Polyglot Challenge 🌍 | Antonio Parlati

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @afilaka123
    @afilaka123 2 года назад +277

    You are definitely a genius. Your English is so impeccable as you can even teach the native speakers their language. Well done👍

  • @Ntn_vldt62
    @Ntn_vldt62 Год назад +146

    As a French native speaker, I’d say that his French is absolutely flawless, he uses the rights expression, makes the right sentences and his pronunciation is amazing, impressive !

    • @Missy720
      @Missy720 Год назад +1

      Somehow I can’t add a comment only a reply. Sorry for highjacking this comment lol.
      I BET you could speak Portuguese in 6 months with your knowledge .! I only speak fluently English and Portuguese. But could understand 99 % of Spanish, Italian and about 50% of your French! I wonder if I should stop learning my Korean ( because I want to watch Korean dramas lol without subtitles ) !
      Maybe French would be easier for me!

    • @yannouve
      @yannouve Год назад +2

      En meme temp il a parler que 2 minutes en francais, tu peux pas trop evaluer sont niveau

    • @confesionesdeuncomedordepi6808
      @confesionesdeuncomedordepi6808 3 месяца назад +1

      Par contre, toi tu fais 5 fautes d’orthographe dans une seule phrase, c’est efficace !

  • @UR_Mbappe_9
    @UR_Mbappe_9 Год назад +147

    You're the first polyglot I have seen on youtube that has near native pronounciation in all these languages. You sound super American. Don't worry about mistakes, we all make it including natives. My first language is French and I also speak castellano de España, and you sound native in French, English, and Spanish the more I hear you speak. There are many French accents not just by countries but within each region of France itself. Chapeau!

  • @SueLZara
    @SueLZara Год назад +49

    Wow! As a linguist myself as well as an English and Spanish teacher, I am soooo impressed! There are lots of people who can speak several languages, but very few can speak them like a native! What an achievement! I've started to use your videos in my English classes because you explain everything so clearly and in flawless English! You asked about the languages your followers speak, well, I have a degree in Italian, with French, and I consider myself bilingual English-Spanish (I'm English). I also speak some Moroccan Arabic and a smattering of Catalan, but I speak none of those languages as well and as accentless as you do! Congratulations, Antonio! I wish you continuing success!

  • @cailwi9
    @cailwi9 2 года назад +430

    Native speaker here: Your German sounded absolutely like C1 level German - really good pronunciation, and some advanced vocabulary too, no major errors, just a couple minor ones. Now I do assume that you prepared that speech a bit, so I have not heard you speak when unprepared, but I think you can confidently say that you speak German, and I'd say to speak it really well.

    • @giovannizomer4603
      @giovannizomer4603 2 года назад +11

      it sounds to me as he didn't prepar that speech, but he simple started speaking it; otherwise there wouldn't have been grammar errors like "für" with dative instead of accusative; so I also think his German is ok! I suppose this is his German when he's totally unprepared ... and he makes very few mistakes! and we all know - having heart other polyglots trying to say they also speak German that German is extremely difficult for all non native speakers, and they always made a lot of mistakes, even if they are just speaking a few sentences in German;
      so it was great!
      he speaks English better than me, French also probably better ... his German is not as good as mine but ok ... and I think my Italian is a little better than his :)
      I speak it a neutral way, while you can tell from the first sentence he spoke he's from Southern Italy ... la cadenza si sente subito :)

    • @Angel-rq3pi
      @Angel-rq3pi 2 года назад

      Wow. Kind of a asshole comment. Your Italian is better than his? And hes a native speaker. Wow. Just. Wow.

    • @carlostavale2829
      @carlostavale2829 2 года назад +32

      @@giovannizomer4603 you can't say that your Italian is better than his only because you come from another part of Italy. No accent is better than another!

    • @giovannizomer4603
      @giovannizomer4603 2 года назад +3

      @@carlostavale2829 ok, but I have no accent;being better was clearly a joke ... as he's Italian as I am ... I'm more "neutral" than him ... let's say it that way

    • @carlostavale2829
      @carlostavale2829 2 года назад +1

      @@giovannizomer4603 you say that you have no accent because you’ve studied diction?

  • @ritaaschbacher6655
    @ritaaschbacher6655 Год назад +32

    Ich kannte nur deine english-tutorials. Deswegen war ich sehr überrascht, dich in so vielen verschiedenen Sprachen zu hören 😁 und bin ganz begeistert, dass du so schön Deutsch sprichst !!! 👌😍

  • @yossibarzilai3820
    @yossibarzilai3820 2 года назад +142

    The only thing I can tell you is that I’m impressed by how natural you sound in every language you speak, it doesn’t sound rehearsed like, at all, it’s evident that you’re improvising as you go which is impressive. I have a somewhat different language combo, Spanish, English, French, Russian, Hebrew , now struggling with German on and off and you’re really an inspiration.

  • @frankstriker4398
    @frankstriker4398 Год назад +25

    Félicitations Antonio ! C'est un grand plaisir de t'écouter. J'aime beaucoup la douceur de tes accents, même en allemand, tu restes doux dans ta prononciation.

  • @gabrielar.7056
    @gabrielar.7056 2 года назад +409

    WOW, realmente sorprendida como hablaste en español y que bien manejas los acentos.mis respetos.

  • @indigosamuel8344
    @indigosamuel8344 2 года назад +90

    I speak English and my native tongue is Spanish . I’m fascinated when you speak. I love your clear , precise pronunciation that flows so beautifully and soothing. You’re even helping me polish my second language / English. Peace and light - keep golden

    • @kg1727
      @kg1727 2 года назад +3

      Not tongue, language.

    • @SauloBetancourt
      @SauloBetancourt 2 года назад

      Hi! Spanish is also my native language but i've been studying english since 15 years. I know in spanish we say "lengua nativa", but in english you gotta say "native language", not tounge! have a great day!

    • @marianibrahim7634
      @marianibrahim7634 2 года назад

      Which dialect is the most famous, used ,natural and popular?
      Mexican or Spain Spanish?
      Also, can I learn Spain Spanish (as the root) and then turned it into a Mexican Spanish or should I choose the dialect I want from the beginning?

    • @allybcmeal1469
      @allybcmeal1469 2 года назад +1

      Hi, l'm french, used to live in England for a while. In English uk we also use "mother tongue"...

  • @davideduardos4621
    @davideduardos4621 2 года назад +66

    Wow! You're a genious. You speak all the language to perfection. Maybe you should also teach Italian and help loads of people around the world like myself who would love to learn it to travel in Italy and learn a bit of their culture. Carry on with your amazing work. The sky is your limit.

  • @camelfox82
    @camelfox82 Год назад +62

    En español de México lo has hecho increíble Antonio eres asombroso yo solo hablo español y tus videos y de algunos otros creadores he estado aprendiendo el inglés soy muy malo hablándo pero me motivan este tipo de videos en los que tu y otros creadores alientan a la gente a seguir aprendiendo muchas gracias por tu trabajo

    • @afrocyberdelia
      @afrocyberdelia Год назад


    • @thaislotti1254
      @thaislotti1254 Год назад

      Increíble, hablas muy pero, que muy bien!!!Amazing!!! ❤❤❤ 😊😊It's a gift!!!🎉🎉

  • @Prurys
    @Prurys Год назад +49

    Soy mexicano y vivo en Francia desde hace unos 10 años, y te puedo decir que no cometiste ningún error ni en la pronunciación ni en gramática! Excelente!

  • @harimkaimal3398
    @harimkaimal3398 2 года назад +33

    I wish I had a language teacher like you in school or uni... Love your teaching... I wanna to learn to talk like you... Please teach all languages in youtube... I am at least a decade older than you and but my respect for you Antonio.. you are one of the best teachers I ever had chance to learn from ... Thank you so much from India..🙏

  • @allisonsmith2131
    @allisonsmith2131 2 года назад +2096

    Wow, I thought you were an American! It sounds so natural when you speak English like it is your native language. I speak Spanish a little bit but would like to study it again and become proficient. I always wanted to learn Italian. Some day I will. Maybe you can teach me! ☺️ I enjoy your videos.

    • @vin_rouge180
      @vin_rouge180 2 года назад +40

      I thought he was from Spain or Italy for his name and surname.

    • @shafeequeahmed4272
      @shafeequeahmed4272 2 года назад +36

      I immediately realised his Italian connection with his name, like famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi.

    • @bengtecktan5232
      @bengtecktan5232 2 года назад +15

      I can speak three languages, there are English, Chinese, Malay as well but all are average

    • @jeinfm361
      @jeinfm361 2 года назад +19

      Jajaja y yo pensé que era mexicano, habla perfecto el español con acento mexicano

    • @aminasalu3798
      @aminasalu3798 2 года назад +5

      I'm very glad to watch your video This is because you seem you have much experience to speak all those languages and l also speak six languages which are Italy, Chinese,German, Arabic, English and swali if you have a WhatsApp don't forget to find me on the WhatsApp however thank you for your too much time to read my feedback.

  • @lucaromani6789
    @lucaromani6789 Год назад +10

    Congratulazioni. Sei un portento e mi stai aiutando molto con l'inglese! Io parlo English, Francais, Espanol, ho fatto greco antico e latino al liceo (pessimo studente), e viaggiando ho appreso un po' di Turco, Tedesco e la lingua nazionale del Senegal, Uolaf. I really enjoy your uploads! Grazie Antonio

  • @carloscuadra2631
    @carloscuadra2631 2 года назад +34

    Impresionado. No sabía que sos políglota. Pensé que Inglés era tu primer idioma. You sound so “native” when speaking English. Congrats!!

  • @malakakbar1
    @malakakbar1 2 года назад +73

    Hi, Antonio.
    I am a native speaker of Azerbaijani. Besides, I know Turkish as deeply as my native language. I also speak English, Russian, German and a bit Spanish. Learning languages is my passion.
    And thank you for everything you share with us. Your videos are really helpful for the betterment of my English.
    Warm greetings and positive vibes from Azerbaijan🙏☀️☘️

    • @aliyefuadqz1942
      @aliyefuadqz1942 2 года назад +2

      İngilis dilini bilən bir çox dilləri rahat öyrənə bilir( alman, fransız, italyan və s) Kolaysa Azərbaycan və ya Türk dilini öyrənsinlər)) Onlar üçün bizim dil bizim üçün yapon dilini öyrənmək qədər çətindir. Türk, rus, ingilis dilini bilirəm. Ərəb dili ilə də maraqlanıram

    • @nuredinbagrov3805
      @nuredinbagrov3805 2 года назад


    • @aisulukarkar
      @aisulukarkar 2 года назад +2

      Привет, в Азербайджане говорят на русском ?

    • @aliyefuadqz1942
      @aliyefuadqz1942 2 года назад +2

      @@aisulukarkar Salam. Yox.

    • @eliminatabundala5367
      @eliminatabundala5367 2 года назад +1

      It's because you love Turkish?

  • @belyndamaniez9703
    @belyndamaniez9703 2 года назад +75

    Your French is great, I'm a native speaker and can definitely say that you're doing amazing!! Your pronunciation is super clean despite it being really hard as you mentioned, and not a single mistake spotted! 😉

  • @kirsten879
    @kirsten879 Год назад +12

    An American here, and I would *never* have guessed that you’re not a native English speaker!! 💯💯💯 And to my untrained ear, your Spanish, French, and German (Spanish and French especially) sound pretty darn good, too!

  • @astaghfirullah10000
    @astaghfirullah10000 2 года назад +170

    Different Languages, different personalities!
    That was absolutely incredible video.

  • @dixussatt7978
    @dixussatt7978 2 года назад +16

    All the accents sound so natural when you speak these languages. You are very talented because not so many people can actually switch so easily between these languages a still sound like a native speaker.

  • @DianaLopez-nt7qb
    @DianaLopez-nt7qb 2 года назад +129

    Hi Antonio , it’s admirable the way you can move between languages and it each of them sounds so natural. I’m following you because I wanted to improve my English pronunciation , I my self am Spanish speaker and this video inspires me to continue learning. 👏 bravo , you are awesome.

  • @cherriedelafuente5261
    @cherriedelafuente5261 Год назад


  • @tinokaH
    @tinokaH 2 года назад +652

    En español 0 errores y hablas perfecto, el acento en los dos versiones te quedo super, y en inglés también, de los otros no podría opinar, sonaban muy bien tienes un hermoso Don.

    • @pierrerouchescanahuate3797
      @pierrerouchescanahuate3797 2 года назад +16

      En español solo encontré un error: "Lo sé que no funciona así" / "Lo sé que no es perfecto". 4:07

    • @tinokaH
      @tinokaH 2 года назад +11

      @@pierrerouchescanahuate3797 si eso sonó un poco raro, si hubiera hecho una pausa, como "lo sé, sé que no es perfecto"

    • @Canalvida-p8y
      @Canalvida-p8y 2 года назад +32

      @@tinokaHjeje también encontré otro error dijo me se pegó el acento .
      Pero en verdad tiene mucho mérito lo que ha logrado ese muchacho

    • @tinokaH
      @tinokaH 2 года назад +12

      @@Canalvida-p8y jejeje había que ponerle muchísimo cuidado son casi imperceptibles.

    • @jangofett7857
      @jangofett7857 2 года назад +15

      Bueno, cuando dice "me se ha pegado...." pero al margen de eso super buen nivel

  • @sangodango
    @sangodango 2 года назад +20

    ¡Increíble! Es la primera vez en mi vida que escucho a alguien cuya lengua materna no es el español, con un acento tan perfecto. Me he quedado con la boca abierta, es bastante fascinante. Si no supiera que eres políglota, pensaría que hablas español desde que naciste.

  • @rebecafernandez7467
    @rebecafernandez7467 2 года назад +126

    Querido Antonio, es una verdadera delicia poderte escuchar hablar en diferentes idiomas. Muchas gracias por compartir tus motivaciones y experiencias. Bravo!!! me encantó cuando hablaste español como lo hablamos en México. Nuevamente muchas gracias por ser una fuente de inspiración para todos aquellos que deseamos aprender otro idioma.

    • @Naisheen
      @Naisheen Год назад

      Wow I didn't know what u said so I translate iy

    • @Naisheen
      @Naisheen Год назад

      Sorry meant it😊

  • @Quentin_dms
    @Quentin_dms Год назад +14

    I'm just totally shocked by all the languages you speak. I'd so love to be able to speak multiple languages like you. This video was so interesting, it's so cool to hear other languages and dialects, that's so different than English. Thanks for this video, you deserve much more visibility ! 🥰🙏 And btw I speak only 2 languages 😂 ; English and French (French's my native language)

  • @docilComoPaloma
    @docilComoPaloma 2 года назад +50

    Wow! I AM SPEECHLESS. I speak 2 languages, Spanish, my first language and English. You are so awesome! I am very impressed! Here in the USA Latinos are afraid to teach their kids their native language because they don't want to confuse them. You inspired me to learn more languages. Thank you Antonio. My baby brother's name is Antonio. God bless you friend.
    Sube mas videos. Me encantan. Gracias, muchas gracias.

    • @marianibrahim7634
      @marianibrahim7634 2 года назад

      Which dialect is the most famous, used ,natural and popular?
      Mexican or Spain Spanish?
      Also, can I learn Spain Spanish (as the root) and then turned it into a Mexican Spanish or should I choose the dialect I want from the beginning?

    • @howaboutthisweather3949
      @howaboutthisweather3949 2 года назад

      @@marianibrahim7634 it depends on where do you learn it. If you learn Spanish in an European country, you will probably learn the Spanish from Spain. If you learn from US it will be for sure Mexican slang. ,☺️ You can choose whatever you feel more comfortable with. In Europe, people tends to learn the European Spanish because of the geographic proximity. But every Spanish accent is unique or beautiful, choose the one you feel more comfortable with.

    • @marianibrahim7634
      @marianibrahim7634 2 года назад +1

      @@howaboutthisweather3949 I am from Egypt. I just wanted to learn Spanish without knowing that there are many countries speak Spanish with different dialects. I feel that the most natural famous and used one is the Mexican Spanish so I chose that .. Is that right?

    • @marianibrahim7634
      @marianibrahim7634 2 года назад +1

      @@howaboutthisweather3949 and thank SO MUCH for replying

    • @howaboutthisweather3949
      @howaboutthisweather3949 2 года назад +2

      @@marianibrahim7634 if you think Mexican is beautiful go learn it! Personally, I prefer Spanish from Spain. 😊

  • @fifideb7291
    @fifideb7291 Год назад +34

    Tu parles bien français !! Je t’encourage à continuer !! Ta prononciation est un pur délice Comme du beurre 😊

    • @afrocyberdelia
      @afrocyberdelia Год назад

      Comme un croissant au beurre

    • @fifideb7291
      @fifideb7291 Год назад

      @@afrocyberdelia oui exactement!! Je suis tes shorts en anglais merci pour ton travail passionné et passionnant !

    • @theoneandonlykaitomiyu
      @theoneandonlykaitomiyu Год назад

      @@afrocyberdeliaça existe les croissants aux beurres ?

    • @brunopicaude3092
      @brunopicaude3092 Год назад

      @@theoneandonlykaitomiyu Ce sont les meilleurs !

    • @theoneandonlykaitomiyu
      @theoneandonlykaitomiyu Год назад +1

      @@brunopicaude3092 ah bon ? Je goûterais alors

  • @bzylarisa
    @bzylarisa 2 года назад +16

    I think you are dominating the musicality that languages have. Accents, intonation, rythms, all about the sound. You sound so natural in every languages (well, I don't know German so I can't comment on it really but never mind). The swithch from Castellano to Spanish of Latin America was impressive. Many people don't put much importance on the musicality of languages but I find it very important.

  • @CouchPotatoCrusader
    @CouchPotatoCrusader Год назад +2

    U have a gift of picking up languages! Some people can live in a place for decades and still not lose their accent entirely, u sound super american and also near native in other languages u spoke. Ur so talented and also gifted

  • @homosapien.a6364
    @homosapien.a6364 2 года назад +122

    I was shocked when you said “I started learning English “ omg I thought you were a native!
    My native language is Arabic
    I can speak
    English C1(hopefully )
    Hebrew B1
    German A1
    There is also Esperanto but it’s very recent.
    Amazing video 👍❤️

    • @Unknown-sc9cs
      @Unknown-sc9cs 2 года назад +3

      Me too i'm Arabic

    • @ValeriusMagni
      @ValeriusMagni 2 года назад

      Qhy are you learning esperanto?

    • @homosapien.a6364
      @homosapien.a6364 2 года назад

      @@ValeriusMagni I generally like constructed languages I find them very interesting

  • @edwarddd999
    @edwarddd999 2 года назад +128

    Es increíble el acento en español latino, si me hablas por primera vez no podría detectar de ninguna manera que no eres nativo, increíble!

  • @Maria-ue1xo
    @Maria-ue1xo 2 года назад +8

    You're a talented language learner. Indeed admire your English pronunciations..sounds perfectly.

  • @sikiaaa
    @sikiaaa Год назад +5

    Tu parles tellement bien français (mieux que les français eux mêmes… oups) et de ce que j’ai entendu ton anglais et ton italien sont incroyables aussi… ça a dû être tellement d’efforts, j’adore moi aussi apprendre des langues et t’es vraiment une inspiration, bravo ! ❤️

    • @artistaincompreso7171
      @artistaincompreso7171 Год назад +1

      Il est italian, son italien est donc parfait 😂

    • @sikiaaa
      @sikiaaa Год назад +1

      @@artistaincompreso7171 tout s’éclaire 😭

  • @rushjean-michel7562
    @rushjean-michel7562 2 года назад +100

    Omg he speaks all the languages perfectly, like his native language. I really love your style buddy. It's been a long time I am watching your videos but I never subscribed because It's something that I don't often like to do. So today I can't leave RUclips without subscribing. You deserve it buddy. And sorry for the mistakes if I do in my sentences 😏

    • @josepht.7937
      @josepht.7937 2 года назад +4

      Your first sentence is perfect, but the next sentence should have been "I've been watching your videos for a long time". Other than that, your sentence structure and conversational tone is well done, Rush! 👏

    • @djenebaalexandra645
      @djenebaalexandra645 2 года назад +4

      jdhdkqlsl 😭 I thought english was your native language until you apologised for your mistakes that I didn't even noticed lol

    • @rushjean-michel7562
      @rushjean-michel7562 2 года назад +3

      @@josepht.7937 Thank you so much 🙏

    • @rushjean-michel7562
      @rushjean-michel7562 2 года назад +3

      @@djenebaalexandra645 🤣🤣🤣 I speak French and Creole but I am learning English by myself

    • @josepht.7937
      @josepht.7937 2 года назад

      @@rushjean-michel7562 my pleasure. 😁

  • @kamilabroadcats5242
    @kamilabroadcats5242 2 года назад +10

    Ciao tutti. I'm an bilingual, so i have known russian and tatar since my childhood.
    I have been learning English since my 4-5 years but it was such a basic level, like hi, how are you, I'm fine and so on. In 7th/8th grade I was really good at English lessons. But unfortunately our English teacher always was so nervous and always said that we can't pass the exams. So in high school i studied in another school, and from the middle of the 10th grade I was learning English with my tutor. She's really brilliant teacher who helps me to love learning languages 🤎so grateful for her, MashAllah.
    And I was studying English with tutor for my final exams in 11th grade (in Russia we have 11 grades). So i passed my exam on 86/100🥳🥳🥳
    Last year I got into university of international relations and now I'm studying oriental study, Turkish.
    English language is now international language. And if you guys doubt of learn English, don't do it, just learn. Because it opens for me so many doors, I have participated in very interesting different events and met a lot of different interesting people 😍 I became more confident.
    So now I'm interested in French and Italian. But guys I'm so lazy😅😔 and due to this it's difficult to learn languages by yourself. But don't doubt! You can do this! Also i can, because after few lessons in French and Italian I have pretty good understanding. I can understand some memes in French😂
    I love languages.
    I hope that more older Kamila will open this message after maybe 5 years and will read this and will say insha'Allah:
    We can do this!! I'm a polyglot now✨
    P.S.Also you can watch my first mini podcast on my channel and subscribe 🤎

  • @bushrashani3176
    @bushrashani3176 2 года назад +4

    Hi Antonio! All the languages you speaking sounded FANTASTIC and PERFECT pronunciation of all the languages. Hats off to you. God bless you.keep it up

  • @sakura44553
    @sakura44553 Год назад +3

    So sweet. I like you in any languages. Es ist einfach angenehm, dir zuzuhören. Ich hoffe, du inspirierst nicht nur hier bei YT, sondern auch Kinder in der Schule!

  • @marianamaguire7450
    @marianamaguire7450 2 года назад +342

    Antonio, tu castellano es excelente, tanto el de España como el de México. Cada país latinoamericano habla un castellano distinto. Acá en Argentina hablamos el rioplatense (junto con Uruguay) y siendo italiano te van a resultar bastante familiares la entonación, los gestos y muchas de las palabras que utilizamos. ¡Sos un genio!

    • @itsgiag
      @itsgiag 2 года назад +14

      Solo te recuerdo que no en todo Latinoamérica se habla español, algunos hablan francés, y otros, portugués. Quizá hubiera sido mejos utilizar Hispanoamérica, ya que dijiste «cada país latinoamericano habla un castellano distinto», pero ni Brasil ni Haití o Canadá habla español.

    • @angelmatematico45
      @angelmatematico45 2 года назад +11

      En Buenos Aires se habla rioplatense, en distintas provincias no es así.

    • @donovannsandoval7246
      @donovannsandoval7246 2 года назад +1

      Es perfecto tu español .

    • @arielsanchez9074
      @arielsanchez9074 2 года назад +4

      @@angelmatematico45 , en la mayor parte del territorio argentino se habla el dialecto rioplatense, e incluso en aquellas zonas en la que no es del todo "rioplatense" la fonética hay una fuerte y creciente influencia del rioplatense, sobre todo -pero no exclusivamente- en el léxico.

    • @jafet2722
      @jafet2722 2 года назад +6

      @@itsgiag también hablan lenguas indígenas, como en Paraguay, Bolivia y México

  • @deisyalejandraalvarezhidal651
    @deisyalejandraalvarezhidal651 2 года назад +16

    Antonio!! Tienes un don para aprender idiomas. Tu español es excelente y me encantó que dijeras algunas palabras propias de la variante mexicana porque suena muy divertida. Yo aprendí inglés y francés en la universidad pero este último lo he olvidado mucho por falta de práctica. Me encantan tus vídeos en inglés porque son divertidos y cortos y tu forma de ser tan curiosa me recuerda a mí cuando estaba en la universidad. Me motivas a aprender francés de nuevo y a continuar mejorando mi inglés contigo. Abrazos desde Colombia y felicitaciones por tu enorme talento que compartes con nosotros. Tus vídeos son muy amenos.

    • @loledutru8464
      @loledutru8464 2 года назад +2

      No se si realmente es un "don", lo más importante es la motivación y la disciplina (y eso se aplica para todas las materias). A mi mucha gente me ha dicho que tengo un don para los idiomas, pero no de dan cuenta del trabajo que esto representa. Horas viendo películas, horas escuchando y repitiendo escenas, lecturas, libros audio, horas aprendiendo la gramatica, también salidas con amigos extranjeros sin realmente entender al principio lo que decían.
      Es muy dificil al principio, pero es muy satisfactorio cuando viajas y puedes hablar con la gente y entender lo que dicen!

    • @loledutru8464
      @loledutru8464 2 года назад +1

      Et bon courage avec le français! Je pense qu'avec de la motivation tu peux récupérer un bon niveau!

  • @Que_miras_baller
    @Que_miras_baller 2 года назад +55

    Brilliant, Antonio! I’m totally surprised you’re speaking 6 languages at a very high level! I speak 3 languages: Russian (native), English (B2) and German (A2)

    • @Vanadium000
      @Vanadium000 2 года назад +2

      Привет русскому
      Я тоже могу разговаривать на трёх языках
      Английский (В1)
      Украинский и русский - родные языки
      А ещё учу итальянский, и надеюсь что скоро и на нём заговорю (я близка к этому) можно сказать что я уже на уровне А1

    • @kevenlacerda8489
      @kevenlacerda8489 2 года назад


    • @alesrandomchannel7407
      @alesrandomchannel7407 2 года назад

      Привет я говорю 2 языке
      Испанский и английском

  • @andreachmr21
    @andreachmr21 Год назад +11

    Je suis française et ton accent est vraiment bon même si on entend une pointe d'accent étranger, c'est impressionnant !

  • @juliabobbin4165
    @juliabobbin4165 2 года назад +15

    This is super impressive!! It is definitely achievable to become fluent and master another language, but to have the accent and intonations like a native is actually quite rare! As a native English speaker I am so impressed with your English. If I met you on thr street I would just ‘know’ you were American.
    I’m currently learning your native language, Italian :)

  • @deisypalomino7325
    @deisypalomino7325 2 года назад +117

    Antonio, tu español (mexicano) está muy bien ! Por favor, continúa aprendiendo; lo estás haciendo excelente. Fighting !

  • @sivakumarflorence
    @sivakumarflorence 2 года назад +82

    Je suis française et tu parles super bien le français, tu n’as pas un niveau B2 t’es bien au dessus c’est magnifique 😍😍

    • @vin_rouge180
      @vin_rouge180 2 года назад +2

      I only know Oui, no, merci, merci beaucoup, bonjour, un peu, merde, sivuple? (please) commo te pell? (what's your name) and other words but I can't make sentences. Je sui tree bien? I'm very good? Estoy muy bien seria en español.
      My native language is spanish though, greetings from Peru 🇵🇪

    • @antoinesubitlescoups338
      @antoinesubitlescoups338 2 года назад +1

      Tu n'es pas française. T'es indienne. Ça se voit.

    • @shafeequeahmed4272
      @shafeequeahmed4272 2 года назад +1

      Sivakumar is an Indian male name, not a lady as he implied.

    • @antoinesubitlescoups338
      @antoinesubitlescoups338 2 года назад +1

      @@shafeequeahmed4272 Whatever. Anyway it's evident that none of you two speak French.

    • @shafeequeahmed4272
      @shafeequeahmed4272 2 года назад

      Je ne suis pas français, mais je parle un français parfait.

  • @mariac.lopezdeavelar2497
    @mariac.lopezdeavelar2497 Год назад +7

    Qué padre que te puedas expresar en tantos idiomas. Me encantó como hablas el ingles y el español pareces nativo de ambos idiomas. La verdad eres impresionante.

  • @КсенияПетроченкова-я4ц

    Я впечателена! Очень благодарна за то, что Вы, Антонио, щедро делитесь методами и приёмами в освоении английского, выпускаете поясняющие видео! Мне кажется, знание иностранных языков украшает человека! Он невероятно преображается! Хотя родной язык многим из моих соотечественников не мешало бы знать лучше. Впрочем каки мне самой)

  • @isaamor2821
    @isaamor2821 2 года назад +23

    Cómo nativa hablante de español de México, lo hablas excelente mente bien, no sabía que eras buenísimo con los idiomas!!! Felicidades pues hablar 1 idioma extra es de genios para mí, ahora 5, eres asombroso!!

  • @vibeatles
    @vibeatles 2 года назад +138

    Que español tan perfecto tanto de España como de Mexico. Me encanta. Creia que eras estadounidense. Eres una maravilla. Un gran maestro. Saludos desde Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 😉.

    • @artaxhemajlaj2074
      @artaxhemajlaj2074 2 года назад

      Che es esa palabra.. nunca lo ho eschucado 'estadounidense'??

    • @vibeatles
      @vibeatles 2 года назад +1

      @@artaxhemajlaj2074 de Estados Unidos

    • @artaxhemajlaj2074
      @artaxhemajlaj2074 2 года назад

      @RUclips Enjoyer porque es menos disculpe?

    • @deutschmitpurple2918
      @deutschmitpurple2918 2 года назад +1

      Me encanta este idioma. Muy bueno

  • @carlosalerno98
    @carlosalerno98 Год назад +1

    Sono palermitano e devo dire che sei il dio delle lingue. Anch'io adoro le lingue:
    1) 🇮🇹 L'italiano è la mia prima lingua materna
    2) 🇧🇹 U sicilianu (parru u dialettu 'i Palieimmu) è a me sicunna lingua matèinna
    3) 🇬🇧 I learnt English at school and, during the university period, at home (watching videos on RUclips about sports, culture, geography, history etc. and reading many books in English such as "Pride and Prejudice", "The Picture of Dorian Gray" etc.)
    4) 🇫🇷 J'ai étudié la langue française de 2010 à 2022, et je lis beaucoup de livres en français afin d'améliorer mes compétences linguistiques
    5) 🇩🇪 Ich habe von 2013 bis 2022 Deutsch gelernt. Ich bin in Deutschland geboren. Aber mein Niveau ist nicht so gut, weil ich hier in Sizilien aufgewachsen bin.
    6) 🇪🇸 Aprendí el español gracias a RUclips, mirando videos de geografía, historia, cultura, deporte y escuchando canciones de Enrique Iglesias, Chayanne, y Inti Illimani (un grupo chileno 🇨🇱)
    7) 🇵🇹 Estou a aprender o portugués, porqué é muito semelhante ao espanhol e sobretudo ao siciliano. Escuto músicas brasileiras (sobre tudo do cantor Gusttavo Lima) e lejo livros cómo "O Principezinho"
    8) 🇸🇦 درست العربية في الحامعة لأنني أحب العالم العربي وأكله وثقافته وأغنيات له. الصقلية قريبة من تونس وليبيا
    9) 🇬🇷 Μαθαίνω ελληνικά, και μιλάω μερικές λέξεις της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Ταξίδεψα στον Αγκριτζεντο και αποφάσισα να μαθαίνω ελληνικά

  • @moi-meme442
    @moi-meme442 2 года назад +13

    Your language skills are amazing! I am 100% positive that you will easily learn portuguese if you feel like studying it (it’s very similar to Spanish and has lots of similarities with Italian and French)
    Believe me, if you start uploading videos in portuguese, you will get MILLIONS of Brazilians subscribers in a matter of seconds.
    I am Brazilian myself and I know my fellow Brazilians too well. We do no resist seeing a gringo speaking portuguese and we love getting to know people from different cultures.
    You will become a star in Brazil in a matter of SECONDS!

  • @sol_di_14
    @sol_di_14 2 года назад +40

    No escuché ningún error en español, te sale muy bien! Me sorprende que hables tan bien en tan poco tiempo, pero sos Italiano...hablar español no es difícil para ustedes!
    Te queda hermoso el acento español, pero bueno...si cambiarlo te hace feliz, hacelo! Saludos 😊🇦🇷

  • @astrostern3370
    @astrostern3370 2 года назад +28

    Sehr beeindruckend wie sprachtalentiert Du bist! 😍👍 Dein Deutsch ist auch sehr gut verständlich!! 🥰 Interessanterweise hast Du beim Deutsch sprechen einen leicht französischen Akzent, das klingt irgendwie süß... 🤗🥰🥰

  • @deepanair8333
    @deepanair8333 Год назад +1

    Loved this, Antonio! Amazed at your linguistic talent. Super impressive!

  • @sofisa11
    @sofisa11 Год назад +9

    Me encantó escucharte hablar español con acento mexicano ¡y vaya que lo haces muy bien! Generalmente veo tus videos para perfeccionar mi inglés, pero ¡me tienes impresionada! NO tenía idea que eras políglota, ídolo.

  • @AdirFerreira
    @AdirFerreira 2 года назад +19

    You have a real talent there (hard work involved too!). My mother tongue is Portuguese, and my foreign languages were Catalan, English, Spanish and French (in this order). Keep up the good work!

  • @fridaquiroz7725
    @fridaquiroz7725 Год назад +17

    Antonio! You didn’t make any mistake, well my native language is the Spanish and I didn’t see any mistake, you are incredible 👏

  • @lilianmalpica8912
    @lilianmalpica8912 2 года назад +5

    OMG! Te puedo decir que hablas maravillosamente bien el español en cualquiera de las variantes, española o latina. Saludos desde Cuba!

  • @borjbuitizon3134
    @borjbuitizon3134 2 года назад +5

    Hey antonio, i just want you know that i’m learning a lot of english by watching your videos!! Thanks!! Keep it up because you are also helping other people reaching their goals to be better in languages

  • @simonesignore2124
    @simonesignore2124 2 года назад +9

    you've got a lovely pronunciation in all the languages! The same that I know, I definitely love Italian dialects as well. Congratulations, you make them all sound like music, great:-)

  • @karolalemanderivera
    @karolalemanderivera Год назад +4

    Woooow Antonio, me encanta e inspira verte, eres un sol! Yo soy centroamericana y nuestros acentos son algo diferentes al de los mexicanos pero siempre es la base del Español 😅 Te agradezco tanto la forma tan sencilla y amorosa con que enseñas y compartes lo que sabes!❤ Que sigas cosechando éxitos y tengas una vida prospera y abundante!🎉

  • @Sikanda.
    @Sikanda. 2 года назад +6

    Your french is divine! For a B2 level, your prononciation is incredible. Je suis toujours très impressionné par les polyglottes.

  • @claudiabazany9138
    @claudiabazany9138 2 года назад +24

    Antonio: ¡me súper encantó este vídeo! 💖
    Hablas muy bien el español, ojalá algún día te decidieras a venir a México, quedas cordialmente invitado, yo vivo en Puerto Vallarta, pero te puedo presumir que todo el país es hermoso. 💯
    ¿Sabes? En Latinoamérica hay muchos acentos del español, ¡te sorprenderás cuando oigas hablar a un argentino, venezolano, cubano o mexicano entre otros! ¡es increíble la cantidad de ritmos y entonaciones que tiene el idioma!
    ¡Mi admiración y felicitaciones para ti, eres un gran maestro parlante! 🎉💕

    • @virnabejargutierrez1700
      @virnabejargutierrez1700 2 года назад +1

      Si, yo apoyo esa bienvenida, México te espera con los brazos abiertos.

  • @elcs2393
    @elcs2393 2 года назад +65

    Siendo español, me encanta como lo hablas. Especialmente el de España, porque hablas como si fueras un italiano viviendo 20 años en España aunque solo lo hubieras estudiado en la universidad. De verdad, te admiro. Saludos desde España🇪🇸

    • @paulo0651
      @paulo0651 2 года назад +6

      Pero lo habla perfectísimo.

  • @Silvi-a
    @Silvi-a Год назад +1

    Wirklich schönes Deutsch - und sehr überraschend 😂 Respekt, du bist wahnsinnig talentiert und natürlich auch sehr fleißig! 🙌

  • @낙산바다아이
    @낙산바다아이 2 года назад +11

    My first language is Korean.
    I have been learning English these days.
    You are the language genius
    I applaud and admire your efforts.
    My Newyear's resolution is to improve English-speaking

    • @faridafathy5821
      @faridafathy5821 2 года назад

      I hope to learn Korean because I am very interested in Korean culture, its beautiful dramas and its wonderful people. Can we be friends?

    • @낙산바다아이
      @낙산바다아이 2 года назад +1

      @@faridafathy5821 Thank you for loving Korean culture.
      I'm an old lady in my 40s. I'm too old to be friends.
      But thank you so much for asking.
      May your 2022 be full of joy ,smile , love and happiness.💜
      If you have any Korean words you want to know, you can ask me in the comments.
      Have a good one.
      Nice one

    • @faridafathy5821
      @faridafathy5821 2 года назад

      @@낙산바다아이 It was a pleasure to talk to you, and I am sorry if I bothered you, and I wish you a happy life

  • @northernislanditalia3218
    @northernislanditalia3218 2 года назад +4

    Estoy flipando de que haga solo tres años que estudias español!!! Yo soy catalana, vivo en Toscana y soy profe de español pero sobretodo de inglés y te aseguro que nunca jamàs he conocido a nadie que tenga un acento americano tan perfecto sin haber vivido allì al menos un tiempo. Tienes un talento innato, indudablemente :) Estoy casi segura de que lo sabes, seguro han sido los nervios, pero TE SE ha escapado jajaja . En un momento dado has dicho "Me se ha pegado" con los pronombres a la italiana. Cuidado porque en español suena muy "cazurro" jajaja. Un beso, Antonio, eres un crack ademàs enseñando!

  • @serenagoh4615
    @serenagoh4615 2 года назад +7

    Love this - you inspire others to learn and explore with confidence!! 😀😀

  • @shireads2954
    @shireads2954 11 месяцев назад

    I cannot get over your flawlessly native grammer and pronunciation. I have watched a few of your shorts teaching English. And I legitimately thought you were an American living abroad. Bravo!

  • @gracemadrid8131
    @gracemadrid8131 2 года назад +7

    I’m so impressed with you Antonio, I’ve been following you for while now. I thought you’re Italian American, I’m based in Chicago. You’re so entertaining making the lessons interesting, thanks

  • @MagisterArtiumExylon
    @MagisterArtiumExylon 2 года назад +34

    0:26 English
    1:39 Italian
    2:46 Spanish (Spain)
    3:33 Spanish (Mexico)
    5:00 French
    5:49 German

  • @julie_c
    @julie_c 2 года назад +82

    Wow, ton français est incroyable ! Tout comme toutes les autres langues, je suis impressionnée.
    Tu es vraiment inspirant !

    • @liamwalman6662
      @liamwalman6662 2 года назад +3

      C’est vraiment impressionnant je savais même pas qu’il parlait français, et à ce niveau, franchement bravo

    • @julie_c
      @julie_c 2 года назад +4

      @@liamwalman6662 pareil pour moi, je savais pas, c'est fou !

    • @deutschmitpurple2918
      @deutschmitpurple2918 2 года назад +2

      Je suis d'accord avec toi. J'espere que je peux parler français bien

    • @loledutru8464
      @loledutru8464 2 года назад +1

      En effet, j'ai vu beaucoup d'italiens parler français, mais rarement aussi bien. Surtout au niveau des "e" et des "r" qui sont un vrai casse-tête pour les non francophones.

  • @cadciel
    @cadciel Год назад +1

    Your English is amazing, you really have a knack for laguages. I only speak two and currently learning Italian. Thrilled to have found your channel!

  • @Jalma_93
    @Jalma_93 2 года назад +58

    Wow! Your amazing. As a German American I can tell you, your German pronouncing is very good. I meet people in Germany that came es refuges and whatsoever, been living here for a decade and can’t speak the way you do! Go on! Your doing a good job!

  • @GonzalezAlas
    @GonzalezAlas 2 года назад +5

    ¡Qué impresionante!
    No sabía que el inglés no era tu idioma materno, y que decir de tu español, impecable.
    ¡Saludos desde Guatemala!

  • @soniagancharov2634
    @soniagancharov2634 2 года назад +8

    Antonio, amé este video. Apenas lucho con el inglés hace algunos años y, pero amo cuando te escucho hablar en italiano, pues solo tuve clases en la escuela durante dos años, hace ya muuuuuchos años, y sin embargo te entiendo perfectamente. Es mi objetivo una vez que maneje con fluidez el inglés.
    Te mando un abrazo desde Uruguay.

  • @zahramhaidra5507
    @zahramhaidra5507 Год назад +11

    Trop fort, je suis française et je suis très impressionnée par ton niveau ❤ tu es juste exceptionnel et j'adore ta façon de nous apprendre l'anglais, si tu pouvais faire la même chose pour l'italien, ça serait juste topissime ❤ je parle un peu l'italien mais pas au niveau de ton français... 🙏

  • @lorenasmartevents5354
    @lorenasmartevents5354 2 года назад +12

    And the most impressive thing of this, is that your pronunciation is perfect. Grammar, syntax, wonderful. I've been learning English, forever.. And still make a lot of mistakes! Still have a lot to learn ... I started learning French and German, but... No way I can speak them.. Still level A...!

  • @rabiamunawar4517
    @rabiamunawar4517 2 года назад +5

    Kudos to you for such brilliant language skills. I'm an Assistant Professor of English and love to watch your videos. You're a brilliant teacher. I speak English, Urdu since I'm a pakistani and punjabi which is my regional dialect.

  • @gabyescudero6316
    @gabyescudero6316 2 года назад +6

    Wow Antonio, jamás pensé escucharte hablar en perfecto español! Eres genial, gracias por tus videos, aprendo mucho de ellos! Saludos.

  • @yomismo530
    @yomismo530 Год назад +1

    Your Spanish pronuntiation is really good: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻.

  • @luiscastaneda2155
    @luiscastaneda2155 2 года назад +6

    It’s really amazing how you sound like a native when speaking all of the languages. Mi lengua nativa es el español. Saludos!

  • @Taiwan.life1234
    @Taiwan.life1234 2 года назад +8

    Hi Antonio, I’m Vietnamese. Besides my native language Vietnamese, I know 3 more languages ( English,Chinese and Taiwanese Hokkien) and a little Malaysian but I can’t speak perfectly like you. I’m still learning hard because I find it so fun to switch from this language to another language. My little daughter now starts to speak 4 languages and it’s really fun every time she translates other languages to our native one and it seems two of us got our own code to communicate that no one can bother.
    Your videos have just impressed me recently. I thought you were an American even I noticed your name. Love your looks in every video and the way you teach. I always watch your videos in my washing dishes, bottles or chores time that make me relaxed and willing to do with the jobs 😁

  • @alejandrow.ibanezs.2322
    @alejandrow.ibanezs.2322 Год назад +30

    Estoy más que impresionado por tu habilidad de aprender idiomas y acentos. Mi admiración por ti nunca va a declinar 😊

  • @alanhalarcon
    @alanhalarcon Год назад +8

    Je peux dire que vous avez une tres bonne prononciación dans la langue francaise. I love your english accent too, it's very soft, it sounds natural and it's confortable to hear. Y de español ni hablar, se nota poco el acento pero la verdad reconozco que es muuy bueno, entiendo que es complicado deshacerse de los acentos cuando se aprende español, pero realmente lo haz hecho genial!!!

  • @aminabennnn
    @aminabennnn 2 года назад +5

    Omg I'm so so impressed 🥰, I really thought you were American, because your speaking is so good. They way you speak all these languages is impressive, you inspired me to learn so many languages 💕

  • @vox.vera.vocalcoaching
    @vox.vera.vocalcoaching 2 года назад +5

    This is superimpressive! I'm fluent in German and English (my mother language is Polish) and I've started learning Spanish about 2 months ago. Your English sounds impeccable and also your German pronunciation is very good 👏👏👏 BRAVO!!!

    • @martip122b
      @martip122b 2 года назад +1

      oo ja też się uczę od niedawna hiszpańskiego ;)

  • @sithummihiranga2452
    @sithummihiranga2452 2 года назад +8

    Thats awesome. Being a sri lankan, I get stucked even between two words when it comes for speaking English. But you speaking 5 languages ( except mother language ) without get stucked ( according to what I heard ) is really fascinating to watch. You really deserve a sub !!!

    • @diwyadeshani586
      @diwyadeshani586 2 года назад +1

      I also from srilanka.

    • @ssachlescrutolf
      @ssachlescrutolf 2 года назад +2

      I'm also from sri lanka

    • @dinuxli1858
      @dinuxli1858 2 года назад +2

      Aww feeling so great about you guys ....btw another Sri Lankan right here :)

  • @Endorphinn_
    @Endorphinn_ Год назад +8

    Non seulement ton français est bon mais en plus, tu dis que tu adores sa prononciation et l'écouter, ce qui fait très plaisir 😍 ! J'ai vu beaucoup de videos et de commentaires de gens qui disaient que le français est une langue qui a l'air agressive quand on l'écoute, c'est dommage. On entend quelques hésitations dans ta voix mais c'est seulement une question de pratique, ce n'est pas facile de penser dans une langue étrangère de façon fluide. J'aimerais que mon anglais et mon italien soient aussi bon que ton français 🤩 ! Bises de Nice (Nizza), près de la frontière italienne 😊 !

  • @eburin87
    @eburin87 2 года назад +71

    I speak 6 languages.
    Spanish from Tijuana , which my mother tongue, English from 🇺🇸, Italian, which I studied at the university as my major, French from France, I studied in high school. Mandarin and Korean. Mandarin gave me more trouble to learn veo of the pronunciation and phonetics. I still working on it to improve it. Korean was easier because I’m deeply into K-pop Korean drama and I have friends to practice it.
    I still want to learn : Cantonese , Japanese, German, Russian, and Arabic.

    • @YanetAbanto
      @YanetAbanto Год назад

      well done boy or girl .I will also improve my english I already have that dream .

    • @andresleon2293
      @andresleon2293 Год назад +1

      I think when you get involved with languages you won't have a feeling of comfort with the languages you speak anymore, you'll always want to learn one more language, so yeah it's like an endless journey

    • @pnu1338
      @pnu1338 Год назад

      한국어가 쉽군요 ㅎㅎ

    • @maxrolland3148
      @maxrolland3148 Год назад

      🇲🇽¿De dónde eres?
      🇺🇸Where are you from?
      🇮🇹Di dove sei?
      🇫🇷D’où venez-vous ?
      🇰🇷어디서 오셨나요?

  • @InstantEnglishUK
    @InstantEnglishUK 2 года назад +26

    Green with envy! haha

  • @LuzTarazona563
    @LuzTarazona563 2 года назад +42

    Apasionante escucharte hablar español y alemán. I learn a lot of english with you every day. But listening to you speaking 'español latinoamerico' is fascinating.
    El alemán es mi idioma preferido y escucharte fue sensacional.
    Thank you very much for your videos. God bless you.
    By the way, português também e um idioma muito bonito e se você tem o italiano como língua materna e fala espanhol tão bem junto com o francês, português vai ficar relativamente fácil para você.

  • @binarioloco
    @binarioloco Год назад +1

    Sei bravissimo!
    È una gioia ascoltarti.
    Un abbraccio grande dalla Toscana. 😉

  • @ralphsosan4812
    @ralphsosan4812 2 года назад +187

    I speak German, English, Spanish, Italian and I'm currently learning French. This last one, I don't find it difficult because I can relate it to the Italian and Spanish grammar and to the German pronunciation.
    PS: I love self learning, rather than attending a class.

    • @aysun9354
      @aysun9354 2 года назад +6

      Idem pour moi. J'apprends par moi-même. La meilleure des façons c'est d'écouter effectivement une langue via des films ou autres, dans sa version originale sous-titrée.

    • @kathyc8459
      @kathyc8459 2 года назад +2

      Cuál es el secreto para aprender tantos idiomas?

    • @alessandro.04
      @alessandro.04 2 года назад +7

      @@kathyc8459 divertirse

    • @ralphsosan4812
      @ralphsosan4812 2 года назад +5

      @@kathyc8459 No hay un secreto exactamente. Sino que cada persona aprende de manera diferente. Por ejemplo, en un salón de clases, no todos aprenden. Siempre hay uno que sobresale más que los demas, y otro que es todo lo contrario. Solo tienes que poner a prueba cuál es la forma en que tú aprendes, procesas y memorizas datos.

    • @odeyjudith2377
      @odeyjudith2377 2 года назад

      @Ralph Sosan you learnt German yourself??. without enrolling for a course in school??.just curious

  • @Лаврик-й9н
    @Лаврик-й9н 2 года назад +25

    Sono russo, ma studio inglese e italiano
    Ammiro le persone che imparano molte lingue! Continuate così!

    • @flaze3
      @flaze3 2 года назад +2

      А я англичан, кто изучает русский язык, несмотря на текущую ситуацию хаха

    • @purplestringsmariamichelac3391
      @purplestringsmariamichelac3391 2 года назад

      bravo, Lavrik! E io sono italiana, но всю жизнь учу русский.

    • @Jonahtheonlyone
      @Jonahtheonlyone 2 года назад

      Ciao, se vuoi fare scambio di lingua io sono disponibile. Mi piacerebbe imparare il russo! In cambio potrei insegnarti l'italiano (for free).

    • @Лаврик-й9н
      @Лаврик-й9н 2 года назад +1

      @@flaze3 Здравствуйте, на русском обычно говорят " Я англичанин, КОТОРЫЙ изучает русский язык" или "Я ТОТ, КТО изучает русский язык". Второй вариант конечно менее популярен... Я рада что наш язык учат , ведь он действительно необычный! Удачи и успехов в изучении языка!

    • @Лаврик-й9н
      @Лаврик-й9н 2 года назад +1

      @@purplestringsmariamichelac3391 Молодец!

  • @Red-ph3np
    @Red-ph3np 2 года назад +18

    Que impresionante! Me encanto este video. Tú aleman esta excelente. Me inspiraste a seguir practicándolo. Y tú acento español fabuloso, ya ni a mi me sale tan bien y eso que soy mexicana. Thank you so much for these amazing videos. Keep up the great work. I speak 2 and a half languages 🙊

  • @trudylawrence9820
    @trudylawrence9820 Год назад

    I cried to hear you speaking mecican spanish...love you!

  • @xuanthoilam2445
    @xuanthoilam2445 2 года назад +67

    Hi Antonio ! I speak 5 languages! Vietnamese, Norwegian, Chinese ( mandarin) , English and French. You are amazing! I hope that one day I will be able to speak fluently like you do in English and French. Your pronunciation is excellent 👍 , I follow your example and will fall like a leaf 🍃 joyfully! Thank you very much for your inspiration!

    • @youpihat
      @youpihat 2 года назад +2

      Hello ! I suppose that you're living in Norway !

    • @boredwith9255
      @boredwith9255 2 года назад +1

      Respect man! Chinese it's a real skill. To lean Spanish..well even a moron can do it

    • @sarahmera6583
      @sarahmera6583 2 года назад +1

      He experiences the language live.In the native country.

    • @garuahsan364
      @garuahsan364 2 года назад +1

      I hope, someday you want to learn Indonesian language

    • @seanchan1954
      @seanchan1954 2 года назад +1

      Giỏi quá! 🤗