r/EntitledPeople - Karen Lets Her Sons TERRORIZE My Neighborhood! I Make Them Homeless lol

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 175

  • @meh2510
    @meh2510 8 дней назад +57

    Karen: You have no idea how hard it is to be a stay at home mom with 3 kids.
    OP: I'm taking care of 2 kids, plus your 3, while I'm doing housework and a job, what the eff do you mean I have no idea?
    Karen: Oh, you can handle it, taking care of kids is easy.
    OP: If its so easy, then why don't YOU do it. Maybe I should start sending my kids over to YOUR house to play.
    Karen: Oh god, like, you don't understand anything, why can't you just be a free babysitter I can dump my hellspawn on? You're SOOO entitled.

  • @Elfkin57
    @Elfkin57 7 дней назад +72

    I had a neighbour that painted his house a very bright sunshine yellow just to tick off his prudish, older neighbour who had a perfectly manicured lawn, the white picket fence, etc. She thought when he sold it that the new neighbour would paint it like a 'normal' house - turns out the new owner LOVES his yellow house ;)

    • @nadinesharp9766
      @nadinesharp9766 7 дней назад +3

      My first house was in a neighborhood of mostly post-WWII white bungalows. Mine was light pink and next to one that was light green that belonged to an older lady that had to go into care not too long later. No one ever said a word to me about my pink house, and I never heard anything being said about the green one. I've even seen a couple of houses painted black. Tell him if he doesn't like it to not look at it.

    • @celticphoenix2579
      @celticphoenix2579 7 дней назад +3

      In my last neighborhood there was a house that had every exterior wall painted a different color. One wall was royal blue, one was sunshine yellow, one was bottle green, one was lipstick red, one was orange, the roof trim was electric blue. It was amazing.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 8 дней назад +172

    Story 4: "You have no idea how hard it is." If the kids have no boundaries and manners, and they're straight up trashing other people's houses, sounds like the parents aren't even trying.

    • @Arcane_Route_66
      @Arcane_Route_66 8 дней назад +14

      Parents like that never do. And when the police get involved, and I promise you that they will, when those kids are old enough to be tried as adults watch those same parents cry about their "little ones".

    • @nicolasjoly6948
      @nicolasjoly6948 8 дней назад +11

      If working is a "break" and "I need it so much" , why she doesn't work? Anyway, she is basically saying "kids = ++++work" and "I give you my kid" translate to "I give you my work"... Anyway, we all know that making logic out of these people is like trying to get milk out of a rock.

    • @platinum_noelle
      @platinum_noelle 7 дней назад +5

      Not only that, since she claims that working is a break, why isnt she simply pawning the kids off on her husband like she is with OP? Oh, i know, "because he works all day", right? That's likely exactly what she'd say. She just doesnt want the kids at home and she doesnt want to parent, because that would mean putting actual effort into the being she brought into the world and dealing with them herself 🙄

    • @kurojester4513
      @kurojester4513 7 дней назад +1

      ​@@platinum_noelle Precisely. If work is a break, why doesn't she get a part time job or something and use that money to hire a babysitter?

    • @Traveler19491
      @Traveler19491 7 дней назад +3

      "You have no idea how hard it is." "Apparently, you don't either."

  • @crimsonmaelstrom573
    @crimsonmaelstrom573 8 дней назад +89

    Last story: OP is definitely NTA. Like the one Redditer said: unless Paul is the one who pays the mortgage and the bills, he has no say in anything that OP does with her house

    • @marinam.2293
      @marinam.2293 8 дней назад +7

      @crimsonmaelstrom573 I'm all for being friendly with neighbors, and we were raised to respect our elders. There is a proviso, though: said elders should not go out of their way to make enemies! OP is absolutely NTA, and can paint her house whatever she wants as long as she isn't ignoring any regulations or city ordinances. She's also not required to be polite and sweet to someone treating her without a shred of respect.

    • @meh2510
      @meh2510 8 дней назад +7

      With the other neighbor saying that its "worth being nice to him," I would challenge and say. "Really? How so? He consistently complains and insults my property and family about stuff he has no business in...so what are these supposed benefits he's supposedly going to bring if I just smile and nod at his stream of abuse, because it apparently isn't him going back into his house and minding his own effing business."

    • @Gwennedd
      @Gwennedd 7 дней назад +3

      @@meh2510 That is exactly what she should say to that other neighbour. Maybe it's time for Paul to build a 6ft fence so he doesn't have to see OP's "offending " yard.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 7 дней назад +5

      Paul.... "Do you know who I am?"
      Me.... "No, but I know WHAT you are!" 😅

    • @Ryanthusar
      @Ryanthusar 7 дней назад

      If I was OP and they kept going on about my property I would simply go "Look, you have two choices, put up and shut up, or the other choice is you become part of my garden as fertilizer." Now, you watch him go and scream at the police that I threatened to kill him, the moment the police turn up and get my side of the story they are going to immediately tell the moron to leave me alone and to stop harassing me.

  • @Josh_the_jester
    @Josh_the_jester 7 дней назад +8

    Story 1: well they sent their junkmail back, same day shipping, for free, and not even a thank you? I agree OP how rude

  • @TheDarkLink7
    @TheDarkLink7 8 дней назад +43

    The second story. That's how you take care of a thief.

  • @deniseeulert2503
    @deniseeulert2503 8 дней назад +31

    As long as a house is well maintained I don't care what color(s) it is. I love bright colors too. Also, I once had a fellow volunteer for a blind services program who lived in a purple house. She herself was blind and sometimes cabs dropped her at the wrong address but if she mentioned her house color she was good.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 8 дней назад +7

    OP could (and should) have called CPS to report Karen for sending her VERY YOUNG KIDS to someone else's house, crossing a street WITHOUT SUPERVISION!!!
    I know I would have...
    I'd also have a Lawyer send a Cease and Desist Notice to Karen telling her to stop trying to use me as a Free Babysitter as well as to stop sending her kids to my home without an Invitation...

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 8 дней назад +30

    Story 5: Well, it's OP's house, so Paul really can’t do anything, if he wants to complain, yell at a wall

    • @jimmiemurvin1871
      @jimmiemurvin1871 8 дней назад

      Or he could do something useful and pound sand.

    • @haplessasshole9615
      @haplessasshole9615 7 дней назад

      Ideally, a wall of sturdy masonry. Maybe he should have a yell at Westminster Abbey. It's pretty sturdy.

  • @debtompkins5363
    @debtompkins5363 8 дней назад +64

    with country property along a dirt road, dumpers were a common problem and many were stupid enough to leave identifying paper in with the trash, So we would call the police and have them make the people come pick it all back up, Plus of course they got hit with a fine for littering $50-$500 in this part of NY

    • @ryukaze7392
      @ryukaze7392 8 дней назад +6

      maybe they listened to "Alice's Restaurant" one too many times and thought "Surely that can't be true..."

    • @sarumano884
      @sarumano884 8 дней назад +4

      Friend of ours had the same problem. She has steps up to the road, so as she can't drag out the normal wheely bin, she has permission to black bag her rubbish to take it onto the road. To prove it's 'permitted', she has stickers for her bags.
      Time and again, she puts her bags out, only to find, when the binmen have been, they've left half a dozen black bags uncollected. With no stickers.
      So she and her BF open these bags, find an address and return them from whence they came. Lo and behold, they're back again next collection day.
      But this time they alerted the council.... the bags went back, with a swingeing fine for each unstickered bag: they were totalled up over the weeks, and assumed to all belong to a bloke a couple of streets away from her.
      Go to the dump, man, it's cheaper.

    • @haplessasshole9615
      @haplessasshole9615 7 дней назад

      @@sarumano884 Well. Sounds like the sticker system worked exactly as planned. Good for the council for following through on the resident's complaint.

  • @star-boltlover9609
    @star-boltlover9609 8 дней назад +21

    "Oh, I didn't know I was talking to the KING of the neighborhood! And, frankly I don't care!" 🙄

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      "Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?" -Shenzi

  • @OcusticClear92
    @OcusticClear92 8 дней назад +25

    Story 1: This goes along with what a Karen ought to be told which is, "Ask, and you may receive. Demand, and you get nothing."
    If you want to put your trash in someone else's rented trash container, please ask them if you may do so!

      @SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS 8 дней назад

      Uh, that's story 2.

    • @toulousegoose1150
      @toulousegoose1150 8 дней назад +3

      Right? There's a huge difference between throwing a drink container or a snack wrapper in a trash can while walking by and taking away all their usable trash space.

    • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
      @LoveOnTheInsidex3 8 дней назад +4

      @@SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS no the trash container is story 1

    • @DrRush12358
      @DrRush12358 8 дней назад +1

      Worth considering most companies charge weight

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 7 дней назад +6

    Returning the garbage story: IMO, well done. Renting those things is expensive. I hope she was late for work.
    Slashed tire story: Given how much a tire can cost, let alone that some places won't sell single tires, only pairs or sets of all 4. But I wouldn't count on them never coming back for revenge on being forced out after they move either. Keep that security system up and running.
    Watch kids story: Karen's an idiot. First she says that she's a stay at home mom and it's soooooo hard, she needs a break. Then after OP explains her working hours and still does everything at home, Karen says being a SAHM is easy. Talking out both sides of her face there, isn't she.
    Colors story: NTA! If he doesn't like being talked to that way, maybe he should avoid coming over and arguing. Truthfully, I'd consider having him legally trespassed. But get some video footage of him coming on to your property to complain to you first.

  • @victorblakey4260
    @victorblakey4260 7 дней назад +7

    “ … We saw your name on an envelope at the bottom of half a ton of garbage … “
    Thank you Arlo Guthrie.

    • @gregorythomas333
      @gregorythomas333 7 дней назад +1

      And they took 27 eight by ten full color photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us :)

    • @victorblakey4260
      @victorblakey4260 6 дней назад +1

      @ … and he looked at the judge, then the seeing eye dog, then the 27 8x10 color glossy photographs with the circles and arrows and the paragraph on the back explaining what it was about, and he started to cry, because this was obviously a case of American blind justice …

    • @gregorythomas333
      @gregorythomas333 6 дней назад +1

      ...and there was nothing he could do about it.

  • @paulready8897
    @paulready8897 7 дней назад +4

    I’m shaking my head too hard from,laughing about the first story lol.

  • @Parknest
    @Parknest 8 дней назад +9

    Story 1: Karen got what she deserved.
    Story 2: Kevin got what he deserved.
    Story 3: People like that need to answer for their actions.
    Story 4: Karen was such a crappy parent.
    Story 5: OP is NTA. Paul really needs to get a life. An HOA would be right up his street (pun intended).

  • @stewartgibson3843
    @stewartgibson3843 8 дней назад +4

    Last story, if you are lucky enough to own your own house outside of an HOA then you own it and are allowed to do as you want with it. The Ahole is someone who thinks they are entitled to decide another's choices.

  • @kathybrandon4203
    @kathybrandon4203 7 дней назад +1

    Dear Dark Fluff, I'm so happy/depressed (in a good way) to read these stories several days in a row. Ain't no sunshine/storms when you're gone.

  • @AnthonyPinkerton-d7p
    @AnthonyPinkerton-d7p 8 дней назад +12

    Story 3: I live in an apartment complex of 75 units; all the units are one bedroom apartments.
    The issue is that for every tenant they’re assigned one parking space, do you see the problem yet?
    I have a neighbor; named Hector, he’s an auto mechanic and he has three roommates. Hector owns a Ford Explorer SUV, one roommate owns a BMW 328i, another owns a Miata, and another owns a Ford Focus hatchback.
    Each member of this household owns a car and they park all four vehicles together.
    The problem is that we have very stringent rules about parking; a tenant isn’t allowed to have any vehicle that’s leaking fluids in the parking lot, also tenants aren’t allowed to do vehicle maintenance in the parking lot at all. You are supposed to park your vehicle on the street if you’re going to do any type of maintenance on any vehicle.
    We’re supposed to be adults about our issues, but Hector, seems to think the rules don’t apply to him or his roommates.
    Only time will tell if they get themselves evicted?

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      Take pictures, document and file it with the manager.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 8 дней назад +4

    Story 1 - LOL! That was awesome! That’s the way to say ‘Take your crap back’ to some entitled people.

  • @haraldgriefbacon1373
    @haraldgriefbacon1373 8 дней назад +3

    People like Paul are the reason HOAs exist. There are millions of such people. He would obviously be much happier in an HOA environment. Thank goodness the OP understands that old cranks like him cannot be placated unless you lie down for them, so there's no point in wasting your time trying.

    • @autonomouscollective2599
      @autonomouscollective2599 8 дней назад +1

      I live in a condo and naturally have an HOA. I’m probably in the 1% of this country who actually likes living in an HOA. Every building in this condo is earth tone and I couldn’t care less. I’m just glad I’m not the one who has to paint it.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 8 дней назад +1

    Story 2 - OP handled that beautifully! Well done

  • @astrobabeyyy
    @astrobabeyyy 8 дней назад +10

    last story: my friend's house is neon green with purple accents. his family didnt paint it that way but it was actually built like that. most normal day in florida ig

    • @nancyomalley6286
      @nancyomalley6286 8 дней назад

      Sounds like Beetlejuice's house!

    • @seireidoragon
      @seireidoragon 8 дней назад

      When we moved to a new city, the house across the street from ours was painted pink. A soft pink but clearly pink. We called it the taco house. A decade later those neighbors repainted their house to a nice soft blue. I’m sad to see the pink go but at least it’s still colorful.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      @@nancyomalley6286 If the colours were reversed, I'd think it was The Joker's house.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      @@seireidoragon It's easier on the eyes than a pastel pink.

    • @seireidoragon
      @seireidoragon 16 часов назад

      @@JamesDavy2009 Honestly they were both very similar tones though the blue was cooler while the pink was a nice warm tone. They both looked good.

  • @isaacbobjork7053
    @isaacbobjork7053 7 дней назад +1

    Yeah OP has "no idea" how it is like to take care of those children. It is not like she already DID take care of them AND her own 🙄

  • @tailsofchaos
    @tailsofchaos 8 дней назад +17

    Work is a break? Yeah obviously she has never experienced it. Stayed home wives/husbands is never easy. But lady those are your children and not OPs.
    Man it is beyond crazy like those people leaving children at someone's house while taking off somewhere.

    • @ryukaze7392
      @ryukaze7392 8 дней назад

      my thoughts exactly. As soon as I heard that I said "you dumb bitch" to the EWW that was telling that to OP

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      What if that someone was a PDΦ?

    • @tailsofchaos
      @tailsofchaos День назад

      @JamesDavy2009 There are no answers I can say for that of how horrible that is. And I sadly believe that those type of people would leave their children those.

  • @schmuelking1535
    @schmuelking1535 8 дней назад +3

    so working 32 hours a week is considered "part time" in the US? damn, you poor people.

    • @meh2510
      @meh2510 8 дней назад +3

      Gotta get the maximum hours out of them they can get without being required to offer benefits.

    • @UserEmusic2
      @UserEmusic2 8 дней назад

      Its considered part time in the NL too

  • @patriciahansen6032
    @patriciahansen6032 7 дней назад +1

    Last story: I'd love to see a picture of the house. The colors sound amazing.

  • @chadwickdavis1749
    @chadwickdavis1749 6 дней назад +1

    Cute scenery, I saw the Santa going across the moon.

  • @DianeCasanova
    @DianeCasanova 8 дней назад +3

    Get a cease and desist from court. Paul can get arrested for any further interactions.

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 7 дней назад +1

    Story three.... "I never complained...". That was OP's first mistake. Report them, document them, get them on camera. If the kids can't be arrested, the parents can. They are responsible for their crotch-goblins' crimes. 😡

  • @lalachenault8523
    @lalachenault8523 8 дней назад +2

    I'll say it. Being a stay at home Mom over the years was the easiest job I've had, and I had 4 kids with the first being 5 years older than the 4th. They were all little at the same time. Time consuming? Yes. Difficult? No.

    • @madgevanness4011
      @madgevanness4011 7 дней назад +1

      Bet you taught them good manners and behavior.

  • @jamescaron6465
    @jamescaron6465 8 дней назад +4

    And that last story that color palette sounds very Victorian. A lot of homes in the Victorian era were painted with very bright colors, cause it was a sign of prosperity.

    • @nancyomalley6286
      @nancyomalley6286 8 дней назад

      Last story: And the other neighbor needs a backbone! She sounds like a 'keep the peace' doormat

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      Bear in mind those paints had a fair bit of lead in them.

    • @jamescaron6465
      @jamescaron6465 День назад

      @@JamesDavy2009 Oh yea, you could probably anchor a boat with all the lead in that paint.

  • @debtompkins5363
    @debtompkins5363 8 дней назад +5

    what does the neighbor hold over the others that they would bow to him.. tell him its none of his business...

  • @spoon1968
    @spoon1968 7 дней назад +3

    Last story: Yes the grumpy fun hating neighbor is TA. Sometimes these people can be won over with kindness and you can turn them into better neighbors. I'm not saying OP should stop doing what they want with their house. Just that sometimes people are bored and lonely so they lash out about anything.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      "YES! Down a size and a half! And this time, I'll keep it off."

  • @Zanto1050
    @Zanto1050 8 дней назад +2

    I have a similar story to the last one, except I'm the neighbor. I live on a dead end road where it's basically like a u-turn from the main highway. Picture: turn off main highway to smaller country road then immediately after make a right hand turn to my road. Leaving my road to the highway faces west. There's lots of trees in the neighborhood and right across from my road, other side of country road, is a large open field. For several years I've enjoyed watching the sunset over the open field. Until one day the corner of the two roads was purchased by someone. They built a large metal and brick shed in that corner which blocked the view of the sunset. While it upset me a lot and was an eyesore, I understand that it's their property. It's been standing there for the better half of a decade by now. It's become just a part of the neighborhood.

  • @sjmhadsock4586
    @sjmhadsock4586 8 дней назад +7

    Definitely get flamingos

  • @Astrih_Konnash
    @Astrih_Konnash 6 дней назад +1

    1st story
    Had to hire two dumpster containers when my husband renovateded his apartment for hiring it got a lot of stuff to go)
    Luckly the building's janitors helped on keeping an eye or else people would fill the containers in no time
    2nd story
    I lived in an old building where the water pump needed to be switched on and off manually - if there was no water and left to run for a time the pump would heat up until burning the wire
    Saw it happens sometimes when some tenant went and switched it on with no water to pump in..
    End of story, the landlords put a padlock to the pump access and only the janitor had access to the key

  • @E3ECO
    @E3ECO 7 дней назад

    It always amazes me how surprised I am when these stories end. I'm a pretty impatient person who doesn't really like videos more than 10 mins long, but yours just fly by. Your narration skills are excellent.

  • @mariahmakinen6887
    @mariahmakinen6887 8 дней назад +1

    The one with the group of teens reminded me of my first apartment. It was in a smaller town, the building I lived in was in the set of three. Front row/back row and one building off to the side. All were three floors. No elevators. I lived in the back apartment building, which had about 12 units in it. I lived middle floor which wasn't great because I had neighbors above and below. Super fun? Yeah. But across the way, second floor, on the corner of those units, was an apartment rented by a mom of two teens who LOVED to throw raging parties every time mommy would be gone. She'd go away for a weekend every now and then, leaving her brats to go at it.
    Summer of the second year there arrived. The mommy left and the music was blasting. There's at least 50 feet between buildings but you could hear it in the back of the apartment. It was that loud. I didn't call the cops, ever, on them. I didn't bother with them at all. Problem is, I smoked outside and that's when the teens or their "friends" would make rude comments to myself and my bf of the time. It wasn't until the second day of said ragger that one of the guys at the party decided in his infinite wisdom to piss off the balcony. And that was the final straw.
    I went to the super intendants, with whom I had made friends over the time I was there. And reported what I saw. This was before cellphones had cameras btw. I guess they'd racked up enough complaints because that was the complaint that got them evicted. How anyone put up with that crap in that building is beyond me.

  • @usernamesreprise4068
    @usernamesreprise4068 7 дней назад

    I have one of those annoying entitled neighbours myself living next door, one who is utterly convinced the ONLY opinion in the world that matters is HIS, and he never wasted a single moment to give me the benefit of it and complain about anything I do......which was virtually EVERYTHING I did from cleaning my car to cutting my grass or cleaning my windows or weeding flower beds or whatever.... at a time that HE felt was inconvenient to HIM ..........(for THAT read ANY particular time of the day whatsoever) THEN if a week went by that I didnt have time to cut the grass or somesuch....he was banging on my door demanding to know WHY I hadnt and just when was I going to do it ! I put up with this nonsense for years in the hope he would eventually get fed up and go annoy someone else but if anything the nit picking just got worse and worse until the day he hammered on the door demanding to know when I was going to cut the grass...........he didnt like it when I replied "excuse me ??? but since you feel its such an important issue to YOU ive waited FIVE days for YOU to come round and do it (at a time "convenient" to YOU, naturally)" whereupon he screamed MY grass wasnt HIS responsibility....to which I replied "no your right it isnt its MINE not YOURS..... So take your "OPINION" and eff off with it. and the next time you come to my door bitching you will have TWO options, either "I" will deal with you there and then in a physical manner that trust me you WONT like or I will call the police and get you seen to officially - or BOTH". .........he went away and oddly enough has never bothered me since..........BLISS..............the evil glare he shoots me though everytime I see him these days is wonderfull and I never fail to give him my best crap eating smile as I pass.

  • @tommccawley
    @tommccawley 7 дней назад

    One of the bonuses of not living in an HOA is you are less likely to have neighbors who want to live in an HOA.

  • @patriziamares6757
    @patriziamares6757 7 дней назад

    Story 5 op is right, if he's got too much of free time it's better that he gets a hobby, or a life of his own. There's nothing worse than living somewhere and having others telling you what to do in your own house

  • @otakubancho6655
    @otakubancho6655 8 дней назад

    As far as the last story goes,I think a rather extreme painting job is in order,I'm thinking Day-Glo colors!🤣🤣🤣

  • @rachaelworley590
    @rachaelworley590 7 дней назад

    The house one. My aunt painted her house navy blue and it's been that color for about 15 years now. It's so ugly LoL 😆😂

  • @pcfultimes
    @pcfultimes 5 дней назад

    In relation to the first story. We live with a fire hydrant in the front of our building. People often park there even though they're not suppose to and then clean out their cars and throw it on the street or put the trash next to our tree or in our gate. I've found car batteries, tires, any fluid containers they used. We often have twice as much trash put to out as our neighbors and it's so annoying. One good thing about todays cars is people don't work on them like they use to so we don't get the car parts anymore.

  • @risingcastlegaming518
    @risingcastlegaming518 6 дней назад +1

    My question is with story five, how is it worth it? What's going to happen to make it worth being nice?

  • @AndrewBeckman-g4f
    @AndrewBeckman-g4f 6 дней назад

    I remember this tv show called rehab addic where Nicole actually said that she dumpster dived her own bins because there was always this reason, one day on the show she pulled out several lights and 3 whole boxes of brand new ceramic tiles 😂😂😂😂😂, so apparently that first story happens way more than you might think 😅😅😅😅

  • @starrywizdom
    @starrywizdom 7 дней назад

    Story 3 -- Don't start celebrating yet, OP. Depending on your local tenancy laws, a 30 day notice could mean those neighbors will be able to stay in the place for another 6 months or more while they fight the eviction. Sorry...

  • @HelloMrDead
    @HelloMrDead 8 дней назад +2

    3rd post isn't too shabby lol love your stuff Fluff!

  • @maggpiprime954
    @maggpiprime954 7 дней назад

    "I went next door to meet the wife who lived across the street"
    What? Is there a mini wormhole in this neighbourhood? 😒

  • @ambertyler2349
    @ambertyler2349 8 дней назад

    Tell Paul if he keeps coming to your house to complain you are going to begin adding more decorations and increase the vibrance of your color choices. So, he'd better think really hard on if annoying me is really worth seeing how bright and colorful and fun I can be.

  • @ConTacT_Web
    @ConTacT_Web 8 дней назад +1

    Um, being a stay at home mom is easy, no? Like, what do you even do all day? Some work 8/12h a day and still have to do daily chores. Do stay at home moms work 8+ hours a day?

  • @Drave_Jr.
    @Drave_Jr. 7 дней назад +1

    In story 2, how is 5 bucks a month barely worth caring over anything, but 500 is a lot of money?

    • @gorilladisco9108
      @gorilladisco9108 7 дней назад

      I don't know which country OP is, but in my country (maybe different country but as third world as OP's) the government got some $3 for tax and mandatory for the first 10 cubic meter whether I use it or not (I use less than 2 cubic meter for shower and wash, so basically I "give" some money to the government for the privilege of have a water line into my home). With water theft and car washing, yeah, maybe it will pass the 10 cubic meter mark, maybe 30 or 40 cubic meter. That is, the money for water bill is really low for such massive amount of water. $500 however, can pay for someone's meals for whole 6 months. So it's kinda big.

    • @Drave_Jr.
      @Drave_Jr. 7 дней назад

      @@gorilladisco9108 Got it, thank you. Just confused by how 5 bucks a month was nothing to OP but somehow only 500 is a major victory. Scale just seemed off compared to what the landlord would be able to do.

  • @bettyhall4175
    @bettyhall4175 8 дней назад +1

    I hope the lady in the last story goes nuts on the Christmas decorations this year, playing the most cringe Christmas song that the retail community/restaurant industry despises by Mariah Carey, on blast while putting them up for the holidays!
    Speaking of decorations, I hope Steve-O is careful working on the lights for the house, especially if he ends up on the roof

  • @elchinator
    @elchinator 7 дней назад

    Last story: maybe 15 years of living there is more than enough! The neighbour needs to move out!

  • @j.d.l._666
    @j.d.l._666 7 дней назад

    Stroy #4: no! OP just passed an opportunity!! OP should have demanded 25 bucks/ hour /kid to watch them!! OP would have made BANK of this Karen would have said yes. But I bet she would not have, right?! Because why pay OP for their ACTUAL work as a baby sitter. Right? Some people..

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      Making the assumption the Karen would pay…

  • @aluminumfalcon552
    @aluminumfalcon552 6 дней назад

    Story 1: i had neighbors across the street throw a very nasty full diaper genie bag in my trash can AFTER the trash was picked up and it was summer. I knew who did it and I was pissed, but since they were the kind of people I didn’t want to interact or escalate with. I ended up spraying a bunch of lysol in there and made sure to bring my cans in sooner. Fortunately they have since moved out and an old man who keeps to himself moved in.

  • @gumbydamit4161
    @gumbydamit4161 8 дней назад

    I don't live in an HOA, nor will I ever. My neighbor is harder, but keeps contained. So I really can't complain. Nice people.

  • @sjmhadsock4586
    @sjmhadsock4586 8 дней назад +2

    🎉🎉🎉 new entitled people

  • @patsquach4080
    @patsquach4080 8 дней назад

    Taking care of her neighbours kids ..she should have had face painting parties EVERY TIME THEY WERE THERE .. with felt markers. ….lol.

  • @thedragonauthority
    @thedragonauthority 8 дней назад

    For the last story, I would report the guy for harassment.

  • @kathybrandt6060
    @kathybrandt6060 6 дней назад

    The water thief, I’ve lived in my house for over 20 years and my water bill was never an issue. But then my direct neighbor moved and someone else moved in and I noticed that my water bill was atrocious so I went through the whole house to make sure there was no leaks, and my water bill was still bad. I was coming home last weekend and I see my neighbor washing his second car with my hose and my water and I said excuse me ma’am, but you do know that we have to pay for Water. And her response was really I didn’t know. And I said please give me my hose so I remove the hose from the yard and turned off the water in the basement so the water Spicket outside no longer works. Lo and behold next quarter my bill was back to normal. Killer is my neighbor is a minister.

  • @RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber
    @RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 7 дней назад

    Story 1: Ok, I do have a habit of tossing a baggie of dog leavings (after tying it shut!) in nearby trash bins when taking my dog for a walk, because who really wants to carry that any longer than necessary? So I can't completely call someone out for using a neighbor's bin...
    But an entire BED? Filling up someone else's BULK ITEMS bin with your own shit? That's just rude. Perhaps if they had asked, "Hey, if there's room left over, can we add a few things to your bin, since you have it anyway?" That would have been reasonable. Nah, those people deserved what they got.

  • @j.d.l._666
    @j.d.l._666 7 дней назад

    Stroy #2: I don't get the old house owners! If I don't currently live in the house WHY would I keep the water running?! I would have shut the main valve to my building if I knew I would be out of the house for month or even years! I would not want to risk a pipe busting and get water damage all over my house just because I left the main valve open!

  • @Warrius982
    @Warrius982 7 дней назад

    Story 5: NTA, you're just personalising your house and the guy want's his 'I wanna rule this community' attitude on display. Though this story reminds me of that news report of the guy who bought the house across from a certain group and painted it rainbow. Perfect petty revenge there against entitled people

  • @richardharleman
    @richardharleman 7 дней назад

    Last story: I say line the entire border between your properties with garden gnomes and pink flamingos and garden gnomes riding pink flamingos, all facing his property like an army defending your territory.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      They have been popular since the _Bluey_ episode _Hammerbarn_ first aired.

  • @deebeedaydreamer
    @deebeedaydreamer 2 дня назад

    Story 4: Calling a full time job a "break"? Yeah this person's never worked worked a day in their life, and I suspect leaves all actual parenting to their partner or whoever else they try to moch off of.

  • @utatanepiko7087
    @utatanepiko7087 7 дней назад

    At least when I throw something away in someone else's dumpster, its just a can or a bottle I brought on my walk with me. Not full bags of trash and a mattress

  • @laurv8370
    @laurv8370 2 дня назад

    Last story: NTA. I am not a big fan of bright neon or deep pink either, but I would have told that guy that for the love of him, if he bothers me again, I can make an exception... Pink flamingos, as one suggested, is not a bad idea either. 😄

  • @j.d.l._666
    @j.d.l._666 7 дней назад

    Stroy #5: uh! He would LOVE me! I like the "colour" black! So maybe if I move in next to him, my house will be ALL black! And he can NOT complain! Because, even when black is the most colourfull "colour", because it contains all the colours of the spectrum it's not a colour! He would He SO HAPPY, right?

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      Someone's an All Blacks supporter.

  • @judymetzger7387
    @judymetzger7387 6 дней назад

    My my friend when I was younger her and her husband got divorced now this was like mid-sixties so of course all the neighbors were against her. And they gave her attitude. So when she had her house repainted.😊 she had the house painted black with white polka dots.

  • @ElTee842
    @ElTee842 6 дней назад

    Story 5: get him a trespass notice and then call the cops next tim3 he goes onto your property

  • @t3hn1nja23
    @t3hn1nja23 8 дней назад

    Best way to piss of a crazy neighbour is to laugh as the can't get the reaction they want from you

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      Or do an impression of Mr. Krabs playing a very small stringed instrument.

  • @liabowden8526
    @liabowden8526 7 дней назад

    2nd OP should make sure neighbor wasn't also siphong ekectricity as well

  • @donnatollison5096
    @donnatollison5096 7 дней назад

    Story 4. Sounds like op and her SO need to have a long conversation about the even distribution of the housework and childcare..

  • @Railuki
    @Railuki 4 дня назад

    America is so weird. "Working Part time 32 hours a week" - that's only 4 hours off a full time job. It's basically a full time job.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      Welcome to Wackyland
      "It can happen here"
      Population: 345.5 million nuts and a re-elected orange squirrel

  • @bhdw13
    @bhdw13 8 дней назад

    If Neighbor Paul is in Morris Il, be careful. He lives to pull a gun from time to time.

  • @carlacook5181
    @carlacook5181 8 дней назад

    I love the garbage story.

  • @cindydott452
    @cindydott452 8 дней назад +1

    Wow! I never showed up so early! I'll play the video in a couple hours while I'm walking home!

  • @cherokeeirishman9612
    @cherokeeirishman9612 7 дней назад

    That would NOT be acting like a Karen to kick those punks butts….you’d be acting like the PARENT they need

  • @mariluro5399
    @mariluro5399 8 дней назад

    In what country the landlord has to repair the issue in 24 hours? In here the law gives reasonable time to fix it, as even if it was your house most people wouldn't be able to get a person to fix the issue in 24 hours..

  • @cyberherbalist
    @cyberherbalist 8 дней назад

    I suddenly realized why DarkFluff's avatar looks so familiar! He/she/it is wearing a Princess Leia-style bun hairstyle! Mystery solved!

  • @blueykangaroo
    @blueykangaroo 8 дней назад

    What’s the bet Paul wants an Hoa but no one else does so he’s in his own little world where he’s the Hoa king and expects you and the other neighbours to bow to his will

  • @zarachastellaris9016
    @zarachastellaris9016 5 дней назад

    People who lived near the school I worked at would use our dumpsters as their own

  • @theender664
    @theender664 7 дней назад

    21:37 well...
    I agree with both of them I would hate a neighbour who makes a house to look like that, it's gross and ugly
    Either way, it's his house

  • @steveford8999
    @steveford8999 8 дней назад

    Dumpster. The term is dumpster.
    And, yeah, admit it. YOU have thrown used tires into one over the years. LOL

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад +1

      That's a Yank term. Where I'm from, they're called skips or industrial bins.

  • @lilbeanme
    @lilbeanme 8 дней назад

    Thank youuuuuu! Favorite channel!!!

  • @saragandey8625
    @saragandey8625 8 дней назад +1

    Great stories

  • @tortugadragon
    @tortugadragon 7 дней назад

    Hello Fluff, Stevo and comments

  • @suzismith9011
    @suzismith9011 8 дней назад

    Hi all again 👋👋

  • @raarasunai4896
    @raarasunai4896 7 дней назад

    Story 4: I always laugh at these “mommy martyr” clowns who think a job is a “break” compared to parenting. News flash! You make a mistake on the job, you may not have a job much longer because at-will employment! You aren’t going to lose the kids unless you do something REALLY egregious and harmful

  • @PeachHerkimer
    @PeachHerkimer 8 дней назад +1

    Op in the final story was just matching Paul’s energy lol

  • @tzeccentric7848
    @tzeccentric7848 8 дней назад

    OP5 is no A-hole, Paul’s just a miserable person who sees people being creative [and human] and is so easily offended by it.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 День назад

      OP should start calling Paul, The Grinch.

  • @vahnoeckran8459
    @vahnoeckran8459 8 дней назад +1

    RE Story 5: Personally, I'd camera up. Paul sounds like enough of an ahole he might try something.

  • @empressmarowynn
    @empressmarowynn 6 дней назад

    I've never understood people who have kids only to never want to be around them. Like what is the point? This isn't even the type who intentionally abuse them, at least with those people the purpose they get out of it is power and control. I'm talking ones who want absolutely nothing to do with their kids, who ignore them all day and try to pawn them off on anyone they can. Why did you have kids in the first place? If it was an accidental pregnancy and you refuse to abort why not give them up for adoption? Especially after the first one. Sure you may not have known beforehand that you actually hate being a parent but to then go on to have two more?! Can anyone please explain what their thought process might be because I'm at a loss.

  • @davekramer4266
    @davekramer4266 7 дней назад

    4th, I had to laugh at that Lazy Stay at home Mom, Like Way to many Now a Days{At Home Moms, and they can't even compare them selves to the Poor Pre-80's Moms with 4-6 Kids🤣}, 1st Learn to be a PARENT, NOT a Buddy or Pal, And say NO, Immediately, NOT 2 hours later when you get off the Gossip Phone, They Clean up their Messes NOT You, IT'S YOUR House NOT Theirs, They don't Like{Say at the 14-15 Know it all Years} show them the Door, don't worry Most All will be back quick, when they find out what it takes to Live.(the ones that don't would end up in the Trash anyway)🤔😀🤣....

  • @gregorythomas333
    @gregorythomas333 7 дней назад

    Story 1: Anybody else getting a bit of the Alice's Restaurant song running through their head on this one? :)
    Story 5: OP is NTA. The guy is constantly harassing OP over what she does with her own property. Get a life dude!

  • @alliedatheistalliance6776
    @alliedatheistalliance6776 8 дней назад

    Hope we get an update on story 3, at least a description of these aholes moving out

  • @jonquil8572
    @jonquil8572 8 дней назад

    How many times are we going to hear the water pump story?🤷

    • @meh2510
      @meh2510 8 дней назад

      I binge listen to Fluff at work, and while I can make out a lot of his repeat stories, I don't remember that one. Do you listen to other reddit narrators? Sometimes I hear a few on these on The Click's meme videos when he does a topic on Insane Parents or F U Karen.

    • @gorilladisco9108
      @gorilladisco9108 7 дней назад

      I haven't hear it in Fluff, and I have watched (listened) for three years as of now.

    • @lalachenault8523
      @lalachenault8523 7 дней назад

      Another channel covered it recently. I listened to it before this one

  • @anniekrause9834
    @anniekrause9834 8 дней назад +1

    First one here. Hello Darkfluff!