Yemen. Socotra- the most alien-looking place on the planet / Sailing Aquarius

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 132

  • @السقطري-ج5د
    @السقطري-ج5د 2 года назад +7

    I am from Socotra Island. I came during the windy season there. It's good starting in October. She is very sweet and calm.

  • @cyclomordino8876
    @cyclomordino8876 Год назад +20

    These children were not "little savages" just children full of joy and hapiness.

  • @adelmonasr
    @adelmonasr 2 года назад +2

    أنا يمني ولكن لم أزور هذه الجزيره الرائعه أشكرك جزيلاً لنشر السياحه في بلدي

  • @gilbertvictor863
    @gilbertvictor863 Год назад +2

    I have been there 4times found the place to be very friendly, i got everything i needed, i have a great person there with the name of Mohamed very reliable person, i went to visit the island never felt afraid of the people, i was there November last year, again went to the mountains, for me this place i the most friendly than many other countries i have sailed to i would advise people to go visit the island, in February i am passing by on the way to Dubai

  • @johndalzell5887
    @johndalzell5887 2 года назад +1

    I love you guys! The quiet confidence, the subtle irony. The way you both handled that crossing, where others might well have been sh**ing themselves was just awesome. So glad Cap'n Ken recovered ok. Great sailing, great videos put together by a lovely, lovely couple. I wish you fair winds and all the very best. God speed!

  • @Daceysails
    @Daceysails Год назад

    Just watched this episode - we dropped anchor in the same anchorage in July from Kenya after awful storms and losing our steering gear when we rounded that dreadful eastern bend. We stayed for a week to try to fix the boat and did some exploring as we waited for a flight home back to our jobs. we had to leave her there for another two months as there’s zero resources to fix the boat (and monsoon in full swing). The island and people are charming but it gets exhausting! We flew back in September with parts and tools to sail to Salalah, Oman but not after loads of headache and hassle - we were SO glad to leave too!! Thanks for sharing your perspective. Fair winds!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  Год назад

      It was interesting being in Socotra, but we were very happy to move on to Djibouti. While we were anchored, I was not worried about our safety, or something getting stolen off Aquarius. Overall, a good experience, just not one that I wanted to extend. But, I am so glad I got to experience Socotra!

  • @MrJhchrist
    @MrJhchrist Год назад

    Much more interesting that Zatara's brief mention, thanks for going more in depth.

  • @americanbornwalkaway9110
    @americanbornwalkaway9110 2 года назад +2

    WOW thanks for SHARING GLAD you Are OK and this Just reaffirms My Love for My Home AND THAT is ONE Place I WILL PASS on visiting

  • @tontosilver6578
    @tontosilver6578 Год назад +1

    A place I want to be someday ✅
    Looks like a bit of Texas when seeing those sands and bushes 🤠🌵

  • @jsvno
    @jsvno 2 года назад

    This is exploring! Nothing above, nothing beside or nothing under, this is what i like.

  • @caromarco6315
    @caromarco6315 2 года назад +1

    Goodness what an interesting place that was. Thank you for sharing!

  • @TheKandyGuy
    @TheKandyGuy 2 года назад +1

    Very interesting place on the planet...good to see you guys.. be safe and be well..!! see you guys and buddy guys one the next blog..!!

  • @timtrinkaus7072
    @timtrinkaus7072 2 года назад +3

    Wow!! That was a crazy adventure you two stay safe out there!! That island was beautiful in its own way but I would have not felt too comfortable there. I’m glad you guys got in and out of there safety given the weather and bureaucratic challenges! I hope the weather gets better and you have smoother sailing in the future!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +3

      As we moved closer to the Red Sea, and into the Red Sea the temperature keeps rising. That's where the LiFePO4 batteries, and the inverter made life livable onboard Aquarius.

    • @maz_hamarziky7749
      @maz_hamarziky7749 10 месяцев назад

      Pulau socotra orangnya ramah, karena mereka muslim..

  • @hossamaljunied
    @hossamaljunied Год назад

    Next time, u should go with a tour guide. He will show u the beauty of Soctra!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  Год назад

      I don't doubt that a tour guide would have shown us more of Socotra!

  • @nanubhana
    @nanubhana 2 года назад

    You'll are just amazing!! Thanks for sharing!

  • @frederikolsen4862
    @frederikolsen4862 2 года назад +3

    Looks like a Star Wars movie location:-) I hope you both are doing well. Greetings from Greenland.

  • @joecucch8261
    @joecucch8261 2 года назад +6

    That Island looked like total desolation.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +4

      Well, there’s definitely room for improvement

  • @jamesreelick6227
    @jamesreelick6227 2 года назад

    Thanks for the education.

  • @gransol3215
    @gransol3215 2 года назад +1

    Initially, your trips, destinations and videos in general were rather main stream. Sometimes even superfluous. Or at least this is what it seemed to me! As your channel and episodes evolve, destinations are becoming more and more interesting, attractive and misterious. Keep it this way!

  • @jayakrishnankp3990
    @jayakrishnankp3990 2 года назад

    Ohh great you arrived in delishya beach!!!!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      We found a great place to drop the hook. We rocked and rolled a bit at the anchorage, but over all it was a good place to drop the hook!

  • @TradeWindgng
    @TradeWindgng 2 года назад

    WooooW... what a stunning video that was
    great footage and experience
    really looking to the next coming one.
    Stay Safe

  • @rainerschlappkohl4764
    @rainerschlappkohl4764 2 года назад +7

    I admire your fearlessness. I would never have stoped in Yemen. Good luck for your further adventures.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +5

      The scary part was the wind! The rest was just interesting time in a strange place. But it's good to see different countries and try to understand a new point of view.

  • @sailinggimlet1715
    @sailinggimlet1715 2 года назад +1

    Very interested in your chosen route, so little info on this area of the world from this perspective. Good luck, hope the weather and ports improve. Light at the end of the tunnel, the Med.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      That's one of the reasons that we took the road less traveled. And more interesting places to visit before entering the Med!

  • @stephanmckenney306
    @stephanmckenney306 2 года назад

    Wow!,,,,,,,,,,That was an Amazing Adventure,,,,,,,,Thank You for Sharing,,,,,,,,,Best Regards!

  • @joesambrano7634
    @joesambrano7634 2 года назад

    😳 wow. blessings and fair winds 😎🖐💙

  • @sailingmistral685
    @sailingmistral685 Год назад

    Just to make clear: There is no civil war going on in Yemen. It's the attack of joint forces of US, VAE, Great Britain and Germany with delivering weapons. Bombing the island of Socrota is another question in this tragedy. But you as american sailors made an interesting video about this island out there and it's worth to be informed not completely but at the whole. Thank you and fair winds. Greetings from Germany!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  Год назад +1

      Civil War is and oxymoron. Nothing civil about war, and when kids have to die for some old folks power, it's just a tragedy.

  • @joseerazevedo
    @joseerazevedo 2 года назад +1

    Beautiful but weird place. I'm very interested in your route for I find it more attractive tha via south Africa - the common one. But, since this is the road less traveled for many reasons, it's somewhat more "roots" in what you'll find on the way. Are there sailers groups, yacht clubs or else on the way? Good winds and a happy journey!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      I think more people will start sailing up the Red Sea. But, yes, it's not as beautiful as maybe Madagascar, but seeing new things is what makes this fun and interesting. I have seen a lot of beautiful beaches!

  • @stevenplancich6449
    @stevenplancich6449 2 года назад

    Any Port in a Storm…Ya had most of scared after seeing the stretcher in last Episode☹️. Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy 😎

  • @DD-xx8wh
    @DD-xx8wh 2 года назад +1

    phew, glad all ended okay!...and wow how many kids packed in there was that?!

  • @dennismacdonald2003
    @dennismacdonald2003 2 года назад

    Awesome video

  • @jayakrishnankp3990
    @jayakrishnankp3990 2 года назад

    Are you still here in socotra? I am also here in Hadibo. Please have a visit in Sheik Khalifa Hospital.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      We are now in Jeddah. We are moving up the Red Sea, and will be in the Med in a few months. I spent a day in the Hospital, and called it the best place in Socotra. I liked all the staff in the Hospital!!

    • @jayakrishnankp3990
      @jayakrishnankp3990 2 года назад +1

      I missed your presence. I am from India and i am working here in dialysis. I saw the video full yesterday. Actually you missed the good places of socotra and gyroplane activity.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      When we were there, the winds were too much for a gyroplane! That is probably starting up now, 10/10 wind dies at the tips of Socotra.

  • @jamesjones6445
    @jamesjones6445 2 года назад

    What do you do when you leave your boat when you visit places. Specially places with out a port? Always woundered cause I’d be pretty scared.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      We lock our boats and leave… Not much else to do… ☺️

  • @tomcraddock244
    @tomcraddock244 2 года назад +1

    Happy you got taken care of in such a remote place.Happier after watching that you got out of there safe.not a place to visit for sure !!
    Fair winds ⛵️

  • @tnpmd
    @tnpmd 2 года назад +1

    So, (I am a physician) not to be prying, do you have peptic ulcer disease? Did a couple of antacid tablets help? Do you carry Pepcid with you? Apparently the ultrasound did not reveal much, so your gall bladder was okay. Your pancreas? I suspect it was upper GI issue vs. lower GI issue. Was your hematocrit okay, and your electrolytes? Stress ulcers? Next time, I’m coming along.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      No acid reflux, or anything like that. I was drinking lots of coffee during the passage, and not drinking much water. I'm not sure, but I think that was the reason.... But, again, not sure.

    • @tnpmd
      @tnpmd 2 года назад

      @@SailingAquarius Gotcha.

  • @CuriousHumbleMarie
    @CuriousHumbleMarie 2 года назад

    Thanks that was interesting! Forgive my ignorance but please clarify why those boys were climbing on the dinghy. We're they deliberately trying to antagonize you or just having fun with the visiting foreigners not understanding boundaries? Their behavior was shocking yet the kids in the vehicle were sweet. Wowee!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      I’m sure the kids were just having fun not understanding the boundaries. They were harmless, just scary for us not to injure them…

  • @FaveWasteOfTime
    @FaveWasteOfTime 2 года назад +1

    wow - just wow - this place has always been on my bucket list but I pulled that list out just now and drew a big black line through it. I had always thought it was a pretty safe place to be but I have decided that seeing it through your eyes was good enough.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      Glad Aquarius went to Socotra, but also glad I didn't have to stay any longer than we did... Nice people, and good hospital!

  • @Mr.Alia63
    @Mr.Alia63 2 года назад

    If I were you I will be scared as hell in this place

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +4

      I was fascinated i the begging. Especially the service in hospital was superb. But after the car stopped harshly when I was drinking water and pointed fingers at me - it was… uncomfortable… 🥺

  • @sicchuckie
    @sicchuckie 2 года назад

    Vultures= Carry On Birds for the Magi

  • @ivanramadani8486
    @ivanramadani8486 2 года назад

    Anda berdua luar biasa 👍👍

  • @allanmoore7790
    @allanmoore7790 2 года назад +2

    Glad to see you are okay Ken! As I was checking out Socotra on the web, I had serious doubts about you being able to find a doctor or a hospital.
    It’s 643 NM from Socotra to Djibouti. I would sail ASAP, if winds allow, away from this “Awful Place”.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +5

      The hospital in Socotra was one of the best places we visited in the island. Of course if need serious help, that would have been different story…

  • @larsjohannesson398
    @larsjohannesson398 2 года назад

    Another fascinating place I will never visit. Thanks for sharing this. Good adventure!

  • @anwerabdallah569
    @anwerabdallah569 2 года назад

    uae is administer the island these days

  • @richard9316
    @richard9316 2 года назад

    Not a place I'd have chosen to stop...

  • @enin56
    @enin56 11 месяцев назад

    A film about the journey to the magical island of Socotra.Socotra Ark 133 on 43.видео.html

  • @jimmyrants4342
    @jimmyrants4342 2 года назад

    I worked around that part of the world for over 20 years doing geophysical research. I hated it, but loved it at the same time. I thought the people were generally good people, but at times, they can be so obnoxious, overbearing, and pushy. It took me a while to understand their customs. I am glad you, your wife, and Zatara are safe, and on your way to nicer places.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      We never felt unsafe in Socotra, and all the people we had contact with treated us very well. I'm so glad I was able to visit Socotra, but also happy to see Socotra in my rearview mirror. Fair Winds

  • @doradosurfcharters
    @doradosurfcharters 2 года назад +1

    Nice to see the are still shit holes left in this world 👍I was getting a bit over palm trees fair winds and lobster not to mention those Zatara kids 😂another cool video🍻

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +2

      I probably would not say Shit Hole place, unless I was mocking one of our presidents. Lets just say it's a very interesting place!

  • @robertscranton8293
    @robertscranton8293 2 года назад

    Crazy world eh? I am somewhat speechless. Thanks for the tour of that lovely island. Let's leave those people be. No need to import them to America. Don't ya think?

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      The people were, for the most part, pretty nice. But, the amount of trash, junk cars, old tanks, just a bunch of crap that needs cleaning up was incredible. If they would clean up the main town, then I would say that Socotra would be one step closer to 3rd world. But, so much to see on this little island. And, I am glad we stopped in.. Fair Winds.

  • @jeffalexander544
    @jeffalexander544 2 года назад

    Who was the third sailboat? I understand your guys adventurous journeys but, please get the hell out of there!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      Some friends we met in French Poly left from Zanzibar and meet us in Socotra. There were also two additional boats that planned to leave from Seychelles and sail with us. One captain had a tooth issue, and the other had to be rescued at sea, and his 47 Bavaria is now at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. :(

    • @rorywilliams5131
      @rorywilliams5131 2 года назад

      @@SailingAquarius was the Bavaria definitely sunk?

  • @walterwinn2842
    @walterwinn2842 2 года назад +2

    I think Ken needs to see a real doctor asap

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      They had real doctors, and good doctors. But, they don't have the the high end blood tests, MRI, and other equipment. I can't say anything bad about the doctors, or the care I received.

  • @rickcreel3657
    @rickcreel3657 2 года назад

    I hope Yemen is better than this island. My friend James Malony was there in Yemen before the war. He told me that there was a great move of the Spirit of God but it is hidden and underground. The people are wonderful and childlike in their faith and nothing is impossible for them. To keep people safe I can not say more.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      The Yemeni people were very kind to us, and we enjoyed seeing Socotra. But, lots of trash in the main town of Hadiboh, and it looked like a war zone straight out of a video game. When we drove up to the mountains it was peaceful and clean, what a difference! I also never felt in fear of anyone stealing from us or hurting us in anyway. It was interesting to say the least!

    • @rorywilliams5131
      @rorywilliams5131 2 года назад

      I lived in Aden in 1962. Very different times obviously. There is a civil war going on and lots of people starving. As I have read Socotra is not under Yemen government control. Presumably this is why there is very little to buy.

  • @jaumemarti6290
    @jaumemarti6290 2 года назад

    I am sure you have visited the most remote place in the world. Did you have fear at any time?

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      Not much, except when Zivile was drinking water in the street and the car stopped. But locals are very friendly

  • @thesailingkiwi
    @thesailingkiwi 2 года назад +1

    savages 😂😂... love it

  • @ttigerbell6060
    @ttigerbell6060 2 года назад

    with out a doubt that oil was taken out on purpose

  • @oscarschmitt216
    @oscarschmitt216 2 года назад

    Kia Ora goodness ...what a special place. It is a different culture and the people are very poor and under war condition Really a scary place ...... but the kids were open and friendly. Your 5 Star Hotel is your Aquarius. Wish you the best and all the luck of this world. cheers Siegmar You are really a wonderful lovely couple !!! Nice to know you !!

  • @mrno.7366
    @mrno.7366 2 года назад

    Hi. I'm from Israel. You should go to see a doctor in Eilat hospital.
    Just to make sure you are ok.
    Great episode!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      I may just do that!

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      We will probably be in Israel in a few months. Any suggestions on tours?

    • @mrno.7366
      @mrno.7366 2 года назад

      @@SailingAquarius well. Since you are going through Suez canal then you should sail to marina Tel Aviv /Jaffa (must be there ,,zatara youth.. )then North to Haifa /Akko old city (must)then 20 hours sail to Cyprus
      But before of that rent a car from Eilat drive road 90 north. Through Masada dead sea up Jerusalem back to 90 North Tiberius _sea of Galilee_ Nazareth_ golann heights. Back to a Eilat through kibbutz sede boker road 40. Ramon crater. And everything in between I'm sure your Christian viewers will enjoy it
      Good 👍 luck
      (Be patient with the Israeli coast guard,,,)

    • @mrno.7366
      @mrno.7366 2 года назад

      @@SailingAquarius and one more thing you probably don't know it but you are changing the circumnavigate route, you actually open new old route ,it's going to be interesting how it will influence other sailors to use this route to the Mediterranean you have a lot of courage and wisdom,

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      Thanks for the Information. We are going to visit Israel and Jordan after Egypt. But, we need a weather window to get out of Jeddah.

  • @mohamedcabdi7473
    @mohamedcabdi7473 7 месяцев назад

    Socotra Island and Abdul Kuri Island are part of Greater Somalia in the Indian Ocean within the borders of Somalia on the continent of Africa, not the right of Yemen.

  • @maz_hamarziky7749
    @maz_hamarziky7749 10 месяцев назад

    Apakah orang socotra tahu akan dajjal berada di pulau itu

  • @gailkoprowski3177
    @gailkoprowski3177 2 года назад +3

    The "kids"... first you call them "savages", then "obnoxious"! Maybe you should show a little respect visiting other countries that don't have as much as you do. Probably don't get many visitors to their island.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад

      ☺️ I do respect the culture and customs of the countries I visit. And we might have different opinions about the kids, or my opinion about them. I think kids should have some respect for adults. But it’s just my opinion ☺️ Peace ☮️

  • @KhouryNatalie
    @KhouryNatalie 2 года назад +3

    What an awful place.

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      I would not say it’s awful. It’s very different and interesting. Maybe not the most welcoming…I would agree with that

  • @japc4326
    @japc4326 2 года назад

    Why even take the chance in those SH countries....they can't feed themselves, you think you could easily buy food?.....

  • @KhouryNatalie
    @KhouryNatalie 2 года назад

    What obnoxious people. I would leave

    • @SailingAquarius
      @SailingAquarius  2 года назад +1

      You can try leaving… but just coming in almost cost our lives and boat… we needed a wind to cooperate…