The Mountain of Everything: Faro, Yukon

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @oldbiker9739
    @oldbiker9739 8 месяцев назад +1

    I remember Jim he owned the buses that ran to the mine ,he also owned the movie theater , now that's going back a long way .

  • @oldbiker9739
    @oldbiker9739 8 месяцев назад +1

    I worked at the mine and in town as a mechanic in the late 60's and 70's as a mechanic and equipment operator , my name is Charlie Lott

  • @blah646
    @blah646 7 лет назад

    Never saw much of the Town of Faro, what are the price of groceries, gasoline, utilities. Is the Anvil mine system still,operating?

    • @donkeyballs3307
      @donkeyballs3307 6 лет назад

      blah the mine has been shut down since the early 90's , it's pretty much an abandoned ghost town now , about 150-200 people live there now , there's no gas station , no grocery store , hardly nothing there now , houses with over grown lawns , this video was filmed in the 80's

    • @JayBruceWorld
      @JayBruceWorld 6 лет назад +8

      joe momma that’s not true at all. There’s cardlock gas, a bar, restaurant and hotel and a grocery store. While portions of the town are abandoned, the town has just recently acquired all of the abandoned mining houses and has been auctioning them for people to buy and redevelop. There’s actually a few hundred people with many new families. Mine remediation are set to start in 2019/2020 and will see a number of workers come to the area.

    • @donkeyballs3307
      @donkeyballs3307 6 лет назад +1

      I lived there in the 80's & 90's ,its a shit hole

    • @reyerse
      @reyerse 4 года назад +2

      @@JayBruceWorld Nice

    • @nunayobiznass
      @nunayobiznass 3 года назад +1

      @@JayBruceWorld i am traveling from Alberta to Faro on the 25th of January to do work on the remediation project.

  • @oldbiker9739
    @oldbiker9739 8 месяцев назад

    I new Al colan he was shot dead in Ross river bar he owned a Rolls Royce I worked on .

  • @danalynnkayal
    @danalynnkayal 9 лет назад

    What year was this video first published

    • @rjwhetstone8639
      @rjwhetstone8639 8 лет назад

      It says, " This video was produced circa 2004"

    • @donkeyballs3307
      @donkeyballs3307 6 лет назад

      Dana Kayal the mine has been shut down since the early 90's , this was filmed in the 80's , I lived in faro in the 80's

    • @JayBruceWorld
      @JayBruceWorld 6 лет назад +1

      joe momma wrong.

    • @donkeyballs3307
      @donkeyballs3307 5 лет назад

      @@JayBruceWorld not wrong atall, have u been their lately , like last week, cause I was

    • @JayBruceWorld
      @JayBruceWorld 5 лет назад +1

      joe momma the video is from the early 2000’s. I go to faro every year, my wife is from faro and all my in laws live in faro. The golf course wasn’t there in the 80s.

  • @mscris503
    @mscris503 5 лет назад

    FARO is mostly abandoned now in 2020, this video was made 20 years ago

    • @jameswoods3455
      @jameswoods3455 4 года назад +3

      Sorry to say, town is full, lol, most houses have been repaired and new town people already moved in. Visit the Faro website and check out what is and has happened in the last 10 years.