It's been two years (and 3 yrs for starshipz) and I'm still here. I just want to say... I'm in this cravity shiz for life. Keep shining our nine precious stars, we're always with you ♡
크래비티 데뷔 2주년 축하해 🎉 앞으로 펼쳐질 날들이 더더더 기대되는 이유는 항상 열심히 활동하는 크래비티가 있어서겠지? 항상 고마워❤️ 19년부터 데뷔를 애타게 기다려 온 사람으로써,,, 러비티라는 이름으로 크래비티를 응원할 수 있다는게 얼마나 소중하고 감사한 일인지 몰라🥺 앞으로도 다들 행복하게 활동해주길! 넘넘사랑해
데뷔 2주년 축하해요~ 지내다보니 알게 된지 2년이나 됐는데 시간 진짜 빠르네요 ㅜㅡㅜ 크래비티를 알게 된 것이 내 인생에서 제일 좋은 선물이에요. 다음에도 3 4 5.. 주년~ 영영 쭉 함께 기다려봐요 세상이 멸망할 때까지 함께 있고 사랑하자! 러비티가 언제나 곁에 있고 크래비티를 응원할테니까 걱정하지 마요. 어디에 있든 언제든 뒤돌아보면 러비티를 항상 보일 거예요. 어디 안 가요. 울 비티~ 앞으로는 우리 성공의 길이 늘 아름답길 바라고 제일 원활한 성공의 길이 되길 바래요. 같이 노력해 봐요. 우리는 세상에서 가장 밝고 빛나는 별이 되자💗 사랑해요
i think i stan the right group, my 2-3 weeks (i think) of stanning this group!! aaahh, there's no turning back!! i just all love them!! happy 2nd CRAVITY and my first time celebrating it with you and LUVITY!!
진짜 너무 뭉클해진다...ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 언제나 수고했고 앞으로도 이쁘고 좋은 모습 많이 보여줬으면 좋겠어 팬들 위해서 매일 게시물 올려주고 누구보다 러비티 아끼는 게 너무나 잘 보이는 비티들 😭 언제나 응원할게 언제든 응원할게 크래비티가 되어줘서 고맙고 앞으로 더 오랫동안 볼 수 있었으면 좋겠어 러비티들이 더욱 많아지는 순간까지! 언제나 뒤에서 응원하고있을게 사랑스러운 비티들 언제나 행복했으면 좋겠다 😭❤
time flies so fast. it feels like yesterday, waiting for break all the rules mv release. but now here we are, cravity 2nd anniversary. let's make another good memories and be together forever and ever. we love you!
왜 눈에서 눈물이 나오지😭 우리 멋있고 아름다운 크래비티!! 데뷔 2주년 정말 많이 축하하고 내가 러비티라서 그리고 크래비티를 만날 수 있어서 너무 행복하고 즐거운 추억 만들어줘서 정말 고마워~!! 우리 앞으로도 자주 보고 더 많은 아름다운 추억들 같이 만들어 가자~ 평생 러비티할게!! 크래비티 사랑해 💗💗
I never thought that I would love them this much. Around 5-6 years ago, I only watched kdrama and not really interested in kpop, but it changed after I saw Minhee in Pdx1 😂 so i keep following him and met Cravity. Then I can't stop myself than falling into 8 other members and here I am being a Luvity. Cravity was the first group that break my stereotype and I never regretted my decision. Thank you for coming into my life Cravity ! Once again happy 2nd annivesary to my boys and let's grow old and stay together for a veryy veryy long time Cravity & Luvity ❤❤
wow seriously im also like u,im never interesting in any kpop group before,im just watch drama back then,then i see many short clips about producex101 and i dont know what i start watch that show,im swear that was the first time i watch kpop,from the first episode im into starship trainers already especially hyeongjun and minhee,all of they was really really cute and i love they friendship so much,amd both minhee and hyeongjun debut with x1,disband and redebut with cravity,its just like yesterday i watch produce x101 and cried see class x captain hyeongjun,time flies really really fast.
@@danielhashin6720 yeahh i also swear that pdx1 was my first kpop show and it bring me into this kpopers world 😂 I'm still a Oneit and can't move on from them, I supports and follow all the X1 members solo/grouped work but Cravity have a very special place among all of them ❤
@@gwyqkq9974 HAHAHAHAHA again we have familiar,produce x 101 bring me to kpop world too and now i have stan some of group,and just like u im also support all of x1 new carrer acting yohan,yunsang and hangyul,soloist moody aka seungyeon,also group drippin,mirae and wei but im just a luvity all of my top 5 was here.HAHAHAHAHA
Dear Cravity, You are one of the most best group ive ever stan , everyone here is so talented and has amazing personality, i hope you guys live a happy life . CRAVITY FIGHTING!!!! HAPPY 2ND ANNIVERSARY CRAVITY. BEST PERFORMANCE GROUP
I'm glad I got the chance to know them. I'm luvity since a year and I'm happy, I'm part of luvity. I learned so many things and felt rollercoaster emotions while stanning cravity. Our 9 boys are just like stars I want them to twinkle bright in the sky forever!!
my dear cravity babies thank you for being my source of strength for this whole 2 years!! how can i live without you guysㅠㅠ 앞으로 러비티와 함께 오래오래 건강하고 행복하길♡
Simplemente no puedo poner en palabras lo que cravity me ha hecho sentir, no me arrepiento de pasar estos 2 años a su lado, los he estado acompañando como ellos me han estado acompañando a mi, me siento muy feliz de llamarme luvity. Ame estos dos años junto a cravity, y se que voy a adorar los siguientes años que nos esperan. Gracias chicos, por sus videos, sus canciones, por cravity park, por todo💖☁️☀️🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴.
Ahh i really love CRAVITY with all my heart😭💗 I will be here for you no matter what, happy 2nd anniversary💕 let's make more pretty moments together in the future, CRAVITY & LUVITY forever💖
I'm so grateful to have these 9 boys in my life. They never fail to make my day better, they literally saved me and they keep me happy every single day. They were here when i was at my worst, they can transform my tears into laughs. I love each of them with my whole heart. They are and will forever be a part of me 🤍
Our best leader Serim Fake maknae cutie lleonie Prince mogu Cutie quokka with honey voice Seo Ruby Our multitalented Hamop aka Ham Wonjin Oppa Mini but tall maltese Kang Minhee Our Vitamin Song Hyeongjun Taeyoungie, our tiktok king And last but not least Cutie savage maknae uri Ahn Seongmin Thank you for debuting together as Cravity 🥺❤️
You made me cry in this Late Night. Thank you for being together for these 2 years. It's too glad to have you guys in my life, for always working hard and cheering me up. Let's keep this memory and make more milestone together. 22.04.14 Remember our time!
to my favorite boys, thank you for entering my black & white life and coloring it with your beautiful colors. im forever thankful that i exist in a world where there is cravity with me, i love you more than love can ever allow, my best boys
Este grupo llamado Cravity me gustaría que se dieran a reconocer más es el grupo que hace sonreír cada luvity que hermosa canción y vídeo quedo 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
they are so precious :( it’s been 2 years since i become luvity and they still managed to be place where i release my tension and source of my happiness. i hope i will be there with them and they will get a lot recognition one day. i love you cravity
happy 2nd anniversary!!!🥳🫣 thankyou for coming to my life, I’m a luvity since day 1 and will always be luvity for a long time, let’s be together for a long time in the future 🤍 thankyou for your hardwork!! I’m here to support you guys! always have a great day, always be happy, always be kind, always take care of each other, don’t force yourself too much, rest well too, and please stay healthy. I’m hurt if I seeing you guys hurt ☹️ luvity will always here for you guys, don’t be worry, love us like we loving you guys. I love you to the moon and back!!🤍🫶
the first few clips were really cute but i teared up 😭 cravity!!! thank you so much for always being there for luvity's, thank you for filling and making our days with smiles! thank you for working so hard for us, i can't put to words how much you guys mean to me, but please know that we love you, we adore you, and we will always support you! once again, thank you so much
1:10 The way Jungmo had to force Minhee to make a heart with him XD (Luckily Minhee returned the heart during Cloud 9, and Jungmo was so happy about it)
Ahh cravity..happy 2nd anniversary sayangku.semoga makin dikenal banyak orang dan di sukai banyak orang. Semoga grup kalian bertahan selamanya dan tetap kompak. Berharap kalian bisa tour di luar korea juga 😇😇😇😇
CRAVITY is my Healing CRAVITY is my Comfort CRAVITY is my Rest CRAVITY is my Happiness CRAVITY is my Sadness CRAVITY is my EVERYTHING Thank you for coming in my life, stanning you was the best choice ever. Whenever I feel down, I feel stress, I feel depress, I feel like breaking down. I lean on your songs and videos. Your smiles and laughters comfort me. You're one of the best thing that happened to me. You don't know how much you helped me cope up with my life. You came when I was on my downfall. You mean so much to me, not just as idols but a group that became so precious to me. Keep inspiring my 9 stars, I will be by your side until the end. Happy 2nd debut anniversary and more years to come, along with Luvitys. Get closer, we love you cravity~~~
They remind me of Monsta X in 2017 (they also had special clip for a song called “5:14”) such a precious artists, I’m gonna cry all my eyes off (т - т)
Cravity 2. yılımız kutlu olsun. Sizi yanlızca bir kaç aydır tanıyorum ve tanıdığım için çok mutlu olduğum gruplar arasına rahatlıkla girersiniz. 2 üye hariç hepiniz benden küçük olduğunuz için sizin için unni gibi hissediyorum ve ilk defa üyelerin yaşları benden küçük olan bir grup takip ediyorum. Benim için ilk olup ön yargımı kurduğınız için teşekkür ederim. Sizi seviyorum Cravity. FİGHTİNG!!!
Happy Anniversary My babies. Continue being an inspiration to many. We are so proud of what you have become. Aim always for growth. I know you can do it. With lots of love I wish you all the best. Be healthy and be happy. Saranghe
happy 2nd anniversary my dear, everything will be fine, just do it your day make yourself happy, success to you, take care of your health, i love you ♡ Thank you for the love this Tuesday 2 years, you guys are amazing, do your best in the future, I'm here to support you..✿
it's so sad when rewind the time but i feel so proud with everything that our cravity has achieved. two years isn't short period, thank you for CRAVITY for everything, also thank you LUVITYS for always beside our boys CRAVITY. Let's enjoy thus year and walk side by side next year too
once you start stanning cravity there's no going back
Trueee 🥺🥺🥺🥺
cravity in your cavity
It's been two years (and 3 yrs for starshipz) and I'm still here. I just want to say... I'm in this cravity shiz for life. Keep shining our nine precious stars, we're always with you ♡
same for me
We're same♥️ They are my first and last group ever that I will stan
내게 너무 소중한 우리비티를 크래비티라는 이름으로 만나고 세 번째로 맞는 봄이야 오늘은 그 어느 날보다도 따스해 앞으로도 더 많은 날들을 그려가자 사랑해 크래비티 데뷔 2주년 축하해 우리는 늘 너희 편이야
사랑한다 크래비티
너희가 행복하면 우리도 좋아
진짜 무대에서 가장 빛나는 내가수들
앞으로도 쭉 함께해!!!
얘들아.....하늘이두쪽나도사랑한다..... 너희가 하나 알아둬야할건 진짜 크래비티가 짱이라는거야 무슨일이 있어도 너희는 꼭 행복했으면 좋겠어!! 평생 응원할거니까 잘부탁해ㅎ 크래비티는 이제 시작❤️
크래비티 데뷔 2주년 축하해 🎉 앞으로 펼쳐질 날들이 더더더 기대되는 이유는 항상 열심히 활동하는 크래비티가 있어서겠지? 항상 고마워❤️ 19년부터 데뷔를 애타게 기다려 온 사람으로써,,, 러비티라는 이름으로 크래비티를 응원할 수 있다는게 얼마나 소중하고 감사한 일인지 몰라🥺 앞으로도 다들 행복하게 활동해주길! 넘넘사랑해
얘들아 2주년 정말 축하해❤ 크래비티 때문에 러비티가 행복한만큼 러비티도 늘 옆에서 너희가 가는 길 믿고 응원할게 사랑해
2년이란 시간이 참 빨리 가는 것 같아요... 내 하루가 더 빛나고 다채로워졌어 고마워 앞으로도 늘 함께 행복하고 꽃길만 걷자 ♡♡ 크래비티 2주년 축하해 💐
Who’s crying rn? 😭 I’m so proud you, Boys! Proud LUVITY since Pre-debut 🥹❤️✊🏻🇵🇭
데뷔 2주년 축하해요~ 지내다보니 알게 된지 2년이나 됐는데 시간 진짜 빠르네요 ㅜㅡㅜ 크래비티를 알게 된 것이 내 인생에서 제일 좋은 선물이에요. 다음에도 3 4 5.. 주년~ 영영 쭉 함께 기다려봐요 세상이 멸망할 때까지 함께 있고 사랑하자! 러비티가 언제나 곁에 있고 크래비티를 응원할테니까 걱정하지 마요. 어디에 있든 언제든 뒤돌아보면 러비티를 항상 보일 거예요. 어디 안 가요. 울 비티~ 앞으로는 우리 성공의 길이 늘 아름답길 바라고 제일 원활한 성공의 길이 되길 바래요. 같이 노력해 봐요. 우리는 세상에서 가장 밝고 빛나는 별이 되자💗 사랑해요
2:09 this hug of Woobin and Allen is so precious
i think i stan the right group, my 2-3 weeks (i think) of stanning this group!! aaahh, there's no turning back!! i just all love them!! happy 2nd CRAVITY and my first time celebrating it with you and LUVITY!!
크래비티는 사이버 아이돌 아니다.
와 완전 감동이야ㅠ 콘서트 배경으로 2주년 영상 최고 크래비티 사랑해 형준아 사랑해💙
진짜 너무 뭉클해진다...ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
언제나 수고했고 앞으로도 이쁘고 좋은 모습 많이 보여줬으면 좋겠어
팬들 위해서 매일 게시물 올려주고 누구보다 러비티 아끼는 게 너무나 잘 보이는 비티들 😭
언제나 응원할게 언제든 응원할게
크래비티가 되어줘서 고맙고 앞으로 더 오랫동안 볼 수 있었으면 좋겠어 러비티들이 더욱 많아지는 순간까지!
언제나 뒤에서 응원하고있을게
사랑스러운 비티들 언제나 행복했으면 좋겠다 😭❤
They're my greatest achievement thank you lord for letting me meet them in this lifetime 🥺
I recently came to the fandom and I'm so proud of how great they are, I love them today and always 🥺🥺
크래비티는 나에게 얼마나 소중한 지도 모르겠다 ㅠㅠ 기특해
time flies so fast. it feels like yesterday, waiting for break all the rules mv release. but now here we are, cravity 2nd anniversary. let's make another good memories and be together forever and ever. we love you!
왜 눈에서 눈물이 나오지😭 우리 멋있고 아름다운 크래비티!! 데뷔 2주년 정말 많이 축하하고 내가 러비티라서 그리고 크래비티를 만날 수 있어서 너무 행복하고 즐거운 추억 만들어줘서 정말 고마워~!! 우리 앞으로도 자주 보고 더 많은 아름다운 추억들 같이 만들어 가자~ 평생 러비티할게!! 크래비티 사랑해 💗💗
I never thought that I would love them this much. Around 5-6 years ago, I only watched kdrama and not really interested in kpop, but it changed after I saw Minhee in Pdx1 😂 so i keep following him and met Cravity. Then I can't stop myself than falling into 8 other members and here I am being a Luvity. Cravity was the first group that break my stereotype and I never regretted my decision. Thank you for coming into my life Cravity ! Once again happy 2nd annivesary to my boys and let's grow old and stay together for a veryy veryy long time Cravity & Luvity ❤❤
wow seriously im also like u,im never interesting in any kpop group before,im just watch drama back then,then i see many short clips about producex101 and i dont know what i start watch that show,im swear that was the first time i watch kpop,from the first episode im into starship trainers already especially hyeongjun and minhee,all of they was really really cute and i love they friendship so much,amd both minhee and hyeongjun debut with x1,disband and redebut with cravity,its just like yesterday i watch produce x101 and cried see class x captain hyeongjun,time flies really really fast.
@@danielhashin6720 yeahh i also swear that pdx1 was my first kpop show and it bring me into this kpopers world 😂 I'm still a Oneit and can't move on from them, I supports and follow all the X1 members solo/grouped work but Cravity have a very special place among all of them ❤
@@gwyqkq9974 HAHAHAHAHA again we have familiar,produce x 101 bring me to kpop world too and now i have stan some of group,and just like u im also support all of x1 new carrer acting yohan,yunsang and hangyul,soloist moody aka seungyeon,also group drippin,mirae and wei but im just a luvity all of my top 5 was here.HAHAHAHAHA
You guys are the best. Thank you for debuting as cravity. Happy 2 year anniversary. Let's stay together for another 1000 years❤
Dear Cravity,
You are one of the most best group ive ever stan , everyone here is so talented and has amazing personality, i hope you guys live a happy life . CRAVITY FIGHTING!!!!
Cravity, thank you for being our second home, for being our second family, to be a brother and friend for us, Luvity.
하... 가슴이 따땃해진다... 크래비티 데뷔 2주년 너무너무 축하하고 3년, 4년 계속 보자ㅠㅠㅠ 크래비티 짱 최고!!ㅠㅠㅠ
우리비티 데뷔 이주년 진짜 너무 축하해 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 평러할게 진짜루ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ💗💗💗💗💗💗
what is happiness? Happiness for me is having Cravity in my life ♡
We got a lot of special gifts from CRAVITY today.thank you ♡
happy 2nd anniversary cravity!! thank you for being cravity. let's stay together for a long time, i love youuu 🥺❤️🌹
I'm glad I got the chance to know them. I'm luvity since a year and I'm happy, I'm part of luvity. I learned so many things and felt rollercoaster emotions while stanning cravity. Our 9 boys are just like stars I want them to twinkle bright in the sky forever!!
우리 크래비티 2주년 축하해✨
앞으로도 계속 함께하자 사랑해💖💖
CRAVITY are my home and my comfort, my brightest star in the sky. I love them so much 😭
my dear cravity babies thank you for being my source of strength for this whole 2 years!! how can i live without you guysㅠㅠ 앞으로 러비티와 함께 오래오래 건강하고 행복하길♡
2 years since cravity debut, thanks for everything, i really can't describe how you boys are special for me
Simplemente no puedo poner en palabras lo que cravity me ha hecho sentir, no me arrepiento de pasar estos 2 años a su lado, los he estado acompañando como ellos me han estado acompañando a mi, me siento muy feliz de llamarme luvity.
Ame estos dos años junto a cravity, y se que voy a adorar los siguientes años que nos esperan.
Gracias chicos, por sus videos, sus canciones, por cravity park, por todo💖☁️☀️🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴.
Neden bilmiyorum ama bu tarz bi özel klip çok hoj olmuş çok tatlı ya uwu
It's make me goosembups, cravity are precious, let's be together for a long time, luvity always love you all 🥺💕
가사들을때마다 뭔가 청춘으로 돌아가고싶고 뭔가 슬퍼 좋은곡이야 비티들 꼭 오래 보쟈ㅠㅠ
Ahh i really love CRAVITY with all my heart😭💗 I will be here for you no matter what, happy 2nd anniversary💕 let's make more pretty moments together in the future, CRAVITY & LUVITY forever💖
I'm so grateful to have these 9 boys in my life. They never fail to make my day better, they literally saved me and they keep me happy every single day. They were here when i was at my worst, they can transform my tears into laughs. I love each of them with my whole heart. They are and will forever be a part of me 🤍
가사가 너무 이뻐..
Our best leader Serim
Fake maknae cutie lleonie
Prince mogu
Cutie quokka with honey voice Seo Ruby
Our multitalented Hamop aka Ham Wonjin Oppa
Mini but tall maltese Kang Minhee
Our Vitamin Song Hyeongjun
Taeyoungie, our tiktok king
And last but not least
Cutie savage maknae uri Ahn Seongmin
Thank you for debuting together as Cravity 🥺❤️
Esto es cruel🤧, ahora quiero llorar😭😭😭...LOS AMO CRAVITY😭🤧💘💞💕
You made me cry in this Late Night. Thank you for being together for these 2 years. It's too glad to have you guys in my life, for always working hard and cheering me up. Let's keep this memory and make more milestone together.
22.04.14 Remember our time!
to my favorite boys,
thank you for entering my black & white life and coloring it with your beautiful colors. im forever thankful that i exist in a world where there is cravity with me, i love you more than love can ever allow, my best boys
happy 2nd anniversary to my home, my solace, and my happiness. thank you for being cravity, i love you always!
Thank you Cravity for being my safe place for more than 2 years, Let’s be together 20000 years more, love you guys
Este grupo llamado Cravity me gustaría que se dieran a reconocer más es el grupo que hace sonreír cada luvity que hermosa canción y vídeo quedo 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
es ciert necesitan mas reconocimiento
they are so precious :( it’s been 2 years since i become luvity and they still managed to be place where i release my tension and source of my happiness. i hope i will be there with them and they will get a lot recognition one day. i love you cravity
Now why would you make me bawl like a baby 😭😭
Cravity, I LOVE YOU!!!
happy 2nd anniversary!!!🥳🫣 thankyou for coming to my life, I’m a luvity since day 1 and will always be luvity for a long time, let’s be together for a long time in the future 🤍
thankyou for your hardwork!! I’m here to support you guys! always have a great day, always be happy, always be kind, always take care of each other, don’t force yourself too much, rest well too, and please stay healthy. I’m hurt if I seeing you guys hurt ☹️ luvity will always here for you guys, don’t be worry, love us like we loving you guys. I love you to the moon and back!!🤍🫶
Люблю вас ребята очень сильно. Без вас я бы пропала. И пусть я с вами не ровно 2 года, но я буду с вами теперь всегда! Я Лавити и это здорово!
icb it's been 2 years since they're debuted, tbh I never tired to say I'm so proud each of you cravity! Happy 2nd anniversary my loves ❤️
cravity, glad to see y’all. i’m absolutely proud of you.
So happy the boys were able to see fans like this after two years. I hope it was all they wished for and more.
the first few clips were really cute but i teared up 😭 cravity!!! thank you so much for always being there for luvity's, thank you for filling and making our days with smiles! thank you for working so hard for us, i can't put to words how much you guys mean to me, but please know that we love you, we adore you, and we will always support you! once again, thank you so much
it's been two years since they give me happiness, energy and motivation in life
1:10 The way Jungmo had to force Minhee to make a heart with him XD
(Luckily Minhee returned the heart during Cloud 9, and Jungmo was so happy about it)
Ahh cravity..happy 2nd anniversary sayangku.semoga makin dikenal banyak orang dan di sukai banyak orang. Semoga grup kalian bertahan selamanya dan tetap kompak. Berharap kalian bisa tour di luar korea juga 😇😇😇😇
i've never seen taeyoung cry like this... he says he rarely cries in front of the cam...
i've also never seen jungmo cry before :'((
AHHHH THIS IS SO CUTEE!!! They look like they had fun performing at their first concert and I'm so proud to stan them ^_^ CRAVITY FIGHTING!!!!
CRAVITY is my Healing
CRAVITY is my Comfort
CRAVITY is my Rest
CRAVITY is my Happiness
CRAVITY is my Sadness
Thank you for coming in my life, stanning you was the best choice ever. Whenever I feel down, I feel stress, I feel depress, I feel like breaking down. I lean on your songs and videos. Your smiles and laughters comfort me. You're one of the best thing that happened to me. You don't know how much you helped me cope up with my life. You came when I was on my downfall. You mean so much to me, not just as idols but a group that became so precious to me. Keep inspiring my 9 stars, I will be by your side until the end. Happy 2nd debut anniversary and more years to come, along with Luvitys. Get closer, we love you cravity~~~
They remind me of Monsta X in 2017 (they also had special clip for a song called “5:14”) such a precious artists, I’m gonna cry all my eyes off (т - т)
ayy my favourite song in the album!
I joined right after the cloud 9 comeback and I'm so proud of them rn :)
나중에 시간이 흘러 그 어떤 날이 오면
지금의 너희를 그리고 나를 추억하며 웃을게
사랑하는 크래비티 너희가 어디에서 무엇을 하든 행복했으면 좋겠어 ❤️
Happy 2nd anniversary my baby boys.....lets be together forever
Let's spend another years together, cravity
So cutee, wonderful, talented boys!!
Cravity 2. yılımız kutlu olsun. Sizi yanlızca bir kaç aydır tanıyorum ve tanıdığım için çok mutlu olduğum gruplar arasına rahatlıkla girersiniz. 2 üye hariç hepiniz benden küçük olduğunuz için sizin için unni gibi hissediyorum ve ilk defa üyelerin yaşları benden küçük olan bir grup takip ediyorum. Benim için ilk olup ön yargımı kurduğınız için teşekkür ederim. Sizi seviyorum Cravity. FİGHTİNG!!!
축하해 CRAVITY !! 사랑해 CRAVITY !!
I loveeee you guys so much, i'm proud being luvity🫂😭
I love you so much my babies. Thank you for making my whole existence extra special Happy 2 nd Anniversary! Forever will be Luvity ♥️
Cravity는 항상 내가 가장 좋아하는 그룹이 될 것입니다
Happy Anniversary My babies. Continue being an inspiration to many. We are so proud of what you have become. Aim always for growth. I know you can do it. With lots of love I wish you all the best. Be healthy and be happy. Saranghe
Ser Luvity fue la mejor decisión que e tomado
happy 2nd anniversary my dear, everything will be fine, just do it your day make yourself happy, success to you, take care of your health, i love you ♡
Thank you for the love this Tuesday 2 years, you guys are amazing, do your best in the future, I'm here to support you..✿
Happy 2nd anniversary cravity!! to more years with u! I love u and hope to see u soon!!
i love you so so SO SO SOOOOO MUCHHH!!! Happy 2 years babieess,, let’s be together till the end of the world!!
크래비티 2주년 축하합니다. 오래오래 함께 합시다. 나는 항상 당신과 함께있을 것입니다.
열심히 해주셔서 감사합니다 멋진 그룹입니다 모든 특별한 멤버가 함께 하는 멋진 작업 항상 열심히 해주셔서 감사합니다 항상 응원하겠습니다
it's so sad when rewind the time but i feel so proud with everything that our cravity has achieved. two years isn't short period, thank you for CRAVITY for everything, also thank you LUVITYS for always beside our boys CRAVITY. Let's enjoy thus year and walk side by side next year too
Happy 2nd anniversary CRAVITY 👏🏻🥺💘.
I can’t stop crying, I really love you so much ♥️.
I’m so proud of you 🤍.
새해 하루 남은 시점에서 들으니까 기분 묘하고 새롭다 🥹 이번 한해도 진짜 열심히 달려왔다.. 내년에는 더 흥하자! 💗
내 인생에 와주셔서 대단히 감사합니다. 정말 좋아할 것입니다.당신이 내 희망, 웃음과 행복의 이유입니다.나는 끝까지 잘 될 것이고 영원히 당신을 영원히 사랑하고 격려하고 싶습니다 ❤❤
Son los niños mas hermosos, estemos juntos por muuchos años mas!
Cravity, in this year i hope we'll be happy together. no one can separate us. also remember luvity will be always here for you guys.
I don't know why I'm crying watching this 😭🥺
머야...감동....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ크래비티 영원하자🥰🥰 2주년 추카포카!!!!!
happy 2nd anniversary to our 9 precious boys, cravity~✨💖
I literally cried ....but this song is really heartwhelming❤️❤️❤️❤️who all agree??Love you Cravity andy bias Ahn seongmin ❤️❤️