This video now has a follow-up video attempting to better explain my thoughts on the matter. Check it out below!видео.html
I personally think that Ponyville ponies’ lack of clothing isn’t because of their lack of money but rather a fashion choice and ponies in canterlot think clothes are more sophisticated looking
I like to think that bc ponyville was founded by earth ponies, high fashion just wasn't needed since almost every pony has some kind of extensive labor job. Clothing would just get in the way and be an extra added chore for them
I like the kinda dark theory that ponies used to be discriminated against by other species and that's why they act so weird about non ponies, especially early on (like Zecora, for example). It'd also explain the existence of weird horse things like saddles and the entirety of the diamond dogs episode if ponies used to be treated like we treat horses
Also, ponies are a _prey species_ and the citizens of Ponyville are very easily panicked. I wouldn't be surprised if they were straight up hunted for food.
@@EepychibiYes, but there are more serious themes in the show like racism. It might not be as brutal or harsh as racism in adult shows, but it's still there.
I love the idea that there is no other sunset. Sunset shimmer as a character belongs in both worlds equally. Her cutiemark even reflects that as a yin-yang symbol. I think that she was meant to bring balance to the two worlds
14:06 i think the episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep is an example of how to write self-harm in a non edgy way. I think most people just tack on theories of abuse and suicide just for the shock value but Luna creating the tantabus to terrorize herself and deprive her of sleep because of her guilt was an example of self harm being handled respectfully in my opinion
@@hollowwoods7130I felt it was a bit more nuanced than that. The tantabus is like a monster from psychonauts, a personification of doubts and regrets of Lina’s biggest mistake: becoming nightmare moon. The lesson is more of forgiving yourself for past mistakes and easing those burdens with friendship of those that understand those burdens than just don’t feel bad. It took Luna some time to trust the friendship and help of others as she didn’t want to hurt her friends again like she did in the past
@@danielcurren2119 I didn't know that the monsters from Psychonauts could jump from person to person and terrorize them in their minds. The Tantabus only stopped terrorizing others and attempting to enter the real world when Luna instantaneously "forgave herself" It's just an example of a quick lazy solution. Another example is in Fame and Misfortune, all the issues of the mane 6 are resolved except Rarity who is still boycotted, and the issue is never addressed
@@44burn1 I think the lazy solution aspect is born more out of the restrictions of pacing in a 20 minute episode. It's still amazing for what it was but it would've been a lot better if they made it a 2 parter or even a feature
This is a great point!! Self harm doesn't necessarily involve physically hurting yourself! In fact you don't even have to cause direct harm of any kind! You could, in fact, do something that you know that you will DEEPLY hate yourself for doing later on (to the point where you can't stand yourself). This form of self harm not only looks like what Luna did to herself. But it can also be worse than physical harm, since you're adding more mental and emotional pain to any pain you're already dealing with. So yes, there's a strong chance that this has been in the show... Just not through the ways we would think.
@@siddhianishkala4543 in the first episode twilight is sent to ponyville by celestia to make friends, and shes basically telling twilight to touch some grass instead of Reading books.
Princess Celestia telling Twilight to go to Ponyville and make friends ("touch grass") instead of having no hobbies (I think that's what they meant?) @@siddhianishkala4543
@@siddhianishkala4543Twilight is an intense workaholic with her nose in a book constantly instead of interacting with others, acting rather pretentious. Her being sent to Ponyville is Celestia telling her to touch grass, actually interact with the world and people (Edit: spelling error)
Cheesepie is pretty clearly canonized by "The Final Problem". We see their foal! That episode also seems to confirm Yonabar, but I can see where you can dismiss that (as well as Appledash) as only implied.
Honestly, who's to say she didn't adopt the kid? And also, you can have a kid with someone without being together, it's all up to them really lol Relationships aren't all black and white, it all goes down to what the people involved in it feel like and whatever labels they feel the need to use, regardless of how others might interpret their relationship
Are we not going to talk about the fact that when Angel bunny switched bodies with Fluttershy, she said she wanted to marry Discord, I know Fluttershy never said that herself but with Angel bunny being fluttershy's pet you can say that she knows what Fluttershy wants from Discord.
@@gatorgoatjohnnyI find Fluttercord abit weird because Discord is an immortal being who's atleast thousands of years old and Fluttershy is a normal pony who is probably in her early to mid twenties I don't mind if anyone ships them though
@@LazySloth_67yeah that’s why I think discord and Celestia make more sense in the way that both Celestia and Discord are thousands of years old and may possibly be both immortal, however I don’t like the eider of Discord having royal power/authority over a kingdom lol no matter how reformed he is I’d never fully trust him
@@LazySloth_67I always hate that argument. Why are we barring bittersweet romance's because apparently a grown adult can't decide whether they want to fuck an immortal or not
She seems like a gifted kid to me, who's really intelligent in school but who lacks other abilities like social abilities and who fails to deal with failure easily because of the environment she was raised in
I have my own Scootaloo theory: Working off the theory she is disabled and cannot fly, what if its because her parents are two different types of ponies, her father is a land pony and her mother a pegasus, most every pony we see as a couple with children are the same typing but hers. And as we can see pony genes can pass down even when the pony itself does not have those traits, the bakers having one unicorn child and one pegasus child. So if genes can affect people that way(generations down the line) you can also have mutations, one that causes her to have small wings and the non ability to fly.
Or, since she grows into her wings by the final episode, you could say she still can't fly due to having an Earth Pony body. (IE; She's like an emu, or an ostrich, because her bones and muscles are too dense to actually achieve sustained flight)
I never realized how many different explanations there could be for why Scootaloo cannot fly. I always assumed that it was because she lacked the Pegasus Magic needed for ponies to fly (and that Bulk Biceps does have that magic which is why he can still kind of fly even though his wings are tiny, albeit not very well,) and I still believe that, but I used to think that it was the only possibility.
I don't see how this theory would work considering Pound cake has 2 earth pony parents and can still fly, even tho the genetics were explained. It wouldn't make any sense to use the Pegasus magic or earth pony body theory since those would both apply to Pound Cake. And I guess the same can be said for Pumpkin Cake to. Having to earth pony parents but somehow able to use Unicorn magic, I honestly don't think species related magic exists
CheesePie is so canon Cheese literally fired his party popper inside Pinkie's party cave and out popped a foal. The only way you could be more canon is if you had a situation like Pinkie's family where they have MULTIPLE kids.
I have a theory I’ve been meaning to talk about but never really got around to it. It’s about the first two episodes, and how Princess Luna “escaped” the moon. I believe Celestia freed Luna from the moon, and had planned to do so for a very long time. Think about it, Celestia as we know her now is not as regal as she tries to appear to be. Underneath her royalty status she has fears, insecurities, and problems same as everybody else. She also deeply regretted having to send her sister to the moon and really didn’t like having a holiday surrounding it. I believe she staged it to look as if thought an outside force was freeing Luna but in reality it was her all along. After all as we know “the stars will aid in her escape” are in reality Suns seen from far away, and she is the only pony known to have the power to move Suns to her will. Furthermore the story that Twilight reads at the beginning of the episode is read in Celestia’s voice, most likely because Celestia wrote it. She was the only one present when Luna was Banished to the moon and the book seems to have intimate knowledge of their relationship and disagreements. This would make sense as after Luna was banished she would have to explain to her subjects why one of their Royalty is gone. She most likely put the prophecy in there as reassurance she would be able to free her sister once again after she figured out how to change her back, without backlash from her subjects. -She was also the one who assigned Twilight the prophecy to study on the eve of the anniversary of the day she banished her sister. We know from “Spike at your Service” that Celestia is often the one assigning books for Twilight to read as apart of her studies. She also just so happened to send Twilight to the town nearest to the elements of harmony and the place she knew her sister once freed would first go. I believe that Celestia put Twilight in Luna’s path on purpose seeing her immense magical ability and knowing that Twilight of all ponies would be the most likely to have the power to change Luna back to her original form. This would explain her absence up until the end after Luna is transformed back from nightmare moon. I also think the elements of harmony can’t be wielded by a single pony, but two or multiple to work. Which would explain her urge for Twilight to make friends. Once Luna was banished, Celestia no longer had the ability to wield the elements and therefore searched for a pony who 1) had a powerful enough connection to create the spark, 2) was powerful enough in their own right. This is what caused her to start taking on students in the first place. She finally found the one in Twilight. I also have a theory stating how each princess (excluding flurry) represent one of the four types of love stated by Greek philosophy, love between friends being the strongest, and that’s what makes the main six special.
this was a popular theory early on (tho often was overshadowed by the "the stars are actually evil entities that corrupted luna and freed NMM" theory. It didn't help that Fallout Equestria went with that theory as part of its overall backstory). It eventually got confirmed by Lauren herself. Yes, its canon that Celestia planned everything. It also goes further. In "Family Appreciation Day" Granny Smith recounts the founding of ponyville. Her family had been traveling around looking for somewhere to settle, then they met Celestia. She told them of a plot of land near the everfree forest they could settle on. Meaning, Celestia was the reason ponyville exists and exists where it does. IE close to her old home, the first place NMM would go after she came back. She was also around for other events like the sonic rainboom. this part is a little more ambiguous, but taken all together it fits. IE that she would have investigated the rainboom to find out what happened. so its entirely likely that she would have learned of a number of fillies getting their marks all at the same time. I would also say that she wasn't just looking for element bearers, but her successor as well, even before finding twilight. I also think reforming NMM was a first test to turn twilight into a ruler.
Actually that's pretty great since, when twilight defeated nightmare moon maybe celestia wasn't planning on going on with that but she saw potential in twilight and made her keep going
which would also fits with her sending discord for tirek in season 4 's finale maybe she was worried that she kept pushing and asking of twilight so much@@RaptorNX01
The "hatching a dragon egg" theory makes sense, specially when you remember that nopony else in Celestia's magic school had a dragon assistant like twilight, even sunset shimmer that was Celestia's pupil before twilight, if sunset ever had one I think it would be mentioned
as far as headcanons go, i always had the headcanon that philomena, celestias phoenix pet, was sunsets pet before she went into the portal. she hatched philomena herself and when she left to go to the human world, celestia cared for philomena in her place.
The theory about Twilight's exam being a test of failure brings me back to a thought I've recently had: Did everything that happened in The Cutie Mark Chronicles HAVE to hinge on the Sonic Rainboom. I don't have the time right now, but I could definitely discuss alternative conclusions for each of their origins without Rainbow Dash having to have been involved, and still have them yield their desired results.
I can understand how the Sonic Rainboom is a direct correlation to Twighlight becoming who she is (specifically Celestia's direct pupil, but I imagine she'd get into the academy eventually even if not that moment), but everyone else? I can't imagine they couldn't eventually find their calling in a different way and that Equestria would HAVE to end without them as friends (except if Nightmare Moon took over which is directly due to their influence). Rarity would find inspiration somewhere else and still be in fashion/art. Fluttershy would eventually talk to an animal and learn she could communicate with them. Rainbow had very supportive parents, maybe she wouldn't be as fast as now but she's a good flyer and would make the Wonderbolts eventually. Pinkie Pie was never meant to stay on the rock farm, I imagine unless she unalived herself due to depression she'd go to a party at one point in her life and fall in love with it. AppleJack... actually I can imagine her life being very different if she didn't ever realize she was a farm pony or if she realized it later when she was older which would affect her family dynamic.
Nightmare moon wouldn't have been released since Celestia released her herself. everything in the pilot was orchestrated by her. So if the sonic rainboom never happened, the events of the show wouldn't have happened as she wouldn't have had a catalyst to finding the elements of harmony bearers. There would have been no way for her to know they were in ponyville. and she wouldn't have known about twilight. Even if the mane 6 had eventually gotten their marks, there wasn't that singular event that tied them all together.
From my understanding, cutie marks seem to have this element of fate attached to them which not even the ponies fully understand. So I can buy the idea that the rainboom needed to happen.
@@RaptorNX01as far as I am aware that is a fan theory that was never confirmed either in universe or by the creators. And the events of Cutie Re:Mark kind of contradict the idea. While im aware that there is wiggle room with the alt timelines events, the overarcing narrative that those episodes pushed was that if there was no rainboom then the girls do not meet each other, do not obtain the elements and everything goes to crap in one fashion ir another, which begs the question of why Celestia would release her if she didnt have the win button on standby.
@@griffinwittum5526 thats why she didn't release NMM until twilight and the other potential bearers were in place. and it was confirm by lauren that celestia orchestrated the events.
18:50 - Here's the thing about Fluttercord. The core concept isn't really about shipping the two of them. The concept is whether or not Harmony and Chaos can really coexist. And the answer isn't only a resounding 'yes', but in the grand scheme of things, one cannot exist without the other. Bear in mind that for all of his flaws, Discord is the reason it was possible for the mane six to defeat Tirek, and he provided absolute confirmation that Twilight was indeed ready to rule Equestria. It might not have been in the best way, but it was still confirmation.
Honestly, thats likely the reason he was reformed. Tirek got free BEFORE discord was revived. it makes the urgency for his reformation make more sense. And learning that fluttershy was the only one immune to his manipulations (forcing him to take direct action to change her) would mean there was a path forward.
And he provided that confirmation deliberately. Discord is pure chaos, so his thought process, logic, approach to problem solving or that entire friendship thing are understandably somewhat hit and miss ... but trying to boost Twiggles' confidence, despite how much he enjoys her little episodes and the chaos a panicking Twilight creates, was a surprisingly sweet gesture. Like, everypony got huffy when he faked being hurt/dying, but as it turns out he was just giving Twilight a chance to dispose of Sombra herself, while staying close enough to be able to save her. The chaos noodle may be annoying, but he's actually not the worst friend one could have.
bon-bon’s name could also be in reference to a character from the g1.5 series “my little pony tales” which shares the same name and has a similar cutie mark! also, a “coding in mlp” video would be awesome!!
cheesepie literally had a two part comic about them going on a date not to mention their kid !!!! how much more canon do you need it to be 😭do you need to see them makeout
I was not aware of this arc in the comics when I wrote the script for this video. Having dug up those IDW issues after the fact, I've now officially changed my stance on CheesePie being canon. Thanks for bringing that lovely arc to my attention! I'm sorry I hadn't read that far in the comics; I'm only up to Issue #40, and that's not even counting the spinoff issues.
fun-fact: About the "Where is the human Sunset Shimmer?" theory the end of the MLPEG Series was suppose to introduce Human Sunset but something happened with the production and they never aired it🥲
I am a wholehearted FlutterCord shipper so me considering the ship as canon may be biased, but I am sure that I read something out there regarding a deleted scene in the finale where the two were meant to kiss…I do appreciate your comment on Discord’s unconventional perceptions (or lack of perceptions) of what love is though, I’m liking the implications of aroace Discord! I also really like the theory regarding Celestia’s entrance exam!
I am also an intense FlutterCord shipper too, and it is my favorite relationship in the series, my second being Twiity (Twilight X Rarity) and third being Vintavia (Vinyl X Octavia)
i love them so much. i think what kind of sent it for me was in the episode "She Talks to Angel"... Angel bunny and Fluttershy switch bodies because of the drink Zecora gave them. when Angel switches and goes back to the animal sanctuary he says a line like, "i talk to animals, i wanna marry Discord". and clearly that just shows a lot about how Fluttershy feels about Discord. Angel is her pet, it has to make sense that Fluttershy tells angel all about her feelings. i genuinely think they're lovers
FlutterCord shipper here too! (I'm on the ace spectrum, please don't take what I'm about to say as erasure) I personally found the "he probably doesn't know how to recognize love" statement stupid as an argument about them having nothing romantic there. Just because you don't know something within you exists, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I believe wholeheartedly that he has romantic feelings for her even if he wouldn't know :)
Yeah, you know darn well Fluttershy told that rabbit EVERYTHING. He was basically like her fuzzy hopping diary. and you also know they threw that line in there with that exact implication in mind.
I kind of get what you're saying, but saying Cheesepie is not canon just seems insane to me, no offense. Not only is their child literally called "Li'l Cheese", but they also clearly hug each other in a very "lovers" kind of way while they're riding on giant Gummy. Appledash, however, is much more up to debate, and the writers even stated that they meant for it to be ambiguous. I also can't believe you forgot to mention that insane theory about Discord being Starswirl the Bearded, which was finally proven 100% non-canon when Starswirl the Bearded appeared for real in Shadow Play. It did float around for several years, though.
Yeah, it's all but stated. I 100% believe that they're together, it was just never explicitly told to the audience. But just because it's not "totally confirmed" doesn't mean that's not 100% what they were going for.
I’d consider cheesepie canon too, unless for some reason pinkie had a baby with a random pony, the baby with a literal cheese pie cutie mark, the same eye color as cheese, a lighter coat color of cheese, and being named after cheese. Totally “not canon”
Actually Starswirl doing an evil spell or something and becoming Discord would've been really cool, I think that theory is fun! Then they could've done an episode talking about transforming him back into Starswirl and he refuses because he likes the person he has become now. (because honestly Starswirl in the show is pretty milquetoast imo, that definitely could've made him more interesting.) It also could've been interesting to see how he interacts with the other pillars if he was formerly Starswirl. I love when fan theories make you think about stuff!
I would also like to add onto the trans Trixie theory, not only did Trixie start with one eye shine, but a (relatively) consistent design choice throughout the series is that stallions have a gradient for their eye color, while mares have solid color- and Trixie has a gradient all the way through!
It really says something about how special FIM is that we're almost exactly five years from the airing of the final episode of the series, and people are still making theories, still creating mountains of fan art and fan fiction, that new videos about the series come out somewhat regularly, and that those videos can STILL garner hundreds of thousands of views.
I'm by no means caught up on MLP fan lore, but I can't be the only one who's wondered why EQG Twilight has glasses while pony-Twi doesn't. My headcanon on that was she used magic(or had magic used on her) to correct her vision(similarly to Hermione in the Harry Potter books for her teeth), while EQG-Twi doesn't have the ability in her universe.
It's also possible that it's an environmental thing. I read recently that one reason why bad eyesight is becoming more common is because kids are spending too much time in places that aren't well-lit. At some point our brain tells our eyes to stop growing, but that happens based on light. If sci-twi didn't go out very often and mainly stayed inside to read or study, it makes sense that her eyesight would end up bad
@@irishuisman1450 and we could add devices, sci-twi would spend countless nights on her laptop and reading in the dark, resulting to glasses because of the blue light devices emit.
So about "Where's human world Sunset?". My answer (which is also just a theory) is that she lives in another town and when Swi-Twi transferred to Canterlot High human world Sunset took her place and Chrystal Prep
It would be funny if human sunset found a portal to a third dimension, like one with sentient dogs, and the dog sunset went to one where everyone is a robot, etc.
When you were talking about the Sunset Shimmer theory, I was reminded that Nick Confalone confirmed that it was going to be the story in the cancelled finale to EQG.
0:40 i don't get why no one has mentioned this at all so far. Like... us the fandom. Theorised that these two ponies who are always seen together are lesbians and dating. Then by the end of the show. They both were planning to propose to each other and even got married. Beautiful.
7:00 - The thing about Blueblood is he's more of a conduit in order to assist in getting the Gala to be the running gag that it eventually became (somehow going even more disastrously with each subsequent visit to it by the mane six).
it's my personal theory/headcanon that human sunset (and starlight) went to crystal prep and have already graduated because in unleash the magic principal cinch sings to scitwi "to find a student that's like you, i've had one or maybe two, but the good ones dissapear before i blink" since they're all extremely talented unicorns in the pony world, it makes sense to me that sunset and starlight would be geniuses like scitwi as their human counterparts
As a child, I thought Twilight was Indian (as in from the country India), because she was the most similar to me and I am Indian. Basically, just second-grader logic, but I still think of Twilight as second or third generation desi as a human.
I think this is how pony race headcanons are supposed to be built. Just a little girl relating to her favourite pony. I relate to pinkie my whole life and as a kid i headcanonned her russian/estonian. Right now i also headcanon her with jewish roots while im not jewish myself some of my family are.
a good headcanon about starlight and sunburst is that they have had some sort of romantic relationship yet it didn’t work out or it didn’t feel right so they went back to just friends
Mentioning Celestia/Discord suddenly made me remember that one Heavens Light animatic. I don't think I was personally invested in the ship but I remember really liking some of the fanworks like that, which I think must have dwindled as the seasons went past and I suspect as Fluttercord became more of a thing. I hadn't even thought about it in years.
the track Tangled was a tied into that animatic. also Aviators song "Monster" i believe was meant to be about discord and celestia (specifically her spurning him, pushing him toward chaos)
I like to think that Sunset does not have a counterpart because she is a singularly. The only one in the multiverse. That or the two worlds are not exactly parallel and there are differences, big and small.
14:01 Sensitive topics like abuse and self harm in media are only bad if framed in a way that is minimizing, glorified, or otherwise harmful to victims. You don’t have to engage in mlp theories based on these topics if you don’t like it but that doesn’t make it bad. Exploring them can help people like myself process their trauma in a healthy way. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Came to the comments to say the same thing-especially when most people who headcanon those kinds of topics are usually familiar with them 🤷♀️ And maybe the “damn good reason” people have for hc’ing these things is that young people just want to express themselves through characters they enjoy. That whole segment felt needlessly harsh to me.
@@jokebear133 dude totally. Like is he just mad that these depressing topics were being tied to his cute little pony show? As if others enjoying the show a different way is ruining it for him somehow??? Idk man. I’m not trying to start shit but it didn’t seem like he thought before he said that.
somebody had to say it! as long as it’s not romanticized, minimized or depicted in a gross way (lil miss rarity) i genuinely don’t see the issue? especially considering a lot of people use these sorts of headcanons to cope with their own personal lives and trauma
My hypothesis for Scootaloo not being able to fly is that the magical force that lets other Pegasus fly acts in a horizontal direction instead of vertical.
strong headcanons are okay as long as people don't act like they're canon and you can't have any other ideas. that unfortunately happens a LOT, especially on twitter. no race or identity is canon for any character in mlp, treating your hcs like they're real and policing others is very lame
I've noticed that people have a habit of putting words in the creator's mouths, or assuming that they MUST have had a specific intention when they wrote a character in the way they did, and acting like that's good enough to treat their headcanons as fact lmao. It's always the people who make the BIGGEST leaps in logic to justify their viewpoints that are the most toxic about it as well.
One theory I'm surprised to have not seen yet is the possibility that Rainbow Dash is Wind Rider's illegitimate child. I get it's really out there and falls into one of the three fan theory sins but they share the same coat colour, similar temperaments (probably more so than her actual father?), athletic ability (at least, considering Rider's age) and... well, an instance or two just make no sense, like how in Rosetta's name did he get a cut of Rainbow Dash's mane? There was no chance for him to get it and her door should've been locked. So as for why Wind Rider would do such a thing, I abducted: >He didn't actually want to sabotage Dash's career, instead just wishing to fly right next to her in such a grand show >However, he wasn't aware Spitfire's mother would appear at the show, throwing a spanner into the works >He couldn't tell the truth about why he did it since not only would it be (probably?) scandalous for a high profile figure to have an undeclared illegitimate child, it could very well harm Dash's reputation as her entrance into the Wonderbolts could be seen as nepotistic Admittedly, this is quite shaky and I doubt even my full reasoning would be sufficient to excuse it - even if Rider is Dash's father I doubt he would know - but still, there's such an obvious connection _right _*_there_* and seemingly no one but me has noticed it. Edit: I feel I should clarify that, under this model, Rarity isn't strictly wrong, she just didn't guess the right motive which isn't unusual in crime fiction.
one of my headcannons (well not headcannon as in i genuinely believe this.. but moreso just that its a fun concept, which i think is what headcannon means anyways) is that pinkie and rainbow are both adhd, but pinkie is hyperactive type and rainbow innatentive type, and thats a reason they get along so well (people with adhd tend to stick together lol, i also very likely have undiagnosed adhd and relate to pinkie and rainbow a lot)
personally I think discord and fluttershy are just good friends. i think you have a point that he may not know what romantic love is all things considered. he could also be aroace! that's just my 2 cents anyway!
9:20 It’s interesting that you mention Human Sunset being used for an EG finale, because that was actually the original plan. There’s a blog post the director of EG made about how the original idea was for Human Sunset to come back and get revenge on Pony Sunset for taking her place.
My fan theory was that time moves 3-4 times faster in the FIM-verse than in the EQG-verse. That's why Sunset has been in the human world for three or four years at most, yet over a decade has passed in the pony world.
100% agree! ONE BILLION PERCENT AGREE. if you dont mind letting me get on my soapbox i can explain how i breakdown the time movement. in the first eqg movie sunset has won the school dance crown 3 times. its confirmed that there are 2 dances (at least) per school year: the fall formal and the spring fling. in the first picture, sunset has the freshman student character model and in the other two, she has the older teenager character model. assuming sunset came to the human world in the middle of the school year and that she took time to gain power at chs AND the fact that she has the freshman model in the first picture, i think the first picture is of sunset winning the freshman spring fling. the other two are of sunset winning the sophomore year fall formal and spring fling. the fall formal that is taking place in the first movie is the junior year fall formal. now, the portal opens every 30 moons or 2.5 years and its been confirmed that the events of the show from s1 -4 tales place during a span on 18 moons. so in equestria, sunset has been gone for at LEAST a year before twilight goes to ponyville (which makes sense since twilight doesnt know her at all). judging from the timeline that i just listed out, its been 2 years in the human world for sunset. now here is where im going to use logic rather than explicit evidence. not only does twilight not know of sunset, shes never heard of her despite them both living in canterlot castle and frequenting the canterlot snd castle libraries (shown in the comic 'the fall of sunset shimmer'). celestia also states that sunset was her student before twilight, meaning that sunset left equestria before twilight started her studies. twilight is explicitly stated to have started her studies once she got her cutie mark. assuming that twilight was around 11 when she got her cutie mark (obviously she is a child but considering a cutie mark is likened to growing up, im pretty sure ponies are older children or tweens when they get their marks, like puberty aged). twilight is in her early 20s when she goes to ponyville. for the sake of simple math, lets say that twilight has been a student for 10 years. this means that sunset has been gone for 10 years. NOW! lets think about what celestia has said in the equestria girls movie. 'i had always hoped sunset would use the mirrior to return and seek my guidance' and the fact that the portal had to be guarded by celestia and luna. that means that the portal has likely opened and closed multiple times without sunset coming through. when sunset goes into the portal shes an adult mare, and because of twilight and sunsets narrative connection, lets say sunset leaves at the age twilight leaves for ponyville, 21. when sunset goes back to equestria, not only does she not seem older, but theyre about the same age in the human world. so here is my final calculation and headcanon. assuming sunset has been gone for the 10 years twilight was celestias student, and the fact that 2 years has passed in the human world, the ratio of time passage in equestria to the human world is 5:1. the reason sunset doesnt look older in equestria or have any major appearance changes is because she is only 2 years older than twilight now, because of human aging. FURTHERMORE we know that friendship games happens in the spring with the legend of everfree happening on spring break of junior year (as calculated earlier by sunsets pictures). that means that less than 6 months pass between equestria girls (which happens at the end of s3 aka 18 months in equestria) and the legend of everfree. now how much time has passed in equestria? the legend of everfree takes place at the end of season 6. assuming that its 18 more months for seasons 4-8, that means about a year or so has passed in equestria. so whats the point? during spring breakdown, im pretty sure they mention that its their last spring break, meaning that its their senior year. assuming that we're going with my year calculation with the start date for sunset being in chs at the freshman spring fling and spring breadown taking place in senior year spring break, that means sunset has been in the human world for 3 years total! SO if sunset has been in equestria for 3 years total by season 8 (where there rest of the equestria girl movies after the legend of everfree take place), that means sunset has been gone from equestria not just 10 years, but also 3 more years. (s1- 4 takes place over 18 months and 4- 8 takes place over 18 months). so if sunset is in the human world for 3 years to equestrias 13, that means the ratio of time in equestria to the human world is about 4.33 to 1. due to inconsistencies and the fact fact that this is a kids show, i cant get a more accurate calculation than this, but to summarize: time passes 4.3 - 5 times faster in equestria compared to the human world 💖 i hope you enjoyed my little rant! ive had this theory for almost 7 years now, so im very happy to finally have the opportunity to talk about it ^_^
Honestly, I think a coded character video would be really cool! I love your style and way of explaining things, I'm really happy to have found your channel!!! :D
I have a small theory and I want to share it because I can Pinkie Pie originally had a crush on Rainbow Dash or at least at the beggining of the series I mean look at the first season alone. She always sides with her RD is only one Pinkie gave a cute nickname (might be wrong on this one, i didnt watch mlp in english for the most part) She always seeks for her attention overall You might say "But Cheese Sandwitch?" Yeah exactly In the episode Cheese Sandwitch appears in why does she compete with him? To organize RD's birthday. And oh her reaction when she saw RD paid more attention to Cheese instead of her? Yeah. I didnt see Pinkie acting this way with anypony else. She moved on, of course. And I think its pretty ironic that she ended up with the guy who she was competiting against to impress her crush
My theory on why blueblood is Celestias nephew: Celestia was always celibate. Luna on the other hand, over the years when she was younger, had a large number of husbands, taking a new once whenever the last past away. Unlike her husbands, she didn't age or die of illness; eventually she stopped taking lovers as she had difficulty dealing with the death of her spose over and over again. She had many children, dozens or hundreds over the centuries before she was imprisoned, but similarly, she had difficulty dealing with seeing her children die of old age repeatedly while she retained the body of a 30 year old. Blueblood is one of her descendants that remained within the aristocracy. Luna has many descendants, but most are so far related from her at this point that it doesn't matter, with luna being their great grandmother to the 50th power. But the rich elites in canterlot try to draw any credence they can so of course he has to mention that he's the descendant of royalty, in reality he's just rich. My other head cannon is that immortality was a factor in Luna becoming corrupt. Celestia was able to deal with being immortal, partially due to her celibacy, but Luna wasn't, and over time it took a psychological toll on her. One can only imagine the pain of a parent losing a child, but Luna saw more personal loss in her lifetime than any pony had in history, hundreds of her loved ones: husbands, children and grandchildren died while she remained a healthy 30 year old, eventually her great grant children or even more distantly related to her became unrelatable to her as they were so distantly related by blood, on top of feeling unappreciated in her work, and she became a powder keg ready to explode. Her last husband was her former advisor starswirl, when he was sealed away it became the last straw which led to her corruption.
Omg i like this, giving me greek gods vibes and I love it Headcanon for me now I was always wandering how did it comed he wasn't an alicorn Anyway 1 thing I never understood is how does it comes we have princess and prince but no king and queen? I mean we had king sombra with I am theorizing he was an alicorn in the past But why is princess luna and Celestia instead of queen?
@@nicolas._.2294 the actual explanation is that "princess" sounds better for selling toys, but my personal theory is that they call themselves princesses out of respect for each other. If Celestia called herself a queen (or vice versa) it would imply that she's putting herself above her sister. I guess they could call themselves queens but then it might sound too much like they're married? Idk.
Chew on this... In "she talks to angel", Angel (in fluttershys body) says several things about the real fluttershy, in an attempt to convince another pony that he is actually fluttershy. Obviously, he wouldn't want to state something wrong about fluttershy, because that would be counter-productive in his goal to convince another that he is really fluttershy. For example, it would be stupid for him to say something incorrect, like, "I'm outgoing" or "I hate animals". If he did, the other pony would say, "that doesn't sound like fluttershy". Also, it's likely that fluttershy shares her deep secrets with animals, because no one else can understand animals (so they can't share her secrets). Plus, she's comfortable around them (as she can face the challenge of getting her wing power for tornado duty up when around animals, but not in front of judgemental ponies). All that being said, Angel says, "I want to marry Discord" which sounds like something she shared with Angel in confidence. And Angel didn't know that was completely private, so he uses that knowledge to convince others that he's the real fluttershy.
...or he just said something he'd assume other ponies would assume to be true about Fluttershy (and maybe he does too). Saying something that should be a secret because she only confided it to her animal friends and no one else would know seems counterproductive. To me it sounds more like a judgement on his end.
@@TheLadysAtelier you misunderstand. If I tell you I want to marry someone... and I don't tell you that it's a secret because I believe you are a mute, unable to tell anyone (so asking you to keep it secret is completely unnecessary)... how would you know that you are the only person I've told? How would you know that I want you to keep it secret? Why would fluttershy say to angel, "don't tell that to ponies who can't understand you, anyway" or "you are the only one I've told, so I want you to keep it that way by not telling this secret to ponies that can't understand you."? Fluttershy would take secrecy for granted and speak openly to angel, never needing to distinguish to him which things can be repeated to ponies versus which things can't be repeated to ponies. What's the point if he's incapable of repeating anything at all? Would you? Do you make sure to tell your dog/cat in RL not to tell others what they've seen/heard? If your dog/cat started speaking, would they know which things are secret/private versus which things are public? Your dog/cat knows what clothes you wear. And they know what you look like naked. To them, they are the same. But one is publicly seen, the other is not. And you never took the time to tell your dog/cat to never reveal your body to anyone, should they suddenly gain the ability to speak.
There's an episode where the CMC magically age themselves into adults and I think Scootaloo's wings are still very small and underdeveloped even after her transformation, which supports the disability idea.
I really like how you understand the term "canon". I've been feeling the same way about it but could never put it in the right words. Awesome video:)!!
I consider fluttercord canon because of their chemistry, and how much discord specifically acts towards fluttershy- which could be passed off as friends. But one of my main reasons is in the episode where angel bunny and fluttershy switch bodies angel says (as fluttershy) “i wanna marry discord” as a making fun of her way
Pinkie Pie's parents do give off abusive energy, though. I mean, it's highlighted several times in the show how her parents hate everything she does (going out of their way to tell her that, to make her feel horrible) and never bother to show her any love or care. We unironically just don't see much display of love or even normal healthy interactions in the Pie family. Not sure if books are canon but in one of the books they kept telling her that parties were a bad thing etc etc. And with how hushed and weak Marble is, and with how harsh and antisocial Limestone is, I'd say these two are a representation of the two main outcomes of being abused as a child. There's also Maud to represent depression and apathy.
This has been expanded upon in my sequel video:видео.html . (Also, I don't think Fluttercord being seen in the same frame counts as "being together". That's pretty far from confirmed IMO. The sequel video expands on this idea.)
One of my favorite theories (that has been debunked) is that Celestia's and Lunas hair are both wavy and flowy because of their use of the Elements of Harmony. Like how when the Mane 6 defeated Tirek their hair became flowy too, and how before Celesita had pink, non-wavy hair, and when Luna was defeated in the pilot, her hair wasn't wavy either.
Okay, I'm gonna be honest, I haven't watched the full video, but, I desperately needed a place to tell people about my fan theory to see how people like it. Edit: *Btw, yes, in this theory the Discord betrayal was real* This theory is basically that Discord isn't from the MLP:FIM universe. Let me explain. So, we know Discord lives in some sort of universal void, a place where, it doesn't matter where you reside, aslong as you know how to get there, you can. Another thing to note is that Discord is unlike any other creature in Equestria and makes constant 4th wall jokes. We can very well tell that he is aware that he is in a cartoon. From his personality, we can tell he probably saw the MLP:FIM kids cartoon universe as a playground, especially because hes aware kids are watching, even so he decides not to show his most terrifying abilities for the sake of the kids. Fluttershy genuinely did change him, however, and from then on out he was simply a guide, someone who would guide the ponies and the show in whatever direction he pleased. With that being said, he's aware that the main characters in a kids show cannot be defeated no matter what, therefore, we can conclude that his plan for the last few episodes was not to give Twilight confidence per se, but to make the finale more interesting with a big battle. He does truly care about the characters, especially Fluttershy, but like I said, he was aware that in doing so, he was not putting anyone in any real danger and if he did he could just use his powers to help. Now that the show is over, he lies in his abyss, waiting for some other show that peaks his interest.
9:00 I actually believe this because in the Christmas special toys for kids festival Sunset had a Storage unit witch she is paying monthly for but never used for some reason so maybe…
16:47 also human rarijack as the original version of rollercoaster of friendship was that they are in a relationship, which is still pretty blatantly obvious from that mini movie
9:05 - 9:20 The follow-up on Sunset was going to be the way that EQ was said to be ended with, though it only stayed as an idea(though part of me thinks the situation with Human Sunset might've turned into a being asserting themselves into a reality, where the magical events occuring after Friendship Games is her attempts to re-enter reality as the magic occuring afterwards always did something to draw attention towards itself, whether glowing with the Memory Stone, Time Twirler, and Geodes, or an immediately noticable with mirror and cellphone, all with the intent to make an opening to get in). It's really fan theory/fanfiction past this point(as a heads-up), but Human Sunset was also interested in magical energies, too, and when pony Sunset entered the mirror world the first time, Human Sunset was ejected from the world as the universe attempted to adjust to maintain balance(once she entered, pony Twilight became part of the balance, hence why the same didn't happen to SciTwi). In order to link it to the main group, perhaps SciTwi might've also caught wind of magic around the same time Human Sunset did, though mirroring Equestria, she worked with Moondancer on this who also recently made friends, the human counterparts from her group in Equestria, but also Sunset alongside Twilight. However, once the anomoly occured, Moondancer became obessed with magic in hopes of finding what happened to Sunset, but having little proof of that being the case and/or magic being weaker at the time, SciTwi didn't think the topic was much importance at the moment and focused her studies elsewhere, only remembering the whole event once Canterlot High became the spot for magical events, but lacking in friendship skills at the time and not remembering the names of her past friends, didn't push it further, using whatever previous work was done with Moondancer to make a contraption capable of containing magic in Friendship Games.
13:28 THAT'S WHAT IM SAYIN my parents were both 100% convinced it was a ploy, but we see multiple times how discord seems to question his choice, is visually hurt by tirek's betrayal, and didn't actually care about the amulet at all, he just wanted some kind of "proof" that he could still be powerful enough or menacing enough to stand with someone like tirek for almost ten years i have been stewing in anger because _how could my parents be so foolish_
I also would like to point out why I agree with the “Discord and Celestia used to date” theory, and it’s not because of the flowers he gives her. The way she acts in the season 2 opener, it gives the impression that she really hates him, which gave rise to the many ideas about just what he did to her. Then she wants the Mane 6 to free him just…. Because. You don’t do that out of the blue for someone who severely wronged you, but to someone you regret having to hurt, which means she felt something for Discord at some point enough to want him free. It just screams “Ex” to me personally.
16:59 -- isnt cheesepie essentially canonized bc in the final problem they have an entire CHILD called lil cheese whos got a lighter hair color than CS' coat and pinkie's coat color.
15:52 Bryan Konietzko, the show's co-creator, said that Nickelodeon limited what they could show in the finale. So Korra and Asami couldn't be shown kissing. But more of their relationship is shown in the comics, which is a canon continuation of the main series. The comics are a good read if you haven't picked them up already.
13:46 - I solved the third problem by doing a crossover between MLP and Sonic. So all the dark things like implied suicide attempts and PTSD are all things that the Sonic characters have going on (for good reason) and the mane six are the ones that have to resolve it. It's basically just a big 'What-If' scenario dealing with more serious issues. But hey, it also has the powers of the Chaos Emeralds and Rainbow Powers/Elements of Harmony combining to form a new power.
I know you rapid fire speak on Starlight and Sunburst towards the very end, and like you said, totally valid that that's how you view them as it is completely ambiguous. However, I think in Season 9 there's enough evidence to suggest Sunburst and Starlight *do* live in the same city. In a Horsehoe-In, Sunburst ends up being hired for Vice Headmare, rather enthusiastically, and we see him there at the school in the finale. While it's possible he still lives in the Crystal Empire, I'd like to think that commute is a *little* too long for him to be doing every day/week. In the same episode he's hired, he mentions that outside of the occasional one off ceremony or festival his job as crystaller isn't something he's tied to, expressing a passion for being in an educational setting. Additionally, Twilight gifts her castle to Starlight during The Beginning of The End, and being as she would be the only resident, there would be plenty of space for Sunburst to reside next to his place of work. Again, while it is possible all this happens and he still lives in the Crystal Empire pulling some kind of crazy commute, and living away from his primary job, It's reasonable to expect he probably isn't. All that was one long winded way of saying "Nuh uh", but like a light switch, him moving is not "on" in the canon, and has not been stated, so, like your video so eloquently put, is up to any individual to have a take on. Sincerely, SS Starburst's Biggest supporter
a note about legend of Korra: the original ending was meant to be Korra and Asami kissing in the spirit portal instead of holding hands, but it wasn’t allowed by nickelodeon. And in the comics, they are canon.
i hate fluttercord with a passion, she had barrels of chemistry with bulk biceps anyway frankly the only theory here i liked was that twilight wasn't supposed to hatch the egg, the others are too bizarre except the sweetie bell being rarities daughter, the only season im even reconsidering that is because sweetie bell is the only one in her family with green eyes despite but her "parents" not having them
Personally I see scootoloo as disabled. She gets quite a few episodes dedicated to her insecurity with her inability to fly. In the future, her wings are still tiny. She also uses her scooter to get around quickly. Those are just a few things that stuck out to me personally.
13:36 Alright, let's get into this I disagree with the premise here, as in how it applies to MLP. Cause.. it doesn't. It might apply to like... Teletubbies, but not MLP g4 Cause.. MLP g4 is absolutely no stranger to heavy themes, including both abuse and suicide. In fact, the writers seem to try and work in those themes whenever they get the chance. Examples include, but are not limited to Attempted suicide in S6E6 Self harm, depression, and shame S5E13 Death and mourning S7E13, S5E5 Manipulation and control: S5E24 Parental abuse S8E20, S8E24 MLP The Movie Cults S5E1,2 Racism/Nazi ideology S8E1,2 Whatever the collage of problems Wallflower from EG was Murder S3E3 I could go on, but I've made my point And they love talking about unideal and problematic parenting in particular, see the Apple's lack of parents, the Shy's lack of boundaries, the Sparkle's unhealthy competition, the Dash's drowning in attention, Parental absence for both the Belle's and Scoot Throw in Diamond Tiara's abusive parents and Spike being raised by a literal child who uses him as a gofer, and we have something that could be called a pattern. So is it really that far of a stretch to say that a possible, even likely cause for the fact that Pinkie and all of her sisters have some mental thing going on, could be that her parents aren't exactly ideal either? I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that they were actively abusive, as Pinkie was the only one who actually left, and the sisters seem to have a more or less happy relationship with their parents But that's not what you said the theory was about, just that they experienced trauma. **which they did** We see it first hand from the show. Not active abuse, but if you think eating rock soup, and working all day every day at a very young age and not being allowed to play is normal, I have a bridge to sell you So that theory is hardly out of left field. It's barely a theory. About as much of a theory as "Bright Mac and Pear Butter are dead" There is a lot more depth to your "cute little pony show" than you think. And the fact that other people see it, appreciate it, and, indeed, were drawn to the show because of it, is not other people's problem, it's yours. Sorry, had to add in the whole Pinkie Pie clone situation
I Think the OG Human sunset just wasnt in a School entirely. Given that she left celestia’s school in the pony World, she probably did the same in the Human World. Maybe she was at crystal prep. Wanted to be the top student like twilight, but then failed and left School all together. (Maybe even graduated depending on her age. Also maybe the rivalry was one sided, so twilight wouldnt have known but sunset would.)
Something to remember about head canon is that many people jumped in at Season 1, 2 or 3 - before Princess Twilight, before Discord's true reformation, before a LOT of the show had taken place. Having a beloved head canon proven wrong is common but many of these are still explored today. 'Discord as Starswirl', 'the Princesses were born Alicorns', etc. These were proven wrong eventually in various ways but they're still beloved AU settings. And adding heavy subjects can be a way of dealing with the author's past trauma sometimes. Just saying - putting fictional characters through similar situations as yourself went through to try to 'come to terms' with trauma isn't unheard of.
yeah..but i think it's still gonna be worth it, i really want to watch an in-depth analysis about this topic, since i've only ever heard of coded mlp characters here or there on tiktok. bigots' opinions don't matter anyway
This is an old-ish video but i want to put the theory that i found once and now headcanon : Pinkie Pie might as well have Chaos Magic. Now, off the top of my head, i cant think of all too many points of evidence for it; but it has it's grounds. For example (iirc), in School Raze (Part 2) when everypony gets their megic back, the ONLY ones to get back magic are Unicorns, and Pinkie Pie. Another one is Pinkie Pie just dismembering herself in The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows and putting herself back together in another frame. And other stuff like her walking on air in an episode i currently cant remember right now, or her slowing herself down while falling in Too Many Pinkie Pies There's some other theories surrounding this (one of them being that she got those powers because of Grogar's Bell from S9E25), but this is the main idea i want to be focused one
I hate Fluttercord partially because Discord definitely doesn't even understand romance, he is millenia older than Fluttershy, and I don't actually think they have any romantic chemistry. Their relationship just seems platonic to me as well.
Hearing of trans Trixie warms my heart...expecially after how they have massacred Big Mac. Is he trans? Or is he is just into make up? Some rare folks in the fandom have been trying to show some solidarity since Brotherhooves Social, but to many it's still all a gag that Big Mac had a dress, a wig, make up and a voice all prepared for Orchid Blossom, not proof that he may not be entirely cis...
it reads way more as drag to me which would still be plenty representative. lauren faust also joked about him being into dudes early on which would add up lol
The moment you said that you don't think discord knows what romantic love is, I immediately thought of discord singing "WHAT IS LOVE BABY DON'T HURT MEEE DON'T HURT MEE NO MORE"
Honestly surprised you didn't mention the biggest "fan theory that became canon", which was "Celestia was grooming twilight to become her successor". it may seem odd to think about now, but back in the early days of the fandom, this was just a fan theory for where the show was going. Infact, when alicorn twilight happened, this was the main dividing point between the two groups. Supporters of Alicorn Twilight would point to the theory of the show leading toward twilight ascending to ruler as a major reason why AliTwi made sense. but people that hated her becoming an alicorn LOATHED that theory, and would always argue against it, saying it was just headcanon, with little proof that it was true. Even when Lauren came out and said that that had been her plan all along (this was either just before season 4, or during it) they still argued against it.
on the darker themes aspect. maybe early on it may not fit, but as the show went along it seemed to open up more to the idea of more serious topics. Scoot's neglectful parents being one, but also, Luna. Luna created a demon that would live in her dreams and literally torture her ever single time she went to sleep as punishment for what she had done as NMM. that is insanely dark when you think about it. it's also interesting to think about some other early theories. Like i remember reading a theory that the changelings and chrysalis had originally been Luna's royal guard prior to her turn as NMM. They had either been banished and the loss of their beloved princess had caused an insatiable hunger for love, or they had been transformed as punishment for betraying celestia, THEN banished.
So the theory i actually have about Sunset is that there never was a human version I believe that Pony Sunset was meant to be the so called 'link' between the two worlds
After Josh's review of Slice of Life and having lived with a little to no chemistry brother for 18 years, you cannot change my mind that Vinyl and Octavia are sisters. The show almost did it with the sunny and goth pony duo trying on Rarity's custom dresses in Canterlot, sisters with polar opposite personalities and little chemistry.
Being sisters makes sense actually like they're both into music and we all know that non twins usually don't look so similar, just like Celestia & Luna so they could actually be sisters, They could be from a musical family.
This video now has a follow-up video attempting to better explain my thoughts on the matter. Check it out below!видео.html
I really liked that new video. It was great, honestly.
Have you seen she talks to angel?
@ Yes…? I’ve seen the entire series four or five times now.
I personally think that Ponyville ponies’ lack of clothing isn’t because of their lack of money but rather a fashion choice and ponies in canterlot think clothes are more sophisticated looking
I think so too! I see the clothes more as extra accessories, rather than something that’s worn every day
I like to think that bc ponyville was founded by earth ponies, high fashion just wasn't needed since almost every pony has some kind of extensive labor job. Clothing would just get in the way and be an extra added chore for them
I like the kinda dark theory that ponies used to be discriminated against by other species and that's why they act so weird about non ponies, especially early on (like Zecora, for example). It'd also explain the existence of weird horse things like saddles and the entirety of the diamond dogs episode if ponies used to be treated like we treat horses
Also, ponies are a _prey species_ and the citizens of Ponyville are very easily panicked. I wouldn't be surprised if they were straight up hunted for food.
But it is a kids show
@@EepychibiYes, but there are more serious themes in the show like racism. It might not be as brutal or harsh as racism in adult shows, but it's still there.
@@EepychibiNobody tell this guy what was done to the ponies in the previous gens ( 💀)
@@DogDogGodFogHELP 💀
I love the idea that there is no other sunset. Sunset shimmer as a character belongs in both worlds equally. Her cutiemark even reflects that as a yin-yang symbol. I think that she was meant to bring balance to the two worlds
That's actually so cool I never thought of that !!
I also think that she is sundrop (I don’t remember his name so ima call him that) (starlight’s filliehood friend) is sunsets brother
maybe she got her cutie mark upon going to the eqg world for the first time
@@PIGEONS_AndAXOLOTLS I believe it is Sunburst, my friend.
@@ikmwrime29sorryaira60 thanks
14:06 i think the episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep is an example of how to write self-harm in a non edgy way. I think most people just tack on theories of abuse and suicide just for the shock value but Luna creating the tantabus to terrorize herself and deprive her of sleep because of her guilt was an example of self harm being handled respectfully in my opinion
But then the resolution was "just stop feeling bad!' So yeah
@@hollowwoods7130I felt it was a bit more nuanced than that. The tantabus is like a monster from psychonauts, a personification of doubts and regrets of Lina’s biggest mistake: becoming nightmare moon. The lesson is more of forgiving yourself for past mistakes and easing those burdens with friendship of those that understand those burdens than just don’t feel bad. It took Luna some time to trust the friendship and help of others as she didn’t want to hurt her friends again like she did in the past
I didn't know that the monsters from Psychonauts could jump from person to person and terrorize them in their minds. The Tantabus only stopped terrorizing others and attempting to enter the real world when Luna instantaneously "forgave herself"
It's just an example of a quick lazy solution. Another example is in Fame and Misfortune, all the issues of the mane 6 are resolved except Rarity who is still boycotted, and the issue is never addressed
@@44burn1 I think the lazy solution aspect is born more out of the restrictions of pacing in a 20 minute episode. It's still amazing for what it was but it would've been a lot better if they made it a 2 parter or even a feature
This is a great point!! Self harm doesn't necessarily involve physically hurting yourself! In fact you don't even have to cause direct harm of any kind! You could, in fact, do something that you know that you will DEEPLY hate yourself for doing later on (to the point where you can't stand yourself). This form of self harm not only looks like what Luna did to herself. But it can also be worse than physical harm, since you're adding more mental and emotional pain to any pain you're already dealing with.
So yes, there's a strong chance that this has been in the show... Just not through the ways we would think.
If you think about it really it's just the princess telling Twilight to touch grass 💀
What do you mean?
@@siddhianishkala4543 in the first episode twilight is sent to ponyville by celestia to make friends, and shes basically telling twilight to touch some grass instead of Reading books.
Princess Celestia telling Twilight to go to Ponyville and make friends ("touch grass") instead of having no hobbies (I think that's what they meant?) @@siddhianishkala4543
@@siddhianishkala4543Twilight is an intense workaholic with her nose in a book constantly instead of interacting with others, acting rather pretentious. Her being sent to Ponyville is Celestia telling her to touch grass, actually interact with the world and people
(Edit: spelling error)
Cheesepie is pretty clearly canonized by "The Final Problem". We see their foal! That episode also seems to confirm Yonabar, but I can see where you can dismiss that (as well as Appledash) as only implied.
AppleDash and Fluttercord got left open for fans to debate but hands down the only mane 6 ship that got canon was CheesePie
@@carasimpsontanooki9188 Both ships are pretty heavily implied, but--yeah--still not 100% confirmed.
@otaku-sempai2197 that's true apparently there was a deleted kiss scene but according to Big Jim nothing was cut
@@carasimpsontanooki9188yes! Exactly!
"i cant count Cheese Pie as cannon"
So literally having children with someone and still being part of said child's life makes them what? Roomates?
Best friends going on an adventure
I mean romcoms have been based off of crazier plots.
Honestly, who's to say she didn't adopt the kid? And also, you can have a kid with someone without being together, it's all up to them really lol
Relationships aren't all black and white, it all goes down to what the people involved in it feel like and whatever labels they feel the need to use, regardless of how others might interpret their relationship
Omg they were roommates 😮
And they were ✨roommates✨
Discord is so silly. Doesn’t know what love is, but for some strange reason wants to spend all of his time with fluttershy.
Are we not going to talk about the fact that when Angel bunny switched bodies with Fluttershy, she said she wanted to marry Discord, I know Fluttershy never said that herself but with Angel bunny being fluttershy's pet you can say that she knows what Fluttershy wants from Discord.
I thought about that, and that was definitely a huge hint. I used to HATE them together, but now I'm okay with it.
@@gatorgoatjohnnyI find Fluttercord abit weird because Discord is an immortal being who's atleast thousands of years old and Fluttershy is a normal pony who is probably in her early to mid twenties
I don't mind if anyone ships them though
@@LazySloth_67I don't have a problem with Fluttercord until the shippers shove it down my throat
@@LazySloth_67yeah that’s why I think discord and Celestia make more sense in the way that both Celestia and Discord are thousands of years old and may possibly be both immortal, however I don’t like the eider of Discord having royal power/authority over a kingdom lol no matter how reformed he is I’d never fully trust him
@@LazySloth_67I always hate that argument. Why are we barring bittersweet romance's because apparently a grown adult can't decide whether they want to fuck an immortal or not
Twilight being neurodivergent makes absolute sense to me.
She seems like a gifted kid to me, who's really intelligent in school but who lacks other abilities like social abilities and who fails to deal with failure easily because of the environment she was raised in
@@PunkRatSodagifted kids can be neurodivergent too though
@@meh4294 oh yeah true
@@PunkRatSodai always said you’re smart sparkle but it’s all book and no street
I have my own Scootaloo theory:
Working off the theory she is disabled and cannot fly, what if its because her parents are two different types of ponies, her father is a land pony and her mother a pegasus, most every pony we see as a couple with children are the same typing but hers. And as we can see pony genes can pass down even when the pony itself does not have those traits, the bakers having one unicorn child and one pegasus child. So if genes can affect people that way(generations down the line) you can also have mutations, one that causes her to have small wings and the non ability to fly.
Or, since she grows into her wings by the final episode, you could say she still can't fly due to having an Earth Pony body.
(IE; She's like an emu, or an ostrich, because her bones and muscles are too dense to actually achieve sustained flight)
I never realized how many different explanations there could be for why Scootaloo cannot fly.
I always assumed that it was because she lacked the Pegasus Magic needed for ponies to fly (and that Bulk Biceps does have that magic which is why he can still kind of fly even though his wings are tiny, albeit not very well,) and I still believe that, but I used to think that it was the only possibility.
I don't see how this theory would work considering Pound cake has 2 earth pony parents and can still fly, even tho the genetics were explained. It wouldn't make any sense to use the Pegasus magic or earth pony body theory since those would both apply to Pound Cake.
And I guess the same can be said for Pumpkin Cake to. Having to earth pony parents but somehow able to use Unicorn magic, I honestly don't think species related magic exists
weird al did Not splooge in pinkie plot for u to call them 'non-canon'
this sentence makes me feel ill
@@2mgxx it’s not wrong though
@@SomeGaymerNerd I mean they did have a kid but this still sounds so wrong
this comment gave me 14 different mental illnesses
good lord
CheesePie is so canon Cheese literally fired his party popper inside Pinkie's party cave and out popped a foal.
The only way you could be more canon is if you had a situation like Pinkie's family where they have MULTIPLE kids.
Wait please tell me why you think Pinkie pies kid is a boy😭Like I don’t see it at all it’s obviously a girl it has super long lashes
@@crumpetpiss3420 One of the animators or show runners (I can't remember) said that their kid was meant to be a boy, but was made a girl by mistake.
@@pIasticrabbitsPerfect description of me as a trans man
I have a theory I’ve been meaning to talk about but never really got around to it. It’s about the first two episodes, and how Princess Luna “escaped” the moon. I believe Celestia freed Luna from the moon, and had planned to do so for a very long time. Think about it, Celestia as we know her now is not as regal as she tries to appear to be. Underneath her royalty status she has fears, insecurities, and problems same as everybody else. She also deeply regretted having to send her sister to the moon and really didn’t like having a holiday surrounding it. I believe she staged it to look as if thought an outside force was freeing Luna but in reality it was her all along. After all as we know “the stars will aid in her escape” are in reality Suns seen from far away, and she is the only pony known to have the power to move Suns to her will. Furthermore the story that Twilight reads at the beginning of the episode is read in Celestia’s voice, most likely because Celestia wrote it. She was the only one present when Luna was Banished to the moon and the book seems to have intimate knowledge of their relationship and disagreements. This would make sense as after Luna was banished she would have to explain to her subjects why one of their Royalty is gone. She most likely put the prophecy in there as reassurance she would be able to free her sister once again after she figured out how to change her back, without backlash from her subjects.
-She was also the one who assigned Twilight the prophecy to study on the eve of the anniversary of the day she banished her sister. We know from “Spike at your Service” that Celestia is often the one assigning books for Twilight to read as apart of her studies. She also just so happened to send Twilight to the town nearest to the elements of harmony and the place she knew her sister once freed would first go. I believe that Celestia put Twilight in Luna’s path on purpose seeing her immense magical ability and knowing that Twilight of all ponies would be the most likely to have the power to change Luna back to her original form.
This would explain her absence up until the end after Luna is transformed back from nightmare moon. I also think the elements of harmony can’t be wielded by a single pony, but two or multiple to work. Which would explain her urge for Twilight to make friends. Once Luna was banished, Celestia no longer had the ability to wield the elements and therefore searched for a pony who 1) had a powerful enough connection to create the spark, 2) was powerful enough in their own right. This is what caused her to start taking on students in the first place. She finally found the one in Twilight.
I also have a theory stating how each princess (excluding flurry) represent one of the four types of love stated by Greek philosophy, love between friends being the strongest, and that’s what makes the main six special.
this was a popular theory early on (tho often was overshadowed by the "the stars are actually evil entities that corrupted luna and freed NMM" theory. It didn't help that Fallout Equestria went with that theory as part of its overall backstory). It eventually got confirmed by Lauren herself. Yes, its canon that Celestia planned everything.
It also goes further. In "Family Appreciation Day" Granny Smith recounts the founding of ponyville. Her family had been traveling around looking for somewhere to settle, then they met Celestia. She told them of a plot of land near the everfree forest they could settle on.
Meaning, Celestia was the reason ponyville exists and exists where it does. IE close to her old home, the first place NMM would go after she came back.
She was also around for other events like the sonic rainboom. this part is a little more ambiguous, but taken all together it fits. IE that she would have investigated the rainboom to find out what happened. so its entirely likely that she would have learned of a number of fillies getting their marks all at the same time.
I would also say that she wasn't just looking for element bearers, but her successor as well, even before finding twilight. I also think reforming NMM was a first test to turn twilight into a ruler.
@@RaptorNX01 >It eventually got confirmed by Lauren herself
What?! When and where was this, mate?
Actually that's pretty great since, when twilight defeated nightmare moon maybe celestia wasn't planning on going on with that but she saw potential in twilight and made her keep going
which would also fits with her sending discord for tirek in season 4 's finale maybe she was worried that she kept pushing and asking of twilight so much@@RaptorNX01
The "hatching a dragon egg" theory makes sense, specially when you remember that nopony else in Celestia's magic school had a dragon assistant like twilight, even sunset shimmer that was Celestia's pupil before twilight, if sunset ever had one I think it would be mentioned
as far as headcanons go, i always had the headcanon that philomena, celestias phoenix pet, was sunsets pet before she went into the portal. she hatched philomena herself and when she left to go to the human world, celestia cared for philomena in her place.
@@princessatellalumaI love that head canon!
The theory about Twilight's exam being a test of failure brings me back to a thought I've recently had: Did everything that happened in The Cutie Mark Chronicles HAVE to hinge on the Sonic Rainboom.
I don't have the time right now, but I could definitely discuss alternative conclusions for each of their origins without Rainbow Dash having to have been involved, and still have them yield their desired results.
I can understand how the Sonic Rainboom is a direct correlation to Twighlight becoming who she is (specifically Celestia's direct pupil, but I imagine she'd get into the academy eventually even if not that moment), but everyone else? I can't imagine they couldn't eventually find their calling in a different way and that Equestria would HAVE to end without them as friends (except if Nightmare Moon took over which is directly due to their influence).
Rarity would find inspiration somewhere else and still be in fashion/art. Fluttershy would eventually talk to an animal and learn she could communicate with them. Rainbow had very supportive parents, maybe she wouldn't be as fast as now but she's a good flyer and would make the Wonderbolts eventually. Pinkie Pie was never meant to stay on the rock farm, I imagine unless she unalived herself due to depression she'd go to a party at one point in her life and fall in love with it. AppleJack... actually I can imagine her life being very different if she didn't ever realize she was a farm pony or if she realized it later when she was older which would affect her family dynamic.
Nightmare moon wouldn't have been released since Celestia released her herself. everything in the pilot was orchestrated by her. So if the sonic rainboom never happened, the events of the show wouldn't have happened as she wouldn't have had a catalyst to finding the elements of harmony bearers. There would have been no way for her to know they were in ponyville. and she wouldn't have known about twilight.
Even if the mane 6 had eventually gotten their marks, there wasn't that singular event that tied them all together.
From my understanding, cutie marks seem to have this element of fate attached to them which not even the ponies fully understand. So I can buy the idea that the rainboom needed to happen.
@@RaptorNX01as far as I am aware that is a fan theory that was never confirmed either in universe or by the creators. And the events of Cutie Re:Mark kind of contradict the idea. While im aware that there is wiggle room with the alt timelines events, the overarcing narrative that those episodes pushed was that if there was no rainboom then the girls do not meet each other, do not obtain the elements and everything goes to crap in one fashion ir another, which begs the question of why Celestia would release her if she didnt have the win button on standby.
@@griffinwittum5526 thats why she didn't release NMM until twilight and the other potential bearers were in place. and it was confirm by lauren that celestia orchestrated the events.
18:50 - Here's the thing about Fluttercord. The core concept isn't really about shipping the two of them. The concept is whether or not Harmony and Chaos can really coexist. And the answer isn't only a resounding 'yes', but in the grand scheme of things, one cannot exist without the other.
Bear in mind that for all of his flaws, Discord is the reason it was possible for the mane six to defeat Tirek, and he provided absolute confirmation that Twilight was indeed ready to rule Equestria. It might not have been in the best way, but it was still confirmation.
Honestly, thats likely the reason he was reformed. Tirek got free BEFORE discord was revived. it makes the urgency for his reformation make more sense. And learning that fluttershy was the only one immune to his manipulations (forcing him to take direct action to change her) would mean there was a path forward.
And he provided that confirmation deliberately. Discord is pure chaos, so his thought process, logic, approach to problem solving or that entire friendship thing are understandably somewhat hit and miss ... but trying to boost Twiggles' confidence, despite how much he enjoys her little episodes and the chaos a panicking Twilight creates, was a surprisingly sweet gesture. Like, everypony got huffy when he faked being hurt/dying, but as it turns out he was just giving Twilight a chance to dispose of Sombra herself, while staying close enough to be able to save her. The chaos noodle may be annoying, but he's actually not the worst friend one could have.
@@protator Basically, he did what Q would do in that situation.
bon-bon’s name could also be in reference to a character from the g1.5 series “my little pony tales” which shares the same name and has a similar cutie mark!
also, a “coding in mlp” video would be awesome!!
Most characters in the show use names recycled from previous generations, so I wouldn't say this is anything to write home about.
cheesepie literally had a two part comic about them going on a date not to mention their kid !!!! how much more canon do you need it to be 😭do you need to see them makeout
I was not aware of this arc in the comics when I wrote the script for this video. Having dug up those IDW issues after the fact, I've now officially changed my stance on CheesePie being canon. Thanks for bringing that lovely arc to my attention! I'm sorry I hadn't read that far in the comics; I'm only up to Issue #40, and that's not even counting the spinoff issues.
fun-fact: About the "Where is the human Sunset Shimmer?" theory the end of the MLPEG Series was suppose to introduce Human Sunset but something happened with the production and they never aired it🥲
it warms my heart to see this fandom still alive. I remember seeing these theories all the way back in 2012. Much love
I am a wholehearted FlutterCord shipper so me considering the ship as canon may be biased, but I am sure that I read something out there regarding a deleted scene in the finale where the two were meant to kiss…I do appreciate your comment on Discord’s unconventional perceptions (or lack of perceptions) of what love is though, I’m liking the implications of aroace Discord! I also really like the theory regarding Celestia’s entrance exam!
I am also an intense FlutterCord shipper too, and it is my favorite relationship in the series, my second being Twiity (Twilight X Rarity) and third being Vintavia (Vinyl X Octavia)
i love them so much. i think what kind of sent it for me was in the episode "She Talks to Angel"... Angel bunny and Fluttershy switch bodies because of the drink Zecora gave them. when Angel switches and goes back to the animal sanctuary he says a line like, "i talk to animals, i wanna marry Discord". and clearly that just shows a lot about how Fluttershy feels about Discord. Angel is her pet, it has to make sense that Fluttershy tells angel all about her feelings. i genuinely think they're lovers
FlutterCord shipper here too! (I'm on the ace spectrum, please don't take what I'm about to say as erasure) I personally found the "he probably doesn't know how to recognize love" statement stupid as an argument about them having nothing romantic there. Just because you don't know something within you exists, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I believe wholeheartedly that he has romantic feelings for her even if he wouldn't know :)
there’s a deleted script for the last problem where appledash and fluttercord were supposed to be more explicitly canon
Yeah, you know darn well Fluttershy told that rabbit EVERYTHING. He was basically like her fuzzy hopping diary. and you also know they threw that line in there with that exact implication in mind.
I kind of get what you're saying, but saying Cheesepie is not canon just seems insane to me, no offense. Not only is their child literally called "Li'l Cheese", but they also clearly hug each other in a very "lovers" kind of way while they're riding on giant Gummy. Appledash, however, is much more up to debate, and the writers even stated that they meant for it to be ambiguous.
I also can't believe you forgot to mention that insane theory about Discord being Starswirl the Bearded, which was finally proven 100% non-canon when Starswirl the Bearded appeared for real in Shadow Play. It did float around for several years, though.
Yeah, it's all but stated. I 100% believe that they're together, it was just never explicitly told to the audience. But just because it's not "totally confirmed" doesn't mean that's not 100% what they were going for.
Counterpoint: CheesePie isn't canon because me no likey
I’d consider cheesepie canon too, unless for some reason pinkie had a baby with a random pony, the baby with a literal cheese pie cutie mark, the same eye color as cheese, a lighter coat color of cheese, and being named after cheese. Totally “not canon”
@@gatorgoatjohnny my guy, bro.
they fyucked and made a baby.
what more do you need?
Actually Starswirl doing an evil spell or something and becoming Discord would've been really cool, I think that theory is fun! Then they could've done an episode talking about transforming him back into Starswirl and he refuses because he likes the person he has become now. (because honestly Starswirl in the show is pretty milquetoast imo, that definitely could've made him more interesting.) It also could've been interesting to see how he interacts with the other pillars if he was formerly Starswirl. I love when fan theories make you think about stuff!
I would also like to add onto the trans Trixie theory, not only did Trixie start with one eye shine, but a (relatively) consistent design choice throughout the series is that stallions have a gradient for their eye color, while mares have solid color- and Trixie has a gradient all the way through!
Mared also have gradient in their eye color, but they have those two lines of colors at the bottom
Diamond Tiara and Applebloom have a gradient as well
She has mare's head. This theory is pure stupidity.
@@mirka4285 i see it tbhhj
I thought Scootaloo's inability to fly was literally just because she was disabled
that’s my conclusion as well, especially considering when she grows up her wings don’t grow as well
It really says something about how special FIM is that we're almost exactly five years from the airing of the final episode of the series, and people are still making theories, still creating mountains of fan art and fan fiction, that new videos about the series come out somewhat regularly, and that those videos can STILL garner hundreds of thousands of views.
Fr! Even seeing this recent comment warms my heart lol
twilight isn't neurodivergent... ALL of the mane six are neurodivergent 😼
I'm by no means caught up on MLP fan lore, but I can't be the only one who's wondered why EQG Twilight has glasses while pony-Twi doesn't. My headcanon on that was she used magic(or had magic used on her) to correct her vision(similarly to Hermione in the Harry Potter books for her teeth), while EQG-Twi doesn't have the ability in her universe.
It's also possible that it's an environmental thing. I read recently that one reason why bad eyesight is becoming more common is because kids are spending too much time in places that aren't well-lit. At some point our brain tells our eyes to stop growing, but that happens based on light. If sci-twi didn't go out very often and mainly stayed inside to read or study, it makes sense that her eyesight would end up bad
@@irishuisman1450 and we could add devices, sci-twi would spend countless nights on her laptop and reading in the dark, resulting to glasses because of the blue light devices emit.
@@magdoesntexist1305 that too
So about "Where's human world Sunset?". My answer (which is also just a theory) is that she lives in another town and when Swi-Twi transferred to Canterlot High human world Sunset took her place and Chrystal Prep
It would be funny if human sunset found a portal to a third dimension, like one with sentient dogs, and the dog sunset went to one where everyone is a robot, etc.
When you were talking about the Sunset Shimmer theory, I was reminded that Nick Confalone confirmed that it was going to be the story in the cancelled finale to EQG.
0:40 i don't get why no one has mentioned this at all so far. Like... us the fandom. Theorised that these two ponies who are always seen together are lesbians and dating. Then by the end of the show. They both were planning to propose to each other and even got married. Beautiful.
7:00 - The thing about Blueblood is he's more of a conduit in order to assist in getting the Gala to be the running gag that it eventually became (somehow going even more disastrously with each subsequent visit to it by the mane six).
the random sound at 17:22 scared the shit out of me
That's the epilepsy warning, sorry!
@@gatorgoatjohnnyits ight!! It was just surprising
it's my personal theory/headcanon that human sunset (and starlight) went to crystal prep and have already graduated because in unleash the magic principal cinch sings to scitwi "to find a student that's like you, i've had one or maybe two, but the good ones dissapear before i blink" since they're all extremely talented unicorns in the pony world, it makes sense to me that sunset and starlight would be geniuses like scitwi as their human counterparts
I LOVE THIS when I was 5 and 7 it was MLP peak so I missed most of the cool theories, THANKS!
What year was that
Idk like 2014?
@@Deb8tor oooohh
I discovered this show as an adult so was VERY aware of MLP theories. I'd like to imagine how cool everything was to a young innocent child though!
It was fun watching and enjoying it as a kid and then revisiting that as a teen I get to enjoy MLP regardless of age :)@@rita8274
As a child, I thought Twilight was Indian (as in from the country India), because she was the most similar to me and I am Indian. Basically, just second-grader logic, but I still think of Twilight as second or third generation desi as a human.
Indian Twilight just makes sense to me, ngl.
Agree, No doubt she's south Asian imo
I think this is how pony race headcanons are supposed to be built. Just a little girl relating to her favourite pony. I relate to pinkie my whole life and as a kid i headcanonned her russian/estonian. Right now i also headcanon her with jewish roots while im not jewish myself some of my family are.
Omg me too but I always thought she was Indian mixed with Chinese? But that's cause of a singular headcanon of my favorite artist at the time 😅
That's actually pretty cool, and does make sense.
a good headcanon about starlight and sunburst is that they have had some sort of romantic relationship yet it didn’t work out or it didn’t feel right so they went back to just friends
Mentioning Celestia/Discord suddenly made me remember that one Heavens Light animatic. I don't think I was personally invested in the ship but I remember really liking some of the fanworks like that, which I think must have dwindled as the seasons went past and I suspect as Fluttercord became more of a thing. I hadn't even thought about it in years.
it reminds me of that one drawing of them looking angry at each other and Discord's wing kind of looks like a big wiener lol
@@tylerisntasheep6854I have now had a second flashback.
Enjoying art of ships or media you're not particularly into or personally ship gives your life a little more flavor imo 👍
the track Tangled was a tied into that animatic.
also Aviators song "Monster" i believe was meant to be about discord and celestia (specifically her spurning him, pushing him toward chaos)
I like to think that Sunset does not have a counterpart because she is a singularly. The only one in the multiverse. That or the two worlds are not exactly parallel and there are differences, big and small.
14:01 Sensitive topics like abuse and self harm in media are only bad if framed in a way that is minimizing, glorified, or otherwise harmful to victims. You don’t have to engage in mlp theories based on these topics if you don’t like it but that doesn’t make it bad. Exploring them can help people like myself process their trauma in a healthy way. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Came to the comments to say the same thing-especially when most people who headcanon those kinds of topics are usually familiar with them 🤷♀️ And maybe the “damn good reason” people have for hc’ing these things is that young people just want to express themselves through characters they enjoy. That whole segment felt needlessly harsh to me.
@@jokebear133 dude totally. Like is he just mad that these depressing topics were being tied to his cute little pony show? As if others enjoying the show a different way is ruining it for him somehow??? Idk man. I’m not trying to start shit but it didn’t seem like he thought before he said that.
somebody had to say it! as long as it’s not romanticized, minimized or depicted in a gross way (lil miss rarity) i genuinely don’t see the issue? especially considering a lot of people use these sorts of headcanons to cope with their own personal lives and trauma
My hypothesis for Scootaloo not being able to fly is that the magical force that lets other Pegasus fly acts in a horizontal direction instead of vertical.
I like fluttercord a lot as platonic life partners :)
Oh, I’m glad I saw this comment. As an aroace who hopes to someday have one of those, this makes me not hate that choice in the finale. 😊
strong headcanons are okay as long as people don't act like they're canon and you can't have any other ideas. that unfortunately happens a LOT, especially on twitter. no race or identity is canon for any character in mlp, treating your hcs like they're real and policing others is very lame
i totally agree
I've noticed that people have a habit of putting words in the creator's mouths, or assuming that they MUST have had a specific intention when they wrote a character in the way they did, and acting like that's good enough to treat their headcanons as fact lmao. It's always the people who make the BIGGEST leaps in logic to justify their viewpoints that are the most toxic about it as well.
One theory I'm surprised to have not seen yet is the possibility that Rainbow Dash is Wind Rider's illegitimate child. I get it's really out there and falls into one of the three fan theory sins but they share the same coat colour, similar temperaments (probably more so than her actual father?), athletic ability (at least, considering Rider's age) and... well, an instance or two just make no sense, like how in Rosetta's name did he get a cut of Rainbow Dash's mane? There was no chance for him to get it and her door should've been locked. So as for why Wind Rider would do such a thing, I abducted:
>He didn't actually want to sabotage Dash's career, instead just wishing to fly right next to her in such a grand show
>However, he wasn't aware Spitfire's mother would appear at the show, throwing a spanner into the works
>He couldn't tell the truth about why he did it since not only would it be (probably?) scandalous for a high profile figure to have an undeclared illegitimate child, it could very well harm Dash's reputation as her entrance into the Wonderbolts could be seen as nepotistic
Admittedly, this is quite shaky and I doubt even my full reasoning would be sufficient to excuse it - even if Rider is Dash's father I doubt he would know - but still, there's such an obvious connection _right _*_there_* and seemingly no one but me has noticed it.
Edit: I feel I should clarify that, under this model, Rarity isn't strictly wrong, she just didn't guess the right motive which isn't unusual in crime fiction.
New headcanon accepted.
one of my headcannons (well not headcannon as in i genuinely believe this.. but moreso just that its a fun concept, which i think is what headcannon means anyways)
is that pinkie and rainbow are both adhd, but pinkie is hyperactive type and rainbow innatentive type, and thats a reason they get along so well
(people with adhd tend to stick together lol, i also very likely have undiagnosed adhd and relate to pinkie and rainbow a lot)
personally I think discord and fluttershy are just good friends. i think you have a point that he may not know what romantic love is all things considered. he could also be aroace! that's just my 2 cents anyway!
9:20 It’s interesting that you mention Human Sunset being used for an EG finale, because that was actually the original plan. There’s a blog post the director of EG made about how the original idea was for Human Sunset to come back and get revenge on Pony Sunset for taking her place.
My fan theory was that time moves 3-4 times faster in the FIM-verse than in the EQG-verse. That's why Sunset has been in the human world for three or four years at most, yet over a decade has passed in the pony world.
It kinda makes sense due to a pony's lifespan and so on!
(Its also the same headcanon I have.)
100% agree! ONE BILLION PERCENT AGREE. if you dont mind letting me get on my soapbox i can explain how i breakdown the time movement.
in the first eqg movie sunset has won the school dance crown 3 times. its confirmed that there are 2 dances (at least) per school year: the fall formal and the spring fling. in the first picture, sunset has the freshman student character model and in the other two, she has the older teenager character model. assuming sunset came to the human world in the middle of the school year and that she took time to gain power at chs AND the fact that she has the freshman model in the first picture, i think the first picture is of sunset winning the freshman spring fling. the other two are of sunset winning the sophomore year fall formal and spring fling. the fall formal that is taking place in the first movie is the junior year fall formal.
now, the portal opens every 30 moons or 2.5 years and its been confirmed that the events of the show from s1 -4 tales place during a span on 18 moons. so in equestria, sunset has been gone for at LEAST a year before twilight goes to ponyville (which makes sense since twilight doesnt know her at all). judging from the timeline that i just listed out, its been 2 years in the human world for sunset. now here is where im going to use logic rather than explicit evidence.
not only does twilight not know of sunset, shes never heard of her despite them both living in canterlot castle and frequenting the canterlot snd castle libraries (shown in the comic 'the fall of sunset shimmer'). celestia also states that sunset was her student before twilight, meaning that sunset left equestria before twilight started her studies. twilight is explicitly stated to have started her studies once she got her cutie mark.
assuming that twilight was around 11 when she got her cutie mark (obviously she is a child but considering a cutie mark is likened to growing up, im pretty sure ponies are older children or tweens when they get their marks, like puberty aged). twilight is in her early 20s when she goes to ponyville. for the sake of simple math, lets say that twilight has been a student for 10 years. this means that sunset has been gone for 10 years.
NOW! lets think about what celestia has said in the equestria girls movie. 'i had always hoped sunset would use the mirrior to return and seek my guidance' and the fact that the portal had to be guarded by celestia and luna. that means that the portal has likely opened and closed multiple times without sunset coming through. when sunset goes into the portal shes an adult mare, and because of twilight and sunsets narrative connection, lets say sunset leaves at the age twilight leaves for ponyville, 21. when sunset goes back to equestria, not only does she not seem older, but theyre about the same age in the human world.
so here is my final calculation and headcanon. assuming sunset has been gone for the 10 years twilight was celestias student, and the fact that 2 years has passed in the human world, the ratio of time passage in equestria to the human world is 5:1. the reason sunset doesnt look older in equestria or have any major appearance changes is because she is only 2 years older than twilight now, because of human aging.
FURTHERMORE we know that friendship games happens in the spring with the legend of everfree happening on spring break of junior year (as calculated earlier by sunsets pictures). that means that less than 6 months pass between equestria girls (which happens at the end of s3 aka 18 months in equestria) and the legend of everfree. now how much time has passed in equestria? the legend of everfree takes place at the end of season 6. assuming that its 18 more months for seasons 4-8, that means about a year or so has passed in equestria. so whats the point?
during spring breakdown, im pretty sure they mention that its their last spring break, meaning that its their senior year. assuming that we're going with my year calculation with the start date for sunset being in chs at the freshman spring fling and spring breadown taking place in senior year spring break, that means sunset has been in the human world for 3 years total!
SO if sunset has been in equestria for 3 years total by season 8 (where there rest of the equestria girl movies after the legend of everfree take place), that means sunset has been gone from equestria not just 10 years, but also 3 more years. (s1- 4 takes place over 18 months and 4- 8 takes place over 18 months). so if sunset is in the human world for 3 years to equestrias 13, that means the ratio of time in equestria to the human world is about 4.33 to 1.
due to inconsistencies and the fact fact that this is a kids show, i cant get a more accurate calculation than this, but to summarize:
time passes 4.3 - 5 times faster in equestria compared to the human world 💖
i hope you enjoyed my little rant! ive had this theory for almost 7 years now, so im very happy to finally have the opportunity to talk about it ^_^
Honestly, I think a coded character video would be really cool! I love your style and way of explaining things, I'm really happy to have found your channel!!! :D
yes pls pls pls
I have a small theory and I want to share it because I can
Pinkie Pie originally had a crush on Rainbow Dash or at least at the beggining of the series
I mean look at the first season alone.
She always sides with her
RD is only one Pinkie gave a cute nickname (might be wrong on this one, i didnt watch mlp in english for the most part)
She always seeks for her attention overall
You might say "But Cheese Sandwitch?" Yeah exactly
In the episode Cheese Sandwitch appears in why does she compete with him? To organize RD's birthday. And oh her reaction when she saw RD paid more attention to Cheese instead of her? Yeah. I didnt see Pinkie acting this way with anypony else. She moved on, of course. And I think its pretty ironic that she ended up with the guy who she was competiting against to impress her crush
My theory on why blueblood is Celestias nephew: Celestia was always celibate. Luna on the other hand, over the years when she was younger, had a large number of husbands, taking a new once whenever the last past away. Unlike her husbands, she didn't age or die of illness; eventually she stopped taking lovers as she had difficulty dealing with the death of her spose over and over again. She had many children, dozens or hundreds over the centuries before she was imprisoned, but similarly, she had difficulty dealing with seeing her children die of old age repeatedly while she retained the body of a 30 year old. Blueblood is one of her descendants that remained within the aristocracy. Luna has many descendants, but most are so far related from her at this point that it doesn't matter, with luna being their great grandmother to the 50th power. But the rich elites in canterlot try to draw any credence they can so of course he has to mention that he's the descendant of royalty, in reality he's just rich.
My other head cannon is that immortality was a factor in Luna becoming corrupt. Celestia was able to deal with being immortal, partially due to her celibacy, but Luna wasn't, and over time it took a psychological toll on her. One can only imagine the pain of a parent losing a child, but Luna saw more personal loss in her lifetime than any pony had in history, hundreds of her loved ones: husbands, children and grandchildren died while she remained a healthy 30 year old, eventually her great grant children or even more distantly related to her became unrelatable to her as they were so distantly related by blood, on top of feeling unappreciated in her work, and she became a powder keg ready to explode. Her last husband was her former advisor starswirl, when he was sealed away it became the last straw which led to her corruption.
Omg i like this, giving me greek gods vibes and I love it
Headcanon for me now
I was always wandering how did it comed he wasn't an alicorn
Anyway 1 thing I never understood is how does it comes we have princess and prince but no king and queen? I mean we had king sombra with I am theorizing he was an alicorn in the past
But why is princess luna and Celestia instead of queen?
@@nicolas._.2294 the actual explanation is that "princess" sounds better for selling toys, but my personal theory is that they call themselves princesses out of respect for each other. If Celestia called herself a queen (or vice versa) it would imply that she's putting herself above her sister.
I guess they could call themselves queens but then it might sound too much like they're married? Idk.
If blueblood isn't Lunas kid, it would also imply that Celestia and Luna have other siblings
Chew on this... In "she talks to angel", Angel (in fluttershys body) says several things about the real fluttershy, in an attempt to convince another pony that he is actually fluttershy.
Obviously, he wouldn't want to state something wrong about fluttershy, because that would be counter-productive in his goal to convince another that he is really fluttershy. For example, it would be stupid for him to say something incorrect, like, "I'm outgoing" or "I hate animals". If he did, the other pony would say, "that doesn't sound like fluttershy".
Also, it's likely that fluttershy shares her deep secrets with animals, because no one else can understand animals (so they can't share her secrets). Plus, she's comfortable around them (as she can face the challenge of getting her wing power for tornado duty up when around animals, but not in front of judgemental ponies).
All that being said, Angel says, "I want to marry Discord" which sounds like something she shared with Angel in confidence. And Angel didn't know that was completely private, so he uses that knowledge to convince others that he's the real fluttershy.
...or he just said something he'd assume other ponies would assume to be true about Fluttershy (and maybe he does too).
Saying something that should be a secret because she only confided it to her animal friends and no one else would know seems counterproductive.
To me it sounds more like a judgement on his end.
@@TheLadysAtelier you misunderstand.
If I tell you I want to marry someone... and I don't tell you that it's a secret because I believe you are a mute, unable to tell anyone (so asking you to keep it secret is completely unnecessary)... how would you know that you are the only person I've told? How would you know that I want you to keep it secret?
Why would fluttershy say to angel, "don't tell that to ponies who can't understand you, anyway" or "you are the only one I've told, so I want you to keep it that way by not telling this secret to ponies that can't understand you."?
Fluttershy would take secrecy for granted and speak openly to angel, never needing to distinguish to him which things can be repeated to ponies versus which things can't be repeated to ponies. What's the point if he's incapable of repeating anything at all? Would you? Do you make sure to tell your dog/cat in RL not to tell others what they've seen/heard?
If your dog/cat started speaking, would they know which things are secret/private versus which things are public? Your dog/cat knows what clothes you wear. And they know what you look like naked. To them, they are the same. But one is publicly seen, the other is not. And you never took the time to tell your dog/cat to never reveal your body to anyone, should they suddenly gain the ability to speak.
I actually thought Scootaloo had a disability when it came to the not flying thing
There's an episode where the CMC magically age themselves into adults and I think Scootaloo's wings are still very small and underdeveloped even after her transformation, which supports the disability idea.
I really like how you understand the term "canon". I've been feeling the same way about it but could never put it in the right words. Awesome video:)!!
2:49 it’s the way celestial decided single motherhood would still be a good lesson on failure
I consider fluttercord canon because of their chemistry, and how much discord specifically acts towards fluttershy- which could be passed off as friends. But one of my main reasons is in the episode where angel bunny and fluttershy switch bodies angel says (as fluttershy) “i wanna marry discord” as a making fun of her way
Pinkie Pie's parents do give off abusive energy, though. I mean, it's highlighted several times in the show how her parents hate everything she does (going out of their way to tell her that, to make her feel horrible) and never bother to show her any love or care. We unironically just don't see much display of love or even normal healthy interactions in the Pie family. Not sure if books are canon but in one of the books they kept telling her that parties were a bad thing etc etc.
And with how hushed and weak Marble is, and with how harsh and antisocial Limestone is, I'd say these two are a representation of the two main outcomes of being abused as a child. There's also Maud to represent depression and apathy.
Pie and cheese is canon, it shows them w their children literally, Discord w Fluttershy is also canon, shows them together at the end of the show.
This has been expanded upon in my sequel video:видео.html . (Also, I don't think Fluttercord being seen in the same frame counts as "being together". That's pretty far from confirmed IMO. The sequel video expands on this idea.)
One of my favorite theories (that has been debunked) is that Celestia's and Lunas hair are both wavy and flowy because of their use of the Elements of Harmony. Like how when the Mane 6 defeated Tirek their hair became flowy too, and how before Celesita had pink, non-wavy hair, and when Luna was defeated in the pilot, her hair wasn't wavy either.
Okay, I'm gonna be honest, I haven't watched the full video, but, I desperately needed a place to tell people about my fan theory to see how people like it.
Edit: *Btw, yes, in this theory the Discord betrayal was real*
This theory is basically that Discord isn't from the MLP:FIM universe. Let me explain. So, we know Discord lives in some sort of universal void, a place where, it doesn't matter where you reside, aslong as you know how to get there, you can. Another thing to note is that Discord is unlike any other creature in Equestria and makes constant 4th wall jokes. We can very well tell that he is aware that he is in a cartoon. From his personality, we can tell he probably saw the MLP:FIM kids cartoon universe as a playground, especially because hes aware kids are watching, even so he decides not to show his most terrifying abilities for the sake of the kids. Fluttershy genuinely did change him, however, and from then on out he was simply a guide, someone who would guide the ponies and the show in whatever direction he pleased. With that being said, he's aware that the main characters in a kids show cannot be defeated no matter what, therefore, we can conclude that his plan for the last few episodes was not to give Twilight confidence per se, but to make the finale more interesting with a big battle. He does truly care about the characters, especially Fluttershy, but like I said, he was aware that in doing so, he was not putting anyone in any real danger and if he did he could just use his powers to help. Now that the show is over, he lies in his abyss, waiting for some other show that peaks his interest.
9:00 I actually believe this because in the Christmas special toys for kids festival Sunset had a Storage unit witch she is paying monthly for but never used for some reason so maybe…
Oh wow... The MLP fan in me is iffy, but the horror fan in me LOVES this. Thanks for sharing this!
16:47 also human rarijack as the original version of rollercoaster of friendship was that they are in a relationship, which is still pretty blatantly obvious from that mini movie
9:05 - 9:20 The follow-up on Sunset was going to be the way that EQ was said to be ended with, though it only stayed as an idea(though part of me thinks the situation with Human Sunset might've turned into a being asserting themselves into a reality, where the magical events occuring after Friendship Games is her attempts to re-enter reality as the magic occuring afterwards always did something to draw attention towards itself, whether glowing with the Memory Stone, Time Twirler, and Geodes, or an immediately noticable with mirror and cellphone, all with the intent to make an opening to get in).
It's really fan theory/fanfiction past this point(as a heads-up), but Human Sunset was also interested in magical energies, too, and when pony Sunset entered the mirror world the first time, Human Sunset was ejected from the world as the universe attempted to adjust to maintain balance(once she entered, pony Twilight became part of the balance, hence why the same didn't happen to SciTwi). In order to link it to the main group, perhaps SciTwi might've also caught wind of magic around the same time Human Sunset did, though mirroring Equestria, she worked with Moondancer on this who also recently made friends, the human counterparts from her group in Equestria, but also Sunset alongside Twilight. However, once the anomoly occured, Moondancer became obessed with magic in hopes of finding what happened to Sunset, but having little proof of that being the case and/or magic being weaker at the time, SciTwi didn't think the topic was much importance at the moment and focused her studies elsewhere, only remembering the whole event once Canterlot High became the spot for magical events, but lacking in friendship skills at the time and not remembering the names of her past friends, didn't push it further, using whatever previous work was done with Moondancer to make a contraption capable of containing magic in Friendship Games.
thing on the nudist buissness: Theyre horses, sometimes horses were clothes like at horse shows or to keep warm in winter or tranit, theyre horses
my parents were both 100% convinced it was a ploy, but we see multiple times how discord seems to question his choice, is visually hurt by tirek's betrayal, and didn't actually care about the amulet at all, he just wanted some kind of "proof" that he could still be powerful enough or menacing enough to stand with someone like tirek
for almost ten years i have been stewing in anger because _how could my parents be so foolish_
I also would like to point out why I agree with the “Discord and Celestia used to date” theory, and it’s not because of the flowers he gives her.
The way she acts in the season 2 opener, it gives the impression that she really hates him, which gave rise to the many ideas about just what he did to her. Then she wants the Mane 6 to free him just…. Because. You don’t do that out of the blue for someone who severely wronged you, but to someone you regret having to hurt, which means she felt something for Discord at some point enough to want him free. It just screams “Ex” to me personally.
16:59 -- isnt cheesepie essentially canonized bc in the final problem they have an entire CHILD called lil cheese whos got a lighter hair color than CS' coat and pinkie's coat color.
6:02 I imagine the reson she has two spots know is because she fully transitioned 😢 and I bet starlight was their for her the whole time:)
I feel like the 2 white dots in the eyes could represent that a pony is finally truly happy?
15:52 Bryan Konietzko, the show's co-creator, said that Nickelodeon limited what they could show in the finale. So Korra and Asami couldn't be shown kissing. But more of their relationship is shown in the comics, which is a canon continuation of the main series. The comics are a good read if you haven't picked them up already.
13:46 - I solved the third problem by doing a crossover between MLP and Sonic. So all the dark things like implied suicide attempts and PTSD are all things that the Sonic characters have going on (for good reason) and the mane six are the ones that have to resolve it. It's basically just a big 'What-If' scenario dealing with more serious issues. But hey, it also has the powers of the Chaos Emeralds and Rainbow Powers/Elements of Harmony combining to form a new power.
the one thing that makes me dislike fluttercord is that people seem to make it impossible for a male and female to be just friends and that sucks D'x
1:21 yall ever notice discord in the window? Started watching my little pony before season 2 even aired, never ever noticed it until now💀
I know you rapid fire speak on Starlight and Sunburst towards the very end, and like you said, totally valid that that's how you view them as it is completely ambiguous. However, I think in Season 9 there's enough evidence to suggest Sunburst and Starlight *do* live in the same city. In a Horsehoe-In, Sunburst ends up being hired for Vice Headmare, rather enthusiastically, and we see him there at the school in the finale.
While it's possible he still lives in the Crystal Empire, I'd like to think that commute is a *little* too long for him to be doing every day/week. In the same episode he's hired, he mentions that outside of the occasional one off ceremony or festival his job as crystaller isn't something he's tied to, expressing a passion for being in an educational setting. Additionally, Twilight gifts her castle to Starlight during The Beginning of The End, and being as she would be the only resident, there would be plenty of space for Sunburst to reside next to his place of work.
Again, while it is possible all this happens and he still lives in the Crystal Empire pulling some kind of crazy commute, and living away from his primary job, It's reasonable to expect he probably isn't.
All that was one long winded way of saying "Nuh uh", but like a light switch, him moving is not "on" in the canon, and has not been stated, so, like your video so eloquently put, is up to any individual to have a take on.
Sincerely, SS Starburst's Biggest supporter
a note about legend of Korra: the original ending was meant to be Korra and Asami kissing in the spirit portal instead of holding hands, but it wasn’t allowed by nickelodeon. And in the comics, they are canon.
Pretty much every TLOK commenter on this video has told me that the comics are amazing; I'll have to check them out after my rewatch!
i hate fluttercord with a passion, she had barrels of chemistry with bulk biceps anyway
frankly the only theory here i liked was that twilight wasn't supposed to hatch the egg, the others are too bizarre except the sweetie bell being rarities daughter, the only season im even reconsidering that is because sweetie bell is the only one in her family with green eyes despite but her "parents" not having them
i hate starburst as a thing, not only do i just see them as besties but i have always and will always see trixie and starlight as lovers
Personally I see scootoloo as disabled. She gets quite a few episodes dedicated to her insecurity with her inability to fly. In the future, her wings are still tiny. She also uses her scooter to get around quickly. Those are just a few things that stuck out to me personally.
Alright, let's get into this
I disagree with the premise here, as in how it applies to MLP. Cause.. it doesn't. It might apply to like... Teletubbies, but not MLP g4
Cause.. MLP g4 is absolutely no stranger to heavy themes, including both abuse and suicide. In fact, the writers seem to try and work in those themes whenever they get the chance.
Examples include, but are not limited to
Attempted suicide in S6E6
Self harm, depression, and shame S5E13
Death and mourning S7E13, S5E5
Manipulation and control: S5E24
Parental abuse S8E20, S8E24 MLP The Movie
Cults S5E1,2
Racism/Nazi ideology S8E1,2
Whatever the collage of problems Wallflower from EG was
Murder S3E3
I could go on, but I've made my point
And they love talking about unideal and problematic parenting in particular, see the Apple's lack of parents, the Shy's lack of boundaries, the Sparkle's unhealthy competition, the Dash's drowning in attention, Parental absence for both the Belle's and Scoot
Throw in Diamond Tiara's abusive parents and Spike being raised by a literal child who uses him as a gofer, and we have something that could be called a pattern.
So is it really that far of a stretch to say that a possible, even likely cause for the fact that Pinkie and all of her sisters have some mental thing going on, could be that her parents aren't exactly ideal either?
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that they were actively abusive, as Pinkie was the only one who actually left, and the sisters seem to have a more or less happy relationship with their parents
But that's not what you said the theory was about, just that they experienced trauma. **which they did**
We see it first hand from the show. Not active abuse, but if you think eating rock soup, and working all day every day at a very young age and not being allowed to play is normal, I have a bridge to sell you
So that theory is hardly out of left field. It's barely a theory. About as much of a theory as "Bright Mac and Pear Butter are dead"
There is a lot more depth to your "cute little pony show" than you think. And the fact that other people see it, appreciate it, and, indeed, were drawn to the show because of it, is not other people's problem, it's yours.
Sorry, had to add in the whole Pinkie Pie clone situation
to me fluttercord is like a qpp (queer platonic partnership). i think its not entirely romantic but its also not entirely platonic
I Think the OG Human sunset just wasnt in a School entirely.
Given that she left celestia’s school in the pony World, she probably did the same in the Human World. Maybe she was at crystal prep. Wanted to be the top student like twilight, but then failed and left School all together. (Maybe even graduated depending on her age. Also maybe the rivalry was one sided, so twilight wouldnt have known but sunset would.)
Something to remember about head canon is that many people jumped in at Season 1, 2 or 3 - before Princess Twilight, before Discord's true reformation, before a LOT of the show had taken place. Having a beloved head canon proven wrong is common but many of these are still explored today. 'Discord as Starswirl', 'the Princesses were born Alicorns', etc. These were proven wrong eventually in various ways but they're still beloved AU settings.
And adding heavy subjects can be a way of dealing with the author's past trauma sometimes. Just saying - putting fictional characters through similar situations as yourself went through to try to 'come to terms' with trauma isn't unheard of.
If Scootaloo was just having trouble learning to fly, one would think Rainbow Dash would have taken care of that.
I would love to watch a video on coding in MLP but also acknowledge that the comment section will not be pretty.
yeah..but i think it's still gonna be worth it, i really want to watch an in-depth analysis about this topic, since i've only ever heard of coded mlp characters here or there on tiktok. bigots' opinions don't matter anyway
@@persi314yeah! I'd really love to see a video on that too!!
I subscribed hoping to see a detailed coding video. That would be great.
This is an old-ish video but i want to put the theory that i found once and now headcanon :
Pinkie Pie might as well have Chaos Magic.
Now, off the top of my head, i cant think of all too many points of evidence for it; but it has it's grounds.
For example (iirc), in School Raze (Part 2) when everypony gets their megic back, the ONLY ones to get back magic are Unicorns, and Pinkie Pie.
Another one is Pinkie Pie just dismembering herself in The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows and putting herself back together in another frame.
And other stuff like her walking on air in an episode i currently cant remember right now, or her slowing herself down while falling in Too Many Pinkie Pies
There's some other theories surrounding this (one of them being that she got those powers because of Grogar's Bell from S9E25), but this is the main idea i want to be focused one
This is one of my favorite theories
I hate Fluttercord partially because Discord definitely doesn't even understand romance, he is millenia older than Fluttershy, and I don't actually think they have any romantic chemistry. Their relationship just seems platonic to me as well.
Just to clarify: the fan theory about scootaloo and her wings, is that shes disabled. I believe its canon but i havent yet looked into it.
Mlp is one of the few examples of a dedicated fandom and and dedicated production crew
Hearing of trans Trixie warms my heart...expecially after how they have massacred Big Mac. Is he trans? Or is he is just into make up? Some rare folks in the fandom have been trying to show some solidarity since Brotherhooves Social, but to many it's still all a gag that Big Mac had a dress, a wig, make up and a voice all prepared for Orchid Blossom, not proof that he may not be entirely cis...
He could also just like doing drag queen stuff in his spare time too, who knows.
it reads way more as drag to me which would still be plenty representative. lauren faust also joked about him being into dudes early on which would add up lol
Do you know the difference in transvestite versus transgender? They are totally different.
Maybe he’s a drag queen as a side gig. I like the idea of the really shy quiet character having a side hobby as a performer behind a costume
@@featherponyplease don't use the term transvestite, it's out of date and genuinely offensive
The moment you said that you don't think discord knows what romantic love is, I immediately thought of discord singing "WHAT IS LOVE BABY DON'T HURT MEEE DON'T HURT MEE NO MORE"
You earned a sub. You’ve got a listenable voice and good structure. :3
This video tossed me back into my MLP fixation, thank you 😭‼️
Cheese and Pinkie are very obviously a canon couple. Lil' Cheese is clearly their child, and they're cuddling/hugging at the end when they're on Gummy
Pinkie pie is black to me.Her hair is so thick and curly unlike every other pony character.
Honestly surprised you didn't mention the biggest "fan theory that became canon", which was "Celestia was grooming twilight to become her successor". it may seem odd to think about now, but back in the early days of the fandom, this was just a fan theory for where the show was going. Infact, when alicorn twilight happened, this was the main dividing point between the two groups.
Supporters of Alicorn Twilight would point to the theory of the show leading toward twilight ascending to ruler as a major reason why AliTwi made sense. but people that hated her becoming an alicorn LOATHED that theory, and would always argue against it, saying it was just headcanon, with little proof that it was true. Even when Lauren came out and said that that had been her plan all along (this was either just before season 4, or during it) they still argued against it.
on the darker themes aspect. maybe early on it may not fit, but as the show went along it seemed to open up more to the idea of more serious topics. Scoot's neglectful parents being one, but also, Luna. Luna created a demon that would live in her dreams and literally torture her ever single time she went to sleep as punishment for what she had done as NMM. that is insanely dark when you think about it.
it's also interesting to think about some other early theories. Like i remember reading a theory that the changelings and chrysalis had originally been Luna's royal guard prior to her turn as NMM. They had either been banished and the loss of their beloved princess had caused an insatiable hunger for love, or they had been transformed as punishment for betraying celestia, THEN banished.
8:00 - I remember that fan theory. I was joking around with it and saying that maybe Hypnos will show up too.
Well it was a very interesting and well documented video.
Continue the great work /)
So the theory i actually have about Sunset is that there never was a human version I believe that Pony Sunset was meant to be the so called 'link' between the two worlds
After Josh's review of Slice of Life and having lived with a little to no chemistry brother for 18 years, you cannot change my mind that Vinyl and Octavia are sisters. The show almost did it with the sunny and goth pony duo trying on Rarity's custom dresses in Canterlot, sisters with polar opposite personalities and little chemistry.
Being sisters makes sense actually like they're both into music and we all know that non twins usually don't look so similar, just like Celestia & Luna so they could actually be sisters, They could be from a musical family.
@@jlwkss I like the musical family idea too :D. Octavia going the classical route and Vinyl the EDM one.