Outstanding playing! I know his frustration of his teammates, because I play my ELC a lot. So many of your teammates either can't hit what you light up or they can't pen them. Most arty players can't even get close most shots. So, you get frustrated and start shooting the enemy yourself. You no longer spot for your team and they think you're a bad scout, but in reality they're just bad teammates!
Outstanding playing! I know his frustration of his teammates, because I play my ELC a lot. So many of your teammates either can't hit what you light up or they can't pen them. Most arty players can't even get close most shots. So, you get frustrated and start shooting the enemy yourself. You no longer spot for your team and they think you're a bad scout, but in reality they're just bad teammates!
Bu sevimli ve tehlikeli bücür iyi iş başardı 👏 GG 👍