My experience with Chris (and other truly great musicians I've played with) is that technique is the bedrock on which their freedom of expression is based. It's as if musicians have to master their instrument in order to transcend technique, and be able to make a leap of faith into the unknown. For me, being in an inspired band is like a magic carpet ride. Everyone gets on, and by listening to each other, are free to fly the friendly skies of their collective imaginations. Only by being willing to risk a train wreck can the unexpected be attained. Technique is what reduces the likelihood of a train wreck, and allows for truly inspired music. Just my experience, I make no claim that this is necessarily true :)
thank u sooo much Chris was a breath of sweet island tradewids and a cool wisp of moon dust
" (music) so much more about emotion" ... That says it all!
Beethoven - ‘To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.’ That's Chris Wood, the best!
My experience with Chris (and other truly great musicians I've played with) is that technique is the bedrock on which their freedom of expression is based. It's as if musicians have to master their instrument in order to transcend technique, and be able to make a leap of faith into the unknown. For me, being in an inspired band is like a magic carpet ride. Everyone gets on, and by listening to each other, are free to fly the friendly skies of their collective imaginations. Only by being willing to risk a train wreck can the unexpected be attained. Technique is what reduces the likelihood of a train wreck, and allows for truly inspired music. Just my experience, I make no claim that this is necessarily true :)