  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • A terrific panel of free speech lovers brought together by Comedy Unleashed discuss what's going on.
    At this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Comedy Unleashed’s show, featuring Graham Linehan, was cancelled because the venue did not ‘support his views’ and his presence would ‘violate their space’. The edgy spirit that used to characterise the Edinburgh Festival Fringe specifically, and stand-up comedy more generally, seems to have evaporated. There was no outcry from comedians attending the festival and very few publicly expressed even the mildest of support for free expression in the arts.
    Why do comedians increasingly side with the Establishment? How can comics say that they are ‘punching up’ when they support the people being ‘cancelled’ by corporations? As society becomes more authoritarian, where is the satirical response and creative backlash?
    On this panel, filmed by WORLDwrite volunteers at the Battle of Ideas Festival 2023, the speakers are:
    Miriam Elia: satirical conceptual artist; author, We See the Sights, We Go To The Gallery and We Do Lockdown; creator, A Series Of Psychotic Episodes
    Dominic Frisby: writer; comedian; author, Bitcoin: the future of money?
    Graham Linehan: creator and co-creator, Father Ted, Black Books and The IT Crowd; comedy writer, Count Arthur Strong, Brass Eye and The Fast Show; author, Tough Crowd: How I Made and Lost a Career in Comedy
    Andy Shaw: co-founder, Comedy Unleashed

Комментарии • 24

  • @peterson17able
    @peterson17able 10 месяцев назад +10

    Well worth a watch! Enjoy!

  • @radicalcartoons2766
    @radicalcartoons2766 10 месяцев назад +11

    At 32:40, not "no one else" 😂 I satirised Lockdown in my book, "2020, The Year We Were All Cancelled", which was also on sale at the Battle of Ideas. I was speaking in another Worldwrite debate, Gagged Cartoonists, is Satire still possible?

  • @Megamush707
    @Megamush707 10 месяцев назад +5

    This was brilliant 👏

  • @kenfalloon3186
    @kenfalloon3186 8 месяцев назад +1

    As a small boy in the late fifties, l and all my mates absolutely loved 'Round the horn', especially the characters Julian and Sandy's ultra campness, which we imitated enthusiastically in the playground without any notion of the gay connotations. This at a time when gayness was still a decade away from legality. Out of the mouths of innocents.

  • @blue24563
    @blue24563 3 месяца назад

    Comedians have always sided with the establishment. They want to be popular and sell tickets.

  • @Malky5279
    @Malky5279 9 месяцев назад +3

    I started writing this comment very early in the video and it's a bit of a ramble but there is something in the description of the cultural worldview of the arts that I think is broadly true but the way it's set up hints at a wider problem of how binary I think everything becomes when we pick our sides in the public debate.
    Whether it's the age old left and right in politics, the basic way we identify us and them, the in group and the out group it feels like nuance is rarely tolerated.
    I'd say most of my views lean towards the liberal elite view points but fucked if I'm on board with Trans ideology. I'm pretty much live and let live. Do what you like if it isn't causing anyone else harm. Want to entertain the fiction that you can live as a member of the opposite sex go right ahead but when it has an adverse affect on other people it becomes a problem.
    It really should not be controversial not having men in women's prisons, women's changing areas, crisis centres for victims of sexual or domestic abuse or women's sport but bizarrely you can be hounded as transphobic if you say that and literal violent acts by trans activists and threats of violence by the same somehow goes unheard and unseen in mainstream and left leaning media.
    I already see a comment on this video that accuses Graham Linehan of violently abusing queers online. I don't see any evidence of that. He's called out some very questionable people like Amy Challinor and he has campaigned against a torrent of abuse himself with his clear concerns over women's rights, the medicalisation of children, the transing away the gay homophobia that is an element of Trans. I so rarely see anyone from the Trans activism side calmly explain why he is wrong. I've seen plenty of women have men screaming in their faces all kinds of abuse and women like Maya Forstater having to fight legal battles for tweets in her personal life that at worst should have stimulated debate not cost her her job.
    I'm not sure it's possible to be a free speech absolutest. Direct incitement to violence, shouting fire in a crowded building causing genuine risk to human life and so on but somehow the desire to prevent hate speech has evolved into a culture where the consequences of having the wrong opinion is now stifling free speech and expression.
    Don't get me wrong I'm not sure there is a more depressing place on Earth than a Daily Mail comments section where drowning migrants is actively celebrated. Where people suggest boycotting the RNLI because they don't leave migrants to drown.
    Brexit also really does seem to be a disaster, doesn't also mean there isn't a load wrong with the EU. Not every aspect of political correctness or what might now be labelled wokeness is absolutely terrible but absolutely some people are shallow virtue signalling and don't really care beyond how virtuous they look opposed to how much they actually are or merely concerned about protecting themselves from being seen as on the wrong side.
    There are a plenty of smug middle class concerns that don't really feel all that important when you really are living paycheck to paycheck yet I still can't understand the depths of vitriol that I see online because a comic book character got changed to something different from it's origin. Especially if they changed the sex or ethnicity of the character. There are a few exceptions where I've thought that doesn't seem right but most of the time I'm not fussed if a fictional representation of a Norse God is portrayed by a black guy or a character created 60 years ago in a comic as a white guy is now played by a woman.
    However everytime there is some casting controversy over representation I also think really someone who isn't from that exact demographic can't pretend to be something slightly different. It is called acting after all. I'm broadly happy to see more diversity but there are times and places it can seem shoehorned or restrictive to say you need to have x or y representation here.
    I honestly don't understand all the controversy over critical race theory, I've heard a couple of things that raised eyebrows but I'm fairly sure racism hasn't been wiped away any more than mysogeny and homophobia has because we've come to a broad understanding that these things are bad but again it becomes something that immediately goes to a place where talking through the issues doesn't really happen. People retreat to their own tribal camps. One side are racists and the others SJW's and no meaningful discourse happens to tease out the nuance and increase understanding.
    These topics are incredibly polarising and susceptible to people grifting and furthering careers on both sides of the argument and inflamed argument often means more clicks, headlines and revenue.
    Honestly I fucking despair and not even touched on things like antivax and climate change where everyone seems to be a fucking expert.
    I will always remain vaguely on the left because despite the obvious problems we've had the idea that we should let the 'free market' decide everything just seems so obviously wrong insofar as capitalism might be the least bad way of organising things so far but unfettered capitalism leaves us with sweatshops and externalities like polluted rivers foisted onto the population. We'd still have child labour, no workers rights and be expected to work 6 days out of 7 12 hours a day if hadn't been for left leaning activism.
    A bit further in and I agree with what Graham is saying about good art being something the audience didn't know it wants and the broad thrust of this video and the censorious nature of the time we are living in. Frankie Boyle is a good example when from memory he says nothing one way or other on an area like trans for fear of the reaction. I'd imagine if he bought into the orthodoxy of it he'd happily speak out in support of it as being pro trans I don't believe has harmed anyone's career yet. I still like a lot of Frankie Boyles material but it is hard to not notice the complete omission of a very hot talking point for a comedian who built a career being edgy.
    I happened to see the comedian Mae Martin isn't in the next Champion of Champions episode of Taskmaster. I presume it just a filming conflict but I googled it to see if there was any news as to the reason why and I couldn't see anything specific but I did see her proudly sharing a picture of her post top surgery. I genuinely hope that has made her happier but it made me uncomfortable. I obviously don't know her but I watched her semi autobiographical sitcom Feel Good. A really funny show and it clearly showed a troubled past, she has publicly said she has suffered from gender dysphoria and as a 36 year old women she has the bodily autonomy to do what she pleases.
    But it concerns me that vulnerable younger people can see this and feel like maybe that is the answer for them when maybe it isn't. Maybe it wasn't the answer or best outcome for Mae Martin either but at least as a fully developed adult woman she made that decision. It's a pretty drastic thing to put yourself through and the thought of a 16-25 year old still finding their identity doing such drastic procedures and more when there is no real evidence to support the efficacy of it as a good outcome is shocking to me.
    Puberty blockers and crosssex hormones stifling normal development and not allowing arguably most people to resolve their gender dysphoria naturally and pushing a treatment path that leads to sterilisation and lack of sexual function is an absolute scandal. So seeing Mae Martin proudly sport her top surgery knowing the influence it could have on young impressionable and vulnerable children and adults is worrying to me.
    At the same time I wish no harm to anyone who considers themselves trans, has gender dysphoria but the very idea that you can be another sex is a fiction and before anyone takes irreversible action to essentially mutilate their bodies to better pass as the opposite sex they should absolutely be made to investigate other sources of trauma and pain in their life and try and find a path to feeling comfortable in the body they have before affirming that hormones and surgery is the road to go down.
    Collective versus individual responsibility is something I see touched on and this seems to be an area that divides where people broadly split right and left. Your life is your responsibility and no one can do it for you. It's not entirely untrue but no man is an island and even the greatest self made stories are rarely accomplished without the help of others. They are also the exception to the rule. The right paints poverty as a moral failing but it's madness to suggest everyone born in poverty can pull by their bootstraps their way out of it.
    The left could when identifying structural reasons around inequality possibly fall into the trap of encouraging a sense of victim hood. I don't think that is an entirely invalid criticism but we need other people and we can't always be in competition with each other so we need to find the best of what both sides see as the virtues of their world views and maybe we can create a society that encourages freedom or thought, expression and opportunity yet is compassionate enough to look out for those who fall between the cracks and on hard times even when they aren't the most obviously sympathetic.

    • @juliaogara8794
      @juliaogara8794 8 месяцев назад +3

      It's great to read a polite and thoughtful piece.
      I have personal contact with individuals that come under all the various headings. I've family that to tell the full story would curl the straightest of hair. What I do not understand is why someone has yo shout down and be vile to another purely for not having the same point of view. If you are completely convinced of something, then what another thinks is not doing you any harm.
      We are supposedly the most intelligent entity on planet earth. It could be argued that we display the most stupid behaviours and any entity on planet earth.

    • @yol.7177
      @yol.7177 8 месяцев назад +1

      Such a thoughtful reply. Thank you!😊

  • @willnitschke
    @willnitschke 8 месяцев назад

    Same reason why most muppets do it. Cowardice, ignorance and group think.

  • @John-wf5if
    @John-wf5if 9 месяцев назад

    Incentives = outcomes

  • @harvey6813
    @harvey6813 10 месяцев назад


  • @bobbyd0g
    @bobbyd0g 9 месяцев назад +3

    Graham doesn't have any time left to do comedy between his top priorities of violently abusing queers online, getting divorced for that pathetic obsession, and flying to his next media engagement about how "cancelled" he is.

    • @OrwellsHousecat
      @OrwellsHousecat 9 месяцев назад


    • @royjacobs1204
      @royjacobs1204 9 месяцев назад +1

      OK, groomer

    • @adrianmeyer2157
      @adrianmeyer2157 8 месяцев назад +6

      As pathetic an obsession as being a furry?

    • @bobbyd0g
      @bobbyd0g 8 месяцев назад

      @@adrianmeyer2157 I must have hit a nerve. You bigoted creeps never give up an opportunity to prove my point.

    • @carltaylor6452
      @carltaylor6452 8 месяцев назад

      He's never violently abused 'queers' online - you are projecting. (By 'queers', you of course mean straight people who have a narcissistic compulsion to appear interesting for the lack of anything else they can offer or to embrace some kind of victimhood.) As for your other ignorant assertions, you're clearly one of the empathetic, be kind brigade, doing your utmost to win hearts and minds for your love-bombing cult. 🤪

  • @neilcreamer8207
    @neilcreamer8207 3 месяца назад

    Several references were made to some sort of headless, vague pseudo-authority which makes people afraid to speak out for fear of being called out or isolated. Isn't this the exact mechanism of totalitarianism?

  • @pasha578
    @pasha578 9 месяцев назад +3

    Love Frisby and Lineman, but I have to admit that listening to Elia was painful on the ears.

  • @markkavanagh7377
    @markkavanagh7377 10 месяцев назад +6

    Does Glinner get a comedian to cut his hair? ✂️ 😃

  • @m1169199
    @m1169199 9 месяцев назад

    Its great that they still give Bashar al-Assad work running panels after the whole Syria thing.