HOGWARTS LEGACY Guitar Painting | Lute Music + Ambience | 1 HOUR

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @SamK1281
    @SamK1281 Год назад +34

    I have a crush on the lute boy

  • @jennani8431
    @jennani8431 Год назад +116

    Whenever I pass by and hear him playing music, I can't help but stop and appreciate it.

  • @caremlot2805
    @caremlot2805 Год назад +54

    Thank you so much for posting this! I usually like to stop by and listen to this portrait for a while.

  • @kiku_ki
    @kiku_ki Год назад +23

    I'm in love with the painting

  • @amazonorchid1321
    @amazonorchid1321 Год назад +15

    The first two notes immediately make me start humming Metallica's Nothing Else Matters ❤

  • @ManRay93
    @ManRay93 Год назад +13

    A Portrait of Love, and pachelbel's canon :) you are welcome

  • @CampingforCool41
    @CampingforCool41 Год назад +22

    I always wonder how bored the people in the portraits must get standing there all day…

    • @IgaNoShinobi502
      @IgaNoShinobi502 Месяц назад

      They never stand there all day, they move in others portraits, and they also can move on their own others portraits even if they are not inside hogwarts, just like Phineas Nigellus Black did in the Order Of Phoenix when Arthur Weasley was attacked by Nagini in the Ministry of Magic and when they search him after Harry sees the scene in a dream

  • @gloomsi
    @gloomsi Год назад +9

    please do the violin hallway too!

  • @rochelimit55555
    @rochelimit55555 Год назад +13

    some of the piece sounds like Pachelbel

    • @Crossfade1625
      @Crossfade1625 Год назад +3

      probably on purpose I’d imagine

    • @namikiskrina5971
      @namikiskrina5971 Год назад

      Pachelbel !! Thank you, I was looking for the name ❤

  • @belialren
    @belialren 8 месяцев назад +1

    The guy in the painting looks a lot like my character so I thought that the painting matched your character. 😂

  • @kikithepupper6774
    @kikithepupper6774 Год назад +4

    Is this the actual music? It's so beautiful,

  • @MysonEggAndHisbrotherCheese
    @MysonEggAndHisbrotherCheese Год назад +6

    Imagine you are a student at hogwarts who just broke up with bf/gf and find here, damn i would missed so many class 😅

  • @hellohallo1714
    @hellohallo1714 Год назад +1

    Pachelbel Canon in D

  • @TheSluffyGuy
    @TheSluffyGuy Год назад +1

    Anybody knows the name of the second song? The name of the real song? Sound familiar

    • @VeloForceStudios
      @VeloForceStudios 6 месяцев назад

      Pachabel’s Canon. It’s commonly played during weddings

    • @matthewfuhrmann9078
      @matthewfuhrmann9078 5 месяцев назад +1

      On the Hogwarts Legacy album the name of the song is 'Aire On The Side Of Love"

  • @emilywalker4958
    @emilywalker4958 Год назад +6

    Too be honest why does he look like a snack

    @TUXXEDO_YT Год назад

    i hope this song is not copyrighted. is it admin?