1. Rejection (training season). 2. Expanded Emotional (prophetic processing) Capacity. 3. Discernment (gift of the word of knowledge through intimacy with God). 4. Burden Bearing (Hear. Discern. Intercede. Gatekeeper). 5. Officership(processing/testing phase to overcoming lust & pride towards elevation).
@@ObiomaOEnyinnaya I believe prophets have to learn spiritual warfare ASAP in their training. Because even if the prophet doesn't want to be a prophet and runs away from God's appointment and calling, satan doesn't see it that way. In the spirit world, satan already knows who are marked by God. Moses and Jesus were targeted to be assassinated when they were babies by Pharoah and Herod. Satan incited Pharoah and Herod to kill all the babies because satan already saw in the spirit world who they were going to become. It is better to learn spiritual warfare and our authority in the Name of Jesus FAST. It will cut short a lot of things.
Rejection is only for a season. Seasons come and go but God will refine us through the fire. We have to withstand everything God tries us with to refine our character. He will not forsake you... don't give up, only the best of the best make the cut.
Why has God done this to his so-called "chosen ones?" Like I don't get it. He's so sadistic. I've had to endure jezebels from my own family. And I feel like he wants me to forgive them just to go through the suffering over and over again. Like what the fk? What did I do to deserve this? From my own. Blood relative. Who bore me for 10 months has been so jezebellic to me and I can't seem to come out of this trauma. I am so tired of this shit that so-called a "good God" is telling me to do. Like what the fk did I do to deserve this shit?
Just finished an ugly crying session. Crying out to God because I‘m so confused and frustrated and hopeless. Immediately afterwards I stumbled across this video - suddendly so much made sense. Got the answers. Thank you 🎉 praise the lord!
The Lord lead me to your channel this morning and told me to watch it. EVERYTHING you said was SPOT ON. I cannot share anything on this platform, but He is putting me through HEAVY training now. TY for explaining everything so clearly and confirming so many things for me. ❣🙏🏼
Been in the developmental process for 30. Years now And just coming out to begin the unfolding of a tsunami wave of the Spirit of God Never looked back , no regrets, many tests
I’m going through everything. I just finish crying and asking God what is going on then i came through this video… I didn’t want to click but my mind keep telling me to.. I feel relieved watching this now.. thank you
A true acid test that you are definitely called into the office of a prophet is based on a simple question. "Did God actually called you to be a prophet from His Voice that you heard directly from Him? Yes or No.
Thank you the heaviness of my gifts from God have been pressing in on me. I realize that it takes faith to walk this path alone and to keep silent the promises being revealed to me. Thank you for being a messenger and making me less alone today.
Good gracious!!! Sister, you just unpacked that suitcase that has been in my prayer closet since childhood. You also just gained an ordained subscriber 🙌🏽 May Yahweh continue to protect, guide and bless you and yours for His glory. In Jesus name. Amen.
This was very profound and insightful. And it accurately describes EVERYTHING I have been going through. God recently showed me Hosea 2:14, it touched my heart and encouraged my spirit that was heavy. He is a good good father! 🌹🙏🏾🥰
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I have never seen you or your ministry before but finally clicked on this video when it kept coming to my homefeed and I could feel Him pushing me to play this! Soooooooo many confirmations and convictions. The antichrist world calls me an Empath - my Father calls it prophetic. Glory glory hallelujah!
My God thank you for this video; just these five points and explanations have I mean just freed me and explained to me what and how God has used me since about 14 yrs of age and to the level he has just elevated me to. My God it feels good to get Wisdom and understanding and to be able to breathe. My God. Thank you.
This came right on time I was just thinking about folding on what God told me and I related to this message so much. The rejection as a child and seeing everybody business in dreams and visions lol.
I've heard God's voice several times, , God has shown me things , especially after a fast definitely been rejected,as a child 4 years old I said my uncle is coming home he was in North Carolina ,he came home that very day,22 years old ,I told my aunt,that I'm going to get married get saved and my children in the church at 26 it manifested, just about all my children have a calling in their lives Praise God ,my uncle used to call me Jeremiah!
Thank you for this, when you experience certain things in your life especially when it starts during our childhood years we don’t understand why, this has definitely helped me understand the prophetic calling on my life. I have and am dealing with everything you described in this video. It all makes sense now.
Simply astounding teaching!!!! I now know why I have went through so much. Especially the part when you say You will be tested in how you hear the voice of the Lord and that it will be different than the voices others are hearing! ##gamechanger###
I couldn't agree more. I want to commit suicide so bad. Like why was this given to me. Was I that hateful in God's eyes? I wonder if God saw me and took my life for granted and saw that he could just take advantage of my life. Like why? I didn't ask for NONE of this shit that I'm going through. I didn't ask for ANY OF THIS SHIT. Like wtf??
This is so good thank you! None of the churches I've ever been to teach about this but I can relate to all of this. I love to learn more about the Bible!
Bless all us here reacting chosen ones in jesus christ name and it is so quantum Leap for me amen hallelujah glory yes lord thanks lord hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah glory yes
I don’t know where I am at . I just don’t want nothing but God . I even hate work I lack Knowledge but seek God daily . I deal with spiritual attacks in dreams I just want to know my calling .
When you don’t know something it’s because God doesn’t want you to know it yet He doesn’t want you to feel stress or worry. When you don’t know something, it’s because God wants you to acknowledge Him first. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all yours ways acknowledge Him and He WILL direct your steps. Pray in the Spirit, don’t let your thoughts take over. As scriptures says His ways are not are ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are His ways and thoughts.
John 4:24 God is Spirit and His worshippers MUST worship in spirit and truth. I too struggled praying in my flesh and even fasting out of religious mindset and I was left soo spiritually drained. I watched David Diga Hernández’s video that was titled something along the lines of “Why you’re spiritually drained even when you seek God daily”
I didnt think this video was for me, but after watching I was so wrong. This video was clarity and confirmed that i didnt know i was asking for. Thanks for sharing, blessings🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Listen i have dealt with people bullying me and being wicked and lying,God keep showíng me people life style and i be like God i dont want to be saying anything oe thinking anything bad about people ...them boom look what i hear
Video is very insightful. I’ve been through all of these and have overcome but just had to overcome lust fully because feelings would come every few months when Satan would sow tares in the dreams trying to make covenants. Had to cancel like crazy every other night but GOD is good! Amen to this video. 🙏🏽
This is truly my testimony but I didn’t want to just be claiming to be a prophet. You hear people say that “ God will tell you when your young if your a prophet” I’ve been praying for discipleship. Every time I act prophetically I just hear that’s word of knowledge so I just do t wanna assume I’m prophetic but honestly this makes me see it
You popped up on my feed. When I decided to lay down from a stressful day. As soon as I hit play & layed down I began speaking my heavenly language. I was flowing for your entire video and then some. I came back to rewatch your video and tell you Thank you for teaching & leading. ❤
Thank you I'm glad I stopped here I needed to understand why I was being touched at night I fasted and prayed it has subsided but I never experienced that before. 💞🔥💞
The lord had told me in s dream I was a prophet. I didn’t believe it because I don’t think I’m good enough to carry that title. I would say my discernment is sharp. I checked out all these boxes. I need help to develop my gift because I feel like my life is falling apart.
That’s a sign that God is at work in your life. He breaks us down and then builds us back up as the potter does with the clay. When things don’t make sense that’s when he’s doing his best work. Keep the faith…
1. Rejection (training season).
2. Expanded Emotional (prophetic processing) Capacity.
3. Discernment (gift of the word of knowledge through intimacy with God).
4. Burden Bearing (Hear. Discern. Intercede. Gatekeeper).
5. Officership(processing/testing phase to overcoming lust & pride towards elevation).
I remember crying out to God why I had to deal with so much bullying. The Lord said "the devil always tries to silence the voice of my prophets"
Unfortunately he does. But the prophets will not be silenced!
I believe prophets have to learn spiritual warfare ASAP in their training.
Because even if the prophet doesn't want to be a prophet and runs away from God's appointment and calling, satan doesn't see it that way.
In the spirit world, satan already knows who are marked by God. Moses and Jesus were targeted to be assassinated when they were babies by Pharoah and Herod.
Satan incited Pharoah and Herod to kill all the babies because satan already saw in the spirit world who they were going to become.
It is better to learn spiritual warfare and our authority in the Name of Jesus FAST. It will cut short a lot of things.
You heard actually words? I just hear loud ringing whenever he wants my attention!
Rejection overtime makes one feel tired and fedup.
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Rejection is only for a season. Seasons come and go but God will refine us through the fire. We have to withstand everything God tries us with to refine our character. He will not forsake you... don't give up, only the best of the best make the cut.
@@ronniebattle1310 I tried search that and nothing came up.
Its designed to do that. We just have to keep lifting it up in prayer.
@@boomingbubblebus1470 Its more than a season. Some people have experienced it their whole lives.
I didn’t want to watch this I kept intentionally scrolling past it then God sent me to Matthew 10-11 😫😫😫 now I’m back
I’m glad you watched, there’s more here!
I pretended not to see it too, not even a minute in and saw your comment and had to laugh at myself for doing the same🤭
Me too😅 @SNIPEZONE23 He keeps telling me but I dnt want it but I dnt think we have a choice we must prepare 🫡💯🔥
I scrolled past it 2 times and still ended up here.
WOW 🎉❤
The rejection !!!!
After you become a catalyst for everyone, you are still rejected by the very people you introduced. So painful.
Yes it's very painful 😣
Very painful. Sometimes I still cry 😢 but I know Jesus is close to my broken heart
Why has God done this to his so-called "chosen ones?" Like I don't get it. He's so sadistic. I've had to endure jezebels from my own family. And I feel like he wants me to forgive them just to go through the suffering over and over again. Like what the fk? What did I do to deserve this? From my own. Blood relative. Who bore me for 10 months has been so jezebellic to me and I can't seem to come out of this trauma. I am so tired of this shit that so-called a "good God" is telling me to do. Like what the fk did I do to deserve this shit?
Just finished an ugly crying session. Crying out to God because I‘m so confused and frustrated and hopeless.
Immediately afterwards I stumbled across this video - suddendly so much made sense. Got the answers.
Thank you 🎉 praise the lord!
Praise the Lord ❤️
The Lord lead me to your channel this morning and told me to watch it. EVERYTHING you said was SPOT ON. I cannot share anything on this platform, but He is putting me through HEAVY training now. TY for explaining everything so clearly and confirming so many things for me. ❣🙏🏼
Praise God!
Been in the developmental process for 30. Years now
And just coming out to begin the unfolding of a tsunami wave of the Spirit of God
Never looked back , no regrets, many tests
I’m going through everything. I just finish crying and asking God what is going on then i came through this video… I didn’t want to click but my mind keep telling me to.. I feel relieved watching this now.. thank you
You will be okay I felt it!
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel=
Same for me . I know how you feel
A true acid test that you are definitely called into the office of a prophet is based on a simple question. "Did God actually called you to be a prophet from His Voice that you heard directly from Him? Yes or No.
I'm 61 and this " word of knowledge " describes my entire life! So glad that I know who and what I am in the body of Christ. Thank You❤❤❤
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Thank you the heaviness of my gifts from God have been pressing in on me. I realize that it takes faith to walk this path alone and to keep silent the promises being revealed to me. Thank you for being a messenger and making me less alone today.
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So confirming 😮💨😮💨😮💨🙃. I am in the season for discerning His voice. Wow
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Wow this is SO spot on what you have said has been my walk with the Lord, Lord continue refining us.
Good gracious!!! Sister, you just unpacked that suitcase that has been in my prayer closet since childhood. You also just gained an ordained subscriber 🙌🏽 May Yahweh continue to protect, guide and bless you and yours for His glory. In Jesus name. Amen.
I guess Holy Spirit wanted me to see this! Not sure how you came in my algorithm but glad I watched
God has spoken prophetic words over me that I am a prophet will preach and shows me visions 🙏
It will happen when GOD is ready …
Hallelujah 🎉
Not every prophetically gifted person is a prophet
Truly an important point. People should read John and first and second Corinthians to better understand.
can you please elaborate? i'm interested in this point and would like to learn more
@@kalopsiaslook up videos on the prophetic gift vs the prophetic office
@@kalopsiaspeople can give a prophetic word and not walk in the office of the prophet. Did that clear it up?
Spot on ❤ thank you Jesus Christ ❤
This was very profound and insightful. And it accurately describes EVERYTHING I have been going through. God recently showed me Hosea 2:14, it touched my heart and encouraged my spirit that was heavy. He is a good good father! 🌹🙏🏾🥰
Hosea is beautiful scripture passage indeed Jess ❤❤
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I have never seen you or your ministry before but finally clicked on this video when it kept coming to my homefeed and I could feel Him pushing me to play this! Soooooooo many confirmations and convictions. The antichrist world calls me an Empath - my Father calls it prophetic. Glory glory hallelujah!
Pray 🙏 for My mother 😭 her name is Flora.
Im a heavy feeler & have identified with a few others. I saw your video appear I thought I checked it out I was told I have words of knowledge.
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel+
My God thank you for this video; just these five points and explanations have I mean just freed me and explained to me what and how God has used me since about 14 yrs of age and to the level he has just elevated me to. My God it feels good to get Wisdom and understanding and to be able to breathe. My God. Thank you.
I never understand but i am always rejected and it hurts soooo bad
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That explains me to a T ! I love what God is doing in these last days ❤️
This has been a great training! Much confirmation!
As a Pastor I like your Channel.
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This is God, thank you Lord. Very encouraging
This makes a lot fo sense for my life.
This was so good! Needed to hear this Praise God
This came right on time I was just thinking about folding on what God told me and I related to this message so much. The rejection as a child and seeing everybody business in dreams and visions lol.
Thank you👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽
I just had a WEEK!! I'm experiencing every single thing you just mentioned..I need to seek God's face some more
You are blessed of Adonai! Thank you for this message.
I've heard God's voice several times, , God has shown me things , especially after a fast definitely been rejected,as a child 4 years old I said my uncle is coming home he was in North Carolina ,he came home that very day,22 years old ,I told my aunt,that I'm going to get married get saved and my children in the church at 26 it manifested, just about all my children have a calling in their lives Praise God ,my uncle used to call me Jeremiah!
Jesus said, my sheep, hear my voice, and they will not listen to another. Study the book of John.
You are very anointed and accurate
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Thank you Kingdom Sister for explaining so eloquently. GOD BLESS 😇
Wow😮 u got me together in this video dealing with rejection and lust my entire life. Struggling prophetess and now I kno what's going on. Thank u
Gurllll the rejection and lust part 😢makes sense now
Thank you for this, when you experience certain things in your life especially when it starts during our childhood years we don’t understand why, this has definitely helped me understand the prophetic calling on my life. I have and am dealing with everything you described in this video. It all makes sense now.
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel=
Simply astounding teaching!!!! I now know why I have went through so much. Especially the part when you say You will be tested in how you hear the voice of the Lord and that it will be different than the voices others are hearing! ##gamechanger###
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel÷
It's such a lonely life
I couldn't agree more. I want to commit suicide so bad. Like why was this given to me. Was I that hateful in God's eyes? I wonder if God saw me and took my life for granted and saw that he could just take advantage of my life. Like why? I didn't ask for NONE of this shit that I'm going through. I didn't ask for ANY OF THIS SHIT. Like wtf??
Thank you Almighty God 🙏
Thank you. This has blessed me so much. You gave really spoken about what I have been passing through for years.
I am reading through 1&2kings right now. Thank you for your message
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Me too !! God is up to something !!! For sure :)
This is so good thank you! None of the churches I've ever been to teach about this but I can relate to all of this. I love to learn more about the Bible!
Bless all us here reacting chosen ones in jesus christ name and it is so quantum Leap for me amen hallelujah glory yes lord thanks lord hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah glory yes
True revelation....thank you Jesus
Thank you listening to this message blessed me i am finding many people that fit me and my friends needs thank you.
I'm so blown away with encouragement and inspiration 🙌. Amen and Amen 🙏 WOW
Oh wow wow wow🙉🙆♀️you are speaking to me‼️thanks for clarifying🙌God bless you for being obedient💕
Wow wow wow!!! I truly believe i am going through all this now. Im sooo happy i found this video. Everything is now making sense 😭😭😭😭
I don’t know where I am at . I just don’t want nothing but God . I even hate work I lack Knowledge but seek God daily . I deal with spiritual attacks in dreams I just want to know my calling .
I pray you find peace in who Jesus says you are. Not the rejected feeling but the truth God says to you. Not easy Jessy typing ❤
I pray your sleep is sweet to. 😊
@@stevenleabon8032 thank you
When you don’t know something it’s because God doesn’t want you to know it yet He doesn’t want you to feel stress or worry.
When you don’t know something, it’s because God wants you to acknowledge Him first. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all yours ways acknowledge Him and He WILL direct your steps.
Pray in the Spirit, don’t let your thoughts take over.
As scriptures says His ways are not are ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. As the heavens are higher than the earth so are His ways and thoughts.
John 4:24 God is Spirit and His worshippers MUST worship in spirit and truth.
I too struggled praying in my flesh and even fasting out of religious mindset and I was left soo spiritually drained. I watched David Diga Hernández’s video that was titled something along the lines of “Why you’re spiritually drained even when you seek God daily”
I didnt think this video was for me, but after watching I was so wrong. This video was clarity and confirmed that i didnt know i was asking for. Thanks for sharing, blessings🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Thank you for sharing God's heart ❤❤obiomi thanks Ma
Whewwww you are teaching. Thank you for your obedience. 🙏🏾
Thank you for your obidience to the Lord! Amen
Listen i have dealt with people bullying me and being wicked and lying,God keep showíng me people life style and i be like God i dont want to be saying anything oe thinking anything bad about people ...them boom look what i hear
Thank you so much for this! God bless you!
Praise God!
Wow confirmation For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit John 3:34
Video is very insightful. I’ve been through all of these and have overcome but just had to overcome lust fully because feelings would come every few months when Satan would sow tares in the dreams trying to make covenants. Had to cancel like crazy every other night but GOD is good! Amen to this video. 🙏🏽
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel÷
This was SO on point!🔥🔥🔥 ThankYou!
This was GOOD!
This is truly my testimony but I didn’t want to just be claiming to be a prophet. You hear people say that “ God will tell you when your young if your a prophet” I’ve been praying for discipleship. Every time I act prophetically I just hear that’s word of knowledge so I just do t wanna assume I’m prophetic but honestly this makes me see it
I just got revelation from this.. thank you sincerely
Yes, Abraham was referred to as a prophet. That Word is written on your heart. Hallelujah 🔥 spoken like a true prophetess.
This is real good! 🙌🏿
May God bless your finances in many ways
You popped up on my feed. When I decided to lay down from a stressful day. As soon as I hit play & layed down I began speaking my heavenly language. I was flowing for your entire video and then some. I came back to rewatch your video and tell you Thank you for teaching & leading. ❤
Thank you all truthtellers 1:16
Thank you I'm glad I stopped here I needed to understand why I was being touched at night I fasted and prayed it has subsided but I never experienced that before.
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel=
On time word I needed this To God be the Glory 🙏💕
❤❤❤ love this!
Thank you.
Wow...this was definitely for me this morning.
This video was definitely confirmation and informational! God bless you
Thank you so much for sharing as this resonates very well with me
Thank you SO MUCH!!!!
Such an amazing video! Thank you Obioma.
Praise God! ❤️
Wowwwww! I feel like I’m in the stage of hearing correctly and the lust and pride! Learning and fasting which been tough😅😮💨
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Best explanation ever ❤thank you I finally understand where I am.Thank u for picking up your cross for JESUS!!I needed this.
Good word! Very informative
The lord had told me in s dream I was a prophet. I didn’t believe it because I don’t think I’m good enough to carry that title. I would say my discernment is sharp. I checked out all these boxes. I need help to develop my gift because I feel like my life is falling apart.
That’s a sign that God is at work in your life. He breaks us down and then builds us back up as the potter does with the clay. When things don’t make sense that’s when he’s doing his best work. Keep the faith…
Understood thank you ❤
Oh...this was soooo good!!!
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel=
Wow!! This is good!
Good God Almighty! That breakdown of Eves role... WOW
OMG, you are speaking to me!!!
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel=
Thank you so much for sharing these great insights. God bless your heart of service! Abiolabygrace🤗
Thank for this. I knew all what you was explaining but I'm so glad to have it confirmed anyway. I'm interested in joining the community of prophets
Hi! Check out intentionel.net ☺️ we have a prophets chamber coming up Tuesday June 25th 8pm EST, hope you can join us!
Another confirming word. Thank you. 🙏🏽
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel+
Amen 🙏🏽… 6/9… Please strengthen your FULL ARMOR… Ephesians 6….
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel÷
This was really good teaching. Thank you
Thank you so much I needed this message right on time this is confirmation.
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel×
Wow this is speaking to me
Very good video I learned something new. Thank you.
Jesus Encounter Ministries RUclips channel+
God bless you.
Thank you so much for this
This answered so many questions for me. 🙏🏾