Remous at Drupa - 2024

  • Опубликовано: 13 июн 2024
  • [08:41, 12/06/2024] Mike King: Attended DRUPA 2024, the world's largest print show, and it was eye-opening! Automation is the big trend with robots everywhere, from folding machines to guillotines. However, for bespoke print jobs like ours at Remous Print, our skilled team is irreplaceable. Key takeaways:
    Post-COVID consolidation is ongoing.
    The tech we’ve invested in is still top-notch.
    Print is becoming more environmentally friendly and tech-driven.
    The future of print looks vibrant and exciting!
    Funny moment: spent 5 minutes asking a taxi driver if he wanted a potato in my rusty German.
    Stay tuned for some exciting news as demand for our services grows!
    [08:47, 12/06/2024] Mike King: chat GTP version of your for comparison - let me know your thoughts on them
    DRUPA 2024
    Drupa, the world's largest print show, has become synonymous with 'the future,' exciting print companies worldwide with the next big thing. I missed the last one (held every 4 years) due to new factory plans, but this time I attended, albeit for just 48 hours (the show runs for 12 days in Düsseldorf). It was a reminder that client needs should drive demand, not just technology, despite manufacturers' best efforts.
    What do manufacturers say the future holds?
    Automation. I've never seen so much robotic technology on folding machines, guillotines, and even pallet movements between processes.
    For the average UK print company (fewer in number now), this may seem like science fiction. However, with a shortage of skilled staff and immense pressure to reduce costs and lead time-plus a 20% rise in living wage over recent years-automation becomes more attractive.
    For Remous Print, automation is unlikely. We operate in a bespoke marketplace with clients preferring short to medium run lengths. Jobs over 20,000 sheets make robotic automation viable, but for anything less, we're proud to rely on our skilled, qualified team.
    Looking ahead, we'll continue investing in technology that allows shorter setup times, high quality, and consistency, focusing on client needs rather than what manufacturers are selling.
    Other things I learned:
    The print industry is still in post-COVID consolidation.
    Currywurst is both wonderful and dreadful at the same time.
    Our technology and manufacturers are still the right choice (phew).
    German taxi drivers are generally angry about something.
    Print is an increasingly advanced, tech-based industry.
    Print has a very healthy and vibrant future.
    Print has become a leader in environmentally friendly manufacturing, delivering carbon-neutral, recyclable packaging and printed collateral.
    GCSE German escaped me, and I spent 5 minutes asking a taxi driver if he would like a potato.
    We've seen increased demand for our services, pushing capacity a bit, so there might be some news around that soon. Most importantly, it's reassuring to see an exciting and vibrant future for the print industry.

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