Socketing and farming for good runes! If you have the motivation to farm, you can keep making the same True Iron Dragon items until you get 2-3 of the best props. I go over these things in my original equipment guide, it might be worth checking out if you have time!
@@JohnMilksBooth-b6t You may want to reset your equipment’s props with GP/Single Prop Scrolls or create the equipment again until you get better props.
Try rolling for better props, equipping cards, and getting good runes! I have an older guide too and the information after 2:18 is still good:видео.htmlsi=2C7526y2WOPvAIPN
@@kuronokei4773 I try to focus on highest grade if possible since getting a good set takes a while. The stats I look for are: 1 => Atk 2 => Special Atk 3 => MP Reco 4 => Crit Chance 5 => Taint Res I think I’ll make a rune guide later on, I just haven’t had the time to do much for youtube lately! 😭
can you do a video about the new updates on the characters. many are updated. will be sure to watch 👍
I’ll try to do that this weekend c:
next dungeon after temple of time will come
I feel like it's coming this year for sure
Anytips on how to reach the 200k milestone?
Socketing and farming for good runes! If you have the motivation to farm, you can keep making the same True Iron Dragon items until you get 2-3 of the best props. I go over these things in my original equipment guide, it might be worth checking out if you have time!
@@ZenokoGC I already have full truen Iron dragon set with gold tier card sockets but im stuck at 126k
@@JohnMilksBooth-b6t You may want to reset your equipment’s props with GP/Single Prop Scrolls or create the equipment again until you get better props.
bro, how can i improve my character after i complete making full TiD set?
I'm also finish making 5 char to lv 85 to have full crit rate collection
Try rolling for better props, equipping cards, and getting good runes! I have an older guide too and the information after 2:18 is still good:видео.htmlsi=2C7526y2WOPvAIPN
@@ZenokoGC thanks mate, do you have any suggestion about using rune? Only use Epic and Relic or focus the set effect?
@@kuronokei4773 I try to focus on highest grade if possible since getting a good set takes a while. The stats I look for are:
1 => Atk
2 => Special Atk
3 => MP Reco
4 => Crit Chance
5 => Taint Res
I think I’ll make a rune guide later on, I just haven’t had the time to do much for youtube lately! 😭
I hope on the next QoL update...
reduce that Gaian fragment requirement
The crazy thing is, some people have thousands of fragments because they farmed the dungeon enough