Chinese Military Parade Hell March 2009 - HD

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2009

Комментарии • 924

  • @AustineC1
    @AustineC1 10 лет назад +14

    i respect their perfection

  • @uberseecontainerkutscher2367
    @uberseecontainerkutscher2367 9 лет назад +13

    0:32 perfectly

  • @AzNloVer015x
    @AzNloVer015x 13 лет назад

    wat guns were they holding in the beginning, i know they werent AK47 cause the magazine was in the end not in the middle

  • @gekko14
    @gekko14 11 лет назад +2

    No matter what anyone's opinion is there can be no denial that this is a formidable military and one that should be respected.

  • @JohnnyBong69
    @JohnnyBong69 9 лет назад +6

    Star Wars Clone Wars u kill one other 2 coming

  • @tommyvicery
    @tommyvicery 10 лет назад +10


  • @Nightbaron61
    @Nightbaron61 13 лет назад

    @moshedpotatoe I didn't see anything that says "War". Is it in Chinese? Or are my eyes deteriorating?

  • @chopin3434
    @chopin3434 14 лет назад

    the beginning is just brillant when they start the goose step...perfectly sync with the music!! great job!

  • @xuzhou9579
    @xuzhou9579 10 лет назад +4

    I love China

  • @JCSWMovies
    @JCSWMovies 14 лет назад

    What kind of Gun are they using? looks kinda like FAMAS but im pretty sure it is some other gun...

  • @oTNTo
    @oTNTo 13 лет назад

    What song is this????? plssss

  • @BringerOfD
    @BringerOfD 14 лет назад

    awesome vid man, great chjopice of music and syncing

  • @Teutonic__Knight
    @Teutonic__Knight 13 лет назад

    @StrangerKXH Do you ever herd of the Teutonic Knights? I just like this part of history...

  • @ukillnub201
    @ukillnub201 13 лет назад

    @LiqiangEatShit is that provocation or expolitation of their rights as a soverign nation? i think the latter

  • @IchiDeux
    @IchiDeux 12 лет назад

    What about Tibet and basic human rights of their own citizens?

  • @carter1984
    @carter1984 13 лет назад

    Can't u use any background music other than this one?

  • @derbeobachter77
    @derbeobachter77 12 лет назад

    hast du schon mal die bücher von kuznezow und dragunski gelesen? ... da steht drin, das die soviettruppen die kampfferfahrung nicht brauchten... wenn du die bücher gelesen hast, weisst du warum... ICH behaupte jetzt, die chinesen könnten ein

  • @fuscian
    @fuscian 13 лет назад

    @Lubunumber2 Exactly, if it were a regular military unit size doesn't factor at all, merely performance. Though when you line up in your squads the taller members are always in the front if it were a military parade or marching drill.

  • @autogun290
    @autogun290 14 лет назад

    @ChilidrewAIDS Because Hellmarch is set to a Marching rhythm, thus if a column was marching to marching song, then it would match (all the guy has to do is to set the sync the song and vid properly).

  • @ilya93pl
    @ilya93pl 12 лет назад

    Did you see "WAR" at 4:16 on this red poster?

  • @Cptjonmiller
    @Cptjonmiller 12 лет назад

    @SewerynTheGreat they look like catwalking?

  • @TSK86
    @TSK86 14 лет назад +1

    This is just amazing!
    Greetz from Turkey!

  • @Szgerle
    @Szgerle 13 лет назад

    how this supposed to change the fact that russia surrender to germany?

  • @ilya93pl
    @ilya93pl 11 лет назад

    Did you find "WAR" on 4:16 ? ;)

  • @WEMAN296
    @WEMAN296 12 лет назад

    @FaZeblackout Why the hell would they invade Canada?

  • @Hank28899
    @Hank28899 13 лет назад

    How many country can do such march in synchronized. It looks easy but it took years of training.

  • @KunameSenpai
    @KunameSenpai 13 лет назад

    @CaptainCheap21 Partially recognized states with de facto control over their territory - Taiwan, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

  • @kw0s
    @kw0s 12 лет назад

    360p, much better than the other 240p video. Much. Thanks

  • @Xc31
    @Xc31 13 лет назад

    @evman51 do some research. you would be surprised what kind of marches militaries used troughout the years.

  • @MadBaronFlys
    @MadBaronFlys 14 лет назад

    @7cmblue Prove me wrong, then. Name some of the companies that you recognise. And what is a 'Professional Company of the National Flag?'

  • @renegadeskinninja
    @renegadeskinninja 13 лет назад

    @OnePeopleOneChina it was actual the sound track to a game called red alert 2. it play when the russians invalided america

  • @BobbytheCanadiankid
    @BobbytheCanadiankid 14 лет назад +1

    Wow people ! I got that whole video of this Chinese Oct 1 parade at home ! I just bought it from last weekend !

  • @KunameSenpai
    @KunameSenpai 13 лет назад

    @CaptainCheap21 Republic is a governance of territory where it is governed by a non-monarchy central government. Doesnt necessarily by default make it independent.

  • @willprentice
    @willprentice 13 лет назад

    I know its like "okay we're strolling...we're strolling...NOW WE'RE MARCHING!"
    I love flamboyant militarism like this

  • @TheKaiser92Gr
    @TheKaiser92Gr 13 лет назад

    What's this parade for ? What do they celebrate ?

  • @mikeyman2010
    @mikeyman2010 13 лет назад

    @WEMAN296 Think those are ICBMs, not outfitted with nuclear warheads.

  • @oki81
    @oki81 14 лет назад

    @7cmblue actually, they are almost all real soldiers handpick from their company for height.. that is why the special forces units are shorter than the rest, as they are all suppose to be shorter in the first place.. the female soldier in read, they are composed of students and nurses.. however they are suppoes to be militia, and the honor guard... these people probably never had real combat training..

  • @porschemagicbus
    @porschemagicbus 12 лет назад

    what's with the "hell" in the title?

  • @KunameSenpai
    @KunameSenpai 13 лет назад

    @CaptainCheap21 I meant the 21st Century, not the 20th

  • @Taeriqify
    @Taeriqify 10 лет назад +1

    I have no idea what any of you guys are writing, but i wanted to say that the Chinese military looks pretty awesome!

  • @ltq19900310
    @ltq19900310 13 лет назад

    0:32 the music fit their marching steps very well , amazing !

  • @KaosNova2
    @KaosNova2 14 лет назад

    Not usually. It's usually the National Guard that does this for perhaps Veterans' Day, and in nowhere near the numbers that the Chinese military does, with their professional standing army. This march was one of easily millions alone.

  • @Auesis
    @Auesis 13 лет назад

    As the music picked up, and the legs raised, I got a shitload of goosepimples...

  • @air2grnd
    @air2grnd 11 лет назад +1

    one of the Chinese politician -which I don't remember him - said :" our ideology is communism but our pockets are capitalist"

  • @truesemite
    @truesemite 13 лет назад

    I dont think this parade was in 2009 because Jiang Zemin was on the podium as the general secreraty of the party and he stepped donw in 2002 and was succeded by Hu this video has to be before 2003 I guess

  • @tehrulez
    @tehrulez 13 лет назад

    I have never slept a good night's sleep after this.

  • @kksan
    @kksan 13 лет назад

    @CaptainCheap21 Alright plz talk about that, how u work and why u work for CCP?

  • @Reznov29
    @Reznov29 13 лет назад

    @CaptainCheap21 Doesn't China basically own the USA?
    Plus the only reason why the Japanese were able to go into China back in WW2 was because the country was divided in a civil war.

  • @southaucklandpolynesia
    @southaucklandpolynesia 13 лет назад

    @wazupwazup747 Nihao nice army, when will it be used? they will get too old and out of action soon

  • @BringerOfD
    @BringerOfD 14 лет назад

    lol no, this is a music vid of the parade this guy made, during the march They played traditional march pieces and of course the Chinese Anthem

  • @DelaV3
    @DelaV3 14 лет назад

    @sailingzq Hell March. Used in Command and Conquer games.

  • @martini.z
    @martini.z 13 лет назад

    @waspnag While what you said is true, keep in mind only one of the infantry units shown in this video are ground assault troops. Most of the people you see are policing, navy and pilots. Since the Korean war, the PRC has bee constantly updating their army with newer technology.
    -Cheers from Spain :D

  • @BrotherJohnCOG
    @BrotherJohnCOG 13 лет назад

    @Balthic yea i like RTS's but i do not know a thing about modern day real life military strategy (plus i hate modern day strategy). So i am a armchair general but i know when not to talk

  • @Agora2021
    @Agora2021 13 лет назад +1

    Even though it's China, I can't help but crack a smile at how awesome they look when the move completely in uniform.

  • @jayhuang45
    @jayhuang45 10 лет назад

    你才剛加入怎被刪了 你不是正義魔人嗎
    別再牽拖我給負評怎樣怎樣 你的文我只有回 沒在評分的

  • @DaxenAx
    @DaxenAx 12 лет назад

    @KasperVirklund Hell March. It's from Red Alert.

  • @gidikalchhauser
    @gidikalchhauser 11 лет назад

    i find it hard to ignore that the music is not in sync with the marching

  • @JohnNouzen
    @JohnNouzen 12 лет назад

    @MuKo18 Thanks for the info, man.

  • @stalkka
    @stalkka 13 лет назад

    @Hickmaann90 I meant they have over 300 000 000 available for military service* :)))

  • @jayhuang45
    @jayhuang45 10 лет назад

    奇怪了 正義哥的文也會被刪
    我這個人很隨和 從來不去檢舉的

  • @Theozzie11
    @Theozzie11 13 лет назад

    @Balthic they would only be ideas, who are u to censor ideas on a website as free as youtube

  • @77Kabum
    @77Kabum 13 лет назад

    @glavonjagrob hell march, from the pc-game Command & Conquer red alert.

  • @Wyrmshadow
    @Wyrmshadow 13 лет назад

    The recording is not in HD, sorry.

  • @7vs100
    @7vs100 12 лет назад +1

    i love how faceless they become with everyone around each other, really makes em easier targets

  • @PrincessDarknessable
    @PrincessDarknessable 13 лет назад

    @matthe3234 I don't think it's hard to find a few hundred people of the same height out of a population of millions

  • @mwillis1000
    @mwillis1000 13 лет назад

    Not really, they arent "Tired or skinny" they are trained just aswell as out troops, but they train for longer, so they are a match for us (Training wise) but equipment, no.

  • @Hickmaann90
    @Hickmaann90 13 лет назад

    Amazing. Great show.

  • @tc413141
    @tc413141 13 лет назад

    i dont see why people are talking about who is the most powerful. when it comes down to nuclear powers, it doesnt matter who is strongest or who has the most. those things only matter when the "rules" get followed and they wouldnt be followed in a clash of nuclear powers. they would just launch their nukes whether at the beginning or when one side was about to lose and it would all be over for both sides.

  • @oTNTo
    @oTNTo 13 лет назад

    @77Kabum thank You

  • @sjors91
    @sjors91 12 лет назад

    @kurkinas the wont be any war between any major countre thath has got nukes its to dangerous anyway bether talk then war. its no use unless its yust helping a countre like egypt for exemple.

  • @matthe3234
    @matthe3234 13 лет назад

    How the hell are they all exactly the same height?

  • @jayhuang45
    @jayhuang45 10 лет назад

    我說尊重 是不去檢舉人家評論 哪像你 一副人家想法都要跟你一樣似的 難怪會被刪文

  • @Xaracuk
    @Xaracuk 11 лет назад +1

    Slavs and Chinese - brothers forever!
    I am proud of my brothers!!

  • @arodspecialist
    @arodspecialist 13 лет назад

    @kerrykira Also, you can tell he is posing because the profile he stole from me says he is from China, but he is cussing the hell out of his own country you know?? Then he cusses more Chinese sympathizers or people who simply are enjoying an author's vid.

  • @IPFreelly604
    @IPFreelly604 13 лет назад

    We are one yet we are many is so lovely during march.

  • @vnano
    @vnano 13 лет назад

    @Graviton1066 All countries with military do displays of different kinds.

  • @FBH991
    @FBH991 13 лет назад

    I don't notice conscription ever stopped us in the WW2... Or stopped the Chinese kicking our ass down the Korean peninsula

  • @tommy9922
    @tommy9922 13 лет назад

    @chinayangyang: Better take your own advice and shut up. The special forces competition you're probably referring to is Erna. Erna is held in Estonia (not NATO) and the Estonians typically win on an average year, no surprise. (Are you going to tell me Estonians have the world's best special ops?) China did well in 2002 and 2003 (1st and 2nd), but not so well since. When America even bothers to participate in this low priority event it doesn't even field top special ops like DEVGRU or Delta.

  • @bruce271085
    @bruce271085 13 лет назад

    anyone notice the faces blurred and edited?

  • @naroj10
    @naroj10 13 лет назад

    @Flazix1 its actually 2 million soldiers.

  • @Teutonic__Knight
    @Teutonic__Knight 13 лет назад

    Well I am a Marine, and I am going to put some vids in there soon, if you want to see them?

  • @Wrahns
    @Wrahns 13 лет назад

    LOL! Command and Conquer music to a Chinese Parade....HAHAH funny.

  • @Wehrmacht3GD
    @Wehrmacht3GD 14 лет назад

    goose marching is SUCH a pain in the ass but looks awesome

  • @truesemite
    @truesemite 13 лет назад

    how i would love to be in the barracks with those hotties at 2:40 after a long days march under the sun !!

  • @NLPsucks
    @NLPsucks 12 лет назад

    Cute and inspiring and... some kind of erotic.
    From Russia with love )

  • @jeneverbes
    @jeneverbes 14 лет назад

    suddenly it hit me. the immense amount of pawns.

  • @martini.z
    @martini.z 13 лет назад +1

    Wow this is amazing. So well organized

  • @KaosNova2
    @KaosNova2 14 лет назад

    It's really because our professional standing army and national guard combined don't come close to the size of the Chinese Army and Air Force. They've got more than 2.5 million professional soldiers that answer only to Beijing, then there's 15 million in various local militias, plus there are 200 million men fit to draft into the military, if they had some sort of reason to. Compare those numbers to the total U.S. military and they're enormous in comparison.

  • @GazijArmin
    @GazijArmin 13 лет назад

    @JCSWMovies I watch the news in US. Every weapon you make,like that stealth plane,and that new carrier destroyer missile, they call it "threat".

  • @technical010
    @technical010 13 лет назад

    see you too.. please don't cry if it happens that your house gets destroyed.
    because if you destroy our houses we still got some underground.. hope you have some too.

  • @mamma1907
    @mamma1907 9 лет назад

    Unparalleled perfection.

  • @opmike343
    @opmike343 13 лет назад

    These are Chinese people, not wood elves.

  • @WEMAN296
    @WEMAN296 12 лет назад

    Wow if you read in the Guinness World Records book of 2011 says that China has the biggest army in the world combined with there army at 375,009,345 troops 218,459,000 troops that are in the "Active" part of the military.

  • @ivp48
    @ivp48 12 лет назад

    Что же такого хорошего в bullpup?
    На основании чего АКМ хуже? И может быть с 74 лучше сравнивать, чем с АКМ?

  • @madara435
    @madara435 13 лет назад


  • @Greenman422
    @Greenman422 11 лет назад

    There are 2.25 million active chinese military men and 3 million in total.

  • @Simmage14
    @Simmage14 14 лет назад

    Jizz in my pants. Great work!

    @SCSNSE 12 лет назад

    @chibiemo100 Actually their economy is in what we call a bubble right now; the local provincial governments are now the equivalent of $1.4 Trillion in debt due mostly in part to them being forced to continue construction projects in which there is no demand, all in the name of bolstering their GDP growth numbers.

  • @maxchumka
    @maxchumka 12 лет назад

    Awesome, that takes a lot of practice and team work, good job!

  • @FirtyFree1
    @FirtyFree1 12 лет назад

    what if they actually only have one guy but they have a greenscreen like in meet the spartans lol