I found a bug that allow you to clear this stage much easier. You need to have team combination skill Guardian Cannon. After clear 1st room, at this place 0:46 you can see an explosive barrels. For some reason if you throw it, it explode and fill the gauge of Guardian cannon. And you can reset them... So with that trick you can use Guardian Cannon skill every room and clear all weak mobs, including towers and weakening others.
Well, just use fp, and also Craig, if you don't have Craig, use any tank that will eat up any dmg like exp, ogma or Mariana. The tankier it take the better the push. Good luck, also for dmg I recommend Beth.
Must be nice. No matter what group I do all 3 of my toons minus the one I control dies to a laser blast. Apparently AI controlled toons are too stupid to step out of the way so they just get themselves killed. I literally do the exact same thing being done in this video. I have tried a ton of different combinations. I have even went back and done several old quests to get my defense/attack up through item collections. IT doesn't matter. Within the first laser shot all of my party but myself is dead. This is beyond frustrating. I am ready to uninstall this game and just forget about it at this point. I have tried 3 tanks, 2 tanks and a heal, all dps, it just doesn't matter same result every time. This is ridiculous for a bunch of trash. Its really sad nightmare dungeons are easier than normal on this game.
True, the first worlds where easy and fun with the story and the easter eggs and funny moments, this is trash and boring, getting one shotted from narnia with characters with max limit break.
If you're missing 39/40 coins, it's probably here.. 9:22
or 1:15
1st 2:51
2nd 5:20
3rd 7:11
4th 8:38
Thank you my savior
U save my 1 piece depression
Such a life savior on that last purple coin
yes.... yes it was exactly that one. of course
craig eats lasers for breakfast
going to kong studio's with shotgun for the last coins💀
5:20 dang i didn't think to take advantage of the fact you can out extra mats on the ground
I found a bug that allow you to clear this stage much easier. You need to have team combination skill Guardian Cannon. After clear 1st room, at this place 0:46 you can see an explosive barrels. For some reason if you throw it, it explode and fill the gauge of Guardian cannon. And you can reset them... So with that trick you can use Guardian Cannon skill every room and clear all weak mobs, including towers and weakening others.
Big brain
Iv been with the same character over 12 worlds I need help how to beat world 12 now I need tips
Well, just use fp, and also Craig, if you don't have Craig, use any tank that will eat up any dmg like exp, ogma or Mariana. The tankier it take the better the push. Good luck, also for dmg I recommend Beth.
Craig asceeeeeend
Thank you man ❤
My whole team gets whipped out in the first section
Who are you using?
Nice go bro
Damn it i just love you so much
Help me im stuck in level 275
make apeirophobia video again man chapter 2 is out
what phone are you playing on? FPS so stable like 60fps or even 120. I'm playing on LDplayer9 (on hp victus 2023) but cannot get that stable fps
try MuMu instead, super smooth and no crashes
Must be nice. No matter what group I do all 3 of my toons minus the one I control dies to a laser blast. Apparently AI controlled toons are too stupid to step out of the way so they just get themselves killed. I literally do the exact same thing being done in this video. I have tried a ton of different combinations. I have even went back and done several old quests to get my defense/attack up through item collections. IT doesn't matter. Within the first laser shot all of my party but myself is dead. This is beyond frustrating. I am ready to uninstall this game and just forget about it at this point. I have tried 3 tanks, 2 tanks and a heal, all dps, it just doesn't matter same result every time.
This is ridiculous for a bunch of trash. Its really sad nightmare dungeons are easier than normal on this game.
Just revive dude
Try killing caster first , when they are recharging
True, the first worlds where easy and fun with the story and the easter eggs and funny moments, this is trash and boring, getting one shotted from narnia with characters with max limit break.
lasers are made of magnets for NPCs. but every stage is easily soloable so they really dont matter other than their passive party buff
@@Parv_69k can't kill them fast enough even with max lvl character and EX
Hello whats the character is use for this stage please?
eunha, miya, oghma, craig
@@LxShiriga thank you
i hate this stage