A Viewer Sent Me Their BROKEN ThinkPad To Repair.. I Did NOT Expect This?!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @cephacore
    @cephacore  Месяц назад +4

    Happy FlexiSpot Black Friday Presale, Up to 65% OFF! Use my code "YTE7P30" to get $50 off for E7 standing desk!
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    A MASSIVE thanks to FlexiSpot for sponsoring this video. Go check them out!

  • @TheComplexes
    @TheComplexes Месяц назад +16

    You really need to blow up one of these day's. Your content is so underrated and entertaining.

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад +2

      Wow thanks that really means a lot. Glad you're enjoying the content 🙂

  • @mememe37
    @mememe37 Месяц назад +6

    I've worked for a couple of years in a laptop refurb and resell and I've never seen a gen 2 without a fucked up touchbar. Love the video!

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад

      Thanks! The touchbars are notorious for good reason

  • @RetosSpace
    @RetosSpace Месяц назад +2

    Yesssss Another Banging Video Mate!!!

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed 😄

  • @iniyanshanmugam5810
    @iniyanshanmugam5810 Месяц назад

    Great content mate. Keep it coming

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад

      Cheers. Thanks for stopping by 😄

  • @EternalBliss.
    @EternalBliss. Месяц назад +4

    Wake up babe another cephacore video dropped

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад +1

      Haha thanks for the support! 😄

  • @Abhijay_TT
    @Abhijay_TT Месяц назад +1

    Hey, I’m going to be buying an old ThinkPad soon for Uni. I’m thinking of getting the t480s but are there any other good alternatives you’d recommend?

    • @itzdisky
      @itzdisky Месяц назад +2

      u should get a t495 its extremely fast for school work and even low end gaming like minecraft and other games

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад +4

      Yep, the T495 or T14 Gen 1 are pretty good contenders, the AMD versions are the ones to go for. If your budget allows it, perhaps a P14s Gen 1 or 2. Both pretty good.

    • @7eis
      @7eis Месяц назад

      r61i is overlooked. SSD, high res screen, 9 cell battery and a basic desktop environment got me 3-4 days of battery. Not fast by a long shot but still has the drainage in the keyboard etc like t models so if you come across one for cheap I bet you can crank it up with better cpu, ram etc from ebay on the cheap.

    • @Abhijay_TT
      @Abhijay_TT Месяц назад +1

      Hey guys, thanks for the replies, but are the t495 and t14 as upgradable as the t480s? I've heard the t495 doesn't have thunderbolt 3 either

    • @itzdisky
      @itzdisky Месяц назад

      @@Abhijay_TT it doesnt have a thunderbolt 3 unfortunately but u can upgrade ram up to 24gb ur nvme wifi card(one in t495 already good)

  • @ytguy2010
    @ytguy2010 Месяц назад +1

    So the first X1 had a faulty screen and a faulty motherboard?
    Is that correct?
    Also, you got very lucky with the Computrace.
    I've had a bad experience where the Computrace never de-activated and I had to return the ThinkPad to the seller for a refund.

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад +1

      I suppose so, wouldn't make sense for it to just die on me. Seems like quite a common issue with the X1C2. And yes, I did get very lucky with the Computrace. Would've returned it straight away if it had a password.

  • @rrq
    @rrq Месяц назад +1

    i wonder why the touch bars on these old x1 carbons look like they’re rotting or something

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад +3

      No wonder they got rid of them so quick! Still, would be cool to see them implement them in the newer ones.

    • @isaacwright2247
      @isaacwright2247 Месяц назад

      @@cephacore It had the touch bar two years before the MacBook Pro! :)

  • @kayqueoliveira5980
    @kayqueoliveira5980 Месяц назад

    try linux mint, is more lightweight.

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад

      Sure, will have a play around with it 🙂

  • @zaynumar0
    @zaynumar0 Месяц назад +1

    Yes now bro , cephacore, are you British Pakistani?

  • @kingmonkey88
    @kingmonkey88 5 дней назад

    Smallest motherboard with the biggest battery I've ever seen...

    • @danteerskine7678
      @danteerskine7678 4 дня назад

      And great battery life for sure. No disc drive, no HDD, it sure will last longer between charges as SSDs (2.5, nvme) are not power hungry

  • @northof-62
    @northof-62 Месяц назад +1

    Lithuania eh? Made me suspicious.
    Hope I'm just prejudiced.

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад +2

      Haha anything from that far does make me a bit nervous. Thankfully it survived shipping.

  • @phucnguyen0110
    @phucnguyen0110 Месяц назад

    Again, I am watching this using my T480S !

    • @cephacore
      @cephacore  Месяц назад

      Nice! How is it?

    • @phucnguyen0110
      @phucnguyen0110 Месяц назад

      @@cephacore I bought it like 1+ year ago, still doing fine for some light development works and 1080p RUclips, it just gets a bit too hot that I might need to repaste it soon.

  • @Adaminkton
    @Adaminkton Месяц назад

    This thinkpad's design is cursed.

  • @sharkylal
    @sharkylal Месяц назад

    Hella nice

  • @syphonpro
    @syphonpro Месяц назад +2

    I love u m8

  • @underratedradio-u5t
    @underratedradio-u5t 22 дня назад

    hey cepha, if you dont have any use for this can I have it?

  • @lucas8385
    @lucas8385 Месяц назад

    If its new lenovo its poor quality