I know pretty much the entire game already leaked but as someone who hasn’t been spoiled, my guess is Doom knew of the ancients and their connection to the emeralds so he’s been to the islands before or something
@KidAL0 He did transport the fortress in Glyphic Canyon and Sky Troops to Earth 1950 years before meeting Gerald, so he might’ve had a run in with the Ancients (maybe the End as well) at some point.
You know I just realized something. In Frontiers, Chaos island was hated on so much only because of how many 2-D sections that were used in it. Now it's come full circle from it being an Open-Zone level, to a standard 'modern' styled level with 2-D sections here and there.
Idk why people dont like this remix? Its a perfect blend of the cyberspace and open world music from frontiers. What did ya'll expect it to sound like?
Honestly the beginning part has grown on me. I never hated it but I thought it used to be the much weaker part of the song. Kind of gives off the opposite perspective of Sonic side. While sonic's journey got harder over time on this island, Shadow's seems to get easier. More simple & less distorted if that makes any sense. I'm sure Shadow will have his issues but it shows how adaptable he can be. Compared to Sonic who always gives it his all and won't quit no matter what.
I can’t stand this recent trend of something being polarizing and people act like they can’t see where any room for criticism comes from “idk why people don’t like this remix?”
The track is under the subgenre of Drum and Bass (DnB) as it has fast drum breaks at around 170bpm and high emphasis on bass, with some of them being those screechy noises. I've listened to hundreds of DnB music for years (even produced a few as serious hobby), and this one is not a great example. The production just sounds lazy; the tune is spammed with bass presets that don't fit the genre at all, without any consideration about the tune structure or the "hook" element. There are great DnB tunes with those screechy and "US-ish style" basses, but this is just not it. They should've asked actual DnB producers or DJs to remix the tune. Just like how Noisia did on Devil May Cry series. The trance part sounds mid but listenable tho. It's just much better than the DnB part.
I like it. It puts the Chaos in Chaos island. There is the instrumentals that sounds like dolphin laughs lol. It makes me laugh if I think if that part specifically lol
I dislike hearing Sunset Heights more than I do because of how many times I had to retry it for a better time; however, Chaos Island is still an absolute banger.🔥
@@superplushroompower-up yeah tbf this one's going for something different stylistically. the bullet station one is just a straight up inferior version of the original
@@therandomvideochannel8589I think Bullet Station is going to be very divisive. People forget that a major point in remixing something is to take an existing song and do something new with it. The Bullet Station remix does that well. Of course because it’s so different from the original that can leave a bad taste in the mouths of many, even more so because it’s an EDM remix specifically, something I know many aren’t keen on.
@@thatrandomgamer6278 i see what you're saying but personally i don't think that the bullet station remix is doing enough to distinguish it from the original. it almost sounds more like a rough demo version of the original song yk? i don't mind the more EDM heavy approach but the song just sounds so unfinished
The first half of this theme can go right in the trash. This isn't a hating EDM thing. Its just awful irritating noise for the sake of noise. There are plenty of EDM Cyberspace tracks in Frontiers that aren't this obnoxious sounding.
Shadow: Black Doom… where did you take me this time?!
Black Doom: honestly shadow I have no idea this place rings zero bells
black doom just saw that the place had the word "chaos" in the name and chose it because of that
Black doom: but it’s doesn’t matter i’m the devil from the Bible. I’m sure this place has some use for you to go through
I know pretty much the entire game already leaked but as someone who hasn’t been spoiled, my guess is Doom knew of the ancients and their connection to the emeralds so he’s been to the islands before or something
I just read "honestly shadow i have no idea you have zero balls" for some reason.
@KidAL0 He did transport the fortress in Glyphic Canyon and Sky Troops to Earth 1950 years before meeting Gerald, so he might’ve had a run in with the Ancients (maybe the End as well) at some point.
After hearing it play in the game? Honestly this one really grew on me, not gonna lie
Me too.
Once you play it you realize how it fits
You know I just realized something. In Frontiers, Chaos island was hated on so much only because of how many 2-D sections that were used in it. Now it's come full circle from it being an Open-Zone level, to a standard 'modern' styled level with 2-D sections here and there.
me, with spindash: protect chaos island at all costs
Isn't Act 1 completely 3D? Even the "2D" sections still give you full control over 3 dimensions. And of course, Act 2 is completely 2D.
That is absolutely not the only reason Chaos Island is hated.
Idk why people dont like this remix? Its a perfect blend of the cyberspace and open world music from frontiers. What did ya'll expect it to sound like?
Honestly the beginning part has grown on me. I never hated it but I thought it used to be the much weaker part of the song. Kind of gives off the opposite perspective of Sonic side. While sonic's journey got harder over time on this island, Shadow's seems to get easier. More simple & less distorted if that makes any sense. I'm sure Shadow will have his issues but it shows how adaptable he can be. Compared to Sonic who always gives it his all and won't quit no matter what.
I can’t stand this recent trend of something being polarizing and people act like they can’t see where any room for criticism comes from “idk why people don’t like this remix?”
This is in no way similar to cyberspace music
The track is under the subgenre of Drum and Bass (DnB) as it has fast drum breaks at around 170bpm and high emphasis on bass, with some of them being those screechy noises. I've listened to hundreds of DnB music for years (even produced a few as serious hobby), and this one is not a great example.
The production just sounds lazy; the tune is spammed with bass presets that don't fit the genre at all, without any consideration about the tune structure or the "hook" element. There are great DnB tunes with those screechy and "US-ish style" basses, but this is just not it. They should've asked actual DnB producers or DJs to remix the tune. Just like how Noisia did on Devil May Cry series.
The trance part sounds mid but listenable tho. It's just much better than the DnB part.
It sucks
Honestly I like it.
Same can’t wait to hear it later tonight
A.K.A if Chaos island is a cyberspace level
I like it. It puts the Chaos in Chaos island. There is the instrumentals that sounds like dolphin laughs lol. It makes me laugh if I think if that part specifically lol
Real banger when you give it an actual listen
can you post the full version of "without you" by Casey Williams from dark beginnings? is that song in the game somewhere?
I wanna to know to ❤❤❤
praying to the Almighty lords at Sega that it is 🙏
Just finished Shadow's story and it wasn’t heard anywhere, sadly. Still, hopefully it wouldn’t stop SEGA from releasing it separately.
Dug through the games files, and its sadly nowhere to be found
@gnarpsilly damn... thank you for the dedication though. Respect 🔥
Banger 🔥🔥🔥
One of my favorite songs from the game!
this song sounded mid the first listen but im on my fifth and it bangs gahdamn
god this is awesome
I like it.
Giving off strong "Driving on the highway at 3am to whatever is on the radio" vibes.
PLEASE upload that song that was teased in Dark Beginnings 3, i've been dying to get my hands on it
YES I WANNA HEAR IT. Without you by Casey Lee Williams ❤
I don't get why they didn't use a Shadow 05 level like Westopolis but, it's still cool so i won't complain
Honestly my favorite remix. Fits Shadow so well
I actually really like this theme
Do you have the radical highway section of the ark?
it should be uploaded now!
Chaos island from sonic frontiers
Did you manage to find the Sunset Heights remix from the story trailer?
I think that’s considered a spoiler but it’s out there on RUclips
So search it up
I’ve heard it and you won’t be disappointed
Sounded awful at first but this has grown on me so much that now it's one of my all time favs from Shadow Generations.
We still don't even know who R.B.U. is. Are they a newcomer to composing _Sonic_ music?
Eh, I still like this theme.
after playing the shit out of this game
this track is perfection. yes. all of it.
I dislike hearing Sunset Heights more than I do because of how many times I had to retry it for a better time; however, Chaos Island is still an absolute banger.🔥
could you also post sunset heights? We also heard it in one of the trailers.
yep. Should be uploaded now
So Shadow has been to The End's Prison before Sonic canonically.
Not really, Shadow was there while Sonic was almost ready to fight the Knight.
I fw heavy with this theme
Honestly i just don't like the breakdown that much, but everything else has grown on me, i like it now that I'm hearing it more
El Seba
Los Mati
this and bullet train are the only songs from this OST so far that i'd consider a miss
This one has grown on me. And I always liked the second part.
@@superplushroompower-up yeah tbf this one's going for something different stylistically. the bullet station one is just a straight up inferior version of the original
@@therandomvideochannel8589I think Bullet Station is going to be very divisive. People forget that a major point in remixing something is to take an existing song and do something new with it. The Bullet Station remix does that well. Of course because it’s so different from the original that can leave a bad taste in the mouths of many, even more so because it’s an EDM remix specifically, something I know many aren’t keen on.
@@thatrandomgamer6278 i see what you're saying but personally i don't think that the bullet station remix is doing enough to distinguish it from the original. it almost sounds more like a rough demo version of the original song yk? i don't mind the more EDM heavy approach but the song just sounds so unfinished
Yeah agreed
Im so confused to why chaos island is in the game sonce Shadow wasn't in Frontiers. Guess ill find out soon 😅
Lava Shelter is a much better song for this level.
The first half of this theme can go right in the trash. This isn't a hating EDM thing. Its just awful irritating noise for the sake of noise. There are plenty of EDM Cyberspace tracks in Frontiers that aren't this obnoxious sounding.
someone, please make a version that doeant have the ear blaring wave synth and removes the gremlin laughs.
This level was not fun to s rank but god I love the music
bro what? this is good
Worst possible stage to bring back
The stage itself is pretty dope tho
☹️ why is this comically bad?