Top 10 Mistakes Every Enlisted Player Still Does - Enlisted Guide 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 136

  • @DodoSniffer73
    @DodoSniffer73 6 месяцев назад +62

    Also - tanks are great breakthrough tools - annoying heavy mg? He round. Annoying sniper? He round. Tank in the grey zone. Ap round. A group of smgers in cover in front the point bullying your entire team? He round. Bunkers on d-day seem a bit too populated? He round. Although, tanks make horrible shields since they are a bomb and arty magnet.

    • @rollastudent
      @rollastudent 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@DodoSniffer73 a Sherman on the beach on the dday beach is a xp machine with those bunkers and HE

    • @limon4178
      @limon4178 4 месяца назад +3

      ​​@@rollastudentits always who gets the first shot in to the bunker

    • @Bluewizard55
      @Bluewizard55 Месяц назад

      So the whole reason tanks where good irl?

    • @DodoSniffer73
      @DodoSniffer73 Месяц назад

      @@Bluewizard55 Literally yes

  • @deathsky5737
    @deathsky5737 4 месяца назад +26

    Rally points....... BUILD THEM

  • @appllwithmemes
    @appllwithmemes Месяц назад +2

    29:27 I once wanted to jump out of my Dauntless in Tunisia. So I just flew a solid 3 or 4 meters of the ground and hopped out. Didn't die from the momentum and fought on like nothing had happened.

  • @rollastudent
    @rollastudent 6 месяцев назад +34

    Everyone needs to realize this is an construction game with a shooter mini game, not a shooter with construction

    • @RicePattyChoppa
      @RicePattyChoppa 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@rollastudent imagine like 5 engineer squads building rally and prepping the point at once. You coukdnt lose on defense.

    • @rollastudent
      @rollastudent 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@RicePattyChoppa each with a radio man, keeping constant arty failing

    • @davidlemor
      @davidlemor 5 месяцев назад

      This. But players are shooters, so let’s garm them.

    • @sovietoperator1385
      @sovietoperator1385 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@RicePattyChoppa you can do this, if you start a bunch of builds and tell each engineer to continue building separately (via K and L key)

    • @RicePattyChoppa
      @RicePattyChoppa 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@sovietoperator1385 I know thanks bro, but I meant I wish there was just more engineer players. It's usually me and one other guy scrambling around doing everything lol

  • @christhehistory
    @christhehistory 6 месяцев назад +25

    I love taking a apc and just driving behind the objective it works almost every time. Because almost everyone atack from the front of the objective you just take them by surprise and get a good spawn point and some easy kills.

    • @firefalcon3086
      @firefalcon3086 6 месяцев назад +3

      I love it when the enemy team does this. Always means I get a free kill

  • @ilimes
    @ilimes 6 месяцев назад +57

    After 4,200 battles @ 75% W/L (cross-platform), I figure I'd post some tips that I wish I'd heard as a noob.
    1) The single biggest thing that will decide your power level in Enlisted is your squad setup.
    Ideally you should be fielding Machine Gunners, Assaulters, Flametroopers; with Engineers & AT's embedded throughout.
    2) Stop viewing things like AT mines, smokes, binos, and shovels as gimmicks. They are often vital.
    3) If you see a tank, assume there's two bc for some reason people's squad selections often sync up.
    4) Do NOT give up in matches. I don't care how screwed you think you are, you'd better be running towards that obj. by the time that defeat screen appears.

    • @RicePattyChoppa
      @RicePattyChoppa 6 месяцев назад +5

      The don't give up part is hard for me. When the team just won't push, I put the rally in a bad spot just so it will end quicker. The "never give up" doctrine only stays with you so long.

    • @ilimes
      @ilimes 6 месяцев назад +9

      @@RicePattyChoppa why even play then? it gets exhausting carrying bad players but ffs might as well retire.

    • @RicePattyChoppa
      @RicePattyChoppa 6 месяцев назад +5

      @@ilimes nah I still like to play, I don't even mind losses if it's competitive. Im saying when the team is braindead I just make the inevitable happen faster lol. I won't do it if I see at least one other rally.

    • @shagakhan9442
      @shagakhan9442 6 месяцев назад +2

      I was playing Axis on a Tunisia map. We had 3 obj left and had less than half our tickets. I just kept getting in the Obj and clearing it, but I would get no follow-up teammates. I just kept spamming "Attack the Objective." Finally, the smooth-brains on our team decided to help grant us a victory with zero respawns and the timer ticking down. It was exhilarating. If you don't like the map, I understand abandoning your teammates. Just to give up, instead of losing? Does it not get counted as a loss if you leave?

    • @hudsonflores5478
      @hudsonflores5478 2 месяца назад

      bruh im at tier 2 and even the weird explosive charge thing you get is still pretty good, and the smokes and binos are actually useful, does nobody actually use them?
      I have nothing to say for shovel because while entrenching is effective I have to spearhead attacks or nobody else will because they are cowardly fools who apparently think that dying ingame has negative effects... or at least it seems like they do because I dont have a better explanation for why they arent pushing the barely defended point.

  • @celticperspective5183
    @celticperspective5183 5 месяцев назад +12

    The Shovel for your engineers is actually really OP if you use it properly. If you can place a rally point near enough to the objective you can clear a trench pathway for your team to get to it without exposing themselves to enemy fire. Also digging foxholes and trenches does actually help reinforce your defence, and by definition can’t be destroyed by the enemy.
    Tank Traps are quick and easy to build and are vital in closing off routes for enemy tanks and also provide protection from explosives so placing them near doorways and holes in the roof of bunkers and such does help as well.
    Sandbags are good to spam on windows and doors too, but don’t do so on places not near the objective because it reveals your location.
    Barbed wire is good to place on entrances and attack routes but DO NOT spam it inside the actual objective unless you know your team doesn’t need to move through there, because there’s been too many times where someone in the point makes an impenetrable ball of sandbags and barbed wire, meaning the team can’t cap the point quick enough, and then the engineer inevitably dies to a grenade or an assaulter who suicide runs the point. Bad tactics…
    Engineers can swing the outcome of games more often than not, so it’s good to have a dedicated squad and then at least one in another squad in your loadout.

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад +1

      Yep. Only reason to take shovel off engineer is sword. Maybe axe if you're cool

  • @ningkon3787
    @ningkon3787 5 месяцев назад +10

    YOU NEED TO FLANK regardless of attacker or defender, either your flank works and you push the enemy back or your flank fails and your enemy has moved some of its resources to reinforce the flank.

  • @chinua2584
    @chinua2584 6 месяцев назад +12

    In particular I bound "mark" as a LMB+RMB and LMB (Double tap) that way it marks anything I take an aimed shot at, or anything I repeatedly shoot at, while not dropping false blips where I'm building.

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      Swapping shooting and aiming to your bumpers is very 2010

  • @DodoSniffer73
    @DodoSniffer73 6 месяцев назад +10

    Snipers are easy to counter too, even if you dont have a sniper - you have a large-ish squad, if they kill you, you know their location and can hit them with a bolt action. If they do not kill one of you, then ignore them.

  • @paradivision1362
    @paradivision1362  6 месяцев назад +4

    This video will make you guaranteed better! Two cool games from my f2p account as background 🔥🔥🔥
    Other Helpful Guides:
    Overrated Things:видео.html
    0:00 Intro - How to REALLY git gud
    0:51 1) Marking
    4:30 2) Sniping
    8:00 3) Vehicles
    13:05 4) HMGs
    15:25 5) Being a slow fat ass
    18:48 6/7) Flanking & Blitzing
    24:12 8) Being a confused ass
    30:22 9) Being a lazy ass
    36:09 10) Being a stuck fat ass

  • @flapbe
    @flapbe 6 месяцев назад +12

    About the first tip, I do not recommend setting marks the same as left click, you do NOT want to mislead your teammates to bomb or attack that position when you're building structures via engineers or shooting small groups of enemies, but you should set it to a button easily accessible to enhance your ai (the ai respond to marks) and teammate's combat effectiveness.

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  6 месяцев назад +4

      its a trade off, either lots of marks, most of them useful or few marks. what i recommend leads to much better outcomes. i tested it in professional games too, its vastly superior to not having automarking the better your enemies are.

    • @flapbe
      @flapbe 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@paradivision1362 I think once you mark enough, its basically training instinct and it's only natural after a while, it all depends if the user wants to spend that time to not have any trade offs

  • @jackmtw
    @jackmtw 6 месяцев назад +5

    24:19 How do you know what I do in my spare time 😬

  • @shagakhan9442
    @shagakhan9442 6 месяцев назад +3

    Always be pushing and trying to flank. If you are capable, try looking for enemy enemy spawns. Check in and behind small structures, and inside many trenches near the Obj.

  • @JoahBanks-k1p
    @JoahBanks-k1p Месяц назад +1

    bro that tip about having the mark button on weapon fire was a great tip thanks!!

  • @hudsonflores5478
    @hudsonflores5478 2 месяца назад +1

    11:30 this is for people without enough hours on war thunder to identify and burn every single AT they see with a flamethrower stuart. All you need is flamethrower stuart, a really good eye for AT guns, and a lack of regard for your life and suddenly you can become a self propelled flamethrower (with about the same life expectancy but frankly if you did it right your life pales in comparison to the position you just burned)
    My highest tier equipment is also tier 2 though so... maybe not always.

    • @makarov718
      @makarov718 Месяц назад

      i wouldnt try it at bg3+ as there arnt enough AT guns at top tier to run that strat

  • @DmS1berX
    @DmS1berX 4 месяца назад +2

    Thankyou for teaching te new players. I understand your pain ower the casuals.

  • @aczka212
    @aczka212 2 месяца назад +1

    to what I wrote earlier, I would like to add that every match turns into hell, especially if you try to do everything to help your team win in the era of idiots on discord sabotaging the match and you can't do anything about it
    when you sit at the controls of a bomber, all the correct marking stops, the map suddenly becomes naked
    I myself have blocked over 2,500 people on my account who are disabled enough to uninstall the game because otherwise they only harm the world's intelligence and the problem of hackers is such a huge phenomenon that when I see people sweating and not even reporting the hacker, they probably love sadomasochism.

  • @shagakhan9442
    @shagakhan9442 6 месяцев назад +2

    The unfortunate thing with mortar squads is the short time of the game modes. Usually, you can't afford to use them much because the match can be over very quickly. If you take the mortar squad and nobody drops pings. Put a marker of your mini-map around or behind the obj. If you can lob mortars into an occupied obj even better. The return on the mortar is very low, but it is one of my favorite squads.

    • @makarov718
      @makarov718 Месяц назад +1

      mortars are very hit or miss for me and extremely map dependent, ive had great games with them but 90% of the time they do squat and i just dont run them, on the flip side since no one uses them at br5 its very easy to get the best mortar award

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      Either Get map knowledge, and (unless you're f2p and don't have an extra slot) and use mortars exclusively for open objectives, or get the big boy mortars and drop freedom on grey zone camping tanks. Just use a random dude as a scout, swap to your mortars, and let loose.

  • @footchess387
    @footchess387 6 месяцев назад +3

    11:45 solve every problem with infantry
    proceed to show us grey zone tank gameplay

    • @foxik7272
      @foxik7272 6 месяцев назад +1

      You know the Video is a placeholder? This is literally a mini podcast.

    • @footchess387
      @footchess387 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@foxik7272 I Know that is a joke

    • @foxik7272
      @foxik7272 6 месяцев назад

      @@footchess387 oh than I guess I rwoosh myself

  • @DarwinArbiter
    @DarwinArbiter 6 месяцев назад +7

    As a current japanese main I actually delay my spawn by switching between my squads untill I see the long list of people getting killed by the HVARs lol.

    • @makarov718
      @makarov718 Месяц назад

      late question but how do you main japan, ive completed my tech trees for all other factions but i just cant get japan to work, ive hit a wall at br2

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      What do you mean you've hit a wall? BR II Japan is light work, so you should have no trouble getting to III.

  • @ilovedemocracyy
    @ilovedemocracyy 6 месяцев назад +8

    10:53 99% reason whats wrong with bad players. You will be the only one who attacks/defends objective.
    I get teammates who try to snipe planes with a PTRD-41 in our spawn at BR5!!💀

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      That's an elite strat. Wait until they clip the guy from 2 km out. They'll immediately John Wick the point 20 seconds later.

    • @ilovedemocracyy
      @ilovedemocracyy Месяц назад

      @ 😂 Couldn’t even afford to use PTRS-41 (semi-auto)

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      @ilovedemocracyy the true men of Panfilovs 28 don't need semi auto.
      (Panfilovs 28 Men has a movie partially funded by gaijin, plus there's a war thunder trailer relating to it, and it's fire)

    • @ilovedemocracyy
      @ilovedemocracyy Месяц назад

      @@appllwithmemes Beta gamers stay in spawn don’t do anything for the team. That’s all he did.

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      @ilovedemocracyy he did help the team first of all, and second of all now you just look like a toddler that doesn't even understand the game

  • @samuelmoore1635
    @samuelmoore1635 6 месяцев назад +4

    Played that same map at the start of the video the other day and started off in the Flamingo. Went straight to that same point and burned out 20+ enemies. 5 rage quits ensued.

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      It's evil that the game sells the flamingo in the tech tree

  • @shagakhan9442
    @shagakhan9442 6 месяцев назад +1

    Use the AT gun and tanks in clearing out the objective. I usually start with the "APC" and post up as close to the Obj as possible. Then, if needed, pull up a tank with HE or HEAT and hit the obj through windows or behind it. Use the smoke shell some tanks have to shoot into the obj where the enemy is. Or use the AT gun with HE to try the same. The low tier Panzer III with the long 5cm is good enough with HE. Same with the beautiful Puma.

  • @ba3655
    @ba3655 6 месяцев назад +3

    What troops should you bring in APC squads? It occurs to me that since there is only one tech tree 'A' PC available the composition has to suit all BR's where you might play, and can't be changed easily

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  6 месяцев назад +1

      true, thats the issue, bc snipers can be great/bad depending on BR. an apc should always contain a radio man, at gunner, so only the last remaining specialist is the question. i go with snipers for maximum fun.

  • @ryanmichael74
    @ryanmichael74 6 месяцев назад +8

    One mistake I’ve noticed is the use of mounted MGs on offense. When attacking I usually use the cannon instead of the MG because the cannon is a lot better than the MG for clearing infantry and tanks. It’s also movable which makes it more flexible than having to destroy your machine gun nest. But the main reason is that the MG serves no use for attacking on the squads it’s available for, the engineers can build cannons, machine gunners don’t need the mg nest because they’re better on foot or prone, and premium squads can build cannons. For attacking (except in low br) I’d just stick to cannons or rushing. Great vid btw🔥

    • @HalifaxDave
      @HalifaxDave 6 месяцев назад +2

      But building sn MG nest overlooking the rear of the objective, especially from the flank, can be good. And yes, building one 80m back on the natural spawn axis is generally dumb.

    • @ilimes
      @ilimes 6 месяцев назад +3

      if the obj. has cover that can be penetrated by HMGs, then that's the best.

    • @DodoSniffer73
      @DodoSniffer73 6 месяцев назад

      Building anything that is not a rally is a waste of time imo, tanks can clear things out better than cannons, if you run out of ammo just switch the soldier, you are on offense to you have no time to set up barbed wire or sandbags, and hedgehogs are used exclusively to troll oblivious tanks

    • @fatcontrollerproductions9910
      @fatcontrollerproductions9910 Месяц назад

      ​@@DodoSniffer73 at guns are too hit and miss but hmg is extremely powerful in an area overlooking objective like the main road leading up to it. Also using tanks, planes, fortifications means you die less and when attacking this can be helpful to preserve spawn points, as long as you keep playing objective of course.

  • @vlr4631
    @vlr4631 5 месяцев назад +3

    Would really help to use the clips in the backgound to support your points. Especially regarding the maps

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  5 месяцев назад +3

      i do this in most strategy guides, in a video like this though it would take over 5 hours, also i would need to do mistakes on purpose and record them, taking even more time. general advice videos like these id rather produce quickly so people can get the info faster and more often.

  • @Anonymous-jb7xx
    @Anonymous-jb7xx 6 месяцев назад +5

    I play low br and 80% of the time nobody in my team builds any rallies. Looking forward to those 20% games where I can actually try to become a better player.

    • @shokojunge7830
      @shokojunge7830 6 месяцев назад

      Maybe most people dont have engineers lol

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      Low BR is an absolute breeding ground for anti-rally bums. It's either more fun, but no rallies, or perfect middle ground (after the newer BR reworks, BR III used to suck), or cancer but a higher chance to get one more guy building rallies

  • @bongbongGAMING7878
    @bongbongGAMING7878 22 дня назад

    Most reason I lose a match is when I am grouped with team mates who are all Snipers. I literally see them scattered way around the objective doing nothing XD

  • @tar244you8
    @tar244you8 6 месяцев назад +4

    could you make a guide on how to quickly get to tier V for f2p i want to that as a challenge

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  6 месяцев назад +3

      good idea!

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      Beat tip for grinding fast: be good. If you're good enough at fighting, you don't need to build all sorts of stuff to win. The two most important things in Enlisted are shooting and strategy. Building is a distant 3rd (not rallies though, those count into strategy) because you don't need it to win, it's just helpful. But if you have braindead strategy and can't shoot straight, you're never going to win. However, if you strategize and fight well, you can win without building anything but rallies. Enlisted has too many tips to list in one video or or comment. Just play the game and get the hang of good strategy and good fighting. The grind will really speed up after that.

  • @DyonisX
    @DyonisX 4 месяца назад +2

    When did they revert the stupid AA elevation nerf? I came back to the game recently and it's gona

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  4 месяца назад +2

      1 month ago

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      1. It's unrealistic
      2. It's stupid. Makes AA guns less than half the fun

  • @aczka212
    @aczka212 2 месяца назад +2

    everything you said here doesn't matter at all because no one can adapt to it anyway because they are amoebas🙃

  • @hudsonflores5478
    @hudsonflores5478 2 месяца назад +2

    something I find interesting is that I am the one killing half of the enemy assault, single handedly halting enemy armored advances, and squadwiping multiple people per life while getting at least 3rd place, usually higher, and yet its the incompetents and fools that I use as meatshields and free bodies because I cant use them for anything else which leave when we start losing.

    • @makarov718
      @makarov718 Месяц назад

      no kidding, i swear i am 1st place or very least top 3 90% of games i play leaving me having a 80% WR because i carry while idiot team mates take the damage for me.

  • @albertpietrosanu2667
    @albertpietrosanu2667 2 месяца назад +1

    Dude ... dive bombing and tank have no escape even is on 9999999 houses cover. Players dont know that becvouse are just players , and dond read history and military tactics. When I use a tank in most cases I tace high ground and keep DISTANCE big distance and use binocular. For my on hard moment I always use engineers squad- in all most cases counter enemy very proper.

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      That's called grey zone camping. That's for little b*tches. You can survive in a tank from the front lines.

  • @tetrusbelgrad8743
    @tetrusbelgrad8743 6 месяцев назад +4

    Why cant we mark Planes Too ?

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  6 месяцев назад +2

      i noticed last week that planes can actually stay marked in the air, idk if its old or new, but a plane stayed marked when it fell behind a mountain

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      Very long distance: nothing
      Long distance: grey triangle
      Medium/short distance: blue or red triangle based on team

  • @DougFunnyJunior
    @DougFunnyJunior 3 месяца назад +2

    since the beginning of the game you can ask constat ingame for spotting and marking. 80% have disabled the chat and the rest that reads it ingores it. You sitting 15 min in a bomber and get blind hits 1 or 2. Enemy takes on bomb and goes with a 28 kills. And nobody in the team even trys it. One of the worst communitys that you could find after warthunder

    • @hudsonflores5478
      @hudsonflores5478 2 месяца назад

      ikr like nobody uses chat, I think I have seen one team that actually had enough people who had chat on for everyone to respond and only like 2 people actually used it for a real purpose.

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      As a console player I am limited to quick chat. So I really only use it to say "Good job" or "need a rally" (but this is because I don't ask for coordinates as I rarely use vehicles, let alone aircraft

  • @sarabamjoei5652
    @sarabamjoei5652 6 месяцев назад +4

    That's my pic on your thumbnail. You take it from past Screenshot contest 😶

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  6 месяцев назад +1

      nice, congratz 🥳half of the pics i use here are by me, the other half is from DF posts.

  • @shagakhan9442
    @shagakhan9442 6 месяцев назад

    When attacking the obj, use most of your grenades. I have a squad of assaulters with a large grenade bag and lots of molotov cocktails and regular hand grenades. Though my other assaulter squad in my list has double smgs.

  • @anishussain7093
    @anishussain7093 3 месяца назад +1

    Bro is USSR good? I feel like I made a big mistake playing them but now I am tier 3 so I can't change

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  3 месяца назад +1

      theyre very strong at all BRs, just their map selection sucks a bit once you leave BR3, so now youre perfectly set

    • @anishussain7093
      @anishussain7093 3 месяца назад

      Say again?

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      Weapons = great
      Low tier maps = great (Moscow has the best maps as far as gameplay goes)
      High tier maps = bad for Soviets, good for Germans (Berlin, Stalingrad, and Rhzev are typically German wins)

  • @bp18886
    @bp18886 Месяц назад +1

    33:00 Lmao so real

  • @anishussain7093
    @anishussain7093 3 месяца назад +2

    Thxs bro I play on before now free account

  • @quantumdog_enlisted
    @quantumdog_enlisted 6 месяцев назад +4

    "22:30" Hello there!

  • @zabolatlan_nyekenyoka1291
    @zabolatlan_nyekenyoka1291 6 месяцев назад +5

    Instant skill boost: Buy extra slot and premium, you can spam 2 plane and 1 tank.... Simple....

  • @DD-id6hz
    @DD-id6hz 4 месяца назад +9

    This video seems to be quite hostile to those whom are new. Using insults to shame them, instead of trying to educate them and teach them.

    • @Sulfiro
      @Sulfiro 4 месяца назад +4

      Indeed i notice it too... and even as an older player it's irritating to hear arguments melted with insults and shaming talk, it's immature instead of pedagogic as you said

      @MORE_BEANS_PLZ 3 месяца назад +2

      Half of what he's talking is basic common sense on most fps games don't stand in the open if you're getting shot at, bombs or artillery lands on yoy 😂

    • @anishussain7093
      @anishussain7093 3 месяца назад

      No lol your a snowflake

    • @mcs914
      @mcs914 2 месяца назад

      Its better than getting flamed by sweatlords in chat, they truly have 0 mercy

    • @mcs914
      @mcs914 2 месяца назад

      Its better than getting flamed by sweatlords in chat, they truly have 0 mercy

  • @mrsanatra1
    @mrsanatra1 6 месяцев назад +1

    There is 0 or little communication in this game, BR maych making is terrible & i Wish they would Buff all damage (flame, explosive, weapons) atleast 5%, feels like everyone is wearing a vest in this game. The ttk is terrible, too much hit markers for a ww2 game

    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  6 месяцев назад +5

      first 2 points youre right, MM and commun9ication sucks hard, but the damage of weapons is one of the best out there, the balance among all weapon types is very well made. it leads to all types of weapons being viable at all BRs, i even play bolties over semi autos on mid BR due to how well incentivized they are.

    • @appllwithmemes
      @appllwithmemes Месяц назад

      Oh I wish you had played before the universal rifle buff.

  • @Benz09211
    @Benz09211 2 месяца назад


    • @paradivision1362
      @paradivision1362  2 месяца назад +1

      they do, since over 1 year.

    • @Benz09211
      @Benz09211 2 месяца назад +1

      @@paradivision1362 they might on PC. I play on PS5 when I ping a direction for them to look, they do not acknowledge it at all.

  • @jakubgadzala7474
    @jakubgadzala7474 4 месяца назад

    Bro, just watching your intro tanking 😂😂😂 Clearly you have no idea how to use a tank.