THE LEGEND OF KORRA: The Art of the Animated Series - Book 1 | Book Review

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 7

  • @orihadida9709
    @orihadida9709 4 года назад +11

    best tv show ever. i was looking for this kind of book, thanks

    • @oliverwarnock1623
      @oliverwarnock1623 4 года назад +2

      ori hadida No the original ATLA is way better 😂

    • @artistaroundtheblock2047
      @artistaroundtheblock2047 2 месяца назад

      I knew at least one person would come for you for saying this. Looks like Aang taught them nothing yet they claim to love him. I agree

  • @Monocheess
    @Monocheess 7 лет назад +7

    Thanks! So hard to find these - looks like the books aren't the most popular.

  • @TheCleamOneArt
    @TheCleamOneArt 2 года назад +2

    Sorry for the late comment. I agree alot of art-books are written by captain obvious. I would like to see the progression, setbacks and triumphs in the art work. Its shear torture for a person who's a fan of the show, especially if the fan is an artist. Yes, lackluster and disappointing, for and artist I feel that each episode by ITSELF could fill a book. I would love it, but... it'd be too much to buy plus too much to read. All Im saying is give us more then presenting us with PREEEETY much what we've seen in the show.

  • @adrien937
    @adrien937 5 лет назад +7

    totally agree, i LOVE korra but honnestly for me it's the worst artbook i ever seen .... 2 pages about korra but 10 pages about randoms useless characters , double empty pages before each chapters so 26 useless page ... no avatar state drawings ... the cover is NOT a korra normal draw . this is just a BAD artbook . good quality but BAD artbook

  • @Monocheess
    @Monocheess 7 лет назад

    Damn, BookTopia is really legit? Just found out that a whole bunch of Avatar books I just bought are MUCH cheaper on there.. Could've saved around 120(Nzd) Well, If it is legit, I'll use it next time.