Hello, Metrical, Thanks for your tutorial, can I ask a question? The model I scanned in Metashape was very clear, but when I imported them into C4D, they became very rough. Do you know what was the reason? How to resolve it?
Many times with Agisoft you get great alignment of all pictures at "low" settings but many cameras will not align on "high" settings. This is a widespread problem I have not solution for so far. Maybe you can help
Thanks Paolo, I learned something from this video
Fantastic the whole serie ,Thanks
Thank you for your tutorial, it is very helpful to me!
Thanks for your helpful explaining about metashape alignment.
Thanks from TBO Survey!
Thanks for your comment!
Damn software likes you... it works faster whenever I play any of your videos ;)
How would i process a data set of 2900 pictures of a huge site? am i best to split it up to smaller areas then merge them together some how?
Many Many Thanks.
Hello, Metrical, Thanks for your tutorial, can I ask a question? The model I scanned in Metashape was very clear, but when I imported them into C4D, they became very rough. Do you know what was the reason? How to resolve it?
Many times with Agisoft you get great alignment of all pictures at "low" settings but many cameras will not align on "high" settings. This is a widespread problem I have not solution for so far. Maybe you can help
What is the altitude of flight?
Thank you