22:26 - I waitied for this from the start. This guy is interweaving a behavior scientist and he just insists on irrelevant questions. If you want to get the most out of a specific field from an expert, read his books and books related to that field to get a basic understanding so you can define questions for the interview.
One of the first to admit being an empath while there was a much greater stigma on it. Paul Ekman is amazing.
empathy cant be just a movement or even a mass movement but it must write itself in to history
that is a video worth watching twice! Too bad the interviewer as no clue, but again. Paul makes it so fascinating.
Love God with all your Mind
22:26 - I waitied for this from the start.
This guy is interweaving a behavior scientist and he just insists on irrelevant questions. If you want to get the most out of a specific field from an expert, read his books and books related to that field to get a basic understanding so you can define questions for the interview.
What you study doesnt have the slightest understanding of the mind the dalai lama talks about. I was enjoying listening and learning from you!
The intro most have been Obama most inspired moment!