Smoove your videos are great! I do miss those days of black ops 1 and MW2 videos but you are still putting out great content! Good luck with your future on youtube
Justin Bieber is in the crowd at Lakers, Vinny is in Knicks, Wale is in Washington, Jay Z is in Brooklyn, Bow Wow in Miami and Sean Kingston in Chicago. Those are all I am aware of.
@Brady Andros if he doesn't win 5 games then he gets sent back to the previous seed . if he wins 7 games he advances . if he wins 5 or 6 , then the seed resets .
Could someone explain to me if you get legends besides opening packs? From what I understand, if you go undefeated in 1st seed, you get MJ? Does this also happen with any other legend? Do you get any legends in the market as you advance seeds? Thanks!
Hey smoove , why don't you shoot jumpers with Lebron? I mean his mid range and three isn't bad , but you usually just give up the shot and get on the paint or pass off
I need help. I had josh smith and sold him to get blake griffin but now idk who I should have because now I kinda want j smoove again what should I do?
just get 2 shooters at sg and sf so they are in the corner and then drive into the paint and when you drive in the pc usually follows you so the corner is wide open or you can get into the paint 1-3-1 is easy to beat
Splaaaa....sssshhhh LMFAO
Is it me or does smoove seem more energetic in his NBA videos? I like it! Keep up the good work Smoove!!!
ha haaa (chris smoove laugh)
And he was looking straight at the camera
smoove thank you for all the my team videos your bringing everyday, i love them!
Bieber lol 2:06
Congratulations Smoove! On hittin clear over 1million subs! So proud of u man!
I had a terrible day but Smooves videos make me happy at the end of a long day :) My sister was diagnosed with Breast Cancer today..
Smoove your videos are great! I do miss those days of black ops 1 and MW2 videos but you are still putting out great content! Good luck with your future on youtube
I love when that music starts playin. I get mad excited.
everytime i watch smoove i get so HYPE to play myteam
I like it more when smoove talks about basketball related topics while he plays opposed to the live commentary
that was a pretty proud moment for me too! best commentator of all time!
Justin Bieber is in the crowd at Lakers, Vinny is in Knicks, Wale is in Washington, Jay Z is in Brooklyn, Bow Wow in Miami and Sean Kingston in Chicago. Those are all I am aware of.
Finally the live commentaries are back
Finally live commentary thank you
stay this active smoove, love it
Keep this series comin
Another day another video! Nice Chris
Your not the only one...started a few hours ago for me...I can only load a few seconds before it completely stops
Smoove is one of the best in NBA 2K13.
@Brady Andros if he doesn't win 5 games then he gets sent back to the previous seed . if he wins 7 games he advances . if he wins 5 or 6 , then the seed resets .
Hey Chris, do you use right stick passing? If not, you might want to try it.
I love smoove gameplay the best+commentary why dont his videos hav 100,000,likes
Imagine playing smoove and being able to hear his commentary. That would "CHEESE" me off hard LOL!
Thank you smoove for 2k 13 videos
Smoove you a poet and you obviously know it so its not a accident when you show it
smoove a beast
"He doesn't miss!"
Shows Jerry West Stats 5/6
2k: "No smoove he misses"
I think next week he's doing the other season, you can check one of his most recent myteam videos and he says when he's going to play it
Smoove what are your thoughts on 2k14 and the next gen consoles
Ever think of Tim Duncan at pf?
He can defend, rebound, and shoot mid range
As soon as tga music play UK what time it is
Grats Chris! You have 1000000 subs!
Would u do a Road to Glory series for NCAA football 14 please???
do you like the pistons now that they picked up j smooth?
Yes!! Live commentaries are back :DD
Smoove sence you are not uploading no my player videos you should put out some more my team viedos like 3 or 2 a day
Who is Montcrief on the Laker team Smoove because I havent heard about him in the NBA also because he is also an superstar it seems?
Lucky bounce splash had me laughing hard! Something about that auto tune is just hilarious
What u think about Josh Smith in Pistons???
yeah hes in the crowd in the staples center, you can also find jay z in barclays center
how do you feel about smooves move to the pistons?
Hey smoove what signature skills do you put on your guys?
Hey s love I was wondering if you could tell me what your shot is for your my career
When is your next one C.Smoove
@amaddy..wheres derrick rose and joakim noah???
You reached the One Million Subscribers congrats.
JB is on the sideline of every Lakers game on 2K13.
Are u goin to do some more my player?
Smoove 1 mil. Congrats :)
Abraham. It is. In 2K13 they added sideline characters. Pretty cool they did that.
J. Smoove's fail dunk animation reminded me of a frog leaping up real quick just to slam into a wall
Nick Anderson for the Splaaaa-*pause*-Splaaaaaaaash!
lol that lucky bounce splash had me rollin!
Yeah it is, 2K put celebrities on court side for some teams. JayZ is sitting court side at the nets arena too.
One more thing too, the non-live commentary's are better than the live ones. Not a huge deal just to mix it up though.
Proudest moment of my life is when i found out about Chris Smoove
Man I HADNT WATCHED U LATELY without any COD uploads. Can u put out a few more before ghost?
do your 2 season opener
Thank ya. People are replying telling me that Josh smith's nick name is real life is J smoove --
Could someone explain to me if you get legends besides opening packs? From what I understand, if you go undefeated in 1st seed, you get MJ? Does this also happen with any other legend? Do you get any legends in the market as you advance seeds? Thanks!
Hey smoove , why don't you shoot jumpers with Lebron? I mean his mid range and three isn't bad , but you usually just give up the shot and get on the paint or pass off
full game fridays?
Are you making the my career montage
I love chris smoove
loving the 1080p
And when are u getting ncaa football 14
I need help. I had josh smith and sold him to get blake griffin but now idk who I should have because now I kinda want j smoove again what should I do?
Smoove, you've got fans from Switzerland ;)
Smoove aint in it for the money, he's in it for the SPLASH. But still what's wrong with wanting money when you have access to it. This is his career.
7:43 "Splaa... Splaaash!!!" LOL!!!
R u going to continue to play Dead Island Riptide
Smoove when your in the post with magic do the hook shot he's really good at that
Do you have Alen Iverson? If you have plz play with him.i think he is better than West
Do you use any signature moves on your players Smoove ??
who's the guy in the bright red shirt at Quicken Loans Arena?
that splash pause got me haha
did u play with your starters all game long??
Was this a live commentary Smoove?
does anyone know what would happen if smoove didn't win enough games?? are you stuck forever in the seed you are in? I don't have 2k so I'm not sure
You're voice is so relaxing!
When are you gonna do another My Player?
Hands down, Man down nice one smoove
Can u put out the next season of my career
Congrats on 1 mill. Subs
smoove plz respomd how do you get all your players gold packs?
Yessss another video keep it up!!!!!!!!!!
its not just him, alot of people in the basketball community call him j smoove. its not just cause his name chris' name is also smoove
was that bieber at 2:06
Hey Smoove don't you hate how they make every three
smoove what did you do when you hit a millon subs
Smoove: Good Defense,NO NO I'm right there, BLOCK HIM BLOCK HIM *makes lay-up* (speechless)
My mind: Smoove was like WTF?
just get 2 shooters at sg and sf so they are in the corner and then drive into the paint and when you drive in the pc usually follows you so the corner is wide open or you can get into the paint 1-3-1 is easy to beat
Smoove can you please, when the next-gen consoles come out, play mainly on the ps4 :)??
Smoove are you going to get any new players?
smoove you should make a video showing all the players in your collection cause I noticed you had 261 lol
Jerry West be scoring all the points in every video
Lol "hands up thats a new move....hands down man down!"
Wheres the my career montage? Or did i miss it?
LOL the lucky bounce Splaash autotune killed meh