58-1005m - ENG - Hear His Voice - William Branham - Visual Read Along

  • Опубликовано: 10 окт 2024
  • The message and the supernatural miracles in the ministry of Brother William Branham are beyond human description. You are certainly going to be blessed by listening to Brother William Branham sermons.
    This Read along audio sermon of Brother William Branham has been kindly produced by Voice OF God Recordings in their dedication to the furtherance of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ: branham.org/home
    We thank them sincerely for compiling this read along audio for the benefit of believer’s worldwide.
    The Supernatural in the ministry of Bro William Branham help Christians to live closer to the Lord Jesus-Christ. We trust it is a blessing to you the same way that it has been to many Christians around the world.
    Regardless of all his critics and deniers, Rev. William Branham is the promised Prophet Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 who should come before the great and dreadful Day Of The LORD Jesus-Christ to turn the hearts of the children back to their father. This is neither a light statement nor an overstatement. The Ministry of the word and the gift of discernment as perfectly performed in the life of Bro William Branham will quickly confirm to you that Bro William Branham is the Elijah whom the LORD JESUS-CHRIST said that he truly shall come to RESTORE ALL THINGS. By the Holy Spirit and the Angel of the Lord that was constantly with Bro William Branham, God through Rev. William Branham could reveal the thoughts and intents of the hearts of the people as He did through the ministry of the Lord Jesus-Christ(Luke 9:47, John 4:17-19).
    Be blessed by listening to this visual Audio Read along and if you have any question, please send us an email to ministrycomeandsee@gmail.com and we would be honored to help.
    If you want to read the message of the Lord Jesus-Christ through Bro William Branham in other languages, please visit
    Come And See Ministry

Комментарии • 6

  • @Joe-ut1nu
    @Joe-ut1nu 3 года назад +5


  • @elangwebrian-qy8ii
    @elangwebrian-qy8ii Год назад +1

    Amen 🙏 bro ⚘️ 🙏

  • @moise_ndala
    @moise_ndala 3 месяца назад +2

    40:58: 68 No wonder the Voice of God is a rare thing today. It’s smothered out, by so many different voices, so many things that dim and take away. It’s got to a place until it dulls our senses, until we can’t hear the Voice of God. Our senses, of where we ought to shake ourself, and realize that you are men and women, and you are the creation of God, and you were put here to serve Him. But Satan’s voice and false prophets, “Oh, be modern!” 69 As I was speaking a few days ago, I was coming to church, and I turned my radio on. And I heard a program out of Louisville, that said that they were teaching their children, in churches, to just drink moderately. Making them modern, so that they won’t go to the excess. 70 Oh, they need to teach them Christ, not drinking. And that will wreck and ruin and damn any home. How could the Voice of God speak among a family that’s half soused with whiskey, and their minds paralyzed with smoking and drinking, and all-night-long carousing? 71 Men that waits upon God, comes into His Presence. And to come into the Presence of God is just like going out early of a morning, when the dew and the honeysuckles are all sweet. When you come in the presence of a person like that, you know they have been with God. 72 My wife said to me, coming down, this morning. She said, “Billy, I don’t mean to say this to flower at anybody. But,” she said, “last night,” I believe, or one of the nights, she said, “I set by one of the little Amish women, and a little lady with a little cap on her head.” She said, “And you could tell that woman had been with Jesus, for she was sweet. Her soul was mellow. Her eyes were clear.” There’s not no sin or nothing to hide behind, or anything. She had been in the Presence of God. Her senses wasn’t dull, by whiskey and tobacco, and all kinds of things of the world. She was refreshed from the Presence of God, reading her Bible, studying God’s Word. 73 But, we modern Americans, what we do! And the false prophets behind the pulpit say that’s all right. I’m kind of in the notion of saying this. If I’m wrong, God forgive me. I’m persuaded that a lot of them don’t know God. And the congregation will never live any higher than its pastor. No wonder the Scripture says, “These shepherds, how they have scattered the flock! Woe unto them. They are the branches that bears not fruit, which will be plucked off and burned.”
    58-1005M - Hear His Voice

  • @moise_ndala
    @moise_ndala Год назад +2

    1:22:45: 154 Nothing is going to bother you. Don’t be scared to take God at His Word. Just relax, and have faith, and believe. He’s watching over you. He’ll disintegrate anything that tries to bother you. Oh, it might attack at you, but it can’t harm you. “For all things,” He permits it. It couldn’t be nothing else, “For it’s working together for good, to them that love the Lord.” No harm can come to you.
    58-1005M - Hear His Voice

  • @moise_ndala
    @moise_ndala 3 месяца назад +2

    36:01: 58 And we seen so much of that, and it’s gone on so long, until, today, the Word of the Lord is a rare thing, that someone can come and say, “THUS SAITH THE LORD.” Now, we’ve had a lot of impersonations of that. Satan is really on the job. And many years gone by, people were afraid to say that unless it was the Lord. But, today, they just don’t care. But it’s a rare thing to hear the Voice of the Lord, and to find a person that can say, “The Lord spoke to me.” You notice that amongst the people, anymore, that they hardly hear a time that when they say, “The Lord spoke to me.” 59 When, men and women used to pray all night, and their homes were set in order, by the Book of the Lord, and God was first in their home.
    60 See, we got too many things ahead of the Lord. You can’t have the prayer meeting, because Mr. Godfrey is on tonight. You can’t have the prayer meeting, because We Love Sucy is on tonight. Or, some kind of a foolish nonsense like that, that takes up the time, and we don’t have time to hear the Voice of the Lord. And those who do claim to be Christians, just kneel down, of the little prayer like this, kind of homemade, “Lord, bless me and my family, and take care of us. Good night.” And the next morning, rise and say, “Just guide us through the day. Good day.” 61 We should wait on the Lord. You see, we do all the talking. We don’t give Him a chance to talk back to us. That, if we would pray, and pray until our soul comes into the Presence of God, and then just relax and listen to His Voice. 62 But there’s so many voices, today, that takes the Voice of the Lord away from us. There’s the voice of pleasure. So many people are listening to that, where they can go and have a good time. And many of them are professing to be Christians. Some kind of an old rock-and-roll coming up, they just can’t listen to what godly. They say, “Well, I’m a Christian, I ought to read a verse in the Bible today. Yeah, ‘Jesus wept.’” That’s it. Go ahead. But then to really get down and pray, they got too many other things to do. There’s so many voices in the world, so many things to attract our attention from God.
    58-1005M - Hear His Voice