I originally started with the T.16000m flight pack. The pedals were awful, tons of friction so they took a lot of force to use. They would also stick and stutter from the friction. The stick was fine for a while but also was real stiff and a pain for fine control. I still use the throttle today, I just added some Nyogel to the slider rails. I replaced the pedals with VKB T-rudders (no toe brake but thays fine to me) and the stick with the VKB gladiator.
I share your opinion in terms of budget joystick: the Logitech Extreme 3d Pro. The one I have right now, the best quality for the price. Recommended if you're on a budget or want something cheap to begin your flight simulation journey.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION yeah it is good for different airbus types but overkill fort a GA setup. I'm old-skoolin it with FSX which requires additional config in spade.next to use the reversers but also need that to run the AP and radio boxes too
Hey man, I've got a few comments for you on this Video. First off, nearly all Joysticks have built-in Stick-Twist, so you don't actually need rudder pedals. You can just buy the Saitek X52 (~110€) or the X52 Pro (~150€) or the T.16000M HOTAS (~125€). I've been flying the F/A-18C Hornet in DCS World for over a year and never used a rudder pedal. I'm thinking of buying one, but only because I might wanna get into helicopters. That means, for 150€/$, you don't just get the 35$ Logitech HOTAS and pedals, but you could rather get something way better. Another thing that I was kinda missing, were Products from Smaller Companies (like Winwing or VKB-Sim, what I can understand tho, as that would blow up the goal of this video a bit^^) and most importantly: Headtracking. Headtracking is really Important in my opinion and makes flying SO much easier and better. Especially the DelanClip, which is below 100$ and works like a charm. Just a few things to consider, especially noteworthy that there are more options (like i.e. the X52) in the Budget Sector. My own Setup in the moment consists out of the thrustmaster TWCS(~80€), the VKB-Sim Gladiator EVO (~220€) and a DelanClip. I did use the X52 Pro prior to this upgrade, which ad some issues for me tho. In general, the video had a quite decent production quality, and I'll assume that you can't really "Twist" a yoke like a Joystick. Have fun making further Videos and happy flying!
Thank you for the input! You are correct that you can twist the joystick, however I wanted to present a core setup and offer rudders. I also meant to differentiate the budget area as the 3d pro being capable alone or with rudders. There are a lot of small manufacturers but I wanted to show offerings people could potentially buy in a store. Back in the day I went through 2 X-52s and a couple of cheap Thrustmaster joysticks. That is why they were not on the list.
@@creepy_3031 That software was a pain! Thank you for the comments! I have a great deal of improving left to do for the production and review products. I am hoping to have a few new products to review soon. VKB is on my list!
I'm going to build a simpit from a JAS 39 C Gripen, I recommend that if you're going to do DIY buy a good 3dprinter that's newbie friendly I made a mistake and bought some cheap crap (no one should buy tevoup hydra) but if you can afford bamboo lab a1 mini , or an ender-3 v3 se , ender-3 v3 ke it's not hard to make your own flight panels or controllers with them
I legit still have an extreme 3d pro(or equiv generation) from when I was in middle school. I am 34 years old. Same button layout and stick config as now.
You beat me for one of the longest working ones. I had one for at least fifteen years before my kids killed it. Now I have one that is only four years old.
Great video, good for starters. Question for you though: if you were to choose between Boeing or Airbus setups, which one would you choose with the Microsoft flight simulator?
There are some potential options, but they come with a few drawbacks. Is this a classroom setup or a weekend EAA young eagle idea? I ask only because if you are aiming for basics a dual setup is going to be costly. If you plan to graduate young students into a “crew” scenario it can be done but the cost goes up. What aircraft do you plan to utilize in sim?
For the price point it is difficult to beat. I personally have not had a lot of time with that model, so I can’t speak about it the same way I can about other yokes. I would take that over the Logitech offering, but would be torn between the velocity one and a honeycomb set if only using them for the PC.
That combo could work. I think it comes down to your budget and finding the products that fit your needs. I have made a lot of combos work over the years, but a lot of this comes down to what you want. Just don't buy any of the high price Logitech stuff right now.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION im just new in flight simulator, i want to buy joystick as a gift… i find 2 brands Hostas warthong, and honeycomb…. Are this 2 different use? And which one you recommend? Thank you… your content very helpfull
@@AndryChandrqif you are buying the device as a gift, do you know the type of flying the gift receiver would most likely be doing? Both are good options that you listed, they just have slightly different applications in what they are “representing “ from actual aircraft. The HOTAS Warthog is meant to be similar to an A-10 Warthog, combat simulation setup. The honeycomb devices are meant to emulate Cessna/Piper/Boeing types of aircraft, non combat aircraft. That doesn’t mean you couldn’t use either for all applications.
Hey there, sorry for asking the endless question: "what to buy in my situation", but i am really lost, and i have a bad habbit of buying wrong and need to buy again. First of, i am 47 from Denmark, i had 5 Brain surgeries that did alot of bad stuff to me.. i lost hearing on left ear, cant use left eye and all my left side feels a bit off, and something happend to my sleep center so i never feel rested, i am tired 24/7.. Only reason i say this, is because i like to try microsoft flight simulator 2020/2024 but i like to play the game with alot of help. i was told that you can play microsoft flight simulator in more modes or something, i understand this as there are a very realistic sim mode, and more or less an Arcade mode, where you get some help with things like landing and that. If this is the case, i was hoping i could play using only a flight stick, and no other things, and if so, what would be a good one for a "flightstick only" setup ? i dont mind paying for more if that is needed or a huge upgrade, but i would like to pay less then 300 euro's if possible. I used to play some flying sims back in the days where the Graphic were so bad that only take off and landing was fun, but i was thinking it would be amazing to fly around in games today where things look so much more real.. I got an i5 12600k and a 4070ti and tons of nvme ssd's, i guess that is ok for 1080p gaming, i just need the damn flight stick :D Any help would be amazing, i read you dont need the "padels" if you get a stick that can twist, so i guess that is something it need to have. else i have no clue.. :S - Michael PS. I would like to be able to fly all types of "machines" in the game, but since i never played the game, i dont know what i would like the most.
I am very sorry to hear of all of your surgeries. I do have a suggestion though. I would recommend that you start with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick. It is simple and inexpensive. You should be able to judge how much you enjoy MSFS with that joystick. If you find that you truly enjoy MSFS and you wish to upgrade, there are other joysticks to utilize. I give you this recommendation first so you can see if you will enjoy the sim. I hope this helps.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Thank you very much. I can for sure use that answer, was hoping you would write this as i watched a few more videos here on youtube, and more people say its a good deal for the money, and even i am not rich at all, i see this product as almost free, so a good way to test if its even something for me! For this price i dont mind buying a second time later, should i "need" it. :) If you give it the go ahead, it must be ok, i was just really unsure because of its price. Thx again, have a nice day!
You sure can. Just look into removing the thrust lever detects on the throttle. These were designed to replicate the Airbus and can be a nuisance when flying regular aircraft.
You have great energy, i could listen to you for hours. I also have a question: Are Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo working properly on windows 11 with MSFS 2020? On their website they mention, thah their product works on windows 10, but they dont say anything about windows 11
That is tough with the current market. There are some sub $500 choices. I recently saw online the new Turtle Beach rudder pedals. They look promising. I am still waiting to purchase the Charlie Rudder Pedals from Honeycomb. I would say those are most likely to be the best mid tier rudders. There is also KB Sim and MFG. I have yet to try their products.
Have a look at MFG Crosswind for about $300 - I've seen some very promising reviews, however they are currently experiencing chip shortage: "We will be out of stock till approx 10.June.2023 untill new batch of electronics arrive"
There are pedals out there, other than Trustmaster's. Logitech G Pro Flight Rudder Pedals are around $50 more than Thrustmasters cheap ones (when sold separately!) - and I've yet to see a reviewer prefer the Thrustmaster. Then there is MFG Crosswind, which blows them both out of the water for about $300 - and no current availability: "We will be out of stock till approx 10.June.2023 untill new batch of electronics arrive" Going from reviews, MFG Crosswind might be an alternative to the $600 Thrustmaster pedals, especially if storage space is concern. For the fighter jet enthusiasts there are Virpil, WinWing, VKB, etc... Edit: WinWing F16 hotas are $400, can be later upgraded modularly and are antirely made of metal, including the ball bearing which is plastic in the Warthog - and is known to cause issues with time! And for the real dreamers there are the custom bases to mount your joystick grip on: Real Simulation pressure detecting base FSSB R1/3 for 490 euro for that F16/F22 mode of flying without moving the joystick more than 3mm. (Cheaper alternative - Saitek X65F Pro, second hand.) (Edit: WinWing also offers FSSB base/mod for $389/$269 respectively.) And the direct-drive Brunner CLS force feedback at 1300 euro, so you can feel air resistance and helicopter rotors at your fingertips. (Cheaper alternatives - second hand Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2, Logitech FORCE (!) 3D Pro, Logitech G940. None of those are produced anymore.) As long as we are dreaming, Brunner also have force feedback rudder pedals.
I have these Thrustmaster T flight rudder pedals. To me there is too much to be desired here. The biggest issue is the inability to generate more tension. You'll find that you often are yawing the plane and don't intend to and then the need to take your feet off the pedals to zero them out. That along with how cheap they feel, I can't recommend them. They are more a liability than an asset of control.
I have to disagree on your fighter setup recommendation, the Warthog is highly outdated. It costs almost 500 Bucks and the Gimbal is made out of plastic. The best HOTAS in my eyes is either a full Virpil or WinWing Kit, VKB is also a great choice.
Once again, the helicopter specific control doesn't get a mantion. I'm talking about the all essential "Collective", which would make helicopter simulation so much bettern. Got one out there that's worth looking at?
Hey man Im looking for a setup to run msfs to practice for my ppl, should I go with something like the being setup you reccomended? Im not looking to spend more than $1k. Thanks
Looking for an alternative to the honey comb charle rudder since its out of stock . Which rudder can i use that is compatible with the alpha xpc and bravo quadrant?
Thanks for sharing these with us. I am looking to get into flight simulator more and build a flight simulator rig to go with my American truck simulator rig i am building
You certainly can! Right now I am testing out a Turtle Beach Velocity One Flight stick. I have used it solo, with my Saitek Cessna Rudder Pedals, and with the Bravo Throttle quadrant and Cessna Rudder Pedals. It all comes down to how you setup each device in the simulator.
hello, i want to build my flight simulator setup, but right now im using macbook pro M1, i will use the MSFS 2020 as the simulator software and for the hardware, i want to use the thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals, honeycomb alpha flight controls yoke, and honeycomb bravo throttle quaadrant, can i use those items on my macbook and MSFS 2020? i heard that those items are not working on macbook, please help me, thank you so much
The Thrustmaster and Honeycomb products will work with the M1 Macbook, but MSFS 2020 will not. MSFS 2020 is only for Windows PCs. You could use X-Plane 11 or 12 with the M1. I have a 13 inch Macbook Pro with the M1 chip, and it "runs" X-Plane 12, just not very well. I would recommend a PC if you want to utilize MSFS 2020.
The standard profiles are "interesting." I've played around to see what many of them are, and let me say they are not all that intuitive if you actually fly or have real life experience. Some are close though! Had any luck with a custom profile?
Lets say I want something for MFS on Vatsim and still go to Star Cityzen, Everspace and on the future Starfield. Whats the best option for me? I would say a joystick but what joystick? Don't want to pay another 500€ + because I already invested money on my simrig since I do SimRacing, so I want to buy 1 thing and 1 thing only, so what joystick and pedals should I buy?
I would recommend a stick! The Extreme 3D pro is a good start. But there are many other options. VKB has some good joysticks and they sell extensions for them. Might be a nice way to go depending on your budget.
I got my thrustmaster TCA Captain pack X airbus edition yesterday. I downloaded the software and booted up xplane 11. In the joystick settings both the sidestick and quadrant show up and calibrate however once I load into the Zibo, the Sidestick doesn’t work. The cursor [+] is showing but the quad still works. Any ideas on how to fix this?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Exactly. All of the buttons on the side stick worked but the actual stick itself was not being recognized. It worked being plugged into my xbox. So weird. So dumb. Felt bad too because my wife bought it for my birthday.
There should be no reason why they would not. They are separate devices and just require setting up. Do remember to de-select yaw on the X-52 so it does not interrupt the T-Flight Rudder pedals.
Do you lnow of a video that covers primarily Xbox x, s. . I like the honeycomb but I don't think it works on xbox, but you didnt say, or I missed it. Thanks for posting.
Some of the products work with the Xbox Series S and X. The ALPA XPC does and the others through the specific Honeycomb Hub. I have an updated 2024 version of this video releasing soon.
Fantastic video and tutorial of how to select the most appropriate., Thanks 🙏. I need asap your help and instructions of how I can set up the X56Hotas that I have for the Boeings PMDG 737 Family but also to keep to use in the Airbus A320 in the MSFS2020. How I contact you for this instructions pls. Thanks for help and guide us in this beautiful world of airplanes. I look forward to your comments and guides. God bless you! 👊😜
Thank you for the kind words! They are truly appreciated. As for the setup of the X56, overall you need to decide what you want on the HOTAS vs just using your mouse and keyboard for. After that it just takes the time of searching the settings and making a profile. I have a video of how to do setups with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro in the early phases, and the concepts from that video can be applied to what you are looking to do. I just returned from recurrent and hope to have time on and between trips to finish that video up.
What would you recommend for someone brand new to all this who's interested in learning and practicing for their PPL if cost wasn't as much an issue? I edited this to make it clear I'm open to suggestions from anyone on here as well.
It's hard to say a price range since I'm curious more about what it would take to get a decent setup that would be good enough to help someone versus have them use it, then start lessons afterwards only to find out it hindered them versus helped them, if that makes sense. Would it be more than $7K? say $10k?
Most of thrustmaster's products are about a decade old. Logitech as well. I personally prefer something newish, and that hasn't gone to shit(quality) in some cases. Honeycomb seems to make really good products, so pick them for GA, for combat I would pick none of the mentioned brands. Best ones are all based in Europe or China. The only brands worth choosing are VKB, Virpil, and Winwing.
I am working to get my hands on some products from those three brands. The reason for the Honeycomb, Thrustmaster, and Logitech being so recommended is their availability and somewhat pricing. With the exception of VKB, Virpil and Winwing are expensive. That's not to say they aren't worth it.
wow .. this shows how out of the loop your are ... the warthog is trash now for the price ... the X56 is Hot Garbage ... it was when even when Saitek made it . .. it falls apart if you look at it.
Best budget suggestion: go to your local airfield and become a member. It costs me ~$120 per month and I get to fly all I want. And since the planes are real I even got a pilot license. Nice.
I prefer flying the actual aircraft as well, but that is not a reality for so many. Thank goodness we have multiple sims to choose from yet again. By the way, that is a great rate!
This video is full of bullcrap. For 250$, you can have a decent vkb gladiator nxt evo instead of a logitech crap. And if you have money to buy High End, you take a winwing or a virprl.
Those are great companies! I have my first VKB product in hand and am impressed. I am working on acquiring products from the others so I can see for myself how good they are, after that I will add them in.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION MYSH made a great video explaining the difference between the tech. There is 4 techs available (from low to high end) : Ball & cup gimbal, pincer gimbal, cam axis gimbal. The 4th is about adding force feedback. Most of what you showed on that video are just ball & cup gimbal, who are mostly low end gear sold at mid end gear price. For the rudder, i really like the VKB version. It do the job and can be modded to make it doing more stuff.
You are point for saying they are mid tier if you have a budget for the companies you mentioned. Those companies make amazing products for certified simulators, and are out of the price range of most simmers. In several videos I have commented how Honeycomb, Logitech, Thrustmaster, and others are not the top of the line, but are the best options in their perspective price range. Speaking of the higher tier of products, have you looked at Precision Flight Controls? I have spent many hours using their products practicing IFR maneuvers in the past and they make extremely high quality flight simulators.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION your video said “the best” and you recommended mid tier stuff. Your recommendation is completely off point. Precision flight controls are ok. If they are so good why didn’t you mention them. Logitech is pretty low budget and honeycomb is plastic mid tier stuff. People that do not know about gear should be wary of the hat you recommend. Sorry to come down on you like this but Sounds like you do not really know what’s out there. I haven’t even gotten into electronics.
@@rowesonyaamybrunner make rolls rolls royce force feedback yokes and virtual fly makes the best non FFB yokes (also best rudder pedals and throttles) . Avitek makes the best avionics for sim use. You can google reviews but my point is not to buy the best but that the products he shows are average stuff. I actually have a honeycomb alpha which is ok. Not that they are bad but there are way way better stuff.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Ghost input and broken Z-axis on the stick are the main problems. As far as I know, probably more than 50% of them will devlope these issues in the first years or so. These common issues are known for a long time, but we never heard any thing from Saitek or later Logitech about fixing them. So, for fighter sims, better stick with Thrustmaster . Or if you are thinking of getting a premium produce, then look into WINGWING.
The Charlie rudder pedals seem to be delayed again due to some issues at Honeycomb. I am working on a new list for products that are out and readily available. Do you have a price range?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION thanks for getting back to me. Don’t really have a budget for rudder pedals.. but at the same time I’m not really looking to spend $500 on rudder pedals alone. Would love to have whatever is a great product but not outrageously priced. I’m very new into all this. Doing as much research as I can
@@drewhubbz2998 They all have their pitfalls, but find one that looks comfortable to you. Try to think out the ergonomics of your sim setup and the angle your feet will be at, after that find the pedals that fit your needs.
I originally started with the T.16000m flight pack. The pedals were awful, tons of friction so they took a lot of force to use. They would also stick and stutter from the friction. The stick was fine for a while but also was real stiff and a pain for fine control. I still use the throttle today, I just added some Nyogel to the slider rails. I replaced the pedals with VKB T-rudders (no toe brake but thays fine to me) and the stick with the VKB gladiator.
Nice choices! I am working to get some VKB products for review.
I have the X56 HOTAS, great stick for the money, not overly cheap or plasticky feeling at all plus a million buttons, switches, sliders, knobs, etc
I've had mine for 5 or 6 years. Still works good!
I had one returned it after prob a week I don’t like the spring throttles at all got a new one much better
objectively wrong, vkb göadiator nxt and thrustmaster t16000 throttle is wayy better.
I share your opinion in terms of budget joystick: the Logitech Extreme 3d Pro. The one I have right now, the best quality for the price. Recommended if you're on a budget or want something cheap to begin your flight simulation journey.
I thought me saying "If it is Boeing I ain't going" was smart, but I like your "If it's not Boeing you're not driving" even more! 😂
The Airbus setup is pretty cool cos you can buy just the throttle part on top of the captain setup for engines 3 and 4 on the A380
The airbus "set" definitely has it's uses, but it was more work than I wanted to take on to get just right.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION yeah it is good for different airbus types but overkill fort a GA setup. I'm old-skoolin it with FSX which requires additional config in spade.next to use the reversers but also need that to run the AP and radio boxes too
Hey man, I've got a few comments for you on this Video.
First off, nearly all Joysticks have built-in Stick-Twist, so you don't actually need rudder pedals. You can just buy the Saitek X52 (~110€) or the X52 Pro (~150€) or the T.16000M HOTAS (~125€). I've been flying the F/A-18C Hornet in DCS World for over a year and never used a rudder pedal.
I'm thinking of buying one, but only because I might wanna get into helicopters.
That means, for 150€/$, you don't just get the 35$ Logitech HOTAS and pedals, but you could rather get something way better.
Another thing that I was kinda missing, were Products from Smaller Companies (like Winwing or VKB-Sim, what I can understand tho, as that would blow up the goal of this video a bit^^) and most importantly: Headtracking. Headtracking is really Important in my opinion and makes flying SO much easier and better. Especially the DelanClip, which is below 100$ and works like a charm.
Just a few things to consider, especially noteworthy that there are more options (like i.e. the X52) in the Budget Sector.
My own Setup in the moment consists out of the thrustmaster TWCS(~80€), the VKB-Sim Gladiator EVO (~220€) and a DelanClip. I did use the X52 Pro prior to this upgrade, which ad some issues for me tho.
In general, the video had a quite decent production quality, and I'll assume that you can't really "Twist" a yoke like a Joystick.
Have fun making further Videos and happy flying!
Thank you for the input!
You are correct that you can twist the joystick, however I wanted to present a core setup and offer rudders. I also meant to differentiate the budget area as the 3d pro being capable alone or with rudders.
There are a lot of small manufacturers but I wanted to show offerings people could potentially buy in a store.
Back in the day I went through 2 X-52s and a couple of cheap Thrustmaster joysticks. That is why they were not on the list.
Yeah, I myself also changed away from the X52 currently due to some issues and the software being really bad.
@@creepy_3031 That software was a pain!
Thank you for the comments! I have a great deal of improving left to do for the production and review products. I am hoping to have a few new products to review soon. VKB is on my list!
I'm going to build a simpit from a JAS 39 C Gripen,
I recommend that if you're going to do DIY buy a good 3dprinter that's newbie friendly I made a mistake and bought some cheap crap (no one should buy tevoup hydra) but if you can afford bamboo lab a1 mini , or an ender-3 v3 se , ender-3 v3 ke it's not hard to make your own flight panels or controllers with them
That sounds like an amazing setup! I still need to get into the 3d printing but have no time.
for a full fighter setup i recomend the brands winwing, virpil and VKB and pick the aircraft your going to fly
for fighters, you also got winwing , virpil and VKB.
Exactly, and they are all way better than Thrustmaster, Logitech and Honeycomb.
I legit still have an extreme 3d pro(or equiv generation) from when I was in middle school. I am 34 years old. Same button layout and stick config as now.
You beat me for one of the longest working ones. I had one for at least fifteen years before my kids killed it. Now I have one that is only four years old.
i'd add the vkb gladiator nxt to the fighter bunch, got it about a month ago and it is performing insanely well
I am really enjoying the one I have. It is included in my updated video posting sometime today/tomorrow.
Which controller is best for a dea sea diving submersible? I don't want to spend too much.
What is your price range?
Logitech F710
Great video, good for starters. Question for you though: if you were to choose between Boeing or Airbus setups, which one would you choose with the Microsoft flight simulator?
What are you flying most in the sim?
Any idea on a complete sim set up and app/computer requirements to have a pilot and co pilot at the same time to educate kids?
There are some potential options, but they come with a few drawbacks. Is this a classroom setup or a weekend EAA young eagle idea?
I ask only because if you are aiming for basics a dual setup is going to be costly. If you plan to graduate young students into a “crew” scenario it can be done but the cost goes up.
What aircraft do you plan to utilize in sim?
Hi , would love top end gear but cash flow doesn,t allow. great stream thanks,
i just paired an x56 with the pendular rudders😅
Two years down the road. Looks like the Honeycomb Sigma Tau is DOA. Too bad, as it looked promising as a more budget friendly all around HOTAS setup.
I wouldn’t say DOA, especially since it never arrived. Maybe some news next year.
do you recommend the velocity one yoke from turtle beach?
It depends. Are you using an Xbox or just a computer?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION PC, i thought it would be a good deal to get everything i need (except for rudder pedals) for 300€
For the price point it is difficult to beat. I personally have not had a lot of time with that model, so I can’t speak about it the same way I can about other yokes.
I would take that over the Logitech offering, but would be torn between the velocity one and a honeycomb set if only using them for the PC.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Yeah, im torn about that too. Im gonna wait till black friday and see what has the better sale. Thanks anyway, great video!
No love for MFG Crosswind V3 pedals?
Would logitech extreme joystick + T-Flight rudder + Bravo throlltle control(like the ones on your shelves) be good for fighter jets to air buses?
That combo could work. I think it comes down to your budget and finding the products that fit your needs. I have made a lot of combos work over the years, but a lot of this comes down to what you want. Just don't buy any of the high price Logitech stuff right now.
So to play flight simulator, we must have rudder beside joystick and throttle?
That is not a requirement, just a way to add realism.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION im just new in flight simulator, i want to buy joystick as a gift… i find 2 brands Hostas warthong, and honeycomb…. Are this 2 different use? And which one you recommend? Thank you… your content very helpfull
@@AndryChandrqif you are buying the device as a gift, do you know the type of flying the gift receiver would most likely be doing?
Both are good options that you listed, they just have slightly different applications in what they are “representing “ from actual aircraft.
The HOTAS Warthog is meant to be similar to an A-10 Warthog, combat simulation setup. The honeycomb devices are meant to emulate Cessna/Piper/Boeing types of aircraft, non combat aircraft.
That doesn’t mean you couldn’t use either for all applications.
Hi! I bought x-plane 12 and I’m unable to connect my honeycomb throttle. Do you know how to fix this issue?
Is the throttle showing up in the Windows game controller?
Great video, I learned a lot. Thank You.
Witch for mac m1 newest ios and war thunder ? 😁 ?
What price range would you like to stay in?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION hello 🙂 I would like to try firstable Logitech extreme 3d pro, IT will be work?
@@Paweland Almost any usb joystick should still work. I have used the Logitech Extreme 3d pro on my M1 macbook pro with a usb adapter. No issues.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION thank You very much for info 🖐️😁
Nice and informative and very chill video. Good work and keep going 👍
Thank you!
Great video and super helpful. I will be doing some research on these as wana get into flight sims in a few months time! Thanks man!
Great summary.
Thank you
If I get the Boeing Throttle and Yoke, does it come with all of the bolts and screws it needs? 😅
At least no doors should be lost in the operation of.
Hey there, sorry for asking the endless question: "what to buy in my situation", but i am really lost, and i have a bad habbit of buying wrong and need to buy again.
First of, i am 47 from Denmark, i had 5 Brain surgeries that did alot of bad stuff to me.. i lost hearing on left ear, cant use left eye and all my left side feels a bit off, and something happend to my sleep center so i never feel rested, i am tired 24/7.. Only reason i say this, is because i like to try microsoft flight simulator 2020/2024 but i like to play the game with alot of help. i was told that you can play microsoft flight simulator in more modes or something, i understand this as there are a very realistic sim mode, and more or less an Arcade mode, where you get some help with things like landing and that.
If this is the case, i was hoping i could play using only a flight stick, and no other things, and if so, what would be a good one for a "flightstick only" setup ? i dont mind paying for more if that is needed or a huge upgrade, but i would like to pay less then 300 euro's if possible.
I used to play some flying sims back in the days where the Graphic were so bad that only take off and landing was fun, but i was thinking it would be amazing to fly around in games today where things look so much more real.. I got an i5 12600k and a 4070ti and tons of nvme ssd's, i guess that is ok for 1080p gaming, i just need the damn flight stick :D
Any help would be amazing, i read you dont need the "padels" if you get a stick that can twist, so i guess that is something it need to have. else i have no clue.. :S
- Michael
PS. I would like to be able to fly all types of "machines" in the game, but since i never played the game, i dont know what i would like the most.
I am very sorry to hear of all of your surgeries. I do have a suggestion though.
I would recommend that you start with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick. It is simple and inexpensive. You should be able to judge how much you enjoy MSFS with that joystick.
If you find that you truly enjoy MSFS and you wish to upgrade, there are other joysticks to utilize. I give you this recommendation first so you can see if you will enjoy the sim.
I hope this helps.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Thank you very much. I can for sure use that answer, was hoping you would write this as i watched a few more videos here on youtube, and more people say its a good deal for the money, and even i am not rich at all, i see this product as almost free, so a good way to test if its even something for me! For this price i dont mind buying a second time later, should i "need" it. :) If you give it the go ahead, it must be ok, i was just really unsure because of its price.
Thx again, have a nice day!
@@muttleydk You are welcome! Have a great day as well and happy simming!
Which one would you recommend for helicopters?
That’s difficult because none of them are specific to helos.
Hello! Can I use the tca officer pack airbus edition to replace the x56 hotas as a fight setup? Thank you!
You sure can. Just look into removing the thrust lever detects on the throttle. These were designed to replicate the Airbus and can be a nuisance when flying regular aircraft.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION thank you!
You have great energy, i could listen to you for hours. I also have a question: Are Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo working properly on windows 11 with MSFS 2020? On their website they mention, thah their product works on windows 10, but they dont say anything about windows 11
I have been using all my Honeycomb products on Windows 11. I have had no issues.
I've had the $129 "budget" Thrustmaster rudder pedals for 3 years. I'm ready to upgrade them. Any suggestions on a mid-level model?
That is tough with the current market.
There are some sub $500 choices. I recently saw online the new Turtle Beach rudder pedals. They look promising. I am still waiting to purchase the Charlie Rudder Pedals from Honeycomb. I would say those are most likely to be the best mid tier rudders.
There is also KB Sim and MFG. I have yet to try their products.
Have a look at MFG Crosswind for about $300 - I've seen some very promising reviews, however they are currently experiencing chip shortage:
"We will be out of stock till approx 10.June.2023 untill new batch of electronics arrive"
There are pedals out there, other than Trustmaster's.
Logitech G Pro Flight Rudder Pedals are around $50 more than Thrustmasters cheap ones (when sold separately!) - and I've yet to see a reviewer prefer the Thrustmaster.
Then there is MFG Crosswind, which blows them both out of the water for about $300 - and no current availability:
"We will be out of stock till approx 10.June.2023 untill new batch of electronics arrive"
Going from reviews, MFG Crosswind might be an alternative to the $600 Thrustmaster pedals, especially if storage space is concern.
For the fighter jet enthusiasts there are Virpil, WinWing, VKB, etc...
Edit: WinWing F16 hotas are $400, can be later upgraded modularly and are antirely made of metal, including the ball bearing which is plastic in the Warthog - and is known to cause issues with time!
And for the real dreamers there are the custom bases to mount your joystick grip on:
Real Simulation pressure detecting base FSSB R1/3 for 490 euro for that F16/F22 mode of flying without moving the joystick more than 3mm.
(Cheaper alternative - Saitek X65F Pro, second hand.)
(Edit: WinWing also offers FSSB base/mod for $389/$269 respectively.)
And the direct-drive Brunner CLS force feedback at 1300 euro, so you can feel air resistance and helicopter rotors at your fingertips.
(Cheaper alternatives - second hand Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2, Logitech FORCE (!) 3D Pro, Logitech G940. None of those are produced anymore.)
As long as we are dreaming, Brunner also have force feedback rudder pedals.
Those Brunner products look like they are almost straight out of some aircraft I've flown.
Thank you for the comments!
I have these Thrustmaster T flight rudder pedals. To me there is too much to be desired here. The biggest issue is the inability to generate more tension. You'll find that you often are yawing the plane and don't intend to and then the need to take your feet off the pedals to zero them out. That along with how cheap they feel, I can't recommend them. They are more a liability than an asset of control.
@@danieljones1939 Sorry to hear that it is that much of a pain.
I have to disagree on your fighter setup recommendation, the Warthog is highly outdated. It costs almost 500 Bucks and the Gimbal is made out of plastic. The best HOTAS in my eyes is either a full Virpil or WinWing Kit, VKB is also a great choice.
I appreciate the suggestions! I am working to get products from those companies, that way I can include them in an updated video.
are the peddles that important like am i able to be everything fine without them or do i need them
You can do it all without the pedals. They just complete the realism setup.
Just a quick question, does Boeing thrustmaster and honeycomb bravo throttle go will with each other?
You can easily use both. You are free to mix and match products because they can plug in separately.
The fighter jet controllers on your wish list what are the name of that product
Once again, the helicopter specific control doesn't get a mantion. I'm talking about the all essential "Collective", which would make helicopter simulation so much bettern. Got one out there that's worth looking at?
I wish I could advise on this, but I haven't used a sim "Collective" since OSH 2015 from Precision Flight Controls.
Rodger Dodger Aviation has some DIY hotas mods for collective controls.
Hey man Im looking for a setup to run msfs to practice for my ppl, should I go with something like the being setup you reccomended? Im not looking to spend more than $1k. Thanks
What aircraft are you training in?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Cesna 172
Looking for an alternative to the honey comb charle rudder since its out of stock . Which rudder can i use that is compatible with the alpha xpc and bravo quadrant?
What price range are you trying to stay within?
@JoeNDBAVIATION I can spend under 300 on rudder. I want the beat yoke , quadrant and rudder for ppl stage of flying
Thanks for sharing these with us. I am looking to get into flight simulator more and build a flight simulator rig to go with my American truck simulator rig i am building
How is the American truck sim coming? That sounds like a lot of fun!
can you mix different brands of peripherals
You certainly can!
Right now I am testing out a Turtle Beach Velocity One Flight stick. I have used it solo, with my Saitek Cessna Rudder Pedals, and with the Bravo Throttle quadrant and Cessna Rudder Pedals.
It all comes down to how you setup each device in the simulator.
Great video I subbed :D thank you!! I learned a few things here, i'm so excited for getting my Honeycomb thisweek
Thank you!
hello sir what are youre toughts on the logitech X52 pro?
I would recommend a different stick. VKB, Thrustmaster, and others make a more compelling offering for the price point and overall use and durability.
Anyone has thought to turtle beach velocity one?
I do have a review for that stick. It all comes down to your use and price limitations.
hello, i want to build my flight simulator setup, but right now im using macbook pro M1, i will use the MSFS 2020 as the simulator software and for the hardware, i want to use the thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals, honeycomb alpha flight controls yoke, and honeycomb bravo throttle quaadrant, can i use those items on my macbook and MSFS 2020? i heard that those items are not working on macbook, please help me, thank you so much
The Thrustmaster and Honeycomb products will work with the M1 Macbook, but MSFS 2020 will not. MSFS 2020 is only for Windows PCs.
You could use X-Plane 11 or 12 with the M1. I have a 13 inch Macbook Pro with the M1 chip, and it "runs" X-Plane 12, just not very well.
I would recommend a PC if you want to utilize MSFS 2020.
thank yo so much @@JoeNDBAVIATION
honeycomb delta to take your money -THEN honeycomb Echo g1000 screen
Thank you will probably get the cheaper fighter setup had my eyes on it before watching this video
I should have an updated version of this video up by next week. What were you thinking of getting?
what do you mean with GA?
GA = General Aviation such as Piper and Cessna like aircraft.
Thanks for breaking it down@@JoeNDBAVIATION
Most of the joysticks he mentions are ball and cup gyro which can lead to off center or drifting just so yah know…
No joystick is free from some compromise, this list was not 100% exhaustive and will be soon updated next month.
lol TRYING to make MSFS work with my WinWing DCS Hotas setup lol. I'm setup for flying F15's lol. It's interesting.
The standard profiles are "interesting." I've played around to see what many of them are, and let me say they are not all that intuitive if you actually fly or have real life experience. Some are close though!
Had any luck with a custom profile?
What does GA stand for?
GA stands for General Aviation. Aircraft like the C172 Skyhawk or Piper Archer.
Is the Thrustmaster Boeing thrust pack any good?
I haven’t tried it but I’m sure it is at least average by what I have read.
Lets say I want something for MFS on Vatsim and still go to Star Cityzen, Everspace and on the future Starfield. Whats the best option for me? I would say a joystick but what joystick? Don't want to pay another 500€ + because I already invested money on my simrig since I do SimRacing, so I want to buy 1 thing and 1 thing only, so what joystick and pedals should I buy?
What setup do you currently have for Sim Racing? Can the pedals be adapted to flight?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION I doubt that, I have a pair of Asetek Forte
What's best to fly with glider?
I would recommend a stick! The Extreme 3D pro is a good start. But there are many other options.
VKB has some good joysticks and they sell extensions for them. Might be a nice way to go depending on your budget.
I got my thrustmaster TCA Captain pack X airbus edition yesterday. I downloaded the software and booted up xplane 11. In the joystick settings both the sidestick and quadrant show up and calibrate however once I load into the Zibo, the Sidestick doesn’t work. The cursor [+] is showing but the quad still works. Any ideas on how to fix this?
That is interesting. The sidestick should work with all aircraft. Is this issue still occurring?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION yes. I actually returned it. Called Thrustmaster and they said it was xplane and not on their end
@@mnsportsfan8889 lol! I haven't heard of that type of issue in years, but I am glad you returned it. That should not have happened.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Exactly. All of the buttons on the side stick worked but the actual stick itself was not being recognized. It worked being plugged into my xbox. So weird. So dumb. Felt bad too because my wife bought it for my birthday.
@@mnsportsfan8889 was there a switch on the stick that made it work with Xbox and then PC?
do T-Flight rudders and Hotas X-52 work together ?
There should be no reason why they would not. They are separate devices and just require setting up. Do remember to de-select yaw on the X-52 so it does not interrupt the T-Flight Rudder pedals.
Great grounded suggestions
Thank you!
Do you lnow of a video that covers primarily Xbox x, s. . I like the honeycomb but I don't think it works on xbox, but you didnt say, or I missed it. Thanks for posting.
Some of the products work with the Xbox Series S and X. The ALPA XPC does and the others through the specific Honeycomb Hub. I have an updated 2024 version of this video releasing soon.
No one ever mentions the best rudder pedals...MFG Crosswind pedals.
I'm working on getting a pair to review.
Luv your watch. What is it?
It is a Chicane CH4243. Poor thing has been through a lot and sadly recently broke.
Fantastic video and tutorial of how to select the most appropriate., Thanks 🙏.
I need asap your help and instructions of how I can set up the X56Hotas that I have for the Boeings PMDG 737 Family but also to keep to use in the Airbus A320 in the MSFS2020. How I contact you for this instructions pls. Thanks for help and guide us in this beautiful world of airplanes. I look forward to your comments and guides. God bless you! 👊😜
Thank you for the kind words! They are truly appreciated.
As for the setup of the X56, overall you need to decide what you want on the HOTAS vs just using your mouse and keyboard for. After that it just takes the time of searching the settings and making a profile.
I have a video of how to do setups with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro in the early phases, and the concepts from that video can be applied to what you are looking to do.
I just returned from recurrent and hope to have time on and between trips to finish that video up.
What's the poster on the left tho ?
The Logitech X-56
Is there a release date for honeycomb charlie rudder pedals?
The Honeycomb website is saying June 30th for the US market. The Aerosoft website is claiming late June. Pre orders are open now.
Came here looking for flight rudder controls but.......
It's 2024 so how about "If it's not Boeing it's flying safely the full length from A to B".
They will get you there safely!
You missed VKB controllers
I am currently working to remedy that!
What would you recommend for someone brand new to all this who's interested in learning and practicing for their PPL if cost wasn't as much an issue? I edited this to make it clear I'm open to suggestions from anyone on here as well.
IF cost wasn't much of an issue.......
Give me a couple of price ranges, total budget(s), and I'll give you a list.
What could you get for say $5k - $7k?
It's hard to say a price range since I'm curious more about what it would take to get a decent setup that would be good enough to help someone versus have them use it, then start lessons afterwards only to find out it hindered them versus helped them, if that makes sense. Would it be more than $7K? say $10k?
@@rowesonyaamy Just to be clear, do you need everything like pc, monitor, and sim components (yoke, throttle, rudder)?
Thanks, I have a PC and monitor, but I'm interested in buying everything else.
"INVESTMENT" ha ha ha ...have my like kind sir :)
Thank you!
Just a quick thing to mention: You put timestamps in the description but I don't think you enabled timestamps splitting up the seek bar!
There has been an issue with that. I will double check that selection. Thank you!
What about the helicopter guys
I’m not Helo rated and I also have not had a chance to get the parts.
“If it ain’t Boeing I ain’t going”. I know you said something about trade marks.
I try to stay away but sometimes it’s too easy.
Very good
Thank you!
Most of thrustmaster's products are about a decade old. Logitech as well. I personally prefer something newish, and that hasn't gone to shit(quality) in some cases. Honeycomb seems to make really good products, so pick them for GA, for combat I would pick none of the mentioned brands. Best ones are all based in Europe or China. The only brands worth choosing are VKB, Virpil, and Winwing.
I am working to get my hands on some products from those three brands.
The reason for the Honeycomb, Thrustmaster, and Logitech being so recommended is their availability and somewhat pricing. With the exception of VKB, Virpil and Winwing are expensive. That's not to say they aren't worth it.
how to bay honeycomb flight contols from sportys.com to india
That I am unsure of.
wow .. this shows how out of the loop your are ... the warthog is trash now for the price ... the X56 is Hot Garbage ... it was when even when Saitek made it . .. it falls apart if you look at it.
Best budget suggestion: go to your local airfield and become a member. It costs me ~$120 per month and I get to fly all I want. And since the planes are real I even got a pilot license. Nice.
I prefer flying the actual aircraft as well, but that is not a reality for so many. Thank goodness we have multiple sims to choose from yet again.
By the way, that is a great rate!
This video is full of bullcrap. For 250$, you can have a decent vkb gladiator nxt evo instead of a logitech crap. And if you have money to buy High End, you take a winwing or a virprl.
Those are great companies! I have my first VKB product in hand and am impressed. I am working on acquiring products from the others so I can see for myself how good they are, after that I will add them in.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION MYSH made a great video explaining the difference between the tech. There is 4 techs available (from low to high end) : Ball & cup gimbal, pincer gimbal, cam axis gimbal. The 4th is about adding force feedback.
Most of what you showed on that video are just ball & cup gimbal, who are mostly low end gear sold at mid end gear price.
For the rudder, i really like the VKB version. It do the job and can be modded to make it doing more stuff.
This guy is way off base.
Anything honeycomb or Logitech is far from best. Mid tier stuff at best vs virtual flight, Bruner, Aviatek etc is best.
You are point for saying they are mid tier if you have a budget for the companies you mentioned. Those companies make amazing products for certified simulators, and are out of the price range of most simmers.
In several videos I have commented how Honeycomb, Logitech, Thrustmaster, and others are not the top of the line, but are the best options in their perspective price range.
Speaking of the higher tier of products, have you looked at Precision Flight Controls? I have spent many hours using their products practicing IFR maneuvers in the past and they make extremely high quality flight simulators.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION your video said “the best” and you recommended mid tier stuff. Your recommendation is completely off point.
Precision flight controls are ok. If they are so good why didn’t you mention them.
Logitech is pretty low budget and honeycomb is plastic mid tier stuff.
People that do not know about gear should be wary of the hat you recommend.
Sorry to come down on you like this but Sounds like you do not really know what’s out there.
I haven’t even gotten into electronics.
Thanks for the comment. Can you provide a bit more info on Bruner, Aviatek or others - like a specific
option you might buy from each?
@@rowesonyaamybrunner make rolls rolls royce force feedback yokes and virtual fly makes the best non FFB yokes (also best rudder pedals and throttles) . Avitek makes the best avionics for sim use. You can google reviews but my point is not to buy the best but that the products he shows are average stuff. I actually have a honeycomb alpha which is ok. Not that they are bad but there are way way better stuff.
Do not touch Logitech, especially X56. Terrible quality control.
That is unfortunate. I remember when Saitek was just releasing the X56 and it was showing a lot of promise.
@@JoeNDBAVIATION Ghost input and broken Z-axis on the stick are the main problems.
As far as I know, probably more than 50% of them will devlope these issues in the first years or so.
These common issues are known for a long time, but we never heard any thing from Saitek or later Logitech about fixing them.
So, for fighter sims, better stick with Thrustmaster . Or if you are thinking of getting a premium produce, then look into WINGWING.
@@thunderboltlightning6010 WOW, that is a bad percentage.
That fake laugh at the very start is cringe..as soon as you did it I paused , left this comment then left..
Have you made contact with another human being in the past 2 years? Genuinely curious
@@Aditya-wg3lp yes, your mother..it's was a very smelly and sloppy experience 🤢
Awww, you need a hug...
@@marvolky980he’s right though
How come I can’t find the honeycomb Charlie rudder pedals anywhere? Do u have any recommendations?
The Charlie rudder pedals seem to be delayed again due to some issues at Honeycomb. I am working on a new list for products that are out and readily available. Do you have a price range?
@@JoeNDBAVIATION thanks for getting back to me. Don’t really have a budget for rudder pedals.. but at the same time I’m not really looking to spend $500 on rudder pedals alone. Would love to have whatever is a great product but not outrageously priced. I’m very new into all this. Doing as much research as I can
@@drewhubbz2998 They all have their pitfalls, but find one that looks comfortable to you. Try to think out the ergonomics of your sim setup and the angle your feet will be at, after that find the pedals that fit your needs.
have volictyone and brovo... getting alpha soon i hope.
Nice combo!
dig your vids.. tks
Thank you!
virpil, vkb, win wing amazing products