اسلام عليکم. امید است که داړای صحت باشید. مامنتظر می باشیم کی پروگرام شما ببینیم ،اما پیش از پروگرام از مطالب اصلی حرف های بیسیار زیادی کی شنینده ها ضړوړت ان را ندارد. اکر لطف نماید مقدمه را کمتر بسازید از لطف شما دور نخواهد بود.موفقیت های بیشتر تان ارزو می کنم. تشکر.
مسئله امروزی افغانستان مربوط به هیچ گروهی نیست تصمیم نهایی را از امروز به بعد دو گروه باید بگیرند ۱- مردم مظلوم وبیچاره داخل افغانستان ۲- مهاجرین که از سقوط حکومت سردار محمد داود خان الا سال های نود همین دو گروه است که از هر طرف کوبیده شده اند وهمه چیز خود را از دست داده اند و حتی بزرگترین قشر جامعه همین دو گروه می باشند و تمام گروه جنگسالار و زورمند زورمند مزدور فروخته شده قسم که مردم افغانستان را در مدت چندین دهه گذشته در حاشیه رانده بودند از امروز به بعد تمام این روی سیاه های تاریخ نمک حرام به حاشیه رانده شوند همرای همه این جنایتکاران جنگی قانوني حق و حساب شود
سلام خدمت شما آقایان محترم و گرامی. هر فرد که از افغانستان وطن عزیز ما است، حق دارد نظریات و انتقادات خود را در مورد حالت جاری وطن عزیز ما افغانستان ارائه کنند. اما لطفا اولآ خود را از ساختمان اجتماعی، فرهنگی و سیاسی افغانستان و ملت دلير و شجاع افغانستان وطن عزیز ما آگاه بکند، بعدا در مورد آن توضیحات علمی و آکادمیک خود را اظهار نمايد تا خودش و دیگران را مانند ۵۰ سال گذشته یعنی بعد از حکومت شهید داود خان به گمراهی و مصیبت دچار نکند. حرف زدن آسان و مفت است اما عملي کردن آن مرد میدان میخواهد نه شغالان. احتیاط در حرف زدن لازم است زیرا هر حرفی هم مسولیت بزرگ در پي دارد. لطفا وقت خود و مردم را ضایع نکنید. با عرض احترام و ادب
آقای تیمورشاه حسن وآقای نوراحمد تشکر ازبرنامه خوب وعالی آقايان عزیز فکر کنید که آقای کلکانی اشتباه کرده بود ولی شمایان زمان را هم درنظر داشته باشید چند نفر با سواد درکشور تان موجود بود بلی اخلاق طالبان ازدوران ابراهیم ع هم به بالا جای دارند
خواهران و برادران عزیز مسلمان و شریف افغانستانی سلام و درود بر شما. برای اقلیت روشنفکران، نخبگان، سیاست مداران خلقی کمونیست، افغان ملتی ها، تکنوکرات ها و گروه تروریستی وقبلیوی کوچی وطن فروش طالبان و برادران هم تبار شان، دولت در تبعید، مقاومت ملی و آزادی خواهی، قیام ملی مردم، مبازره علیه برادران طالب اوغان شان یک فاجعه است اما وقتیکه برادران هم تبار طالب شان بیست سال کودکان، نوجوانان، جوانان، دختران، زنان و کهنسالان افغانستانی را با انتحار و انفجار به شهادت میرساند جهاد بود اما امروز که اقوام دیگر علیه این وطن فروشان، خائن ملی، فاشیست، جاسوس اجنبی و نوکران بیگانه میخواهند مبازره کنند باز اظهار میدارند که جنگ راه حل نیست.
Over the past four decades, we have witnessed various regimes, each oppressing the public under different guises. The communist regime, the Mujahideen, the "democratic" government, and the Taliban each imposed their own form of control. Notably, when these regimes took power, they focused heavily on how people should dress. For instance, the communist regime forced women to remove their chadar and wear skirts with long socks, while men were required to shave their beards and wear jeans. Those who resisted were labeled derogatorily: women in chadar were called "Dukhar Haji," and men with beards were referred to as "Bacha Haji," suspected of being Mujahideen. When the Mujahideen came to power, the situation reversed; men were mandated to grow beards, and women were required to wear hijab, with non-compliance resulting in accusations of being communist. The Taliban maintained this dress code, and when the "democratic" government took over, women were again pressured to remove their hijabs, with some even burning their chadars and hijabs. This cycle of oppression highlights the struggle for personal freedom and expression that has persisted throughout these regimes. Our educational system needs significant improvement to meet international standards. Degrees earned from Afghan institutions hold little value abroad, forcing graduates to either pass exams or start from lower levels in other countries. Furthermore, our secular educational system is not effective; we struggle to produce doctors, engineers, lawmakers, and economists who can drive meaningful change in the country. The lack of qualified professionals hampers our ability to build a better future. As a result, patients continue to seek treatment in Pakistan, India, and Iran. We still rely on foreign engineers for critical projects, and our economists have been unable to devise effective strategies to alleviate the economic crisis. It is crucial that we revamp our education system to empower future generations and foster local expertise, ensuring that our youth can contribute positively to society. Afghanistan is an Islamic country with a 99% Muslim population, so including religious education in school curricula is not inherently wrong. In the U.S., many schools teach Christianity alongside modern subjects. If we identify as Muslims, learning about our faith is as important as studying science and physics. Western universities often offer core subjects alongside elective courses, allowing students to choose additional classes that interest them. Similarly, if the government were to introduce religious courses as electives in universities, it would not be problematic. A graduate can be both a good Muslim and a competent doctor. Balancing religious and secular education can enrich students' lives and contribute to a well-rounded society. By embracing a comprehensive educational approach, we can cultivate an environment where students thrive both academically and spiritually, ultimately leading to a more informed and progressive nation.
بیست سال غربي ها و امریکا در افغاتستان سپري کرد و رگ رگ افغان های روشنفکر، سیاستمدار، نظامی و مردم عادی را مطالعه کردند و به نتیجه رسیدند که نه سیاستمداران افغانستان شایستگی حکومت داری و سیاستداری را دارند و نه نظامیان افغانستان نظامیت و عسکریت خود را در مقابل سیاست و سیاستمدار استوار نگاه داشته توانست و نه هم مردم بیداری و حقانیت خود را در مقابل دولت داران و حاکمان اظهار کرده توانست. فلهذا بعد از مطالعات به نتیجه رسیدند که برای حاکمیت و کنترول افغانهای با کتکوری ذکر شده در فوق چنان یک گروه سرتمبه که بتواند همه کتگوری های مردم افغانستان را از افغانستان برانند و اکثریت باقی در افغانستان را دهشت و وحشت طالبانی رام بسازند. افسوس به حالت افغانستان
داکتر صاحب احترمات مرا قبول کنید آیا یک طبقه از دیموکراسی بنام سو استفاده نکردند آیا تنها تقصیر طالب است یا کسانی که این شرایط را بار آوردند بطور مثال فسق و فساد ،چوروچپاول ، جزایر قدرت و یا فحش و فحشا سبب بد بختی مردم نیست؟
Over the past four decades, we have witnessed various regimes, each oppressing the public under different guises. The communist regime, the Mujahideen, the "democratic" government, and the Taliban each imposed their own form of control. Notably, when these regimes took power, they focused heavily on how people should dress. For instance, the communist regime forced women to remove their chadar and wear skirts with long socks, while men were required to shave their beards and wear jeans. Those who resisted were labeled derogatorily: women in chadar were called "Dukhar Haji," and men with beards were referred to as "Bacha Haji," suspected of being Mujahideen. When the Mujahideen came to power, the situation reversed; men were mandated to grow beards, and women were required to wear hijab, with non-compliance resulting in accusations of being communist. The Taliban maintained this dress code, and when the "democratic" government took over, women were again pressured to remove their hijabs, with some even burning their chadars and hijabs. This cycle of oppression highlights the struggle for personal freedom and expression that has persisted throughout these regimes. Our educational system needs significant improvement to meet international standards. Degrees earned from Afghan institutions hold little value abroad, forcing graduates to either pass exams or start from lower levels in other countries. Furthermore, our secular educational system is not effective; we struggle to produce doctors, engineers, lawmakers, and economists who can drive meaningful change in the country. The lack of qualified professionals hampers our ability to build a better future. As a result, patients continue to seek treatment in Pakistan, India, and Iran. We still rely on foreign engineers for critical projects, and our economists have been unable to devise effective strategies to alleviate the economic crisis. It is crucial that we revamp our education system to empower future generations and foster local expertise, ensuring that our youth can contribute positively to society. Afghanistan is an Islamic country with a 99% Muslim population, so including religious education in school curricula is not inherently wrong. In the U.S., many schools teach Christianity alongside modern subjects. If we identify as Muslims, learning about our faith is as important as studying science and physics. Western universities often offer core subjects alongside elective courses, allowing students to choose additional classes that interest them. Similarly, if the government were to introduce religious courses as electives in universities, it would not be problematic. A graduate can be both a good Muslim and a competent doctor. Balancing religious and secular education can enrich students' lives and contribute to a well-rounded society. By embracing a comprehensive educational approach, we can cultivate an environment where students thrive both academically and spiritually, ultimately leading to a more informed and progressive nation.
از پروگرام های پرمحتوای سپاس
اولسمشر مو پښتون ژبه مو پښتو نه کولابی په افغانستان کی منو نه ایراني شیطان صفته کسان ژوند ژوند افغانستان اسلامي امارت ❤🇦🇫💪🇦🇫💪
امروز صادقانه اغای خالد صحبت حق وراست را کرد 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹👍👍👍👍🌹
تشکر از بهار tv هم وطن ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
تل او پیاوړی دی وي دافغانستان اسلامي امارت!🤲💪❤️🏳️❤️🏳️❤️🏳️
خالدی صیب اسلام علیکم ❤
تیمور شاه جان سلام!
حکومت هایی در تعبید گفتيد، که شاید منظور تان تبعید باشد،
اسلام عليکم. امید است که داړای صحت باشید. مامنتظر می باشیم کی پروگرام شما ببینیم ،اما پیش از پروگرام از مطالب اصلی حرف های بیسیار زیادی کی شنینده ها ضړوړت ان را ندارد. اکر لطف نماید مقدمه را کمتر بسازید از لطف شما دور نخواهد بود.موفقیت های بیشتر تان ارزو می کنم. تشکر.
ملا غيبت الله یک کود ای اس آی پاکستان است 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
مسئله امروزی افغانستان مربوط به هیچ گروهی نیست
تصمیم نهایی را از امروز به بعد دو گروه باید بگیرند
۱- مردم مظلوم وبیچاره داخل افغانستان
۲- مهاجرین که از سقوط حکومت سردار محمد داود خان الا سال های نود
همین دو گروه است که از هر طرف کوبیده شده اند
وهمه چیز خود را از دست داده اند و حتی بزرگترین قشر جامعه همین دو گروه می باشند
و تمام گروه جنگسالار و زورمند زورمند مزدور فروخته شده قسم که مردم افغانستان را در مدت چندین دهه گذشته در حاشیه رانده بودند
از امروز به بعد تمام این روی سیاه های تاریخ نمک حرام به حاشیه رانده شوند
همرای همه این جنایتکاران جنگی قانوني حق و حساب شود
سلام خدمت شما آقایان محترم و گرامی. هر فرد که از افغانستان وطن عزیز ما است، حق دارد نظریات و انتقادات خود را در مورد حالت جاری وطن عزیز ما افغانستان ارائه کنند. اما لطفا اولآ خود را از ساختمان اجتماعی، فرهنگی و سیاسی افغانستان و ملت دلير و شجاع افغانستان وطن عزیز ما آگاه بکند، بعدا در مورد آن توضیحات علمی و آکادمیک خود را اظهار نمايد تا خودش و دیگران را مانند ۵۰ سال گذشته یعنی بعد از حکومت شهید داود خان به گمراهی و مصیبت دچار نکند. حرف زدن آسان و مفت است اما عملي کردن آن مرد میدان میخواهد نه شغالان. احتیاط در حرف زدن لازم است زیرا هر حرفی هم مسولیت بزرگ در پي دارد. لطفا وقت خود و مردم را ضایع نکنید. با عرض احترام و ادب
محترم حسن، تعبید نیست تبعید است.
تیمورشاه جان شهزاده قربان سریت
ایدیګ بسیار طالبان را کم نیاره
یا خدا از شر مجاهد مجاهل و طالب وطن ما را در امان بسازیید 🤲
داکتر صاحب محترم خیلی صحبت های خوب میکند ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
در هرات چپراسی مکتب ها کشتند به نام اين که خلقي هستيد 😂
خیلی عالی وهمه جانبه صحبت کردند داکترصاحب👍🙏🏻
آقای تیمورشاه حسن وآقای نوراحمد تشکر ازبرنامه خوب وعالی آقايان عزیز فکر کنید که آقای کلکانی اشتباه کرده بود ولی شمایان زمان را هم درنظر داشته باشید چند نفر با سواد درکشور تان موجود بود بلی اخلاق طالبان ازدوران ابراهیم ع هم به بالا جای دارند
دو آدمک سرگردان درد دل میکنند 😂😅😅
گودی گک های پلاستیکی
خواهران و برادران عزیز مسلمان و شریف افغانستانی سلام و درود بر شما.
برای اقلیت روشنفکران، نخبگان، سیاست مداران خلقی کمونیست، افغان ملتی ها، تکنوکرات ها و گروه تروریستی وقبلیوی کوچی وطن فروش طالبان و برادران هم تبار شان، دولت در تبعید، مقاومت ملی و آزادی خواهی، قیام ملی مردم، مبازره علیه برادران طالب اوغان شان یک فاجعه است اما وقتیکه برادران هم تبار طالب شان بیست سال کودکان، نوجوانان، جوانان، دختران، زنان و کهنسالان افغانستانی را با انتحار و انفجار به شهادت میرساند جهاد بود اما امروز که اقوام دیگر علیه این وطن فروشان، خائن ملی، فاشیست، جاسوس اجنبی و نوکران بیگانه میخواهند مبازره کنند باز اظهار میدارند که جنگ راه حل نیست.
Over the past four decades, we have witnessed various regimes, each oppressing the public under different guises. The communist regime, the Mujahideen, the "democratic" government, and the Taliban each imposed their own form of control. Notably, when these regimes took power, they focused heavily on how people should dress.
For instance, the communist regime forced women to remove their chadar and wear skirts with long socks, while men were required to shave their beards and wear jeans. Those who resisted were labeled derogatorily: women in chadar were called "Dukhar Haji," and men with beards were referred to as "Bacha Haji," suspected of being Mujahideen.
When the Mujahideen came to power, the situation reversed; men were mandated to grow beards, and women were required to wear hijab, with non-compliance resulting in accusations of being communist. The Taliban maintained this dress code, and when the "democratic" government took over, women were again pressured to remove their hijabs, with some even burning their chadars and hijabs. This cycle of oppression highlights the struggle for personal freedom and expression that has persisted throughout these regimes.
Our educational system needs significant improvement to meet international standards. Degrees earned from Afghan institutions hold little value abroad, forcing graduates to either pass exams or start from lower levels in other countries. Furthermore, our secular educational system is not effective; we struggle to produce doctors, engineers, lawmakers, and economists who can drive meaningful change in the country. The lack of qualified professionals hampers our ability to build a better future.
As a result, patients continue to seek treatment in Pakistan, India, and Iran. We still rely on foreign engineers for critical projects, and our economists have been unable to devise effective strategies to alleviate the economic crisis. It is crucial that we revamp our education system to empower future generations and foster local expertise, ensuring that our youth can contribute positively to society.
Afghanistan is an Islamic country with a 99% Muslim population, so including religious education in school curricula is not inherently wrong. In the U.S., many schools teach Christianity alongside modern subjects. If we identify as Muslims, learning about our faith is as important as studying science and physics.
Western universities often offer core subjects alongside elective courses, allowing students to choose additional classes that interest them. Similarly, if the government were to introduce religious courses as electives in universities, it would not be problematic. A graduate can be both a good Muslim and a competent doctor. Balancing religious and secular education can enrich students' lives and contribute to a well-rounded society. By embracing a comprehensive educational approach, we can cultivate an environment where students thrive both academically and spiritually, ultimately leading to a more informed and progressive nation.
دوست عزیز گوینده دیگر عمر باز نشسته گی ات است وحنجره ات به حد تکلیف دارد که گپ ات فهمیده نه میشود
داکتر صاحب من شنیده ام که در کندهار شورای دارند بنام شورای کندهار
داکتر یک کلمی پشتو نه می فهمد چطور در قندها. شورا دارد
طالبان خو نخوار متأسفانه در قصه مردم بیچاره ما نيستن 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
واقعاً خالدى صاحب يكدانشمند هستند
یگانه کسی که حقیقت گفت .
حال ی محترم، رئیس جمهور مورد نظر تان رونالد ریگن زنده نیست. بسیار جویده جویده موضوعات را بیان می نمائید.گفتار تان تسلسل ندارد.
nothing new people just enjoy you live .
بیست سال غربي ها و امریکا در افغاتستان سپري کرد و رگ رگ افغان های روشنفکر، سیاستمدار، نظامی و مردم عادی را مطالعه کردند و به نتیجه رسیدند که نه سیاستمداران افغانستان شایستگی حکومت داری و سیاستداری را دارند و نه نظامیان افغانستان نظامیت و عسکریت خود را در مقابل سیاست و سیاستمدار استوار نگاه داشته توانست و نه هم مردم بیداری و حقانیت خود را در مقابل دولت داران و حاکمان اظهار کرده توانست. فلهذا بعد از مطالعات به نتیجه رسیدند که برای حاکمیت و کنترول افغانهای با کتکوری ذکر شده در فوق چنان یک گروه سرتمبه که بتواند همه کتگوری های مردم افغانستان را از افغانستان برانند و اکثریت باقی در افغانستان را دهشت و وحشت طالبانی رام بسازند. افسوس به حالت افغانستان
داکتر صاحب احترمات مرا قبول کنید آیا یک طبقه از دیموکراسی بنام سو استفاده نکردند آیا تنها تقصیر طالب است یا کسانی که این شرایط را بار آوردند بطور مثال فسق و فساد ،چوروچپاول ، جزایر قدرت و یا فحش و فحشا سبب بد بختی مردم نیست؟
Over the past four decades, we have witnessed various regimes, each oppressing the public under different guises. The communist regime, the Mujahideen, the "democratic" government, and the Taliban each imposed their own form of control. Notably, when these regimes took power, they focused heavily on how people should dress.
For instance, the communist regime forced women to remove their chadar and wear skirts with long socks, while men were required to shave their beards and wear jeans. Those who resisted were labeled derogatorily: women in chadar were called "Dukhar Haji," and men with beards were referred to as "Bacha Haji," suspected of being Mujahideen.
When the Mujahideen came to power, the situation reversed; men were mandated to grow beards, and women were required to wear hijab, with non-compliance resulting in accusations of being communist. The Taliban maintained this dress code, and when the "democratic" government took over, women were again pressured to remove their hijabs, with some even burning their chadars and hijabs. This cycle of oppression highlights the struggle for personal freedom and expression that has persisted throughout these regimes.
Our educational system needs significant improvement to meet international standards. Degrees earned from Afghan institutions hold little value abroad, forcing graduates to either pass exams or start from lower levels in other countries. Furthermore, our secular educational system is not effective; we struggle to produce doctors, engineers, lawmakers, and economists who can drive meaningful change in the country. The lack of qualified professionals hampers our ability to build a better future.
As a result, patients continue to seek treatment in Pakistan, India, and Iran. We still rely on foreign engineers for critical projects, and our economists have been unable to devise effective strategies to alleviate the economic crisis. It is crucial that we revamp our education system to empower future generations and foster local expertise, ensuring that our youth can contribute positively to society.
Afghanistan is an Islamic country with a 99% Muslim population, so including religious education in school curricula is not inherently wrong. In the U.S., many schools teach Christianity alongside modern subjects. If we identify as Muslims, learning about our faith is as important as studying science and physics.
Western universities often offer core subjects alongside elective courses, allowing students to choose additional classes that interest them. Similarly, if the government were to introduce religious courses as electives in universities, it would not be problematic. A graduate can be both a good Muslim and a competent doctor. Balancing religious and secular education can enrich students' lives and contribute to a well-rounded society. By embracing a comprehensive educational approach, we can cultivate an environment where students thrive both academically and spiritually, ultimately leading to a more informed and progressive nation.
داکتر نور احمد خالدی صاحب❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ګرانه حسن صاحب هيله کوم ددې مفعول ، بى ناموس احمد ظاهر ايرانستانى نژاد سندره د تيلويزون له لارى نشر ته مه سپاره چى ډير خلک اصيل افغانان ددې دغږ په اوريدو تاسونه خفه کيږى ـ ډير ملى سندرغاړى شته چى دهغو سندرې نشر کړى ـ مننه
چپ شه تیزنه، تا په شان احمق او بي غيرت په ټول افغانستان کي مي نوليدلي.
شما قوم و قبیله زد زن زد تعلیم و تربیه هستید شما پشتونها همه طالب هستید
مړه او ورک دې وي پرديپال ملحد او سيکولر د اسلام او افغانستان دښمنان.