CHENG YI is unfortunate that he was not given the right opportunity and project in the past 9 years. His acting talent is very obvious in Love and Redemption ,acting as SiFeng. His eye expressions are so good in this drama. And his performance as Chengxu in Promise of Chang An was also good. Very different acting style from Love and Redemption. He deserves to be recognised from now on for his talent .
When he made the speech (he was staging), trying to appear pretentious (but at the time, the dot in his ear was visible, and his red ear.). And if you notice his body language every time he was close to her (discreetly showing him in disguise trying to help her). Tears that appeared in the corner of his eyes when she was speaking, and he held it with an internal struggle, and smiled a smile so boring. (Cheng Yi did not deserve to suffer this torment during the event, nor after the event. (As misunderstood, as his character, Si Feng. (Be more observant and sensible (see the BTS, the August 16 fan meeting, the interviews, that he doesn’t and it’s like that. (and notice during the September 20 event, how devastated he was. See the tears that shone in his eyes and he held back when she was talking. His body language always showing the intention to help her, even if in disguise. The corner of the eyes that looked at her through / passing through the head of the director. (will his heart hold on? I just hope he can hold on). And that this storm of incomprehension will dissipate, soon against him. He was just a person under heavy pressure, who chose the wrong strategy to obey the order (but look at the point in the ear, the looking sad looking up, the chief spy of the company, who later stood on the stage watching the two and between them, notice these details and have more heart and intelligence too. (Be well, be healthy, Cheng Yi, do not give in to sadness or depression, you have fought so hard for 9 years that your work, effort, talent, sensitivity, is not in vain.). And as for Cristal Yuan (she must be very sad now), seeing people don't understand him, and treating him that way. But ... she is at an impasse (they were forbidden to interact). I wish the best for her too. May everything work out well for both.
Cheng Yi- When he made the speech (he was staging), trying to appear pretentious (but at the time, the dot in his ear was visible, and his red ear.). And if you notice his body language every time he was close to her (discreetly showing him in disguise trying to help her). Tears that appeared in the corner of his eyes when she was speaking, and he held it with an internal struggle, and smiled a smile so boring. (Cheng Yi did not deserve to suffer this torment during the event, nor after the event. (As misunderstood, as his character, Si Feng. (Be more observant and sensible (see the BTS, the August 16 fan meeting, the interviews, that he doesn’t and it’s like that. (and notice during the September 20 event, how devastated he was. See the tears that shone in his eyes and he held back when she was talking. His body language always showing the intention to help her, even if in disguise. The corner of the eyes that looked at her through / passing through the head of the director. (will his heart hold on? I just hope he can hold on). And that this storm of incomprehension will dissipate, soon against him. He was just a person under heavy pressure, who chose the wrong strategy to obey the order (but look at the point in the ear, the looking sad looking up, the chief spy of the company, who later stood on the stage watching the two and between them, notice these details and have more heart and intelligence too. (Be well, be healthy, Cheng Yi, do not give in to sadness or depression, you have fought so hard for 9 years that your work, effort, talent, sensitivity, is not in vain.). And as for Cristal Yuan (she must be very sad now), seeing people don't understand him, and treating him that way. But ... she is at an impasse (they were forbidden to interact). I wish the best for her too. May everything work out well for both.
@janinejlable When he made the speech (he was staging), trying to appear pretentious (but at the time, the dot in his ear was visible, and his red ear.). And if you notice his body language every time he was close to her (discreetly showing him in disguise trying to help her). Tears that appeared in the corner of his eyes when she was speaking, and he held it with an internal struggle, and smiled a smile so boring. (Cheng Yi did not deserve to suffer this torment during the event, nor after the event. (As misunderstood, as his character, Si Feng. (Be more observant and sensible (see the BTS, the August 16 fan meeting, the interviews, that he doesn’t and it’s like that. (and notice during the September 20 event, how devastated he was. See the tears that shone in his eyes and he held back when she was talking. His body language always showing the intention to help her, even if in disguise. The corner of the eyes that looked at her through / passing through the head of the director. (will his heart hold on? I just hope he can hold on). And that this storm of incomprehension will dissipate, soon against him. He was just a person under heavy pressure, who chose the wrong strategy to obey the order (but look at the point in the ear, the looking sad looking up, the chief spy of the company, who later stood on the stage watching the two and between them, notice these details and have more heart and intelligence too. (Be well, be healthy, Cheng Yi, do not give in to sadness or depression, you have fought so hard for 9 years that your work, effort, talent, sensitivity, is not in vain.). And as for Cristal Yuan (she must be very sad now), seeing people don't understand him, and treating him that way. But ... she is at an impasse (they were forbidden to interact). I wish the best for her too. May everything work out well for both.
@@cyeuway I'm a fan woman of Brazil. And I'm not the only one who realized what really happened there (he was not indifferent), people in the audience did close ups of him (and his body language), all the time showed (what in his heart), he wanted to to do. Be more observant, and have a heart. I am not representing everyone (but I am representing thousands who had the same lucid perception as me).
成毅辛酸的過去!《琉璃》捧红了司鳳,但成毅曾被評一輩子別當演員!成毅如何谷底翻身?新戲《長安諾》會再創高峰嗎?【Cheng Yi】видео.html
I realize I am quite randomly asking but does anybody know a good place to stream newly released series online ?
@Jimmy Johnny flixportal
@Nova Robert thanks, I went there and it seems to work :) I really appreciate it!!
@Jimmy Johnny Happy to help =)
他的颜值可圈可点。比他好看的人多得去。但他最可贵的是气质。很独特。业界无人可取替。他的眼神很干净清透。他有一种很沉稳,踏实,温柔和善良的气质。他的魅力是 subtle 的。不是一秒惊艳。但却是越看越中毒,越考古越喜欢。再去考古一下业界人士对他的评价,你会更喜欢他。他让人喜欢那种感觉是你会心疼他。希望天道酬勤,他的付出可以获得更多的认可,大家的喜爱,和名利的回报。
成毅有了今天開始就是一路 歷練的過程 今天終於走過來了 不管別人怎麼說 一切都過去了 現在的你 就是做好自己本身 該做的事情 不要管別人說什麼 萬事順利 事事如意 心想事成🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝🥝77億讚
怎麼樣呢 心情如何呢 ?以前看不起成毅的導演 和 製作人 那些人, 怎麼樣 有沒有跌破 你們 的眼鏡啊 慧眼 不識英雄, 有沒有後悔過你們跟 陳毅說過的話 相信你們一定後悔 有時候 不要高高在上 還沒有給機會 看不起人 怎麼辦呢 現在我們淇, 多 搶手啊 有沒有跌破你们的眼鏡啊! 謝謝你們 看不起成毅的導演和製作人, 今天如果沒有你們 就造就不出我們今天的成毅, 也得感謝你們唄!。😏😏😏😏😏
成毅最棒的加油我們在美國永遠支持您!你精湛的演技,那位導演看到了嗎?不會就敎嘛,今天不管誰有意參與演藝事業都不該傷人請問你生下來就是導演?請問你有這樣英姿颯爽風度翩翩像成毅這樣單純真誠乖巧彬彬有禮的特點?一部戲的演出也要有不起眼的小小螺絲釘一部戲只有導演你能行嗎?厚德載物這個道理你明白嗎?"成毅"你的演技精彩絕倫又帥又俊能唱能跳當今世界少有的全方位藝人看起來18歲年輕大寶藏男孩期待所有作品能在美國Netflix 播出好喜歡💕好喜歡💕好喜歡💕你年輕的你加油!祝福你一切順心如意平安健康快樂幸福!
等他的沉香如屑和南风知我意播了一定要去看 我很喜欢在等他播
喜歡成毅的演技.那麼努力的一個好演員 祝福他 未來的演藝路順風如意.好劇接不完 加油
心疼成毅 成毅加油 一定要照顧好自己
真的很棒.... 加油!!!!!
👍👍超棒的 陽光男孩 成毅 加油… 長安諾追劇中😄😄
每天都在追琉璃 坑底躺好躺滿
多演几部吧 他演的剧太好看了 好怕看不到
obsessed with his acting
Be happy and healthy always Ching Yi 😘😘😘 more projects and endorsement plsssssss love from phillippines 😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰
他的藝名告訴你他成功的原因 。 成毅就是成功靠毅力 。 梁啟超 在諭毅力一文中曾經說‘ 天下古今成敗之林若是其⋯⋯ 曰有毅力者成反是者敗。’。 孟子也説過天將降大任於斯人也⋯⋯ 增益其所不能。 Drafted by w.k.Lo
小編謝謝你聽了你的闡述更心疼心疼心疼揪心好像自己的小孩受到很大的委屈,我看琉璃長安諾是哭到哭不成聲每看一次哭一次現在還在刷,怎麼也看不了別的戲(別的戲好像編的故事好像在雜耍看不下去一直期待狼殿下有肖戰但製作佈景婚暗老舊服飾裝扮不新鮮還有配角顏值不高看不下去)歡瑞公司在佈景服飾裝扮化粧武術武打音樂製作精良而且所有配角顏值頗高,當然成毅的顏值演技爆表。請小編幫忙成毅以前的電影女生宿舍,原諒我,來不及愛你,愛在風起雲湧時、營救汪星人在什麼地方可以看得到???謝謝你請告知,可否能轉告公司可否成毅的作品也能在美國Netflix 播出?謝謝🙏感恩!
我第一次看到成毅是在 “一年级”, 那个时候我以为全都是新人。我就觉得在这群新人里,成毅是最有希望的。他的人缘很好! 长得也是最好看。我看他很顺眼。只是有时候他的发型处理得不是很好而已。其他的都很好。
成毅在長安諾里也是一部好電视剧(成毅)是由九皇子萧承煦。 長安諾電视剧里沒有感覺有那位女主配得上九皇子萧承煦。虽然這部戏沒有女主角配的上九皇子,但是成毅在長安諾里巳經是拍得很榛了。赵櫻子是由賀蘭茗玉也是拍得很好但是她看上來也是个美女。長安諾里赵櫻子沒有让我們感覺甜迷而且她的樣貌不太适合成毅。如果说琉璃让我感覺非常好也很榛因為有了女主袁冰妍和男主成毅兩人前看右看左看都很相配兩人一起的感覺是可愛又甜迷让人甜到心里。非常懷念他們兩人可以在合作新電視剧。希望公司的大老板不會在針對成毅和袁冰妍。太可怜了,看到雲歌會里面的兩人都心疼死了😱😭🤧成毅他應該不會是這種男人,因為我也一直都在看成毅的電視剧(唐宮美人天下,詭愛,一年級.毕业季,怒海潜沙&秦岭神樹,青雲志,等等)都很好的電視劇。原因是因為公司大老板不让成毅對袁冰妍表現出他們兩人的甜緣和可愛乡合的一对。成毅/袁冰妍很喜歡他們加油加油期待着你們的好電影:)🤗👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
別因爲語論 去作任何反制! 會傷到自己和對方,換角度想 就是你成功的深入人心,拍的太好了影迷才這樣 ,珍惜現在所擁有的人氣 ㄧ起火紅不是更好
I hope they will release CHENG YI's new dramas as soon as possible as I can't wait to see him on screen. His great acting is really worth waiting for.
Thank you my friend, I was looking for Cheng Yi background and found here. Very interesting story.
I am With you🙂👍😻💞💯✌
CHENG YI is unfortunate that he was not given the right opportunity and project in the past 9 years. His acting talent is very obvious in Love and Redemption ,acting as SiFeng. His eye expressions are so good in this drama. And his performance as Chengxu in Promise of Chang An was also good. Very different acting style from Love and Redemption.
He deserves to be recognised from now on for his talent .
Love you too chengyi😘😘😘
xiexie,, i don't understand but i know its about chengyi, 🤣🤣🤣 fighting cy
琉璃很好看,但我卻不會想看長安諾 不為什麼
辛勞動有 跡作問連
問曾與提 卻失望向
Traducción al español por favor
他刚出道确实不太好看 然后慢慢进化越来越帅 演技越来越好……
When he made the speech (he was staging), trying to appear pretentious (but at the time, the dot in his ear was visible, and his red ear.). And if you notice his body language every time he was close to her (discreetly showing him in disguise trying to help her). Tears that appeared in the corner of his eyes when she was speaking, and he held it with an internal struggle, and smiled a smile so boring. (Cheng Yi did not deserve to suffer this torment during the event, nor after the event. (As misunderstood, as his character, Si Feng. (Be more observant and sensible (see the BTS, the August 16 fan meeting, the interviews, that he doesn’t and it’s like that. (and notice during the September 20 event, how devastated he was. See the tears that shone in his eyes and he held back when she was talking. His body language always showing the intention to help her, even if in disguise. The corner of the eyes that looked at her through / passing through the head of the director. (will his heart hold on? I just hope he can hold on). And that this storm of incomprehension will dissipate, soon against him.
He was just a person under heavy pressure, who chose the wrong strategy to obey the order (but look at the point in the ear, the looking sad looking up, the chief spy of the company, who later stood on the stage watching the two and between them, notice these details and have more heart and intelligence too.
(Be well, be healthy, Cheng Yi, do not give in to sadness or depression, you have fought so hard for 9 years that your work, effort, talent, sensitivity, is not in vain.).
And as for Cristal Yuan (she must be very sad now), seeing people don't understand him, and treating him that way. But ... she is at an impasse (they were forbidden to interact). I wish the best for her too. May everything work out well for both.
Kitty, 幸福的你,似乎不知道人在江湖,身不由己的道理!
Cheng Yi-
When he made the speech (he was staging), trying to appear pretentious (but at the time, the dot in his ear was visible, and his red ear.). And if you notice his body language every time he was close to her (discreetly showing him in disguise trying to help her). Tears that appeared in the corner of his eyes when she was speaking, and he held it with an internal struggle, and smiled a smile so boring. (Cheng Yi did not deserve to suffer this torment during the event, nor after the event. (As misunderstood, as his character, Si Feng. (Be more observant and sensible (see the BTS, the August 16 fan meeting, the interviews, that he doesn’t and it’s like that. (and notice during the September 20 event, how devastated he was. See the tears that shone in his eyes and he held back when she was talking. His body language always showing the intention to help her, even if in disguise. The corner of the eyes that looked at her through / passing through the head of the director. (will his heart hold on? I just hope he can hold on). And that this storm of incomprehension will dissipate, soon against him.
He was just a person under heavy pressure, who chose the wrong strategy to obey the order (but look at the point in the ear, the looking sad looking up, the chief spy of the company, who later stood on the stage watching the two and between them, notice these details and have more heart and intelligence too.
(Be well, be healthy, Cheng Yi, do not give in to sadness or depression, you have fought so hard for 9 years that your work, effort, talent, sensitivity, is not in vain.).
And as for Cristal Yuan (she must be very sad now), seeing people don't understand him, and treating him that way. But ... she is at an impasse (they were forbidden to interact). I wish the best for her too. May everything work out well for both.
@@Vanessa0728leo蝴蝶 我指的不聰明是指他單純,不會搞去心機算計搞些彎彎繞,對比那些笑面虎,裝腔作勢,整天想著各種算計權衡之人,不善宮心計就某個角度來說確實“不聰明”,所以總是中招. 沒惡意的. 善良的人總是被欺負的多...🙄😒
@@呆呆人-m2d 我不是說你,我知道你是善良好意的,我們都是有帶眼睛的人。
长安 不好看👎
@Di Reynolds 我也不會看夢醒長安,他在現實中的表現另人心寒
@janinejlable When he made the speech (he was staging), trying to appear pretentious (but at the time, the dot in his ear was visible, and his red ear.). And if you notice his body language every time he was close to her (discreetly showing him in disguise trying to help her). Tears that appeared in the corner of his eyes when she was speaking, and he held it with an internal struggle, and smiled a smile so boring. (Cheng Yi did not deserve to suffer this torment during the event, nor after the event. (As misunderstood, as his character, Si Feng. (Be more observant and sensible (see the BTS, the August 16 fan meeting, the interviews, that he doesn’t and it’s like that. (and notice during the September 20 event, how devastated he was. See the tears that shone in his eyes and he held back when she was talking. His body language always showing the intention to help her, even if in disguise. The corner of the eyes that looked at her through / passing through the head of the director. (will his heart hold on? I just hope he can hold on). And that this storm of incomprehension will dissipate, soon against him.
He was just a person under heavy pressure, who chose the wrong strategy to obey the order (but look at the point in the ear, the looking sad looking up, the chief spy of the company, who later stood on the stage watching the two and between them, notice these details and have more heart and intelligence too.
(Be well, be healthy, Cheng Yi, do not give in to sadness or depression, you have fought so hard for 9 years that your work, effort, talent, sensitivity, is not in vain.).
And as for Cristal Yuan (she must be very sad now), seeing people don't understand him, and treating him that way. But ... she is at an impasse (they were forbidden to interact). I wish the best for her too. May everything work out well for both.
Peter,你是誰? 你能代表大家?
@@cyeuway I'm a fan woman of Brazil. And I'm not the only one who realized what really happened there (he was not indifferent), people in the audience did close ups of him (and his body language), all the time showed (what in his heart), he wanted to to do. Be more observant, and have a heart. I am not representing everyone (but I am representing thousands who had the same lucid perception as me).
成毅 加油 💪💪💪💪