Netroufám si psát v angličtině, tak se omlouvám.. S Adamem osobně problém nemám a čekal jsem, že bude vybrán, ale už před oznámením jsem si říkal, jak zdůraznit, že reprezentuje Česko. Slováci jsou větší patrioti, tak jsem čekat přesně to, co se děje. Stačí projít komentáře všude možně a je to plné slovenských vlaječek, když někdo ze zahraničí pogratuluje, okamžitě tam je odpověď, že je Slovák atd.. Češi jsou zatím (až na výjimky) s výběrem celkem ok, ale je jen otázka času, kdy je tohle začne štvát.. Budu hodně zvědav, jak se k tomu postaví hlavně Adam
Tak o Adama se nebojím, myslím, že bojuje s předsudkama celej život a zvládá to. Ani si nemyslim, že by to měl řešit, protože on splnil všechny podmínky, vyhrál reprezentaci, tak co. Eurovize je jeho velký sen, ten si splnil. Jestli za nás, San Marino nebo jine, je vcelku jedno. Vlastně je to svym způsobem pocta, že si vybral nás. Takže tímhle směrem moje úvaha vůbec nejde, on je profík, navíc si myslím, že je na lepší úrovni celkově, co se týče jak hudby, tak zpěvu, než reprezentanti poslední 4 roky. Jako hudebník. Za mě to je spíš obžaloba jak slovenský hudební a televizní scény (není schopná vytvořit prostor a nabídnout svým hudebníkům mezinárodní platformu), tak i tý český a to jak hudební, tak i tý televizní, že prostě neprodukuje takovou kvalitu. Ačkoliv tu platformu aspoň máme, nepěstujeme si jí tak, jak by si zasloužila. Tady vidím to, že Adam třeba po Eurovizi touží. Je to ale touha i českých umělců? Jak to, že pořád nevidí tu příležitost? Jak to, že to je sen tak málo umělců? A mají na to? Když tě reprezentuje cizinec, říkáš tím, že doma není nikdo, kdo by za to stál. A tím, že ho zvolíš interně, to potvrzuješ dublovaně. Kdyby vzešel ze soutěže, tak těžko může někdo něco říct.
@@JanBors K té formě zvolení bych jen dodal, že ČT to vysvětlila tím, že jelikož při hlasování v soutěži stejně nemůžeme hlasovat pro zástupce své země, tak bylo lepší zvolit interpreta zastupujícího ČR formou zahraniční poroty (5 odborných umělců + 5 zahraničních interpretů co se ESC již zúčastnili), prý je to větší šance na úspěch, když si cizinci rovnou vyberou co se jim líbí. Co se týče Adama, tak se přiznám, že jsem o něm slyšel tento týden poprvé, protože v dnešní internetové éře již klasická rádia neposlouchám, z českých max tak Wawe kvůli alternativní elektronické hudbě, jinak jen online tematické kanály, takže co se tu děje (nebo spíše neděje) na domácí hudební scéně je pro mě dost vzdálené. Zpět k Adamovi. O něm se v práci někdo zmínil v souvislosti s tím, že bulvár začíná rozmazávat, zda je v pořádku, aby nás reprezentoval cizinec. Tak jsme ho s kolegyněmi začali lustrovat, jelikož se snažím v rámci mého okolí dělat osvětu o ECS, které sleduji od konce devadesátek. Talent má, ale nějak z toho co jsme od něj shlédli, jsme nebyli úplně přesvědčeni, že to v ESC na TOP 5 stačí. On se vymyká v tom našem CS rybníčku, ale když bereme v potaz zahraničí, tak to už je jiná řež. Oba se shodneme, že talent a dobrý zpěv v ESC většinou nestačí - alfa a omega je stage a show, prostě schopnost zaujmout. A to je teda v případě našich účastníků v drtivé většině totální fiasko. Pro mě je do teď Mikolas prostě borec, jak dokázal publikum strhnout a na výsledku to bylo znát. Pro Adama je dobré, že má cíl dostat se do TOP 5, ale bude to mít sakra těžké, vzhledem k letošnímu vítězi Nemo, tak už jsem dnes v komentářích zaznamenal jízlivé poznámky typu, že za ČR bude další Nemo. Je dobré, že Adam dává o sobě vědět už teď, třeba rozhovorem pro wiwibloggs, protože všechno se počítá. A nakonec ještě něco k tvým otázkám ohledně nezájmu našich interpretů. Já v tom nevidím zase nic tak překvapivého, jelikož drtivá většina z nich upřednostňuje klubovou scénu a stačí jim to. Do ciziny jezdí i tak (třeba MYDY). Další faktor je vůbec propagace ESC u nás. Ruku na srdce, ale ČT tohle opravdu nezvládá. Pokud se o ESC nezajímáš aktivně sám, tak o soutěži uslyšíš až na jaře a hned jak skončí finálový večer je ticho po pěšině. Když porovnám jak ČT přistupovala v minulých letech k samotnému výběru, kdo nás bude reprezentovat s tím, že se to odehrávalo v klubu na malém pódiu, kde jsi se sotva pohnul natož aby jsi předvedl nějakou choreografii a pak se podíváš třeba na Melodifestivalen ve Švédsku, kde to berou smrtelně vážně, tak se ty slabiny někde projevit musí. Když pominu ČT, kolik rozhlasových stanic pouští skladby z ESC? Mimo několika písní je to také bída. U nás se o ESC většinou dozvíš pouze to, že vyhrála Conchita Wurst, ale ne kvůli zpěvu, ale že to je fousatý chlap v šatech nebo že nás reprezentuje ruska AIKO, přestože tu vyrůstala atd. Na to konto se logicky nabalí hejty a úvahy proč do toho sype ČT peníze (toto je každoroční evergreen), když brečí kudy chodí, že nemá prachy a chce zvednout poplatky. Celý ten projekt ESC je u nás každým rokem na rozhraní bytí a nebytí. Vždyť sama ČT po skončení letošního finále uvažovala zda se vůbec dalšího ročníku zúčastní. Kapitola sama o sobě je diskuze, zda je ESC apolitická. No, zde má máslo na hlavě samo ESC. To co se dělo letos ve Švédsku je k zamyšlení. No zkus potom přesvědčit nějaké umělce ať se tam hlásí, když to má u nás takovou pachuť a nějak nevidím moc velkou naději, že by se to mělo změnit a to je škoda.
Here’s my take: the lad’s a solid choice and he has some good songs and a brilliant voice. He clearly can perform live. HOWEVER, I worry a lot that he will lean too much into his ‘gay activist’ persona and turn MANY people off before he has even performed. I worry that he might go with a song that’s TOO campy to the point where it doesn’t even fit on the campy Eurovision stage. I fear finally that the Mustii effect will continue since he is very similar as an artist and so he might not know how to stage his song or he might not know what is he is doing during the performance. Overall, we can’t see anything definitely because we don’t know or have heard his song. We need to wait before we can make any final or conclusive judgements and obviously the performance will speak for it selves. Czechia needs to remember Eurovision is also a family show.
@@TheManInBlueFlames well, he is not there for staging it but I hope they learned not just from their mistakes but also really looked what staging means and will make it make sense in the whole complexity (even it can be very simplistic). He on the other hand can really sing, he has charisma and I dont think he is an activist. Ok, its clear from body language but this can be also a strenght to work on. I am curious. The song will tell us much more
As a Czech myself, i wouldn't say that the issue is that the czech music scene is bad, rather that the main issue is outreach. I myself participate in ESC fan contests, and every year i do a 16 song NF for Czech Republic (of course, it's only studio versions, it's not a good example) and while looking for songs, one can find a surprisingly high amount of hidden gem artists that could in my opinion do really well in ESC, but from trying to reach out to some of them, they almost universally haven't ever heard about ESC(Z) or just responded with "Oh, that isn't for me" I know that this is never ever going to happen, but i'd love to get a peek inside the internal ČT song selection process (the "other side of the poll" if you will). Although i think that the delegation cares, they have been doing some questionable decisions lately. In 2023, Maella (according to her in an interview) submitted two songs for ESCZ - One of them was Tudu Tudu Tu, a really solid song that (from talking with people from the fandom) was received really positively. However, ČT instead picked the other song, a forgettable ballad nobody has ever cared about that would've ended dead last in a semi. Similar story in 2024 - They were hyping how they got Cesar Sampson to help them organize ESCZ but in the end, the NF was full of people who couldn't sing with tragic entries such as Starlet. I'm not trying to imply that ČT is sabotaging it (they were sabotaging themselves by only airing ESC at ČT2), rather that i wonder if ČT isn't leaving even more great entries on the table. Who exactly is picking the songs? Czechs or Foreigners? Is any of them under the age of 40? Why, unlike almost every other country do we have so little entries in czech? We hadn't had any rock/metal entries in ESCZ since 2022, did a country such as Czech Republic actually get none? How has there never been a hiphop/rap song when that's like 80% of the domestic output? xd It's not relevant this year luckily, from what i read the song selection method this year has been quite good. However, in an interview ADONXS did with Wiwibloggs, he said that the song that won has been a "last minute" addition he submitted next to his "primary" submissions - i wonder if the song we will get from him is actually the best one he submitted. Of course, the best thing ČT could do to improve this is to start a high budget, decently produced NF aired during primetime on ČT1 with semis, basically something that places such as Serbia, Lithuania or Estonia do. Lithuania for example, a country of 3 million, has a NF with 45 songs, and from ranking past years, most of the songs are good. This is an insanely impressive achievement. They managed to make their local NF a thing everyone knows about that is also a sign of artist's quality to get selected for. However, let's be honest, that won't happen here in like... never. The viewing figures are so low that ČT is probably bleeding money on even being in the contest (and i'm immensely thankful to whoever is pushing it, if we withdraw we probably won't be back for a LOOOOONG time) I have no clue how it works inside ČT, but it might be a good idea to do what Poland has been doing recently - instead of asking artists to submit unreleased songs into a hidden, poorly advertised poll, they could start reaching out to people with already released songs and invite them to perform that in an internal selection for example. Literally just get an intern, get him on and make him reach out to every czech whose music won't make his ears bleed lol to just let them know "Hey, wanna perform in front of 170 million people? the competition for the spot isn't strong or anything, you just need to... etc." Regarding ADONXS himself, i am really happy that he got chosen. I agree with what you have said - he has an international appeal. I also don't care that he is Slovak, the countries are culturally extremely close, and countries sending foreigners isn't anything new (Sweden last year, Estonia 2019, Switzerland 1988...). Let's be honest, ESC in general isn't really about showcasing the local music scene. NFs everywhere are filled with people buying stuff from Sweden/songwriting camps which is usually distant from the actual domestic output. If we aren't getting an artist who writes their own songs (there actually are a lot of them in Czech Republic but that's another topic), sending a Slovak seems like an acceptable alternative. Plus, if Slovakia is so dead set on being irrelevant, why leave peak at the table? :) The only thing i'm concerned about is ADONXS' song, as i wrote above. It being a "secondary" submission of his, i fear that it won't have the qualities ESC entries usually have, and that it might get lost between the other songs in a semi. In the best case scenario, i'd like to see him submit something comparable to Estonia 2023 - A serviceable televote to push a jurybait entry into the finale, where he could sweep massive amounts of jury points. I'd however be happy with anything that ends in the top 15, hell, as long as he qualifies i wouldn't complain too much. ČT calling the song "certain top 5" sounds delusional to me. No country, even the nordics can reasonably predict that, a song is only predictable in comparison to others. I need to disagree with one of the points you made - You mentioned how ČT's camera, staging and so on need to improve, however the opposite is the truth - we are currently one of the best stagers in the contest. 2022 and 2024 had amazing stagings which were very well received in the fandom, 2023 too but that song was inherently kinda unstageable i suppose hah. As long as the same people who did Aiko's staging do ADONXS', it's a great sign. I hope that this kinda made sense, it's mostly just a stream of thoughts i wrote at 1 am lol. Let's strive for the win but let's not forget that we are so, so close to withdrawing much more often than we would like to admit. Best of luck, ADONXS.
I will give you longer answer tomorrow. Just few points. We are not so close to Slovakia as you think culturaly. We dont do stagings, we do concert stages on camera, thats a huge difference, loads of known czech artists cannot sing live and we also dont know if they have a motivation to go to eurovision, eurovision has still and after last escz very negative name in czech music industry (that was not a good step by czech tv to do it this way), comparing czechia to Lithuania is not accurate due to differenr history of eurovision and its perception, also because most of the songs there also werent good, crazy number of songs is not relevant. For me it seems that since 2021 we are starting every year from a beginning with a new goal, new way... I am not fan of Slovakian representing the country with zero czech touch in it, but I have a huge respect for Adam as an artist. Its slovakia this year at Eurovision by czech public money. I agree we have gems in here, most dont want to compete as they are not - contacted or they still dont believe in the show or they cannot sing live. I saw myself this also. Most problematic was anyway also the perceptiom. Such needs not just constant work but also inviting good final artists into the ESCZ, if you do it like last 2 years with majority of artists wh cannot sing live, you cannot also shoot it right, so it looks like a amateurish project. What do you expect? And Poland is a terrible example. With their market, they do terrific job last couple of years and absolutely underperforming. Long one after all :D
@@TheManInBlueFlames firstly - if you know the industry, its absolutely incompetetive outside the boarders and second - id you want to get out of those bounds, its impossible with local language. We are a small market, not italians, nor even Romanians...
I watched one of his clips. I liked it. But it seems he gets a lot of help from back vocals and dominent music. Do you know how well he performs live on a big stage? And one more qustion is czech and slovak language identical? Anyway good luck to Czchia
he needs to improve massively in every element as he is not used for high demands in here but he is very talented and he have better base level than our lead vocalists past 4 seasons. Imo if they will finally understand staging for TV is not a concert without cameras, with a great song they can rly achieve the best result ever, or at least thinking of top10 with this guy is real. His stage presence must come higher but all depends also on the competition. He will for sure come with a serious song. I just hope it will not be overcombined as his claim what the song is a bit says it. But lets see and lets hope for the best! Slovakia need some positive news.
I think the stagings recently have been slightly better for Czechia. I also think why not send him if he’s Slovakian since Slovakia can’t participate?
@@JanBorsSo how did people speak to each other when it was Czechoslovakia? In their own language and could be understood by the other side, or in English?!
I don't know who it is, he has to be someone modern, But c mon, they really should make the rules tougher that those representing the countries must be from those countries, otherwise you can't cheer on your country fully. I remember 2018 it was a swedish singer representing us with zero connections to PL. Only the producer was polish, thats it. In 2007 it was a russian girl with american producer for us. C´mon, it felt as if my country didn't compete those years. I don't care what language they sing on, but the singers should be from the countries they compete for
I agree that mostly, especially when f.e. on this song will be exactly zero czech signature. But thats what rules allows, they want to succeed, as they feel domestic market cannot do it or they cannot make the market cooperate, they allowed this choice. But I also got the same feeling, partly I am a fan but partly I feel its not the same, and ok, we are at eurovision. Like talking about a different country
Thats the reason why I am happy, you need to be a croatian citizen to participait in Dora ( Croatias national final ). You are never running the risct having a represantive that has no ties with the country
well, this was a rule also in Czechia, basically made for rly put a huge reason on Czech artists to improve constantly. On the other hand, on this song already is zero Czech touch, just Czech television. Anyway, those were the rules and from some point of view this is a good slap. Also its good for Adam. But its Slovakia in the contest now, just paid by Czech television.
@@JanBors but on the other hand the same rule was introduced in ESCZ last year and we had no real foreigner among the acts shortlisted for ESCZ final, so I think it is not that since now there will be a lot of singers from Slovakia trying to "steal" something from Czechs. In the end it may just show that there's actually some real competition and you need to work harder to be better. I take this just as an exception in the results of the internal selection, not that it would show which direction it may take in the (possible) future editions.
@@BrumbalA i dont believe in stealing, dont understand me wrong, the rules are rules and I wish Adam good luck. He did nothing wrong or so. Those are managerial decision, basically people who makes the rules and also selecting artists to the competition. And I also agree you need to work harder and better. This comes for all the market. Or not about harder, but being current also. Its not all about hard work if its done wrongly. Let's see about the future, they put their goals extremely hight, which not even italians or swedes does like this, not knowing the competition. So they put Adam and themselves under a huge and very unnecessary pressure.
No ESCZ 2025? That's disappointing. As someone in the US, I could follow ESCZ easily and voted internationally. I do hope Adonx will give Czechia a good result and give an amazing performance.
@@lorifrancis8171 If this format of internal selection gives us even in the future similar good choices as we now got with ADONXS I am all for the internal selection. It is actually quite similar to the Swiss internal selection and they didn't miss a single ESC final since they went this direction. So maybe we can follow their lead...
@@BrumbalA I am not fun of internal selection as you cannot learn from it anything - how to produce a show, how to make staging, how to behave to artists, how artists should behave on stage, if they can handle the pressure etc... its a lottery and has exactly zero educational purpose, zero wider exposure. Its safer for known artists for sure but thats it. Czech television should invest into national round, proper rules, proper system, stagings.... Montenegro did it better this year then us last year... this is an issue of approach and quality, not that it makes no sense. Also with artists selection etc... they sabotaged themselves and ofc this is the way to go, if you cannot do differently. So its safer for producers, safer for CzechTV probably and after if it will work or not, they can always say - we did not choose, it was recommended by focus groups, professionals etc... so no one even have responsibility for it.
Jan, unfortunately we don't have talents in the Czech Republic, we don't have good singers and performers in one. And if there is an individual, please write to me, because I don't know about him/her. They had no one to take from, they had to reach out. But I agree otherwise with everything you say. Adam is certainly a great performer and singer, but I don't have high expectations for success in Eurovision. I'm afraid of the mishmash song, the production and his personal presentation. But I can be also completely wrong. 😉
and thats it, that you dont know him/her doesnt mean they dont exist. Who knew Barbora Mochowa or Pam Rabbit before we found them? Karelll? Giudi? Annabelle? ... and there must be more. Goal of a producer is to dig them out, especially as on the surface it feels rotten like they dont exist. Its about motivation, infustry boosters. Do you think its a coincidence I was guessing Adam to represent us already 3 months ago? How come? ... imo we have lots to offer but its a hard work
I'm so fing mad we didn't get to choose our representative that I literally don't care if he fails or not. He's not even Czech, I've never heard about him. Good riddance if he gets booted the first round honestly
@ many countries do internal, some show did not work for them very well, only 2 qualifications out of 4 attempts. Also 2 last shows were looking like no budget, so if this is worth it and Adam will make it, and he will. That would be the years biggest surprise if not. Than why not. I agree with the Czeck thing.
Hopefully czechia get a good result. Can dream about having the eurovision in Prague in the near future.
like with Adam I am not affraid of qualification, even with just public vote in semifinals
Netroufám si psát v angličtině, tak se omlouvám.. S Adamem osobně problém nemám a čekal jsem, že bude vybrán, ale už před oznámením jsem si říkal, jak zdůraznit, že reprezentuje Česko. Slováci jsou větší patrioti, tak jsem čekat přesně to, co se děje. Stačí projít komentáře všude možně a je to plné slovenských vlaječek, když někdo ze zahraničí pogratuluje, okamžitě tam je odpověď, že je Slovák atd.. Češi jsou zatím (až na výjimky) s výběrem celkem ok, ale je jen otázka času, kdy je tohle začne štvát.. Budu hodně zvědav, jak se k tomu postaví hlavně Adam
Tak o Adama se nebojím, myslím, že bojuje s předsudkama celej život a zvládá to. Ani si nemyslim, že by to měl řešit, protože on splnil všechny podmínky, vyhrál reprezentaci, tak co. Eurovize je jeho velký sen, ten si splnil. Jestli za nás, San Marino nebo jine, je vcelku jedno. Vlastně je to svym způsobem pocta, že si vybral nás. Takže tímhle směrem moje úvaha vůbec nejde, on je profík, navíc si myslím, že je na lepší úrovni celkově, co se týče jak hudby, tak zpěvu, než reprezentanti poslední 4 roky. Jako hudebník. Za mě to je spíš obžaloba jak slovenský hudební a televizní scény (není schopná vytvořit prostor a nabídnout svým hudebníkům mezinárodní platformu), tak i tý český a to jak hudební, tak i tý televizní, že prostě neprodukuje takovou kvalitu. Ačkoliv tu platformu aspoň máme, nepěstujeme si jí tak, jak by si zasloužila. Tady vidím to, že Adam třeba po Eurovizi touží. Je to ale touha i českých umělců? Jak to, že pořád nevidí tu příležitost? Jak to, že to je sen tak málo umělců? A mají na to? Když tě reprezentuje cizinec, říkáš tím, že doma není nikdo, kdo by za to stál. A tím, že ho zvolíš interně, to potvrzuješ dublovaně. Kdyby vzešel ze soutěže, tak těžko může někdo něco říct.
@@JanBors K té formě zvolení bych jen dodal, že ČT to vysvětlila tím, že jelikož při hlasování v soutěži stejně nemůžeme hlasovat pro zástupce své země, tak bylo lepší zvolit interpreta zastupujícího ČR formou zahraniční poroty (5 odborných umělců + 5 zahraničních interpretů co se ESC již zúčastnili), prý je to větší šance na úspěch, když si cizinci rovnou vyberou co se jim líbí. Co se týče Adama, tak se přiznám, že jsem o něm slyšel tento týden poprvé, protože v dnešní internetové éře již klasická rádia neposlouchám, z českých max tak Wawe kvůli alternativní elektronické hudbě, jinak jen online tematické kanály, takže co se tu děje (nebo spíše neděje) na domácí hudební scéně je pro mě dost vzdálené. Zpět k Adamovi. O něm se v práci někdo zmínil v souvislosti s tím, že bulvár začíná rozmazávat, zda je v pořádku, aby nás reprezentoval cizinec. Tak jsme ho s kolegyněmi začali lustrovat, jelikož se snažím v rámci mého okolí dělat osvětu o ECS, které sleduji od konce devadesátek. Talent má, ale nějak z toho co jsme od něj shlédli, jsme nebyli úplně přesvědčeni, že to v ESC na TOP 5 stačí. On se vymyká v tom našem CS rybníčku, ale když bereme v potaz zahraničí, tak to už je jiná řež. Oba se shodneme, že talent a dobrý zpěv v ESC většinou nestačí - alfa a omega je stage a show, prostě schopnost zaujmout. A to je teda v případě našich účastníků v drtivé většině totální fiasko. Pro mě je do teď Mikolas prostě borec, jak dokázal publikum strhnout a na výsledku to bylo znát. Pro Adama je dobré, že má cíl dostat se do TOP 5, ale bude to mít sakra těžké, vzhledem k letošnímu vítězi Nemo, tak už jsem dnes v komentářích zaznamenal jízlivé poznámky typu, že za ČR bude další Nemo. Je dobré, že Adam dává o sobě vědět už teď, třeba rozhovorem pro wiwibloggs, protože všechno se počítá. A nakonec ještě něco k tvým otázkám ohledně nezájmu našich interpretů. Já v tom nevidím zase nic tak překvapivého, jelikož drtivá většina z nich upřednostňuje klubovou scénu a stačí jim to. Do ciziny jezdí i tak (třeba MYDY). Další faktor je vůbec propagace ESC u nás. Ruku na srdce, ale ČT tohle opravdu nezvládá. Pokud se o ESC nezajímáš aktivně sám, tak o soutěži uslyšíš až na jaře a hned jak skončí finálový večer je ticho po pěšině. Když porovnám jak ČT přistupovala v minulých letech k samotnému výběru, kdo nás bude reprezentovat s tím, že se to odehrávalo v klubu na malém pódiu, kde jsi se sotva pohnul natož aby jsi předvedl nějakou choreografii a pak se podíváš třeba na Melodifestivalen ve Švédsku, kde to berou smrtelně vážně, tak se ty slabiny někde projevit musí. Když pominu ČT, kolik rozhlasových stanic pouští skladby z ESC? Mimo několika písní je to také bída. U nás se o ESC většinou dozvíš pouze to, že vyhrála Conchita Wurst, ale ne kvůli zpěvu, ale že to je fousatý chlap v šatech nebo že nás reprezentuje ruska AIKO, přestože tu vyrůstala atd. Na to konto se logicky nabalí hejty a úvahy proč do toho sype ČT peníze (toto je každoroční evergreen), když brečí kudy chodí, že nemá prachy a chce zvednout poplatky. Celý ten projekt ESC je u nás každým rokem na rozhraní bytí a nebytí. Vždyť sama ČT po skončení letošního finále uvažovala zda se vůbec dalšího ročníku zúčastní. Kapitola sama o sobě je diskuze, zda je ESC apolitická. No, zde má máslo na hlavě samo ESC. To co se dělo letos ve Švédsku je k zamyšlení. No zkus potom přesvědčit nějaké umělce ať se tam hlásí, když to má u nás takovou pachuť a nějak nevidím moc velkou naději, že by se to mělo změnit a to je škoda.
Here’s my take: the lad’s a solid choice and he has some good songs and a brilliant voice. He clearly can perform live. HOWEVER, I worry a lot that he will lean too much into his ‘gay activist’ persona and turn MANY people off before he has even performed. I worry that he might go with a song that’s TOO campy to the point where it doesn’t even fit on the campy Eurovision stage. I fear finally that the Mustii effect will continue since he is very similar as an artist and so he might not know how to stage his song or he might not know what is he is doing during the performance. Overall, we can’t see anything definitely because we don’t know or have heard his song. We need to wait before we can make any final or conclusive judgements and obviously the performance will speak for it selves. Czechia needs to remember Eurovision is also a family show.
@@TheManInBlueFlames well, he is not there for staging it but I hope they learned not just from their mistakes but also really looked what staging means and will make it make sense in the whole complexity (even it can be very simplistic). He on the other hand can really sing, he has charisma and I dont think he is an activist. Ok, its clear from body language but this can be also a strenght to work on. I am curious. The song will tell us much more
As a Czech myself, i wouldn't say that the issue is that the czech music scene is bad, rather that the main issue is outreach. I myself participate in ESC fan contests, and every year i do a 16 song NF for Czech Republic (of course, it's only studio versions, it's not a good example) and while looking for songs, one can find a surprisingly high amount of hidden gem artists that could in my opinion do really well in ESC, but from trying to reach out to some of them, they almost universally haven't ever heard about ESC(Z) or just responded with "Oh, that isn't for me"
I know that this is never ever going to happen, but i'd love to get a peek inside the internal ČT song selection process (the "other side of the poll" if you will). Although i think that the delegation cares, they have been doing some questionable decisions lately. In 2023, Maella (according to her in an interview) submitted two songs for ESCZ - One of them was Tudu Tudu Tu, a really solid song that (from talking with people from the fandom) was received really positively. However, ČT instead picked the other song, a forgettable ballad nobody has ever cared about that would've ended dead last in a semi. Similar story in 2024 - They were hyping how they got Cesar Sampson to help them organize ESCZ but in the end, the NF was full of people who couldn't sing with tragic entries such as Starlet. I'm not trying to imply that ČT is sabotaging it (they were sabotaging themselves by only airing ESC at ČT2), rather that i wonder if ČT isn't leaving even more great entries on the table. Who exactly is picking the songs? Czechs or Foreigners? Is any of them under the age of 40? Why, unlike almost every other country do we have so little entries in czech? We hadn't had any rock/metal entries in ESCZ since 2022, did a country such as Czech Republic actually get none? How has there never been a hiphop/rap song when that's like 80% of the domestic output? xd
It's not relevant this year luckily, from what i read the song selection method this year has been quite good. However, in an interview ADONXS did with Wiwibloggs, he said that the song that won has been a "last minute" addition he submitted next to his "primary" submissions - i wonder if the song we will get from him is actually the best one he submitted.
Of course, the best thing ČT could do to improve this is to start a high budget, decently produced NF aired during primetime on ČT1 with semis, basically something that places such as Serbia, Lithuania or Estonia do. Lithuania for example, a country of 3 million, has a NF with 45 songs, and from ranking past years, most of the songs are good. This is an insanely impressive achievement. They managed to make their local NF a thing everyone knows about that is also a sign of artist's quality to get selected for. However, let's be honest, that won't happen here in like... never. The viewing figures are so low that ČT is probably bleeding money on even being in the contest (and i'm immensely thankful to whoever is pushing it, if we withdraw we probably won't be back for a LOOOOONG time)
I have no clue how it works inside ČT, but it might be a good idea to do what Poland has been doing recently - instead of asking artists to submit unreleased songs into a hidden, poorly advertised poll, they could start reaching out to people with already released songs and invite them to perform that in an internal selection for example. Literally just get an intern, get him on and make him reach out to every czech whose music won't make his ears bleed lol to just let them know "Hey, wanna perform in front of 170 million people? the competition for the spot isn't strong or anything, you just need to... etc."
Regarding ADONXS himself, i am really happy that he got chosen. I agree with what you have said - he has an international appeal. I also don't care that he is Slovak, the countries are culturally extremely close, and countries sending foreigners isn't anything new (Sweden last year, Estonia 2019, Switzerland 1988...). Let's be honest, ESC in general isn't really about showcasing the local music scene. NFs everywhere are filled with people buying stuff from Sweden/songwriting camps which is usually distant from the actual domestic output. If we aren't getting an artist who writes their own songs (there actually are a lot of them in Czech Republic but that's another topic), sending a Slovak seems like an acceptable alternative. Plus, if Slovakia is so dead set on being irrelevant, why leave peak at the table? :)
The only thing i'm concerned about is ADONXS' song, as i wrote above. It being a "secondary" submission of his, i fear that it won't have the qualities ESC entries usually have, and that it might get lost between the other songs in a semi. In the best case scenario, i'd like to see him submit something comparable to Estonia 2023 - A serviceable televote to push a jurybait entry into the finale, where he could sweep massive amounts of jury points. I'd however be happy with anything that ends in the top 15, hell, as long as he qualifies i wouldn't complain too much. ČT calling the song "certain top 5" sounds delusional to me. No country, even the nordics can reasonably predict that, a song is only predictable in comparison to others.
I need to disagree with one of the points you made - You mentioned how ČT's camera, staging and so on need to improve, however the opposite is the truth - we are currently one of the best stagers in the contest. 2022 and 2024 had amazing stagings which were very well received in the fandom, 2023 too but that song was inherently kinda unstageable i suppose hah. As long as the same people who did Aiko's staging do ADONXS', it's a great sign.
I hope that this kinda made sense, it's mostly just a stream of thoughts i wrote at 1 am lol. Let's strive for the win but let's not forget that we are so, so close to withdrawing much more often than we would like to admit.
Best of luck, ADONXS.
I will give you longer answer tomorrow. Just few points. We are not so close to Slovakia as you think culturaly. We dont do stagings, we do concert stages on camera, thats a huge difference, loads of known czech artists cannot sing live and we also dont know if they have a motivation to go to eurovision, eurovision has still and after last escz very negative name in czech music industry (that was not a good step by czech tv to do it this way), comparing czechia to Lithuania is not accurate due to differenr history of eurovision and its perception, also because most of the songs there also werent good, crazy number of songs is not relevant. For me it seems that since 2021 we are starting every year from a beginning with a new goal, new way... I am not fan of Slovakian representing the country with zero czech touch in it, but I have a huge respect for Adam as an artist. Its slovakia this year at Eurovision by czech public money.
I agree we have gems in here, most dont want to compete as they are not - contacted or they still dont believe in the show or they cannot sing live. I saw myself this also. Most problematic was anyway also the perceptiom. Such needs not just constant work but also inviting good final artists into the ESCZ, if you do it like last 2 years with majority of artists wh cannot sing live, you cannot also shoot it right, so it looks like a amateurish project. What do you expect? And Poland is a terrible example. With their market, they do terrific job last couple of years and absolutely underperforming.
Long one after all :D
@@JanBors It sort of has "Czech touch" - one of the co-authors of the song is Maella. :)
The only thing I want is a song in Czech/ Slovak. I hope that is the direction they are taking this year.
I hope not
@@JanBorswhy not?
@@TheManInBlueFlames firstly - if you know the industry, its absolutely incompetetive outside the boarders and second - id you want to get out of those bounds, its impossible with local language. We are a small market, not italians, nor even Romanians...
I watched one of his clips. I liked it. But it seems he gets a lot of help from back vocals and dominent music. Do you know how well he performs live on a big stage? And one more qustion is czech and slovak language identical? Anyway good luck to Czchia
he needs to improve massively in every element as he is not used for high demands in here but he is very talented and he have better base level than our lead vocalists past 4 seasons. Imo if they will finally understand staging for TV is not a concert without cameras, with a great song they can rly achieve the best result ever, or at least thinking of top10 with this guy is real. His stage presence must come higher but all depends also on the competition. He will for sure come with a serious song. I just hope it will not be overcombined as his claim what the song is a bit says it. But lets see and lets hope for the best! Slovakia need some positive news.
the languages are almost identical
@@filip_kortan they are not, but very close to each other
I think the stagings recently have been slightly better for Czechia. I also think why not send him if he’s Slovakian since Slovakia can’t participate?
@@JanBorsSo how did people speak to each other when it was Czechoslovakia? In their own language and could be understood by the other side, or in English?!
I don't know who it is, he has to be someone modern,
But c mon, they really should make the rules tougher that those representing the countries must be from those countries, otherwise you can't cheer on your country fully. I remember 2018 it was a swedish singer representing us with zero connections to PL. Only the producer was polish, thats it. In 2007 it was a russian girl with american producer for us. C´mon, it felt as if my country didn't compete those years. I don't care what language they sing on, but the singers should be from the countries they compete for
I agree that mostly, especially when f.e. on this song will be exactly zero czech signature. But thats what rules allows, they want to succeed, as they feel domestic market cannot do it or they cannot make the market cooperate, they allowed this choice. But I also got the same feeling, partly I am a fan but partly I feel its not the same, and ok, we are at eurovision. Like talking about a different country
Thats the reason why I am happy, you need to be a croatian citizen to participait in Dora ( Croatias national final ). You are never running the risct having a represantive that has no ties with the country
well, this was a rule also in Czechia, basically made for rly put a huge reason on Czech artists to improve constantly. On the other hand, on this song already is zero Czech touch, just Czech television. Anyway, those were the rules and from some point of view this is a good slap. Also its good for Adam. But its Slovakia in the contest now, just paid by Czech television.
@@JanBors but on the other hand the same rule was introduced in ESCZ last year and we had no real foreigner among the acts shortlisted for ESCZ final, so I think it is not that since now there will be a lot of singers from Slovakia trying to "steal" something from Czechs. In the end it may just show that there's actually some real competition and you need to work harder to be better. I take this just as an exception in the results of the internal selection, not that it would show which direction it may take in the (possible) future editions.
@@BrumbalA i dont believe in stealing, dont understand me wrong, the rules are rules and I wish Adam good luck. He did nothing wrong or so. Those are managerial decision, basically people who makes the rules and also selecting artists to the competition. And I also agree you need to work harder and better. This comes for all the market. Or not about harder, but being current also. Its not all about hard work if its done wrongly. Let's see about the future, they put their goals extremely hight, which not even italians or swedes does like this, not knowing the competition. So they put Adam and themselves under a huge and very unnecessary pressure.
No ESCZ 2025? That's disappointing. As someone in the US, I could follow ESCZ easily and voted internationally.
I do hope Adonx will give Czechia a good result and give an amazing performance.
not this year, it was internal
@@JanBorsdo you think Czechia will continue with an internal selection or will it depend on Adonx's result?
@ no idea
@@lorifrancis8171 If this format of internal selection gives us even in the future similar good choices as we now got with ADONXS I am all for the internal selection. It is actually quite similar to the Swiss internal selection and they didn't miss a single ESC final since they went this direction. So maybe we can follow their lead...
@@BrumbalA I am not fun of internal selection as you cannot learn from it anything - how to produce a show, how to make staging, how to behave to artists, how artists should behave on stage, if they can handle the pressure etc... its a lottery and has exactly zero educational purpose, zero wider exposure. Its safer for known artists for sure but thats it. Czech television should invest into national round, proper rules, proper system, stagings.... Montenegro did it better this year then us last year... this is an issue of approach and quality, not that it makes no sense. Also with artists selection etc... they sabotaged themselves and ofc this is the way to go, if you cannot do differently. So its safer for producers, safer for CzechTV probably and after if it will work or not, they can always say - we did not choose, it was recommended by focus groups, professionals etc... so no one even have responsibility for it.
Jan, unfortunately we don't have talents in the Czech Republic, we don't have good singers and performers in one. And if there is an individual, please write to me, because I don't know about him/her. They had no one to take from, they had to reach out. But I agree otherwise with everything you say. Adam is certainly a great performer and singer, but I don't have high expectations for success in Eurovision. I'm afraid of the mishmash song, the production and his personal presentation. But I can be also completely wrong. 😉
and thats it, that you dont know him/her doesnt mean they dont exist. Who knew Barbora Mochowa or Pam Rabbit before we found them? Karelll? Giudi? Annabelle? ... and there must be more. Goal of a producer is to dig them out, especially as on the surface it feels rotten like they dont exist. Its about motivation, infustry boosters. Do you think its a coincidence I was guessing Adam to represent us already 3 months ago? How come? ... imo we have lots to offer but its a hard work
It's pronounced "Adonis"
I also found that out.. but after making this video... until then everyone was saying it differently :D
I'm so fing mad we didn't get to choose our representative that I literally don't care if he fails or not. He's not even Czech, I've never heard about him. Good riddance if he gets booted the first round honestly
why so mad?
@JanBors cause I want the people to choose their representante
@ many countries do internal, some show did not work for them very well, only 2 qualifications out of 4 attempts. Also 2 last shows were looking like no budget, so if this is worth it and Adam will make it, and he will. That would be the years biggest surprise if not. Than why not. I agree with the Czeck thing.