This is the quickest I've ever solved one as the pins made the solution easy to find. Simply take the notion of under promotion out of the equation and I can thrive. ; )
I think its bishop H4. Its really important to keep the king from being able to escape to E1. I looked at possible king moves after that and they don't work. The rook simply cannot move. The only moves black has left are by the queen. Well if the queen doesn't protect the rook, its mate. That means black queen D2. Its still mate though because of white queen F3.
Excellent 2 mover puzzle, love them as always. You always bring out the best. Thank you very much and God bless you. Yes, found the move right away. Good one.
In order to find the solution I had to realize that black can be mated even after 1..... Ke2
Hurray! I actually solved this one. Soo pleased; even if the rest of you found it really easy.
I really like your two move checkmate puzzles. I’m getting better at chess because you have shown me a different approach to the game.
That one was too easy even for me, thanks!
I got another one! I love your puzzles.
Took me a few minutes. It was quite baffling at first, when even giving Black the move didn't seem to help much. Nice puzzle.
On first sight I thought it was a zugzwang problem. But the key move threatens Qxc2# without Black having to move.
I take them when I can get them, and no fuss from me for an easy one now and then !
This is the quickest I've ever solved one as the pins made the solution easy to find. Simply take the notion of under promotion out of the equation and I can thrive. ; )
I figured that you had to cover e1
Bh4! wins. Responses and continuations:
1) All Q moves except Qd2 end in Qxc2#
2) Qd2 Qf3#
3)Kd2 Qxd3#
4)Ke2 Qxd3# 1-0
That study wAs fun 😂
30 Seconds. Note that the black pieces are in a virtual zugwang.
I think its bishop H4. Its really important to keep the king from being able to escape to E1. I looked at possible king moves after that and they don't work. The rook simply cannot move. The only moves black has left are by the queen. Well if the queen doesn't protect the rook, its mate. That means black queen D2. Its still mate though because of white queen F3.
Yay! After many months, this is the second one I solved.
Got another one! 😃
Formally it is not "pure", this is why it took me more time the verify the solution.
I saw it quickly. Not usual.
OP 😅
Excellent 2 mover puzzle, love them as always. You always bring out the best. Thank you very much and God bless you. Yes, found the move right away. Good one.
Quite easy
wow 😃
The white Bishop must cover e1 and f2.