I lost a horrific amount of classmates during highschool, two of them were ill, while the other two were suicidal. In the end, three of them claimed their own lives. One lost his battle to cancer, two to depression, and the last one was afraid of what was to come due to her illness, joining the majority. I am sorry for not being there, to help. It never was my fault, and never will be, but I will forever look back at the fun times we had fondly. Thank you, the four of you. You changed a lot in my life and you helped me mature, perhaps a little too quickly. Next time, and I know there'll be a next time, I will be there for my people.
I'm so sorry for your loss. All I can say is I acknowledge your hurt. I wish you all the best, and they were definitely lucky to have you in their lives
I am sat here in a park with my headphones and I am listening to this masterpiece. I see everyone just going on with their day and it feels sad and good at the same time.
Jesus Christ Loves you all so much that HE died and suffered for you all on the Cross to save you all from sin and eternal death. Turn to HIM fully and believe and put your entire Faith in HIM and follow HIM and turn from evil and seek GOD and you shall be saved. HE loves and cares for you and HE wants the best for you, accept HIM and you will have a true Joy and peace that can only be found in HIM and HE will use you for HIS Glory and Honor Amen🙏❤️
jesus christ i NEEDED this. some pain will never go away, some memories will never leave, and some fires will never be put out. contentment, comfort, and ease are all artifacts of the past. What are we here for, but to endure? Thank you for this, it makes life a little tiny bit easier.
Jesus Christ Loves you all so much that HE died and suffered for you all on the Cross to save you all from sin and eternal death. Turn to HIM fully and believe and put your entire Faith in HIM and follow HIM and turn from evil and seek GOD and you shall be saved. HE loves and cares for you and HE wants the best for you, accept HIM and you will have a true Joy and peace that can only be found in HIM and HE will use you for HIS Glory and Honor Amen🙏❤️
To all those here who are in pain rn, don't lose hope and hold on. You're really really strong as you have endured that pain 'til now and I'm very proud of you for doing so. Whenever you feel like crying or letting your worries out through some way just do it. Holding it back will not help but only will make you ever more miserable and weak. Also, if you feel like sharing absolutely anything, you'll always have me
Thanks man, I really needed this. I just got seperated from my friends and goin' through a lot. If you speakin from you heart: we need more people like you in this world rn. Have a wonderful life🙂
I hope you’re doing well man, I always come back to these songs when I’m going through a rough time, reminds me there’s others like me and I shouldn’t feel like the only one
@@Abcd123abc1 I’m sending you one right now. I’m so proud of you for making it through the year, I truly wish you the best and I know I’m just a stranger but I’d be happy to talk with you:) happy new year❤️
*Lyrics* A heart that's full up like a landfill A job that slowly kills you Bruises that won't heal You look so tired, unhappy Bring down the government They don't, they don't speak for us I'll take a quiet life A handshake of carbon monoxide With no alarms and no surprises No alarms and no surprises No alarms and no surprises Silent, silent This is my final fit My final bellyache With no alarms and no surprises No alarms and no surprises No alarms and no surprises, please Such a pretty house And such a pretty garden No alarms and no surprises No alarms and no surprises No alarms and no surprises, please
@@oofsong9496 what? all they did was comment the lyrics. i personally appreciate people who do this because i cant pay attention to the lyrics. re think before you speak next time.
@@channell_mia927 you have a browser that can literally search anything you input but you decide to go to a comment section inside a slowed reverb video. Rethink before you speak next time.
The amount of pain that this song carries is indescribable but it’s impossible to stop listening because I’d rather listen to pain than pretend that it doesn’t exist
3 years ago today. My uncle, who I loved dearly, died. We never knew how, but whenever I sit and not concentrate, my eyes water, and I lose vision. I miss you.
i don't think everyone has enough time to cope from being a loser who probably plays some free game on steam to drown out their feelings then going to youtube to try to find the most minimal feeling in relativeness jk lol xd funny
i just feel invisible to everyone. no one cares about me. no one goes out their way to make me feel welcome or make my day better. its just me for myself
Hey, im here for you no matter what, I may not know you, but that's okay. I hope you have gotten stronger within the last 10 months, and I want you to know I'm proud of you for coming as far as you have ❣💕
This version of the song makes me feel as if even though I'm still struggling with depression, there's and there will always be hope so that someday I can look back and feel proud at myself for how far I've come. Life is tough right now, but there always is light at the end of the darkest tunnel.
Im so sorry for your loss, I domt know who you are or anything about you but I know she would have been proud to see where you are today please keep going it will get better ❤️❤️
Radiohead often makes me feel depressed, but I was never alone. They were like a refuge I went to to escape from reality They were a refuge for everything
oh.. it was a long time.. many things happened in my life.. my grandmother died... And my mindset changed a lot.. I don't care about anything and i was trying to kill the past and only focus on my dreams .. and i was trying so bad to love myself.. I'm so proud of u girllll
6 years ago I was standing on a bridge, over the rail, ready to let it all go. I didn't jump, not because I couldn't, not because someone stopped me, but because I decided to go one more day. The bridge wasn't going anywhere. Not every day is easy, not all paths in life lead anywhere worthwhile besides experience. Each day I look at my son and am overcome with emotion thinking I might have stopped him from being born. I would encourage you all to do the same if you're thinking about it. Just one more day.
It’s so hard breaking and painful to hear there’s so many People in those vent playlists letting all their emotions and depression out. And their also so brave for sharing it to the whole world. But mostly all the people I’ve seen have been so kind and helpful comforting them. I also try to help a lot of people here in these vent playlists. I am so grateful that people are so kind hearted and tries their best to help people out. So keep going and stay healthy love Stranger that just read this stay beautiful♥︎
At first, when I was considered a creep and an outcast in class, I didn't consider my classmates who had friends to have the ability to feel depressed and lonely in life. But when I was slowly able to find myself and fit in with everyone else, I felt really happy and content with my social life. Although, once I returned home, I still felt like crying. The cost of having to fit in is my academic performance and physical health. My grades were below average, and I only ate 1-2 days per week. I don't know why, but when I return home after a smooth day, I still feel like crying. This is where I realized that depression will always hold me down. It'll be a never-ending battle, and for some, I'm not so sure. Does depression have an end? Maybe not? Perhaps there is. For now, I'll continue striving, no matter how many failures I have in not only academics but in life as a whole as well. Those people who are relating to this, even those who do not but are struggling, please stay strong and realize that purpose or authentic happiness will always be there. as long as we yearn for it and persevere in the face of exhaustion Take care.
This year i tried to fit more between my class and the people i can't say it went bad i start talking more and be more present between my friends but after one month or two i just burnout, there was days were i can't eat anything and others where i eat everything in Front of me , during my classes i only stare at the window and listen to music trying to avoid start crying, i can't wake up from my chair because i was tired all the time, after a week or so of this everything just went back were everything started feeling alienated and felling alone even talking to my "friends" who don't miss an opportunity of remind me that i worth nothing and nobody cares about me . I started coping with the stress of being in school and do everything work , socializing and more with nicotine i know it is harmful for me and can even put me more down through the rabbit hole but i can't think about another way, i was born without the spark to be special and have some importance to the people around me
I've been feeling really depressed lately after one big thing that changed my life this song comforts me in everyday and I always listen to it because it is the best music to my ears💓
I was abused by my father, my mother and elder brother for 25 years. This music remember that period of my life.I tried to ask for help many times, for many people, and no one listens my situation. The only people that listens what i tried to say many times was 3 people, and one of them i know since i was seven years. These people, that had nothing to gain helping me are my saviors. I tried to k*** myself many times because of the many physical trauma e mental abuse, but these 3 people care for me and i started to see life from other vision. These 3 are my family, even we're not bloody involved. The chosen family can make more than your blood family. For these 3, i wanna make the same that they made to me. They are my heroes. For the people here with big problems, and somehow are hopeless for your situation, i'm your bro. You're not alone, please don't give up.
I was reading all of your comments one by one and i realised that all here are broken who really cared for someone who loved someone and they didn't got what they actually deserved
It feels so cringe to talk about this but “recently” I’ve lost everyone I’ve once had, in the past five years I’ve lost two of my closest friends to suicide, my childhood dog due to just old age, and my grandma due to cancer. She was basically my mom since my parents where never there like ever, I feel as if I’ve lost my grandpa cause he’s so heartbroken and I’m not enough to help him. I just found out they knocked down my childhood home to build a casino, i don’t feel like that should effect me as much as it does but it just hurts. My grandpa has been so heartbroken that I’m the only one working, I wish I could stay home and process everything but I just can’t, im still in high school so I have to basically work all night. This song (to me) is about wanting to heal, I almost said give up but I don’t really want to do that. I want to heal without another big grief effecting me. Anyways thanks for reading if you did! :)
To the people that listened to this who are sad. The fact you’ve been through so much and your still here, is phenomenal! Just amazing! And if you think nobody loves you, God does. He even loves you if you dont believe in him. I know that you are a good person, and this world would fall apart without you. Please stay strong and push through this, I believe in you💕 Its not an easy journey, but youll miss so much if we lose you, and we will miss alot too
I remember, me and my older sister used to vibe out to this almost every night last summer. Sometimes we were laughing, sometimes we were on our phones, sometimes we were crying, sometimes we were talking, or eating pizza, or out on the porch watching the stars, or driving to the gas station for watermelon gummies. Or dancing on the coffee table when the parents weren't home or playing little nightmares or watching harry Potter, or making fun of old videos or doing a photo shoot, or drawing or watching stupid Riverdale or daydreaming about boys (and girls) or writing fanfiction or eating sushi or even just sitting there, or braiding each other's hair or painting our nails. Now I'm just suddenly realizing this song exists. I moved away from my sister a few months ago, I'm across the country from her.
can it at least be the non reverbed slowed song, i dont want the world to end with some pathetic "relatable" emo song that was perfect by itself but then some 14 year old girl with daddy issues had to come and shove a cheap editing play store app on it then make it slow and reverbed somehow making it worse
Listening to this at the deepest darkest point in my life ever. I’m surrounded by people who are always too busy to make time for me. My girlfriend just broke up with me. Many other personal issues that I’d like to not delve to deep into. Every day for the past 3 days I’ve heavily debated suicide. I’m so hurt and alone. The only thing stopping me is my hope that things might get better. This song is so beautiful and I’m so glad it exists to help me through this time.
💙 I understand. Pain can be the most powerful source of personal growth. Accepting it as neutral, without a negative value judgement (it's "bad" or it "sucks"), is the antidote to the poison. It still hurts, but it is no longer lethal and it can be endured.
i'll let most of you know, your family loves you, your friends love you, you are loved. I know you starved romantically but i promise you one day, there will be someone waiting for you. Take care
To everyone who's struggling here - I feel you. I know it's hard, it is for me as well. We may not know eachother, but it will get better, I promise. Keep fighting. You're capable of great things!
I always forget how much sadness is in the world, and how many people hurt. You'll never really be able to comprehend that. And maybe being surrounding by other's sadness can be comforting, knowing that your not alone, or maybe it's a worse thought. That your problems are the same as thousands of others and it means nothing.
This was one of my dad's favourites too. He taught me the meaning of the song. It was his time to go in February. I miss him dearly. I hope this song brings you peace like it does to me.
Wake up, get ready for work, spend hours doing the same thing, you ran out of energy to talk to anyone anymore for awhile now, pretend to be fine, go home, sleep. Repeat it all again.
Ah, that feeling of guilt that will never go away. This chronic anxiety that eats me to death more or less slowly every day, no longer being able to socialize especially with people of my own age... Unable to move forward, unable to overcome problems, so afraid of failure that I can't do anything, being so useless. And I wanted to work with people in difficulty, jokes on me: I also need help, but unfortunately I know that all I can do about it is to pretend that it's okay, everything's fine. I can't vent to the only friend that I have, because she has her own problems too and it is so important for me to see her smile, make her happy, laugh. These moments make me feel useful and it makes me a little happier, but I would like to have someone who cares about how I'm doing, who can give me advice, make me laugh and make me happy too, because I went through so much shit, I've seen things that I wish I'd never seen, I have so much to say but no one is listening. Ughh gosh I feel so cringe but idc, sometimes it feels good to say all we have to say even if it's in the comments of a depressing song (but I love this one anyway). Also sorry if there's any mistakes, I still have little troubles speaking English properly.
Hey, you, yes you, who's reading this, don't worry, everything will change. There is always hope, stay firm and keep going, don't let anything stop you, no matter how many bad things happen to you, don't give up. Because the day will come when all those bad things will be worth it. Don't lose hope, something much better awaits you there.
Youre right. Ive been in solitude for 2 years because all my friends stabbed me in my back and i had to feel and taste the meaning of lonliness. Now im pretty much done with school. So i dont feel lonely among others who are not. So its not as bad. But is feeling lonely alone any better than feeling lonely among others?
my life was very good when i was in a highschool era, but then, it's all turning totally suck, idk and still wondering what's wrong with me and my life. im so depressed and have no idea what to do to make my life back.... it's all just messed up, fuck life. thanks for making this song man
Yo I’m only 14 but I fell you bro it’s like saying you have 1000 euro and somebody’s steels 1 would you throw the rest out so if one thing annoys today don’t be sad for the rest of the you might just be in the wrong place don’t give up i fell you I somebody you can talk to ❤
my cat died yesterday. I found him a few steps away outside my home, rolled over by a car and bitten by dogs. It's the most traumatic thing I've had happen. I just remember holding him in my arms, his body still a bit warm, as I looked at his face, sobbing. I've been crying all night and day, I still can't stop. I couldn't even sleep. He was more than a pet to me, he was such a special cat. I don't know what to do now, I feel like I'm lost now. We're going to bury him later, and I don't want to. I really don't want to let go. I wish he was still here.
I fucking hate myself, I can't seem to find peace in myself Idk how I had gone for 3 years without having anyone to talk to for my problems. this song is basically my comfort song like I was meant to be alone, but I know deep down I don't want to be alone forever.
I know im not face to face withyou but if you want you can tell me about whatevers bothering you. I know im just a stranger but if i can help you in any way im willing to do whatever i can to try to help. So if you want to talk to me you can
Imma be honest I'm not that sad, I was just looking at slowed + reverbs of other songs and thought that the ending of no surprises would sound amazing. So I looked it up and found this, though I think some need support.
I lost a horrific amount of classmates during highschool, two of them were ill, while the other two were suicidal. In the end, three of them claimed their own lives. One lost his battle to cancer, two to depression, and the last one was afraid of what was to come due to her illness, joining the majority.
I am sorry for not being there, to help. It never was my fault, and never will be, but I will forever look back at the fun times we had fondly. Thank you, the four of you. You changed a lot in my life and you helped me mature, perhaps a little too quickly.
Next time, and I know there'll be a next time, I will be there for my people.
Man you are a good person
I am so sorry for your loss, but I hope you're doing well now
I'm so sorry for your loss. All I can say is I acknowledge your hurt. I wish you all the best, and they were definitely lucky to have you in their lives
Man that can be coincidence 😮
I feel so bad right now...
I am sat here in a park with my headphones and I am listening to this masterpiece. I see everyone just going on with their day and it feels sad and good at the same time.
Relateable 😔
@@syailendraanggoromukti9293 relatable mbaaa
"And with a green and yellow melancholy // She sat like patience on a monument, // Smiling at grief."
Te amo Ariana :)
Sé feliz; quiero que lo seas 🥰
Jesus Christ Loves you all so much that HE died and suffered for you all on the Cross to save you all from sin and eternal death. Turn to HIM fully and believe and put your entire Faith in HIM and follow HIM and turn from evil and seek GOD and you shall be saved. HE loves and cares for you and HE wants the best for you, accept HIM and you will have a true Joy and peace that can only be found in HIM and HE will use you for HIS Glory and Honor Amen🙏❤️
jesus christ i NEEDED this. some pain will never go away, some memories will never leave, and some fires will never be put out. contentment, comfort, and ease are all artifacts of the past. What are we here for, but to endure? Thank you for this, it makes life a little tiny bit easier.
Beautifully spoken
It up to us :)
Skibidi dom dom dom yes yes yes brip skibidi dip skibidi doppodoppodo yes yes yes yes
Jesus Christ Loves you all so much that HE died and suffered for you all on the Cross to save you all from sin and eternal death. Turn to HIM fully and believe and put your entire Faith in HIM and follow HIM and turn from evil and seek GOD and you shall be saved. HE loves and cares for you and HE wants the best for you, accept HIM and you will have a true Joy and peace that can only be found in HIM and HE will use you for HIS Glory and Honor Amen🙏❤️
This version of this song had splashed me to tears
Im so tired, couse everything what happends in my life. I dont want to existence
@@hardsilence2627 Everything is gonna be alright bro❤
i bet you cry to russian comics from 2012 titled as (99 will make u cry)
@@sporter527 ty
To all those here who are in pain rn, don't lose hope and hold on. You're really really strong as you have endured that pain 'til now and I'm very proud of you for doing so. Whenever you feel like crying or letting your worries out through some way just do it. Holding it back will not help but only will make you ever more miserable and weak. Also, if you feel like sharing absolutely anything, you'll always have me
thank you
Thank you so much
thank you.
Thanks man, I really needed this. I just got seperated from my friends and goin' through a lot. If you speakin from you heart: we need more people like you in this world rn. Have a wonderful life🙂
for the ones who wonder if the people here are okay, not really but beautiful song tho
Post Mloney chill lol
I hope you’re doing well man, I always come back to these songs when I’m going through a rough time, reminds me there’s others like me and I shouldn’t feel like the only one
@@oelaty9116 true
@@oelaty9116 i hope you’re doing well too
Fail as son
Fail as student
Fail as brother
Fail as bf
Fail in life too 💔
This really got me man I feel u
you can still change you are young, its never too late to try.
@@Jazz-qg4bd i tried but not happy any more 😊
I am with you bady i fell like you
Bhaiya English wrong h sentence glt h
I know nobody will read this, but I feel very lonely lately, in the nights I want to just surrender, it's hard to be alone
I need a hug
@@Abcd123abc1 I’m sending you one right now. I’m so proud of you for making it through the year, I truly wish you the best and I know I’m just a stranger but I’d be happy to talk with you:) happy new year❤️
Same here folks, I’m sending u all lots of hugs and cozy blanket vibes 💕💕💕
Hey, me too. We're in the same boat. Let's all come together 😏😔🤟
I would give you a hug if I met you in real life
A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired, unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide
With no alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
Silent, silent
This is my final fit
My final bellyache
With no alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please
Such a pretty house
And such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please
you must be very fun at parties.
@@oofsong9496 what? all they did was comment the lyrics. i personally appreciate people who do this because i cant pay attention to the lyrics. re think before you speak next time.
@@channell_mia927 you have a browser that can literally search anything you input but you decide to go to a comment section inside a slowed reverb video. Rethink before you speak next time.
thank you for this ☺️
@@oofsong9496 its atleast useful for some people, their comment is beneficial unlike yours
When you're not your favourite person's favourite person :'(
can relate (
Haha yeah
sorry but second
Yeah :(
The og makes me drop my tear, but this.. Make me cry for 3 hour straight.
what is wrong with you
@@oofsong9496 loool
The amount of pain that this song carries is indescribable but it’s impossible to stop listening because I’d rather listen to pain than pretend that it doesn’t exist
this song for me is so nostalgic, i used to listen to this everyday with my dad (sorry for my bad english, im italian)
your english is excellent!! keep it up
Well you have to listen it again with your dad. You will feel nice:D
I miss you sasha
Mettiamoci insieme
@@pedoletto5138 cosa
I can’t even cry properly anymore. And when I do cry, i can’t stop. I just feel an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and I want it to stop.
Listening to this in the dark full blast wearing headphones is a feeling nobody can explain 🖤
regretting not to say goodbye to your dad?
Facts, there right now
@@oofsong9496 💀
@@oofsong9496 💀
@@oofsong9496 💀
3 years ago today. My uncle, who I loved dearly, died. We never knew how, but whenever I sit and not concentrate, my eyes water, and I lose vision. I miss you.
So sorry to hear that. Hope you're doing better now
Two weeks was the second anniversary of when my uncle died. I know how it feels and although it hurts, it’ll get better
pls just let me die to this.
I’m just about to
@@ollyd9461 no. thefd comes always better times my dude trust me.
@@ollyd9461 hey you wanna talk?:(
No dying guys
No dying
@@ollyd9461 bro u ok
radiohead are my favourite band, this is phenomenal
I think everyone who comes here has the same feelings as me.
They must be miserable feelings then
i don't think everyone has enough time to cope from being a loser who probably plays some free game on steam to drown out their feelings then going to youtube to try to find the most minimal feeling in relativeness
jk lol xd funny
I feel like no one can know me. So in that case are we having the same feeling
no im happy rn
i just feel invisible to everyone. no one cares about me. no one goes out their way to make me feel welcome or make my day better. its just me for myself
You're not alone bro
I hope your days get better.
@@jesustom8813 fat prank
Hey, im here for you no matter what, I may not know you, but that's okay. I hope you have gotten stronger within the last 10 months, and I want you to know I'm proud of you for coming as far as you have ❣💕
This makes me want to crawl in a dark hole and live there...just for a little in the best way possible
Nothing hurts more than watching your favourite person become a life lesson.
This version of the song makes me feel as if even though I'm still struggling with depression, there's and there will always be hope so that someday I can look back and feel proud at myself for how far I've come. Life is tough right now, but there always is light at the end of the darkest tunnel.
the part « no alarms and no surprises » got me crying everytime
it just brings back things i’ve hidden in my head
This is a perfect melody. Listen to it while smoking a cigarettes, outside, all alone during the night.
How much i cried with this masterpiece. I love radiohead sm
A year ago today, my girlfriend overdosed. After I found out she died, I found out she was listening to this song. I miss her so bad…
No body care's 😊
Im so sorry for your loss, I domt know who you are or anything about you but I know she would have been proud to see where you are today please keep going it will get better ❤️❤️
@Ak_shorts_as_bp Genuinely L ragebait, you dont look badass for saying ts dawg
Radiohead often makes me feel depressed, but I was never alone. They were like a refuge I went to to escape from reality They were a refuge for everything
oh.. it was a long time.. many things happened in my life.. my grandmother died...
And my mindset changed a lot.. I don't care about anything and i was trying to kill the past and only focus on my dreams .. and i was trying so bad to love myself.. I'm so proud of u girllll
I stand with Thom. Say "NO" to Alarms and /or Surprises!
This song makes me think of the Death that we will eventually find soon. Extinction of humanity and all that.
most radiohead songs makes me think about death 😭
6 years ago I was standing on a bridge, over the rail, ready to let it all go.
I didn't jump, not because I couldn't, not because someone stopped me, but because I decided to go one more day.
The bridge wasn't going anywhere.
Not every day is easy, not all paths in life lead anywhere worthwhile besides experience.
Each day I look at my son and am overcome with emotion thinking I might have stopped him from being born.
I would encourage you all to do the same if you're thinking about it.
Just one more day.
It’s so hard breaking and painful to hear there’s so many People in those vent playlists letting all their emotions and depression out. And their also so brave for sharing it to the whole world. But mostly all the people I’ve seen have been so kind and helpful comforting them. I also try to help a lot of people here in these vent playlists. I am so grateful that people are so kind hearted and tries their best to help people out. So keep going and stay healthy love Stranger that just read this stay beautiful♥︎
I love this band and their music, this song was so underrated
Perfect to listen to with a cigarette and vodka alone outside
just have some beer inside but feel you brother
Cigarettes and vodka hit different with this song
+ weed
@@lifeisstrange7658 Try with whiskey too, hits bit differently
Tequila should work too
At first, when I was considered a creep and an outcast in class, I didn't consider my classmates who had friends to have the ability to feel depressed and lonely in life. But when I was slowly able to find myself and fit in with everyone else, I felt really happy and content with my social life. Although, once I returned home, I still felt like crying.
The cost of having to fit in is my academic performance and physical health. My grades were below average, and I only ate 1-2 days per week. I don't know why, but when I return home after a smooth day, I still feel like crying. This is where I realized that depression will always hold me down. It'll be a never-ending battle, and for some, I'm not so sure.
Does depression have an end?
Maybe not?
Perhaps there is.
For now, I'll continue striving, no matter how many failures I have in not only academics but in life as a whole as well.
Those people who are relating to this, even those who do not but are struggling, please stay strong and realize that purpose or authentic happiness will always be there. as long as we yearn for it and persevere in the face of exhaustion
Take care.
I'm sorry you feel this way
This year i tried to fit more between my class and the people i can't say it went bad i start talking more and be more present between my friends but after one month or two i just burnout, there was days were i can't eat anything and others where i eat everything in Front of me , during my classes i only stare at the window and listen to music trying to avoid start crying, i can't wake up from my chair because i was tired all the time, after a week or so of this everything just went back were everything started feeling alienated and felling alone even talking to my "friends" who don't miss an opportunity of remind me that i worth nothing and nobody cares about me . I started coping with the stress of being in school and do everything work , socializing and more with nicotine i know it is harmful for me and can even put me more down through the rabbit hole but i can't think about another way, i was born without the spark to be special and have some importance to the people around me
Hope for a better days dude I hope you must OK now the time
I've been feeling really depressed lately after one big thing that changed my life this song comforts me in everyday and I always listen to it because it is the best music to my ears💓
I was abused by my father, my mother and elder brother for 25 years. This music remember that period of my life.I tried to ask for help many times, for many people, and no one listens my situation. The only people that listens what i tried to say many times was 3 people, and one of them i know since i was seven years. These people, that had nothing to gain helping me are my saviors. I tried to k*** myself many times because of the many physical trauma e mental abuse, but these 3 people care for me and i started to see life from other vision. These 3 are my family, even we're not bloody involved. The chosen family can make more than your blood family. For these 3, i wanna make the same that they made to me. They are my heroes. For the people here with big problems, and somehow are hopeless for your situation, i'm your bro. You're not alone, please don't give up.
I was reading all of your comments one by one and i realised that all here are broken who really cared for someone who loved someone and they didn't got what they actually deserved
Real we ALL was broken
It feels so cringe to talk about this but “recently” I’ve lost everyone I’ve once had, in the past five years I’ve lost two of my closest friends to suicide, my childhood dog due to just old age, and my grandma due to cancer. She was basically my mom since my parents where never there like ever, I feel as if I’ve lost my grandpa cause he’s so heartbroken and I’m not enough to help him. I just found out they knocked down my childhood home to build a casino, i don’t feel like that should effect me as much as it does but it just hurts. My grandpa has been so heartbroken that I’m the only one working, I wish I could stay home and process everything but I just can’t, im still in high school so I have to basically work all night.
This song (to me) is about wanting to heal, I almost said give up but I don’t really want to do that. I want to heal without another big grief effecting me. Anyways thanks for reading if you did! :)
I know this comment is 5 months old, but I hope you’re doing better man
This is the perfect version. Tears came so quickly. Love the song
I’m listening to this in a storm it’s honeslty so SOUL HUGGING
I’ll be honest reading the comments none of you are okay and you know that’s fine because neither I am
It's OK if you are not OK broo
i am not okay
3 am and all those memories come to me
Literally 3:00am on the dot as i read this comment
3:08 am for me
To the people that listened to this who are sad. The fact you’ve been through so much and your still here, is phenomenal! Just amazing! And if you think nobody loves you, God does. He even loves you if you dont believe in him. I know that you are a good person, and this world would fall apart without you. Please stay strong and push through this, I believe in you💕 Its not an easy journey, but youll miss so much if we lose you, and we will miss alot too
Thank you for this ❤
I remember, me and my older sister used to vibe out to this almost every night last summer. Sometimes we were laughing, sometimes we were on our phones, sometimes we were crying, sometimes we were talking, or eating pizza, or out on the porch watching the stars, or driving to the gas station for watermelon gummies. Or dancing on the coffee table when the parents weren't home or playing little nightmares or watching harry Potter, or making fun of old videos or doing a photo shoot, or drawing or watching stupid Riverdale or daydreaming about boys (and girls) or writing fanfiction or eating sushi or even just sitting there, or braiding each other's hair or painting our nails. Now I'm just suddenly realizing this song exists. I moved away from my sister a few months ago, I'm across the country from her.
So sad 🥀💘
When i feel i'm not ok i always listen to slowed songs ♡
try The platters - Only you.... ya will love it...!
What I love about Radiohead is that you can morph it into any form you want and it becomes another masterpiece. Literally like a life itself
the song that perfectly captures my vibe and my attitude towards life.
Just because someone is crying doesn't mean that their weak, but that they've been strong for way to long.
i used to think like that, but ur right, i am not weak..
ok but imagine a siren playing this, and you realize that the world is gone and everything is so depressed
I can imagine 3:05 as the soundtrack set to a melancholy montage of nuclear blasts at the ending of an otherwise happy movie.
can it at least be the non reverbed slowed song, i dont want the world to end with some pathetic "relatable" emo song that was perfect by itself but then some 14 year old girl with daddy issues had to come and shove a cheap editing play store app on it then make it slow and reverbed somehow making it worse
@@oofsong9496 looool it sounds alright tbh
@@oofsong9496 oddly specific
That intro is therapeutic
Thank you so much for making this ❤️
"Peter, how are you doing that?"
"I- I don't know Lois, I'm scared."
A song that perfectly describes what sadness feels like.
maybe it wasnt him, but the image of him i had in my head i knew deep down wasnt real
Listening to this at the deepest darkest point in my life ever. I’m surrounded by people who are always too busy to make time for me. My girlfriend just broke up with me. Many other personal issues that I’d like to not delve to deep into. Every day for the past 3 days I’ve heavily debated suicide. I’m so hurt and alone. The only thing stopping me is my hope that things might get better. This song is so beautiful and I’m so glad it exists to help me through this time.
💙 I understand. Pain can be the most powerful source of personal growth. Accepting it as neutral, without a negative value judgement (it's "bad" or it "sucks"), is the antidote to the poison. It still hurts, but it is no longer lethal and it can be endured.
i'll let most of you know, your family loves you, your friends love you, you are loved. I know you starved romantically but i promise you one day, there will be someone waiting for you. Take care
Didn't really think no surprises would fit my Playlist cuz it seemed too upbeat, but this really works for it, thank you so much
Dunno if I’ll ever heal. Heard the beginning of this version in a reel and instantly started crying.
You will. You’re not too far gone. Promise
To everyone who's struggling here - I feel you. I know it's hard, it is for me as well. We may not know eachother, but it will get better, I promise. Keep fighting. You're capable of great things!
i just wish the pain would go away.
Not sure how you're doing now, but stay strong brother. Even this shall pass❤
This song makes me feel emotional everytime I listen to it
I always forget how much sadness is in the world, and how many people hurt. You'll never really be able to comprehend that. And maybe being surrounding by other's sadness can be comforting, knowing that your not alone, or maybe it's a worse thought. That your problems are the same as thousands of others and it means nothing.
" Isn't it a beautiful day, the sun shines brightest today but sadly it has to be set again but I swear this time it will be the best one "
This is amazing bro❤❤❤
This made me cry intensely, for real
my mom used to listen to this song and it was her favorite , she’s been gone since i was 9 for about 7 years now. this song makes me think of her ❤️
This was one of my dad's favourites too. He taught me the meaning of the song.
It was his time to go in February. I miss him dearly.
I hope this song brings you peace like it does to me.
"Peter, how are you doing that..?"
"I-i don't know, Lois.. I'm scared.."
(Trying to lighten up the mood 😔)
This song makes me feel nostalgic for the kind of childhood i never had..
No love,no friends and no enemy just strangers with memories
im so happy while listening to this... i was feeling kinda lonely and alone for these two years...
Wake up, get ready for work, spend hours doing the same thing, you ran out of energy to talk to anyone anymore for awhile now, pretend to be fine, go home, sleep. Repeat it all again.
At the end of the day we just don't get anything....
The same old shit....
Bro I really can't keep going on like this
💙 Small changes, try again, small changes, try again, small changes, try again, rinse, repeat,
This song is so soft and comforting... idk what it is about it
It’s on a minor scale and it’s made to be melodramatic
Bro if you don’t drown in ya own tears from 2:31 you need a hug
or parental activities
please give me a hug
@@lilium9074 I'm here man
Ah, that feeling of guilt that will never go away. This chronic anxiety that eats me to death more or less slowly every day, no longer being able to socialize especially with people of my own age... Unable to move forward, unable to overcome problems, so afraid of failure that I can't do anything, being so useless. And I wanted to work with people in difficulty, jokes on me: I also need help, but unfortunately I know that all I can do about it is to pretend that it's okay, everything's fine.
I can't vent to the only friend that I have, because she has her own problems too and it is so important for me to see her smile, make her happy, laugh. These moments make me feel useful and it makes me a little happier, but I would like to have someone who cares about how I'm doing, who can give me advice, make me laugh and make me happy too, because I went through so much shit, I've seen things that I wish I'd never seen, I have so much to say but no one is listening.
Ughh gosh I feel so cringe but idc, sometimes it feels good to say all we have to say even if it's in the comments of a depressing song (but I love this one anyway).
Also sorry if there's any mistakes, I still have little troubles speaking English properly.
I relate to everything you say. Jesus man… it’s all too much
Hi I recommend an indie song of reflection you might enjoy called 'looking into the mirror' By Robert Nix
oh to die to this song playing
This song hits me so hard rn, the lyrics don't even have to be relatable
Hi I recommend an indie song called 'looking into the mirror' By Robert Nix
@@redskies4530 😊 thanks
@@Meowth74 You are indeed welcome.
This is just wonderful.
i love it.
to whomever sees this,
someone out there loves you more than you will ever know ❤
this is perfect
It’s crazy how small and insignificant we are to the rest of the universe.
I miss her. It’s been 3 years already. We were going to get married and leave for America, but god had other plans.
its sad to hear. the saddest thing in the life is making plans with someone and someone forget those plans. someone leave the other...
now its been 5 years already
@@sara-gs2ho you don't gotta remind him 💀
@@magnetbolts bruh-
@@sara-gs2ho reminding them really?
This video got me through some tough times. I'm better now, but thank you.
Hey, you, yes you, who's reading this, don't worry, everything will change. There is always hope, stay firm and keep going, don't let anything stop you, no matter how many bad things happen to you, don't give up. Because the day will come when all those bad things will be worth it. Don't lose hope, something much better awaits you there.
Youre right. Ive been in solitude for 2 years because all my friends stabbed me in my back and i had to feel and taste the meaning of lonliness. Now im pretty much done with school. So i dont feel lonely among others who are not. So its not as bad. But is feeling lonely alone any better than feeling lonely among others?
I keep teaching him on how to behave more human and how to love. He loves it❤
This song is like a slow poison it kills me slowly but effectively
“When you have a dearest person in your world, but they don’t even know your existence”
I first liked this song years ago, but the lyrics are so perfect now that Im older- and this version is amazing ❤
this song makes me remember all the friends I've lost and the good times we had
This is one of my fav songs
my life was very good when i was in a highschool era, but then, it's all turning totally suck, idk and still wondering what's wrong with me and my life. im so depressed and have no idea what to do to make my life back.... it's all just messed up, fuck life.
thanks for making this song man
Yo I’m only 14 but I fell you bro it’s like saying you have 1000 euro and somebody’s steels 1 would you throw the rest out so if one thing annoys today don’t be sad for the rest of the you might just be in the wrong place don’t give up i fell you I somebody you can talk to ❤
my cat died yesterday. I found him a few steps away outside my home, rolled over by a car and bitten by dogs. It's the most traumatic thing I've had happen. I just remember holding him in my arms, his body still a bit warm, as I looked at his face, sobbing. I've been crying all night and day, I still can't stop. I couldn't even sleep. He was more than a pet to me, he was such a special cat. I don't know what to do now, I feel like I'm lost now. We're going to bury him later, and I don't want to. I really don't want to let go. I wish he was still here.
I love you Milo I'm sorry I love u
I'm so sorry bro😕
I fucking hate myself, I can't seem to find peace in myself Idk how I had gone for 3 years without having anyone to talk to for my problems. this song is basically my comfort song like I was meant to be alone, but I know deep down I don't want to be alone forever.
I know im not face to face withyou but if you want you can tell me about whatevers bothering you. I know im just a stranger but if i can help you in any way im willing to do whatever i can to try to help. So if you want to talk to me you can
heyyyy, I'm here for you
Hey, I know I don't know you personally but you will be okay. I know its hard feeling alone but you can do this!!
I am here for you if you ever want to talk
listening to this at 9: 26 A.M. on a sunday morning with a hint of "melancholic excitedness"
Imma be honest I'm not that sad, I was just looking at slowed + reverbs of other songs and thought that the ending of no surprises would sound amazing. So I looked it up and found this, though I think some need support.
the saddest thing is that betrayal never comes from an enemy.
its the one you trust the most.
no one is gonna see this but I’m dying inside while trying to heal Material items don’t make me feel anything I just want a hug and someone to love me
I'm here if you wanna talk
"We're all gonna make it brahs, that's it" - Zyzz
i have no problems right now thankfully, i just like this song, its calming