.
@@wander67 Donbas is occupied by Black Hundreds and Milchakov’s goons.
@@SethGreve-g1mguess who's losing now
This song makes me proud to be Russian... And I'm Persian
Lmao made my night 😂
It's too late, tovarisch! Now you're Russian :)
Same but I'm Bosnian lol
“The battle of Kursk was the final strategic offensive the Germans were able to mount in the East. It broke the backbone of the Wehrmacht.” - Marshal Georgy Zhukov
Сейчас будет также.
Украинский вермахт будет уничтожен под Курском!
Постояно смешно от фамилии Жукова на Англиском...
3:13 favorite moment!!!
Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands!
Will of the people, strong in command.
Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands!
Once more victorious, the Red Army stands.
Согласен с тобой полностью!!!!!
@@Аластор-я8ч эпичный момент
I hear Reznov.
Wait is soviet, not russian!
This was my first Sabaton song, so glad i was introduced
Пойте историю дальше, пойте во весь голос! Она не должна быть забыта!
Они всегда на сколько я знаю пели Историю
That's true
Как поют про храбрых американцеа, которые при попытке штурма нормандских берегов сделали обосрамс и заныли про ускорение советского наступления?
@@Erika_IwdT Ну типо, чисто со стороны советов погибла 27 миллионов человек ( военных, без учёта мирных жителей). Что как 3 Беларуси или 1,5 Казахстана. По-моему это достаточно огромная цифра. И как бы не хотелось бы такой же разрушительной и кровавый тотальной войны.
@@Диванныйэксперт-и3ь Как раз таки с учётом мирного населения погибло 27 миллионов. Военных погибло 8 миллионов. Остальные - мирное население погибшее в концлагерях, расстрелянное немцами или погибшее под немецкими бомбардировками.
Leopard in Kursk 2024??
Into the motherland the ukrainian army march!
История повторяется
@@DaVoo56we know what happened to the last nazis who invaded russia
@@karmagaming2098 I know, they surely are not going to have a great time after that one
History is circular.
If a nation doesn't learn from it's history, it deserves to live it again.
-Winston Churchill, I think (Snapchat AI said so).
One thing we can learn from history is that noone ever learns from history.
-Otto Von Bismarck (never fact checked if it was really his quote)
If we take these 2 quotes as truth, we can clearly see why is it like this.
С днём абрамса)
Ждем теперь 16-х
This song is still fucking epic
Stalin: I got a joke for you.
Hitler: What is it?
Stalin: Stalingrad and Moscow.
Hitler: I don't get it..
Stalin: And you never will~
fresse murica
Stolen comment from defence of Moscow
@@sharms_silly Not totally.
@@sharms_silly Huh?...
У меня дед (если быть точным то один из родных братьев отца моего отца) погиб от ранений, полученных на Курской Дуге. Призван из села Вярды, Шатой, Чеченская Республика. Сейчас сам живу в Белгороде, был на Прохоровском поле
Вечная память...
Вечная память
Just heard this song today and I can't stop hearing it!
Ох...с этой песни я начал слушать Сабатон "звуки флешбеков"
И я. Это было в HOI4
Ghost division
да тоже с этой песни подсел. Летом 2021 года)
"Матушка-Русь, мы гордимся тобой! Братских народов союз вековой"❤🎼🎸
Все же к сабатон лучше слова как-то.
"О матушка Русь-Союз земель.
Воля народа, сильного в товариществе.
О матушка Русь-Союз земель.
Ещё одну победу одержала Красная Армия."
We are living in the wildest timeline possible. Never aspected to live enough for see German tanks again in the kursk oblast (I’m just 22)
Опять нацисты, опять с запада!
@@ZOV_Ebat_azov24_22 ?
@@Historia_Invictus ... seriously... google "Ukrainian addressing Canadian Parliament* in 2023. The guy from Ukraine addressing the Canadians was a Ukrainian *Not - See* (google/youtube filter filter).
This is the song that brought me to Sabaton, on a fateful summer day. For that, this has earned a place in my heart and undying love for Sabaton. Amazing music!
Thank you for staying!
Me too, a whole decade ago now. What a ride it's been.
I just found them in 2022, so have 20 years of music and many years of videos, a happy thought!
Сегодня исполняется 81 год со дня легендарной битвы под Прохоровкой. 12 июля 1943 года. Вечная память солдатам красной армии! 🫡
I found this track by accident and that was it... love this band... history lesson they need to play sabaton in schools..
Thank you for your comment Elizabeth!
@@Sabaton If People listened to Sabaton, Iron Maiden they would learn real world history and hopefully never ever to repeat it, The Songs about Auschwitz so powerful, and WW2 so raw, so brilliantly wrote, researched and performed... keep up the great work guys. love ya, Need to come and see your show in Prague or Frankfurt.
Bin auch der Meinung
Germany: Tries to invade Russia.
Soviet Union: Tanks line up in thousands.
As far the eyes can see
Ready for the onslaught
Ready for the fight
I think it was said about both Soviet and German, not just Soviet
Let's not forget that the weather and the prisoners let loose did plenty before the Red Army clashed with the Reich's forces.
every Sabaton song is a piece of art
Amen! 🙌
Listening to Sabaton songs while serving in the army yourself is just 👌
Самая офигенская группа
Ну, одна из них
@@senyyah а кто круче?
@@-_-3666 у каждого свои вкусы, а потому кому-то может нравиться больше, как пример, Powerwolf
И не только она ещё и Skillet
@@GreendBlack и powerwolf классная
I may not have been born in Russia. But when I listened to this song, I got goosebumps about how powerful it was. for the motherland.
I mean it wasn’t really powerful at all. The soviets got propped up by the American and British and without them and the idiotic decisions the German high command made, they would have lost even with their massive numerical superiority. Check out the lend lease act, over 150 billion went to the soviets (adjusted for today’s figures). The allies knew that the soviets had zero value for the lives of their soldiers and used that.
@@duckhunter17 get out with your f*cking propaganda
@@duckhunter17 massive numerous superiority? Really? How about the fact that the Nazis had 8,5 mobilized soldiers at the start of invasion when the Red army had 5 millions soldiers. Also, there are not included numbers of an armies of the European Nazi allies. Romanian armed forces included from 700 000 to 1 million and Finland had about 560-605 thousands soldiers who also participated in invadion. In total, 5 millions Red army soldiers had to resist the about 11 millions allied fascist troops in 1941. Where is that huge numerous superiority? The mobilization was done much later.
Also myths about the lend lease. Yes, we are very grateful to the USA and Britain for it, but we should not exaggerate the factual numbers. For example, during the period from 1941 to 1945 lend lease had provided 12 199 tanks, it is 11,2% from number of all tanks that Red army had during this period. It is a big number, but not the main. Before this period Red army had 23 000 tanks (21,1%) and during this period Soviet factories provided 73 900 (67,7%) tanks. Another example - planes. Red army already had 12 500 (8,3%) planes, lend lease had provided 18 297 (12,1%) and Soviet factories provided 120 000 (79,6 %). And another sorts of equipment have similar statistics. Yes, the lend lease was quite useful for supplying Red army at the beginning of this period, during the evacuation of Soviet industry, but it is wrong to say that USA and Britain saved USSR, because the main part of equipment was provided by Union itself.
As to «zero attitude to human lives» it is even useless to say something about it. Just a piece of Goebbels propoganda. Saying this, you are offending all the soldiers, veterans and heroes many of whom gave their lives to save world from Nazis and many nations from total destruction.
@@mergerus1502 Jesus. You good?
@@mergerus1502 Finally, someone who don't judge soviet as bad
My 70 year old mother loves Sabaton. She never once picked up anything remotely resembling metal- she listens to Pat Boone style oldies, and hymns.
First time I showed her "Resist & Bite," and "Last Stand," she loved it.
We're so happy to read these kind of things 😎 Your mother ROCKS!
Oh shit here we go again
This was one of the first Sabaton songs I ever found. I found Sabaton in January and have been hooked since.
My favorite bands are nothing similar, lol! Sabaton, Slipknot, Epica, Rammstein... Metal is so diverse and full of unique fans. I love it.
A Sweedish band singing about Germans fighting Russians, Ukranians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Georgians, Khazaks and god knoes who else because an Austrian Man came into power in Germany after fighting in a war that was started because a Serbian shot an Austrian in Bosnia.
Почему ты не говоришь, что на стороне немцев были так же французы, итальянцы, испанцы, бельгийцы, словеи, чехи, румыны?
Хотел показать знания а показал лишь то, что ничего не знаешь, убийство австрийского герцога это событие предшевствовавшее первой мировой войне, а не второй
@user-bd8xz1jj3r Uh OK. From what Google translate told me, you're asking why I didn't list the others fighting with Germany on the Eastern front. Simple, because I forgot.
Secondly, I said after hitler came into power after fighting in ww1, not that ferdinand getting killed started ww2
@@Recon12324 действительно, я и не подумал об этом, более того, я этого не знал. Спасибо и извините
@@Recon12324 я был не прав
Sabaton's best song. I still get goosebumps from such a cool sound.
That song is a living proof that song doesn't need to be fast to sound heavy
This song literally sounds like a battleship
@@DornyWorny no it doesnt
This is the best way to learn history!
History is not a boring subject. We just try to show that to everybody
@@Sabaton well as an Indonesian this history are more interesting than ours
@@huitjaitjioe6357 You'd think it would be the other way around.
Glad to hear that!!! So true 😢
Выражаю глубокую благодарность всему коллективу «Сабатона». За несколько минут песни они сумели рассказать об истории Великой Отечественной войны в разы уважительнее и внимательнее, чем это делают наши киног...вноделы.
Так держать!
Согласен 👍 1000000000 раз мусолят блокаду Питера и битву под Волгоградом . Больше как будто битв не было 😢.
@@BrawlStars-ed9wo и даже тут можно нарваться на тебя...Тоска.
the solo is a literal adrenaline injection
Only discovered this band a few weeks ago and already my new favourite 🤩 they don’t need to use drugs, money or sex to make music just handle history very respectfully and make good music very talented
Welcome on board!
dude this song is awesome! its currently my favorite song of urs
I'm late to the Sabaton party, but what I love about these guys is how each song is an experience. Evey song has a unique sound while teaching us history in the most awesome way possible.
There is no such thing as "late" to the Sabaton party 😎
Panzer elite born to retreat, never compete
Chills, absolute fucking chills! 💀
Happy to hear it has that effect on you!
Just brilliant
Тот самый момент, когда рок-группа из Швеции уважает русскую историю больше, чем многие россияне
жаль, но это так
историю в которой оккупации Польши, Литвы, Латвии Эстонии, Финляндии? блевать тянет от такой истории.
@@vasylzavada5114, нет, надо было оставаться под гнётом нацистов и терпеть истребление евреев, славян и негроидной расы. Так ты хочешь?
Сейчас вновь сражение против нацистской идеологии.
История циклична, сейчас мы это наблюдаем.
@@proximab6076 расстрелы поляков, окупация стран Балтии это история росии, потом примазались к антигитлеровской коалиции которая спасла росию от Германии, такая себе история.
@@vasylzavada5114, ддададдада, по новым учебникам Оукраины, Россия - зло.
Документы, подтверждающие это - в студию. Я больше поклонник Российской Империи, нежели СССР, хотя всяко лучше, чем жить рядом с предателями-украинцами. Вы лучше займитесь собственной страной и поднимите экономику, уберите коррупцию и избавьтесь от преступников и убийц во власти. После распада СССР вы были в идеальном состоянии, в отличии от матушки России, которая пережила тяжёлые года. Только вот на 2022 год вы всё просрали, поссорились с Белоруссией и Россией, возможно ещё с несколькими странами. А всё ради чего, чтоб жопу западу продать? Ну вот теперь пожинайте вами созданную "АнтиРоссию". Рассказывай байки, насколько русские плохие, сочиняй про Бучу и прочее. Удачи.
so relevant today.
Thank you for remembering history! 🤘
With love from Russia! 😊
Who is here after ukraine invade kursk region?
Who gives af?
@@Randomdude1921 People who care about geopolitics and history, so clearly not you.
@@gbgbgbgb1these comments are so annoying bro
(who's here in 2024?🧐🧐)
(whos here after Ronald had sex with messi?!?🧐😱😲)
btw I live in Kursk :D
@@херобрин2008hurry to sign up to Nova Poshta and cut benefits from that and other services :D
Bro Sabaton has a talent that makes Music good immediatly.
Thanks! 🤘🙏
@@Sabaton 🤘
Спасибо за песню 👍
Постоянно слушаю ваши песни
1:00 that note he can hit is insane!
Нет большей чести, чем встать рядом с дедами.
Актуал очка
Can't wait for sabaton to come to serbia on exit festival♥️
My dream will come true
Bice ludnica,bilo bi i kul da metnu neki tenkic na stage kao sto imaju naviku :D
Вечерас сам обећао другару да идем на Сабатон уместо технозе.
Припремам се и стижем. Надам се да и ви чините исто. 🤘
No way
"one million man at war the soviet wrath unleashed" damn those words felt powerful
Where did you first hear it
@PanzerKampfWagen.VI.ausf.B a sabaton discord sings of Bismark but people kept interrupting that song with this one
"Axis rest in hell" is a feeling I want to bring back
No soviets Rest in hell.
@@borisborkovic8894 its time for gulag!
@@borisborkovic8894 time for your dayley beating
@@borisborkovic8894 you need gulag
@itsaclownworld 4 by historians*
we know why we are here
To remember back when Russia could win a war
@@jsahkljdhkashvbosild Did Ukraine capture territory the size of the United Kingdom from Russia? Oh, wait, Russia captured that much territory in Ukraine. Who's winning again?
@@gbgbgbgb1 lol the uk, what cope
@@jsahkljdhkashvbosild I don't think you understand what's going on. Go work on your third grade math.
@@gbgbgbgb1 Not Russia. You've spent almost three years fighting one of the poorest countries in Europe and almost your entire rusted soviet vehicle inventory has been exhausted. You fight with Desert Cross and Golf Cars while Ukraine receives top of the line RCH-155 and KF-51 tanks straight from the factories. Fresh builds, not refurbished trash.
Russia might not "lose" but it won't win anything either.
That you can't defeat a country like Ukraine despite having the resources of almost the entirety of Asia and 170 million people speaks volumes to how shit Russia is at fighting wars. It's not even a guerilla war. There's no excuse lol
My great grandfether was killed by nazi scumbags in the battle of Kursk. Ge was in the 2nd line of defence in the infantry division. This song made me, a russian man, cry.
I'm sure your great grandpa was a formidable soldier and a great man. Thank you for sharing his story
May the comrade rest in peace, eternal glory to those who died to save the world from the Nazis.
Мой прадедушка был заживо сожжён нацистами.😢😢