In Apple’s defense, the blaring sound at 2:10 is 1 of around 80 sound options that Apple devices have. I’ll stick to this blaring sound because to me, it’s more effective.
6:50 still don't know why it sounds like Chris Benoit's theme music at the begining. Not if it's the same band that made his music but thats how it sounds.
Passed. The best one was the turtle eating the crab really fast, that was crazy. Please get back into doing try not to say wow challenges. Good job Bunny.
I am writing this to help out Sara and this video and this channel with the algorithm everyone hit the like button and the share button and copy the link it helps Sara a lot and check out her other channels and her twitch channel and most importantly her Patreon 🥺🙏
Lovely and fun Bunny 😘
Dang that turtle. Now I understand why they walk so slow, they put all their dexterity points on their neck.
The condom on the head joke is really old. people were doing that in the 70s.
2:54 I would play with too, I bet you would😂😂😂
09:11 I don't know why i laughed so hard
1:08 pretty sure you can hear the crab skidding away, that was fast af tho!
Yeah I don't think he could swallow that whole with no trace of shell. He may have knocked it away but they are super fast.
Your videos are amazing
8:46 for men of culture.
In Apple’s defense, the blaring sound at 2:10 is 1 of around 80 sound options that Apple devices have. I’ll stick to this blaring sound because to me, it’s more effective.
6:50 still don't know why it sounds like Chris Benoit's theme music at the begining. Not if it's the same band that made his music but thats how it sounds.
You made me giggle when you raised your eyebrows at the girl in the yogurt pants. Hehe and the horse one was cute.
I send you a link Surah Rehman unbelievable voice
I passed 😈
Passed. The best one was the turtle eating the crab really fast, that was crazy. Please get back into doing try not to say wow challenges. Good job Bunny.
Bunny's mind is just a corrupt as the rest of us. Sigh, welcome to the mud pits, Sara.
yes it is lol 😂😈
easy.. if its not adik, they're just beginner level.
Hi, Bunny. This was great. I did not laugh. But you nearly did. Stay safe to you and your loved ones. 🎄🎅🏼
Still undefeated but they're some that almost got but didn't of course😁😐great video BunnyMoM I won❤
I am writing this to help out Sara and this video and this channel with the algorithm everyone hit the like button and the share button and copy the link it helps Sara a lot and check out her other channels and her twitch channel and most importantly her Patreon 🥺🙏