Please do a water color 101 video! I've been trying to get into painting but it really isn't as easy as it looks. I've missed your videos because they inspire me so much, so glad you're back!
There's a reason I watch these kinds of videos! Just by chance I stumbled across this, and I've been pondering how to make a water effect for something I've already got inked up... I've never heard of the technique with the plastic wrap, but I'll be damned if it's not EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you SO MUCH!
I think this is the best watercolour tip video I’ve ever seen! Informative and instructional but not condescending. It was really peaceful to watch too thank you 👍🏼
If you saturate the bristles of your brush with some bar soap first, before you dip it in the masking fluid you can protest the brush from getting stuck with the masking liquid. Then rinse the brush out immediately after you're finished.applying the mask
another really cool trick that I often use when painting with watercolors dropping some splashes of rubbing alcohol onto the painting while the watercolor on the paper is still wet. it makes it look really really cool!
I really enjoyed this video. So many cool effects! I ready liked the mastic wrap technique! I didn't really understand the 'shaping out' demo but I'm a beginner and it wasn't my favorite. Thank you for putting so many cool ideas into this short video!
This tutorial is amazing!! I've watched many watercolor tutorials but your hit the spot and i'm going to have to try these techniques out :D, Thank you and really love the video!
Love this. I've watched a lot of these types of videos and this one covers so much more than your average video. This is a great how-to video for people in the beginning stages of pursuing watercolor painting. All of the techniques shown are so awesome and can completely change a piece of art. Thank you for posting this. It's so great.
thank you for this! It's very helpful! :) I've started making my own watercolour to paint with, it's just food colour and water. The colours aren't as vivid but it does the job and it's really easy and cheap to make!
WOW! !! THANK YOU, that was way cool to watch, can't wait to try it now. That last one with the layers, I'd really like to paint that on various colors. Looking for Angelique, she'd send us painted post cards with your style and I could never figure out how! Thanks again.
I absolutely love your videos so so much :) you inspire me to do so many things I really want to start water coloring now :P I need to thank you for making videos again because it puts a smile on my face whenever I see a video from you in my feed!
i guess Im asking the wrong place but does anyone know of a method to get back into an instagram account?? I was stupid lost my account password. I would love any tricks you can offer me!
Just a little tip on the masking fluid: You can use liquid latex used for halloween masks and fake wounds for it, it's basically the same thing. Just be careful, not every kind is equal in quality. I have a huge bottle of tinted liquid latex by kryolan(professional quality, 250ml) that I got for around 12€ but barely use for any makeup uses because the colour is too intense. I tried it on paper with watercolour and it worked great, while the masking fluid I found in art stores is much more expensive. I also tried a cheap halloween store kind, which worked technically but became extremely sticky to the point where my hand was stuck to the paper and was much harder to lift. If you want to try it, get a small bottle and try it on some scrap paper.
Thank you so mucg for all the tips. They were invaluable for me, i am self- taught and have no money for courses or people to shoew me how. I just have so much joy in doing watercolour. Thank you so much. please post more.
Hiiii! I loved this video, thanks for doing this! I just wanted to ask, for the galaxy one, what did you put on the toothbrush to make the stars? I didn't get what was the white thing. Thank you again X
hey there 😊 I love your artworks soo much! You inspired me to love watercolor and do watercolor paintings. Oh, and thanks for the tips, it really helped me a lot. keep up the great talent! 😉 P.S. are reeves watercolour great? I have them, but I really don't know what kind of watercolor is great for painting. Any ideas???
Thanks, it's a great tutorial!! It's easy to understand -even if you don't know English- and give me the basic tools for watercolor, you're wonderful!!
literally started the video and 10 seconds in I was like " HEY LETS GO HEY LETS GO!! HAPPY AS CAN BE!! LETS GO A WALKING YOU AND ME! EVERYBODY HEY LETS GO BA DA DA DA!" Totoro was so cool.
Hi! This is an absolutely fantastic source for beginners! I'm wondering though, what do you put on the toothbrush for the galaxy effect? Also, does it matter what kind, size, or stiffness (i.e. soft, medium, hard) of toothbrush you use? Thank you so much!
Please do a water color 101 video! I've been trying to get into painting but it really isn't as easy as it looks. I've missed your videos because they inspire me so much, so glad you're back!
the more I watch your other videos, I learn new technics that fasinate me in your art.
just sharing what i've learnt, for the sharp edge you can also use masking tape 😉 make sure the paint is dry
was thinking the same, it does seem helpful though if you are out of it though xD
Galaxies and starry nights are my favorite ones in watercolor. Love so much! Thank you for the tips.
There's a reason I watch these kinds of videos! Just by chance I stumbled across this, and I've been pondering how to make a water effect for something I've already got inked up... I've never heard of the technique with the plastic wrap, but I'll be damned if it's not EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you SO MUCH!
I think this is the best watercolour tip video I’ve ever seen! Informative and instructional but not condescending. It was really peaceful to watch too thank you 👍🏼
this is the best, quick and precise watercolor tricks video I have watched so far....Thank you so much for sharing this!!
I love all the effects like the salt and cling wrap! It looks really beautiful. I was actually trying to find how to do a galaxy! So glad!!!
If you saturate the bristles of your brush with some bar soap first, before you dip it in the masking fluid you can protest the brush from getting stuck with the masking liquid. Then rinse the brush out immediately after you're finished.applying the mask
Beautiful! Love that you are always exploring new mediums!
another really cool trick that I often use when painting with watercolors dropping some splashes of rubbing alcohol onto the painting while the watercolor on the paper is still wet. it makes it look really really cool!
I really enjoyed this video. So many cool effects! I ready liked the mastic wrap technique! I didn't really understand the 'shaping out' demo but I'm a beginner and it wasn't my favorite. Thank you for putting so many cool ideas into this short video!
I recently found out how much I love water color and your videos have been a HUGE help! Thanks loads.
I've always admired your watercolor drawings they really inspired me to start watercolor. Thank you so much for making the video.
This tutorial is amazing!! I've watched many watercolor tutorials but your hit the spot and i'm going to have to try these techniques out :D, Thank you and really love the video!
I find watercolor painting so fascinating. I would love to see more!
Wow it's all so pretty! I just started using watercolors, so more videos like this would be greatly appreciated!
Wow. You are just demonstrating but i feel like your art is so wonderful to behold.
your videos are inspirational.... i really mean it... i always feel inspired after watching your tutorials... :)
So do i!
Wow. Please share your other watercolor artworks with us!! These are beautiful
Love this. I've watched a lot of these types of videos and this one covers so much more than your average video. This is a great how-to video for people in the beginning stages of pursuing watercolor painting. All of the techniques shown are so awesome and can completely change a piece of art. Thank you for posting this. It's so great.
thank you for this! It's very helpful! :) I've started making my own watercolour to paint with, it's just food colour and water. The colours aren't as vivid but it does the job and it's really easy and cheap to make!
you have no idea how much help this was, thank you so much!
the Zelda music made me instantly emotional and nostalgic!! I love your videos!!
this was a well filmed and organized video. very professional! PLZ make more of these videos because I am a noob when t comes to watercolor
WOW! !! THANK YOU, that was way cool to watch, can't wait to try it now. That last one with the layers, I'd really like to paint that on various colors. Looking for Angelique, she'd send us painted post cards with your style and I could never figure out how! Thanks again.
I absolutely love your videos so so much :) you inspire me to do so many things I really want to start water coloring now :P I need to thank you for making videos again because it puts a smile on my face whenever I see a video from you in my feed!
Thank you for sharing your tips and your talents! I love your brushes...they look so soft and wonderful! Also, the music you use is beautiful!
susan yee It's a Chinese calligraphy brush, and can be also used to paint.
So cool! I love how everything looks! Please more watercolor vids!!!😊❤️
I love the video and the background music! I'm geeking out so much!!!
watching you painting + this enchanted music makes me so emotional 😢❤
More videos like this please! It was so beautiful, and the background music was perfect!
I love that you used the same theme as totoro!!!! Excellent video!
i realy hope to see much more of your very inspiring watercolor - tutorials. it is inspiring and relaxing to watch you - thank you :D
I think we've got a My Neighbor Totoro fan here!!!!!
no, its Serenade of water from Zelda
+Andrea Puig Cruz the first one
Yess!! I knew it sounded familiar
I've never seen the sharp edge effect before! Looks cool!
We're going to learn how to paint this week in art class and this video has help me tons of ideas!! thanks!!!
I keep coming back to watch this video because its just so soothing!!!!
Here I am again!
Back again🤭🤭
i just watched your video and thought it was very cool. i am trying to learn more about how to use watercolors so glad you made that video!
love the totoro theme song in the background hahaha....awesome!!!
and once again....incredible!! i am now subscribed!
I know right :)
petrucci15 that's why it was so familiar
petrucci15 It's actually not the main theme, but it _is_ from Totoro... the song is called "Sanpo" in Japanese, and "Stroll" in English :)
I knoooow
If I had known this stuff before I would be so much better now, thanks for doing a video on it!
Amazing tips! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video. I'll be trying these out ☺️👍
i guess Im asking the wrong place but does anyone know of a method to get back into an instagram account??
I was stupid lost my account password. I would love any tricks you can offer me!
@Enzo Ezra Instablaster =)
I really liked it! It was really cool and you should do more. Now I'm thinking of starting watercolour... *starts saving frantically*
That's so cool! Your videos are always amazing! I would love a watercolor 101 video!
TOTORO!!! also great video! I'm absolutely in love with your videos and art!
Galaxy effect...beautiful! Useful tips...thank you!!!
Thank you so much for the tutorial! I loved all the different effects. I am new to water coloring and this really helps. Thank you, again! 🌹Bridgette
I would love to see a watercolor 101 video please!! And a watercolor supply video would be amazing too!!,
Just a little tip on the masking fluid:
You can use liquid latex used for halloween masks and fake wounds for it, it's basically the same thing.
Just be careful, not every kind is equal in quality. I have a huge bottle of tinted liquid latex by kryolan(professional quality, 250ml) that I got for around 12€ but barely use for any makeup uses because the colour is too intense. I tried it on paper with watercolour and it worked great, while the masking fluid I found in art stores is much more expensive.
I also tried a cheap halloween store kind, which worked technically but became extremely sticky to the point where my hand was stuck to the paper and was much harder to lift.
If you want to try it, get a small bottle and try it on some scrap paper.
the zelda music was a nice touch
+Henry B. Yea there was, "Serenade of Water".
+Olivia Garcia Glad I want the only one to notice. At first I thought I was going crazy.
***** No, silly, it's serenade of water. I know a Zelda tune when I hear it. I was not talking about the first song.
as a major zelda fan, i can affirm its serenade of water
Yes it is amazing xD
Watercolour is my favourite medium! I never knew what masking fluid was!
*Is instantly sold with the Totoro opening theme in the background*
Thank you so much for sharing! I'm not an artist, but I think water color is my secret passion. These tips are really helpful :)
Very cool techniques! Thanks for the video! And yay Totoro!!!
One of the best videos I have watched in youtube! :)
great video! i love all the techniques you showed! i really want to try out the negative painting effect, it seems so cool~
happy holidays ^^
First View!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find your videos very creative!!!
Happy Holidays!!!!
Thank you for this video! It will really help me a lot as a beginner. And the negative painting and the galaxy part was my fave in this vid anyways :3
This is all so useful and helpful not to mention gorgeous!
Jing Yi Ong
Thank you so mucg for all the tips. They were invaluable for me, i am self- taught and have no money for courses or people to shoew me how. I just have so much joy in doing watercolour. Thank you so much. please post more.
Thank you for this inspirational video... Looking forward to include these techniques in my paintings.😊
ahh these are so beautiful!! i really love the galaxy one.
Did not use to like watercolours that much but this video makes me admire watercolours :)
Hiiii! I loved this video, thanks for doing this! I just wanted to ask, for the galaxy one, what did you put on the toothbrush to make the stars? I didn't get what was the white thing. Thank you again X
sjhsjsjd okay this comment was five years ago, but for the ppl that is asking the same, its usually white gouache
@@SteffOrSomething Lol I agree! If not then white acrylic ink also works 👍
Superb tips. Great demonstration. Thank you.
hey there 😊
I love your artworks soo much!
You inspired me to love watercolor and do watercolor paintings.
Oh, and thanks for the tips, it really helped me a lot.
keep up the great talent! 😉
P.S. are reeves watercolour great? I have them, but I really don't know what kind of watercolor is great for painting. Any ideas???
I love the songs so nostalgic!
Thank you so much!!!! This video basically solve all of my questions :D
I love your art so much! i follow you on instagram and i'm so glad i found you on YT!😍 Thank you for teaching us
Thank you for adding Zelda music in the background 💜
I just now realized the serenade of water playing in the background lol
Thanks, it's a great tutorial!! It's easy to understand -even if you don't know English- and give me the basic tools for watercolor, you're wonderful!!
I will SOOOO try that toothbrush-star trick!!!! Thank you!!
Please do more like this! I loved it so much 💕💕
Yes, please do a Watercolor 101 vid! ♡
I really like the negative effects! thank you very much!
What beautiful techniques! I'm inspired to paint!
the galaxy effect _ that was just awesome _
This video is so calming~ especially with the Zelda music n_n I want to try watercolours now!
Thanks for the tips and tricks! I was thinking about learning to paint, since the holidays are kinda boring.
Thankyou so much for sharing ;your watercolor tips. They were very helpful and the results were so cool. Again thankyou and have a wonderful day.
oh god, you're a great painter AND a fellow Zelda fan?... Serenade of Water, seriously? You are also a pun lover?!
oh my god, we'd make great friends.
literally started the video and 10 seconds in I was like " HEY LETS GO HEY LETS GO!! HAPPY AS CAN BE!! LETS GO A WALKING YOU AND ME! EVERYBODY HEY LETS GO BA DA DA DA!" Totoro was so cool.
Grace Finke ikr
And yes, we are very interested in the list of supplies!!!
Hi! This is an absolutely fantastic source for beginners! I'm wondering though, what do you put on the toothbrush for the galaxy effect? Also, does it matter what kind, size, or stiffness (i.e. soft, medium, hard) of toothbrush you use? Thank you so much!
They say use a "stiff" one. You want the brush to move back to shape so probably a firm one
Thank you for your hard work in putting this together.
I think I love you now. Thank you to the moon and back.
the negative effect would come very handy someday, thank you! :)
Watercolor 101 would be awesome :)
Love this video! Best one on tricks so far :)
The Totoro music was really relaxing :), Thanks for the INCREDIBLE video ~
And amazing background music all around!
this video was really calming for me. i especially liked the piano version of the song from "my neighbor totoro"
Is that the totoro song i hear?
I knew it sounded familiar
I love these techniques definitely going to try these out have a wonderful Christmas
Wow!!! That salt and the last one!!
Having never painted before You have taught me so much.- Gaye, Australia
Thanks so much! This is fantastic, I love the quick tips, and yours was perfect!