I will never forget what a UN soldier told me once: the bosnians that were continuously bombed and attacked at Sarajevo asked to be handed rifles for protecting themselves. The UN put a false arms embargo, arrived late, did not fully protect the bosnians and kosovans but also did not allow them to take care of themselves. UN was totally useless there.
No country in the balkan had anything from the war, the only ones who gained something are the Allied Forces you all even say that they did nothing but still think that serbia started the war
To slav defendov. My father was a British soldier during this war and has told me only some of his storys. He says that he has killed people in ways that he won't tell me about. He once almost shot an innocent man who no longer wanted to live the conditions and the ways that people were being treated were so bad. The only thing that saved that man was my dad's indecisiveness at that time. So no I don't think that war is all about peace and flowers, I think that you have never been to war or even heard storys of war. My dad was 19-20 something years old when he found a massacre site where people had been shot and beheaded by an axe. War isn't about peace and flower its about death and fire and blood and anguish
Mr Jazz it’s because after being shot at on a daily, losing family and friends on a daily, you sort of start giving zero fucks about your life. Speaking from experience I survived this same war, I lived in Sarajevo as a kid.
I was one of the wounded kids that they tried to use as bait. I had so much adrenaline that I managed to get up and start running. I never ran that fast in my life.
So many others have said it but I just can't get over what kind of twisted, evil mind it takes to willingly murder civilians. Shooting unarmed people is utterly disgusting!
@@аризонскийрейнджер sure sure and Quentin Tarantino orchestrated the srebrenica massacre by sending in hollywood actors. RS was losing the war thanks to operation oluja, if the US wasn't helping you, RS wouldn't exist anymore. So shut your mouth
@pfc Sure buddy, serbs news reporters told their people that muslims eat serbian children. Its you who manipulated people, because of Serbia war started
The "PEACE KEEPERS" kept no peace. Sometimes you've gotta do what's right in your heart even if it means breaking the rules. We stood no chance, but there everyone who played a role whether directly or indirectly will answer to God when the day comes.
Talking about Bosnia and UN, I should say that Ukrainian UN forces were ones who really cared about Bosnian civilians. Imagine 80 troops saving 10 000 Bosnians from massacre. Sounds like fairy tale, but that's what actually happened in Zepa, literally days after almost 600 Dutch UN troops surrendered in Srebrenica.
There is Sejla Kameric's "almost-silent" art film- 1395 days without red. It portrays the dystopian reality of everyday life in Sarajevo during the siege. I had lived in Sarajevo for 6 years, but never stopped any elder to ask them about this. I regret. There is thousands of heros walking those streets everyday.
I'm from south mexico my state called Chiapas, in 1992 I was very young 17 years old, I watched all news from Sarajevo I still remember that its too sad, I love Sarajevo everyone knows who made that war, sorry guys my English its bad, but one thing sarajeva is in my heart I love that country❤
Solve Everything yah. And no sily dumb islamists? Liar.
4 года назад+142
Serbia should always be ashamed of this massacre! If I was a Serbian, I would always be ashamed for that. Hunting the vulnerable civilians like a bird cannot be attributed to any justified reason! Numerous crimes were committed in this process. And it is unbelievable that some people can still trying to justify these disgusting massacres! An honorable person cannot kill an unarmed civilian for any reason. Actually, we should all be ashamed of what's there. Because the whole world has remained an audience against these disgusting massacres. It was intervened too late. Despite all the limited circumstances, the Bosnians fought honorably, and this will honor them throughout history. I'm so sorry for the innocent people who died.
What happend for Serbian people in Srebrenica??? 3500 Serbian's was killed by Naser Orić. And guess what, he is not i jail
4 года назад+51
@@stefan6486 Why don't you talk about the massacre that happened before? Didn't Serbian soldiers enter Srebrenitsa, which was under the control of the United Nations when Naser was in Tuzla, killing thousands of unarmed civilians? You do not want to talk about the massacre against civilians before, but you say that only Serbian soldiers killed after the massacre are valuable and innocent. The Serbian soldiers you mentioned have already brutally killed unarmed and vulnerable civilians. There are many videos that prove this, and every person who owns conscience should cry while watching those images.
On old man I met while walking in the Bascarsija told me that some of the snipers blew themselves up with hand granades because they couldn't handle killing more people.
This is true! My father almost captured one and the guy blew himself up before they reached him. My father said he must've been drugged up because no one normal would've done that. And they weren't going to kill him either.
I am from Sarajevo. 🇧🇦 This is heartbreaking. 💔 From 1992 to 1996… 4 loooong years of suffering, starvation, killing Muslims… The world was watching this. 😞
Then swept under the rug while the worst of the war criminals are free because they only did a quarter of the time they should have got. Praljak did himself right by taking himself out. Only if he did that before hurting people.
Ja sam marokanski imigrant i bio sam u Bosni, kunem se da su mi puno pomogli hranom i novcem, volim vas ljudi Bosno najljepsa drzavo na svijetu i nikad vas necu zaboraviti sto se tice Srba, Hrvata i policajci su rasistički ljudi oni su samo životinje koje ne znaju ništa osim nasilja i premlaćivanja i ne pružaju ruku pomoći mrzim vas svinje.
i will never ever understand people shooting on civilans....i also lived in that war and was being shot at with the sniper one time in 1991....i was 8 years old at the time...just can't understand it...
As a Albanian i think you shpuld go back to Russia. And we will live in Peace forewer. Believe me. Without you, Balkan doesn't fall into the Wars Never ever.
This is insane. People going about their daily lives, but sprinting. Busses and cars doing 40 mph through intersections. In the end, they say that 5,000 civilians were killed by snipers during the siege.
Turkey did not help bosnia Bosnian people are calld by serbs solider turks during the atrocities in serbrenica Still serbian veterans they are proud they killed turks in bosnia
He was invited to record that, its their man. And everything is produced so now u can read 'serb' snypers shoot blah, blah.. They dicide who is blame first then go to war.
Srbin sam i u potpunosti se slažem. Veliki problem je što je narod zatrovan, i jedni druge optužuju za zločine, a bukvalno sve strane su činile i zločine a i na svim stranama je bilo časnih ljudi. Što se tiče snajpera, prvi su Bosnjaci pucali na bascarsiji 1 marta 92 i ubili na svadbi srpskog starog svata, tako da vidite da nisu samo Srbi snajperisali... svi su. Ali kao što reče ovaj momak nikome se nikada ne ponovilo ni najvećim dušmanima.
@@Boris5501 prije tog ubistva na Baš Čaršiji desilo se 21 ubitstva, pa nisu bili povod da Bošnjaci ili Hrvati postave barikade, napadnu okolna sela i gradove i počnu ubijati Srbe i protjerivati ih.
@@Boris5501 Od sredine 1991 do marta 1992 (ubistvo svata) de dogodio 31 sličan slučaj radi nacionalnih tenzija ili nekog razračunavanja. U januaru 1992 su oko Sarajeva ubijena dva učenika policijske škole iz zasjede.
@Me Me Pa logičnije je da ideš ti u tursku. Ne kontam šta ćeš ti u Bosni kada to nije vaša zemlja, hajde da preprojimo kulturna dobra, spomenike, manastire i sve što ima istorijski znacaj u Bosni pa da vidimo čija je to zemlja. Cuj ti nekom da kažeš da ide u Srbiju kome su koreni u Bosni sigurno stariji od vas muslimana u Bosni...
Pakistan became the fourth largest contributor of troops to the UN peacekeeping forces in Bosnia and pledged to keep its soldiers there to protect Bosnian Muslims and confront the Serbs while France and other countries wanted to withdraw their troops for the safety of their soldiers.
Is lie they did not protect Bosnia Muslims agaisnt serbian evile they are not Christians don’t mix serbs with Christianity they are evile and pakistan did not do nothings still not doing nothing bosnia is occupied
Same Pakistan that killed and raped lakhs of Bangladeshis, started multiple wars with India and is a safe haven for Terrorists. Don't try to become hero here . Pakistan will always remain a terror state and a threat to humanity
That is what is going on people who want to work didn't know what is going on because JNA Army, srbs that morning trying to take Sarajevo with Army support so they could have all Sarajevo in their hands Bosnian police didn't expect that but civilian was ready to take what weapon was available to stop front of this killer's who did not have any problems killing kids old people anything that is not going to there side
The Serbian Orthodox Church lost its court dispute in Paris in 1995 after filing a lawsuit against Libération, Le Monde, Le Figaro for the texts in which it was accused of supporting ethnic cleansing and genocidal crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
@@starcityoldy "Lie is the very essence of Serbs," "Lying is the best virtue of Serbs," "Every lie in this country becomes true," said Dobrica Cosic, your best representative and the only one who speaks the truth and you're spitting from the Serbian ass.
Long lives bosnia. They defend bosnia without modern weapons. Today bosnian Army had the mostly modern weapons in Europe. At a war today, bosnian Army will make bosnia three times bigger than it now is. Belgrade will be in bosnian hands.
just stop these fucking war and hate speeches and at least try to live peaceful with each other. You generation seems to be poisoned, hopefully the next ones will understand that people in the balcans suffered from greedy people and politicians.
I’m less shocked and more astonished at the fact that they just seem to be going about their daily lives while in constant fear of being shot dead by snipers, as if it’s just a normal occurrence.
@@CorneliusSchwarzenstein They were hoping so, because they weren't wearing uniforms. However, Serbian generals had the 'terror' doctrine on the table, where they instructed their soldiers to 'shoot at civilians, until the entire city loses their minds'. It is well documented in the Hague international tribunal, one of the lead serb generals ratko mladic gave such instruction.
@Slavoj Milošević Serbia was killing so it can remain the number one powerhouse on Balkan, and also they wanted to form Great Serbia (Ogulin-Virovitica-Karlovac-Karlobag).
YuCROslav-Patriot _ hahaha man you are deluded. The war in bosnia was between croatia-serbia-bosniaks. It was entirely fuelled by ethnicity and religion. At one point the serbs and croats made a peace deal so we would kill all the bosniaks first then we will fight each other for the rest of bosnia.
@@Милошелики Hrvatska vojska nije napala Bošnjake... To su bili pobunjenici u Bosni koji su htjeli pripojiti BiH natrag Hrvatskoj. Ali Hrvatska vojska i država nisu imale veze sa tim. Hrvati (HOS) i Bošnaci su se nekoliko puta čak udružili protiv Četnika.
Ko puca , dok ono dijete trci, ruka mu se osusila , a oci slijepe bile. Ova zena sto trci sa djetetom, nije bitno koja je vjera, pa to je samo dijete. Ameriko izgorjela, sto si nam unistila Jugoslaviju , zemlju bratstva i jedinstva.
The Serbian criminal state will never be forgotten, even though today it is doing everything to hide the crimes and massacres it has committed in Bosnia and Kosovo. My heart is with you Bosnia ❤️🇧🇦 and I know your pain. 🥺🇦🇱
Reading through the comments... Some really need to inform themselves on what actually happened and THEN talk, it can be dangerous to talk and act upon something without knowing facts. And others that take pride in what Serbians did and deny facts either need to seek help asap and/or have no heart and definetly no soul. Get these people help, their way of thinking until this day is extremely disturbing!!!
Them running like that just to get from point A to point B is so surreal. If I didn't didn't any better I'd think these were clips from a movie. This should have never happened 😞
"It is unfortunate for all that no moral issue has ever been clearer. Any attempt to plea - bargain with outlaws and renegades will only be at the expense of honor, decency and self - respect. The Serbs are two-dimensional people with a craving for simplicity and an ideology so basic it can be understood without effort. They need enemies, not friends, to focus their two-dimensional ideas. Life for them is a simple tune, never an orchestration, or even a pleasant harmony. Animals make use of their resources with far greater felicity than these retorted creatures, whose subscription to the human race is well in arrears" The new evil, demons, baby killers, destructors, ethnic cleansers, tyrants the Serbs, prevent the world of today to develop. The Serbs have not been punished enough. Serbs, the Slavic Nazis and their Serb Orthodox Church eagerly cooperated to create a purified Greater Serbia." - Peter Ustinov
Divim se Sarajlijama što su prošli i izdržali oni koji su preživjeli, skidam kapu. Taj strah i teror u glavnom gradu jedne države, grozno je ovako gledati. I mi u Hrvatskoj smo imali pakao, ali nisu se mogli probiti do glavnog grada, Vukovar je bio štit koji jednako krvario kao i Sarajevo.
Ljudi, ja sam iz Srbije i nisam znao za ovo oko Sarajeva, priznajem. Ja kao vojnik ne shvatam koja je to taktika okružiti grad i gađati nevine civile snajperima i granatama, pritom uopšte ne znajući ko je koje nacionasti od pogođenih? Neka je laka crna zemlja svim poginulim žrtvama građanskog rata i da se tako nešto nikada ne ponovi. Pomozi Bože.
This is so heartbreaking. I understand deeply how hard it is because I am from Azerbaijan and my country’s people was killed by Armenians just because they were Azerbaijani turks and muslims.
Same in Bosnia but azerbaijan did not do nothing to help bosnia till today Serbs they call bosnian muslims turks For genocide in serbrenica Serbian veterans they celebrate by sayings we kills turks
@@labinotdoda1517 you are not true. Because Azerbaijan always sent humanitarian aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina in any situation. You should google it before judging. We( Azerbaijanis) condemn any brutality toward innocent people. Because we also faced terrorism and discrimination by Armenian terrorists.
@@labinotdoda1517 my nation also killed just because they were turks by armenians. Just google khojaly genocide and you will know how people brutally killed regardless their age, gender.
I had a bosniak friend who lived in sarajevo during the yugoslavian civil war. He told me that rich people from europe came to bosnia, paid good money to serbs and serbs let them hunt bosniaks in sarajevo.
Well in almoust every city there was Bosnian muslims, serbs and croats so nobody could control what people were doing and that is why there was so many civilian victims. And a lot of differente paramilitary units from all 3 sides and there was many russians, greeks,... on serbian side and germans, americans,... on croat-muslim side and nobody watch what they were doing. In the end sadly a lot of innocent people died for no reason.
Does anyone think that perhaps there were Serbs among these civilians? Sarajevo wasn't ethnically clean at the time, neither it is today. Why do you directly assume that they're all muslims?
You are right definitely. A lot of people around 90% were Muslim and some Croatians and Serbs stayed in Sarajevo during the war but Serbian army didn't care. They just wanted to kill people and sadly, they killed more than 10 thousand in the siege of Sarajevo
The "News Agency" telling you they are Serbs is an agent of NATO. The destruction of Yugoslavia used Colour-Revolution techniques to get each group blaming the other. NATO troops dressed up as Bosnians/Croats/Serbs ect. www.globalresearch.ca/search?q=Bosnia&x=0&y=0
Puno postovanje i zal za svim stradalim ljudima, brutalno prekinutim snovima, zeljama, nadama. Postavio bih pitanje za sve sadasnje i nekadasnje stanovnike ovog grada i Bosne. Da li ikada postojao tracak nade i volje da do ovog rata ne dodje? Ili je sve ovo bilo neizbezno? Dodao bih, od 1918 su na tim prostorima ljudi ziveli jedni pored drugih, neshvatljivo mi je da nakon tolikih godina zajednickog zivota, sve nestane u treptaju oka.
naravno da je neizbjezno, vi srbi ste 90ih govorili o osveti nad Turcima dok ste ubijali muslimane i sve muslimansko na prostoru Bosne - 100 godina prije ovog rata se krenulo u unistavanje muslimana i identiteta njihovog. Hvala Bogu i dalje nas ima 2 miliona u srcu Evrope i Bosna i dalje postoji. 4 godine vrsit opsadu grada sa toliko municije i ne uspjet osvojit Sarajevo doista pokazuje o kakvim se kukavicama i nesposobnjakovicima radi.
You do know that thousands and thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were very unlucky during that aggression on Bosnia,right?? I still feel bad,even know,many of them rejected me and called me ugly when it’s not my fault and lied to me,that hurts but still my people suffered…..unfair!! I do help myself,thinking about Serbian and American women/girls,i mean,you know what their guys did to ours.
I will never forget what a UN soldier told me once: the bosnians that were continuously bombed and attacked at Sarajevo asked to be handed rifles for protecting themselves. The UN put a false arms embargo, arrived late, did not fully protect the bosnians and kosovans but also did not allow them to take care of themselves. UN was totally useless there.
exactly. UN was the worst 'peaceful' mission ever... in fact they just made it even easier for serbs.
@Pakiboy London ahh that very kind :)
The UN are the most useless entity any where....(((
No country in the balkan had anything from the war, the only ones who gained something are the Allied Forces you all even say that they did nothing but still think that serbia started the war
Sorry that ain't goin to happen
Armed civilians
Your duty is not
Beat the purpose.sure many found arms
this isnt war this is murder
Well there's war and then there's murder...
That right there is straight up murder.....
Slav Defendov you say that bcause youre a serb to defend your country and your nationalistic fascistic family
To slav defendov. My father was a British soldier during this war and has told me only some of his storys. He says that he has killed people in ways that he won't tell me about. He once almost shot an innocent man who no longer wanted to live the conditions and the ways that people were being treated were so bad. The only thing that saved that man was my dad's indecisiveness at that time. So no I don't think that war is all about peace and flowers, I think that you have never been to war or even heard storys of war. My dad was 19-20 something years old when he found a massacre site where people had been shot and beheaded by an axe. War isn't about peace and flower its about death and fire and blood and anguish
This isn't war this is madness
Lol that is from Call of Duty WAW
0:28 that guy on the left doesn't give a F... He's JUST walking on a sniper zone
Mr Jazz it’s because after being shot at on a daily, losing family and friends on a daily, you sort of start giving zero fucks about your life. Speaking from experience I survived this same war, I lived in Sarajevo as a kid.
@@titot2896 my grandmother lost his dad in ww2 and I understand what you are saying. They were from the posavina region in croatia.
Mr Jazz 😂😂
you can see at 0:25 sniper was shooting at him,look at the right conren of the footage
He is a CIA agent.
I remember my Croatian neighbors told me stories of the war and how awful life was may those who perished in that war find everlasting peace
rule 1: never remind yugoslavs about the wars
Albania and bosnia didn’t have it any different
@@maki.devcic Rule number 2: Never, EVER, remind Ex-Yugoslavs about WW2, cuz you will break rule number 1 at the same time...
@@livingdeadgirl5691 rule #1 if they're bosniaks who gives a f&ck....
@@livingdeadgirl5691 Yes dude you poor Croats who were attacked when you had "no equipment" soo sad 🤡🤡🤡🤡
How I remember my dad was telling me snipers would wound people so others would come to help so they would kill them too
Takodje su pokusavali da zapale zgrade i kuce tkd bi se ljudi okupili da gase i pomazu stanovnicima i ond bi ih snajperima poceli pucat
I was one of the wounded kids that they tried to use as bait. I had so much adrenaline that I managed to get up and start running. I never ran that fast in my life.
@@someone28 gdje si danas jesi jos u sa il negdje vani, kako rana ?
@@someone28 i hope you're doing well! That's not an easy thing to overcome, war. Greetings from Slovenia
That one guy is like: Just a normal day.
He was like... if they shoot me, they shoot me
Thats a normal day in yougoslavia
Normal day in Bosnia
Calmest day in Sarajevo
So many others have said it but I just can't get over what kind of twisted, evil mind it takes to willingly murder civilians. Shooting unarmed people is utterly disgusting!
@pfc krasna van i država i predsjednik 😂
Босняки выйграли только при помощи ООН и только с помощью лжи и провокаций
@@аризонскийрейнджер sure sure and Quentin Tarantino orchestrated the srebrenica massacre by sending in hollywood actors. RS was losing the war thanks to operation oluja, if the US wasn't helping you, RS wouldn't exist anymore. So shut your mouth
@pfc Sure buddy, serbs news reporters told their people that muslims eat serbian children. Its you who manipulated people, because of Serbia war started
The Balkans and their "population exchange"
When the The United Nations completely Betrayed the Bosnian Civilians.
@Baron ok. I dont have anybody in the UN so i really shouldnt argue with somebody whose aunt was in the UN. Thanks for the information tho! Cheers!
The "PEACE KEEPERS" kept no peace. Sometimes you've gotta do what's right in your heart even if it means breaking the rules. We stood no chance, but there everyone who played a role whether directly or indirectly will answer to God when the day comes.
They betray everyone
The UN can go fuck itself out of the earth. It didn't make a difference.
Talking about Bosnia and UN, I should say that Ukrainian UN forces were ones who really cared about Bosnian civilians. Imagine 80 troops saving 10 000 Bosnians from massacre. Sounds like fairy tale, but that's what actually happened in Zepa, literally days after almost 600 Dutch UN troops surrendered in Srebrenica.
Imagine being one of these older ladies. Probably survived ww2 just to be shot at while crossing a city street
There is Sejla Kameric's "almost-silent" art film- 1395 days without red. It portrays the dystopian reality of everyday life in Sarajevo during the siege.
I had lived in Sarajevo for 6 years, but never stopped any elder to ask them about this. I regret. There is thousands of heros walking those streets everyday.
Free Bosnia
I'm from south mexico my state called Chiapas, in 1992 I was very young 17 years old, I watched all news from Sarajevo I still remember that its too sad, I love Sarajevo everyone knows who made that war, sorry guys my English its bad, but one thing sarajeva is in my heart I love that country❤
zeus simescu You just said that Sarajevo is a country?
I think he might be trying to say that the city Sarajevo is in his heart. Or the country Bosnia is in his heart.
hello from sarajevo
Thanks mister.
Solve Everything yah. And no sily dumb islamists? Liar.
Serbia should always be ashamed of this massacre! If I was a Serbian, I would always be ashamed for that.
Hunting the vulnerable civilians like a bird cannot be attributed to any justified reason!
Numerous crimes were committed in this process. And it is unbelievable that some people can still trying to justify these disgusting massacres!
An honorable person cannot kill an unarmed civilian for any reason.
Actually, we should all be ashamed of what's there. Because the whole world has remained an audience against these disgusting massacres. It was intervened too late.
Despite all the limited circumstances, the Bosnians fought honorably, and this will honor them throughout history.
I'm so sorry for the innocent people who died.
What happend for Serbian people in Srebrenica??? 3500 Serbian's was killed by Naser Orić. And guess what, he is not i jail
@@stefan6486 Why don't you talk about the massacre that happened before?
Didn't Serbian soldiers enter Srebrenitsa, which was under the control of the United Nations when Naser was in Tuzla, killing thousands of unarmed civilians?
You do not want to talk about the massacre against civilians before, but you say that only Serbian soldiers killed after the massacre are valuable and innocent.
The Serbian soldiers you mentioned have already brutally killed unarmed and vulnerable civilians. There are many videos that prove this, and every person who owns conscience should cry while watching those images.
@@stefan6486 it's not us that should be ashamed of ourselves. We should be ashamed of our government
@@Comrade_Dyatolov The right words👏
On old man I met while walking in the Bascarsija told me that some of the snipers blew themselves up with hand granades because they couldn't handle killing more people.
But no one got killed?
@@happydays2190 what do you mean?
@@knivessurvives he made a joke
This is true! My father almost captured one and the guy blew himself up before they reached him. My father said he must've been drugged up because no one normal would've done that. And they weren't going to kill him either.
This is a common mith and not true at all. Actually most of the snipers from Sarajevo are alive today.
I am from Sarajevo. 🇧🇦
This is heartbreaking. 💔 From 1992 to 1996… 4 loooong years of suffering, starvation, killing Muslims… The world was watching this. 😞
I can’t imagine what you went through, it’s absolutely heartbreaking.
Then swept under the rug while the worst of the war criminals are free because they only did a quarter of the time they should have got. Praljak did himself right by taking himself out. Only if he did that before hurting people.
I have friends from Bosnia I don’t see them in 21 years I hoop I can find them Ervin in nermine kasim
Ja sam marokanski imigrant i bio sam u Bosni, kunem se da su mi puno pomogli hranom i novcem, volim vas ljudi Bosno najljepsa drzavo na svijetu i nikad vas necu zaboraviti sto se tice Srba, Hrvata i policajci su rasistički ljudi oni su samo životinje koje ne znaju ništa osim nasilja i premlaćivanja i ne pružaju ruku pomoći mrzim vas svinje.
killing people not just muslims. Don't make it about one group
Serbs: we are just protecting our land and our people
also serbs:
@@Ment2703 the Turks fucked your mothers 😉😘
@@ErenKarakasliThe Ottoman Empire was Russia's punching bag.
@@Knez700 what does the ottoman empire have to do with this you jackass
@@ErenKarakasliWhat do you have to do with this?
@@Knez700 it's called being a human being you dipshit
0:23 sniper hits trash can
How to keep population fit? Add a sniper.
You have a good eye sir
@@mybluebelly :v
You have really good eyes
i will never ever understand people shooting on civilans....i also lived in that war and was being shot at with the sniper one time in 1991....i was 8 years old at the time...just can't understand it...
ovo je bila odmazda, šta kada ste u Bijeljini radili isto
I remember watching videos of snipers shooting at children retrieving water from a well. So sad.
@@МилошРадивојевић-д6э niti sam ja iz bosne niti imam ista s bosnom
@@МилошРадивојевић-д6э sta u bijeljini? u bijeljini ste vi pobili 3 hiljade civila, isto kao u prijedoru,visegradu,zvorniku,foci...
@@МилошРадивојевић-д6э ruclips.net/video/fNk10Q_TJzA/видео.html
What sort of heartless animals fire on civilians?
@@danoni2696 Oh so same ones killing civilians in Kravica,Višegrad,Skelano,Nevesinje,Mostar?
@@nikolasavic140 srebenica killings were more then any other side did to serbs.
@@dumbleech3884 So were serbs killed in Srebrenica,Skelani,Visegrad.Thats very ignorant of you
Croats, Bosniaks.
0:45 - Here comes the UN as useful as ever, simply "observing" the conflict...
That little child on 0:18... My heart is broken :(
1601 dijete zajedno sa setrom od zeta😭
So much fear at that age.. I hope she is okay, if she died, may she rest in peace with all the good souls..
@@myre-ec1og :(
@@swesag :(
@Medin 🇧🇦 I would never support this, Medin...
I love the last dude just casually running with his hands in his pockets
As a serb: sprry bosnians brothers should never fight
As a Albanian i think you shpuld go back to Russia.
And we will live in Peace forewer. Believe me. Without you, Balkan doesn't fall into the Wars Never ever.
@@KosovanWarrior1 Albanians started it with Serbs.
@@KosovanWarrior1 🤡🤡🤡
0:24 CJ na bicikli
yeah real OG @ 0:28...I like how he does not want to be intimidated in his own town...most meaningless thing of the 90s was the yugoslav war.
It was Serbian agresion
This is insane. People going about their daily lives, but sprinting. Busses and cars doing 40 mph through intersections.
In the end, they say that 5,000 civilians were killed by snipers during the siege.
Turkey did not help bosnia
Bosnian people are calld by serbs solider turks during the atrocities in serbrenica
Still serbian veterans they are proud they killed turks in bosnia
0:26 that dude gives 0 F's 😂😂😂😂
Man: Just a normal day
Was that Hillary I seen running from sniper-fire?
Was she wea ring a paint suit?,,,,loll
Yes she was " jebo te pas"
Translate "be well good ser "...
That war criminal Billary with her husband...another war criminal
Bogatas u rat daje konja, siromah sina !
Svaka ti je na mjestu. Neponovilo se
Bogatas nista ne daje taj samo uzima 😂
@@filipsormaz661 Uključujući živote
War in Dobrinja, Sarajevo: ruclips.net/channel/UCcET4PvGyJCGM-oi9xTA7BQ
i feels sad to this people, that sniper is cursed right now in hell
If snipers haven't die yet they're probably 50-60 which is kinda young age to get illness to die.
Camera man got balls for just standing there
He was invited to record that, its their man. And everything is produced so now u can read 'serb' snypers shoot blah, blah.. They dicide who is blame first then go to war.
@@milegrozni9713 myb he took cover,ever thought of that?
What an atrocity in front of the eyes of the giant media! Indelible tribulations
0:26 Like a boss!
He doesn't care if he dies, that's what he wants already
Based chad
The bus driver is still working!??!?
He's like-
"hurry get on, it's 1.50$ per person for sniper zone"
I remember those years on my skin...thx god i went to Italy in 1995 at end war
Di dove sei?
@@trenta4284 Alto Adige sudtirol
3 years later it started in kosovo
Nikome se nikada ne ponovilo ni najvecim dusmanima.
Dušmanima želim vječiti pakao, ovdje polažemo samo ispit ljudskosti.
Srbin sam i u potpunosti se slažem. Veliki problem je što je narod zatrovan, i jedni druge optužuju za zločine, a bukvalno sve strane su činile i zločine a i na svim stranama je bilo časnih ljudi. Što se tiče snajpera, prvi su Bosnjaci pucali na bascarsiji 1 marta 92 i ubili na svadbi srpskog starog svata, tako da vidite da nisu samo Srbi snajperisali... svi su. Ali kao što reče ovaj momak nikome se nikada ne ponovilo ni najvećim dušmanima.
@@Boris5501 prije tog ubistva na Baš Čaršiji desilo se 21 ubitstva, pa nisu bili povod da Bošnjaci ili Hrvati postave barikade, napadnu okolna sela i gradove i počnu ubijati Srbe i protjerivati ih.
@@Boris5501 Od sredine 1991 do marta 1992 (ubistvo svata) de dogodio 31 sličan slučaj radi nacionalnih tenzija ili nekog razračunavanja. U januaru 1992 su oko Sarajeva ubijena dva učenika policijske škole iz zasjede.
@Me Me Pa logičnije je da ideš ti u tursku. Ne kontam šta ćeš ti u Bosni kada to nije vaša zemlja, hajde da preprojimo kulturna dobra, spomenike, manastire i sve što ima istorijski znacaj u Bosni pa da vidimo čija je to zemlja. Cuj ti nekom da kažeš da ide u Srbiju kome su koreni u Bosni sigurno stariji od vas muslimana u Bosni...
Beautiful people Bosnian n Serbian...why they war.. salaam from Malaysia 🇲🇾😢
Only because we are muslims.
Selam aux serbes🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Pakistan became the fourth largest contributor of troops to the UN peacekeeping forces in Bosnia and pledged to keep its soldiers there to protect Bosnian Muslims and confront the Serbs while France and other countries wanted to withdraw their troops for the safety of their soldiers.
Is lie they did not protect Bosnia Muslims agaisnt serbian evile they are not Christians don’t mix serbs with Christianity they are evile and pakistan did not do nothings still not doing nothing bosnia is occupied
Same Pakistan that killed and raped lakhs of Bangladeshis, started multiple wars with India and is a safe haven for Terrorists.
Don't try to become hero here .
Pakistan will always remain a terror state and a threat to humanity
If you mute it , it looks like everyone is running really late for work.
That is what is going on people who want to work didn't know what is going on because JNA Army, srbs that morning trying to take Sarajevo with Army support so they could have all Sarajevo in their hands Bosnian police didn't expect that but civilian was ready to take what weapon was available to stop front of this killer's who did not have any problems killing kids old people
anything that is not going to there side
Thing is if you hear the shot then you are good. It's when you never hear the shot.
imagine how fit everyone who lived in sarajevo would be after 4 years of having to randomly start running until you got to or from work.
Also the utter lack of food of any sorts would help
Unless you run out of breath and stop to catch some air. Then you're fucked.
0:26 the guy just walkin like nothing is happening
I love Bosnia & Hersegovina greetings to from south caucasus Azerbaijan 🇦🇿❤🇧🇦❤🎉😊⚜
اللهم سترك و عفوك على إخواننا البوسنين إنهم خير الأقوام..وبارك لهم...أمين..من تونس الحبيب الخظراء
0:26 covjek si misli ajd me ubi nisam ja za sport
Ne rugaj se. Nije ovo za šalu...
Sramno rugati se sa ovim
@@angryinternetperson6629 Mislim da se ne ruga, bilo je tu humora čak u takvim situacijama, vjerujte.
No phone in sight, just people living the moment
Jezivo za gledanje. Nikada se nikome na ovome svetu ne ponovilo.
The Serbian Orthodox Church lost its court dispute in Paris in 1995 after filing a lawsuit against Libération, Le Monde, Le Figaro for the texts in which it was accused of supporting ethnic cleansing and genocidal crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Xtremecrnogorac and Chetniks killed inocents?
Illyrian what are you talking about? Lol nazis innocence? Lol fool
@@starcityoldy "Lie is the very essence of Serbs," "Lying is the best virtue of Serbs," "Every lie in this country becomes true," said Dobrica Cosic, your best representative and the only one who speaks the truth and you're spitting from the Serbian ass.
Za Istinu a lie? It’s a fact moron! You’re trash!
Its so sad the entire ex yugoslavia is very beautiful
Long lives bosnia. They defend bosnia without modern weapons. Today bosnian Army had the mostly modern weapons in Europe. At a war today, bosnian Army will make bosnia three times bigger than it now is. Belgrade will be in bosnian hands.
just stop these fucking war and hate speeches and at least try to live peaceful with each other. You generation seems to be poisoned, hopefully the next ones will understand that people in the balcans suffered from greedy people and politicians.
The game "This war of mine" brought me here
Great game
What does the game have to do with Bosnia?
@@Aarminmusic It's about civilians surviving in war based on the Siege of Sarajevo
Volim Bosnu! ❤
and then Djokovic says it was hard to live and train in Belgrade when NATO bombed strategic targets. Strange people...
I’m less shocked and more astonished at the fact that they just seem to be going about their daily lives while in constant fear of being shot dead by snipers, as if it’s just a normal occurrence.
its a war dude
LowFatYogurt you do, just look at one of my videos
It looks like, they knew that the snipers were not after them.
@@CorneliusSchwarzenstein They were hoping so, because they weren't wearing uniforms. However, Serbian generals had the 'terror' doctrine on the table, where they instructed their soldiers to 'shoot at civilians, until the entire city loses their minds'. It is well documented in the Hague international tribunal, one of the lead serb generals ratko mladic gave such instruction.
@Kayseek Yeah, it's even more fucked up when you have your child running with you.
Shit was crazy back then at the Balkans...
One of the most complicated areas in the world
May Allah give curse those peoples who have cruelly persecuted the Muslims.
bosnia was way more christian before the war and im 100 percent sure the people in this video are christians
How sad that war. Kill who? Killing for religion ... what misery ...
And it continued today in the world ...
@Slavoj Milošević Serbia was killing so it can remain the number one powerhouse on Balkan, and also they wanted to form Great Serbia (Ogulin-Virovitica-Karlovac-Karlobag).
YuCROslav-Patriot _ hahaha man you are deluded. The war in bosnia was between croatia-serbia-bosniaks. It was entirely fuelled by ethnicity and religion. At one point the serbs and croats made a peace deal so we would kill all the bosniaks first then we will fight each other for the rest of bosnia.
@@Милошелики Hrvatska vojska nije napala Bošnjake... To su bili pobunjenici u Bosni koji su htjeli pripojiti BiH natrag Hrvatskoj. Ali Hrvatska vojska i država nisu imale veze sa tim. Hrvati (HOS) i Bošnaci su se nekoliko puta čak udružili protiv Četnika.
Ja sam Brazilac, malo čitam i treniram srpski jezik, stvarno je kul i drugačije!
bro not treniram but učim srpski jezik ;)
(ucim mean i learn) , nice continu like that !
Our hearts are always with you Bosnia. 🇹🇷❤🇧🇦Turkey is your second home my dear Bosniak brothers and sisters
Hagia Sophia is a church!🇬🇷
CY is Greek!🇬🇷
Kosovo is Serbia!🇷🇸
Krim is Russia!🇷🇺
Go home from Serbia and Rep. Srpska!
Comprende "Amigo"!?😠
F... Y..!
I💓Vlad Dracula!
☦️FREE Karadzic!🇷🇸
Ko puca , dok ono dijete trci, ruka mu se osusila , a oci slijepe bile. Ova zena sto trci sa djetetom, nije bitno koja je vjera, pa to je samo dijete. Ameriko izgorjela, sto si nam unistila Jugoslaviju , zemlju bratstva i jedinstva.
uništilo ju je isto to ''bratstvo i jedinstvo''.
@@sranmisovic3267 kako da ne
Ma kakva jebena Amerika? Uništili su je Velikosrbi. Samo vi krivite Amerikance... Suočit ćete se vi sa pravdom i istinom jednog dana.
@@angryinternetperson6629 Amerika je zlo
Prvi lik na RUclips koje nije nacionalista svaka cas momak...
The Serbian criminal state will never be forgotten, even though today it is doing everything to hide the crimes and massacres it has committed in Bosnia and Kosovo.
My heart is with you Bosnia ❤️🇧🇦 and I know your pain. 🥺🇦🇱
Serbia did not participate in this. She withdrew from Bosnia 3 years before that.
Reading through the comments... Some really need to inform themselves on what actually happened and THEN talk, it can be dangerous to talk and act upon something without knowing facts. And others that take pride in what Serbians did and deny facts either need to seek help asap and/or have no heart and definetly no soul. Get these people help, their way of thinking until this day is extremely disturbing!!!
I don't see any wounded people. Where you see 8 wounded people?
Easy to take down an elderly woman with her grandson, isn’t it? But fighting the real soldiers you panic, the word coward is nothing to these snipers
Them running like that just to get from point A to point B is so surreal. If I didn't didn't any better I'd think these were clips from a movie. This should have never happened 😞
"It is unfortunate for all that no moral issue has ever been clearer. Any attempt to plea - bargain with outlaws and renegades will only be at the expense of honor, decency and self - respect. The Serbs are two-dimensional people with a craving for simplicity and an ideology so basic it can be understood without effort. They need enemies, not friends, to focus their two-dimensional ideas. Life for them is a simple tune, never an orchestration, or even a pleasant harmony. Animals make use of their resources with far greater felicity than these retorted creatures, whose subscription to the human race is well in arrears"
The new evil, demons, baby killers, destructors, ethnic cleansers, tyrants the Serbs, prevent the world of today to develop.
The Serbs have not been punished enough.
Serbs, the Slavic Nazis and their Serb Orthodox Church eagerly cooperated to create a purified Greater Serbia."
- Peter Ustinov
Bit of a generalism when it's like any war, run by extremists.
@rockerdrake Chauvinist...
Divim se Sarajlijama što su prošli i izdržali oni koji su preživjeli, skidam kapu. Taj strah i teror u glavnom gradu jedne države, grozno je ovako gledati.
I mi u Hrvatskoj smo imali pakao, ali nisu se mogli probiti do glavnog grada, Vukovar je bio štit koji jednako krvario kao i Sarajevo.
How you know that this was serb sniper?
sarajevo kao utvrdjeni grad je po svim konvencijama bio legitimna meta.
@@tzfan035 bg nikad i nije bio zatvoreni grad,bar ne od proterivanja turaka.
Civili ni u jednom ratu nisu legitimna meta, kretenu
Ljudi, ja sam iz Srbije i nisam znao za ovo oko Sarajeva, priznajem. Ja kao vojnik ne shvatam koja je to taktika okružiti grad i gađati nevine civile snajperima i granatama, pritom uopšte ne znajući ko je koje nacionasti od pogođenih? Neka je laka crna zemlja svim poginulim žrtvama građanskog rata i da se tako nešto nikada ne ponovi. Pomozi Bože.
This is so heartbreaking. I understand deeply how hard it is because I am from Azerbaijan and my country’s people was killed by Armenians just because they were Azerbaijani turks and muslims.
Yeah, not as if Azeris ever killed any innocent Armenians, is it?
Same in Bosnia but azerbaijan did not do nothing to help bosnia till today
Serbs they call bosnian muslims turks
For genocide in serbrenica Serbian veterans they celebrate by sayings we kills turks
@@labinotdoda1517 you are not true. Because Azerbaijan always sent humanitarian aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina in any situation. You should google it before judging. We( Azerbaijanis) condemn any brutality toward innocent people. Because we also faced terrorism and discrimination by Armenian terrorists.
@@ilahehuseynzade305 i feal bad for you guy’s but azerbeijan need to do more for bosnia that time but is never to late free bosnia
@@labinotdoda1517 my nation also killed just because they were turks by armenians. Just google khojaly genocide and you will know how people brutally killed regardless their age, gender.
To nije lepoo..treba svi da zive slobodnoo
Take je buraz. nacionalism je smrt.
This war sucked.I am ashamed to be a Serb now.
Ovako sam bjezao iz OS, skole u Vogosci, ne ponovilo se nikada...
Pobjego si ti za uvjek hahahahaha
@@dzevadsulejmanovic5419 papak sta ti je smijesno
@@nemanjadamjanovic1545 Pa smjesno mi papak sto si pobjego
@@dzevadsulejmanovic5419 daj mi dzevada
@@libertas5005 Mozes dobiti dzevadov
Where is the 8 kills?
in CS
Blind sniper😂😂😂
Not on yt or else it would be removed
Am i the only one who didnt see not a single one of those "8 wounded civilians"
Lie as ussual
@@milostvhd it's not a lie, youtube doesnt allow dead or wounded people to appear on screen
that old man is just standing there
I had a bosniak friend who lived in sarajevo during the yugoslavian civil war. He told me that rich people from europe came to bosnia, paid good money to serbs and serbs let them hunt bosniaks in sarajevo.
the rifle has a short range, how did the Serb get into the city ?
Well in almoust every city there was Bosnian muslims, serbs and croats so nobody could control what people were doing and that is why there was so many civilian victims.
And a lot of differente paramilitary units from all 3 sides and there was many russians, greeks,... on serbian side and germans, americans,... on croat-muslim side and nobody watch what they were doing.
In the end sadly a lot of innocent people died for no reason.
Probably one of the most Complex Confusing Wars “.
Does anyone think that perhaps there were Serbs among these civilians?
Sarajevo wasn't ethnically clean at the time, neither it is today.
Why do you directly assume that they're all muslims?
You are right definitely. A lot of people around 90% were Muslim and some Croatians and Serbs stayed in Sarajevo during the war but Serbian army didn't care. They just wanted to kill people and sadly, they killed more than 10 thousand in the siege of Sarajevo
10 millions.
A zašto srbi uvijek traže opravdanja za svoja djela?
The "News Agency" telling you they are Serbs is an agent of NATO. The destruction of Yugoslavia used Colour-Revolution techniques to get each group blaming the other. NATO troops dressed up as Bosnians/Croats/Serbs ect. www.globalresearch.ca/search?q=Bosnia&x=0&y=0
Amo sarajevo.Una ciudad que conozco perfectamente.Fueron dias muy oscuros
Que maldad tenemos los seres humanos...Dios tenga piedad de todos nosotros.
Remember watching this on tv and feeling physically sick . Woman and children being shot at by a coward sniper
Sram vas i stid bilo, gdje god da ste samo probleme pravite ljudima
Imamo mi strpljenja, pamtimo pa vratimo, samo polako
Puno postovanje i zal za svim stradalim ljudima, brutalno prekinutim snovima, zeljama, nadama. Postavio bih pitanje za sve sadasnje i nekadasnje stanovnike ovog grada i Bosne.
Da li ikada postojao tracak nade i volje da do ovog rata ne dodje?
Ili je sve ovo bilo neizbezno?
Dodao bih, od 1918 su na tim prostorima ljudi ziveli jedni pored drugih, neshvatljivo mi je da nakon tolikih godina zajednickog zivota, sve nestane u treptaju oka.
ambicija srpskih umova i srpskog sveta iskljucivala je sve ostale narode, po tome principu su cinjeni i zlocini, egzodusi nesrba
naravno da je neizbjezno, vi srbi ste 90ih govorili o osveti nad Turcima dok ste ubijali muslimane i sve muslimansko na prostoru Bosne - 100 godina prije ovog rata se krenulo u unistavanje muslimana i identiteta njihovog. Hvala Bogu i dalje nas ima 2 miliona u srcu Evrope i Bosna i dalje postoji. 4 godine vrsit opsadu grada sa toliko municije i ne uspjet osvojit Sarajevo doista pokazuje o kakvim se kukavicama i nesposobnjakovicima radi.
Муслимани су хтели своју џамахирију и да у њој Срби буду грађани другог реда, јел сад јасно!?
Where are the wounded people?
youtube doesnt allow dead people on cam
Ovo su igre na BALKANSKI nacin ..! Samo kod nas, ako nekima u svijetu nije jasno ovo je nase Bratstvo i Jedinstvo..! NE PONOVILO SE NIADA..!🤔😨🤬
Tako je nikada se ne ponovilo 🇷🇸❤🇭🇷❤🇧🇦
Keeping fit: the sarajevo program
This is so weird imagine your city where you grew up suddenly is unsafe and their is shooting everywhere
what a EVIL world
Yes,what did your people kill 100 mil Indian people?
kojih 8,gde Su?
Pa nece na RUclips stavit kako nekoga ubija iz puške! To krši pravila Youtuba, jel ti to palo na pamet?
@@angryinternetperson6629 ruclips.net/video/m2V-Ua9WaT0/видео.html Ma da kad srbi ubijaju onda krsi pravila.
@@darenzyJesi li pročitao poruku koju je ostavio vlasnik kanala i tog videa kojeg si mi poslao?
The sniper gunshots sound like a cracking thunderstorm.
This wasnt only in sarajevo and only somr days. These sniper shootings happend everywhere. My mother almost died not once not twice but thrice.
I'm glad there is survivors. Rip to victims..
You do know that thousands and thousands of Bosniak women and young girls were very unlucky during that aggression on Bosnia,right?? I still feel bad,even know,many of them rejected me and called me ugly when it’s not my fault and lied to me,that hurts but still my people suffered…..unfair!! I do help myself,thinking about Serbian and American women/girls,i mean,you know what their guys did to ours.
Kažu Srbi danas :"Nismo mi za ništa krivi."
vatajte ko je kriv,pa normalno nismo svi krivi niti zeleli zlo....u svakom zitu ima kukolja
Tužan sam kad ovo vidim, j nas onaj koji nas na to nagovori...
Nije Srbe nitko nagovorio na ovo. Sami su uzeli puške i krenuli u napad...
Moram ti reci da je ovo tvoj narod radio. Bez obzira na sve, Sarajevo svakog voli i svako je dobro dosao.
Слава Боснии!!! Смерть сербскому фашизму!!!
1:02can I know what army is that