Free Fall & Other Delights 02 - Rocket Rider's Prayer

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • "Rocket Rider's Prayer" from Free Fall & Other Delights
    by Steve Savitsky
    Cecilia Eng (vocals, guitar)
    Kristoph Klover (vocals)
    Ernie Mansfield (bass, clarinet)
    from a box of cassettes sent to me by user "mulewagon"

Комментарии • 100

  • @chesterstevens8870
    @chesterstevens8870 2 года назад +149

    So was nobody going to tell me that there's an entire genre of space-themed folk music? Was I supposed to just find that out on my own?

    • @timlehmann9067
      @timlehmann9067 2 года назад +29

      Welcome to filk. Enjoy!

    • @cheddar813
      @cheddar813 Год назад +7

      My thoughts currently as well

    • @shannon9993
      @shannon9993 10 месяцев назад +3

      The lack of cultural continuity: it is strong. you do what you can.

  • @lenny3735
    @lenny3735 3 года назад +159

    "the god of Thieves and Liars, like the ones who built this ship" shows how much trust is held to military contractors

    • @spacecorpse3212
      @spacecorpse3212 3 года назад +7

      you get what you pay for

    • @infinitehonkworks195
      @infinitehonkworks195 3 года назад +12

      @@spacecorpse3212 and the portion that's taken for embezzlement doesn't count towards the final payment

    • @ricedealer56
      @ricedealer56 3 года назад +1

      can't belive people still listen to these songs

    • @carlosschwambach9213
      @carlosschwambach9213 2 года назад +1

      Never trust something built by the lowest bidder

    • @vriska1820
      @vriska1820 Год назад


  • @danhelsting6308
    @danhelsting6308 2 года назад +63

    "May you aid our ship's designers now and find it in your hearts
    To please help the lowest bidders who've constructed all her parts..."
    Everyone felt that.

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 Год назад +2

      Which of the Mercury Seven was it who got in trouble for saying on the radio that it wasn't a comfort to know he was sitting on top of eleventy-twelve thousand parts, each built by the lowest bidder...?

    • @archismanrudra9336
      @archismanrudra9336 5 месяцев назад

      There was a (I think) John Glenn quote of a similar nature:
      “I guess the question I'm asked the most often is: "When you were sitting in that capsule listening to the count-down, how did you feel?" Well, the answer to that one is easy. I felt exactly how you would feel if you were getting ready to launch and knew you were sitting on top of two million parts -- all built by the lowest bidder on a government contract.”

  • @Gizmomaster7
    @Gizmomaster7 4 года назад +105

    "Now departing: /TG/ Station."
    "Never goin' back to that place again!"

    • @megamiana-spaceforcecomman705
      @megamiana-spaceforcecomman705 4 года назад +15

      Ah there we go APC destroyed mission accomplished

    • @someone-bc5xn
      @someone-bc5xn 3 года назад +3

      watch out for that double esword tot or he might cut your journey to centcomm short

    • @kacyroush6293
      @kacyroush6293 3 года назад +3

      Ah, the good old days of beating giant monsters to death with a hammeraxe

    • @cringenormie3855
      @cringenormie3855 2 года назад +1

      Attention all crew, why are there TWENTY FUCKING GONDOLAS IN THE BRIDGE?

    • @Joabungalous
      @Joabungalous 2 года назад +1

      Clown getting beaten by security again!11111

  • @vikrots6167
    @vikrots6167 7 лет назад +167

    Definetly a KSP theme song.

    • @TapOnX
      @TapOnX 5 лет назад +4

      "please don't steal my banking info"

    • @queenman5794
      @queenman5794 5 лет назад +8

      At least its the theme for Bob, poor bastard. killed him less then three weeks into a no-respawn game.

    • @stekra3159
      @stekra3159 3 года назад

      @@queenman5794 I clond him after the incedent.

    • @robertthompson737
      @robertthompson737 3 года назад +3

      i've used this song so much before launching my kraken engine eve rockets (less a rocket, more a very controlled bomb)

    • @SuspectXX
      @SuspectXX 3 года назад +1

      Or space engineers. Or from the depths. Or- you get the point.

  • @azericthetraveller6355
    @azericthetraveller6355 3 года назад +33

    I like to think that at least a few real astronauts are singing this as they go up. It’s not very scientific, but it’s a nice comfort and a good song.

    • @Wilkidw
      @Wilkidw Год назад +5

      Sailors of the sea or stars are all a little superstitious. If it helps the ship sail they'll do almost anything.

  • @Crazael
    @Crazael 6 лет назад +178

    When the rocket stands before us like a tower of glass and steel
    Then no words in any language can express the way we feel
    Mingled joy and hope and terror as we're starting on our way
    And we suddenly consider that it just might help to pray.
    So pray to great green Mother Earth and the grim old god of Space,
    And the gods of flame and metal whom we've summoned to this place.
    Oh you gods of flight and physics, now you have us in your care;
    We hope that you will listen to a rocket rider's prayer.
    So first let's pray to Vulcan, ugly god of forge and flame,
    And also wise Minerva, now we glorify your name,
    May you aid our ship's designers now and find it in your hearts
    To please help the lowest bidders who've constructed all her parts!
    As we're lifting off it's Mercury who'll help us in our need
    Not only as the patron god of health and flight and speed
    We hope that he will guard us as we're starting on our trip
    As the god of Thieves and Liars, like the ones who built this ship.
    If we make it into orbit where the sky is starry black
    We'll have time to praise old Mother Earth and hope she wants us back
    And tell all the other deities who've helped us on our way
    That it's nice to visit Heaven, but we didn't come to stay.
    Now we're coming down from orbit back to where the air is thick
    With no engines and the glidepath of a highly polished brick
    And with nothing but those tiles between our hides and flaming Hell,
    Better pray to Hell's own Pluto that they glued those suckers well.
    So now we're back on Earth again; the sky's a lovely blue.
    All you deities we didn't name, you know we love you too.
    We hope that you're not angry and you'll keep us in your grace;
    We may need your help the next time that we're heading into space.

    • @MalevolentMeles
      @MalevolentMeles 4 года назад +16

      The whole bit about tiles and flaming hell is a grim reminder about the shuttle program. Here's hoping that starliner and crew falcon avoid those same mistakes

    • @TheKhopesh
      @TheKhopesh 3 года назад +4

      "Boys, those black tiles are the only thing standing between you and the Mother of all friction burns!"

    • @Rocketsong
      @Rocketsong 3 года назад +4

      @@MalevolentMeles Steve wrote it in 1986, so...

  • @paxnerdvana8287
    @paxnerdvana8287 4 года назад +37

    I thnk my favorite bits are the ones in reference to cheap bids and theives building the ship.

    • @Rocketsong
      @Rocketsong 3 года назад +6

      When Savitzky sings it, he adds a couple spoken lines. Before "we pray to Vulcan" he says "this verse is dedicated to Morton Thiokol. Before the Mercury verse he says "this verse is dedicated to xxxx" where xxxx is whatever aerospace company is in the most trouble these days.

  • @TheKhopesh
    @TheKhopesh 3 года назад +10

    "Now we're goin' down from orbit,
    back to where the air is thick.
    With no engines and a glide-path
    of a highly polished brick.
    And with nothin' but those tiles
    between our hides and flamin' Hell...
    ...better pray to Hell's own Pluto that they glued those suckers well!"

  • @piotrukasik6346
    @piotrukasik6346 5 лет назад +69

    when you play FTL for the first time and don't know what are you doing just play this song and sing along.

  • @Recoil1808
    @Recoil1808 7 лет назад +103

    The lesson learned?
    ..At the point you realize _Warcraft goblins_ have more safety features in their vehicles than your ride, _pray to everything ever_ in the hopes atleast one of 'em hears you.

  • @miroslavhokes626
    @miroslavhokes626 3 года назад +43

    Nice song, I'm crying every time when I'am listening it (don't know exactly why, though). I've already re-writen the lyrics into Czech (my language) and going to sing it with guitar to my friends...:-)

    • @konnorkuznetsov1035
      @konnorkuznetsov1035 2 года назад

      How did you concert with your friends go?

    • @JohnnyJohnJohnson
      @JohnnyJohnJohnson 2 года назад +2

      I'm actually pretty interested in seeing the Czech translation of this song. Just reading it since I assume there's no recording of it's singing.

    • @miroslavhokes626
      @miroslavhokes626 2 года назад +1

      @@JohnnyJohnJohnson Yes, I'm neither musician nor singer, unfortunatelly... :'-( I only love to make Czech lyrics to foreign songs I like. Now and then some of them are used in the amateur choir I'm singing with...

    • @JohnnyJohnJohnson
      @JohnnyJohnJohnson 2 года назад

      @@miroslavhokes626 Could you show us? I'm interested in seeing how the song translates to Czech.

    • @miroslavhokes626
      @miroslavhokes626 2 года назад +1

      @@JohnnyJohnJohnson Modlitba rakeťáků
      1. Když tvá loď se tyčí k obloze a vršek k ní má blíž,
      žádná slova popsat nemohou, co přitom pocítíš.
      To ti rázem hlavou proletí na tisíc božích jmen,
      tak ruce sepneš k modlitbě a budeš přát si jen:
      Ch: Ať nás chrání Matka Země, ať nás Slunce nespálí,
      ať nám odpustí bůh ohně, jenž jsme drze spoutali.
      Ať nám božstva ruku podají a nezatnou ji v pěst
      proti nehodným, co se tam vzhůru k nim chtějí vznést.
      2. První na řadě je Vulkán, božský kovář, výhně pán,
      vždyť tam, kde právě sedíme, kov máme ze všech stran.
      Jen ať naše loď je pevná a ať dobře slouží nám
      každá její část, jako by ukoval ji sám.
      3. A když stoupáme, zas Merkur ať nás chrání paží svou,
      a to nejen jako strážce všech těch, kdo na cestách jsou.
      Vždyť on přeje i těm, kdo se mají před zákonem třást
      - a my právě jdem jak lapkové do boží říše krást.
      4. Potom na orbitě, až se nebe modrý změní v tér,
      vzdáme úctu Matce Zemi, ať k ní neztratíme směr.
      Nebe navštívit je krásný, ale chceme domů zpět,
      v jejím náručí si prožít ještě pár hezkých let.
      5. A pak při sestupu z orbity až trysky umlknou
      a my klouzat budem dolů řídkým vzduchem, žhavou tmou,
      vládce pekla, to je Plutón - tak i jemu vzdejme čest,
      ať nás plášť od pekla oddělí a drží vážně fest.
      6. A až zase spatříme strop modrý nad hlavou,
      každý ještě pošlem k němu tichou prosbu svou
      všem těm, na které jsme zapomněli, tohle není špás,
      vždyť už brzy budem stejnou cestou vzhůru mířit zas.

  • @rottenpoet6675
    @rottenpoet6675 4 года назад +9

    Welcome to the station crew, enjoy your stay!

  • @DwarfElvishDiplomacy
    @DwarfElvishDiplomacy 3 года назад +8

    I love that everyone is bringing their own favorite space game in the comments

    • @cheddar813
      @cheddar813 Год назад

      Years later and throwing this on as I play through the mass effect series again

  • @Salty_Sloops
    @Salty_Sloops 2 года назад +10

    My go to, all these years later, for the James Webb Telescope. Much love and luck to all involved.

  • @danhelsting6308
    @danhelsting6308 Год назад +1

    this is the song i listen to every time i play ´Homeworld´ 🚀

  • @reedwest215
    @reedwest215 9 лет назад +22

    I love this one. I like seeing the gods they pray to...I could really see a rocket rider praying this way!

  • @loadeddice4696
    @loadeddice4696 5 лет назад +26

    1:40 I think we all know that feel

  • @henrikgiese6316
    @henrikgiese6316 4 года назад +9

    Was so listening to this when watching the Crew Dragon launch! :-D

  • @gimli3370
    @gimli3370 6 лет назад +41

    How dare these fools not praise the Omnissiah, our grand god of the machine spirit? Without the Machine God's blessing the machine spirit of their rocket shall succumb to the horrors of chaos.
    May your binharic hymns always keep you in the light of the machine god,
    Praise the Omnissiah!!

    • @loadeddice4696
      @loadeddice4696 5 лет назад +9

      Well they prayed to Holy Terra, so that has to count for something. You get points for trying.

    • @SolariusScorch
      @SolariusScorch 5 лет назад +3

      I thought they mostly prayed to Omnissiah, under some other names.

    • @gigletes
      @gigletes 5 лет назад +3

      Truly, Praise the Omnissiah, the Machine-Spirit, and the Motive Force, which have enabled our weak flesh to construct their vessels on this plane. Deus Mechanicum!

  • @mazazon
    @mazazon 4 месяца назад +1

    Feeling like I need this prayer for Boeing lately

  • @paxnerdvana8287
    @paxnerdvana8287 4 года назад +12

    Daily reminder that rockets are basically big flying bombs

    • @TheKhopesh
      @TheKhopesh 3 года назад +4

      Big flying bombs going up, gliding polished bricks coming down!

  • @leokatu9646
    @leokatu9646 6 лет назад +6

    Honestly I'm happy I found these songs xD

  • @cpt.moloscorneroftheloststuff
    @cpt.moloscorneroftheloststuff 7 лет назад +9

    Oh man... this is awesome! :D I love such lost music from the past!

  • @mr420quickscops2
    @mr420quickscops2 5 лет назад +65

    So I’m guessing this is like canon Adeptus Mechanicum music?

    • @thevoidlookspretty7079
      @thevoidlookspretty7079 4 года назад +3

      Mechanicum heresy, as the Omnissiah wasn’t mentioned.

    • @michalsoukup1021
      @michalsoukup1021 3 года назад

      Not nearly grimdark enough...¨

    • @DoesNotComphoot
      @DoesNotComphoot 3 года назад +2

      @@michalsoukup1021 huhuhuhuhuh, fugggin grimdark edge grim grim exterminatus ultramarines fuck the nids
      Fuck you man, they're a bunch of tranhumanists who turned their washing machine's maintenance manual into a prayer book so that it'd be easier to remember the steps, that shit's goofy as hell. And what the hell's grimdark about the ORKS?! The fact that they theoretically could wipe out all other life? Sure, except that's literally balanced by "but they're dumb and just wanna crump some 'umies now an' den"

  • @MushVPeets
    @MushVPeets 6 лет назад +6

    This is great. \o/
    Thanks for uploading.

  • @dullhockeystick3204
    @dullhockeystick3204 3 года назад +4

    Guess I'll know what to sing next time my cutlass runs out of hydrogen fuel in atmosphere

  • @TapOnX
    @TapOnX 5 лет назад +29

    Someone write a Russian Orthodox version of this.

    • @christopherburgess96
      @christopherburgess96 5 лет назад +4

      Doesn't any Christian version of this just boil down to "Pray to God"?

    • @monst3rderek259
      @monst3rderek259 5 лет назад +6

      @@christopherburgess96 Catholicism and eastern orthodoxy have saints.

    • @H9092-2
      @H9092-2 4 года назад +14

      Praying to Saint Barbara might work. She's all about engineers and people who suffer from sudden deaths, but she might also accidentally give you the Artilleryman's blessing and seeing as you're sitting on a missile, might not be the best.

    • @thevoidlookspretty7079
      @thevoidlookspretty7079 4 года назад +2

      H9092 Man, non-Protestant sects just make Baptists sound boring.

  • @malaizze
    @malaizze 4 года назад +7

    The engineer from factorio when he tries to get the rocket off the ground

  • @carlosschwambach9213
    @carlosschwambach9213 2 года назад +5

    Playing spiritualist in Stellaris like:

  • @marcbenson1969
    @marcbenson1969 3 года назад +5

    Space X theme song

  • @SteveSavitzky
    @SteveSavitzky 12 лет назад +1

    @SavitarTheSurfingGod - Thanks!

  • @Cloakerson
    @Cloakerson 4 года назад +7

    Please max suit sensors..

  • @necrontyr5258
    @necrontyr5258 Год назад +2

    SLS theme song. prove me wrong.

  • @gabriellagadfly1863
    @gabriellagadfly1863 2 года назад +1

    Does anyone have the lyrics for this song?

  • @epicmonkeysandapes9896
    @epicmonkeysandapes9896 4 года назад

    :3 thx

  • @Rocketsong
    @Rocketsong 3 года назад

    Hearing Cecilia sing this instead of Steve is somewhat disconcerting. I don't even remember this tape.

  • @thdanks
    @thdanks 6 лет назад +3

  • @niklasdahlgren7641
    @niklasdahlgren7641 2 года назад

    The Drake Interplanetary theme song

  • @SavitarTheSurfingGod
    @SavitarTheSurfingGod 13 лет назад +4

    LMAO this song is made of Awesome *cracks up laughing again*

  • @GrigoriZhukov
    @GrigoriZhukov 13 лет назад +3

    Oh the irony...we're steping backwards to straping a astronauts to rockets. 8^| dang

  • @SavitarTheSurfingGod
    @SavitarTheSurfingGod 13 лет назад +3

    @GrigoriZhukov *snorts in laughter* Indeed

  • @ReaperChild79
    @ReaperChild79 3 года назад +4

    How tf you gonna call Vulcan, God of forge and flame 'ugly', then ASK HIS BLESSING!!?

    • @elywoen
      @elywoen 3 года назад +8

      It's just what he's called. They're not insulting him.

    • @SuspectXX
      @SuspectXX 3 года назад

      That's just a thing, he's really fuckin ugly. Literally just part of the Greek mythos.

  • @chriskringle6029
    @chriskringle6029 5 лет назад

    Pretty awesome. Maybe one less chorus

  • @argent1631
    @argent1631 6 лет назад +2