Creator of the attract, repel, and energy weapon spells here, I loved seeing my weapons in a mod review, it was awesome! So sorry that the energy blade spell didn't appear correctly on PCVR though. Turns out the shaders were only allowed on standalone
Im the creator of the Goblin Duel Disk, thank you for sharing my munching ability mod too. ❤ Also, the summoning is better if you leave the cards on the floor (so the effect ring is on the floor straight and you avoid damage like the Red Eyes and Blue Eyes skills).😂 And disabling the durability cheat will make cards disappear, so you cant spam it and make the mod too op
HELL YEAH MAN! I’ve been using the Yugioh disk blade for a bit now, I love the way I can make a summoner build and just dominate dungeons. Really shows how creative and far the modding community in Battle Talent can go!
For people who don’t play yugioh, defense and attack position are positions monsters go in since, y’know, they have defense and attack points You either activate a spell by placing it face up, or set a trap or spell by putting it face down to activate later On top of that you can only set a monster in the face down defense position or summon it in attack position. You can’t summon it in defense position This video has sent me to the shadow realm
Not the YU-GI-HO hair and the kamehameha together in the thumbnail😂😂
@@DownloadableContentmod names?
Creator of the attract, repel, and energy weapon spells here, I loved seeing my weapons in a mod review, it was awesome! So sorry that the energy blade spell didn't appear correctly on PCVR though. Turns out the shaders were only allowed on standalone
Are the powers based on Gojo
@@kieranmcginley1262 Yeah they were inspired off of him
I Hope you Guys are doing Good Jesus loves you!! ❤️❤️🙏🙂😁
@@kieranmcginley1262Jesus loves you :D :) ❤️❤️🙏
15:20 DLC is kinda attractive rn 😳
Im the creator of the Goblin Duel Disk, thank you for sharing my munching ability mod too. ❤
Also, the summoning is better if you leave the cards on the floor (so the effect ring is on the floor straight and you avoid damage like the Red Eyes and Blue Eyes skills).😂
And disabling the durability cheat will make cards disappear, so you cant spam it and make the mod too op
HELL YEAH MAN! I’ve been using the Yugioh disk blade for a bit now, I love the way I can make a summoner build and just dominate dungeons. Really shows how creative and far the modding community in Battle Talent can go!
Battle talent is great can't wait for next update
How do you have so much mods vc I have 14 but if I get more it will take one mod out
The lightsabers look so much better with post processing turned on in the in-game settings, btw
How do you keep your characters in and do NPC’s?
Elgato from Monster Hunter Rise was the last thing I expected to see when I opened up this video lmao
There are a few city Mabs but you have to dig deep
I searched all maps. There was 1, but only for the quest build
Does hat magic only work on the full game?
For the Spider-Man shooters need to put them on as spell
12:24 is glitched on your end, it may be because you are on PCvr, but you are supposed to see energy blades above your hands that shoot out
Yea, this is how it looks on PC
Are these available on the demo?
Day 2 of asking DLC to play hot dogs horse shoes and hand grenades
I did actually play it… it wasn’t for me
Watching you place down traps and spell cards while saying you are placing them in defense position hurts in a way you cannot comprehend
For people who don’t play yugioh, defense and attack position are positions monsters go in since, y’know, they have defense and attack points
You either activate a spell by placing it face up, or set a trap or spell by putting it face down to activate later
On top of that you can only set a monster in the face down defense position or summon it in attack position. You can’t summon it in defense position
This video has sent me to the shadow realm
Something something Shadow realm 😁
@@DownloadableContent the worst part is I can’t even make a forced yugioh reference as a counter. Man I hate being the biggest nerd in the room smh
@@beywheelzhater8930 I’m here bro feeling your pain sorry if I’m late but even his reply was 😢
Im the creator. Yes, it hurted so much.
Are these mods only on pcvr because on my headset it doesn’t have any of these
How do you use the camera can you tell me
5:17 what's this mod?
Yay more battle talent!
can you get these mods on standalone headset?
glad you liked mod week, hope you check out some of my mods too! Have a good one.
battle talent!!!
yo, whats that kamehameha spell called?
Why do the lightsabers act like Disney ones😭.
Edit: Never mind just saw him cut an ork in half.😂
I love that yall whine about Disney where it doesn’t even fit
Look at you, editing it because you were wrong. Keep crying about Disney. It's not gonna make a difference in their shitty star wars anyway.
How do you use mods ?
I need someone too make a mod like the blade and sorcery holy steel mod
Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and this video is very Portuguese.
DownloadableContent mor like genuinely great goober
@downloadablecontent could u pls make a vid of how to install mods for pc vr bc my in game mod menue never has any on the mods pls
you should do a video about the new BladeDancer lyneca's mod
Does the mods need pc?
No there is a built in mod browser
How does one mod battle talent? I dont see them on nexus.
Do battle talent Thursday
it's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel
Can you do more bone lab
10:43 he said what the fuck
I love you you make my day so good
Ello🎉 do multiplayer again❤
the kameyamama
dam 48 seconds ago is crazy
Mod showcase Wednesday
Is the mod in the game or do you download it. Highlight my comment to put the answer(if you want to)
Goated streamer
The monster Hunter sunbreak home world I need it for blade and sorcery
Why is there a [ at the start of the title
Day 11 of asking dc to play ghosts of tabor with timeless vr
Hello drifter
Can you play patch 5 7-11 for bonelab pls🥺
W video
Yo yo yooooooo
There is the avengers city map
Avengers city? You mean New York? 😂
Is it free
Omg downloadable content posted 😮😮❤
Mb for not watching the last couple videos Drifter been at Disney will catch up with them
Yugioh my beloved im sorry your card game is ass from powercreep and greed but i still love you 🙏
wow we are early
First like!!!
Why is it showing 0 views 1 like? Who liked?!
The satan himself
I'm first but who fucking cares
First (please pin I was also the first like)
Pin me!!
For the Spider-Man shooters need to put them on as spell