Tuesday 17-09-2024

  • Опубликовано: 10 окт 2024
  • Tuesday 17-09-2024
    Christ, High Priest in the True Sanctuary, superseding the Levitical Priesthood-The
    New renders Obsolete the Old Covenant. (72) Heb. 8: 1-13
    The apostle had demonstrated that He was to be a priest, and that he was to be, not
    of the Levitical order, but of the order of Melchizedek. In the prosecution of this, he
    (1) states the sum or principal point of the whole matter under discussion-that the
    priesthood of Christ was real and permanent, while that of the Hebrew economy was
    typical, and was destined in its own nature to be temporary: vv. 1-3. (2) There was a
    fitness and propriety of His being removed to heaven to perform the functions of His
    office there-since if He had remained on earth, He could not have officiated as
    priest, that duty being by the law of Moses entrusted to others pertaining to another
    tribe: vv. 4, 5. (3). Christ had obtained a more exalted ministry than the Jewish
    priests held, because He was the Mediator in a better covenant-a covenant that
    related rather to the heart than to external observances: vv. 6-13” Albert Barnes. “In
    chapter 7 it is the excellency of our High Priest’s person which is demonstrated; here
    in Hebrews 8 it is His ministry which is contemplated…

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