I've known this song some 16 years now, Japanese users uploaded these recordings in the mid 2000s when youtube was new, and I found them back then, all the Gunkas.
The ships shown on the cover is the Battleship Yamato, and her sistership Musashi, the largest and most powerful battleships ever but to sea. They were 863 feet long and 128 feet wide, the largest of their kind, and mounted nine 18.1 inch guns, the largest guns ever mounted on a ship. They could shoot at a max range of 26 miles. They weighed 72,800 tons and could go up to 31.5 mph. Yamato acted as a command ship for the battle of Midway, and served as a troop transport alongside Musashi. Both ships served as carrier escorts in the battle of the Philippine Sea, and went on to serve in the battle of Leyte Gulf, where Musashi was singled out by enemy aircraft and tanked 17 bombs and 19 torpedoes over four hours and sunk bow first. Soon afterwards, Yamato took part in the battle of Samar, where she opened fire on enemy ships for the first time in her carrier, hitting the small aircraft carrier White Planes and the destroyer Johnston, as well as sinking White Plane's sister ship, the Gambier Bay, from a distance of 20 miles. Later on, she finished off the Johnston. Six months later, Yamato tried to beach herself to the shores of Okinawa to shell enemy landing ships and prevent soldiers from stepping foot on the island's soldiers. However, she was spotted by American submarines, and was attacked by 386 aircraft from nine carriers, sinking after 11 bombs and an inconsistent number of torpedoes(ranging from 7, 11, and 13 hits depending on the source) and sunk in two hours.
The name literally means "Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday"; in other words, the sailors have no weekends on their battleships, and every day is work. This they are proud of.
Military music is already very obscure to those not in the force. Double down that this is a very Japanese song, and you get a song from a genre nobody outside of Japanese militants knows of.
Maaf yaa ini soal otana addat pertama jepang belita untuk menghargai yg di ceritakan alam rumahtangga usai itu dia buwat alasan lagi klau bisa kita buwat pemilihan lamakandung biyar tidak satupun berdebat soal otana os SWT.ternyata di SWT usai itu di kurang puwas dia alasan menggamankn harta lakndung yg suda dia janjikan yg dia makan untuk penerus generasi jepang
Iiiii, waas playing Minecraft, coming out of the castle that I bult. When, aaaa , mother fucking creeper, blue a chunk of my castle awaaay. It took until next day to gather the resources and repair what that bastard had done. And then, I stooped to admire my work, enjoying a job well done. And then there came another, mother fucking creeper, here it came, right toward me! I theeen, cut down some trees, to make charcoal to turn cobble into stone. I gathered, cobble from the water and lava and then stonecut some fresh stone bricks. It was morning when I finished I stopped to watch the sun rise, admiring the repair work that I done. And then there came another, mother fucking creeper, here it came, right toward me!
O rencana grtis domisili katanya kita cari silsilahnya yg punnya tana kita kawini klau tidak mau kita perkozah zahja terus kita suru orang yg di luwar perkara yg tanggung jawab yg penting tidak ada yg hallaggi
Getsugetsukasuimokukinkin means
Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Friday.
Love Japan and japanease history, culture, tradition. Greetings from Serbia.🇷🇸🌻🌾
The picture in this song of a battleship is the yamato or the Musashi battleship
Yamato and Musashi
@@virtuesoflocusts9658 FACT : musashi was sunk in leyte , philipines , my country :o
@@louisthexiii3504 I ‘m filipino 🇵🇭 and I have heard that musashi sunk near leyte
@@louisthexiii3504 No, it was sunk in sibuyan sea
Yamato in the back, musashi in the front.
This video makes me Imperialist more and more
Absolutely beautiful, really sad that this masterpiece is forgotten among other Imperial Japanese songs.
Maybe it is forgotten because theres no Battleships in service exist
I've known this song some 16 years now, Japanese users uploaded these recordings in the mid 2000s when youtube was new, and I found them back then, all the Gunkas.
Yeah, but unfortunately for most people, the only gunka is Battotai
The ships shown on the cover is the Battleship Yamato, and her sistership Musashi, the largest and most powerful battleships ever but to sea. They were 863 feet long and 128 feet wide, the largest of their kind, and mounted nine 18.1 inch guns, the largest guns ever mounted on a ship. They could shoot at a max range of 26 miles. They weighed 72,800 tons and could go up to 31.5 mph. Yamato acted as a command ship for the battle of Midway, and served as a troop transport alongside Musashi. Both ships served as carrier escorts in the battle of the Philippine Sea, and went on to serve in the battle of Leyte Gulf, where Musashi was singled out by enemy aircraft and tanked 17 bombs and 19 torpedoes over four hours and sunk bow first. Soon afterwards, Yamato took part in the battle of Samar, where she opened fire on enemy ships for the first time in her carrier, hitting the small aircraft carrier White Planes and the destroyer Johnston, as well as sinking White Plane's sister ship, the Gambier Bay, from a distance of 20 miles. Later on, she finished off the Johnston. Six months later, Yamato tried to beach herself to the shores of Okinawa to shell enemy landing ships and prevent soldiers from stepping foot on the island's soldiers. However, she was spotted by American submarines, and was attacked by 386 aircraft from nine carriers, sinking after 11 bombs and an inconsistent number of torpedoes(ranging from 7, 11, and 13 hits depending on the source) and sunk in two hours.
The name literally means "Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday"; in other words, the sailors have no weekends on their battleships, and every day is work. This they are proud of.
Thank for posting
Let me ask: Why is this song forgotten? :( its the best song ever
I’d say simply because most things about wwll and even wwl no one cares to remember or looks back at history except for a small fee
This song is still played in the Japanese Navy.
Military music is already very obscure to those not in the force.
Double down that this is a very Japanese song, and you get a song from a genre nobody outside of Japanese militants knows of.
I am an indian. And i love imperial japan which helped us fight the british
are you dumb the British Raj was at war with japan a handful of indians fought for the axis compared to the millions who fought for the commonwealth
@@domjohnson9188 the British were the ones oppressing them
Indians would replace an oppressor for another, one which is way worst.. Kind of sad actually.
@@attempt5074 i mean uk fucked the indians super fucking hard so cant blame him liking the japanese over uk
Me tooo
RUclips recommendations sometimes work amazing like this
Other Times childish shorts
My father was around when Japanese occupied Malaya. This is one of his favourite songs
Your father? Woahh you must be old then!
Does he still remember the Aikokou Koshinkyoku?
About the picture, the one on the left is Yamato and Musashi on the right. Moored at Truk as usual
guys this new emperor quip on the head means please do not kill yokozuna are you a foreign spy Emperor ?
Ooo memang benar yg kita takutkn soal penipu yg lagi dusta kndgn arab afrika
Maaf yaa ini soal otana addat pertama jepang belita untuk menghargai yg di ceritakan alam rumahtangga usai itu dia buwat alasan lagi klau bisa kita buwat pemilihan lamakandung biyar tidak satupun berdebat soal otana os SWT.ternyata di SWT usai itu di kurang puwas dia alasan menggamankn harta lakndung yg suda dia janjikan yg dia makan untuk penerus generasi jepang
Iiiii, waas playing Minecraft, coming out of the castle that I bult. When, aaaa , mother fucking creeper, blue a chunk of my castle awaaay.
It took until next day to gather the resources and repair what that bastard had done.
And then, I stooped to admire my work, enjoying a job well done.
And then there came another, mother fucking creeper, here it came, right toward me!
I theeen, cut down some trees, to make charcoal to turn cobble into stone. I gathered, cobble from the water and lava and then stonecut some fresh stone bricks.
It was morning when I finished I stopped to watch the sun rise, admiring the repair work that I done.
And then there came another, mother fucking creeper, here it came, right toward me!
Aah remove anime
@The Chi-Ha Man I believe Japan has a strong enough economy to function without the US at this point.
@Kirbo the consumer Nah you are american dude
japanese american are american
@Kirbo the consumer I am glad that you realized
Enjoy anime and imperial Japan.
@@nyet-qr4763i enjoy both but imperial army has a strength a feeling,
O rencana grtis domisili katanya kita cari silsilahnya yg punnya tana kita kawini klau tidak mau kita perkozah zahja terus kita suru orang yg di luwar perkara yg tanggung jawab yg penting tidak ada yg hallaggi
O jadi kita hapus zahja yaa ahrit ulang THN yaaaaaaaa atau doa sukur tmb umur ke jw zahja siapa tau dapet gaji Tamba umur Alla
Japanese will be better soon
O islam itu terlalu berlebihan katanya klau baik nanti chaya puti mirip laku di tana islam zahjaaa yg muslim beli dosa tanaa