Why don't you put these Makros in a user friendly and readable format too choose in a list. It is exhausting to search makros anywhere from help section...
Thanks for making this understandable. We would like to see more query use cases and how to develop user roles that can control what is seen by different roles. This is a half finished masterpiece. However, nobody explains this better than WPTUTS!
Paul, this video "saved my bacon" when you described how to order posts (ASC / DEC) in a listing. I was searching all over the place for that setting but could not find it until I watched this video. Your recommendation to review the macros guide will also help in a number of ways. Thanks!
Thanks Paul, great vid. I wish I had seen this year ago, it would have saved me so much time! Can't wait until they add more documentation for the macros. I know there is so much more I could do if I knew what was possible. Thanks again!
HI Mr. Paul, is it possible? when show "no data was found" then want to hide the section ("Similar Property" Gray Color top section + No data Was found).
Hi Paul, Splendid dive into essential areas of Jet Engine. Your guides are making our life easier and more productive. Many thanks! Request you to give insight o0n how to achieve the following: Have two CPTs - say - Books and Authors - with each having their respective fields and a one-to-one relationship. Want to show the fields in one single datatable like: Book Title | Book Type | Book Price | Author Name | Author Age | Author Email Jet Engine allows us dynamic fields to display only from one CPT at a time and does not allow both in one go even if they are related CPTs. Any advise on how to achieve this? Or Am I missing something? Thanks!
Hello! If you use two different Post Types, you can't display them in one unified Listing Grid. You can establish relations between them (exactly as you did), and display parent/child posts either via Listing Grid (crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-post-relations-how-to-display-the-related-child-posts-in-the-listing-grid/) or in a form of a list by means of Dynamic Field (crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-post-relations-how-to-display-related-posts-using-dynamic-field-widget/) Hoping, I understood your question correctly ;)
@@Crocoblock Yes you understood the question correctly. Your reply sticks to what is currently possible in JetEngine. Perhaps you may look at it as an essential feature "to be able to capture all (or required) fields for all 'related' post types and display in one single grid or table. Just like they normally do in MVC based platforms.
@@milwagh Currently there's no such functionality. If you consider it worth implementation, please feel free to submit your feature request at github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions so our devs could check it. Thank you in advance!
Hi Paul, all your videos are super precise ... thank you! Maybe you could help me with an issue related to a query ... not sure if I lost this info in one of your many videos ... I should exclude from the query (exactly like in your video) an item, when a specific custom post type condition happens. It's automotive website ... and when a car is "sold", it should be excluded from the "available cars" grid ... The car is marked as "sold" by selecting a specific meta-field in the custom post type (Jetengine) (the client will select if the car is "on sale" or "sold" from the backend) Any suggestion? Thanks for your help
I still get stuck in pulling meta field data to the listing grid with query. For example, I have a select meta field with value “available” and “Unavailabe” and I only want posts with Availabe value to be display in the listing grid. Is any way we can do it with macros in Jetengine?
Hello! It can be done with the Posts Query within Listing Grid settings. For example, here's how the values from the Select field type are pulled in Listing template: prnt.sc/ti2krk. Then, in the Listing Grid widget you need to set the following parameters: prntscr.com/ti2xe6 Please confirm if it was what you tried to achieve?
Hello! We got your point ;) As for now, please check this tutorial: crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-conditional-visibility-rules-for-form-fields-overview/
Yeap, we are working on deep integration with Bricks and JetEngine/JetSmartFilters. At this time, you can readd more in this article: crocoblock.com/blog/jetengine-wordpress-plugin-and-bricks-builder-integration/
It would be better if we get some details of the issue you have and check your settings. Check these tutorials, please^ crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/jetengine/jetengine-macros-for-wordpress-relations/ crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/jetengine/macros-for-query-builder/ If you didn't find the answer on your question, contact our support team: crocoblock.com/help-center/
Thank you for this tutorial. Is there is anyway to filter these related posts with its terms? when I use Jetfilter then it displays all the terms inside the taxonomy, not just the terms related to these filtered posts. I mean something like the filter in Elementor Portfolio.
Hi! Can I use the Macro in Elementor HTML widget? I am trying to use the field inside a repeater in a popup or any widget that will hide the large content but I can't access the repeater field using the dynamic tags. So I had to code it myself but I want the macros to fetch the data. Is it possible?
Hi Crocoblock, i need information about current username/login meta field for CCT Listing Query (%current_user_meta|field-name%). What the meta-field for username? thank you.
I'd like to create a listing displaying posts using the value "featured" wich I created as a single checkbox in the backend. What do I need to use. I've wasted more than a morning trying to figure this out. Any idea would be very welcome as I feel it's a really simple question but I can't get the point. thanks
Please submit a ticket at support.crocoblock.com/support/tickets and describe in details what you need to achieve and also provide there your WP dashboard login details, so our agents could help you. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing all of your videos on JetEngine, Elementor and Crocoblock! You have been extremely helpful to me over the last few months. As another person said, it would be helpful if there was a more detailed and comprehensive list of possible macros and their applications. It seems that the available list in the help section is very minimal. I have found other people using macros that are not even in that list. I also having a hard time finding info on more complex relations in listing grid and the different way to use them. These two options are wonderful tools, but I feel like there's just not enough information to really maximize their potential. I have a hard time implementing them, but eventually I usually figure it out. I have done some wonderful things with them so far.
Hi there!😉 Here is also a macros guide crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-macros-guide/ We will work on adding more articles to our knowledge base :) Please, do not forget you can ask us any questions here crocoblock.com/help-center/
I want to use all the jet engine features with woo products which will extend woo functionality but not sure where to start. I hope crocoblock team hears me.
Hi! Thank you for your feedback! We have a nice video on how to create a WooCommerce Dynamic Product Table bit.ly/31zkXM8 It would be great if you could provide us with topics for videos you would like to see 🙂
how do I make a dynamic image and dynamic title to show the latest post of my blog posts? If there is a new blog post, it should automatically update it to the latest post image and title.
Thanks for you tutorial ! I think it was better to create a query with Query builder than using the Query settings in listing grid. I've tried to do that but no results were found... it seems that it is not working. Could you show how to translate the settings you show in query builder ? That's would be great !
Hi! Thank you for your feedback! Please, check the following tutorial bit.ly/3t2yXZX Also, it would be great if you could tell us on what topics you're interested in 🙂
Hi, I´am trying to show the feature image (custom meta) from a custom taxonomy applied to WpPosts, when a related post is showing in the single page, and I don´t know how to do it. I have assigned each post a number of issue-magazine (custom tax), and each one has an image with the cover of that number. So, When I ´am in one post, I would like to show the other articles that contain that number (already didd that creating a relation and listing grid), and also it´s cover. Let me be more clearly: Created Wp Post > custom taxonomy (Editorial #41, #42, etc) Created Issue custom tax > custom meta field with an image (Cover of #41, for example) Create relation between post and Issue custom tax Then, what I want to show in each single post is the cover of the correspondence Issue number. Could you help me? Thanks!
Would really love a video on the data store. I am trying to make a favorites data store so my users can save their favorite posts to their own favorite posts page and man am I confused! The knowledgebase article about it is not very clear. So, I'm really going in circles. Especially because I have about 10 different post types on my site.
I create a post type w meta type (w glossary). Glossary, one record: Field Value = pt ; Field Label = Portugal. When i try create post, w Dynamic Repeater, i put in Item Format " %local% ", but return the Value (pt). I need return Label value. i already try %local%, %local|label%, %local|name%, etc. Don't work. Can help me? Thanks.
What if you have a custom post type for "Properties" and you want to display 3 related wordpress news "Posts"? You can't (as far as I can tell) relate regular Wordpress categories to your JetEngine custom post type... I've been trying to get this to work for days now and I'm lost.
cpt propertities, texanomy property_type so single property page in related item section excluded current property using macros, exclude current catrgory, include same location and overall used post query using elementor builder. [note]
Hello.how can we filter a series of categories that have a parent. Whenever I enter the name of "PARENT", JetSmartfilter does not find it, but when I enter ID "PARENT", it filters its sub-categories. What is the reason?
Hello! The correct value for JetSmartFilters should be its ID. This ensures proper functionality. You can create a term query to display the accurate list of terms in filter options, then use this query as a source for the filter. To find out more about term queries, follow this link please crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/jetengine/jetengine-query-builder-terms-query-type/
I have a problem and maybe someone can help me. Well I created a CPT and within that CPT a repeater, in this repeater for example I have fields for titles, pdf and one for DATA, I did all the listing part the way I would like, but what I have a problem with is the time to list , if possible I would like it to appear in the order of the dates and not in the order of registration, I have already tried using that Post Query Order & Offset but from what I have seen it cannot identify the fields because it is inside a repeater.
great movie ! but can you pls explain how to use listing grid and show up this: main categories (with their listing) > sub categories (with their listing) > and then the posts! in those sub or categories their is no where to find basic stuff like that with jet engine :( thanks!!! i wish you can explain that.
Please check our Knowledge Base where we gathered all info: crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/article-category/jet-engine/ Some tutorials contain videos that can be also found here, on our channel.
@@Crocoblock plsss again: you show how to create categories > than show the post but i must have another step showing in the listing post: categories> sub categories> post - the only movie you have is cutout the options to choose and show little about to set up listing post in those situations. :(
@@Grafficted Please contact our Support team via chat (crocoblock.com/help-center/) or tickets system (support.crocoblock.com/support/tickets) and the agents will guide your through individually.
JetEngine Macros Guide - "At the point of recording it doesn't include all of the options, cause there are tons of options" Why is it so difficult to get a complete list of all existing macro options in this guide? This macro guide hasn't changed in ages. Even an intern could do that task. And why do we still have to bookmark this macro guide page in our browser in 2020 if Crocoblock could just quick-list the most common options inside the listing grid widgets including a link to the page with ALL existing macros? Sometimes it feels like Crocoblock likes it complicated... Great video though I would have wished for some examples for terms query and user query as well.
because they're now rapidly expanding the possibilities of the entire toolbox and proper documentation takes time. it'll soon be the most complete, established, mature, and reliable all-in-one solution that beats all others combined.
@@LingxiKong this sounds more like marketing than reality. I agree that their Plugins are great. But putting up a macro guide with all existing macro takes how long if you have internal documentation? Two hour? So we have to wait how many more months for a proper one? That's my point Secondly, I think they fell into a trap that they have bad documentation causing huge support ticket amount which results in no time to create/update the docs. At one point you have to catch up with your early lack of documentation to become stable, reliable and mature. But maybe that's just me
Hi, In my case, When I add listings and try to select it from widget, Its not showing in dropdown menu..Nothing is showing in listing drop down field. Can u plz guide? I will really appreciate.
Do you mean when selecting a Listing in the Listing Grid? Right, this issue was changed a couple of months ago. Now, the listings don't drop down, but you need to type its name to find and select the needed listing.
"Hey everyone, I'm working on a real estate website featuring buildings and apartments as custom post types. Apartments have a 'rent' or 'sale' value. I want to list buildings that have only rental apartments. Any tips on how to do this? Your help is much appreciated!(building is parent of apartment)
You may use this tutorial to build your custom query correctly crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/jetengine/jetengine-macros-for-wordpress-relations/ If you need our assistance on this question, contact our support team, please crocoblock.com/help-center/
@@Crocoblock Thanks for answering I have a "Post Type" "Movies" with 'meta field' of type 'Repeater', and inside I have a 'Repeater Field' called '_episodios' of type 'Posts' (to select values from a Post Type called Episodes) and the option 'Multiple' value activated. Repeater: snipboard.io/xOWHy1.jpg - Repeater Field: snipboard.io/OqWQbz.jpg snipboard.io/7TBybq.jpg and this is what i get: snipboard.io/1zF8Xk.jpg
@@JohannNzPatt You need to create a listing for Repeater (crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-how-to-create-a-listing-template-using-repeater-meta-field/) , and here's how your repeaters will be displayed: prntscr.com/ubj62m. Please note that listing for repeater should be displayed as a Listing Grid only on CPT Single page. Please contact us if you need further assistance: support.crocoblock.com/support/home/
you have to be a wp developer and have a good knowledge of wp codex to use these awesome features this plugin makes our life as wp developer much easier tnx
Impresionante el poder de Jet Engine, puedes hacer cualquier cosa y todo depende de tu imaginación. Una explicación excelente.Gracias por este tutorial
Hello, James! Could you please tell me in more detail what's the settings of the Listing Grid. For instance, if you're working with Listing Grid for Posts, there's the following option: prntscr.com/tlqobu
@@Crocoblock I want to filter the listings by specifying the author, so only posts from that author show. I've tried to assign a custom taxonomy to the posts and filter that way but it wont work. Is there another way so I don't have to add custom taxonomys to over 300 posts.
10:42 I was hoping that's how it works, but that's not how it works at all. It randomizes the NUMBER of posts that appear, not random posts picked. That feature is weird as it is. O_o
Yes, this is how it was told in the tutorial: prntscr.com/z7hlsq. Please kindly check it crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-listing-grid-widget-overview/
Hello Paul.. I have a very serious problem.. I couldn't solve it even with all your videos... I want to make a Relation between the product Attribute of WooCommerce and CPT... and display the attribut of each product on its CPT page with a jet engine listing. please help me
@graphicoat product attribute is a taxonomy so, you can create a relation CPT - taxonomy and then you need to display on the Single CPT products where term_id is the related item to the post
Related posts from current category works only in template editor preview, not in article. In real article dynamic listing displays related posts but for post used in template preview. It shows posts related to category of preview post in template editor. Sry my english is rusty!
We need to check your settings. Please submit a ticket at support.crocoblock.com/support/tickets and provide there your WP dashboard login details. Thank you!
Why don't you put these Makros in a user friendly and readable format too choose in a list. It is exhausting to search makros anywhere from help section...
Thank you for the feedback! It will be considered ;)
thanks, paul! crocoblock: queries, macros, options, and relationships need more detailed tutorials also frontend user accounts.
What can I say - you're such a good tutor!
Luv that you’ve joined forces w the awesome Crocoblock fam Paul C! 🙌🏻⚡️💪🏻💻💥📱👏🏻
:) It's a pleasure for us to collaborate with Paul to produce informative videos for you, guys!
Cheers buddy, great to be involved with them. :)
Thanks for making this understandable. We would like to see more query use cases and how to develop user roles that can control what is seen by different roles. This is a half finished masterpiece. However, nobody explains this better than WPTUTS!
Paul, this video "saved my bacon" when you described how to order posts (ASC / DEC) in a listing. I was searching all over the place for that setting but could not find it until I watched this video. Your recommendation to review the macros guide will also help in a number of ways. Thanks!
Hi Paul, fantastic video!!!!!!!!!
Happy that you enjoyed it! ;)
Thanks Paul, great vid. I wish I had seen this year ago, it would have saved me so much time!
Can't wait until they add more documentation for the macros. I know there is so much more I could do if I knew what was possible.
Thanks again!
HI Mr. Paul, is it possible? when show "no data was found" then want to hide the section ("Similar Property" Gray Color top section + No data Was found).
Hi Paul,
Splendid dive into essential areas of Jet Engine. Your guides are making our life easier and more productive. Many thanks! Request you to give insight o0n how to achieve the following:
Have two CPTs - say - Books and Authors - with each having their respective fields and a one-to-one relationship. Want to show the fields in one single datatable like:
Book Title | Book Type | Book Price | Author Name | Author Age | Author Email
Jet Engine allows us dynamic fields to display only from one CPT at a time and does not allow both in one go even if they are related CPTs. Any advise on how to achieve this? Or Am I missing something? Thanks!
Hello! If you use two different Post Types, you can't display them in one unified Listing Grid. You can establish relations between them (exactly as you did), and display parent/child posts either via Listing Grid (crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-post-relations-how-to-display-the-related-child-posts-in-the-listing-grid/) or in a form of a list by means of Dynamic Field (crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-post-relations-how-to-display-related-posts-using-dynamic-field-widget/)
Hoping, I understood your question correctly ;)
@@Crocoblock Yes you understood the question correctly. Your reply sticks to what is currently possible in JetEngine. Perhaps you may look at it as an essential feature "to be able to capture all (or required) fields for all 'related' post types and display in one single grid or table. Just like they normally do in MVC based platforms.
@@milwagh Currently there's no such functionality. If you consider it worth implementation, please feel free to submit your feature request at github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions so our devs could check it. Thank you in advance!
Hi Paul, all your videos are super precise ... thank you!
Maybe you could help me with an issue related to a query ... not sure if I lost this info in one of your many videos ...
I should exclude from the query (exactly like in your video) an item, when a specific custom post type condition happens.
It's automotive website ... and when a car is "sold", it should be excluded from the "available cars" grid ...
The car is marked as "sold" by selecting a specific meta-field in the custom post type (Jetengine)
(the client will select if the car is "on sale" or "sold" from the backend)
Any suggestion?
Thanks for your help
Hi! Thank you for your feedback 😊
Please, contact our support on this issue crocoblock.com/help-center/
I still get stuck in pulling meta field data to the listing grid with query. For example, I have a select meta field with value “available” and “Unavailabe” and I only want posts with Availabe value to be display in the listing grid. Is any way we can do it with macros in Jetengine?
Hello! It can be done with the Posts Query within Listing Grid settings. For example, here's how the values from the Select field type are pulled in Listing template: prnt.sc/ti2krk. Then, in the Listing Grid widget you need to set the following parameters: prntscr.com/ti2xe6 Please confirm if it was what you tried to achieve?
very very thanks for this video!
Thank you for your feedback 😊
Hi can you make video for conditional logic for form fields and appointment plugin... it seams it is not easy to set up ?
Hello! We got your point ;) As for now, please check this tutorial: crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-conditional-visibility-rules-for-form-fields-overview/
Hi guys, I just read about the Bricks collab, are these kind of tools going to available soon?
Yeap, we are working on deep integration with Bricks and JetEngine/JetSmartFilters.
At this time, you can readd more in this article: crocoblock.com/blog/jetengine-wordpress-plugin-and-bricks-builder-integration/
@@Crocoblock you're great! Thanks for the response! I'll be on the watch at the fb group 🤓
Thanks a lot. You saved me today from a whole night stress just because I didn't able to do it. Love you croco team ❤️.
Thank you for your kind words :)
Hi! Can I do this by categories or upsells? Thanks
Hi! Could you please describe in more detail what would you like to achieve?
Thanks a lot. It's moooooooore useful than the Crocoblock official tutorial!
Please. May you share a video or link that explains how to do this by using meta fields? I've has been trying to do it, but It does not work.
It would be better if we get some details of the issue you have and check your settings. Check these tutorials, please^
If you didn't find the answer on your question, contact our support team: crocoblock.com/help-center/
Thank you for this tutorial. Is there is anyway to filter these related posts with its terms? when I use Jetfilter then it displays all the terms inside the taxonomy, not just the terms related to these filtered posts. I mean something like the filter in Elementor Portfolio.
Hi! Thank you for your feedback 😊 You can create several filters and exclude terms that you don't need prnt.sc/1tt4x1a
Can I use the Macro in Elementor HTML widget?
I am trying to use the field inside a repeater in a popup or any widget that will hide the large content but I can't access the repeater field using the dynamic tags.
So I had to code it myself but I want the macros to fetch the data.
Is it possible?
Hi Crocoblock, i need information about current username/login meta field for CCT Listing Query (%current_user_meta|field-name%). What the meta-field for username? thank you.
I'd like to create a listing displaying posts using the value "featured" wich I created as a single checkbox in the backend. What do I need to use. I've wasted more than a morning trying to figure this out. Any idea would be very welcome as I feel it's a really simple question but I can't get the point. thanks
Please submit a ticket at support.crocoblock.com/support/tickets and describe in details what you need to achieve and also provide there your WP dashboard login details, so our agents could help you. Thank you!
Thanks. Very Good.
Thank you for sharing all of your videos on JetEngine, Elementor and Crocoblock! You have been extremely helpful to me over the last few months. As another person said, it would be helpful if there was a more detailed and comprehensive list of possible macros and their applications. It seems that the available list in the help section is very minimal. I have found other people using macros that are not even in that list. I also having a hard time finding info on more complex relations in listing grid and the different way to use them. These two options are wonderful tools, but I feel like there's just not enough information to really maximize their potential. I have a hard time implementing them, but eventually I usually figure it out. I have done some wonderful things with them so far.
Hi there!😉
Here is also a macros guide crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-macros-guide/
We will work on adding more articles to our knowledge base :)
Please, do not forget you can ask us any questions here crocoblock.com/help-center/
@@Crocoblock thank you! 😁
I want to use all the jet engine features with woo products which will extend woo functionality but not sure where to start. I hope crocoblock team hears me.
Hi! Thank you for your feedback! We have a nice video on how to create a WooCommerce Dynamic Product Table bit.ly/31zkXM8
It would be great if you could provide us with topics for videos you would like to see 🙂
Hello, does this filter works with meta quey? When using meta query it not understand the value and returning no available posts
Hi! Could you please provide me with some screenshots of the issue?
@@Crocoblock I could manage it with the query %current-meta% Thank you
Amazzzzing, very useful and well don! Thanx a million :)
how do I make a dynamic image and dynamic title to show the latest post of my blog posts? If there is a new blog post, it should automatically update it to the latest post image and title.
Hi! Please, contact our support on this issue - crocoblock.com/help-center/
Hi, How do I get post by "current author" in a single page post?
Hello! Please kindly contact our Support team at github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions and they will help you out :)
Thanks for you tutorial ! I think it was better to create a query with Query builder than using the Query settings in listing grid. I've tried to do that but no results were found... it seems that it is not working. Could you show how to translate the settings you show in query builder ? That's would be great !
Please drop a line to the support team for further assistance: support.crocoblock.com/support/home/
Hey Paul, create some tutorials please on how to use Jet Engine with Woo Commerce or Products
Hi! Thank you for your feedback! Please, check the following tutorial bit.ly/3t2yXZX
Also, it would be great if you could tell us on what topics you're interested in 🙂
Hi, I´am trying to show the feature image (custom meta) from a custom taxonomy applied to WpPosts, when a related post is showing in the single page, and I don´t know how to do it. I have assigned each post a number of issue-magazine (custom tax), and each one has an image with the cover of that number. So, When I ´am in one post, I would like to show the other articles that contain that number (already didd that creating a relation and listing grid), and also it´s cover. Let me be more clearly:
Created Wp Post > custom taxonomy (Editorial #41, #42, etc)
Created Issue custom tax > custom meta field with an image (Cover of #41, for example)
Create relation between post and Issue custom tax
Then, what I want to show in each single post is the cover of the correspondence Issue number.
Could you help me? Thanks!
Hi! Please, contact our support on this issue - crocoblock.com/help-center/
Would really love a video on the data store. I am trying to make a favorites data store so my users can save their favorite posts to their own favorite posts page and man am I confused! The knowledgebase article about it is not very clear. So, I'm really going in circles. Especially because I have about 10 different post types on my site.
Hi, Linda! Thank you for the suggestion :)
We will think over it with our creative team 😉
I create a post type w meta type (w glossary). Glossary, one record: Field Value = pt ; Field Label = Portugal.
When i try create post, w Dynamic Repeater, i put in Item Format " %local% ", but return the Value (pt). I need return Label value. i already try %local%, %local|label%, %local|name%, etc. Don't work. Can help me? Thanks.
Hi! Please, contact our support on this issue - crocoblock.com/help-center/
What if you have a custom post type for "Properties" and you want to display 3 related wordpress news "Posts"? You can't (as far as I can tell) relate regular Wordpress categories to your JetEngine custom post type... I've been trying to get this to work for days now and I'm lost.
Please submit a ticket at support.crocoblock.com/support/tickets and our Support team will assist you.
Hi how can I Display Soundcloud Audio Using Dynamic Repeater widget/block? do you happen to know?
Hi! You can use the following code as an example.
Here is the repeater field prnt.sc/w30klq
I used these shortcodes prnt.sc/w30vif
Your browser does not support the
audio element.
After that, you'll need to add the following code in your theme:
add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', function ( $tags, $context ) {
if ( 'post' === $context ) {
$tags[''] = array(
'width' => true,
'height' => true,
'src' => true,
'title' => true,
'frameborder' => true,
'allowfullscreen' => true,
'allow' => true,
return $tags;
We need more tutorials on query parameters
Hi! Thank you for your suggestion 🙂
Stay tuned 😉
cpt propertities, texanomy property_type so single property page in related item section excluded current property using macros, exclude current catrgory, include same location and overall used post query using elementor builder. [note]
Hello.how can we filter a series of categories that have a parent.
Whenever I enter the name of "PARENT", JetSmartfilter does not find it, but when I enter ID "PARENT", it filters its sub-categories. What is the reason?
Hello! The correct value for JetSmartFilters should be its ID. This ensures proper functionality. You can create a term query to display the accurate list of terms in filter options, then use this query as a source for the filter. To find out more about term queries, follow this link please
I read macros documentation and I have one question! How I change the date format on my site? from Y-m-d to d/m/Y...using this? Please, help me!
Hi! Could you please specify in what widget you would like to change the date format?
How show field' type posts multiple values with widget Repeater y macros
Hi Johan! Could you please clarify your question a bit? Probably you could add some screenshots?
I have a problem and maybe someone can help me. Well I created a CPT and within that CPT a repeater, in this repeater for example I have fields for titles, pdf and one for DATA, I did all the listing part the way I would like, but what I have a problem with is the time to list , if possible I would like it to appear in the order of the dates and not in the order of registration, I have already tried using that Post Query Order & Offset but from what I have seen it cannot identify the fields because it is inside a repeater.
great movie ! but can you pls explain how to use listing grid and show up this:
main categories (with their listing) > sub categories (with their listing) > and then the posts! in those sub or categories
their is no where to find basic stuff like that with jet engine :(
thanks!!! i wish you can explain that.
Please check our Knowledge Base where we gathered all info: crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/article-category/jet-engine/
Some tutorials contain videos that can be also found here, on our channel.
@@Crocoblock plsss again: you show how to create categories > than show the post
but i must have another step showing in the listing post: categories> sub categories> post - the only movie you have is cutout the options to choose and show little about to set up listing post in those situations. :(
@@Grafficted Please contact our Support team via chat (crocoblock.com/help-center/) or tickets system (support.crocoblock.com/support/tickets) and the agents will guide your through individually.
JetEngine Macros Guide - "At the point of recording it doesn't include all of the options, cause there are tons of options"
Why is it so difficult to get a complete list of all existing macro options in this guide? This macro guide hasn't changed in ages. Even an intern could do that task.
And why do we still have to bookmark this macro guide page in our browser in 2020 if Crocoblock could just quick-list the most common options inside the listing grid widgets including a link to the page with ALL existing macros?
Sometimes it feels like Crocoblock likes it complicated...
Great video though I would have wished for some examples for terms query and user query as well.
Same here. It would be great to see how all the Makros work because you must know the possibilities if you organize the whole structure of content.
because they're now rapidly expanding the possibilities of the entire toolbox and proper documentation takes time. it'll soon be the most complete, established, mature, and reliable all-in-one solution that beats all others combined.
@@LingxiKong this sounds more like marketing than reality. I agree that their Plugins are great. But putting up a macro guide with all existing macro takes how long if you have internal documentation? Two hour? So we have to wait how many more months for a proper one? That's my point
Secondly, I think they fell into a trap that they have bad documentation causing huge support ticket amount which results in no time to create/update the docs. At one point you have to catch up with your early lack of documentation to become stable, reliable and mature. But maybe that's just me
In Macro guide there even no %current_terms% macro from video. 🤔
@@kevinrichter9397 i totally agree... precisely because of this soon-to-be-but-not-yet-mature situation, I'm still using ACF Pro and other tools.
Hi, In my case, When I add listings and try to select it from widget, Its not showing in dropdown menu..Nothing is showing in listing drop down field.
Can u plz guide? I will really appreciate.
Do you mean when selecting a Listing in the Listing Grid? Right, this issue was changed a couple of months ago. Now, the listings don't drop down, but you need to type its name to find and select the needed listing.
@@Crocoblock yeah I have noticed it's fixed now. Thank you.
"Hey everyone,
I'm working on a real estate website featuring buildings and apartments as custom post types. Apartments have a 'rent' or 'sale' value. I want to list buildings that have only rental apartments. Any tips on how to do this? Your help is much appreciated!(building is parent of apartment)
You may use this tutorial to build your custom query correctly
If you need our assistance on this question, contact our support team, please crocoblock.com/help-center/
Como usar 'Dynamic Repeater' con un 'meta field' de tipo 'Posts'/Multiple
Con los macros solo obtengo el texto "Array" y no los valores.
I'm not sure if I understood you correctly, could you please tell me more about the Posts'/Multiple ?
@@Crocoblock Thanks for answering
I have a "Post Type" "Movies" with 'meta field' of type 'Repeater', and inside I have a 'Repeater Field' called '_episodios' of type 'Posts' (to select values from a Post Type called Episodes) and the option 'Multiple' value activated.
Repeater: snipboard.io/xOWHy1.jpg - Repeater Field: snipboard.io/OqWQbz.jpg
and this is what i get: snipboard.io/1zF8Xk.jpg
@@JohannNzPatt You need to create a listing for Repeater (crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-how-to-create-a-listing-template-using-repeater-meta-field/) , and here's how your repeaters will be displayed: prntscr.com/ubj62m. Please note that listing for repeater should be displayed as a Listing Grid only on CPT Single page.
Please contact us if you need further assistance: support.crocoblock.com/support/home/
you have to be a wp developer and have a good knowledge of wp codex to use these awesome features this plugin makes our life as wp developer much easier tnx
Thank you for your kind words!
how can i take count posts from "listing grid"?
Could you please clarify your question a bit?
@@atxamsulton Thank you!
Impresionante el poder de Jet Engine, puedes hacer cualquier cosa y todo depende de tu imaginación. Una explicación excelente.Gracias por este tutorial
We're so glad that you enjoyed it!
Is there a way to filter by author??
I've been trying for days and nothing works, it is driving me nuts...
Hello, James! Could you please tell me in more detail what's the settings of the Listing Grid. For instance, if you're working with Listing Grid for Posts, there's the following option: prntscr.com/tlqobu
@@Crocoblock I want to filter the listings by specifying the author, so only posts from that author show.
I've tried to assign a custom taxonomy to the posts and filter that way but it wont work.
Is there another way so I don't have to add custom taxonomys to over 300 posts.
Thank you so much!!
Thanks again, Sir.
Hi, after filtering, if you reload the page, the data jetEngine not found.
before refresh: prnt.sc/vg09qq
after refresh: prnt.sc/vg0a69
Please kindly contact our Support team: crocoblock.com/help-center/
10:42 I was hoping that's how it works, but that's not how it works at all. It randomizes the NUMBER of posts that appear, not random posts picked. That feature is weird as it is. O_o
Yes, this is how it was told in the tutorial: prntscr.com/z7hlsq. Please kindly check it crocoblock.com/knowledge-base/articles/jetengine-listing-grid-widget-overview/
Hello Paul.. I have a very serious problem.. I couldn't solve it even with all your videos...
I want to make a Relation between the product Attribute of WooCommerce and CPT... and display the attribut of each product on its CPT page with a jet engine listing.
please help me
@graphicoat product attribute is a taxonomy
so, you can create a relation CPT - taxonomy
and then you need to display on the Single CPT products where term_id is the related item to the post
Related posts from current category works only in template editor preview, not in article. In real article dynamic listing displays related posts but for post used in template preview. It shows posts related to category of preview post in template editor. Sry my english is rusty!
We need to check your settings. Please submit a ticket at support.crocoblock.com/support/tickets and provide there your WP dashboard login details. Thank you!
Update solved the problem with related articles. TY. And please update your documentation.
@@MaxerWolf You're welcome! We'll check it. Thanks!
Thank you!