When it comes to this type of problem, it's easier for me to use the so-called tough construction. For example, the first answer is as follows; This book is easy to read. Grammatically speaking, the object of the infinitive in the given construction becomes the subject. By the way, I make it a rule to pause the video every time I compose each English sentence. With my English ability, it's impossible to translate within the given time.
英語を自由に話している人たちはこのような短いフレーズで喋っています。 だからこのようなレッスンは大切で効果的なんです。
私は高校生の時、英語の新聞を読むことに挑戦していました、結果外国人の前で一言も話せない自分の現実を知りました。 中学、高校で英語のテストは必ず!100点だった自分ですから茫然自失でした。
When it comes to this type of problem, it's easier for me to use the so-called tough construction.
For example, the first answer is as follows;
This book is easy to read.
Grammatically speaking, the object of the infinitive in the given construction becomes the subject.
By the way, I make it a rule to pause the video every time I compose each English sentence.
With my English ability, it's impossible to translate within the given time.