Americans made it clear they are sick and tired of the status quo, Trump transition spokeswoman says

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @chuckanderson218
    @chuckanderson218 Месяц назад +281

    Leavitt is the right person for the job... congrats

  • @marcoziervogel6957
    @marcoziervogel6957 Месяц назад +300

    Karoline Leavitt 27 years old she's a powerhouse wow that's High Iq and Fire right there

  • @ProJoe-xb5ie
    @ProJoe-xb5ie Месяц назад +415

    Caroline leavitt this young lady is spot on true professional and I'm so glad has her on his team

    • @jayrowe6473
      @jayrowe6473 Месяц назад +11

      I wouldn't mind seeing Roseann Barr handle some reporters once or twice.

    • @ProJoe-xb5ie
      @ProJoe-xb5ie Месяц назад +3

      @jayrowe6473 she would be awesome even if she was just a temporary fill in

    • @geoffreyveale7715
      @geoffreyveale7715 Месяц назад +18

      Been appointed as Press Secretary. The contrast to KJP is incredible in a good way for the USA.

    • @ryandonnelly9820
      @ryandonnelly9820 29 дней назад

      way go girl

  • @meya3226
    @meya3226 Месяц назад +714

    Finally a Press Secretary who can answer a question.

    • @jamesBrian-lu4kj
      @jamesBrian-lu4kj Месяц назад +53

      And doesn't wear a mop on her head...

    • @michaelbateman7621
      @michaelbateman7621 Месяц назад

      Root out that corruption and insert his own, shut it down, they are all corrupt

    • @salmonella4u
      @salmonella4u Месяц назад +25

      @@jamesBrian-lu4kj It's not nice to insult a cabbage patch kid wannabe.

    • @breathoflifeacres939
      @breathoflifeacres939 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@salmonella4ulol love the name BTW

    • @JustAskingForAFriendOfAFriend
      @JustAskingForAFriendOfAFriend Месяц назад +8

      ​@@jamesBrian-lu4kj I didn't think she was good at her job, but her hair is nice and even if it wasn't, personal irrelevant attacks are uncalled for, don't be like the blues

  • @thomasjmitchell2306
    @thomasjmitchell2306 Месяц назад +93

    27 years old is not a kid. She's doing well because she's professional!

  • @BooBoo1150-k3g
    @BooBoo1150-k3g Месяц назад +127

    dang shes gonna be good as press secretary

  • @ChristineMaher-z3j
    @ChristineMaher-z3j Месяц назад +93

    Wow! Only 27, and she is so impressive 👏 😍 🙌 ❤️ congratulations from New Zealand 🇳🇿

  • @2ndamendment770
    @2ndamendment770 Месяц назад +90

    WoW ! Look at all Those ADULT's in Charge ! Thank You Lord for blessing us AGAIN !!

  • @SalliThompson-l6d
    @SalliThompson-l6d Месяц назад +48

    Congratulations Karoline.

  • @amorgod7776
    @amorgod7776 Месяц назад +88

    I doubted her because I had never heard her speak before but she seems extremely sharp. This is going to be an exciting next four years. Good luck Karoline

  • @MrBalajicse89
    @MrBalajicse89 Месяц назад +200

    Karoline perfect press secretary
    Make it happen

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад

      Press on nails secretary.

    • @garypeterson9745
      @garypeterson9745 Месяц назад +15

      It did happen. Great pick too

    • @jglee6721
      @jglee6721 Месяц назад +4

      Sure did. I can't believe that a 27 yo can be this good.

    • @xavierdaume2757
      @xavierdaume2757 Месяц назад +7

      @@jglee6721 Before working on the Trump`s campaign , She worked for Kayleigh McEnany and Elise Stefanik performing excellently . And she was the first Gen Z republican to win a Congressional primary.

    • @jeffbauer3425
      @jeffbauer3425 Месяц назад +5

      This young lady is going to be a vicious Press Secretary. Yet I will still miss Kaleigh.

  • @ARTIC7051
    @ARTIC7051 Месяц назад +333


    • @andrewbruce949
      @andrewbruce949 Месяц назад +1

      I'm glad he's out of the House

    • @pmoormann
      @pmoormann Месяц назад +3

      1 year of Law Experience after passing Florida Bar. Not Qualified for AG.

    • @MarieJulie211
      @MarieJulie211 Месяц назад

      Tell me how Harris was qualified to be vice president or president?? She slept her way to the top​@@pmoormann

    • @robertdefrank5916
      @robertdefrank5916 Месяц назад

      @@pmoormann More qualified than the dem AG!

    • @musicmadgic6931
      @musicmadgic6931 Месяц назад

      @@pmoormann Meanwhile, anti-America lawfare collusion with state AG's, to clear a noted felon of numerous felonies', and then cook up fake charges to take out the Democrat's Presidental opposition, is fine right? No doubt Gaetz doesn't have the corruption experience Merric Garland has, but still, well over half of the "American" voting public don't agree with you and want to see Gaetz confirmed. Remember, landslide-nationwide!

  • @macazootie
    @macazootie Месяц назад +43

    She's fiery, I like her; she will make a great Press Sec! looking forward to being unburdened by KJP

  • @cindiareddy2370
    @cindiareddy2370 29 дней назад +16

    This young lady is full of fire..

  • @Thats_what_she_said__89
    @Thats_what_she_said__89 Месяц назад +572

    75 million Americans made it clear an said "KAMALA YOU'RE FIRED"

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад

      BS, America hates MAGA.
      The crooked system put Trump in place, not the people.

    • @HS-ob3fz
      @HS-ob3fz Месяц назад +17

      Am a proud white from Alabama and am one of those 75 million people god blesh United States

    • @hangingby-a-thread
      @hangingby-a-thread Месяц назад +3

      You misspelled F ‘d ! - but close enough for fascist utube.

    • @roxannevlogs7329
      @roxannevlogs7329 Месяц назад

      2% difference suckers ……let’s see how long this circus will last. No dictatorship in America 🇺🇸 ever. Our greatest generation fought an against that.

    • @Leonhart_93
      @Leonhart_93 Месяц назад +8

      76 million now.

  • @daverogers5609
    @daverogers5609 Месяц назад +64

    Wow, she is impressive. Happy she is on the team.

  • @flogrownhomeslice2955
    @flogrownhomeslice2955 Месяц назад +47

    She is fantastic! I'm so tired of Raggety Ann

    • @jason_m_schmidt622
      @jason_m_schmidt622 Месяц назад

      Jen Psaki🥰

    • @peartfaldo
      @peartfaldo 3 дня назад

      oh youre just racist and homophobic and sexist. why was hires again???

  • @markemerson8399
    @markemerson8399 Месяц назад +15

    WOW! Karoline is a fantastic speaker!

  • @ravenheart1439
    @ravenheart1439 Месяц назад +88

    Matt would be a blow torch in the DOJ, I'm all for him after watching him in Congressional's exactly what needs to happen...

  • @donaldbohn3183
    @donaldbohn3183 Месяц назад +1278

    Has anyone else noticed that the Republicans are much better looking than the Diddycrats!

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад +8

      Because you have thick beer goggles on.

    • @alexbeau3964
      @alexbeau3964 Месяц назад +18


    • @cathyt144
      @cathyt144 Месяц назад +135

      They have more Class and Intelligence too.

    • @Oled01
      @Oled01 Месяц назад +47

      @@taramichellepaganleast we can see because our lenses are not blue colored and we can see clearly now!!!

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад +4

      I am not a Democrat either.

  • @jamesfischer440
    @jamesfischer440 Месяц назад +155

    Awesome appointments!!! America has spoken, libbys cry and get over it. I'm a Minnesota ex democrat union member and I voted for Trump!!!❤🎉😊

    • @42442LOVE
      @42442LOVE 27 дней назад +1

      God Bless You and THANK YOU!!!!!!

  • @Simplereyes
    @Simplereyes Месяц назад +19

    Never heard of this girl. And her responses are nothing short of excellent with pure precision!

  • @brendaaucamp1730
    @brendaaucamp1730 Месяц назад +467

    Gaetz is the perfect choice he won't tolerate any nonsense 👌

    • @RobertSmith-lq4kj
      @RobertSmith-lq4kj Месяц назад +14

      Unfortunately, that is why he most likely won't be confirmed. The government doesn't like being held accountable.

    • @acornsucks2111
      @acornsucks2111 Месяц назад +3

      Matt should come out and comment on the statements about womanizing etc.

    • @LincolnHawk87
      @LincolnHawk87 Месяц назад +9

      @@acornsucks2111what womanizing comments ?? Please explain that to me because the days are over where asking questions and presenting legitimate comparisons are construed as racist, womanizing, and antisemitic. He asks the hard questions and I applaud him for that.

    • @QuietRefl4378
      @QuietRefl4378 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@LincolnHawk87 Let's read the Ethics Committee report about his behavior and then decide.

    • @LincolnHawk87
      @LincolnHawk87 Месяц назад

      @@QuietRefl4378 no thanks I’ll make my decision now based off of the ethnics committees statement on its website that has not found anything to formally charge him. Only hearsay.

  • @elizaelie
    @elizaelie Месяц назад +248

    Bold, courageous, loyal and integral candidates like Matt Gaetz are perfect for the job.

  • @matthewfarren5423
    @matthewfarren5423 Месяц назад +491

    See who goes against the President's choices ,primary them, and vote them out in midterm election .

    • @acornsucks2111
      @acornsucks2111 Месяц назад +3

      Trump's term is done in four years. There is not much time for that

    • @dynamicchecklists127
      @dynamicchecklists127 Месяц назад +32

      @@acornsucks2111 We have to do it anyway to pave the way for JD or DeSantis or whoever is after Trump. To make a long-term impact, we have to keep the Democrats out for at least 12 years from this point forward or they'll undo a lot of things. Plus replace the RINOS.

    • @xdsclubgold123
      @xdsclubgold123 Месяц назад +3

      @@acornsucks2111 2 years

    • @jayrowe6473
      @jayrowe6473 Месяц назад +13

      Make an exception for Trump to serve another consecutive term, if he's interested in that, since he was cheated out of his second term in 2020. Pass a law for just this instance.

    • @glennmandigo6069
      @glennmandigo6069 Месяц назад +2

      @@jayrowe6473 Uh, Constitution state only 2 terms for a President

  • @johnnybgood3724
    @johnnybgood3724 Месяц назад +61

    She is very articulate. She is way better than Karine Jean-Pierre .

    • @MarieJulie211
      @MarieJulie211 Месяц назад +2

      Kringe? I don't like her but she had a job that nobody could do. The lies we're so fast and furious that nobody could cover them up that fast. But I'm sure she'll be glad to not have to answer Peter Doocy's questions anymore.. lol. Because there were no answers.

    • @laksha_kotlu
      @laksha_kotlu Месяц назад +1

      Karine Jean-Pierre CLOWN 🤡

    • @SOS-r3z
      @SOS-r3z Месяц назад

      Watch what happens you for get his last administration hire and fire a do nothing moron🤷‍♂️

    • @AntonioOrtiz-rm8xc
      @AntonioOrtiz-rm8xc Месяц назад

      All kidding aside I believe my German Shepherd can do way better job than Karine Jean-Pierre

  • @peterw.1997
    @peterw.1997 Месяц назад +79

    Has KJP even ever made a complete sentence like Karoline did in this one clip?

    • @71lynda
      @71lynda Месяц назад +4

      Nope she deflected and deflected and in the end there’s not much of a reply to a question.

    • @charles56737
      @charles56737 Месяц назад +2


    • @42442LOVE
      @42442LOVE 27 дней назад

      Oh My Gosh!! What a HUGE differnce between these two and actually from all of the ones in Biden's term!!!!

  • @beckyumphrey2626
    @beckyumphrey2626 Месяц назад +88

    Karoline will be an amazing press secretary!!!

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад

      Secretary of silly putty.

    • @ashlibabbitt8609
      @ashlibabbitt8609 Месяц назад

      She's an imbecile. She communicates like a small child 😆

    • @thehonesttruth8808
      @thehonesttruth8808 Месяц назад +5

      Your TDS is dripping

    • @EamonThePhilogynistWalford
      @EamonThePhilogynistWalford Месяц назад +6

      If Karoline Leavitt gets the nod for the Press Secretary position, she'll mop the floor with the incumbent one (KJP hair reference intended). 😛

    • @CippyD
      @CippyD Месяц назад +2

      @@taramichellepagan Still can't cope.

  • @nemesis4666
    @nemesis4666 Месяц назад +35

    Congratulations Karoline as the new white house press secretary

    • @jodistonaker2141
      @jodistonaker2141 Месяц назад +2

      She’s good.. Cannot believe she’s only 27!

  • @scottpieper7888
    @scottpieper7888 Месяц назад +111

    They are fearful of Gaetz

  • @boycotte
    @boycotte Месяц назад +20

    Oh, beautiful breath of fresh air compared to the current one! Love from Europe! MAGA!

  • @moa.333
    @moa.333 Месяц назад +11

    Wow! Karoline is a huge step up from Binder Woman ❤

  • @seanjones5951
    @seanjones5951 Месяц назад +160

    What a beautiful cabinet

    • @marielaganas3398
      @marielaganas3398 Месяц назад +1

      I don’t trust Tulsi

    • @donnots6594
      @donnots6594 Месяц назад +7

      @@marielaganas3398 If she acts up she will be forced out. I don't think Trump and his team are playing games this time.

    • @joesmith-vz1vx
      @joesmith-vz1vx Месяц назад +6

      @@marielaganas3398 I do 100%...She'll be the first female president.

    • @lthomas2074
      @lthomas2074 Месяц назад

      What a trashy cabinet

    • @c.s.440
      @c.s.440 Месяц назад

      Yes! It's what Americans look like and should look remain.

  • @Paul-rp1ld
    @Paul-rp1ld Месяц назад +107

    We want Matt Gaetz for attorney general!!

    • @4444-LV
      @4444-LV Месяц назад

      NO WE DON'T!! His past is too shady!!

    • @dennisferguson9129
      @dennisferguson9129 Месяц назад


    • @hornet7372
      @hornet7372 29 дней назад

      For sure. He's the one

    • @chadhOneAtl
      @chadhOneAtl 29 дней назад

      Not everyone..

    • @dennisferguson9129
      @dennisferguson9129 28 дней назад

      ​@@4444-LVohhh...ya mean just like Trump is too shady. They have nothing on either one of them.
      Dems persecute whomever stands up to them!

  • @scottyj75
    @scottyj75 Месяц назад +13

    Love this girl!!!!!

  • @kreefkreefie2808
    @kreefkreefie2808 Месяц назад +102

    Why so many are feeling threatened by AG Gaetz ?

    • @dynamicchecklists127
      @dynamicchecklists127 Месяц назад

      He's a rowdy disruptor. Same reason the Leftist lunatics hate Trump.

    • @lmbear
      @lmbear Месяц назад

      Because he will clean up the corruption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't put up with it. People need to be fired, investigated and jailed!!!

    • @thomasmacon7782
      @thomasmacon7782 Месяц назад +1


    • @laldinmawiic4276
      @laldinmawiic4276 Месяц назад +5

      ​@@thomasmacon7782 God made the rainbow. Read Genesis from the Bible

    • @Kj-ud7xw
      @Kj-ud7xw Месяц назад +6

      Only Democrat and Rino

  • @James-re6co
    @James-re6co Месяц назад +42

    She's a firecracker!! Find a spot for her!!

    • @hendo19742
      @hendo19742 Месяц назад +6


  • @catherinesmith791
    @catherinesmith791 Месяц назад +9

    I look forward to having Karoline for a Press Secretary, she is very well spoken! Great Pick President Trump!!!

  • @CuzzenCuzzen
    @CuzzenCuzzen Месяц назад +13

    Man she is great!! I can't talk that fast and make that much sense guarantee d

  • @johnnymaccool9828
    @johnnymaccool9828 Месяц назад +193

    Kevin McCarthy is eating his heart out 😂

    • @TimRogers-ir6ss
      @TimRogers-ir6ss Месяц назад +15

      He is! Being a Petulant Child has it’s Downfalls.

    • @JasRaymond1
      @JasRaymond1 Месяц назад +7

      Don't forget he left the party when they needed him most and he got unseated because he was against Trump and a Rino

    • @DennisTheMenace5150
      @DennisTheMenace5150 Месяц назад +8

      Rhino Alert

    • @michaelbucceri9215
      @michaelbucceri9215 Месяц назад

      F him hes not really on our team.

    • @Lure-Benson
      @Lure-Benson Месяц назад

      @@JasRaymond1 What was shocking news was when McCarthy got the boot Pelosi made it clear that McCarthy had Pelosi's support -- that proved 100% McCarthy was a Rino !

  • @Chris_Wolfgram
    @Chris_Wolfgram Месяц назад +14

    Well with Kaleigh before her, she has a LOT to live up to. But she sounds super sharp ! God bless her to do the job well.

  • @leonhue722
    @leonhue722 Месяц назад +117

    It's time for the democrat party to be forensicaly investigated and charged for being an enemy of the state.

    • @davidmichaels4285
      @davidmichaels4285 Месяц назад

      Absolutely they're too power-hungry too controlling and they want to mandate Us in the poverty and give us garbage Life policies and then call US garbage IF I WAS A LAWYER I DROPPED THE PAPERWORK

    • @AndrewPriester
      @AndrewPriester Месяц назад +1

      Sorry but that what tyrants do
      And Trump isn’t a tyrant

    • @RoniCarbine
      @RoniCarbine Месяц назад +9

      ​@AndrewPriester not if there's clear reasion for concern and investigations. Otherwise by your logic both side could do anything without fear of beeing held accountable

    • @Jabberwocky_McScrugel
      @Jabberwocky_McScrugel Месяц назад

      ​@@AndrewPriesterOh no buddy, we're going to investigate under the DNC's toenails. Your heroes are definitely going to prison. Obama being one of them.

    • @Jabberwocky_McScrugel
      @Jabberwocky_McScrugel Месяц назад +2

      ​@@RoniCarbineYou're talking to a Commie bot.

  • @lizhorton5333
    @lizhorton5333 Месяц назад +195

    Karoline Leavitt should be Press Secretary. That’s my prediction.

    • @JayCity10
      @JayCity10 Месяц назад +3

      She might be the pick now. Kayleigh McEnany's name hasn't come up. Scott Jennings is at CNN. Alina Habba has taken her name out of contention. So it might be Karoline. Unless a surprise pick like Kari Lake appears. Though, you can still make her Communications Director.

    • @EllieMaes-Grandad
      @EllieMaes-Grandad Месяц назад +14

      @@JayCity10 Karoline has been recommended by Kayleigh and she is a great speaker. Problem solved . . .

    • @JayCity10
      @JayCity10 Месяц назад +8

      @@EllieMaes-Grandad Being endorsed by the greatest one ever, is all you need. Though Heather Nauret and Sarah Sanders, need some love too. They too were great.

    • @hawks7775
      @hawks7775 Месяц назад +7

      I Just seen they have

    • @joesmith-vz1vx
      @joesmith-vz1vx Месяц назад +8

      Good call

  • @Pj36663
    @Pj36663 Месяц назад +12

    Karoline , incredible work, great job, you look amazing .

  • @thienthy2003
    @thienthy2003 Месяц назад +10

    She is young but had a powerful voice

  • @ProJoe-xb5ie
    @ProJoe-xb5ie Месяц назад +31

    Kamala Harris could never speak like Caroline Lovett

  • @BeeBonaventure
    @BeeBonaventure Месяц назад +161


    • @Uvoted4this
      @Uvoted4this Месяц назад

      As Harris boasted " We're just following the laws "

    • @DSlav2488
      @DSlav2488 Месяц назад

      What about those of us who actually have brain cells and integrity and didn't vote for Trump??

    • @Ram-dq1gq
      @Ram-dq1gq Месяц назад

      Elections have consequences lmao

    • @suzymmyers9590
      @suzymmyers9590 Месяц назад

      ​@@DSlav2488Get On Board

    • @winnwinn7580
      @winnwinn7580 Месяц назад +3

      @@DSlav2488 Just keep crying .. at least 4 years ..

  • @pingpong9656
    @pingpong9656 Месяц назад +67

    Karoline has earned press secretary position

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад

      She is secretary of turtlenecks.

    • @flanjo.NZ.
      @flanjo.NZ. Месяц назад +5

      Sure has, she's quick off the mark and is sharp as a tack, also knows what she's talking about.

    • @JayCity10
      @JayCity10 Месяц назад +3

      I thought it was going to be Alina Habba. Karoline deserves this role though.

  • @assassinsunite3434
    @assassinsunite3434 Месяц назад +102

    Thank-you America love from England 🇬🇧 MAGA America first not last 🇺🇲❤🙏🏻

    • @rubbersole79
      @rubbersole79 Месяц назад +1

      No love for Limey's here. You let your country go. Stay away from ours.

    • @thomasmacon7782
      @thomasmacon7782 Месяц назад +2


    • @MarieJulie211
      @MarieJulie211 Месяц назад +2

      Aren't you glad we revolted??

    • @assassinsunite3434
      @assassinsunite3434 Месяц назад +2

      @EJCruz924 Yes🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  • @garymitchell7551
    @garymitchell7551 Месяц назад +115

    Just confirm everyone and let the Trump agenda take place

    • @ashlibabbitt8609
      @ashlibabbitt8609 Месяц назад +1

      That's not how it works. This is not North Korea, idiot.

    • @sabaha4637
      @sabaha4637 Месяц назад +7

      Let it play out: expose the dirt 😂

    • @CippyD
      @CippyD Месяц назад +8

      @@ashlibabbitt8609 Still can't cope.

    • @Theywereright24-7
      @Theywereright24-7 Месяц назад

      It has been the last 4. We have been under censorship that rivals or surpasses N Korea.

    • @ML-te6qv
      @ML-te6qv Месяц назад

      ​@@ashlibabbitt8609 waaa waaa go cry to mamala

  • @davidmathewson1088
    @davidmathewson1088 Месяц назад +12

    She did a good job for the Republican party. Trump is surrounded by tough, smart, articulate, calm/rationale women.

  • @Lilly-c1q
    @Lilly-c1q Месяц назад +8

    Karoline leavit is an excellent pick for press secretary. She is friendly but tough, young and charismatic as well. Good luck to her. Good luck America with President elect Donald Trump.

  • @insertnamehereplease4975
    @insertnamehereplease4975 Месяц назад +6

    Yay! Just yay! Love from Canada❤

  • @grizbear9519
    @grizbear9519 Месяц назад +24

    Let's not forget Gaetz ran McCarthy out of the building. Sour grapes maybe??!! McCarthy is an establishment heel NOT MAGA!

  • @Dan-ji4db
    @Dan-ji4db Месяц назад +6

    Karoline is now press sec! She's awesome 👍🏻

  • @christopherjacobs5033
    @christopherjacobs5033 Месяц назад +12

    Statements like that is what got backstabbing Kevin McCarthy removed from his position as Speaker of the house. He's a turncoat.

  • @okiepita50t-town28
    @okiepita50t-town28 Месяц назад +72

    Turnin’, burnin’ and churnin’. Keep up the good work Donald.

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад

      Burning and churning chicken...wings that's about it, give me a break.

    • @thomasmacon7782
      @thomasmacon7782 Месяц назад


    • @okiepita50t-town28
      @okiepita50t-town28 Месяц назад +1

      @@taramichellepagan which leg would you like?

    • @taramichellepagan
      @taramichellepagan Месяц назад

      I am not a meat...eater...

    • @fhtuna
      @fhtuna Месяц назад +2

      ​@@taramichellepaganand you lost why because the Kamala was doing good lmao

  • @irmasearcy6446
    @irmasearcy6446 29 дней назад +3

    Congratulations to Karoline Leavitt 😀

  • @davidmichaels4285
    @davidmichaels4285 Месяц назад +42


  • @GothicTrunk
    @GothicTrunk Месяц назад +10

    Press Secretary!!!! ❤

  • @aynrandish9106
    @aynrandish9106 Месяц назад +8

    Leavitt is impressive and will make a good Press Secretary and RFKJ will make a fabulous HHS secretary.

  • @Mrs.Deanna_Ember
    @Mrs.Deanna_Ember Месяц назад +67

    Karoline explained it perfectly👏 I'm very optimistic about this administration 🙏
    The more liberals and establishment republicans complain about President Trump's cabinet choices, the more I know he made the right decisions 💯

    • @seanblankenship5404
      @seanblankenship5404 Месяц назад

      Because you're ignorant

    • @cstuartdc
      @cstuartdc Месяц назад

      I can explain how this will go:
      1. Left wing media will show horror stories of deportation
      2. Right wing media will features stories of round-ups of criminals
      3. Left wingers will be horrified
      4. Right wingers will be delighted that they feel something is being done
      5. They'll be deported.
      6. They'll come back in
      7. We'll go deeper in debt
      8. We'll feel like we did something
      9. Repeat Steps 1-8

    • @CSH16
      @CSH16 Месяц назад +7

      ​@@seanblankenship5404you don't like it?... leave !!

    • @AndrewPriester
      @AndrewPriester Месяц назад

      @@seanblankenship5404 Or maybe he isn’t

    • @fhtuna
      @fhtuna Месяц назад +2

      ​@@seanblankenship5404sounds like your ignorant

  • @MAB1907
    @MAB1907 Месяц назад +7

    As a 63 old man, America is going to be just fine. I voted for Trump and support everything he decides…. God Bless America 🇺🇸 and Israel 🇮🇱

  • @briancoughlin6732
    @briancoughlin6732 Месяц назад +32

    Matt doesn't take crap

  • @j3lmn
    @j3lmn Месяц назад +7

    One smart woman.

  • @AriseandShineSleepers
    @AriseandShineSleepers Месяц назад +4

    I avoided the toxic news the last 4 years, i hated it. But now i love the WINNING ❤🎉❤

  • @mikemiller4817
    @mikemiller4817 Месяц назад +8

    Karoline is impressive. Most impressive.

  • @JeffSchwenneker
    @JeffSchwenneker Месяц назад +30

    Yup the rinos will go againtst trump

    • @sabaha4637
      @sabaha4637 Месяц назад +7

      They are fired………… 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

  • @reesestewart2028
    @reesestewart2028 Месяц назад +10

    Watch the ones complaining about Gates, Those should be the first people at the podium answering "why do you resist the American peoples agenda?".

  • @cims4665
    @cims4665 Месяц назад +2

    Good job Caroline Leavitt you’ll rock it!

  • @murfyhousemouse7075
    @murfyhousemouse7075 Месяц назад +4

    I want Gaetz as AG and so do the American people!

  • @jimmypugh3332
    @jimmypugh3332 Месяц назад +33

    McCarthy GET LOST

    • @ComerGeorge
      @ComerGeorge Месяц назад +1

      McCarthy should have done his job and not make deals behind everyone's back

  • @americanpatriot4080
    @americanpatriot4080 Месяц назад +7

    This second Trump term is going to be amazing. Can't wait

  • @july821
    @july821 Месяц назад +7

    So so so glad we'll get rid of KJ Pierre. I just love Trump's picks, he listened to us too.

  • @billhayward2668
    @billhayward2668 Месяц назад +4

    Mike Johnson and John Thune better get their crap together now and get those free range chickens on the same page as John Kennedy has stated. We the people who voted for Trump want his picks to be vetted and confirmed without the bs. The American people have spoken.

  • @alycks6056
    @alycks6056 Месяц назад +6

    She’s sure meant to be the press secretary, she talks so fast and smooth

  • @gbala2865
    @gbala2865 Месяц назад +24

    Gaetz is the best choice to revamp the DOJ. McCarthy always a sad sod.

  • @marksnyder6120
    @marksnyder6120 Месяц назад +10

    Just announced that Trump has named Karoline as the new press secretary. Awesome choice, I love it!!!

  • @entertaininformmedia7836
    @entertaininformmedia7836 Месяц назад +7

    No surprise Karoline has since been selected as new Press Secretary!!

  • @user-fb4sb1zi8g
    @user-fb4sb1zi8g Месяц назад +14

    Can’t wait to see her as the press secretary! She is going to shred those so called journalists.

    • @cathedralirish820
      @cathedralirish820 Месяц назад +4

      She won’t even need a binder!

    • @stevencruz3977
      @stevencruz3977 Месяц назад

      They are not Journalists they are activists for the deep state.

  • @MannyGomez-q3o
    @MannyGomez-q3o Месяц назад +7

    After hearing her responses, i can already tell she is the person for the job, I don’t need to look up her resume

  • @richsmy1569
    @richsmy1569 Месяц назад +4

    Some people have The ability to communicate their thoughts and knowledge clearly and this woman surely does

  • @Bman67
    @Bman67 Месяц назад +4

    Kevin McCarthy has an axe to grind with Matt Gaetz so I take anything he says with a grain of salt.

  • @MrRavenArrowz
    @MrRavenArrowz Месяц назад +4

    27 years old but the stress will cause her to look even older. Good luck on the job and congrats on the position.

  • @paulmaher1705
    @paulmaher1705 29 дней назад +2

    She is fierce

  • @KDean22
    @KDean22 Месяц назад +5


  • @JGKingCrusher
    @JGKingCrusher Месяц назад +14

    Take note of anyone who fights against these picks. THEY are the enemy within.

  • @stevep4236
    @stevep4236 Месяц назад +1

    OMG these next 4 years is going to be fun to watch her tear throught the media

  • @wkahn1005
    @wkahn1005 Месяц назад +7

    CNN MSNBC ABC CBS NBC must never be allowed back into the White House Press Briefing Room

  • @mandynim4617
    @mandynim4617 27 дней назад +1

    Great press secretary 👍👍👍👍❤❤❤

  • @Patrick-gg4hu
    @Patrick-gg4hu Месяц назад +4

    You can’t blame McCarthy’s response.. it’s personal between him and Gaetz

  • @DonnaCinco-rb7ro
    @DonnaCinco-rb7ro 29 дней назад +1

    Love this girl!❤

  • @joecascone8113
    @joecascone8113 Месяц назад +4

    Looks like Karolina would be a good Press Secretary

  • @JoeS433-q6k
    @JoeS433-q6k Месяц назад +2

    Solid picks how about Ben Carson now?

  • @scottdavis2711
    @scottdavis2711 Месяц назад +5

    Intelligent, beautiful, experienced, strong young woman! Maga!

  • @GaryRupp-fe6ly
    @GaryRupp-fe6ly Месяц назад +1

    The best press secretary’s are Candace,Kayleigh and hopefully K.Leavitt Go Conservative Ladies 👍❤️🇺🇸

  • @cindaanderson8655
    @cindaanderson8655 Месяц назад +3

    Wow, McCarthy is still butt-hurt! Such a stooge.

  • @James-ll3jb
    @James-ll3jb Месяц назад +2

    Karoline for whatever she wants😊❤❤❤

  • @elizaelie
    @elizaelie Месяц назад +17

    President Trump must stay focused in delivering the clear and strong mandate he got, whatever the swamp's creatures say is not important nor relevant...

    • @jefffogg8730
      @jefffogg8730 Месяц назад +1

      Oh, and bow to the Bog-administration? Lol, this is going to eclipse His 1st term as more lame.

    • @AndrewPriester
      @AndrewPriester Месяц назад +1

      @@jefffogg8730 You are the one who did that with Joe

    • @Deadpoolbaby344
      @Deadpoolbaby344 Месяц назад +1

      msnbc is sheltering people like you dude 😂

    • @AndrewPriester
      @AndrewPriester Месяц назад

      @@Deadpoolbaby344 MSNBC is being put up for sale

    • @jefffogg8730
      @jefffogg8730 Месяц назад

      @ it will eclipse His first administration as being the worst term. *I cannot wait to experience it.*

  • @tinat5484
    @tinat5484 Месяц назад +1

    I don’t know much about Karolyne Leavett but boy she is smart as a whip. Her responses are rolling of her tongue with clear and cogent arguments