You maybe also forget the Qari it is a person who recites the Quran perfectly with all the rules of tajweed but i think that hafizs are majority also Qaris because they know also the tajweed rules 🤲
I was actually thinking about the differences the other day, timing couldn't of been more perfect. Thanks for going over each of the terms and explaining them so well. Looking forward to your next video Shahrukh!
@Vlad Amir Al-Putin Salaam. Hopefully my video allowed to differentiate between sheikhs, imams and muftis at least. As for those scholars - don’t know exactly as I’m not sure what qualifications they have. I know that Omar Suleiman is an Imam. His Instagram sometimes shows his mosque. Assim Al hakeem is only referred to as sheikh as far as I know.
Bro I really love his explanation especially since I’m a born Muslim I see that he is very good at showing what some of those terms mean Mashallah, I’m also not a Shia any more I refer to myself as a muslim
@@pouriyaabouei6485 no exactly, bro im more halal then u, your divided whilst allah in the quran has said dont divide also the nabi has said that, even imam ali has, bro also have u brougth anyone to islam?
Basically 'Ulama' is the plural form of the world 'Alim'. So you would say, "He is an Alim. They are Ulama". You explained it pretty nicely. As for 'Maulana/Mulvi', it's also another word for 'Alim'. It's basically the same thing. Just different words. However, 'Maulana' is arabic (مولانا), while 'Mulvi' is Urdu. Two different languages. Same meaning. So just to clarify, an 'Alim' and 'Maulana' both do the same exact studies. The syllabus is basically standardised worldwide. We usually call it the 'Alim course' and usually refer to the person as 'Maulana so-and-so'.
Also, every Mufti is an Alim. After becoming an Alim/Maulana, a person will spend an additional amount of years doing the Iftaa (Mufti course) to become a Mufti.
I think alim is the highest in rank of whole knowledge, whos has not just command on islamic fatwas and hadees but also have science politics history geography hence as much worldy knowledge as a person could acquire. And mufti is just specialized in rules and regulations for wordly matters according to islamic sharia. An alim can be a mufti, but mufti are normaly not alim as they just focus on islamic shria law. They dont get involve in other worldly affairs and dont have wholesome view about world. Alim shows the balance between duniya and islam. And mufti works to find legislation according to islamic law
Good video and clear explanation of titles that are often misunderstood and interchanged so often it’s difficult to see where one stops and the other one starts. 🙏🏼
Subhanallah, Thank you for such valuable information Shahrukh. May Allah bless you and forgive your sins. May He increase you in ranks and grant you Jannah. Ameen
I love how respectful you are when talking about this all, especially with Shia Islam, most Muslims just call them kaffirs and move on but I'm glad you're explaining it all. I'm a revert, Shia to Sunni but my family is still Shia so I feel at ease when people are kind to Shias because even though I feel Sunnah is the correct path people still need to learn about all branches and sects of Islam as Muslims of non Muslims. We have a duty to obtain as much knowledge as we can.
@@OfficialBruceLee I am not Shia and I don’t think they practice Islam correctly as I understand it. The purpose of this video was not to refute Shiism though, just to highlight some differences.
Thank you for these interesting informations. I'm Chrisitian and I always wondered what are the differences between those titles and if there are some similarities to our priests and bishops
Assalam alaikum. ...jazakalla khair ...dear sharukh am from india. ..a teacher ...great information n the way u explained very humble. ..n could get it very easily ....may allah almighty bless you ❤....keep going dear
Useful information, JazakAllahu Khairan. Two questions though : a) what does Allama mean (popularly used in the subcontinent) b) we are accountable for our own actions which would decide the status in the after life. But two things are very important- Allah's mercy and Prophet's (SM) intercession (shafayat). Any comment.
we are accountable for our actions means that we are ones who are responsible for the activities done by us smetimes, people might tell you to do something bad, but that doesnt mean that the sin totally goes to them , because everyone of us have thinking and knowledge skill allah's mercy is very much important bacause we commit sins knowingly or unknowingly, and allah is the only one who can forgive us as he is going to judge us correctly in the day of judgment. thats why it is told to ask allah's forgiveness prophet's Shafayat is where muhammed (sal) will ask for allah's mercy for us . he will ask allah to forgive us and remove the muslims from hellfire. to get his shafayath, we should ask dua for the prophet, basically it is telling salawath and we should tell the azan dua after the azan as it includes a kind of dua to get shafayath
There is a distinct title only found in Nusantara archipelago (Indonesia,malaysia,brunei) but in particular in Indonesia, we have this title called "Kiai" Kiai is a person who are the head of a islamic boarding school (called Pesantren in Indonesia) or head of a department in a pesantren. And sometimes title "Kiai" is the one we used in Indonesia rather then "Sheikh"
These are different Pokémon evolutions of the deen. Subhan’Allah, may Allah (SWT) grant everyone who pursues the knowledge of Islam the truth & guidance to Jannat Al Firdous, Insha’Allah
Thanks for this, I've been wondering! What about Ustadh(a)? I tend to see more men sheikhs and women ustadhas than the other way around, and I'm not sure why
6:39 It’s true that we are all responsible for ourselves and our actions. But this is not the same as saying their is no intercession. The Quran and Hadith make clear that the Prophets will be given the right to intercede for their nations. Also the Scholars and Martyrs will intercede for their families and friends. This is a mercy from Allah SWT that we should not loose hope in.
Some Ahadith related to intercession: “My intercession will be for those among my ummah who committed major sins.” (Sahih Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 1983). Muslim narrated that Abu’l-Darda said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, ‘Those who curse will not be witnesses or intercessors on the Day of Resurrection.” Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the One in whose hand is my soul, none among you are more fervent to claim a right from Allah on the Day of Resurrection than the believers on behalf of their brothers in the Hellfire. They will say: Our Lord, they fasted, prayed, and performed pilgrimage with us! It will be said to them: Take out those whom you recognize. Thus, the Hellfire is forbidden for their bodies and they will take out many people.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7439, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 183 [The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:] “So the prophets, the angels and the believers will intercede, and the Compeller (Allah) will say, ‘There remains My intercession.’ Then He will take a handful from the Fire and bring forth some people whose bodies have been burnt and throw them into a river at the entrance to Paradise that is called the Water of Life. They will grow on its banks, as a seed carried by a flood grows. You have seen how it grows beside a rock or beside a tree, and how the side facing the sun is usually green while the side facing the shade is white. They will come out like pearls, and necklaces will be placed around their necks. Then they will enter Paradise, and the people of Paradise will say, ‘These are the people emancipated by the Most Merciful. He has admitted them into Paradise without them having done any good deeds and without them having sent forth any good (for themselves).’ Then it will be said to them, ‘You will have what you have seen and the equivalent thereof.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 7440) “It was narrated that Anas ibn Malik said: Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us: “When the Day of Resurrection comes, the people will surge with each other like waves. They will come to Adam and say, ‘Intercede for us with your Lord.’ He will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to Ibrahim for he is the Close Friend of the Most Merciful.’ So they will go to Ibrahim, but he will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to Musa for he is the one to whom Allah spoke directly.’ So they will go to Musa but he will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to ‘Isa for he is a soul created by Allah and His Word.’ So they will go to ‘Isa but he will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).’ So they will come to me and I will say, I am fit for that.’ Then I will ask my Lord for permission and He will give me permission, and He will inspire me with words of praise with which I will praise Him, words that I do not know now. So I will praise Him with those words of praise and I will prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my ummah, my ummah!’ He will say, ‘Go and bring forth everyone in whose heart there is faith the weight of a barley-grain.’ So I will go and do that. Then I will come back and praise Him with those words of praise and I will fall prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my ummah, my ummah!’ He will say, ‘Go and bring forth everyone in whose heart there is faith the weight of a small ant or a mustard-seed.’ So I will go and do that. Then I will come back and praise Him with those words of praise and I will fall prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my ummah, my ummah!’ He will say, ‘Go and bring forth from the Fire everyone in whose heart there is faith the weight of the lightest, lightest grain of mustard-seed.’ So I will go and bring them forth.” When we left Anas I [the narrator of the hadith] said to some of our companions, “Why don’t we go to al-Hasan, who is hiding in the house of Abu Khalifah, and tell him what Anas ibn Malik has told us?” So we went to him, greeted him with salam and he gave us permission to enter. Then we said, “O Abu Sa’id, we have come to you from your brother Anas ibn Malik, and we have never heard anything like what he narrated to us about intercession.” He said, “Tell me.” So we narrated the hadith to him and we came to this point and he said, “Keep going.” We said, “He did not tell us any more.” He said, “He told me this hadith when he was a young man, twenty years ago. I do not know if he forgot or if he did not want to let you depend on what he might have said. We said, “O Abu Sa’id, tell us.” He smiled and said, “ Man was created hasty. I only mentioned that because I wanted to inform you of it. Anas told me the same as he told you, and said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) added: “Then I will come back a fourth time and praise Him with those words of praise and I will fall prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, give me permission (to bring forth) all those who said La ilaha ill-Allah.’ He will say, ‘By My Might, My Majesty, My Supremacy and My Greatness, I will most certainly bring forth from it those who said La ilaha ill-Allah.’” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 7510) It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I will be the leader of mankind on the Day of Resurrection. Do you know why that is? Allah will gather mankind, the first and the last of them, in one place, so that the caller will be able to make them all hear his voice and the watcher will be able to see them all. The sun will be brought close and the people will suffer such distress and trouble that they will not be able to bear it or stand it. The people will say, ‘Don't you see in the state you are in and the condition you have reached? Why don't you look for someone who can intercede for you with your Lord?’ The people will say to one another: ‘Go to your father, Adam.’ So they will go to Adam (peace be upon him) … I will go and prostrate beneath the Throne. Then I will be given words of praise that have never been given to anyone before me, then it will be said, ‘O Muhammad! Raise your head; ask, for it will be given to you, and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.’ I will raise my head and say, ‘My ummah, O lord! My ummah, O Lord!’ It will be said, ‘O Muhammad, admit from among your ummah those who will not be brought to account from the right-hand gate of Paradise, and they will share the other gates with the people.’ He said, By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, the distance between two of the gate-posts is like the distance between Makkah and Humayr, or between Makkah and Busra.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 4712)
In this Mufti Menk is popular , a muslim colleague was worried and concerned why his fellow was so much following Mufti Menk Menk , thanks for explaining. Yasmin Mogahed is an Alim.
Also good to mention that the terms have changed over time, for example Imam held a much higher degree than just Shaykh. Also some scholars humble themselves and do not refer to themselves as Shaykh or Mufti etc. Often Muslims know who is qualified to what degree regardless titles.
good video ahki i knew all the terms but still letting newer muslims understand why we might call an elder sheik or other tiles still lots of knowledge in this jazakallah khair may allah bless you brother
The last part of the video is the most important I think you should have had put this explanation in the beginning Many non Muslims when they hear these terms think these are some sort of religious ranks like pop ,priest in the Christianity or rabbi in judaism . But actually in islam there is nothing such as this all Muslims are equal
@bigdaddyeddy1252 what are you talking about every believers should have tremendous fear in his heart even Angels fear Allah and the prophets who are you not to fear His punishment...don't spread falsehood may Allah forgive and guide us all
Thank you. I was wondering about this recently, as I am started to inform myself more and more about Islam a few weeks ago (I am a not a Muslim). Now I know what all these terms mean :)
One thing to note is the word Hafidh historically was used for those whom were memorisers of hadith, not Quran as historically most people memorised the Quran so a distinct title for them was not needed. For example, great hadith scholars like Ibn Hajar, Ibn Rajab and Ibn Kathir are notably referred by this title of hafidh. Not sure when this change occured though! Other title to note is Qadi for judge
that's very interesting actually. Like you say, learning about the transition time and context between using Hafidh for Quran memorisers vs hadith memorisers would be enlightening
Looking forward for more educational content from yourself in sha Allah, especially for young adults and teenagers. Topics like music- fatwas nasheed, is makeup for women halal , is it same as body building for men ? Money transactions and businesses based on interest money/riba etc young minds are confused about such things, and it would be good for them to hear from new fresh faces like you rather than our regular sheikhs, muftis, imams and ustads , in sha Allah
1. Sheikh: Call someone out of respect, if they are old, if the have knowledge 2. Imam: Means leader and it usually it used for people who lead the prayer 3. Mufti: Basically anyone calls himself Mufti nowadays 4. Hafidh: It means Protecting/Protector, and it refers to people who9 have memoriesed the Quran 5. Alim: Scholar
Malaysian Muslim here. From what I learnt, Maulana is the title given for Islamic teacher who graduated from Deobandi school of thought. We have a Malay preacher named Maulana Fakhrurrazi. Even though he is a Malaysian, he use the titled Maulana because he studied Deobandi in India or Pakistan. There is also a title call Habib/Habaib here means someone who is from the lineage of Rasulullah S.A.W But some of them cannot be trusted as they will claim but not proving the lineage.
Brother I'm from south Africa who wrote my observation for scrutiny of all these tilles pls engage with me I wrote to about these tiles before this text.
In Pakistan Aalim/Moulana is the person who have done Masters in Islamic studies 8 years of study, while Mufti is one who have done PhD in Islamic studies.
Study the last part of surah bakrah and find the meaning of Maulana as the protector. Only Allah is my Maulana, Maula and so on… I believe most titles are baseless. More bad than good. Allah knows best
The different between Sheikh Asim and other sheikhs is Sheikh Asim says its ok consume alcohol in a small amount of percentage whereby all the others said its haram except for medication purposes
brother i am from pakistan and people around here usually use the word maulvi for mocking a religious person. People have said these lines to me "oh maulvi when will your prayer time will be". the point is that there is no such thing as maulvi in islam .
Yeah I'm familiar with that usage as well. Some of these words can be used as a shaming tactic towards practicing Muslims, by people who are not practicing, to try and make themselves feel better. It's sad to see.
@@raiseyourdeenIt is similar to "Hujur" in Bangladesh 😂 when you become a bit religious and try to remind them about good and bad they will call you a Hujur
Who cares?! In Islam, Allah gave us a clear book, the Quran, that everyone can read and understand to what level they will. Allah says this, describing the seven levels of knowledge that all will not be able to gain due to their own limitations. So grab a few friends, everyone with their Quran, and take turns reading and describing what each ayat means to each person. We do not need religious leaders to usurp the respect and power of their position against us, or for our enemies.
@@raiseyourdeen I am not frustrated, my dear brother. I am simply using this free and open forum to express my thoughts just as you have. I think that meaningless titles are only used by people who have a poorly developed ego. But that is not the problem! The problem is that in such a video with the focus that you present in this one, Muslims are being lead away form Allah, and Allah's Instructions, the holy Quran, by mistaking simple, flawed, and sometimes, crooked men, to pay attention to them, rather than to the simplicity, beauty and immutable truth of Allah's message. In Islam, such mistakes are just a thin step from engaging in acts that are among the most sinful and referred to as "shirk." Think about why you care about those meaningless titles that you present in this video, and why you think that it requires any attention compared to the volume of the Quran, which we can spend eons speaking of and writing about, without exhausting all the topics of relevance. Peace unto you, brother!
grab a few friends and start reading? brother, even a well learned aalim will need the Seerah to understand the context of what is being said in the Quran.
Habib means “love”, “darling” or “beloved”. Sometimes though, people name their kids Habib. I believe for Habib Muhammad Al Aydarus, Habib is his birth name.
is it not a way to categorize those from the childrens of the prophet? I know that habib is used to call people casually, but this seems more like a title @@raiseyourdeen
Please pronounce the words in Arabic correctly, I noticed that a lot of people transliterate Arabic words to reverts incorrectly like “Hafiz” is actually “Hafith” and another thing I often hear people using is “Namaz” for prayer, which is not an Arabic word, we say “Salah”. Please teach reverts the correct terms otherwise let them use the translated words in their own language.
To note that Fatwas are handed out only when there isn't a clear answer from Quran and Sunnah, so an Alim and his colleagues will discuss and come out with a verdict/ruling for the people in context.
In my country, imam is a person that lead the prayer, mufti is a religious authorative person who is tied with the government. Sheikh is a hereditary title for a person who belong to an arab lineage, most probably from yemen
@@MegaMeraaj As far as I know, Sheikhs like Assim Al-Hakeem are not giving fatwas but they are informing the people of the fatwas to answer their questions.
Good research and amazing work but I got different first hand experience. Sheikh is a word with used for many. But a sheikh is often used for what you described as alim. Yet not have not specified in a topic enough to make fatwa. If he is then he is a sheikh and mufti. Al-Mufti is the title of the government appointed sheikh for fatwa. Alim is basically a scholar and alamah is like a scholar of scholars. Also referred to as sheikh 😂
You maybe also forget the Qari it is a person who recites the Quran perfectly with all the rules of tajweed but i think that hafizs are majority also Qaris because they know also the tajweed rules 🤲
Good point, I forgot to add Qari
@@raiseyourdeenand Qadhi
@@raiseyourdeenand Ustadh
Not to be disrespectful but doesn’t qari mean someone who has know all the qiraat of Quran?
@@RayyanMuhammad-t3rNot necessarily.. As long they are proficient in any 1 style.. Adheres to rules of Tajweed.. we consider them a Qari..
I was actually thinking about the differences the other day, timing couldn't of been more perfect. Thanks for going over each of the terms and explaining them so well. Looking forward to your next video Shahrukh!
Ha that’s brilliant! I just wanted to educate/remind myself tbh and thought I might as well make it a video 😊 Thanks for the support Nabeel!
@Vlad Amir Al-Putin Salaam. Hopefully my video allowed to differentiate between sheikhs, imams and muftis at least.
As for those scholars - don’t know exactly as I’m not sure what qualifications they have.
I know that Omar Suleiman is an Imam. His Instagram sometimes shows his mosque. Assim Al hakeem is only referred to as sheikh as far as I know.
Same lol. Our phones listen to us
Asalaam o Aliykum. My son asked me this question today and this video pops up. Alhamdulillah. Coincidence? No such thing.
Bro I really love his explanation especially since I’m a born Muslim I see that he is very good at showing what some of those terms mean Mashallah, I’m also not a Shia any more I refer to myself as a muslim
Stop calling yourself shia or stopped praying like we do and doing the things we do?
@@pouriyaabouei6485 no exactly, bro im more halal then u, your divided whilst allah in the quran has said dont divide also the nabi has said that, even imam ali has, bro also have u brougth anyone to islam?
@@afatube5066don’t be arrogant akhi u don’t know for sure if you are more halal and u shouldn’t think you’re better than anyone
@@lanosaidi6459 words of truth
Thanks for your Video ❤
Very important informationsTabarak Allah wa alhamdoulilah 😊
Basically 'Ulama' is the plural form of the world 'Alim'. So you would say, "He is an Alim. They are Ulama". You explained it pretty nicely. As for 'Maulana/Mulvi', it's also another word for 'Alim'. It's basically the same thing. Just different words. However, 'Maulana' is arabic (مولانا), while 'Mulvi' is Urdu. Two different languages. Same meaning. So just to clarify, an 'Alim' and 'Maulana' both do the same exact studies. The syllabus is basically standardised worldwide. We usually call it the 'Alim course' and usually refer to the person as 'Maulana so-and-so'.
Also, every Mufti is an Alim. After becoming an Alim/Maulana, a person will spend an additional amount of years doing the Iftaa (Mufti course) to become a Mufti.
I came to write exactly all those and found you already saying it 😅
May Allah gives you 4 wives
I think alim is the highest in rank of whole knowledge, whos has not just command on islamic fatwas and hadees but also have science politics history geography hence as much worldy knowledge as a person could acquire. And mufti is just specialized in rules and regulations for wordly matters according to islamic sharia. An alim can be a mufti, but mufti are normaly not alim as they just focus on islamic shria law. They dont get involve in other worldly affairs and dont have wholesome view about world. Alim shows the balance between duniya and islam. And mufti works to find legislation according to islamic law
Very useful information, delivered in an excellent and engaging manner!
You’re too kind, jazakallah khair!
I also had a query to know the differences among the titles. Thanks so much for making such informative video.
You’re welcome, thank you 🙏🏽
Good video and clear explanation of titles that are often misunderstood and interchanged so often it’s difficult to see where one stops and the other one starts. 🙏🏼
Exactly! Jazka'Allah khair
Mashallah. Your video added a value of knowledge to my life.
May Allah bless you and your family.
Thank you and Ameen!
I usually use these titles to tease my fellow madrasah friends. Now I got more of these....thank you...
Haha me too! Calling them Sheikh is too funny 😂
Subhanallah, Thank you for such valuable information Shahrukh. May Allah bless you and forgive your sins. May He increase you in ranks and grant you Jannah. Ameen
Ameen Ameen Ameen
You're very kind brother
Salam bro
This is Anwar from Thailand. Football mate from Edin Uni.
Accidentally found you in this video. This is such a great video.
Anwar! Wa alaikum salaam bro, what a coincidence, how are you my brother? Did you move back to Thailand straight after Uni?
Ive always been wondering bout this but never asked anyone. Thanks for the knowledge
Thank you for the information, Shaykh Shahrukh!
My pleasure, haha glad you liked it
جزاك الله خير ❤
I love how respectful you are when talking about this all, especially with Shia Islam, most Muslims just call them kaffirs and move on but I'm glad you're explaining it all. I'm a revert, Shia to Sunni but my family is still Shia so I feel at ease when people are kind to Shias because even though I feel Sunnah is the correct path people still need to learn about all branches and sects of Islam as Muslims of non Muslims. We have a duty to obtain as much knowledge as we can.
Jazak'Allah khair 🙂 I do try and be respectful to everyone, as who am I to judge?
@@OfficialBruceLee I am not Shia and I don’t think they practice Islam correctly as I understand it. The purpose of this video was not to refute Shiism though, just to highlight some differences.
@@OfficialBruceLee i understand 👌
Thank you for this info. Really informative ❤
You're welcome, thanks!
We in Malaysia have Ustaz/ Ustaza, quite similar to Alim/ Ulama, which is a teacher teaching Al-Quran in schools.
It's interesting how languages are so similar beacuse in urdu ustad or utadza are used for teachers
Islam has destroyed all potential Malaysia had at independence, now it's too late.
In India also
That’s because it’s arabic
And it’s ustadh not ustaz
Jazzaak Allah Khair! Excellent presentation on important subjects.
You’re very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it Alhamdulillah
Ma sha Allah!
You are doing a good job,Brother.
Thanks for making this video❤
As-Salaam Walaikum.... JezakAllah khair ahk. ☝🏽🙂❤️
Thank you for these interesting informations. I'm Chrisitian and I always wondered what are the differences between those titles and if there are some similarities to our priests and bishops
May god direct you to the right path amin
This quite explains everything but not tha much details but atleast in a much concise and precise way.
Good Job!
Assalam alaikum. ...jazakalla khair ...dear sharukh am from india. ..a teacher ...great information n the way u explained very humble. ..n could get it very easily ....may allah almighty bless you ❤....keep going dear
Thanks for the wonderful information Dr. Shahrukh 🙂
I’m glad you liked it!!!
An educative and insightful presentation
Thank you!
Useful information, JazakAllahu Khairan.
Two questions though :
a) what does Allama mean (popularly used in the subcontinent)
b) we are accountable for our own actions which would decide the status in the after life. But two things are very important- Allah's mercy and Prophet's (SM) intercession (shafayat). Any comment.
Allama is same as Aalim
we are accountable for our actions means that we are ones who are responsible for the activities done by us
smetimes, people might tell you to do something bad, but that doesnt mean that the sin totally goes to them , because everyone of us have thinking and knowledge skill
allah's mercy is very much important bacause we commit sins knowingly or unknowingly, and allah is the only one who can forgive us as he is going to judge us correctly in the day of judgment. thats why it is told to ask allah's forgiveness
prophet's Shafayat is where muhammed (sal) will ask for allah's mercy for us . he will ask allah to forgive us and remove the muslims from hellfire. to get his shafayath, we should ask dua for the prophet, basically it is telling salawath and we should tell the azan dua after the azan as it includes a kind of dua to get shafayath
There is a distinct title only found in Nusantara archipelago (Indonesia,malaysia,brunei) but in particular in Indonesia, we have this title called "Kiai" Kiai is a person who are the head of a islamic boarding school (called Pesantren in Indonesia) or head of a department in a pesantren. And sometimes title "Kiai" is the one we used in Indonesia rather then "Sheikh"
These are different Pokémon evolutions of the deen. Subhan’Allah, may Allah (SWT) grant everyone who pursues the knowledge of Islam the truth & guidance to Jannat Al Firdous, Insha’Allah
Thanks for this, I've been wondering! What about Ustadh(a)? I tend to see more men sheikhs and women ustadhas than the other way around, and I'm not sure why
It is an important post. We want such type of regularly.
Wa iyyakum!
Ma sha Allah brother well explained , Alhamdulillah jazak Allah khairan katheerah
Thank you brother, Wa iyyakum
I remembered maulana as the turkish 'mevlana', which is basically the master of the sufi order (persian, Rumi). Interesting to know more. Thx
It’s true that we are all responsible for ourselves and our actions. But this is not the same as saying their is no intercession.
The Quran and Hadith make clear that the Prophets will be given the right to intercede for their nations. Also the Scholars and Martyrs will intercede for their families and friends. This is a mercy from Allah SWT that we should not loose hope in.
Some Ahadith related to intercession:
“My intercession will be for those among my ummah who committed major sins.” (Sahih Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 1983).
Muslim narrated that Abu’l-Darda said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, ‘Those who curse will not be witnesses or intercessors on the Day of Resurrection.”
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the One in whose hand is my soul, none among you are more fervent to claim a right from Allah on the Day of Resurrection than the believers on behalf of their brothers in the Hellfire. They will say: Our Lord, they fasted, prayed, and performed pilgrimage with us! It will be said to them: Take out those whom you recognize. Thus, the Hellfire is forbidden for their bodies and they will take out many people.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7439, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 183
[The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:] “So the prophets, the angels and the believers will intercede, and the Compeller (Allah) will say, ‘There remains My intercession.’ Then He will take a handful from the Fire and bring forth some people whose bodies have been burnt and throw them into a river at the entrance to Paradise that is called the Water of Life.
They will grow on its banks, as a seed carried by a flood grows. You have seen how it grows beside a rock or beside a tree, and how the side facing the sun is usually green while the side facing the shade is white. They will come out like pearls, and necklaces will be placed around their necks. Then they will enter Paradise, and the people of Paradise will say, ‘These are the people emancipated by the Most Merciful. He has admitted them into Paradise without them having done any good deeds and without them having sent forth any good (for themselves).’ Then it will be said to them, ‘You will have what you have seen and the equivalent thereof.’”
(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 7440)
“It was narrated that Anas ibn Malik said: Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us: “When the Day of Resurrection comes, the people will surge with each other like waves. They will come to Adam and say, ‘Intercede for us with your Lord.’ He will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to Ibrahim for he is the Close Friend of the Most Merciful.’ So they will go to Ibrahim, but he will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to Musa for he is the one to whom Allah spoke directly.’ So they will go to Musa but he will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to ‘Isa for he is a soul created by Allah and His Word.’ So they will go to ‘Isa but he will say, ‘I am not fit for that. Go to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).’ So they will come to me and I will say, I am fit for that.’ Then I will ask my Lord for permission and He will give me permission, and He will inspire me with words of praise with which I will praise Him, words that I do not know now. So I will praise Him with those words of praise and I will prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my ummah, my ummah!’ He will say, ‘Go and bring forth everyone in whose heart there is faith the weight of a barley-grain.’ So I will go and do that. Then I will come back and praise Him with those words of praise and I will fall prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my ummah, my ummah!’ He will say, ‘Go and bring forth everyone in whose heart there is faith the weight of a small ant or a mustard-seed.’ So I will go and do that. Then I will come back and praise Him with those words of praise and I will fall prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, my ummah, my ummah!’ He will say, ‘Go and bring forth from the Fire everyone in whose heart there is faith the weight of the lightest, lightest grain of mustard-seed.’ So I will go and bring them forth.”
When we left Anas I [the narrator of the hadith] said to some of our companions, “Why don’t we go to al-Hasan, who is hiding in the house of Abu Khalifah, and tell him what Anas ibn Malik has told us?” So we went to him, greeted him with salam and he gave us permission to enter. Then we said, “O Abu Sa’id, we have come to you from your brother Anas ibn Malik, and we have never heard anything like what he narrated to us about intercession.” He said, “Tell me.” So we narrated the hadith to him and we came to this point and he said, “Keep going.” We said, “He did not tell us any more.” He said, “He told me this hadith when he was a young man, twenty years ago. I do not know if he forgot or if he did not want to let you depend on what he might have said. We said, “O Abu Sa’id, tell us.” He smiled and said, “ Man was created hasty. I only mentioned that because I wanted to inform you of it. Anas told me the same as he told you, and said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) added: “Then I will come back a fourth time and praise Him with those words of praise and I will fall prostrate before Him. He will say, ‘O Muhammad, raise your head. Speak and intercession will be granted to you, ask and you will be given, intercede and your intercession will be accepted.’ I will say, ‘O Lord, give me permission (to bring forth) all those who said La ilaha ill-Allah.’ He will say, ‘By My Might, My Majesty, My Supremacy and My Greatness, I will most certainly bring forth from it those who said La ilaha ill-Allah.’”
(Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 7510)
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I will be the leader of mankind on the Day of Resurrection. Do you know why that is? Allah will gather mankind, the first and the last of them, in one place, so that the caller will be able to make them all hear his voice and the watcher will be able to see them all. The sun will be brought close and the people will suffer such distress and trouble that they will not be able to bear it or stand it. The people will say, ‘Don't you see in the state you are in and the condition you have reached? Why don't you look for someone who can intercede for you with your Lord?’ The people will say to one another: ‘Go to your father, Adam.’ So they will go to Adam (peace be upon him) … I will go and prostrate beneath the Throne. Then I will be given words of praise that have never been given to anyone before me, then it will be said, ‘O Muhammad! Raise your head; ask, for it will be given to you, and intercede, for your intercession will be accepted.’ I will raise my head and say, ‘My ummah, O lord! My ummah, O Lord!’ It will be said, ‘O Muhammad, admit from among your ummah those who will not be brought to account from the right-hand gate of Paradise, and they will share the other gates with the people.’ He said, By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, the distance between two of the gate-posts is like the distance between Makkah and Humayr, or between Makkah and Busra.”
(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 4712)
You are correct. I should have been clearer in the video.
thank you for the explanation!
I am honestly impressed that you go Maulana/Mullah/Molvi correct.
In this Mufti Menk is popular , a muslim colleague was worried and concerned why his fellow was so much following Mufti Menk Menk , thanks for explaining. Yasmin Mogahed is an Alim.
You’re welcome 😊
Also good to mention that the terms have changed over time, for example Imam held a much higher degree than just Shaykh. Also some scholars humble themselves and do not refer to themselves as Shaykh or Mufti etc. Often Muslims know who is qualified to what degree regardless titles.
Very true, good points
good video ahki i knew all the terms but still letting newer muslims understand why we might call an elder sheik or other tiles still lots of knowledge in this jazakallah khair may allah bless you brother
Ameen 🙏🏽
Thank you brother for your explanation
May Allah reward you for trying to improve your knowledge
finalyy i know the differences thank you so much may Allah s.w.a bless you and all muslim community Allahumma amin
The last part of the video is the most important I think you should have had put this explanation in the beginning
Many non Muslims when they hear these terms think these are some sort of religious ranks like pop ,priest in the Christianity or rabbi in judaism . But actually in islam there is nothing such as this all Muslims are equal
Good point 👌🏽
Thankyou for previous knowledge
The titles doesn't matter, what matters is the fear of Allah.
We Muslims don’t fear Allah (swt), because he is Al Raheem. Only pagans fear him as they don’t know him.
@bigdaddyeddy1252 what are you talking about every believers should have tremendous fear in his heart even Angels fear Allah and the prophets who are you not to fear His punishment...don't spread falsehood may Allah forgive and guide us all
thanks for the explanation.
Thank you. I was wondering about this recently, as I am started to inform myself more and more about Islam a few weeks ago (I am a not a Muslim). Now I know what all these terms mean :)
Glad I could help!
One thing to note is the word Hafidh historically was used for those whom were memorisers of hadith, not Quran as historically most people memorised the Quran so a distinct title for them was not needed. For example, great hadith scholars like Ibn Hajar, Ibn Rajab and Ibn Kathir are notably referred by this title of hafidh. Not sure when this change occured though! Other title to note is Qadi for judge
that's very interesting actually. Like you say, learning about the transition time and context between using Hafidh for Quran memorisers vs hadith memorisers would be enlightening
Looking forward for more educational content from yourself in sha Allah, especially for young adults and teenagers. Topics like music- fatwas
nasheed, is makeup for women halal , is it same as body building for men ? Money transactions and businesses based on interest money/riba etc young minds are confused about such things, and it would be good for them to hear from new fresh faces like you rather than our regular sheikhs, muftis, imams and ustads , in sha Allah
JazakhAllahu khairan
Thank you for this.
you're welcome!
Wow jazakallah khair
jazakallah khair for educating aji
1. Sheikh: Call someone out of respect, if they are old, if the have knowledge
2. Imam: Means leader and it usually it used for people who lead the prayer
3. Mufti: Basically anyone calls himself Mufti nowadays
4. Hafidh: It means Protecting/Protector, and it refers to people who9 have memoriesed the Quran
5. Alim: Scholar
Many thanks for educating
You're very welcome, my pleasure :)
“Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!”
Jazak allahu khair ❤
"Sheikh" is when you "put the scarf on" or here in Brunei some of us called them "Sahal"
❤May Allah reward you ameen.May Allah forgive and accept us ameen.
Jazak Allah ❤
04:36 most handsome guy showed up ❤️🔥
Really helpful thank you bro
you're welcome!
Malaysian Muslim here. From what I learnt, Maulana is the title given for Islamic teacher who graduated from Deobandi school of thought. We have a Malay preacher named Maulana Fakhrurrazi. Even though he is a Malaysian, he use the titled Maulana because he studied Deobandi in India or Pakistan.
There is also a title call Habib/Habaib here means someone who is from the lineage of Rasulullah S.A.W But some of them cannot be trusted as they will claim but not proving the lineage.
Jazak’Allah khair for your insight
Thanks a lot brother
Brother I'm from south Africa who wrote my observation for scrutiny of all these tilles pls engage with me I wrote to about these tiles before this text.
Thanks, sometimes i've been wondering what these titles actually mean.
You're welcome :)
No way mufti is a title, I always thought that was his first name 😭☠️
His first name is Ismail.
😂😂😂 me too but later on I found out it was a title when I saw other mufti
We have hundreds of Year's experience of how to become a süper Powers. İnşallah we will soon return to our power and be much greater.
In the eyes of Allaah subhanu wa ta'alaa.
😊 very informative
Thank you!
Alim/ulama can be translated to scholar/scholars
In Pakistan Aalim/Moulana is the person who have done Masters in Islamic studies 8 years of study, while Mufti is one who have done PhD in Islamic studies.
Jazakallah ❤
Wa iyyakum
excellent shukran
Study the last part of surah bakrah and find the meaning of Maulana as the protector. Only Allah is my Maulana, Maula and so on… I believe most titles are baseless. More bad than good.
Allah knows best
Allah knows best
if i led salah once does it mean that im a imam
You were for that salah
Can you notice me too I'm sharing deen 🤲🏻🥺may allah guide you🤲🏻
Thank you 🙏🏽
The different between Sheikh Asim and other sheikhs is Sheikh Asim says its ok consume alcohol in a small amount of percentage whereby all the others said its haram except for medication purposes
He said that? When?
I was hoping you would have included "scholar" in your list
Wa alaykum Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
brother i am from pakistan and people around here usually use the word maulvi for mocking a religious person. People have said these lines to me "oh maulvi when will your prayer time will be". the point is that there is no such thing as maulvi in islam .
Yeah I'm familiar with that usage as well. Some of these words can be used as a shaming tactic towards practicing Muslims, by people who are not practicing, to try and make themselves feel better. It's sad to see.
@@raiseyourdeenIt is similar to "Hujur" in Bangladesh 😂 when you become a bit religious and try to remind them about good and bad they will call you a Hujur
@@User_47536 exactly!
this video was so helpful jazakAllahu khayrun
You’re very kind, jazakAllah 😄
Wa 'alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh
شكرا جزيلا.
Who cares?! In Islam, Allah gave us a clear book, the Quran, that everyone can read and understand to what level they will. Allah says this, describing the seven levels of knowledge that all will not be able to gain due to their own limitations. So grab a few friends, everyone with their Quran, and take turns reading and describing what each ayat means to each person. We do not need religious leaders to usurp the respect and power of their position against us, or for our enemies.
Fair point. The terms exist though so it's useful to understand what they mean.
@@raiseyourdeen Where? In the Quran? So then if it is not in the Quran, are you following Allah's Islam, or the Islam of man?
@@growthandunderstanding I think your frustration is being misdirected towards me, brother.
@@raiseyourdeen I am not frustrated, my dear brother. I am simply using this free and open forum to express my thoughts just as you have. I think that meaningless titles are only used by people who have a poorly developed ego. But that is not the problem! The problem is that in such a video with the focus that you present in this one, Muslims are being lead away form Allah, and Allah's Instructions, the holy Quran, by mistaking simple, flawed, and sometimes, crooked men, to pay attention to them, rather than to the simplicity, beauty and immutable truth of Allah's message. In Islam, such mistakes are just a thin step from engaging in acts that are among the most sinful and referred to as "shirk." Think about why you care about those meaningless titles that you present in this video, and why you think that it requires any attention compared to the volume of the Quran, which we can spend eons speaking of and writing about, without exhausting all the topics of relevance. Peace unto you, brother!
grab a few friends and start reading? brother, even a well learned aalim will need the Seerah to understand the context of what is being said in the Quran.
Wa’alaykum Al Salamu waRahmatullahi waBarakatuh!
What about the names Hajees / Hujaj 🤔; after performing the Haj Pilgrimage ……..?
You answered your own question! :)
Hajji just means "one who has performed Hajj"
Hujaj is the plural form
very useful
@raiseyourdeen what about habib? like habib Kazim al Saqqaf, habib Mohammad al Aydarus, habib Omar bin Hafiz?
Habib means “love”, “darling” or “beloved”. Sometimes though, people name their kids Habib. I believe for Habib Muhammad Al Aydarus, Habib is his birth name.
is it not a way to categorize those from the childrens of the prophet? I know that habib is used to call people casually, but this seems more like a title @@raiseyourdeen
@@haskebutterfly oh really? Where have you heard that? I haven't come across it used in that way
thanks for sharing, though I don't think that usage is used much in the West - may only be confined to a few countries.
Please pronounce the words in Arabic correctly, I noticed that a lot of people transliterate Arabic words to reverts incorrectly like “Hafiz” is actually “Hafith” and another thing I often hear people using is “Namaz” for prayer, which is not an Arabic word, we say “Salah”. Please teach reverts the correct terms otherwise let them use the translated words in their own language.
Fair point. Though namaz is an Urdu word - it's not incorrect but just a different language.
To note that Fatwas are handed out only when there isn't a clear answer from Quran and Sunnah, so an Alim and his colleagues will discuss and come out with a verdict/ruling for the people in context.
Idk if I’m right or wrong but I have this term called Ustaz
Mashallah Baraka'Allah
In my country, imam is a person that lead the prayer, mufti is a religious authorative person who is tied with the government. Sheikh is a hereditary title for a person who belong to an arab lineage, most probably from yemen
what country is that?
As far as i know only Muftis and Aleems can give fatwa(Islamic rulings)..
What about Sheikhs . Can they give fatwa? Let me know
Sheikhs cannot give fatwas.
Then why do many sheikhs like for example Sheikh Asim Al hakeem give fatwas .ll
@@MegaMeraaj As far as I know, Sheikhs like Assim Al-Hakeem are not giving fatwas but they are informing the people of the fatwas to answer their questions.
I have understand now but my question is are all above mentioned titles qualify to teach me the qur an?
Anyone with knowledge can teach you how to read the Quran.
Muhammad said that if you pass wind with stink or sounds during dua, allah rejected your dua. Why? It is a natural thing.
Imam come from the word Amama who mean
" in from of " so imam it is the man who is in front of the persons in the mosque for leading the prayer.
Jazak’Allah khair
@@raiseyourdeen BarakAllah oufik brother !
From France !
What about Ustadz and Habib? Can you describe them?
Ustadh = Teacher/sir
Habib usually means "love", can also be a person's name, depends on the context tbh it has one or two other meanings as well
Good research and amazing work but I got different first hand experience.
Sheikh is a word with used for many. But a sheikh is often used for what you described as alim. Yet not have not specified in a topic enough to make fatwa. If he is then he is a sheikh and mufti. Al-Mufti is the title of the government appointed sheikh for fatwa.
Alim is basically a scholar and alamah is like a scholar of scholars. Also referred to as sheikh 😂
Hahaha it can get confusing as all these terms are used somewhat interchangeably 😆