I achieved H x W x L (3D) calculation with IntelRealSense D4xx camera,combining opencv + math + mrcnn. Like you said before, a well trained model can give an accurate inference in a matter of +- 2cm tolerence!
Other easier way is to train a classification of Legos type, since there are only a few. So the classification find the type and associate to its dimension.
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I achieved H x W x L (3D) calculation with IntelRealSense D4xx camera,combining opencv + math + mrcnn. Like you said before, a well trained model can give an accurate inference in a matter of +- 2cm tolerence!
can you send me your github link
Other easier way is to train a classification of Legos type, since there are only a few. So the classification find the type and associate to its dimension.
Great lesson, can we do it using detectron2, if possible kindly make a video, very thankful to you
How can I calculate the region for irregular images? Like brain tumor detection?
Can you make a video about realtime detection with colab?? I really need it
How can i export the masks with their areas into a csv file?
¿if i want to see the class names what are the changes of the code i can do?
Can you do for us some excel python traitement courses
The code is very expensive. Please make it affordable. THanks
Very good😃🇧🇷👏
please help i can't install on my notebook using google collab
The code is not working now could you please help me?
Why not use simple segmentation? That is, using only image processing, instead of having to train a CNN model?