Atkin Guitars - Workshop Tips - Finishing with Nitrocellulose

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 38

  • @digger6663
    @digger6663 4 года назад +1

    That's perfect. I live in N.Ireland and have been thinking about refinishing a poly coated sg. Having not only the process concisely explained but being shown the relevant UK products was a great help. Cheers.

  • @GrimKage
    @GrimKage 7 лет назад +2

    Thanks, Ed Norton

  • @eriknadoban8877
    @eriknadoban8877 6 лет назад +1

    Great job at explaining. Thank you

  • @thefreese1
    @thefreese1 7 месяцев назад

    Wow. I hear everyone say that it has to cure 2-3 weeks before buffing depending on how many coats you apply and the humidity.. and I know that's its pretty humid in the UK..

  • @jimmynessel1950
    @jimmynessel1950 8 лет назад

    Thanks for the video 👍I was just about to polish a guitar after wet sanding but now I'll let it rest a day or two

  • @tommyboyce
    @tommyboyce 9 лет назад +1

    Thanks, that was very helpful! cheers

  • @robertcercel
    @robertcercel 8 лет назад

    Great explanation. Thanks!

  • @henrypagan6657
    @henrypagan6657 2 года назад

    I have been finishing guitars for over 30 years. I I think for the classical guitar works for me with barrier coat polyester at 0.14 mm then I use urethane one coat at 0.20 mm that works for me. Nitro takes long to dry

  • @henrypagan6657
    @henrypagan6657 2 года назад

    Thanks for the video

  • @michaelfischer3764
    @michaelfischer3764 2 года назад

    Dear mr atkin, how does you made the cracks into the laquer ,when you made aging prozess?
    Thx from germany

  • @richardispeachy
    @richardispeachy 8 лет назад

    If you're worried about sanding pads clogging, try Mirka. They're fantastic.

  • @agcranny
    @agcranny 6 лет назад +1

    Very helpful video, thanks. The focus didn't bother me as much as others probably as you weren't actually demonstrating techniques.

  • @razmossis
    @razmossis 9 лет назад +1

    I built a guitar and finished with nitro from Rothko and Frost. Let it dry for a month before sanding and polishing, finish just ended up cracking everywhere. Massive cracks, every time I pick it up there are more cracks. Really ruined it. I'd never use nitro again. It's over a year now since it was sprayed and I'm thinking of stripping the full thing back to wood and finishing again with poly

  • @denniszaragoza1
    @denniszaragoza1 9 лет назад

    Thanks for the tips! I just wanted to ask: can adjust the paint colour with 2 pack base coats and paint 2 pack clear over the existing Nitrocellulose on my Gibson Les Paul?

  • @nmssis
    @nmssis 10 лет назад

    thanks for posting!
    when working with solid colors, upon the last color spray do you then level the color layer n polish with rubbing compound BEFORE you spray the clear coat?

  • @giordanobrenkovich2762
    @giordanobrenkovich2762 8 лет назад

    Thank you a very honest explanation ....🍺

  • @dougmaia
    @dougmaia 9 лет назад

    Hello there, I've got a Bill Nash Strat and the only thing I miss about it is the checking on the nitro I see on the Custom Shop Strats. Would you share any tips on how to cause that effect in a safe and visually cool way? I've looked everywhere and I know it has to do with the temperature, but that's all I know. I'm down here in Brazil and down here everything is more difficult, I'd really appreciate the help.

  • @ciri151
    @ciri151 7 лет назад +1

    So if I want to do a mahogany guitar, is this the right order?
    1. Grain filler
    2. Stain
    3. Sanding sealer
    4. Clear lacquer
    And is the sanding sealer necessary?

    • @ciri151
      @ciri151 7 лет назад

      Thx for the info

    • @mabul513
      @mabul513 3 года назад

      Sanding sealer is part I thought porefill would do?

  • @peterstephen1562
    @peterstephen1562 8 месяцев назад

    Oh my god. Don't you know that CBS / Fender used vinyl sealers under the cellulose of all those guitars that the lacquer often crack off badly and/ or end up cloudy. Both from lack of compatability and adhesion.

  • @peterstephen1562
    @peterstephen1562 8 месяцев назад

    Maybe CBS / Fender's vinyl sealer failures where the result of crumby scuff sanding or contamination. Good luck.

  • @paulcarnall316
    @paulcarnall316 8 лет назад

    how did you ship the lacquer from the states
    Paul Rialto guitars

  • @billyshelton78
    @billyshelton78 8 лет назад

    would a hvlp gun and a turbine compressor work on sunburst finishing?

  • @RayLawrenceJrMUSIC
    @RayLawrenceJrMUSIC 3 года назад

    You must do what works for you. If the final product has a great feel and a great tone then don't mess with it. Every builder uses what works for them to make their guitars how they want them. Guitar players buy guitars for how they feel and sound. Looks are next. Some like highly polished and blingy, Then you have players like me that love a relic and some like both. Tone wins every time.

  • @tutorden9515
    @tutorden9515 7 лет назад

    Where do you get your Cardinal products from?

    • @Atkinguitarcompany
      @Atkinguitarcompany  7 лет назад

      Tutor Den we don't use it any more. We were getting it from the USA

  • @SuperBowser87
    @SuperBowser87 6 лет назад +2

    Lacquer equals good sound? What a load of crap.

    • @philswinard4465
      @philswinard4465 5 лет назад

      You dont know crap. If its good enough for real top performers it must be right.